UN Human Trafficking

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fight human trafficking! Project Film Forum on Human Trafficking Client United Nations GIFT

Vandejong Amsterdam

Project case


Vandejong Amsterdam communication

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Project Film Forum on Human Trafficking Client United Nations GIFT

03 CASE Assignment Organise a film festival in conjunction with the Vienna Forum to Fight Human Trafficking. Over 1,000 professionals meet during the Vienna Forum to discuss the UN.GIFT programme (United Nations Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking) and to compare notes on how to intensify the fight against human trafficking. Solution Beyond the framework of the assignment, Vandejong sees the potential for a complete project that can work as the catalyst for the ‘Fight Against Human Trafficking’. The film festival initial assignment serves as the source of a public campaign: The Upset Heart. This film festival becomes a place for involved film industry figures and serves as the platform for launching a worldwide awareness campaign featuring a symbol that will be specially created to this end.

Vandejong Amsterdam communication

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Project Film Forum on Human Trafficking Client United Nations GIFT

03 CASE Assignment Organise a film festival in conjunction with the Vienna Forum to Fight Human Trafficking. Over 1,000 professionals meet during the Vienna Forum to discuss the UN.GIFT programme (United Nations Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking) and to compare notes on how to intensify the fight against human trafficking. Solution Beyond the framework of the assignment, Vandejong sees the potential for a complete project that can work as the catalyst for the ‘Fight Against Human Trafficking’. The film festival initial assignment serves as the source of a public campaign: The Upset Heart. This film festival becomes a place for involved film industry figures and serves as the platform for launching a worldwide awareness campaign featuring a symbol that will be specially created to this end.

Project Film Forum on Human Trafficking Client United Nations GIFT

05 Human Trafficking and the UNited nations Human Trafficking is the fastest growing type of crime and a black market involving billions of euros. This form of modern slavery, from child labour to prostitution and forced (domestic) labour affects everyone, either directly or indirectly. The time is now to join forces in order to put a stop to this problem. Consequently, the United Nations launched the UN.GIFT programme in 2007. For the moment, the Vienna Forum is the core of this programme. The organisers of the forum are eager to involve the residents of Vienna. Vandejong responds by proposing to organise the film festival not only at the site of the forum, but also in the city of Vienna in order to make the festival accessible to a wider audience. The identity of the Film Forum under development also serves as a public campaign that can be communicated worldwide and will introduce a powerful symbol against human trafficking: The Upset Heart. The films that Vandejong compiles and selects in cooperation with Heidi Lobato (director of the Africa in the Picture film festival) are collected in a catalogue and serve as the key list of films on human trafficking.

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Project Film Forum on Human Trafficking Client United Nations GIFT

05 Human Trafficking and the UNited nations Human Trafficking is the fastest growing type of crime and a black market involving billions of euros. This form of modern slavery, from child labour to prostitution and forced (domestic) labour affects everyone, either directly or indirectly. The time is now to join forces in order to put a stop to this problem. Consequently, the United Nations launched the UN.GIFT programme in 2007. For the moment, the Vienna Forum is the core of this programme. The organisers of the forum are eager to involve the residents of Vienna. Vandejong responds by proposing to organise the film festival not only at the site of the forum, but also in the city of Vienna in order to make the festival accessible to a wider audience. The identity of the Film Forum under development also serves as a public campaign that can be communicated worldwide and will introduce a powerful symbol against human trafficking: The Upset Heart. The films that Vandejong compiles and selects in cooperation with Heidi Lobato (director of the Africa in the Picture film festival) are collected in a catalogue and serve as the key list of films on human trafficking.

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Project Film Forum on Human Trafficking Client United Nations GIFT

07 Het Festival: Film Forum on Human Trafficking Vandejong proposes to use the term ‘film forum’ instead of ‘festival’ for two reasons: first, to draw the link to the forum for professionals; and second, because the word ‘festival’ is too cheerful for the topic at hand. The motto ‘Let us not close our eyes’ and The Upset Heart symbol are used to introduce the theme to the public. The Film Forum is held at three locations. Vienna’s famous MetroKino cinema serves as the main location, where 20 films are shown over the course of four days. The proceeds from the ticket sales are donated to the Helen Bamber Foundation, which is dedicated to fighting human trafficking. The selection is based on a combination of cinematographic qualities, geographic distribution and diversity in subjects covered. Each evening screening is preceded by a debate involving internationally known actors and directors. Several films make their debut at the forum, including the Hollywood production Trade, which is presented in the city’s largest cinema, Gartenbaukino, along with a reception for the audience, experts and stars. Another 35 films from the comprehensive catalogue are shown at the third location, the UN City Complex, where experts can view the films on DVD on request.

