EJEMPLARES. Publisher & General Manager Alejandra Grado Tel. 915.261.6262 Editor & Diseño Richy Gonzalez
Colaboradores Christopher Valverde Evangelina Rangel Vianey Esparza Ventas Roberto Urreao
9515 Gateway West Ste. K El Paso, TX 79925
Copyright 2012.
Valor Hispano se reserva todos sus derechos. Los artículos publicados no pueden ser utilizados sin autorización de Valor Hispano. La publicación no se responsabiliza por los contenidos de publicidad o errores tipográficos.
ESTIMADO LECTOR Gracias por su interés en la revista Valor Hispano. En esta edición numero 33 le traemos mucha información que espero sea de su utilidad y de su agrado. En lo personal les recomiendo un articulo muy interesante sobre artes marciales, en el aprenderá sobre los beneficios de la meditación y de la practica de Thai chi. También le tenemos información en como eliminar la indeseable celulitis, como llevar una nutrición mas sana y un programa de ejercicios efectivo y fácil de seguir. La portada de esta edición esta dedicada a tres valores hispanos de la música. Marco Antonio Solis, Marc Anthony, y mi favorito Chayanne quienes próximamente estarán en la ciudad de El Paso para presentar su gran talento y deleitar las pupilas de nosotras las mujeres. La misión del equipo de Valor Hispano es llevar a ustedes toda la información que a usted le gustaría encontrar. Le invito a que nos envíes sus comentarios y sugerencias sobre los temas que le gustaría que publicáramos, esta revista es para usted y estamos a sus ordenes. En la pagina numero 18 usted encontrara un cupón de suscripción para recibir Valor Hispano en la puerta de su casa, así como también lo invito a visitarnos en nuestra pagina de internet, facebook y en twitter. Me despido con mis mejores deseos para usted y espero contar con su interés en nuestras futuras ediciones. Les deseo paz, salud y prosperidad.
Alejandra Grado FA C E B O O K . C O M / VA L O R H I S PA N O
T W I T T E R . C O M / VA L O R H I S PA N O
W W W. VA L O R H I S PA N O O N L I N E . C O M 03
Artes Marciales
Tradicionales e Internas Te presentamos el camino de Eric Wright y como su enseñanza a las artes marciales nos puede beneficiar con nuestro bienestar y salud.
salud y la habilidad de moverse correctamente al tiempo adecuado y así perder peso y aprender las formas tradicionales de artes marciales que se complementan uno al otro.
Eric Wright ha sido bendecido con la oportunidad de vivir y entrenar el sueño de las artes marciales. Siendo practicante del Kung Fu por 6 años, Eric ha seguido su sueño de aprender la enseñanza sobre el (Qi). El (Qi) es la energía que fllue en el cuerpo usada por ambos sanadores y los combatantes mas poderosos. Durante esos 6 años, Eric entreno y vivió en varios templos y escuelas en China, incluyendo los templos Norte y Sur de Shaolin y las montañas Wudang que son la mas respetadas y conocidas por sus estilos de Kung Fu en China.
Clase de Taiji Para el movimiento del (qi). Esta clase se reconecta con la naturaleza externa e interna combinando respiros profundos con movimientos intelectuales para activar el movimiento de la energía en partes especificas del cuerpo. Esta clase enriquece la mente y nos ayuda a mantener una conexión sana con la mente.
Regresando a los Estados Unidos por el nacimiento de su hijo, Eric tomo la oportunidad para seguir su misión de compartir lo autentico, y lo real de las artes marciales que ayudan a enriquecer la salud. En mayo del 2012, Eric abrió una escuela ‘Traditional Internal Martial Arts’, localizada aquí en El Paso, Texas para compartir los secretos con las personas que aspiran a aprender las artes marciales. LOS BENEFICIOS DE ‘TRADITIONAL INTERNAL MARTIAL ARTS’. Desde perder peso a entender lo que significa el (qi), y el movimiento de la energía en el cuerpo, la escuela de artes marciales tiene clases para mejorar la mente, el cuerpo, y el espíritu. Clase de Gong Fu. Para Niños y Adultos. La clase de Gong Fu se basa en el cuerpo y en como mejorar la coordinación, la
Clase de Meditación Esta clase es uso para el espíritu. La meditación es la mas fácil pero aun la mas difícil dentro de las artes marciales. Esta clase trabaja en la energía mientras estas sentado. Se examina la filosofía en lo principal en salud, vida y espíritu. Si gustas aprender ejercicios especiales y reales que vienen de enseñanzas de varios miles de años atrás no dudes en parar por ‘Traditional Internal Martial Arts’ para 2 clases gratis de cualquier enseñanza.
de cualquier enseñanza. Para mas información visitanos en: 9515 Gateway West, Suite C
Luchemos contra el
CANCER INFANTIL Cada año en Texas, cerca de 1,200 niños y adolescentes menores de 20 años de edad son diagnosticados con cáncer y unos 200 niños y adolescentes mueren de cáncer haciendo el cáncer la causa más común de mortalidad. Si su hijo/hija sufre de algún tipo de cáncer, la Organización Candlelighters No Lucrativa ofrece una gran ayuda a niños y familia afectados por el cáncer. Candlelighters fue fundada en 1978 por un pequeño grupo de familias, las cuales sus niños tenían cáncer. En esos tiempos no había ningún tipo de recursos que diera información, asistencia financiera o el apoyo emocional adecuado para poder lidiar con esta enfermedad. Gracias a familias y niños que buscan apoyo ya sea emocional, de dinero, o solo información, ésta organización sigue creciendo. Candlelighters es una organización que esta ahí para cada niño que sufre este mal, al igual que su familia, y también informa a la comunidad de El Paso, Juárez y Las Cruces cuales son las señales del cáncer infantil para actuar rápidamente y poder prevenirlo en los niños y jóvenes a tiempo. Los voluntarios de Candlelighters platican con la familia para ver que es lo que necesitan como apoyo emocional, ayuda matrimonial, ayuda financiera, dar mas información sobre el cáncer del cual el niño padece, y proveyendo donaciones de cosas de sustento. Esta organización es ideal para niños y jóvenes con cáncer, ya que muchos de ellos piensan que son los únicos que sufren de esta enfermedad. Ellos son todavía niños y jóvenes y, quieren ser tratados como cuales. Candlelighters les da una oportunidad de vivir una niñez/juventud y vida normal. Los niños con cáncer son en verdad unos héroes. Una vez que se unen con Candlelighters se llenan de alegría (¡algunos le dan nombre a sus tumores!), se conectan
con otros como ellos, y no pierden su sentido del humor! Todos podemos ayudar a esta gran organización sin importar quien sufre o no de cáncer. El cáncer no solo afecta al niño sino a todos a su alrededor. Vamos todos a luchar contra el cáncer! Para más información de como buscar apoyo y ayuda, cómo ayudar, y más visite la pagina de Internet de Candlelighters: El cáncer es la causa número uno de muertes en los niños. Ayudemos a prevenir y sanar este mal antes de que sea demasiado tarde: SEÑALES DE CÁNCER INFANTIL Constantes cambios inesperados en la vista Atrás de las pupilas un color blanco (como un ojo de gato) Nausea que persiste o vomito sin nausea Cansancio constante o notable palidez Excesivo dolor e hinchazón en los huesos, espalda, piernas, y articulaciones Ronquera o dolor de garganta que no desaparece Infecciones constantes o que no mejoran Notable e inexplicable perdida de peso Fiebre recurrente e inexplicable Abdomen que crece rápidamente Numerosos dolores de cabeza (usualmente con vomito) por la mañana o la noche Tendencia al sagrado fácil de nariz y encías, y excesivos moretones y salpullidos Inusual apariencia de lunares, como mas grande y obscuro de lo normal Localización de masa o bolitas en el abdomen, cuello, pecho, pelvis o axilas. EVANGELINA RANGEL
D. QUEa?r U A I B A S rnud sible esto s. Es impo s abierto o j o s lo n co
Ruidoso Weekend Getaway Spot
• New Mexico •
Located in the Lincoln National Forest, at an elevation of about 7,000 feet, sits the village of Ruidoso, New Mexico. This village is a frequent weekend getaway for residents in the El Paso-Las Cruces region. With its ski resort and golf resort and casino located minutes away from downtown, there is plenty to do for vacationers. Ruidoso, which means ‘noisy river’ in Spanish, might have been first discovered by the Spanish and the Mescalero Apaches, but the first establishment occurred in the 19th century. In 1855, Captain Henry Stanton received orders from the brass at Fort Fillmore, located on the outskirts of Las Cruces, to meet up with Captain R.E. Ewell. The captains were told to hunt down a band of Apaches who had stolen over 2,500 sheep. However Stanton was killed during the mission, which led to the creation of Fort Stanton. It was designed to protect and provide law enforcement to the settlers of the valley who were under frequent attacks from the Native Americans in the region. Years later, a civil war veteran by the name of Paul Dowlin came to the region with
