Vanderbilt MBA Facts and Stats

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facts, figures, stats, quotes, people, places and things worth knowing about the Vanderbilt MBA

02 / First impressions 20 / Study up 32 / Net work 42 / How we rank 50 / on the job 66 / Take the lead 74 / Home sweet home



161 Number of students in the MBA Class of 2013. With its small, selective intake each year, Vanderbilt has one of the most intimate MBA programs in the world.


1 30 zer(o)

Number of part-time students and undergraduates who compete with MBA students for resources, career services or professors’ time. The emphasis at Owen is on full-time graduate programs. (Zero is also the number of MBA classes in which a teaching assistant serves as instructor.)

Average number of students in a Vanderbilt MBA class.



Approximate ratio of MBA students to faculty. The Vanderbilt MBA program is small by design.

Accessibility to faculty. One of the Top 10 attributes about the Vanderbilt MBA experience as rated by both first-year and second-year students on the 2011 stakeholder satisfaction survey.



23 Number of international exchange programs in which Vanderbilt MBA students can participate. International study opportunities on six continents give students a global perspective that’s critical in today’s business world.


Blark! The dynamic duo of Blake Knight and Clark Bosslet, both members of the MBA Class of 2012. Together they produce videos documenting the Owen experience and periodically conduct fun and informative surveys of the student body. (Check them out at



and counting Number of student clubs that offer opportunities for MBAs to learn while building their leadership skills and resumes.

All of them. The number of MBA classmates you will know by name.


“Initially Owen was not my first choice. I was admitted to five different business schools. I decided that the best way to choose was to travel to the U.S. and visit all the campuses. When I got here, I just fell in love with the people, the professors. The feel of community that you could sense here was amazing. I felt like it was home.� Claudia Escobedo A native of Peru, Claudia is now a learning and development manager at Microsoft. At Owen, Claudia was known for shaping the fun programming of the Latin Business Association — dinners, and Spanish-language and salsa lessons. Human and Organizational Performance




$ The cost to enroll in classes in the other schools at Vanderbilt. Many Owen students take advantage of our “blanket tuition� to take courses at our sister schools on campus, including Law, Divinity and Education.




Percentage of women in the MBA Class of 2013. Owen’s Women’s Business Association provides great opportunities to exchange ideas, network and develop leadership skills.


Number of countries that Vanderbilt MBA students call home. Owen enjoys a highly diverse community, with classmates from all regions of the United States and around the globe.


30 minutes

The average amount of time that one of the nine librarians and staff members from the Walker Management Library spends with an MBA student each time he or she asks for assistance in finding data or researching an important topic.


200 (plus)

The number of married couples who met while at Owen. Approximately 26 percent of students are already married prior to joining the program.


Undergraduate Institutions Represented in the MBA Class of 2013

Vanderbilt University / Duke University / Northwestern University / Villanova University / Unive A& M University / University of Tennessee / University of Colorado / National Economics Univer William and Mary / University of Florida / University of Southern Mississippi / University of Wisc of Mississippi / Loyola University of Chicago / San Diego State University / Oral Roberts Unive Wellesley College / Baylor University / Penn State University / Pepperdine University / Mount University / University of Arkansas / Hanoi University of Technology / University of Electronic Middlebury College / Williams College / Clemson University / Peking University / Central Univer Citadel, The Military College of South Carolina / University of the South / University of Delawar University / Howard University / Belmont University / Canisius College / Presbyterian Colleg University / San Francisco State University / East Central University / University of Portland University / Zhejiang Gongshang University / Meiji University / Tulane University / Boston C Colgate University / University of Utah / Washington University in St. Louis / Amherst College University of Kentucky / Drexel University / Beijing Technology and Business University / Institu of Technology Guwahati / Jiangsu Polytechnic University / Universidad Peruana de Ciencias A College / University of Kansas / Birmingham-Southern College / Shanghai Jiao Tong University /


ersity of Pennsylvania / University of Illinois / University of Texas / University of Virginia / Texas rsity / New York University / Trinity College / Furman University / Sogang University / College of consin / Indiana University Bloomington / University of Alabama / Emory University / University ersity / Tufts University / Osaka City University / University of California / Cornell University / t Union College / University of International Business and Economics / Inha University / Miami c Science and Technology of China / Beijing Institute of Technology / Florida State University / rsity of Finance and Economics / East China Normal University / Michigan State University / The re / University of South Carolina / University of Georgia / Purdue University / Abilene Christian ge / Wake Forest University / Wofford College / University of Chicago / Central Washington d / University of Denver / Yonsei University / Fudan University / Visveswaraiah Technological College / Drury University / University of North Carolina / Georgia Institute of Technology / e / Santa Clara University / Chulalongkorn University / Auburn University / University of Delhi / ute of Business Administration窶適arachi / Keio University / Ashford University / Indian Institute plicadas / Southeast University / Swarthmore College / Tennessee State University / Scripps Brigham Young University / Yale University / Seoul National University / U. S. Military Academy



