VantagePoint Magazine November 15 - Godalming & Cranleigh

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Godalming & Cranleigh • November 2015

VANTAGEPOINT The local magazine produced by local people for the local community

Fabulous local colours



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YOUR LOCAL MAGAZINE Vantage Publishing Limited 2 Chestnut Suite, Guardian House, Borough Road, Godalming, Surrey GU7 2AE.

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VantagePoint is published by Vantage Publishing, a Godalming based local magazine business which was first established in 2009 when we launched our first community magazine. We now publish five community magazines which are delivered monthly by Royal Mail to 108,193 homes across the South East, which gives us the largest local circulation in the areas we cover, all with guaranteed delivery by your postman. Please visit or contact any of us below if you need any more information.

YOUR LOCAL TEAM Great news for us at team Vantage. Barbara Maddison has rejoined us to work with Marcus and Liz in sales. Barbara first joined us in 2011 and left us after over two years to take on another challenge. We kept in touch and we are delighted to have her back on board! Now that autumn is firmly here, there should be some great opportunities to see some marvellous tree colour similar to what’s featured on our front cover, which was taken by the Seven Acres Lake at RHS Wisley. There are so many places in the local area to see similar colours that we cannot name them all but we have worked with the National Trust to come up with a list of their local landscapes which are well worth discovering over the next couple of months.

Stefan Reynolds Editor & Publisher







It feels like Christmas already, given we are already publicising local pantomimes and all manner of festive events, such as school fairs, Christmas markets and the lighting of town lights. Please support them if you can. We will feature all that we get sent in our Jottings and if you know of any more, please let us know. In fact, with so many boutiques, butchers, farm shops, food producers, tree growers, vineyards and many other independent producers and retailers in our area, why not see how much you can buy locally this Christmas? From gin to sparkling wine, cheese and condiments to beef and turkey, you can purchase many things made within 20 miles of your home. Keep it local! Contact the editor:

Marcus Atkins Sales Director

Liz Godfrey Sales

Nick and Angie Crisell Jottings

Barbara Maddison Sales

November 2015

Contributors: Andy Goundry, Beth Otway, Kirstie Smillie Print: Buxton Press Cover: Metasequoia glyptostroboides by Seven Acres Lake at RHS Wisley: Clive Nichols



Rugmart 0315_Layout 1 06/02/2015 14:34 Page 1

The local magazine produced by local people for the local community




"The Place to buy Rugs"

6 Jottings Your local community noticeboard

8 Outdoors The colours of autumn

14 The Future of Motoring Andy Goundry looks at the options

20 Fashion

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Kirstie profiles Catwalk in Godalming

23 Oh Yes It Is! Christmas pantomimes in the local area

30 Business

Large/Oversize Rugs

Afghan Rugs

Persian Rugs

Tribal Rugs

Traditional Rugs


Contemporary Rugs

Designer Rugs

Modern Rugs

With Godalming & District Chamber of Commerce

40 Godalming’s Christmas Festival 46 Bees and Honey Celebrating last month’s National Honey Week

56 Gardening Beth talks to a great local garden designer

60 Recipes Windfall apples

62 Gastro Latest food and drink news

64 Walks

Underlay provided for all types of flooring

Brighten up your Home this Autumn

Autumn colour with the National Trust

66 Profile Godalming Operatic Society

68 Business Cards Small ads for trades and services

71 Competitions Win one of three great prizes

Visit us for a wide choice of Modern & Contemporary Rugs


The contents of this magazine are protected by copyright and nothing can be reprinted without prior permission of the publisher. The publisher has tried to ensure that all information is accurate but does not take any responsibility for any mistakes or omissions. We take no responsibility for advertisments printed in the magazine or loose inserts that might be delivered alongside it. © Vantage Publishing Limited.