the purpose of starting a planning mill for wood. Like most civil war veterans, Dowlin had received a homestead of 160 acres and acquired an additional 600 acres through a land grant purchase to construct his mill. However, the water force from the river was not enough to power the mill. So he ended up converting the mill for grinding grain. During its early years the town was known as Dowlin’s Mill, until it was changed to what it is today. Today, the village of Ruidoso thrives on tourism. The main streets are lined with shops and restaurants. No matter what part of the village you may be, there is something for everyone. A couple of popular shopping spots to visit in the midtown area include Candle Power, Coco’s B, Coyote Howling and Tanner Tradition. And if are hungry or need a quick bite after your shopping experience, take a look at these restaurants: Grace O’Malley’s Irish Pub, Dream Catcher Café, Lincoln County Grill and Michelena’s Pizza & Italian Restaurant. Picture by: Inn of the Mountain Gods
Pillows Funtrackers is a popular family hangout. It offers miniature golf, bumper boats, three different go karts tracks and an arcade. If miniature golf isn’t your thing, you can hit the greens at any of the four golf courses in the area. And of course there are countless activities to do in the surrounding area. Ruidoso is surrounded by other small communities such as Ruidoso Downs, Alto, Hollywood and Mescalero. Ruidoso Downs is home to the Ruidoso Downs Race Track, Billy the Kid Casino and the Hubbard Museum of the American West. The city was also host to the twelfth annual Lincoln Cowboy Symposium back in October 2009. Alto, New Mexico is home to the Spencer Theater for the Performing Arts. The nonprofit theater, which opened in October 1997, seats five hundred fourteen and host shows and tours throughout the year. It is also home to the Alto Lakes, a residential and recreational community that includes a private golf course, tennis courts, dining and swimming for its residents. Hollywood is located between the city of Ruidoso and Ruidoso Downs. It is named after the city located in Florida. A post office, as well as a few hotels and shops make up this small community. Mescalero, or also known by its original name Blazer’s Mill, sits to the southwest of Ruidoso. The city, which is named for the tribe that settled there, owns and operates two of the main attractions in the area, Ski Apache and Inn of the Mountain Gods. Ski Apache is the southernmost ski area in the United States. At an elevation of 12,000 plus feet, Ski Apache offers skiers and snowboards an exhilarating
experience. The ski area has 55 runs and trails, with 20 percent meant for experts, 60 percent for immediate and the remaining 20 for beginners. It also offers five different restaurants for its occupants, along with a ski and snowboard rental shop. Inn of the Mountain Gods, which is located near the Mescalero Lake, offers a range of activities. In addition to the lodge, casino and golf course, the resort offers big game hunting, skeet shooting, horseback riding, fishing and gondola rides. Built into the resort are five restaurants/bars that offer a variety of dishes. Weather in the Ruidoso area is one of the main reasons why tourists frequently visit. Unlike the borderland region, the area is surrounded by the Lincoln National Forest. Summer temperatures can reach into the 90s, but the lows are drop into the 50s. Fall days are usually around in the 70s and 80s, with overnight lows in the 40s. Winters experience 40 degree temperatures during the day and anywhere between the teens and 20s at night. Spring temperatures can climb into the 50s and 60s during the day, with the evening dipping into the 40s. There are numerous hotels and cabins to rent if you are looking for a weekend getaway from the heat here in the borderland region, or if you just want a change of scenery for a few days. For more detailed information about the village of Ruidoso and its surrounding area, visit or call (575) 258-8822. Para la version en ESPAÑOL de este articulo visite nuestro sitio:
Christopher Valverde
Born to Fly The Amigo Airsho has been an annual tradition in the El Paso community for 31 years now. The Amigo Airsho is a nonprofit organization which promotes aviation but most importantly honors all the men and women in the military. Besides providing our region with an entertaining show, they strive to demonstrate the importance of aviation in the military. According to the Amigo Airsho website, the idea for the air show was develop in 1981 by Dick and Suzie Azar, Sandi Brown, Nathan Goldman, Jean Kahn, John McGuire, Alan Russell and Dario Toffenetti. “Their dream was to create a fun way to bring the community together in celebration of all of the wonders of aviation.” The Amigo Airsho has been a success for years thanks to the volunteers who dedicate their time to the organization. An organization of volunteers named the “Amigo Airsho Volunteer Corps” was created in 1992 to ensure the continuous improvement of the event. To become an official volunteer there is a $10 annual due which covers souvenirs and theme parties as a thank you for all their hard work. Due to the dedication from the staff and the volunteers who make this event possible, the Amigo Airsho is among the top 10 air shows in the U.S.
Besides providing an impressive aviation show, this event also provides great entertainment before and after the show. There are live bands such as “Flights and Sounds” and a play area for the kids which includes rides, rock climbing and much more! Also, attendees can expect an aircraft display where everyone can see up close different types of planes. There is also a “Tradesho” where both national and local businesses have the opportunity to display their products and services to our community. The Amigo Airsho is a fun event for the whole family and even for a company party. There are chalets and pavilions available for rent which provides catering services to their guests. This fall, plan a fun field day with the family or co-workers; tickets are available at any Circle K and Albertson’s. The Amigo Airsho takes place on October 20th and 21st at Biggs Army Air Field from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM. For more information and details visit the Amigo Airsho website at: Amigo Airsho October 20th & 21st, 2012 Vianey Esparza
Los grandes de Latino AmĂŠrica
Tres de las figuras del pop más grandes de Latino América, Chayanne®, Marc Anthony y Marco Antonio Solis se dieron cita para su primera serie de ensayos de la esperada gira titulada GIGANT3S. El primero de los 15 conciertos inicio el viernes 3 de agosto en el American Airlines Arena en la ciudad de Miami. GIGANT3S continuará a traves de la nación por ciudades tales como Orlando, New York, Atlantic City, Chicago, Dallas, Houston y El Paso.
Bien llamado el artista Latino de la Década y más importante del momento, MARCO ANTONIO SOLÍS se convierte en #1 en los charts de Latino y Regional Mexicano de acuerdo al SoundScan de Billboard, através del álbum UNA NOCHE DE LUNA, el cual grabó durante siete noches consecutivas en el Luna Park, de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Con el debut de “UNA NOCHE DE LUNA” en número uno, MARCO ANTONIO SOLIS se convierte en el artista con mayor números unos en la historia de la música Latina, obteniendo en once ocasiones el sitio de honor en la lista de los álbumes Latinos más exitosos de la revista que marca la pauta musical.
CHAYANNE Hablar de CHAYANNE es hablar de un ícono de la música pop en Latinoamérica, de una
imágen impecable y sólida que a través de los años ha mantenido su prestigio y sigue consolidándose en el mercado de habla hispana como el artista más visto en gira, por más gente, y con las giras de estadios y arenas mas largas, grandes y completas dentro de su género. Indiscutiblemente la carrera del artista CHAYANNE es un ejemplo de la constancia, y el profesionalismo, acompañados de un gran talento y carisma que le ha hecho ser admirado por un público que bien se define de todas las edades y géneros.