Project Film Forum on Human Trafficking Client United Nations GIFT

07 Het Festival: Film Forum on Human Trafficking Vandejong proposes to use the term ‘film forum’ instead of ‘festival’ for two reasons: first, to draw the link to the forum for professionals; and second, because the word ‘festival’ is too cheerful for the topic at hand. The motto ‘Let us not close our eyes’ and The Upset Heart symbol are used to introduce the theme to the public. The Film Forum is held at three locations. Vienna’s famous MetroKino cinema serves as the main location, where 20 films are shown over the course of four days. The proceeds from the ticket sales are donated to the Helen Bamber Foundation, which is dedicated to fighting human trafficking. The selection is based on a combination of cinematographic qualities, geographic distribution and diversity in subjects covered. Each evening screening is preceded by a debate involving internationally known actors and directors. Several films make their debut at the forum, including the Hollywood production Trade, which is presented in the city’s largest cinema, Gartenbaukino, along with a reception for the audience, experts and stars. Another 35 films from the comprehensive catalogue are shown at the third location, the UN City Complex, where experts can view the films on DVD on request.

Project Film Forum on Human Trafficking Client United Nations GIFT

09 THE catalogue: Films on Human Trafficking Instead of approaching the film forum purely as a film festival, Vandejong sees it as a campaign using film. The festival is a means of communication designed to generate as much follow-up as possible. Consequently, the catalogue has a functional layout that includes not only summaries of the films but also the necessary contact information and specifics regarding the available formats. The goal is to stimulate and help NGOs, cinemas and the various UN field offices to organize their own film event on human trafficking. As part of this, 3,000 catalogues are distributed around the world. The festival that Vandejong organises in Vienna is presented as a model festival.

Project Film Forum on Human Trafficking Client United Nations GIFT

09 THE catalogue: Films on Human Trafficking Instead of approaching the film forum purely as a film festival, Vandejong sees it as a campaign using film. The festival is a means of communication designed to generate as much follow-up as possible. Consequently, the catalogue has a functional layout that includes not only summaries of the films but also the necessary contact information and specifics regarding the available formats. The goal is to stimulate and help NGOs, cinemas and the various UN field offices to organize their own film event on human trafficking. As part of this, 3,000 catalogues are distributed around the world. The festival that Vandejong organises in Vienna is presented as a model festival.

Emma Thompson (actrice) en Antonio Maria Costa (Executive Director UNODC) op de persconferentie

Emma Thompson (actrice) en Antonio Maria Costa (Executive Director UNODC) op de persconferentie

Project Film Forum on Human Trafficking Client United Nations GIFT

15 the symbol: the upset heart The concept of human trafficking is still unfamiliar to the public at large. Vandejong creates a symbol designed to make the public aware of human trafficking: an upside-down heart. Vandejong uses it as the logo for the Film Forum and takes the initiative to hand out 2,000 Upset Hearts pins on Valentine’s Day during the festival and to Vandejong business contacts. The United Nations and celebrities in attendance are so enthusiastic about ‘the red ribbon of Human Trafficking’ that an international campaign is immediately announced.

Project Film Forum on Human Trafficking Client United Nations GIFT

15 the symbol: the upset heart The concept of human trafficking is still unfamiliar to the public at large. Vandejong creates a symbol designed to make the public aware of human trafficking: an upside-down heart. Vandejong uses it as the logo for the Film Forum and takes the initiative to hand out 2,000 Upset Hearts pins on Valentine’s Day during the festival and to Vandejong business contacts. The United Nations and celebrities in attendance are so enthusiastic about ‘the red ribbon of Human Trafficking’ that an international campaign is immediately announced.

Project Film Forum on Human Trafficking Client United Nations GIFT

17 Result Given the context of the project, it is hard to quantify a result. The intended result is to reduce human trafficking, which is difficult to measure, especially on such a short-term basis. However, what we can measure is the enthusiasm with which the United Nations responded to Vandejong’s unorthodox approach. Once again, the most challenging path proves to deliver far more than anyone dared to hope ahead of time. The Upset Heart touches a great many people. It has the potential to become a global symbol. The United Nations is looking into the possibilities, and asks Vandejong to formulate a follow-up proposal. Within a month after the festival, reports start coming in that new festivals are being initiated in countries including Belarus, Cyprus, Moldavia, Switzerland and the United States, all based on the content of the catalogue and along the same lines as the Film Forum.