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JOTTINGS YOUR LOCAL COMMUNITY NOTICEBOARD To spare us all, I’m not mentioning England’s World Cup result. Instead, I’ll mention the glut of apples this autumn. There are enough on the trees and in boxes outside houses to see us all through the winter months with crumbles, sauces etc and there’s no excuse now for not knocking up the delicious tarte tatin recipe featured in this month’s edition. Enjoy Guy Fawkes night if you’re venturing out and if you’re having your own bonfire night – stay safe. Ockford-Godalming Afternoon Group meets on the first Wednesday of each month at the Scout and Guide Headquarters, Seymour Road, off Eashing Lane, Godalming at 2pm. On 4th November, there will be a premeeting lunch followed by the Annual Meeting. On 2nd December, they have a talk by Lucy Allen entitled,’From Titanic to Skyfall’. It’s about the highs and lows of a stuntwoman’s life, and will be followed by a festive tea. As well as monthly meetings, outings and theatre trips are arranged throughout the year, also pub lunches, book reading evenings and regular craft sessions. The group welcomes new members. Contact the secretary on 01483 421433. The Free Apprenticeship Workshop is aimed at 16-24 year olds who are applying for, or wanting to become an apprentice. The concept arose from the large volume of CV’s and application forms that were being rejected by employers because they were inappropriate. Many of the applicants had good qualifications and skills, but their CV’s were not reflecting these, subsequently these applicants were not being considered. Applicants also had a poor knowledge of Apprenticeship Frameworks. The 3 hour workshop will cover all of these points, to help them to understand what is required of them. The workshop will focus on: Apprenticeship specific CV’s, Apprenticeship Handbook, Apprenticeship Applications, Right to work documents and Interviews. For information and


details of the next workshop, ring Richard Pepper or Denise Flaxton at Waverley Training Services on 01252 725872. Chiddingfold Village Hall Cinema is showing a couple of really excellent films in November. On Thursday 5th November they present: ‘Amy’, the story of Amy Winehouse in her own words, featuring unseen archival footage and previously unheard recordings. Whether you are a fan of her work or not, I would urge you to see this beautifully made and touching film. Doors open at 7.30pm and the film starts at 8pm. Then on Friday 20th November, there’s a double screening of ‘Inside Out’ so that the kids and adults alike can get to see it. This animation from past-masters Pixar is brilliantly original and often hilarious; we go inside the head of eleven-year-old Riley and meet her five controlling emotions: joy, sadness, fear, anger and disgust. Whether you are 5 or 105, this film has something for you. Tickets for each screening cost £5 (£3 for children under 15) on the door, or in advance at www., or from Chiddingfold Post Office. Season Tickets are also available from both locations. For further details, especially anyone interested in volunteering to join them, contact Matthew Lacey on 01428 683120, or email Elstead Afternoon WI will hold its next meeting on Thursday 5th November at 2.15pm in the super improved Elstead Village Hall. This is their AGM when a new president and committee are elected for the next 12 months. A summary of the past year’s activities is presented to the members and there will be a quiz to keep you entertained. Next year’s activities will be revealed plus renewal of membership. Why not become a new member and join in the fun? All visitors and new members will be made very welcome, and they offer a delicious tea. Contact Helen White on 01252 710039.

Jottings is your community noticeboard for local events and information, edited by Nick and Angie Crisell

To feature here, please email us at

GODALMING & CRANLEIGH DELIVERED TO 23,402 LOCAL HOMES Like us on Facebook at Vantage Point Magazine


For more articles and Jottings, visit it us online at Next Copy Date: 9th November 2015 2015 Next Copy Date: 10th August 6




