Vănguard was established in 2014 as an underground, transnational zine connecting and uplifting LGBTQ+ Vietnamese creatives around the world through art, literature, and activism. A decade later, Vănguard has evolved into a publishing house and creative production company dedicated to promoting LGBTQ+ and femme Vietnamese artists, and bringing Vietnamese art to the world. Vănguard is exhibited internationally and archived by the Library of Congress.


Published by
Co-Founder & Producer Thanh Nu Mai
Co-Founder & Designer Khanh Aiden Nguyễn
Co-Founder Đăng Bùi
Amy, Anng, Bau, Dan Ni, Đăng Bùi, Đình, Ha Dao, huệ-tây, Ian Quee, Jacquell, Jenny Dương, Kenny, Long Long Long, mads, Trần Nguyễn Trung Tín, Peterson Pham, Phuoc Pham, Richard Tran, Say, Tizone Bùi, Việt Lê, Wilhelm Phạm, Xanh, xNúm the Homophile
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted in any form or mean without prior approval of the publisher.
ISBN: 979-8-89425-003-8
Vănguard: Issue 4 © 2019 Vănguard LLC, with contributions by Amy, Anng, Bau, Dan Ni, Đăng Bùi, Đình, Ha Dao, huệ-tây, Ian Quee, Jacquell, Jenny Dương, Kenny, Long Long Long, mads, Trần Nguyễn Trung Tín, Peterson Pham, Phuoc Pham, Richard Tran, Say, Tizone Bùi, Việt Lê, Wilhelm Phạm, Xanh, xNúm the Homophile