Your Experience: Year Two – Global Immersion Track
F O UR D Y N A MIC EC ONOMIE S . ONE UNR I VA L ED GL OB A L MB A . In Vanderbilt’s Global Immersion Track, you don’t merely observe global business. You immerse yourself in it. In year 2, you will embark on the Global Immersion Track (Americas MBA for Executives), in partnership with 4 international schools. During 4 week-long residencies in Brazil, Mexico, Canada, and the United States—the largest economies in this hemisphere—you’ll develop an understanding of what drives success in these countries and the ways business and people are interconnected within the region. Your cross-cultural team in year 2 will include classmates from each country. With the oversight of a regional in-country faculty member, your team will embark on a yearlong Capstone Project in which you will advise a company on a strategic business challenge in the Americas, giving you the opportunity to work in global virtual teams and to apply your academic curriculum throughout the year. This unique experience gives you an unparalleled opportunity to explore each country’s people, politics, culture, and business dynamics, exposing you to issues to consider and questions to ask regarding any international business undertaking.
You will participate in an International Capstone Project in each residency.
34 Vanderbilt Executive MBA