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November 2015

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colours of autumn

As day and night synchronise, the equinox heralds the beginning of the autumn. The summer has come to a close and the shadows begin to lengthen. However, the show is far from over and the change of the seasons can be enjoyed to its fullest at RHS Garden Wisley. Autumn is a fantastic time of year to be outside, wherever you are, the garden is full of sights, sounds and smells. It is a time when our trees and woodland collections can really be appreciated. Many of us at home may curse our trees for raining down their spent leaves into our gutters and onto our lawns but this is an essential process for a deciduous tree in its preparation for winter as the drop in temperatures would eventually damage their leaves’ fragile photosynthetic cells. The trees are withdrawing energy from the leaves in the form of amino acids and in turn, certain pigments remain in the leaf before it falls. It’s these pigments that give us the autumn colours. Such delight can be found for us in this because as the temperature drops, the trees respond with vibrant and colourful hues from the warm spectrum to ease us into winter. At RHS Garden Wisley, the deciduous tree collection is made up of an array of native, exotic, European and American species with many cultivars of each bringing their own colourful autumnal display. On Battleston Hill, a woodland garden, the North American maples such as Acer rubrum and aptly named scarlet oak (Quercus coccinea), start to burn a bright red from midSeptember. As you walk through the warren of pathways among the under planting of hydrangeas you can’t escape the Japanese katsura trees’ (Cercidiphyllum japonicum) fallen leaf 8

odour. This burnt sugar smell is like candyfloss at the fair, which is given off as the leaves decompose and is particularly strong in the damp misty morning air. Out on the lawns of Seven Acres, a huge American sweet gum (Liquidambar styraciflua) turns a deep plum colour, not dissimilar to the Persian ironwood (Parrotia persica) which turns out in a multi coloured display of purple, yellow and tints of orange sometimes all on one leaf. Here also is the Nyssa sylvatica ‘Wisley Bonfire’ whose colours are so vibrant they are reminiscent of the firework displays we enjoy in early November. All around Wisley and in the greater landscape our important native species; oak, birch, hornbeam and beech turn a bright sunny yellow, with the beech most favourably turning again to a beautiful russet brown during leaf fall. If too much looking up in the canopies of trees strains the neck, then autumn colour can be appreciated up-close and at eye level on the Bonsai Walk. Here the miniature trees are no less striking than their larger counterparts. It’s not just the deciduous trees that should draw you into the garden. Walking through Wisley’s Pinetum, the evergreen conifers and

OUTDOORS pines give us year round interest. The rusty orange stems of the Scots pines (Pinus sylvestris) planted together in a grove stand out with the low autumn sun shining through them. Underneath, the carpet of cyclamen merrily flowering away punctuates the contrast of size in the plant kingdom. Not all conifers are evergreen, there are two particular species which drop their leaves and give an incredible splash of orange and brown; the swamp cypress (Taxodium distichum) and the dawn redwood (Metasequoia glyptostroboides). Let’s not forget during autumn that we see the most fungal fruiting bodies. Mushrooms, essentially the flower of a fungus, spring up in lawns, borders and from the wood of the trees themselves, showing us there is more beneath our feet than just soil and rock. A whole ecosystem exists, of which fungi are the main players. Many fungi spend their lifetime in symbiosis with a tree’s roots in an energy sharing co-operation. Some even lie dormant in a trees wood, springing into action when the tree finally succumbs to old age or wind and falls. They play an essential role in decomposing the falling leaves and in the trees’ health. All this to take us from a summer full of sunshine and flowers to the bright lights and frosts of Christmas. Doesn’t sound too bad to me, a garden full of colours, whatever the weather.

Some autumn events at Wisley 6th November - Free day Friday Enjoy free entrance to the garden and take a walk to see the autumn colour throughout the garden. Visit the Late Fruit and Vegetable Competition in the Glasshouse, including apple identification – bring your mystery apples! 6th - 8th November - RHS Late Fruit and Vegetable Competition See fabulous produce in more than 60 classes of fruit and vegetables, and get your mystery apples identified by our experts. To enter the competition, please email: Normal garden admission, runs from 10am – 4pm. 25th - 29th November - Craft and Design Fair Browse and buy from more than 150 of the finest craftspeople in the country for original and unusual Christmas gifts. The Craft and Design Fair is held outside the garden. See for more details and ticket prices.

