Male Infertility Treatment
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Less than a decade ago, male infertility treatment options were limited to insemination(s) or IVF using donor sperm. Today, significant advances in male fertility treatments have introduced innovative therapeutic options that offer men, including those with no sperm in their ejaculate due to genetic conditions, a greatly improved chance to conceive their own biological offspring. There are several treatment options for male factor infertility including non-surgical medication therapy, surgical procedures and various assisted reproductive technologies. At MFS we offer the following treatments. Infertility affects approximately 1 out of every 6 couples. An infertility diagnosis is given to a couple who are unable to conceive over the course of one year. When the problem lies with the male partner it is referred to as male infertility. Male infertility factors contribute to approximately 30% of all infertility cases, and male infertility alone accounts for approximately one-fifth of all infertility cases.
causes male infertility?
There are four main causes of infertility in males: A hypothalamic or pituitary disorder (1-2%) Gonad disorder (30-40%) Sperm transport disorder (10-20%) Unknown causes (40-50%) Much research remains to be performed on the topic of male infertility, as many cases still receive an “unknown cause” diagnosis. Male infertility usually occurs because of sperm that are abnormal, because of inadequate numbers of sperm, or problems with ejaculation. Sperm can be considered abnormal for two possible reasons: unusually short life span of the sperm and/or low mobility.
low sperm count or lack of sperm include one or more of the following: A pre-existing genetic condition Use of alcohol, tobacco or other drugs Severe mumps infection after puberty Hernia repairs Hormone disorder Exposure to poisonous chemicals Exposure to radiation Blockage caused from a previous infection Wearing restrictive or tight underwear Injury to the groin area Male infertility can also occur when there are problems with ejaculation. Ejaculation problems may include any of the following: Premature ejaculation Retrograde ejaculation, which occurs when the semen is forced back into the bladder Erection dysfunctions Complications from radiation therapy or surgery
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