MARC ANTHONY Marc Anthony ha vendido más de 11 millones de discos y ha sido galardonado en múltiples ocasiones con Discos de Oro y Platino de manos del “Recording Industry Association of America” (RIAA). Es uno de los artistas más influyentes de su generación. No solamente es el cantautor de música tropical que más álbumes ha vendido en su carrera, sino también es un talentoso y reconocido actor. La gira GIGANT3S llega a El Paso este próximo 9 de Septiembre en el Don Haskins Center. Puedes obtener boletos en: Para mas información, bajar fotos y videos visita:
L a receta del m e s:
Filet Mignon Stuffed with poblano chiles and asadero cheese
Add pesto to cream sauce in pan and mix well.
Filet Mignon:
Ingredients • • • • • • • • • • • •
Pesto Green Sauce:
Make a slit in the middle of the filet mignon and stuff it with asadero cheese and poblano chiles. Once filet mignon is stuffed with asadero cheese and poblano chiles, brown filet mignon on both sides in skillet. Then, place filet mignon in the oven at 300 degrees for 10 minutes.
1 Chile Poblano 2 oz Asadero Cheese 8 oz Filet Mignon 5 Asparagus 3 oz Heavy Cream 2 oz Shallats 2 oz White Wine 1/2 Cluster of Cilantro 1/2 Cluster of Spinach 2 Table Spoons Olvie Oil 2 oz Pine Nuts 1 Clove of Garlic
To Plate: Pour the cilantro pesto sauce and place the filet mignon on top of it. Finally, garnish with asadero cheese, chile poblano strips and grilled asparagus.
How to Prepare
Recipe by: Head Chef Alfonso Tiscareno
Add 1/2 cluster of cilantro, 1/2 cluster spinach, 2 oz pine nuts, 1 clove of garlic and & 2oz of olive oil in blender.
Alfonso Tiscareno is Head Chef at Lancer Hall. Their dining room provides a unique experience. Whether you’re looking to host a grand event or to simply enjoy fine local cuisine Lancer’s Hall is the right place to dine. Main dishes, appetizers and desserts prepared by Head Chef Alfonso Tiscareno.
Cream: Sautee 2 oz of shallots, add 3oz of heavy cream and 2 oz of white wine. Let simmer.
3135 Trawood Drive, El Paso, Texas 79936 915.855.7477 •
FoxTrot en Español by Bill Amend
Dilbert by Scott Adams
by Antonio Gonzalez
RIP OFF! Dibujas? Manda tus comics y aparece en esta sección.
Alivio Health Centers
Tu Mejor OpciÓn Alivio Health Centers esta acreditado por C.A.R.F., mediante lo cual contamos con la posibilidad de ayudar y asistir tanto a proveedores de salud como a pacientes con nuestros programas de terapias ocupacionales.
• Tratamiento alternativo a la cirugía para el dolor de espalda, dolor de rodilla, dolor de hombro, y dolor en el cuello. • Terapia física y rehabilitación para accidentes de trabajo. • Terapia de masajes para aliviar el dolor y el estrés • Medicamento para el dolor de espalda y dolor en las articulaciones • Estudios de resonancia magnética para el diagnóstico • Examen de sangre para examen completo • Clinica para la nutrición y pérdida de peso con el nutricionista Dr. Marioni • Hidroterapia del Colon • Programas de desintoxicación
Tu bienestar y salud
es nuestra misión
Tratamos :
• Lesiones en las articulaciones • Hernias de disco • Túnel carpiano • Pérdida de peso • Dolores de cabeza • Dolor muscular • Fatiga • Pérdida de energía La mayoría de las lesiones pueden ser tratados sin cirugía. Ven a vernos para darle una opinión.
Tu Mejor Alivio es con Nosotros Horario: Lunes - Viernes 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. CONTAMOS CON 2 LOCACIONES #1 - 9515 Gateway West, Suite N, El Paso, TX 79925 #2 - 1331 N Lee Trevino Dr., Ste B, El Paso, TX 79936
What is
Medicare Advantage? Can it help you? work, and other services. How Much Does a Medicare Advantage Plan Cost? Some health plans charge a minimal or no monthly premium for its membership while receiving the Medicare benefits and more added value services. Medicare advantage plans out of pocket expenses vary from plan to plan.
A Medicare Advantage Plan (like an HMO or PPO) is another Medicare health plan choice you may have as part of Medicare. Medicare Advantage Plans, sometimes called “Part C” or “MA Plans,” are offered by private companies approved by Medicare. By joining a Medicare Advantage Plan, incentives are given to the member that otherwise would not be customarily given under Medicare. Some Medicare Advantage Plans offer extra coverage, such as: • vision • hearing • dental • health and wellness programs. Medicare pays a fixed amount for your care every month to the health plans whereby these plans constantly seek members to enroll. With, each Medicare Advantage Plan out-of-pocket costs apply along with changes can be imposed in provider net-
How to Join a Medicare Advantage Plan? Not all Medicare Advantage Plans work the same way, thus take the time to find and compare Medicare Health Plans in your area. Once you understand the plan’s rules and costs, you might want to join to take advantage of the incentives offered with enrollment. Medicare also offers comparisons between plans by going to Medicare. gov, you can obtain the necessary information.
1-800-MEDICAR(E) Help Line. 1-800-633-4227
Snoring &
Sleep Apnea
Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder that occurs when a person’s breathing is interrupted during sleep. People with untreated sleep apnea stop breathing repeatedly during their sleep, sometimes hundreds of times. This means the brain -- and the rest of the body -- may not get enough oxygen.
There are two types of sleep apnea: Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA): The more common of the two forms of apnea, it is caused by a blockage of the airway, usually when the soft tissue in the back of the throat collapses during sleep. Central sleep apnea: Unlike OSA, the airway is not blocked, but the brain fails to signal the muscles to breathe due to instability in the respiratory control center. Am I at Risk for Sleep Apnea?
1) It could save your life. 2) It usually doesn’t cost anything, Insurance often covers everything. 3) It’s painless and quick. All you do is show up and sleep. 4) It’s the only real way to find out if you have Sleep Apnea. 5) Every day you wait, your health deteriorates.
6) Sleep Apnea can cause irreversible physical damage. 7) Your spouse, family and boss will thank you. 8) It can improve your quality of life “dramatically and inmediately.” 9) There are many many different ways to treat Sleep Apnea. 10) Sleep Apnea is 100% treatable, but only if it is diagnosed.
What Are the Effects of Sleep Apnea? If left untreated, sleep apnea can result in a growing number of health problems, including: • High blood pressure • Stroke • Heart failure, irregular heart beats, and heart attacks • Diabetes • Depression In addition, untreated sleep apnea may be responsible for poor performance in everyday activities, such as at work and school, motor vehicle crashes, and academic underachievement in children and adolescents.
4305 N. Mesa NEW LOCATION: 3030 Joe Batlle Gonzalo Diaz, MD, 20 FCCP, DBSM
915.779.7378 Source: Gonzalo Diaz, MD, FCCP, DBSM
Quiero de alguna manera agradecer a la agencia Trabajadores Mano a Mano por los cuidados para con todos los pacientes que hemos sufrido de alguna lesión en nuestro trabajo. Trabajadores Mano a Mano tiene el personal adecuado para ayudarnos con los accidentes de trabajo. Yo soy uno de los pacientes que les agradece su esfuerzo y su cooperación pues he recibido la atención medica y la atención adecuada. Espero que todos mis compañeros corran con la misma suerte. Gracias.
Me lastime en mi trabajo y el medico de la compañia me atendió y el mismo día me regrese a trabajar. Me seguía lastimando mas y mas hasta que alguien me hablo de Trabajadores Mano a Mano. Me atendieron muy bien. Me asesoraron acerca de mis derechos. Me atendieron de lo mejor con sentido humano en mi idioma. Entre médicos, terapistas, medicamentos, estudios y worker’s comp realmente recibi el mejor tratamiento. Quiero agradecer a Trabajadores Mano a Mano porque realmente no estamos solos. Tenemos derechos y merecemos ser bien atendidos y así obtener nuestros beneficios. Gracias Trabajadores Mano a Mano.