Images from top:Seven Acres Lake with trees in autumn colour at RHS Garden Wisley. (RHS / Clive Nichols). Children play with leaves in autumn at RHS Garden Wisley (RHS / Adam Duckworth). Family look at a Liquidambar tree by the play area in autumn at RHS Garden Wisley (RHS / Adam Duckworth)

November 2015

2nd December at 5pm - Christmas Glow light switch-on Watch RHS Ambassador and author Mary Berry switch on the Wisley Christmas lights, and then enjoy a late-night Christmas shopping evening until 8.30pm. There will be sparkling seasonal decorations, and unrivalled RHS gifts, plants and books for sale to make Christmas shopping a pleasure. The Wisley Christmas Shop will be open until 24th December. Normal garden admission. For more details and to buy garden tickets online, visit




There’s lots of very good entertainment happening at Cranleigh Arts Centre during November. A couple of events caught my eye. On Tuesday 5th November at 7.30pm, Pantalloons Theatre Company present their own spin on Shakespeare’s most dangerous play, Macbeth. Tickets £12, students and under 16’s, £10. Also, on Wednesday 11th November at 7.15pm, Cranleigh Arts Centre in association with Philharmonia Orchestra’s Martin Music Scholarship Fund, presents Constanza Principe. She is a phenomenal pianist who started performing at the age of 7 and has performed all over the world and been broadcast on radio and TV. Tickets £16 (£15 Friends), students and under 16’s, £10. Do have a look at the website, to find out about all the other events going on. Don’t forget that there are some really good films being shown including Amy and Frozen. Tickets for all events can be booked online or by calling 01483 278000. There’s a quiz night at The Clockhouse in Chapel Lane, Milford on Friday 6th November at 7 for 7.30pm start. Tables of 8 people with a prize for the team name that is judged to be the funniest or cleverest, so get your creative hats on. But keep it clean! Tickets are £10 to include a delicious supper of chilli and rice. There is a dessert auction where teams can submit a sealed bid for the scrummiest desserts! Drinks can be bought at the licensed bar; take along your own nibbles if you like. Tickets available at The Clockhouse, call 01483 420668.


Christmas cards are now on sale, in aid of ‘The Friends of St Peter & St Paul’, an organisation which works to raise money for the upkeep of one of our town’s most iconic buildings, Godalming Parish Church. This year’s picture, a painting by local artist, Marcus Chapman, is entitled ‘On the way to Church’ and depicts a winter view of the Church and the town from St Edmund’s steps. Christmas cards are on sale in packs of 10 cards at £3.75 per pack and include the message “With Best Wishes for Christmas and the New Year”. They can be purchased on Sunday mornings after main worship, from the Parish Office during normal opening hours or by contacting Julian Hubble on 01483 424268. They may also be obtained from Pavilion in Church Street. Cards may be hand delivered locally, by arrangement, or sent by post. RHS Garden Wisley is holding a ‘Free Day Friday’ on Friday 6th November from 10am to 4.30pm. This is a chance to enjoy Wisley as they offer free garden entry to everyone on this day. See the autumn colour, feast on seasonal food in the catering outlets and get your Christmas shopping started with some unique gifts and inspiration in the Gift Shop and Plant Centre. RHS Garden Wisley, Woking, Surrey GU23 6QB. For more information, call 0845 23609000, or email wisley@rhs. More information at The Three Lions pub has their usual feast of music lined up for November. On Friday 6th November at 9pm, they

