Cineville (English)

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there’s a new town in town Thirteen Amsterdam cinemas combine forces

Vandejong Amsterdam



Thirteen Amsterdam cinemas


Develop a discount card for Amsterdam cinemas


Create a community

Brand concept

Cineville, a cinematic city

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cinematic, seductive, exciting & shrouded in darkness

The introductory campaign put Cineville on the map

Ryan Mc Ginley

There’s a new town in town Small organisations usually have limited marketing budgets, and Amsterdam cinemas are no exception. Five ambitious young film fans wrote up a partnership plan. Inspired by Pathé, they conceived a card that would offer unlimited cinema admission for a fixed monthly fee. The initiative was supported by De Balie, Filmhuis Cavia, Cinecenter, EYE, Bioscoop Het Ketelhuis, Filmtheater Kriterion, Melkweg Cinema, The Movies, Rialto, SMART Project Space, Studio K, Tropentheater, and Filmtheater De Uitkijk. Vandejong saw a lot of potential in the plan, especially because of the scope and diversity of the art house cinemas’ programming. Together, they were offering more than 550 screenings a week, across 31 screens, each with an atmospheric character of its own. With this in mind, Vandejong proposed the marketing of more than just a card. We developed a strong brand that bundled together the cinemas’ strengths – a brand that would attract lovers of good films and put them in touch with each other.

There’s a new town in town: Cineville Vandejong brought the cinemas together in a single brand concept that preserved their unique identities and used them to strengthen each other. By presenting the 13 art houses as a cinematic city, we emphasised their diversity and plurality yet also made them into a single unit – the town of Cineville. The brand concept offered unlimited possibilities for special activities and communication according to a specific set of rules, symbols and rituals. We created a world moviegoers would want to be part of. The city exists at the border of fiction and reality. It is a place where imagination rules. The street is a movie set, and the residents are actors. From now on, we call these residents Cinefielen (Cinephiles). The name Cineville immediately places the project on the right level. It subtly refers to European cinema and has a fitting tone of voice. The look and feel is cinematic, seductive, exciting, and shrouded in darkness.

All about movies, at a glance is Amsterdam’s premier portal for film fans. There, Cinephiles can find everything they want to know about the current crop of films, complete with reviews, trailers and background information. A film schedule overview shows all the movies playing in

Cineville and where to see them. Current movie news and reviews are provided by the Cineville editorial staff, supplemented with film articles from the daily newspaper Het Parool. In the future, the site will gain a community area, where Cinephiles will be able to meet each other and rate and discuss films. If you’re not sure what film to see, soon you’ll be able to receive automatic personal recommendations based on the kinds of films you’ve gone to so far with your Cineville pass. Online ticket ordering will also be possible in the future.

Talk of the town The great potential of the Cineville concept was immediately made obvious by the huge amount of press coverage it received. The actor and director Alex van Warmerdam received the first Cineville pass at a packed launch party at Studio K. Cineville became the talk of the town among students. For a year, a cinematographic trailer was shown before every film screening in all thirteen cinemas. As of this writing, Cineville is a year old and has 4,077 residents. gets plenty of traffic and has already become many Amsterdam moviegoers’ preferred portal for choosing a film. Cineville is thinking about expanding to other cities and continues to actively form partnerships, so it will be able to offer its residents even more.

Vandejong & culture The artistic and cultural sector plays an important social role in developing brainpower, creativity and social innovation. Cultural spots are places where outsidethe-box ideas and unusual views of the future are hatched. Cultural institutions must therefore operate in the vanguard, in communications as well as in other matters. Vandejong develops cultural brands centred around content, experience and innovation. Our approach is hallmarked by our participation in both the everyday world of the audience and the creative sphere. We assist institutions in thinking about programming, activities and communication that can help them to build bridges with the public.

The Cineville trailer runs before every movie. is Amsterdam’s film portal, with trailers, reviews by Cinephiles and more


Onbeperkt naar de film voor maar €17,50 per maand!

There’s a new town in town

Woensdag 1 juli 2009

Koop de cinevillepas op of in de bioscoop.

filmladder kwijt!

Cineville. Ineens was hij verdwenen; de filmladder in de krant van Amsterdam. De Amsterdamse redactie is massaal gebeld en gemaild door verontruste Amsterdammers. Is de hoofdstad na de sluiting van diverse musea nu ook haar beste films kwijt? ‘Ja’ is het onthutsende antwoord. Alle goede films en het overzicht daarvan zijn verhuisd naar Cineville. Kijk op

Vrouw ruilt baby Voor iPod Cineville/Wenen/New York. De Oostenrijkse moderecensent Brüno heeft in een Amerikaanse talkshow

uit de doeken gedaan hoe hij in Afrika een baby heeft verkregen in ruil voor zijn iPod. De moeder van de baby ging schijnbaar klakkeloos akkoord met het aanbod. De kinderloze homosexueel Brüno verklaarde dat hij net als Madonna en Angelina Jolie het recht heeft om een Afrikaans kindje te adopteren. Meer? Ga naar

Vrouw in broek gezien

het weer:

Cineville/Parijs. Geen vrouw ontkomt er meer aan: ‘le broek’. Geïntroduceerd door mode-icoon Coco Chanel. In sommige opzichten is ze een vrouw als zo vele: geboren in een arm gezin, zonder connecties of opleiding. Maar ook een vrouw die weet hoe mode gebruikt kan worden om onder het juk van de ingesnoerde korsetten en ongemakkelijke silhouetten vandaan te komen. Bezoek


EEn flinkE wEErsvErandEring is op komst. EEn warmtEfront haalt dE kou uit dE lucht En hEt ijs zal massaal vErdwijnEn. vErwachting voor dE komEndE twEE uur: EEn niEuwE tijd van zon, van groEnE bomEn En groEn gras, niEuwE vijandEn En niEuwE liEfdEs.


voor echt nare vlekken SunShine Cleaning ga naar

Alle f ilmtheaters, alle f ilms, alle aanvangstijden, trailers en recensies vind je op

Striking advertisements in Het Parool linked to current films

Unlimited entry to an imaginary cinematic city

About Vandejong


Vandejong is an enterprising, strategic, creative communications agency. We like to work with people who dare to forge new paths and believe in two-way inspiration. Vandejong stands for honest, sincere communication with a distinctive style. Our strategists and creatives work closely together on brands and campaigns. We bring in outside experts when necessary. We therefore contribute in a broad way, from brand concepts and creative strategies to concrete campaigns, materials, and even new services and products when necessary.

Strategy, concept and production Vandejong

Cinema trailer produced in collaboration with: Director Wouter Stoter (Comrad) Design/DOP Jesse Boeijen, Tjeere van Toorenburg, Menke Visser (Comrad) Producer Melissa Nieveld (Comrad) Editing Comrad Edit Online facilities AVP Sound design Rens Pluym (The Ambassadors) Music Coparck Photography Jaap Scheeren

001 Foam A museum as brand 002 Neau World water for world citizens 003 Foam Magazine Exhibitions in a magazine 004 Anno We make history! 005 University of Twente We create futures 006 Foam Fund Investment advice 007 University of Twente Start studying 008 Stichting WaterExpo 2010 A revolution in thinking about water 009 UN. GIFT Fight human trafficking 010 Cineville There’s a new town in town 011 Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs Alliances for a better world 012 Various Consortia Hello Zuidas 013 The Groene Hart The Randstad’s experimental garden 014 City of Amsterdam Housing Department 150 years of Wibaut 015 Castrum Peregrini Intellectual playground 016 Foam / ANP Historisch Archief / Museum of National History New greetings from...

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