El 20 de Enero del 2012 sufrí un accidente de trabajo. Me mandaron con unos doctores por la aseguranza de la compañia. Esos doctores no me ayudaron en nada, al contrario, empeore físicamente y mentalmente. Hasta que llegue a Trabajadores Mano a Mano me ayudaron muchísimo. Quiero agradecerles a todo el personal por toda la ayuda que me han dado. Mi familia y yo les damos las mil gracias. Sigan adelante Trabajadores Mano a Mano. Gracias.
Quiero agradecer a Trabajadores Mano a Mano y a todo su equipo por toda la ayuda que me dieron y que todavía me han dado para poder salir adelante con mi problema de mi accidente y por la ayuda que me han dado por el porcentaje de mi impedimento. Les agradezco mucho por toda su ayuda que me han brindado. Gracias.
915-59A-MANO EL PASO: 915.592.6266 LAS CRUCES: 575.636.2404
Wellness Pr ogr am
Overview of blood to assess your current health status. Physical examination by a doctor to assess your overall health Review from Chiropractic Physical assessment by a certified physical therapist Monthly training classes to learn how to do physical exercises and strengthen your bones and muscles • Body massage therapies to relieve stress and pain muscle from neck and back • Analysis to determine body fat percentage, muscle, metabolism, so that we can then design a personalized diet. • Nutrition classes for you to learn how to feed your body correctly. LET US HELP YOU, OUR WELLNESS PROGRAM FROM ALIVIO IS DESIGNED SO THAT YOU CAN LEARN TO BETTER YOUR HEALTH AND QUALITY OF LIFE. INVESTING TIME AND MONEY ON CARING FOR YOUR BODY AND YOUR HEALTH IS NOT A LUXURY IT’S A NECESSITY.
For more information or to make an appointment call:
HEALTHY AND EFFECTIVE WAY TO ALLEVIATE THESE SYMPTOMS! • We recommend and offer the best nutritional supplements at a good price so you can correctly take your food plan. • Tips and natural alternatives to correct most common health problems such as cholesterol, and diabetes. • Monthly membership in some of the local gyms at a special price for being part of our program. • Referrals to diagnostic tests such as mammograms, bone density, blood, nerve testing, and any studies needed to detect and prevent future diseases. • Re-monthly assessment to determine the progress and benefits obtained.
la novedosa solución contra la grasa
w w w . al i vi oh ea l th cen ter s .c o m
energy and stress?
La cavitación se define a partir de la generación controlada y repetida de micro-burbujas de vacío en el interior de un líquido, fluido o material fisiológico, seguido de su propia implosión. Este método se caracteriza por lograr romper las difíciles estructuras de los depósitos grasos localizados. Estas zonas suelen ser resistentes a las dietas de adelgazamiento, dado su carácter de almacenamiento y no son fáciles de eliminar, tampoco, a través del ejercicio o los masajes. La cavitación consigue actuar sobre estas zonas, liberándolas de la grasa. Es un reafirmante muscular y moldeador del cuerpo que obtiene resultados en pocas sesiones.
BIENESTAR PERLAS DE COLÁGENO 10 GOLD *Piel *Cabello *Uñas *Pestañas Reforzadas con los ingredientes anti edad más efectivos. Resveratrol es el antioxidante más fuerte y nos defiende de los radicales libres. Da elasticidad y las células reciben más oxígeno, celular y en consecuencia, se tenga notables efectos antienvejecimiento. El ácido alfa lipoico ayuda a las células a regenerarse. Actúa a nivel celular protegiendo el DNA. Ayuda a la piel a regenerarse reduciendo las líneas de expresión, previene arrugas, ayuda a combatir los radicales libres que destruyen las células sanas, regenerando células y obteniendo como resultado una piel más radiante. Se le usa también en el tratamiento del acné. Además contienen aloe vera, te verde, semilla de uva, DMAE, vitaminas A, C y E entre otros. CALCIO DE CORAL Importado de Okinawa. El Calcio de Coral de Okinawa es muy conocido por sus maravillosas propiedades alcalinas. Este ayuda a prevenir y combatir osteoporosis, osteo-artritis, descalcificación en los huesos, cáncer en el colon, acidosis en el cuerpo y ayuda mucho en la estructura de los huesos en general. El Calcio es un mineral esencial para nuestro corazón. Promueve una buena circulación, especialmente en los ojos. Ayuda a la piel, las uñas y el crecimien-
to del cabello. Promueve el sueño por las noches por el contenido de magnesio. Ayuda a su colon a estar saludable. SÚPER MANGO AFRICANO 1200MG Elimine el sobrepeso, incremente su energía. Ayuda a combatir el colesterol, reduce la grasa corporal y expulsa las toxinas de tu cuerpo, fabricado en USA. Según estudios del fabricante, el Mango Africano ha demostrado como ayuda a perder peso cuando se combina con una dieta sana y ejercicio. Será efectivo el Mango Africano para mí y cuándo podré ver los resultados? Los ingredientes del Mango Africano demostraron ayudar a perder peso con un 83% de efectividad. En ambos casos, hombres y mujeres fueron capaces de perder aproximadamente 4 kilos en un mes tomando este suplemento diario. A diferencia de otras fórmulas nuestro suplemento no lleva ningún contenido artificial o aditivo. Los resultados pueden variar de persona a persona.
Visite nuestras tiendas:
Alivio Health Centers en
1331 N Lee Trevino Dr., Ste B,
y así poderle ayudar a una pérdida eficaz de peso. También la puedes obtener en
Suerte y Salud en el interior de todos los Pro’s Ranch Market, de El Paso y Las Cruces N.M.
Body Wrap Finally, a safe, effective way to lose inches quickly, tighten loose skin, reduce unsightly cellulite and contour your body! Lose inches, tighten and smooth the skin, reduce cellulite and energize your body with body wraps. Body wrapping is second only to massage as the most asked spa service.
Loose 4 -15” today! Cotton linens are soaked in a penetrating toxin cleansing aloe-herb solution, then wrapped around the client while hot in a non-compression, mummy style wrap. The client lounges comfortably in the warm botanical extracts for 45 minutes. HOW DO BODY WRAPS WORK? The solution of aloe vera and natural USA herbs combine to penetrate through the protein wall that surrounds the fat cell and dissipate toxins from the fat cells into the body’s lymphatic system. In the lymphatic system, the toxins can be flushed from the body as one drinks water over the following 3 days. This movement caauses a reduction in the size of the fat cell. The loss is quite measurable.
HOW MUCH SIZE CAN I EXPECT TO LOSE? Size loss comes first from new fat, while the aloe works to soften the older fat and cellulite areas. Sometimes cellulite will require 4 or 5 wrap treatments to soften these hardened cells. Each treatment will result in decreasing the softened areas. Fat across the back and under the arms will reduce quickly as cellulite in this area is rare. As inches are lost, the skin will tone and tighten. Most clients will feel the looser fit of clothing after only a few treatments. ADDITIONAL WRAP FACTS: 1. The Body Wrap is safe, healthful and relaxing. 2. The Body Wrap Solution has the ideal ph for body skin. 3. The Body Wrap firms body tissue and visibly tightens skin, especially after weight loss. 4. The Body Wrap lets you determine where to slenderize hips, thighs, abdomen, etc. 5. The Body Wrap is not a “water wrap” or “de hydration” process. Inches lost will not return as long as you do not gain weight and get in a few times a year for a maintenance wrap.
