And, I have been back in that position of depressive episodes since then, but I've learned through experience how to overcome them little by little. One thing I learned about myself is when I go through these times I will stay awake as late as possible, trying to keep myself busy because I knew if I went to sleep, I would have to experience the same emotions and force myself through them the next day. The cycle I went through junior year kind of scarred me, so I'd try my best to avoid it by not sleeping at all. That lack of sleep would eat me up in the morning and I would be too sluggish to do anything for the day, so I'd lie around and do nothing until it was late, then it was time for me to make myself busy again. So, I now know that when I stay up late trying to occupy myself with any task in sight, I know a depressive episode is coming or I'm already in one. Sometimes these times are harder, other times it's easier. But the good side of it is that each time I overcome it is another time I didn't let it get the best of me.