1873 The year Vanderbilt University was founded with a $1 million grant from Cornelius “Commodore” Vanderbilt of New York. Vanderbilt is ranked within the Top 20 schools by U.S. News & World Report and is often referred to as “a new Ivy.”



The number of the branches of the United States military (that’s all of them) represented by Vanderbilt MBA students and graduates. Military men and women bring proven leadership skills to the program.

300 The number of tree and shrub varieties on the 330-acre Vanderbilt campus, which has been designated a national arboretum.




80.86 The highest closing price on record of the CBOE’s Market Volatility Index (VIX), a critical gauge to measure the “fear” sentiment among investors. The index was developed by Vanderbilt finance professor Robert Whaley and hit its peak on November 20, 2008, two months after Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy.

Chief Economist for the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission The post Vanderbilt finance professor Craig Lewis was tapped to fill in May 2011 by SEC chairman Mary Schapiro.



The number of major world exchanges—Nasdaq, Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) and the Bombay (India) Stock Exchange—where Vanderbilt business graduates hold senior leadership roles.


The number of research centers that Owen supports. They are the Financial Markets Research Center, the Owen Entrepreneurship Center, the Vanderbilt Center for Environmental Management Studies, and the Cal Turner Center for Moral Leadership in the Professions.


Class is in Our faculty is comprised of top scholars and business minds who stand out in their respective fields (and still make time for students in and outside of the classroom). We’ve highlighted just a few here. You’ll meet many more when you visit.

Mark Cohen Management and Law Mark recently returned to Owen from a three-year sabbatical serving as VP for Research at Resources for the Future — a Washington, D.C., institute focusing on environmental and natural resource policy issues. Following the 2010 Gulf oil spill, he led a research team advising a presidential commission on ways to improve federal policies governing the safety of the offshore drilling industry.

Jennifer Escalas Marketing Simple isn’t necessarily better: That’s what Jennifer found in her latest research on the role of narrative in advertising. A nuanced storyline­­—something that draws consumers in—makes for more effective marketing. That’s more than just a theory. Jennifer and her husband, a former Olympic swimmer, run a successful company that makes custom swimsuits for teams around the world.

Nicole Jenkins Accounting Most people shudder when Nicole tells them she teaches accounting. But to her, the subject is much more than a required—if difficult—business school course; it’s “the language through which business talks.” And lately, business has had a lot to say, as Nicole’s research on accounting restatements, contagion risks and credit default swaps clearly demonstrates. 24


Michael Lapré Operations Management An internationally renowned expert on how organizations learn, Michael is giving new meaning to the term operations. His latest research explores the factors that cause surgical teams to become more efficient—or less—in the operating room. The Dutch native also revels in his newfound passion for American traditions, namely, wearing his Tennessee Titans jersey on NFL game day.

Miguel Palacios Finance Never one to shrink from a challenge, Miguel wants to find a method to price human talent in the same way stocks and bonds are. Why? Largely to help pioneer a new business model that would pool investor funds to send promising students to college debt-free. In fact, he’s already made strides in this area through Lumni, a company he co-founded and one that’s been hailed by The Economist, Businessweek and others as a leading social innovator.

Larry Van Horn Health Care As an economist, Larry worries about the un-sustainability of health care spending. He brings these issues to the surface in a provocative course taught with Democratic Congressman Jim Cooper. Larry’s exuberance carries over to the student mixers he hosts at his farm in Leipers Fork. That’s where you’ll find him digging holes with his backhoe — when he’s not losing more hair over the nation’s health care challenges.

Tim Vogus Organization Studies At first blush, Tim is a mild-mannered business school professor, dutifully researching and lecturing on ways to improve patient safety in hospitals. But upon request, this Top-40-Under-40 prof (as named by transforms into “T-Love,” delivering his talking points in a rap that’s got just as much street cred as it does business cred. 25



per patient

The average surplus Vanderbilt University Medical Center experienced after establishing a dedicated trauma unit, according to an award-winning study by Owen professor Nancy Lea Hyer. Previously, the hospital lost an average $578 per patient for similar services.