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present The Mardi Grass Bluegrass Band. On Friday 20th November at 9pm, it’s The Curst Sons. The Curst Sons play their own original compositions cut with a few distinctive arrangements of vintage songs. The inspiration is the prerock & roll world of blues, gospel, and old time given a high energy update and a shot of wry humour. Finally on Friday 27th November at 9pm, Barney Newman will be performing his own sounds of blues, roots, and folk. I know I have said it before, but it is really good to have local pubs providing us with some great live music. Try and pop in to the Three Lions, they are The Shepherd Neame Pub of the Year 2015! More information at The Royal Surrey County Hospital is running their knitting fundraising ‘Knot for Profit’ again, this time for St Luke’s Cancer Centre. There’s three ways you can get involved: 1) Donate knitted/crocheted items which will be sold to raise money; 2) Pop along to one of their pop-up stalls to buy handmade goods - Manns of Cranleigh on Bonfire Night on Saturday 7th November, Church St for Godalming Christmas Festival on Saturday 28th November and the Artisan Market at Weyhill, Haslemere Thursday on 10th December; 3) Enter the ‘Yarnathon’ - sponsored knits being held on Wednesday 18th November and Friday 11th December in Guildford. Call 01483 464146 or email for more details.

buying gifts for all your friends and family at the Christmas Fair Avoid the hustle and bustle of the High Street and enjoy browsing over 140 stalls offering a huge range of gorgeous gifts displayed in five heated marquees overlooking Petworth Park. Petworth Park Christmas Fair Sat 21 & Sun 22 Nov, 10.30am – 4pm Adult £6 (including NT Members) | Child Free Petworth House & Park, West Sussex, GU28 0QY | 01798 342207




Godalming Lawn Tennis Club has a very special offer for all VantagePoint readers. They are offering, for just £50, up to 5 months membership (single adult). This includes unlimited use of the floodlit courts, access to all regular club sessions and events and of course use of their wonderful new clubhouse! Email to sign up or for more details. Cranleigh Record and Book Fair, is being held on Saturday 7th November from 9am to 4pm at Cranleigh Village Hall, Village Way, Cranleigh GU6 8AT. Free entry. There is not much time, but f you are interested in a stall, contact Paul on 07980 384491 or paul.mckay60@hotmail. A health and fitness organisation called Tribe has organised a 10km trail run at Hampton Estate in the Surrey Hills. It will take place on Saturday 7th November at 11am. The run, through ancient woodland on forest tracks, will be followed by brunch in the beautiful Myrtles Courtyard. For more information go to ( They will be supporting local charity, The Simons Trust who are raising money to build a home for young adults with severe autism, near Cranleigh. Tickets: £25, reduced to £15 for Tribe subscribers from: Includes a free Tribe tea shirt and Tribe Pack.

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November 2015

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Theof future


Petrol or diesel, electric or hybrid? Andy Goundry takes a look at the options Selecting a new car used to mean simply deciding on budget, make and model. Today, however, we face an additional, much less clear-cut choice: whether to opt for petrol, diesel or one of the supposedly greener alternatives of electric or hybrid power.

manufacturers fuel consumption, or expect the present Government incentives of low taxation to continue, though.

Diesel cars have increased in popularity hugely over the last few years, thanks to good fuel economy and the perception of being cleaner than petrol power. However, there has been a growing realisation that exhaust emissions of most diesels are hazardous to health, with several cities around the UK, including London, proposing to ban pre-Euro 6 diesels.

Modern petrol engines are fighting back, with real-world fuel economy now an impressive 20-30% better than for engines launched only a few years ago.

In recent weeks this anti-diesel sentiment has been fuelled by the news of VW Group having apparently cheated on emissions tests for their new models, resulting in sales of diesel cars falling dramatically. If diesel power is off the menu for most of us, what is the alternative? There is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution, but to help you make the right choice when faced with an array of often over-enthusiastic advertising claims, we offer some observations drawn from experience of testing a range of cars of all sizes and prices, from superminis to luxury 4x4s.

