MAY 19, 2014
Oil majors fleece Nigeria with inflated project costs Total reviews Ofon 2 from $2.85bn to $6.63bn BY CLARA NWACHUKWU
delivered in 2011 is still faced with a number of issues.
standard cubic feet (scf) of gas per day will be sent to the domestic gas market thereby boosting the Government’s aspirations on power. “The new project will also add approximately 40,000 barrels of oil per day to Nigeria’s production.”
here is no better Ofon 2 demonstration of how The Ofon field is located in the Oil Nigerians suffer unduly on Mining Lease, OML 102, offshore account of the padding of project costs Nigeria, in 40 metres water depth and by the International Oil Companies, is a Joint Venture development of the IOCs, operating in the country than in NNPC (60%) and Total E&P (40%). Economic viability the sudden request by the Nigerian unit According to Total, “The main Ironically, the National Petroleum of French oil giant, Total for a review objectives of the Ofon Phase 2 project Investment Management Services, of its Ofon 2 project. are to monetize the gas, develop NAPIMS, the investment arm of the Total Exploration & Production additional reserves of oil and gas and NNPC, had in October 2010, declared Nigeria, TEPN, Financial Vanguard drill 24 additional production and the project of “no value to the Federal reliably gathered, is seeking additional water injection wells in 2015. Government of Nigeria.” $3.78billion to an existing $2.85billion “When completed, 106 million Financial Vanguard also gathered that originally proposed for the project. If approved, this will bring total costs for the project to $6.63billion, representing a whopping 132.6 per cent increase, a development that is giving the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation, NNPC, a majority partner in the Joint Venture, JV, grave concerns. While cost padding is not peculiar to Total, as it cuts across all the multinational operators, this particular review stands out as the price of crude per barrel is being estimated above the $77.5per barrel being proposed by the Federal Government in the 2014 national budget; thus making Ofon 2 the most expensive project in Nigeria today. Since November 2008, when the project was approved, Total has AGM: From left: Mrs Abidemi Ademola, General Counsel and Company secretary, Unireviewed the costs twice, lever; HRM Nnaemeka Achebe, Obi of Onitsha, Chairman and; Mr Yaw Nsarkoh, MD at even as the project which should have been the 89th AGM of Unilever held in Lagos on Thursday. C M Y K
NAPIMS had rejected the initial expenditure estimates for the project on the grounds that it was “too expensive” but Total had used its influence at the Presidency and the Ministry of Petroleum Resources “to get it approved at over $1billion above the original estimates.” This is also a common practice among oil majors. Lending credence to this, NAPIMS in its economic analysis of the project in a memo dated August 9, 2010, with reference number; NAP/PL/01.04 exclusively obtained by Vanguard, concluded after its review of the estimates that: “… the economics of the project based on the updated FDP (Field Development Plan) is not robust and adds no value to the Federal Government of Nigeria.” It added that “On the basis of the above, the updated FDP request should not be granted until a meeting is held between NAPIMS and TEPNG (Total) to review the project with the objective of improving its economic viability.” NAPIMS apparently based its conclusion against the backdrop of initial capital expenditure (CAPEX) estimates of $2,784MM contained in the FDP of November 2008, but which was reviewed by Total in August 2010, to bring CAPEX costs to $5,476MM. Even two years after, NAPIMS continued to express concern over escalating costs for Ofon 2, as in another memo dated January 24, 2012 with
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