The current edition of Marketing Management (aka MM), an innovative textbook written by Professor Dawn Iacobucci, is used at the best business schools around the world.

Counting cow chips One of the many strange tasks that professor Luke Froeb undertook at the U.S. Department of Justice. He later oversaw the Bureau of Economics for the U.S. Federal Trade Commission before returning to his teaching post at Owen.


The number of years marketing professor Steve Posavac has served on the editorial review board of the prestigious Journal of Consumer Psychology. 27

“It’s very comfortable to live in Nashville. Everybody is so kind. They made it easy for my future.” Hiroshi Hyakumoto Hiro has surfed more than a dozen breaks around the world. While Nashville has no waves, Vanderbilt did provide him with the marketing and health care expertise to ride to the top at Pfizer Japan, his sponsoring organization. Marketing






billion The total amount paid in fines after Vanderbilt finance professor Bill Christie helped uncover a collusion scheme among NASDAQ traders that was shortchanging investors.


The number of Alpha Indexes introduced by NASDAQ in 2010 after being created by Vanderbilt finance professors Jacob Sagi and Robert Whaley. Starting in April 2011, investors began trading derivatives on the Alpha Indexes, which measure how well an individual stock performs against a broader market benchmark such as the S&P 500.


U.S. Rep.

Jim Cooper The nationally renowned congressional budget guru who teaches a course on health care economics and policy in Vanderbilt’s MBA program.




The global value of over-the-counter derivatives, a market that Vanderbilt finance professor Hans Stoll helped make possible through his work on options markets.





The number of Vanderbilt Alumni Clubs worldwide.

We have had a long and successful partnership with of Management and have hired many of their top candidates we seek with the professionalism we need. Patricia Hernandez, Recruiter, Emerson 34

120, 004 The total number of Vanderbilt alums worldwide. Your ability to reach out to alumni goes far beyond Owen. Through VUConnect, our online alumni directory, you will have access to information on Vanderbilt alums from all schools, including Arts and Science, Engineering, Education, Medicine, Law and Divinity.

the Vanderbilt Owen Graduate School MBAs. We find their students to be the experienced


“One of the great things Owen has to offer is Vanderbilt University... that truly enhances your MBA experience.� Juan Jose Thorne After growing up in San Diego, Juan pursued an industrial engineering degree and worked for IBM in his home country of Peru. But he returned to the U.S. to earn his business degree using his global perspective and experience. Brand Management




Top(outside hon A Vanderbilt Business education is just the beginning of our students’ path. But it prepares them well to succeed in the professional world. These are just a few alumni who have excelled. (We’d be happy to introduce you to many more.)

Fang Fang Vanderbilt MBA ’93 Living and working in mainland China, Fang Fang knew nothing of Vanderbilt University or the Owen Graduate School of Management. What he did know was that he wanted a better life—he was making 10 dollars a month in his current job—and that he wanted to “go out and see the world.” Strapped for funds, Fang Fang called the Owen Admissions Office collect. To his surprise and delight, the call was accepted. Today, Fang Fang is managing director of Investment Banking for JPMorgan Chase in Hong Kong; he is one of the strongest advocates for the school in any country.

David Ingram Vanderbilt MBA ’89 As chairman and president of Ingram Entertainment, David was looking for ways to expand his business distributing DVDs, video games and other home entertainment products. The answer? Beer. DBI Beverage Inc. now operates beer distributorships in eight different California markets. Much of David’s inspiration for expanding in an innovative direction in order to leverage his fixed costs came from his father, who taught him, “In any business, if you’re not growing, you’re dying.” 38

ors the classroom) A. J. Kazimi Vanderbilt MBA ’84

Founder and CEO of Cumberland Pharmaceuticals (CPIX), Nashville’s first pharma company, A. J. avoids head-to-head battles with the major players in the industry by focusing on niche brands. In 2011, Cumberland introduced Acetadote, used in hospital emergencies to prevent or lessen potential liver damage resulting from an overdose of acetaminophen. Cumberland has navigated two products through the FDA and is now listed on the NASDAQ stock exchange.

Doug Parker Vanderbilt MBA ’86 Recruited straight from Vanderbilt by American Airlines in 1986, Doug was named CEO of America West Airlines a few days before September 11, 2001. In the tumultuous years that followed, he built the company into one of the best carriers in the industry, before it merged with US Airways in 2005. Now Chairman and CEO, Doug and his handpicked management team have led a dramatic turnaround. Not bad for the “ultimate nice guy and team player,” as he was known by his MBA classmates.

