Livian Design & Stage Guide

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Step-by-Step Guide to Preparing your Home for Market LIVIAN DESIGN AND STAGE
founded by Vanessa Pollock

Dear Valued Client,

Wearesogratefulfortheopportunitytomeetwithyouanddiscussthepossibilityof guidingyouthroughpreparingyourhomefor the market. Throughout the pages of this guide, you will find our story, important staging data, before and after images of our work, helpful checklists and finally, how we give back to our community. We believe our work and client testimonials will speak for themselvesandtrustthatyouwillallowourexpertiseandstagingstrategytohelpgetyoutopdollarforyourhome

Staging will help you make the most money on your home possible

And our methods honor its unique qualities and the memories youhavemadewithinitswalls.

Thankyousomuchandwelookforwardtoworkingwithyou, THE LIVIAN DESIGN AND STAGING TEAM

Kitty, Shana, Vanessa and crew


Founded by Vanessa Pollock and born out of a deep love of design and real estate client service, Livian Design and Stage aims to provide clear and comprehensive guidance to sellers as they prepare their home for the market. Through our high-design approach and market-driven strategy, it is our mission to showcase each home’s unique features. This mission allows for our sellerstogettopdollarfortheirhomesandsetstheirhome’slistingapartfromtheothers LivianDesignandStageistheexpert increatingspaceswherebuyerswanttolive,ultimatelygivingourseller’sacompetitiveedgeinsellingtheirhome.

Livian Design and Stage Love the way you live....

OUR PHILOSOPHY: Our design expertise and aesthetic set us apart from other stagers and therefore, your home will stand out amongst others on the market Our staging creates a sense of “home” that offers broad appeal. In addition to following our recommendations, homes staged by Livian Design and Stage feel open, functional, and of course, curated, to honor your home’s unique personality This sets the stage for buyers to envision themselves celebrating their own milestones in the home. Pleasereachouttoscheduleawalk-throughtodaytoreceiveyourroomby-roomRoadmaptoSuccessonhowtoprepareyourhome.

Ourstagingservices, combinedwith our beautifuldesign stategies,havehelped ourclientsreceive1020%overtheirasking price!
Let the data speak for itself!

LivianDesignandStageandtheteamwereajoytoworkwith and brought in the accessories needed to make our house shine The team worked quickly and respectfully around our family's schedule and presence in the house due to virtual schoolandwork.Priortotheactualdayofstaging,theLivian Staging team coached me on some simple purchases to freshen up bedding and update our vintage bathroom Throughout the marketing and showing of our home, the LivianStagingteamwasavailableandresponsivebytextand anyquestionswehadwereansweredswiftly

Livian Design and Stage and the entire crew are amazing Easytoworkwith,wentaboveandbeyondtoworkaroundus duringapandemicwiththreekidsinthehouse,ANDdelivered big results The only problem is that when you move out and they take their stuff back, you’ll be emailing them to ask where they got everything, because you want your new housetolookasgoodasyourstagedoldhouse


I was blown away by my experience working with the Livian Design and Stage team. We were hoping to get on the market quickly, and everyone on the team was super responsive and on top of everything Livian Design and Stage made a time of upheaval so much easier and less stressfulthanIcouldhaveimagined,andIrememberwalking aroundandwishingtheteamcouldstagemylife

Livian Design and Stage were so wonderful to work with Theyhaveagreatdesigneyeandmadejusttherighttweaks tostageourhomeperfectly Theydidabrieftourofourhome at our convenience and made their recommendations Livian Design and Stage gave us plenty of time and leeway to decidewhatchangeswewantedtomake,butgaveusavery good idea of which adjustments would make the biggest difference.Theycreatedanitemizedlisttoguideusandeven selected inexpensive items for us to purchase to depersonalize and update the space They also provided great referencesforapainterandhandymanwhowerewell-priced, extremely professional and a pleasure to work with as well OnthedayofstagingLivianDesignandStagecamewiththeir smallbutmightyteam,puteverythinginplaceandwasoutof our hair before we knew it. After we sold, we kept a copy of the brochure because we were so impressed with how it all cametogether!


Weweretrulywowedbythebeauty,efficiency,andespecially the results achieved by the Livian Design and Stage Team! With their guidance, our well-loved home full of people and animalswastransformedintoacalm,pristineoasis,stylishand serene. Best of all, it led to a terrific offer on our home. Thank youLivianDesignandStage!

The Livian Design and Stage team was amazing They have a great eye for little design touches that absolutely transform yourhomeinawaythatmakesitstandouttopotentialbuyers. Ievencriedabitwhenallthestagingitemswereremovedfrom my home! Plus, their suggestions won’t break the bank They workincrediblyquicklyandareapleasuretoworkwith Iwould highlyrecommendLivianDesignandStageservicestoanyone RaquelR.