Diesel – once the hero, now the villain of the piece

Petrol – a rising star

One way in which manufacturers have achieved this is to reduce engine capacity, with family car engines now shrunk from 1.6-2 litres down to 1.2-1.4 litres or even less. Traditionally, this would have been expected to shorten the life of the engine dramatically, but these fears have been resolved by improved technology. For example, the Nissan Qashqai is offered with a 1.2 litre turbocharged engine with which we achieved around 45mpg overall – not too far from the figures expected from a diesel. As with diesels though, don’t expect to achieve the manufacturers claimed fuel consumption – around 75% of the manufacturers combined figure is more typical.

The VW saga may turn out to be just a small part of the debate over diesel. Even more significant, although less widely publicised as yet, is that the mandatory European emissions test, with which every new model needs to comply, is so unrepresentative of real-world driving that even current diesel vehicles pump out levels of the most damaging emissions of up to ten or more times greater than when tested. This means that even the very latest Euro 6 diesels could be affected by low emission zone bans. Is there still a place for diesel cars? Probably only if your motoring involves almost constant motorway running, where the diesel engine is at its most effective in terms of both emissions and fuel consumption. Just don’t anticipate anything like the claimed


Top: Tesla Model S Above: Nissan Qashqai, available with an effective 1.2 litre petrol engine.

Full electric – horses for courses Electric cars can be very cost-effective to run, if you discount the usually fairly steep initial purchase price which is only partly offset by the present £5,000 Government subsidy. Indeed, since many public charging points are effectively free to use, your miles can often be covered at zero cost. Even if you charge your electric car exclusively from your domestic supply, this still gives cheap motoring, with electricity costing typically 3-4p

per mile for say a Nissan Leaf, against 10p upwards for the fuel to power a similar conventional car such as a 1.2 petrol Nissan Note. ‘Range anxiety’ is a well-aired comment about electric cars, and trust me – it exists. Most electric cars can travel only a limited distance before needing recharging: whilst most manufacturers claim well over 100 miles is possible on a fully charged battery, a more realistic range is probably around 80 miles. Manufacturers will improve on this range over time, but this will not happen overnight, so don’t hold your breath waiting. Nevertheless, if your daily driving covers no more than say 50 miles with lots of stop/start traffic, then a purely electric car such as a Nissan Leaf could be entirely practical. Longer journeys are an issue, though, for even if you are fortunate in having conveniently located charging stations on your route, charging is not quick, taking at least 30 minutes and possibly a lot longer. Longer journeys therefore, whilst not impossible, are certainly slow! Nissan recognise this, and purchasers of a new Leaf can borrow, currently free of charge, a conventional car from Nissan for a couple of weeks a year for added flexibility. The current exception to this is the Tesla range, with some models able to travel up to almost 300 miles between charges. Tesla claim to have developed radically different battery and charging technology to other manufacturers, making their products significantly more effective for everyday transportation. Teslas are however not cheap, with the Model S range starting at around £51,000, although this buys you a sophisticated luxury saloon on a par with, say, a Jaguar. The ability to charge a Tesla completely free – and reasonably quickly – at one of their ‘supercharger’ charging stations being rolled out around the country, must also be offset against that high purchase price. The maximum range of an electric car is massively affected by the type of driving. Motorway cruising will give little opportunity for brake energy regeneration, unlike stop/start town driving where much more regeneration is likely. Heavy use of electrical loads such as air-conditioning will also significantly reduce the available range.

From top: Nissan Leaf, one of the first full electric cars to be sold in the UK, and ideal for town motoring. Nissan have recently increased the maximum range by some 25%, a step in the right direction; Tesla Model S, a handsome executive saloon, shown here at one of the latest Tesla Supercharger points at Edinburgh Airport; The Toyota Prius, the hybrid that started it all in the UK. Now at last also available in plug-in form.

November 2015

Other than range anxiety and the need for frequent recharging, electric cars are easy to live with, being fully automatic and with nimble performance, particularly in town traffic. And let’s not forget the huge tax benefits to company car users. Is an electric car for you? Quite possibly, but only if you are happy that you can live with the limited range and frequent charging.