Karen Rogers Vanderbilt BA ’78, MBA ’84 As vice president of U.S. marketing for FedEx, Karen has had more than a dozen different jobs in her 25 years with the company. In each, she has built on her reputation for marketing and managing with a win-win philosophy. Her career advice: “I always tell people to think two steps ahead. Look beyond the position to which you’re being promoted to the step beyond. Fail to do that, and a step up could turn into a professional dead end.” 39

8,034 The number of Owen alumni. A distinguishing characteristic of this group is the speed with which they take phone calls and answer questions from Vanderbilt MBA students.

The curriculum at Vanderbilt is just as strong and programs where investment banking recruitment are candidates that are balanced in their skillset and Chip Cammerer, Recruiter and Alum, Citi Investment Banking 40

87 The number of countries in which you will find Owen alums.

relevant as what you might find at other top takes place. But what you will find at Vanderbilt will bring intensity to the opportunities that emerge.



WE 43




There are many different B-school rankings and an equal number of ranking formulas. Bloomberg Businessweek. U.S. News & World Report. Financial Times. Forbes. Economist. One thing that can be said categorically is that the Vanderbilt Owen Graduate School of Management is always ranked in the top 10 percent of AACSB-accredited B-schools.

The quality of candidates is outstanding; they are on new business challenges. When they arrive at businesses that they are assigned and demonstrate Geoff Walker, Recruiter and Alum, Mattel 44

71 points The average increase in Vanderbilt MBA GMAT scores over the past six years. (Our current average is 695.)




What we like to call the characteristics that applicants must demonstrate to earn acceptance to the Vanderbilt MBA program—the ability and desire to roll up their sleeves and do the hard work that it takes to succeed in a close-knit, team-based environment.

ambitious team players and prepared to take Mattel, they make an immediate impact on the commitment for the long term. 45

17 of

Vanderbilt is one of only seven schools ranked in the Top 30 by U.S. News & World Report to focus specifically on full-time graduate business study. (The others are Stanford, Harvard, Tuck, Columbia, Yale and Duke.)


Vanderbilt MBA ranks among the Top 20 private U.S. graduate business programs in U.S. News & World Report.


16 of

Vanderbilt Owen Graduate School of Management is one of only six schools of similar size (total MBA enrollment in the 200–400 range) to make it into the Top 30 (U.S. News & World Report, 2011).


in the world Vanderbilt’s 2011 research ranking among business schools throughout the world, according to the Financial Times.


A From the friendliness and responsiveness of everyone and well-prepared interview candidates, the entire  Ryann Cheung, Recruiter, McKesson



The letter grade Vanderbilt received from Bloomberg Businessweek’s 2011 MBA rankings for both teaching quality and career services.

in the career service office to the enthusiastic recruiting process at Owen was a total pleasure.


on the job 50



5 99 Vanderbilt’s placement on Bloomberg Businessweek’s MBA rankings of job-placement rates among Top 30 MBA programs (2010).


The number of Vanderbilt MBA students who interned with Goldman Sachs and Credit Suisse in 2011.

The number of Vanderbilt MBA students who received full-time job offers from Goldman Sachs and Credit Suisse based on their performance as summer interns in 2011.


524 The number of companies that had a recruiting relationship with Vanderbilt MBA students last year.




The percentage increase in health care companies recruiting at the Vanderbilt MBA program since 2007.



158 The number of Vanderbilt MBA students who accepted an internship offer during the summer of 2011.

The number of internship offers received by Vanderbilt MBA students during the summer of 2011.


The number of companies hiring multiple Vanderbilt MBA interns during the summer of 2011.



The percentage of Vanderbilt MBA students who will receive a full-time job offer based on their performance during their summer internship. 55

$91,653 The average base salary for MBA graduates of the Class of 2011. The average signing bonus is $18,643. Eighty-seven percent of the graduates from the Class of 2011 had job offers within 90 days of graduation.

I always look forward to returning to Owen to help  top-level talent to build upon our long-standing Ryan Lein, Recruiter and Alum, Hanesbrands 56

13 states.

35 alums.

180 interviews. Alumni participation in practice interviews with first-year MBA students during the annual Mock Interview Jamboree.

lead our MBA recruiting.  We consistently find partnership.


