Healthcare Value Analysis & Utilization Management Magazine - Winter 2013

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Value Analysis News New Book Gives Many Answers to Your Questions in the New Era of Healthcare Reform

If you would like a copy of Pritchard’s book, it can be ordered at The Journal of Healthcare Contracting website for $21.50, plus a small charge for shipping and handling.

AHVAP Announces New Board

John L. Pritchard, publisher of The Journal of Healthcare Contracting, has written a new

Members for 2012-2013

book called Muddy Waters: Making Sense of the Healthcare Supply Chain in the Era of Re-

The following board members have been elect-


ed by AHVAP for 2012–2013:

This book gives a brief history of supply chain


Treasurer: Melanie Miller, RN, BSN

an integrated delivery network, how group


purchasing organizations have evolved for the

Cedars-Sinai Medical Center

better, talks about the new trend of regional purchasing coalitions, and how hospitals will




President: Nila Getter, MS, RN, Nursing Product Manager, Kettering Health Net-

be aligning with their physicians to lower their


costs and improve quality. It helps you decide if self-distribution and/or a service center


Senior Vice President, Hayes, Inc.

management from the early 1950s right up to present day. It defines what is and what is not

President-Elect: Dee

Secretary: Mary




model is right for you, and discusses how Ac-

CMRP, Director of Clinical Value Analysis,

countable Care Organizations will change the

Iowa Health System

face of healthcare.

Central Director: Cindy Christofanelli,

It’s a quick read, but the book is packed with

RN, Corporate Director Supply Chain Man-

insightful, timely and predictive information

agement, SSM Health Care

that all supply chain/value analysis profes-

Eastern Director: Gloria Graham, RN,

sionals need to know as they plan for their

Clinical Materials Specialist, Cincinnati

own supply chain department’s future. It’s a

Children’s Hospital Medical Center

must read, as Pritchard says, “For those who want to understand the complexities in today’s fluctuating marketplace.”

Winter 2012

Western Director: Cheri Berri Lesh, RN, Value Analysis Coordinator, Group Health Cooperative

Healthcare Value Analysis Magazine


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