Hybrid – good for some people Since the introduction of the Toyota Prius into the UK some 15 years ago, the world’s motor manufacturers have been jumping


aboard the hybrid bandwagon with increasing alacrity, and a wide range of models are now available. Are hybrids worthwhile? Well, as with conventional petrol or diesel cars, the difference between manufacturers claims and real-world running costs can be substantial. The type of driving is critical. Like full electric cars, hybrids get their increased efficiency from regenerative braking. So, if you do a lot of stop-start driving, a hybrid could probably give you 20-30% better fuel consumption than a conventionally-powered car. However, if your days are spent cruising the motorways, fuel consumption will be little if any better than an equivalent conventional car. The Toyota Auris hybrid we tested returned around 50mpg: not bad for a mid-sized estate car, but far from the 71mpg claimed by Toyota. Most hybrids claim the ability to cover 20-30 miles on battery power alone, although once again these claims need to be taken with a big pinch of salt: around half that distance is probably more realistic. Once the battery charge has been exhausted by that stint of zero-emissions motoring, it can only be replenished by recharging using the car’s engine, which of course takes fuel, so whilst this recharging is taking place the fuel consumption is no better than for an equivalent petrol-powered car. So for most people, a hybrid’s fuel economy benefits are unlikely to be realised to anything like the extent of manufacturer’s claims. Indeed, a full electric car may make more sense – although of course the hybrid is free from range anxiety as it can achieve a decent range driven on the petrol or diesel engine alone, albeit not particularly economically.

Plug-in Hybrids – a win/win for almost everyone So full electric cars suffer from severely limited range for many people, whilst normal hybrids can be of minimal benefit in the real-world economy stakes. Should we all play safe and stick with a conventional petrol car? Maybe not: increasingly, manufacturers are introducing ‘plug-in’ and ‘range-extender’ hybrids, which offer the best of all worlds. As with normal hybrids, realistic electric-only range is generally limited to a true 15-20 miles, however, these electric-only miles

can then be repeated whenever there is an opportunity for an external recharge. So for many people whose daily commute is less than this, overnight charging at home would provide electric-only commuting for the whole working week, just like a full electric car. Unlike the electric car however, the plug-in hybrid is also available for longer-distance travel at the weekend free from range anxiety worries. A plug-in hybrid, then, offers the electric car’s potential for low or no cost electric-only driving, but with freedom from range anxiety. Of course, as with a normal hybrid, once the batteries have been discharged, until external recharging is available the car reverts to being powered solely by the petrol engine, so fuel economy will suffer. Some manufacturers now also offer performance plug-in models where the conventional engine and electric motor work together to deliver sparkling performance when desired, without the fuel consumption penalties of an equivalent conventional performance car. For example, Volkswagen’s Golf GTE plug-in hybrid delivers performance levels not far short of their flagship Golf GTI. An incredible 166mpg is claimed for the Golf GTE, although real-world economy is likely to be closer to 45-50mpg – still impressive and far better than the 35-40mpg of the petrol GTI. Plug-in hybrids are now also becoming available as 4x4s, notably the Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV, offering attractive green credentials at a staggering claimed 148mpg – although we recorded a more typical 45mpg. Plug-in hybrids may not be perfect, but the absence of range anxiety coupled with the benefits of being able to use free or cheap electric power for local driving means that for most of us, a plug-in hybrid could make a great deal of sense. © Andy Goundry 28th September 2015


Volkswagen’s Golf GTE plug-in hybrid – all the fun of the Golf GTI, but probably much cheaper to run. 16

Andy Goundry spent his working career in vehicle design and development, with almost twenty years in senior engineering and management roles. Since retirement he has continued a close involvement with vehicles, writing for specialist magazines and websites, as well as producing his own motoring website.