For more information on Body Wraps, you can contact us at:
BREAKFAST $7.50 SALADS $4.99 CREATE •Apple pecan salad (spring mix, apples, Complete Breakfast Combo - 1 cup Oatmeal with protein
- 1 cup Fresh fruit salad - 16oz Café latte or Natural Juice
strawberries, red onion, pecans and blue cheese)
•Greek salad (spinach, cherry tomatoes and feta cheese)
•Cesar salad (roman lettuce, parmesan cheese) •Spinach salad (spinach, red onion, bacon, and pecans) •Season fruit cocktail (yogurt & granola, lemon & chile)
SANDWICHES & WRAPS $5.99 extra add ons - $.50 - $1.00
Choose one protein, one carbohydrate,& one veggie
Create yor own (organic, preservatives
and hormone free poultry meat)
Choose One •Mutligrain bread •Spinach wrap •Brown rice wrap •Multigrain wrap
Choose One Meat •Chicken breast •Turkey breast •Bacon •Salmon ($3.00 extra) •Tuna •Sirloin ($2.00 extra)
Dressings: Raspberry vinaigrette, garlic vinaigrette, olive oil/vinegar and sea salt, ginger, caesar, ranch. sesame soy/sesame seed.
Add chicken, turkey $2.00 salmon $4.00
(organic, preservatives & hormone free meats)
Choose Two Veggies •Lettuce •Tomatoes •Red Onion •Spinach •Spring Mix •Grilled veggies •Avocado
•Mayo •Chipotle Sauce •Olive Oil •Dijon mustard •Olive & Vinegar •Ranch •Caesar dressing •Italian •Blue cheese
•Tilapia .............................$2.00 •Grilled Chicken Breast... $3.00 •Baked Turkey Breast ..... $3.00 •Sirloin ............................ $4.00 •Salmon .......................... $4.00 (natural organic, preservatives and hormone free poultry meat)
•Baked potato (sour cream and bacon).................................. $3.00 •Baked sweet potato (ground cinnamon and cool whip)... $3.00 •Baked sweet potato waffles..$3.00 •Brown rice ..................... $1.00 •Multigrain toast.............. $1.00 •Multigrain Pasta............. $1.00
$2.00 ea •Small salad •Steamed vegetables (broccoli, zucchini, carrots, pepper bell, potatoes) •Asparagus ( $2.00 dlls extra) •Spinach
•yogurt & granola, honey ........ $1.00 •lemon & chile .......................... $ .50
(frappe or cold)
Flavors: •French vanilla •Hazelnut •sugar free available
DRINKS Fresh made Natural Juices $4.50 (alone or combined) •orange, grapefruit, apple, pear, carrot, beet, celery, spinach. celery
Therapeutic juices ... $4.99 •Liver Detox juice •Antioxidants •Energy Boost •Colon cleanse
Smoothies ................ $4.99 •Healthy Breakfast (mixed berries,oatmeal, honey) •Granola Lola (banana, granola, honey) •Green Coconut (coconut milk, fresh spinach, frozen banana) •Green Tropics (fresh Spinach, mango, banana, pineapple) •Green Orange (fresh orange juice, mango, fresh spinach) •Frozen Berry (mixed berries, flaxseed, honey) •Banana Strawberry (banana, strawberries, honey) •Mango Strawberry (mango, strawberries, honey) •Chocolate Peanut Butter Banana (banana, chocolate, peanut butter) •Broccoli Berry (mixed berries, broccoli, antioxidant shot) *choose low fat milk, almond milk, soy milk or yogurt *Substitute honey for stevia (zero calorie natural sweetener)
Special Smoothies.... $6.99 •Pre Workout (BCAA aminos, glutamine, L-carnitine, whey protein, energy shot) •Workout recovery (BCAA, glutanine, vitargo glycogen loader, isolated protein)
*add ons*
•Whey protein ........................ $1.00 •Isolate whey protein ............. $1.00 •Brown Rice protein .............. $1.50 •Hemp protein ........................ $1.00 •Flaxseed oil ............................ $.50 •Wheat germ ............................ $.50 •Chia Seed ............................... $.50 •Probiotics ...............................$1.00 •Chlorophyll .............................$.50 •Multivitamin shot ................. $1.00 •Brain Attention shot ............. $1.00 •Raspberry Ketone shot ........ $1.00 •Anti-oxidant ......................... $1.00 •Anti-stress & immune balance shot .$1.00 •L-carnitine shot (fat burner) . $1.00 •Amino acids ......................... $1.00 •BCAA aminoacids ............... $1.00 •Energy shot .......................... $1.00 •Vitargo (glycogen loader) .... $1.00 •Wheat Grass shot (fresh made) $3.50
TEAS (hot or cold)
•green tea, chamomile, raspberry, orange spicy, peppermint, calm, detox
Call for more information about our healthy catering service for events . Location:
1331 Lee Trevino Ste B (Lee Trevino & Rojas)
Protein Smoothies ... $5.99 •Tropical Pina Colada (pineapple, mango,coconut milk, piña colada protein) •Chocolate Peanut Butter Banana (banana, peanut butter, chocolate protein) •Berry Protein (mixed berries, flaxseed, berry protein) •Coco Protein (coconut, banana, coconut milk, vanilla protein) •Banana nut (banana, pecans, cinnamon, vanilla protein) *Protein Smoothies have 25 Grams of Protein *choose low fat milk, almond milk, soy milk or yogurt
Ganoderma mushroom coffee $3.99 •(Low fat milk, almond milk, soy milk)
Monday-Friday Saturday Natural Yogurt
•Small .................................... $3.50 •Medium ................................ $5.50
*add ons* ............................. $.50 •Berries •Mango •Pineapple •Granola •Coconut •Kiwi •Banana •Chocolate chips
Do I Have
Varicose veins? • Itching over the vein. More serious symptoms include: • Leg swelling. • Swelling and calf pain after you sit or stand for long periods of time.
What are varicose veins? Varicose veins are twisted, enlarged veins near the surface of the skin. They are most common in the legs and ankles. They usually aren’t serious, but they can sometimes lead to other problems. What causes varicose veins? Varicose veins are caused by weakened valves and veins in your legs. Normally, one-way valves in your veins keep blood flowing from your legs up toward your heart. When these valves do not work as they should, blood collects in your legs, and pressure builds up. The veins become weak, large, and twisted. Varicose veins often run in families. Aging also increases your risk. Being overweight or pregnant or having a job where you must stand for long periods of time increases pressure on leg veins. This can lead to varicose veins. What are the symptoms? Varicose veins look dark blue, swollen, and twisted under the skin. Some people do not have any symptoms. Mild symptoms may include: • Heaviness, burning, aching, tiredness, or pain in your legs. Symptoms may be worse after you stand or sit for long periods of time. • Swelling in your feet and ankles.
Skin changes, such as: • Color changes. • Dry, thinned skin. • Inflammation. • Scaling. • Open sores, or you may bleed after a minor injury. Varicose veins are common and usually aren’t a sign of a serious problem. But in some cases, varicose veins can be a sign of a blockage in the deeper veins called deep vein thrombosis. If you have this problem, you may need treatment for it. How are varicose veins diagnosed? Your doctor will look at your legs and feet. Varicose veins are easy to see, especially when you stand up. Your doctor will check your legs for tender areas, swelling, skin color changes, sores, and other signs of skin breakdown. If you have signs of a deep vein problem or you plan to have treatment for a varicose vein, you may need more tests.
Elimina la Celulitis! La cavitación te ayuda a deshacerte
de la grasa culpable por nuestro sobrepeso. Bajar de peso es uno de los más grandes anhelos de las mujeres para poder obtener una fina silueta. Pero más que disminuir de peso, lo que deseamos es deshacernos de la grasa culpable de nuestro sobrepeso y que, para mala suerte, no siempre se elimina con facilidad. Hay zonas del cuerpo donde la grasa no se elimina tan fácilmente con las dietas y los masajes. Lo primero que se nos viene a la mente es recurrir a la cirugía plástica, pero también hay otras alternativas aún poco conocidas pero que funcionan con muy buenos resultados como es la cavitación.
¿Que es la Cavitación?