We had such a great and successful experience working with the Livian Design and Stage team. The understanding of current design trends and translating them easily and seamlesslyintostagingscenarioswasahugeassetforus We had lived in our home for 24 years and although it suited our particulartastelevel,LivianDesignandStagewasabletogive excellent advice on some cosmetic updates (like paint colors andfloorrefinishingideas)whichreallytransformedourhouse

The Livian Design and Stage team arrived on staging day in great spirits with lots of fun and tasteful accents and a couple of key pieces In a few hours they were done and we were presented with our reimagined house - a trendy and pared downaestheticfeaturingawonderfuldesignsavvyvibewitha truebroadappeal Ourhousesoldin2days!


TheLivianDesignandStageteam,simplyput,hasimpeccable taste. They know how to make the biggest impact possible in the most economical way and you'll find yourself looking around your home wondering why you never designed it as theyhave Wemadesuretotakepicturesofalltheydidinour old house to inspire how we designed our new house They're able to balance elegance and comfort. The home looks fashionable and clean, but not a museum where you're afraid tositdown Theresultisanendlessfloodofpositivecomments frompotentialbuyers-youwon'tbedisappointed MorganA.

We were happy Livian Design and Stage was part of the team we used for our house sale They are current with design trends and a pleasure to work with. Livian Design and Stage offered suggestions for tradespeople to help with the work required prior to staging All the people that were recommendedwereprofessional,courteousandtimely ClaireW.

We were very pleased from the beginning with Livian Design and Stage and the staging of our home! Everyone was most professionalandhandledourproblemseasilyandspeedily.We kept to a schedule and worked together which made us very happy Wethankyouallagainforhelpingusachievethesaleof ourhome



Recent National Association of Stagers research indicates that 82% of buyers find it easiertovisualizethemselvesbuildingahome in a staged property versus a property that has not been staged. Additionally, according to The Real Estate Staging Association, by investing in staging, 75% of sellers saw a returnbetween5%and15%.

We trust that you will NOT want to leave that money“onthetable”andasateamofexperts in this field, we want to help make sure your home is presented at its best With over 100 successful stagings completed, we provide current and relevant design advice, provide a curatedstagingstrategyanddesign Allofthis solidifies that your home is staged in a way that makes buyers visualize themselves creatingmemoriesinyourhome


before & after


Livian Design and Stage offers exceptional staging expertise that helps seller’s get top dollar for their homes Theseservicesincludethefollowing:

Initialstagingconsultationandwalk-through Estimateprovidedforthepreparationplan& stagingcosts(Includedwithyourlistingifaclient ofaLivianRealEstateteam)

Comprehensiveandclear,room-by-roomprep recommendationsinclude,butarenotlimitedto:









Finalwalk-throughpriortostagingdaytohelp withanylastminutequestionsorconcerns





Staging Services:

Ourstagingservicesarecustomizedtoyourhome anditsspecificneeds,vacantoroccupied.Please reachouttoscheduleawalk-throughtodayto receive aroom-by-roompreparationroadmapfor yourhome!

before & after


Professionalism,attentiontodetail,organizationandmethodicalbrainstorming onhowtobestutilizeaspaceinordertomeetyourbuyer'sneeds

4 Reasons to Stage your Home:

1.Connectwithpotentialbuyer's onanemotionallevel

2.Highlightyourhome'sselling pointsandminimizeitsflaws

3.Increasethevalueofyour homeinthebuyers'mind

4. Paintapictureofafunctional homethatbuyer'scanenvision themselvesin



CAREaboutourclients&community providethebestSERVICEinourindustry& GIVEbacklocally&globally

LivianDesignandStagehaspartneredwiththenon-profit"TheWarehouse NJ",whichprovidesfurnishingsanddecortofamiliestransitioningoutof homelessness(primarilyrefugees) Aswecurateyourhomeforthemarket, wecanfacilitatethedeliveryofanyitemsyou'dliketodonatetothisworthy cause Thankyouinadvanceforyourgenerosity!

before & after

What to do next?

Here is your "to do" LIST:

Schedule your in-person or virtual design walkthrough

Receive your custom Design Roadmap to Success! Order light fixtures, hardware, and any other linked items within your plan

Book painter for our painting recommendations

Book handyman for repairs / installation of items


Book organizer / packer if needed

Tidy and minimize closets

Start packing and purging in three phases - pack, donate, purge!

Clear off tops of surfaces (dressers, side tables, etc )

Book storage unit if needed

Book Cleaner / Window Washer

You are ready to be staged! We can't wait!

1 2. 3. 4 5. 6. 7 8. 9. 10 11. 12.

before & after

Warehouselocatedat50SCenter,Orange,NJ07050 ServingNorthernNewJersey ContactusthroughLivianStagingcom

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