Project team Strategy — Menno Liauw Film Forum curator — Heidi Lobato (director of Africa in the Picture) Film Forum organisation — Randall Brenes (Vienna), Menno Liauw

and Heidi Lobato

Catalogue Research — Randall Brenes Catalogue editors — Cyril van Sterkenburg, Heidi Lobato and Menno Liauw Design — Lucie Pindat and Hamid Sallali The Upset Heart Concept — Marcel de Vries, Stephan Achterberg (Art) and Eric Wie (Copy) With contributions from: Print traffic — Peter Groeneveld Technical support — Filmarchiv Austria Translation — Leslie Hadlock (GB) and Einszweidrei (D)

Project Film Forum on Human Trafficking Client United Nations GIFT

17 Result Given the context of the project, it is hard to quantify a result. The intended result is to reduce human trafficking, which is difficult to measure, especially on such a short-term basis. However, what we can measure is the enthusiasm with which the United Nations responded to Vandejong’s unorthodox approach. Once again, the most challenging path proves to deliver far more than anyone dared to hope ahead of time. The Upset Heart touches a great many people. It has the potential to become a global symbol. The United Nations is looking into the possibilities, and asks Vandejong to formulate a follow-up proposal. Within a month after the festival, reports start coming in that new festivals are being initiated in countries including Belarus, Cyprus, Moldavia, Switzerland and the United States, all based on the content of the catalogue and along the same lines as the Film Forum.

Project team Strategy — Menno Liauw Film Forum curator — Heidi Lobato (director of Africa in the Picture) Film Forum organisation — Randall Brenes (Vienna), Menno Liauw

and Heidi Lobato

Catalogue Research — Randall Brenes Catalogue editors — Cyril van Sterkenburg, Heidi Lobato and Menno Liauw Design — Lucie Pindat and Hamid Sallali The Upset Heart Concept — Marcel de Vries, Stephan Achterberg (Art) and Eric Wie (Copy) With contributions from: Print traffic — Peter Groeneveld Technical support — Filmarchiv Austria Translation — Leslie Hadlock (GB) and Einszweidrei (D)

Vandejong Amsterdam communication

Vandejong Amsterdam &




Making the world a better place is fun! Companies or initiatives with social involvement regularly arrive at Vandejong’s doorstep. As long as the social relevance does not interfere with social ambition, we are happy to apply our knowledge and enthusiasm. After all, nothing is as fun as making the world a better place! But where do you start? We believe that the way to get people to take action is to take big problems and reduce them to a human scale. To offer the public a concrete and feasible handle for taking action. This is how campaigns are created that are developed and supported in part by the users. And that is the best guarantee when it comes to changing behaviour.

ABOUT VANDEJONG Vandejong is an enterprising, strategic and creative communication agency. We build brands, develop campaigns, means and, if necessary, new products. See, communication can be interpreted in so many ways. Vandejong is forever studying and expanding the possibilities of communication. Consequently, the wildest communication ambitions fly across the table on a regular basis. For every one of these innovative communication plans, a team of Vandejong employees is immediately ready to rise to the challenge of working out the details with gusto. In this process, we prefer honest, meaningful communication with an unambiguous, distinctive style.

For more information Ilse Huijg Office manager ilse@vandejong.nl Contact t: 0031 20 462 2062 e: info@vandejong.nl www.vandejong.com

Vandejong Amsterdam communication

Vandejong Amsterdam &




Making the world a better place is fun! Companies or initiatives with social involvement regularly arrive at Vandejong’s doorstep. As long as the social relevance does not interfere with social ambition, we are happy to apply our knowledge and enthusiasm. After all, nothing is as fun as making the world a better place! But where do you start? We believe that the way to get people to take action is to take big problems and reduce them to a human scale. To offer the public a concrete and feasible handle for taking action. This is how campaigns are created that are developed and supported in part by the users. And that is the best guarantee when it comes to changing behaviour.

ABOUT VANDEJONG Vandejong is an enterprising, strategic and creative communication agency. We build brands, develop campaigns, means and, if necessary, new products. See, communication can be interpreted in so many ways. Vandejong is forever studying and expanding the possibilities of communication. Consequently, the wildest communication ambitions fly across the table on a regular basis. For every one of these innovative communication plans, a team of Vandejong employees is immediately ready to rise to the challenge of working out the details with gusto. In this process, we prefer honest, meaningful communication with an unambiguous, distinctive style.

For more information Ilse Huijg Office manager ilse@vandejong.nl Contact t: 0031 20 462 2062 e: info@vandejong.nl www.vandejong.com

Cases Project Film Forum on Human Trafficking Client United Nations GIFT

001 Foam A museum as a brand 002 Filmmuseum From art cinema to museum 003 Neau World water for world citizens 004 Foam Magazine Expositions in a magazine 005 Anno We make history! 006 BIS Publishers & Vandejong Shortcut to creative Amsterdam 007 City of Amsterdam A campaign in a box 008 Anno & IPP The slogan rules! 009 University of Twente The scientist of the future 010 Foam Fund Investment advice 011 Anno Kids discover the truth 012 University of Twente Start studying! 013 Pon Club feeling at car importer 014 WaterExpo 2010 A nation as communication concept 015 United Nations GIFT Fight human trafficking!

Download all cases at www.vandejong.com (keyword ‘cases’) or request them at fieke@vandejong.nl

Project case


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