La cavitación consiste en la generación de microburbujas de vacío dentro del tejido con la ayuda de la aplicación de ultrasonidos (lipocavitación). Estas microburbujas, al expandirse, se rompen o implosionan rompiendo a su vez la membrana del adiposito (célula grasa) y liberando los triglicéridos acumulados. De esta manera, los triglicéridos van hasta el torrente sanguíneo, y el organismo, gracias a sus mecanismos fisiológicos, los elimina sin ninguna repercusión. Esta terapia se combina con la presoterápia mecánica (masaje), drenaje manual y otros equipos. Los acúmulos grasosos localizados en piernas, abdomen, brazos y caderas roban esbeltez a la silueta y arruinan la posibilidad
de lucir una bonita figura. Hasta ahora, el método mas rápido para acabar con estas adiposidades era la lipoescultura, una técnica quirúrgica que consiste en la aspiración de la grasa a través de cánulas, y que además del ingreso hospitalario requiere un cierto periodo de convalecencia hasta que el paciente se reincorporar a su vida normal.
¿Donde se aplica?
Este sistema esta recomendado para eliminar los acúmulos adiposos en cualquier zona del cuerpo: abdomen, cartucheras, piernas y brazos, siempre que el manto graso alcance al menos 15 mm de espesor, dato que se contrasta a partir de una ecografía que se realiza previamente. Asimismo, es importante señalar que se pueden tratar varias zonas a la vez en una misma sesión. La única limitación es el área del doble mentón, que por ahora no se puede corregir a través de la lipoescultura ultrasónica, ya que, por su tamaño, el transductor no se ajusta a la zona del cuello. Actualmente la remodelación ultrasónica se aplica para: •Reducir los acúmulos de grasa en cualquier parte del cuerpo. • Reducir el nivel de celulitis en el cuerpo. Si desea aprender más sobre este tratamiento llama al:
Obesidad cuidando de tu salud
Desde pequeño siempre me enseñaron a comer saludable. Desde comerme mis vegetales hasta la fruta. Durante mi juventud siempre estuve flaco, y nunca llegue a un estado donde me encontré obeso. En los últimos años me he descuidado y ahora si me encuentro en un estado de sobrepeso. Para cada persona el cuidar de su salud varia dependiendo como vivas o si eres soltero o casado. Uno se acostumbra a una rutina de que o no comer y cuanto. Pero el control esta en tus manos para ponerle un alto a la obesidad. Mas que nada no es ponerle un alto a la obesidad si no de cuidar tu salud y ver que te encuentras totalmente sano. Las rutinas de costumbre siempre es difícil en ponerle un alto o de modificarla. En este caso te daremos tips de como poco a poco pues empezar a cuidar mas de tu salud y ponerle un alto a la obesidad.
Aunque tengas una vida activa o una familia de ocho hijos, empezando poco a poco siempre es efectivo para empezar una nueva vida saludable.
EJERCICIO DIARIAMENTE Cuando hablamos de ejercicio no hablamos de meterte a un gimnasio y hacer dos horas diarias. Un ejercicio de 30 minutos diariamente es saludable para empezar a cuidar del cuerpo. Podrías subirte a una caminadora, o caminar por tu comunidad. Treinta minutos de ejercicio diario te da oportunidad de quemar calorías así como bajar de peso.
UEl y? Q . D U A I SAestBrés: la tensión eamaoucmioennato de
un El producen ganismo psíquica na en nuestro or dad de li adrena sume gran canti que con vitamina C.
Purify Your
Body Transform Your Life!
The 21-day Standard Process Purification Program utilizes whole food supplements: whole, organic, and unprocessed food; and water to cleanse the body so that you have more energy, maintain a healthy weight, and improve your digestion. Purifying offers you a way to enjoy the best your body has to offer. WHY DO I NEED PURIFICATION? Purification, also known as detoxification, can help you remove natural toxins from your body and help maintain a healthy weight. We are exposed to external toxins everyday, including pollutants, pesticides, and chemicals. Internally our bodies produce waste byproducts as a result of normal
metabolic function. Although your body is designed to rid itself of these toxins naturally, it can become overburdened. Purification offers your body additional support to expel natural toxins and minimize your weight, which is important to maintaining your health and vitality. TOXINS CAN CONTRIBUTE TO A WIDE RANGE OF CONDITIONS: • Stuffy head • Fatigue or difficulty sleeping • Digestion and other gastrointestinal problems • Food cravings and weight gain • Reduced mental clarity • Low libido
The purification program emphasizes supplements and whole foods, particularly fruits and vegetables, while limiting high-calorie, refined foods and saturated fats. Nourishing yourself with nutrient-rich foods will provide the complex combination of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that are needed to protect the body and promote optimal health.
What else will contribute to my success? EATING FOR SUCCESS • Eat a variety of foods; choose a rainbow of colors • Eat frequently throughout the day, to maintain a level blood sugar range REFRAIN FROM CONSUMING/USING: • Alcohol, caffeine, tobacco, or other stimulants (Taper off before you begin your program to lessen headaches) • Nuts/seeds • Dairy • Grains (except wild or brown rice) • Processed or refined foods
Maintain How do I remain in good health after the program? The logical next step after purification is the post-purification program. It follows the suggested meal plan from days 11-21, but emphasizes the systematic reintroduction of foods that were not included in the purification diet, plus whole food supplements and regular exercise. This will allow you to reach your “new” normal - the healthy way you will eat and live from now on. Your health care professional will recommend that you stay on the post-purification program until you meet your health and weight management goals. Your health care professional may want you to complete the purification process once or twice a year to maintain your level of health and well-being. You can also consider adding SP Complete or SP Complete Dairy Free shakes to your normal routine. They are a great way to keep you going throughout the day.
For more information on how to start our 21 day purification program, contact us at :
Training Program
We offer you a program that you can do from Monday through Friday where you will see good results at the end of the week.
• Flat Bench (Dumbell or barbell) • Incline Bench (Dumbell or barbell) • Decline Bench (Dumbell or barbell) • Chest Flye (Dumbell or barbell)
• Tricep Pulldowns • Lying Tricep Extensions • Tricep Kickbacks
• Crunches
• • • •
• Standing Barbell Curls • Seated Incline Curls
• Crunches
ARMS - Biceps
• Standing Barbell Curls • Seated Dumbell Curl
3 3 3
10-15 10-15 10-15
10-15 10-15 10-15 10-15
4 4
10-15 10-15
THURSDAY WORKOUT • Smith Machine Squat • Smith Machine Squat • Leg Press • Leg Extension • Leg Curl • Standing Calve Raises • Seated Calve Raises
3 3 3 3
SETS / REPS 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
10-15 10-15 10-15 10-15 10-15 10-15 10-15
Lat Pulldown Seated Cable Row Barbell Row Shruggs
• Shoulder Press • Shoulder Lateral Raises
• Crunches
5 5
10-15 10-15
4 4
10-15 10-15
• Tricep Pulldowns 3 10-15 • Lying Ticep Extensions 3 10-15 • Tricep Kick Backs 3 10-15 ______________________________________
START: Lie face-up on a flat bench with your feet on the floor and your back pressed against the pad. Start by holding a pair of dumbbells just outside your shoulders with an overhand grip (palms facing toward your feet). MOVE: Forcefully press the weights up in an arc until your arms are fully extended above your chest and your elbows are just short of locked out. Reverse the motion and repeat for the desired number of reps.
ISTART: Lie face-up on an incline bench and grasp the racked barbell with a wider-thanshoulder-width grip, palms facing the ceiling. Lift the bar off the rack and raise it until your arms are fully extended. MOVE: Bend your elbows to lower the bar to your upper chest so that at the bottom, your elbows are out and away from your body but slightly in front of your shoulders. Contract your chest muscles
and extent your elbows to press the bar up until your arms are fully extended and your elbows are almost locked out. Repeat for the desired number of reps.
START: Sit on the bench with your feet flat on the platform in front of you and your knees slightly bent. Grasp a narrow-grip handle attached to the pulley with your arms fully extended in front of you. Keep your torso perpendiculiar to the floor while sticking your chest out, emphasizing the curve in your lower back.
the floor. Begin with the bar on your upper chest. Hold the bar with your hands spaced just beyond shoulder-width and your palms facing the ceiling. Your elbows should be at shoulder level and pointing slightly forward. MOVE: Press the bar straight up overhead, stopping short of locking out your elbows. Then slowly lower the barbell back to the starting position. Repeat for the desired numbered of reps.