“One thing that really stood out at Owen was that people here like each other. They like being here. They like the program. The feeling you got from Admissions was that they weren’t looking for a student. They were looking for a member of the family. They were looking for someone who would fit in.” Nana Kyei In his native Ghana, Nana took the SAT exam just after elementary school. He chose to earn an MBA at Vanderbilt because of the strong financial program — and left a job at Merrill Lynch to do so. Now he’s an Investment Banker at JPMorgan Chase. Finance




San Fr Atlant New Y I found that the quality of students I saw at Vanderbilt I hope that this is only the first step in a continuing Gary Weed, Recruiter (Retired), ExxonMobil


ancisco. a. ork. Cities other than Nashville in which the Career Management Center arranges interview events, in order to increase the number of opportunities for Vanderbilt MBA students.

was equal to any I have seen worldwide, and relationship between ExxonMobil and Owen.


$185,000 Amount of seed money that Owen offers each year to students who want to start their own businesses through the Owen Entrepreneurship Center.

$2.9 million The total amount of scholarship dollars provided to MBA students in the Class of 2013. Seventy percent of all MBA students received merit-based scholarships in 2011, for an average of $25,401.79 per student.


Less than

The number of years it takes to pay back the opportunity cost and investment of leaving a job to pursue a Vanderbilt MBA (Forbes 2011). 62


20 Both Forbes and Bloomberg Businessweek rank Vanderbilt Owen Graduate School of Management in the Top 20 MBA programs for total salary after graduation.


Employers who recruit on the Vanderbilt campus. These do not include the other 466 companies with which the Owen Career Management Center or our students have a recruiting relationship.



114 The number of Vanderbilt MBA students who chose to participate in the Leadership Development Program last year. These students get the lifelong benefit of research-grounded, industry-proven methods and processes and a powerful personal story of initiative, drive and self-awareness to share with (and impress!) corporate recruiters.

Vanderbilt’s Owen School has one of the most com develop leadership effectiveness. They are using developing  C-level  executives  at the Fortune 500 Stuart Kaplan, Global Chief Operating Officer and Senior Partner, KORN/FERRY



The number of professional executive coaches who work with Vanderbilt MBA students as part of the Leadership Development Program. These coaches work directly with companies of all sizes and in diverse industries and locations.


The number of Competitive Advantage Competencies—correlated with high performance and promotion—that you’ll master while creating a personal leadership development plan.

prehensive programs I’ve seen to help students some of the same tools and approaches we use for and in top organizations outside of the U.S.


“The Leadership Development Program here at Owen is something that’s really unique. I had lots of leadership experience from the military...but here I learned how to build consensus and get buy-in.” John Robella While at West Point, John was a nationally ranked collegiate gymnast. After two combat tours in Iraq, he decided to pursue an MBA. Owen helped him translate his leadership skills for the business world. And now he’s climbing the corporate ladder at ExxonMobil. Finance




See what students have to say about the Leadership Development Program at Owen.

When I started, I was pretty shocked with the results…My executive coach helped me break it down into the primary steps… I couldn’t have gotten there by myself. LDP is one of the things that the school provides above and beyond…It just took the experience to a new level. Learning Cost of Capital is great, but I can learn that anywhere. Learning what makes me successful individually, that is unique here. 72

If you work on your leadership development plan, it really sets you apart. Ask the folks who know me…they can see the difference. That alone makes it worth it —putting people in a position to be successful. Not every business school I looked at had a program like this — it was a distinguishing feature for me. I’m a lot more open to development ideas now.




1 Nashville—Best Music Scene Rolling Stone, 2011


3 Nashville—Best Value Kiplinger, 2011


$62 b 78

illion 336K Topline revenue and total number of jobs worldwide that were accounted for by health care management companies headquartered in Nashville, according to an economic study conducted for the Nashville Health Care Council.


1.6 million

The population of Metro Nashville-Davidson County. Nashville is a vibrant city that (much like Owen) is small enough to be accessible and friendly, yet diverse and cosmopolitan, with no shortage of things to do or see.





Nashville’s cost of living compared to national average. Nashville is a safe and affordable place to spend (at least) two years of your life.



The number of Top 10 metro areas within a two-hour flight from Nashville. New York. Chicago. Dallas–Fort Worth. Philadelphia. Houston. Washington, D.C. Miami. Atlanta. Boston.


The number of golf courses in the Nashville metropolitan area. With an average high of 69.8°F and an average low of 48.5°F, golf is a year-round sport for Vanderbilt students and faculty alike.



365 The number of nights that you can find good music, restaurants or entertainment within an easy walk or drive from campus.



Number of great ways to learn more about the Vanderbilt MBA. phone: 800.288.OWEN or 615.322.6469 email: web:

Vanderbilt is an equal opportunity, affirmative action university. Vanderbilt and the Vanderbilt logo are registered trademarks and service marks of Vanderbilt University. 10/11

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