YWCA Greater Baton Rouge Virtual 9-Week Training Proposal

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ywca greater baton rouge

9-Week Staff Training Experience Powered By

A Division of Vanguard Solutions Consulting

About Vanguard Solutions Consulting

Vanguard Solutions Consulting has been providing training & development, project management, strategic marketing, and event management for over 20 years. We have gained expertise by working with clients throughout various regions of the country. VSC has leveraged that experience to provide custom services to federal and local government agencies, non-profit and religious organizations, small businesses, educational institutions, corporations, and the health care industry. Vanguard operates by the "Masala Principle. We help our clients"take what they have and create what they want."

POWERed Up Virtual PD Experience for Baton Rouge YWCA Vanguard Solutions Consulting is excited to offer a custom designed POWERed Up and Ready to GROW Virtual Professional Development Experience for the YWCA Greater Baton Rouge Team. Our mission is to maximize the overall team performance through information, education and training. We must strategically work on maximizing the performance of each individual team member in order to positively impact the overall performance of the organization.

In order for a woman to positively impact the performance of the team, she must bring her best self to the table. Every woman is at a different place in her life's journey and there is room for each of us to grow and improve, no matter where we are. This custom training series will provide extensive personal development to get each team member ready to offer value to the overall team and assist the YWCA Greater Baton Rouge in reaching its mission-critical goals. We will facilitate this experience via our proprietary POWERed Up approach. Our POWERed Up Training Program will educate, energize and equip your people to accomplish your mission critical goals. Our Training Is: • • • • •


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MASALA...Our Training Philosophy

The Masala Philosophy ("Take What You Have, Create What You Want") emphasizes that one must gain a greater understanding of the individual parts of the group, team or organization to be able to direct, maneuver, or leverage them to achieve increased performance from each piece and the collective. Through the avenue of training and development, we can more effectively engage people, connect with them, and move them along a continuum that allows for more productive results. To understand the universal need that each of us has for performance improvement, you must first understand the Four Laws of the Immutable Cs which drive human behavior and ultimately affect our performances. Change, Competition, Culture and Communication are the immutable "Cs" that drive the need for a high-level of performance. Change is Continuous: The frequency and the magnitude of the change within all aspects of our lives impacts our performances. Competition is Ubiquitous and Unavoidable: The inescapable presence of competition necessitates the need for performance improvement.

Culture is Contagious: Every group, every team, every organization and even every family that has been in existence for any significant period of time has an established and distinct culture. Communication is Catalyst: Communication is the catalyst for performance improvement.

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Proposed 9-Week Training Experience VSC proposes a custom 9-week training proposal to close out the year and prepare each individual team member for optimal performance in the coming year. We will maximize and leverage the output of every staff member as you seek to: Take What We Have and Create What We Want. Each day will be comprised of three hours. We will provide two full hours of training and allow one hour for team members to work on their individual assignments while receiving virtual assistance from our trainers. Proposed Weekly Schedule: • • • •

October 12 - 16: Team Building, Communication & Organization On Course October 19 - 23: SHEwellness, Thriving In Times of Crisis October 26 - 30: Optimal Wellness, The Seven Dimensions of Wellness Nov 2 - Dec 14: ABC's of A SHEnergized Life

The training modules are described in detail below.

Module 1 - Part 1: Team Building & Effective Communication Communication has been identified as the most important competency for success in the 21st Century Global Marketplace. Effective communication within an organization or work environment is very important. We must invest the time and energy in creating a system of communicating with the people that we interact with on a professional basis. What's Your FLAVA? provides you with the tools you need to improve communication within The YWCA Greater Baton Rouge. This transformational team building component will kick off the entire 9-week training experience and will lay an effective communication foundation that will connect with the other three modules that follow. We will spend the first few days of the week on this critical component.

During this Training Module, your team members will: 1. Identify and gain insights into their FLAVA (Each participant will receive digital assessment prior to training.) 2. Participate in interactive team building activities that showcase the FLAVAs at work 3. Enhance effective communication and leadership skills through understanding the FLAVAs 4. Gain an understanding of leveraging FLAVA in relationships

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Module 1 - Part 2: Organization On Course? We will spend the last 2 days of the first week, guiding the team members through reviewing and understanding the very foundation of the YWCA Greater Baton Rouge: Mission, Vision and Values. We will help them understand how being guided by these essential elements leads to overall organizational success. During this Training Module, the following topics will be discussed: • • • •

Transforming Your Environment...Communication is Key Tools for Navigating the Journey... Mission, Vision, Value Being Guided By The Organizational Brand Understanding the Future of the Organization

Module 2, Part 1: SHEwellness, Thriving In Times of Crisis Women who are "Optimally Well" feel good about themselves, their relationships, and their purpose in life. SHEfit women are empowered to take their lives to higher levels of excellence. This training will lead the women of your team to SHEfitness, which will ultimately impact the overall success of The YWCA Greater Baton Rouge. This training is designed to introduce the concept of wellness. We will seek to help the women on your team put the puzzle pieces together that leads to the optimal quality of life for each Woman. We want the women to be SHEfit in every aspect of their Lives!

Extensive research suggests that individual women should do the following in order to experience SHEwellness: * Valuing Self: This includes having healthy emotional, cognitive, and physical habits; and engaging in meaningful and rewarding activities. * Finding Balance and Purpose: This includes having a sense of balance, meaning, and purpose in life; having meaningful beliefs and practices; and being able to adapt to change and cope successfully with adversity. Team members will learn how to thrive in a time of crisis. * Connecting with Others: This includes having compassion for others; identifying with a community; and having meaningful, rewarding, and supportive relationships. During this 5-Day module they will have the opportunity to Reflect, Renew and Get Ready for the journey that lies ahead. This professional development opportunity will equip the women on your team with the tools necessary to self-reflect, re-energize and grow in order to be optimally well enough to lead themselves and the organization to continued growth and success.