MOVE: Pull the handle toward your midsection, keeping your elbows close to your sides until the handle touches your stomach. Hold the contraction for a minute while squeezing your shoulder blades together, then slowly return the handle to the starting position. Repeat for the desired numbered of reps.
Using a wide bar, hold it with a wide comfortable grip, while putting your knees underneath the pad. Pull the bar down smoothly until it touches the top of your chest. Now extend your arms back to the top.
START: Bend forward from the hips, keeping your torso just above parallel to the floor and your chest lifted to maintain the natural arch in your back. Take an overhand grip on the bar with your hands just outside shoulder-width. Hold the bar at full arm extension with your hands directly below your shoulders.
MOVE: Contracting your lats and middle-back muscles, pull the bar into your abs and hold for a second as you squeeze your shoulders blades together. Slowly lower the bar all the way down to full arm extension. Repeat for the desired number of reps.
START: Sit on straight-back bench (with a barbell rack, or have a spotter available to hand you the bar) with your feet firmly planned on
START: Sit on a straight-back bench with your feet firmly planted on the floor. Begin by holding the dumbbell just above your shoulders, with your elbows at shoulder level but slightly forward, forearms angled in slightly so that the inner plates of the dumbbells are directly above your shoulders. MOVE: With your knuckles pointed at the ceiling, push the dumbbells straigth up, stopping short of locking out your elbows. Then control the dumbbells all the way down until your upper arms are parallel to the floor or 38 slightly lower, with the weights at approximately ear level. Repeat for the desired number of reps.
Grasp dumbbells in front of thighs with elbows slightly bent. Bend over slightly with hips and knees bent slightly. Execution: Raise upper arms to sides until elbows are shoulder height. Maintain elbows’ height above or equal to wrists. Lower and repeat.
START: Adjust the seat back and footpad so your knees are aligned with rotation of the machine’s swing arm and your ankles are just below the footpad/rollers. Sit with your back flat against the back pad.
MOVE: Grasp the handles or the bench edges and keep you uper body stable as you straigthen your legs in a smooth movement until fully extended. Contract your quadriceps at the top and then slowly lower the weights to the start position. Repeat for the desired number of reps.
START: Lie face-down on a leg-curl machine with your knees just off the edge of the bench and your Achilles tendons below the footpad/roller. Grasp the handles for stability. MOVE: Raise your feet toward your glutes in a powerful motion, flexing the muscles hard at the top, then slowly lower to the start position. Repeat for the desired number of reps.
Grasp dumbbell in one hand to side. Position toes and balls of feet on calf block with arches and heels extending off. Place hand on support for balance. Lift other leg to rear by bending knee. Raise heel by extending ankle as high as possible. Lower heel by bending ankle until calf is stretched. Repeat. Continue with opposite leg.
SMITH MACHINE SQUAT Stand with feet hip- or shoulder-width apart.
Place the bar just above the shoulders on the trapezius muscles. Bend the knees and lower into a squat. Stop when your knees are at 90-degree angles OR before you lose the natural arch of your back. Contract the glutes and legs while stabilizing your body with a strong torso. Slowly stand back up without locking the knees and repeat for 1-3 sets of 10-16 repetitions. Always keep the knees in line with the toes!
START: Stand with your knees slightly bent and your feet about hip-width apart while grasping a barbell with a shoulderwidth, underhand grip. Maintain a slight bend in your elbows as the bar rests against your thighs. MOVE: Flex your biceps to curl the barbell in an arc toward your shoulders. Pause at the top of the movement ars your forcefully squeeze your biceps. Then slowly lower the bar to the start position. Repeat for the desired number of reps.
SEATED INCLINE CURL START: Sit on an incline bench set to about 45 degres while holding a pair of dumbbells with your arms fully extended below your shoulders and your plams facing forward.
MOVE: Slowly curl your arms up toward your shoulders and contract the biceps forcefully at the top of the movement. Slowly lower the weight back down to the start position and inmediately go into the next rep. Repeat for the desired numbers of reps.
LYING TRICEPS EXTENSION START: Lie face-up on a flat bench with your feet flat on the floor as you hold a bar with a shoulder width grip fully extended above your chest.
MOVE: Keep your upper arms as still as possible as you lower the bar to your forehead. Contract your triceps to push the bar back up to the start position. Repeat for the desired number of reps.
Face high pulley and grasp cable attachment with overhand narrow grip. Position elbows to side. Extend arms down. Return until forearm is close to upper arm. Repeat.
Place one hand and the same knee on a bench and lean over so the back is flat. Hold a dumbbell in the free hand and hold with the upper arm horizontal next to the upper body, the elbow bent to a right angle and palm facing in. Straighten the elbow out behind you, ensuring the upper arm stays still. Slowly return to the starting position.
Slowly let your heels drop as far as possible. This is the starting position for the exercise. Slowly raise your heels up a high as possible. Pause and squeeze the calf muscles, and then slowly lower your heals back down as far as possible. Repeat for desired reps.
Sit on machine with back on padded support. Place feet on platform. Grasp handles to sides. Push platform away by extending knees and hips. Return and repeat. Adjust seat and back support to accommodate near full range of motion without forcing hips to bend at waist.
Lie on your back with the knees bent and the hands gently cradling the head. Flex your feet and keep them flexed as your contract the abs, lifting the shoulder blades off the floor. Try not to pull on the neck with your hands, but lightly support your head. At the top of the crunch, press your heels into the floor while pressing your back against the mat and slightly raising the glutes off the floor. Lower and repeat for 1-3 sets of 12-16 reps.
Stand holding dumbbells to sides. Elevate shoulders as high as possible. Lower and repeat. Exercise may be perform standing perfectly upright or very slightly bent over. Since this movement becomes more difficult as full shoulder elevation is achieved, height criteria for shoulder elevation may be needed.
Set up for the seated calf raise by loading up the machine with the weight you want to use. Sit on the machine with the padding on top of your thighs and the balls of your feet on the edge of the foot pad. Push up with your calves to take the weight off rack and release the lock.
Healthy Practice Good Eating Habits Having healthy eating habits is essential to maintaining a healthy body. However, because of lack of information and the current fast-paced lifestyle, few people spend time learning and practicing good eating habits. It is noteworthy that we only have one body to achieve our goals and enjoy life. Many people give more importance in taking care of their car instead of keeping your body in top condition. It is our responsibility to learn what is the best way to care for our bodies. Our greatest treasure is our health and it is in our hands to keep it properly maintaned. In this article you will learn what foods we should eat and are more important for our body to get the nutrients it needs to function properly. A good diet should include good source of protein, carbohydrates, fats, fiber, and adequate water. On the next page you will see a list of nutrients, required portions and some tips important for a better nutrition.
In addition to eating these foods, it is also important to eliminate from your diet all refined foods like white flour, white sugar and artificial corn syrup, and hydrogenated oils such as vegetable oil, corn and margarine. If you follow these tips you will begin to see and feel positive changes in your health, energy level and mental focus. It is certainly not easy to change overnight on the habits we have created for years. Achieving a healthy lifestyle can only be achieved daily through education and perseverance. Don’t wait for your body to get sick in order to take care of it . Prevention is best option instead of having to relieve your body of diseases. Eat healthy!
Alesa Grado.
In the previous pages you learned how to exercise your body. However proper nutrition is as important as exercise. You will learn how to eat healthy below. • Eat at least 5 meals a day: breakfast, lunch, and light dinner plus 2 snacks between meals. • Include protein in each meal • Eat fruits and vegetables daily • Avoid all refined foods • Drink at least 3 liters of water a day
FAT RAW NUTS (PREFERABLY ORGANIC) Serving ½ oz or 1tbsp nut butter Almonds Cashews Peanuts Pecans Walnuts Pine nuts Sunflower seeds Brazil nuts Pumpkin seeds Pistachios BUTTER (PREFERABLY ORGANIC RAW BUTTER, IDEAL FOR SAUTÉING) OLIVE OIL (EXTRA-VIRGIN, COLD-PRESSED, UNREFINED IN A DARK BOTTLE) FLAXSEED OIL COCONUT OIL (PREFERABLY ORGANIC, UNREFINED, COLD PRESSED) OMEGA-3 SUPPLEMENTS (FRESH AND GOOD QUALITY BRAND) Serving 1 teaspoon for every 50 pounds of body weight) Cod liver oil Fish oil Calamari oil Krill oil
FRUIT FRUITS 1 cup Blackberries 1 cup Blueberries 1 cup Strawberries 1 cup Raspberries 1 cup Cranberries 1 cup Currants 1 Grapefruit Free Lemon Free Limes 2 Tangerines (small) 1 Orange 2 Kiwi 1 Papaya (small) 1 Apple
1 Pear 1 cup Pineapple 1 cup Cantaloupe 1 cup Watermelon ¼ cup Raisins 20 grapes 20 cherries 1 Tomato 3 apricots 1 Peach 2 Plums (small) ½ mango ½ banana (medium)
1 cup Mushrooms Free Garlic 1 cup Kale 1/2 cup Pumpkin 1 cup Brussels sprouts Free Parsley Free Cilantro Free Alfalfa sprouts
LEGUMES 1/2cup Beans beans) ½ cup Lentils
(all kind of
CARBS STARCHY CARBS 1 slice Bread (preferably organic sprouted wheat or multigrain) 1 slice Brown rice bread, 1 Brown rice wrap 15 Brown rice crackers GRAINS ½ cup Oatmeal ½ cup Quinoa ½ cup Brown or wild rice ½ cup Barley ½ cup Amaranth ½ cup Rye HIGH-STARCH VEGETABLES 1 cup Beets 1 cup Carrots 1 Potato (small) 1 Sweet potato (small) LOW-STARCH VEGETABLES 1 cup Asparagus 1 cup Broccoli 1 cup Cauliflower 1 Artichoke 7 Olives Free Onion Free Hot Peppers 1 cup Pepper bell 1 cup Spinach Free Lettuce (any but iceberg) Free Salad greens 1 cup Zucchini 1 cup Cabbage 1 cup Cucumber 1 cup Celery
MEATS Top sirloin (leanest possible) Buffalo POULTRY (PREFERABLY ORGANIC, FREE OF GROWTH HORMONES AND ANTIBIOTICS) Chicken Breast Turkey Breast SEAFOOD (PREFERABLY WILD, NOT FARM RAISED) White Fish (tilapia, orange roughy, snapper, swordfish, halibut, cod, mahi-mahi) Salmon Tuna (white) Shellfish (limited) EGGS WHITES (PREFERABLY ORGANIC, FREE HORMONES AND ANTIBIOTICS) Serving 5-8 eggs (only one yolk) DAIRY (PREFERABLY FROM COWS FED ORGANIC FEED, FREE HORMONES AND ANTIBIOTICS) ¼ cup Cottage Cheese (raw, not pasteurized or homogenized) 6 oz Greek yogurt ½ cup Milk (raw, limited)
The following is an example of how to combine the list of foods to have a healthy diet • The list in blue color are PROTEINS • The list in green color are CARBS • The list in orange color are HEALTHY FATS CALORÍAS
1/2 cup of oat meal, 1 serving
Strawberries, fresh, 0.5 cup, halves
Protein shake low in carbs
Almonds, (24)
Protein shake low in carbs
Apple - fresh 1 medium,
1ST SNACK - TOTALS: 350 LUNCH Vegetables, Mixed Salad Greens, 2 serving(s)
Brown rice (1 cup cooked), 0.5 serving
Chicken Breast, no skin, 7 ounces
Protein shake low in carbs
Best Choice Mixed Berries, 0.5 cup
2ND SNACK - TOTALS: 141 DINNER Fresh green salad 2 cup with avocado
Tuna in Olive Oil, 1 can
DINNER- TOTALS: 457 TOTALS: 1,584 CAL WOMEN Daily Goal: 1,200 - 1,500 MEN Daily Goal: 1,800 - 2,000
CARBS 50-75 75-100
FAT 27-60 50-85
PROTEIN 190 - 200 200-250
• A man should consume between 1800 to 2000 calories a day, and a woman from 1300 to 1500 calories a day. • Eat at least 5 meals a day: lunch, dinner and light dinner plus 2 snacks between meals. con el • Include protein in each meal ro, junto a la fo s fó l e Que • Eat fruits and vegetables daily vital par calcio, es de los huesos y • Avoid all refined foods n ió formac dientes. • Drink at least 3 liters of water a day
Restaurant Review Valor Hispano visita restaurantes locales cada mes. Si gustas que visitemos tu restaurant, comunicate con:
The Magic Pan Restaurant
Con platillos sencillos, Magic Pan, te ofrece un sazón diferente y delicioso. El ambiente de el restaurante te hace sentir como en casa. Entre ensaladas y sopas, los sandwiches son la delicia en Magic Pan. Recomendaciones: Santa Fe Smoked Chicken Salad & Southwest Mystic Chicken. 5034 Doniphan Dr. (915) 581-1212
Playa Azul
Soy un amante de los mariscos y en Playa Azul, el sazón distinguido me ha hecho un cliente frecuente. Como ahí al menos una vez por semana. He probado desde las enchiladas rojas, hasta los tacos de bistec, y su sopa de tortilla. Playa Azul tiene muchas especialidades en sus platillos pero en si sus filetes de pescado tanto a la Mantequilla como al mojo de ajo son mis favoritos. No dejes de visitar este precioso lugar que une el buen sazón de mariscos y comida mexicana. Recomendaciones: Lunch Special, antes de las 3PM. Pescado al Mojo de Ajo. 9515 Gateway West Ste. A (915) 591-1010
Lancer Restaurant
Con un toque y un sazon diferente y especial, Lancer Restaurant se caracteriza en la ciudad como un lugar para comer delicioso. Desde Chipotle Tortilla Quesadillas a Flaming Fajitas, usted podra disfrutar un buen platillo sin duda alguna. Recomendaciones: Guacamole Burger y el Buffet de Lunes a Viernes. 3135 Trawood Drive (915) 855-7477
Caruso’s Sea Food and Grill
Un bello restaurante de comida italiana, donde cada uno de los rincones está decorado con sus mejores creaciones, destacando entre ellas sus pinturas y su sofisticada decoración creando una atmósfera de lujo y confort. Ofrecen especialidades de comida italiana, variedades de pizzas, y cortes de carne con frescura y calidad en cada uno de sus platillos. Recomendaciones: Antipasti Carusos, Lasagna Verdi, Salmon Curry, Pescado Mediterráneo, Pizza Capricciosa, Pasta Provenzal y Chicken Angela. 4799 N. Mesa (915) 313-4597 Recomendaciones por:
Chef Gonzalez
If you want us to visit your restaurant, contact us:
Festival Internacional Chihuahua 2012
Sept. 4 - Oct. 12, 2012
Septiembre 15, 2012 - 7PM
Septiembre 16, 2012 - 7PM
Estado de Chihuahua
Socorro Entertainment Center
Socorro Entertainment Center
Yuridia & Reyli
Jenny Rivera
Alejandro Fernández
Cuando: Dónde:
Cuando: Dónde:
Alejandra Guzmán Cuando: Dónde:
Septiembre 21, 2012 - 8PM
Septiembre 28, 2012 - 8PM
Octubre 25, 2012 - 7PM
El Paso County Coliseum
Don Haskins Center
Estadio Carta Blanca
Moscow Ballet’s Great Russian Nutcracker
Diciembre 9, 2012 - 7PM
Diciembre 16, 2012 - 3PM /7PM
Diciembre 31, 2012 - 7PM
Socorro Entertainment Center
The Plaza Theatre
Socorro Entertainment Center
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Cuando: Dónde:
www.donboleton. com
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www. va l or h is pan o o n lin e .c o m
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