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Module 2, Part 2: Optimal Wellness, The Seven Dimensions of Wellness During the 2nd week of the Wellness Module, your team will be guided through a personal empowerment experience that will help them to assess and make steps to improve their optimal wellness and have the tools to be effective members of the team. They will be led through self-reflective activities and discussions that highlight the seven dimensions of wellness below and unveils how they impact performance and overall quality of life. They will spend extensive time learning about the seven dimensions below and how to effectively manage their individual wellness in each area. Emotional Wellness is understanding your own feelings and expressing emotions in a constructive way. It is also the ability to manage stress and cope with life's challenges. Spiritual Wellness encompasses a high level of faith, hope, and commitment to your individual beliefs that provide a sense of meaning and purpose. It is willingness to seek meaning and purpose. Intellectual Wellness encourages creative, stimulating mental activities. Our minds need to be continually inspired and exercised just as our bodies do. Social Wellness is our ability to interact successfully within our roles. Communicating effectively and developing intimacy with others are components of social wellness. Physical Wellness encompasses a variety of healthy behaviors including adequate exercise, proper nutrition, and abstaining from harmful habits that do not promote healthy living. Environmental Wellness consists of maintaining a way of life that maximizes harmony in our world and minimizes harm to the environment. It includes social responsibility. Occupational Wellness involves preparing and making use of your gifts, skills, and talents in order to gain purpose, happiness, and enrichment in your life. Achieving optimal wellness allows leaders to maintain a positive attitude and experience satisfaction and pleasure in their self, employment, community and relationships. When your team leaves this 5-day training, they will be armed with tools, information and motivation that will allow them to Reflect, Renew and Get Ready for an amazing new year!

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Module 3 - ABC's of A SHEnergized Life The 6-week ABCs of A SHEnergized Life Personal Empowerment Module is designed to help guide women through the process of self-discovery and personal development. This module will help each woman understand she is part of this team and is not alone. Your team members will realize that the team's success is tied to their individual success.

Each Weekly Experience Will Contain The 4 Elements: • • • •

Women will be led in a guided personal development activity related to assigned weekly letters. Women will engage in open dialog and discussion about the assigned letters for the week. Women will spend personal time completing journal pages, then come back together for SHEnerTears and SHEnerCheers. A call to action will be given each week to help women actualize the lifestyle behind the letter. These activities will be fun, touching, exciting, motivational, difficult, and much more.

Next Steps VSC is extraordinarily excited about providing a Virtual 9-Week Personal and Professional Development Experience for the YWCA Greater Baton Rouge. We will work closely with you to customize this training experience to meet your most pressing needs and budget. We look forward to building a mutually beneficial relationship with your organization for many years to come. After you review the proposal, we look forward to meeting with you to iron out the details in order to hit the ground running on next week. VSC is committed to this partnership and we will work towards a mutual "YES." Once we get the ball rolling, we look forward to working with you and providing additional services that we believe will benefit the YWCA Greater Baton Rouge. Take a look at our services and some of our clients. Click here for the VSC Profile Sheet.

Feel free to contact us at any time should you have any questions or need additional information. Kind Regards, Roxy Hall VSC, Senior Partner 904-207-1278

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Camille Wilson VSC, Senior Partner 214-235-4791

Company Profile Vanguard Solutions Consulting has been providing strategic marketing, project management, event management and training & development services for over 20 years. We have gained expertise by working with clients throughout various regions of the country. VSC has leveraged that experience to provide custom services to federal and local government agencies, non-profit and religious organizations, small businesses, educational institutions, corporations, and the health care industry. Vanguard operates by the "Masala Principle." We help our clients, "take what they have and create what they want." Core Competencies

• Marketing/Brand Services • Design & Printing Services • Email Marketing Services • Social Media Management • Website Design •Advertising Services

• Virtual and Onsite Management • Custom Website Event Page • On-line Registration • Email Marketing & Advertising • Promotional Products • Hotel Negotiations & Contracts

Strategic Marketing

Event Management

Project Management

Training & Development • Mental Health First Aid • Team Building/Communication • Leadership • Change Management • Board Development

• Strategic Planning • Execution Methodology • Manage Budgets • Consistent Messaging • Streamline Communication

Clients •DC Housing Authority •Housing Opportunities Commission Montgomery County •U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development •HBCU-Law Enforcement Executives & Administration •East Baton Rouge Parish School Systems •Delta Research and Educational Foundation •National Organization of African Americans in Housing •National Lectureship of the Churches of Christ

•Methodist Charlton Medical Center •Frisco Independent School District •Baptist Health Care Systems •Moore-Myers Children’s Fund •San Diego Texas School District •Humanitarian Hands Charities •Fellowship of Black Male Educators •Florida State College of Nursing

•CHI St. Luke’s Health •Best Southwest Partnership •Humana •Allen University •Leon County Schools •Delta State University •Florida A&M University •Blue Apron

Company Information

DUNS: 04-050-0792 Tax ID: 46-0549435 MBE, WBE

611430 541611

301 West Bay Street, Suite 1400 #14501, Jacksonville, FL 32202

www.vanguardsolutionsconsulting.com .com}

NAICS 561920 541613


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