Grayshott Folk Club has two gigs coming up in November. The first is the return of brilliant Canadian FolkCountry band Fish & Bird on Saturday 7th November. They have been asked back to play at The London Folk Festival and GFC are chuffed to bits that they are coming back to Grayshott again. You can get a glimpse by going to www. Do note that this gig will be at Grayshott Social Club not at the Village Hall. In support they have talented young Grayshott couple Joe Boon and Bryony (aka ‘People’) who supported Fish & Bird last time round in January. Advance Adult Tickets: £12 or £14 on the door. Under 16s: £6/£7. Call Des O’Byrne on 01428 607096. Then on Friday 20th November at Grayshott Village Hall, they will be putting on their first ever Barn Dance. It will be a non-threatening, gentle affair for those who are not expert dancers and will give everyone a chance to lose their inhibitions and get to know each other whilst swinging their partners! If you’ve never been to a Barn Dance before, then this is your’ Chance to Dance’! Advance Adult Tickets: £12 or £14 on the door. Under 16s: £6/£7. Call Des O’Byrne on 01428 607096. Remembrance Sunday is on Sunday 8th November. As in previous years the Town Mayor of Godalming will lead a United Service of Remembrance at the War Memorial in Phillips Memorial Park at 10.50am. Parade contingents will muster in the Waverley Borough Council Car Park at 10.15am

The Ultimate ‘Green’ Transport


with march off at 10.20am. There will be a road closure in place along The Burys (from the Council offices), Bridge Street, High Street, Church Street and Borough Road (up to the War Memorial) - other roads that will be affected are Station Road, Mint Street, Cow Lane, Moss Lane, Great George Street, Queen Street and Wharf Street. The road closure will be in operation from 10.15am until 1pm. The service at the War Memorial will be followed by a service in the Godalming Parish Church. Afterwards the Town Mayor will take the salute of the Parade of currently serving representatives from all three services, ex-servicemen’s detachments, cadets and other local organisations. In Cranleigh, there is a Church Service at 9.30am. The Parade leaves St Nicolas Church at 10.40am and the Remembrance Service is at the War Memorial at 11am with hymns and wreath laying. After the service there is a march past to Cranleigh Sports and Social Club. I gather that The Ghurkha Durbar, the Nepalese Restaurant in Grayshott is putting on a special Remembrance Sunday Buffet Lunch. Mani, the proprietor served in the army for 42 years and always places a wreath at the service and the restaurant will donate a percentage of their takings to the Royal British Legion. Why not book a table; I’m told by my colleagues that the food is delicious.

Albury Organic Vineyard FINE WINES FROM THE SURREY HILLS Winter Wine Tasting 2015

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JOTTINGS - YOUR LOCAL COMMUNITY NOTICEBOARD The next meeting of Busbridge WI will take place on Tuesday 10th November at the Busbridge Village Hall at 8pm. The Speaker will be Faith Powell and her talk will be ‘Behind the scenes at a TV quiz show’. Having won six quiz shows herself, Faith will give a hilarious insight into what can go wrong behind the scenes. It promises to be very interesting. Do go along and join them, everybody is welcome to their meetings.

NEW clinic open in Peaslake We are delighted to introduce our new satellite clinic based above Peaslake Village Store. This new clinic acts as an outreach clinic providing Physiotherapy to local residents during the week. On Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays we offer our new specialist bike physiotherapy service. #RecoverFasterRideBetter

Call us on 01483 424470 Physio 1 to 1, Bridge Mews, Bridge Street, Godalming GU7 1HZ

What do Waverley Dowsers do in the winter? Well depending on members particular area of interest they will attend the regular meetings or go on field trips. Have a look at The Waverley Dowsers website www.waverleydowsers. which gives meeting dates and information on activities. The healing of animals is on Waverley Dowsers learning agenda on Tuesday 10th November, when Gaynor Davenport will give a most moving account on how she found her dowsing skills led her to helping horses. For further information, contact Michael Haxeltine on 01252 541639. Whether you’re 6 or 60, an ex-Olympian or never tried hockey before, Guildford Hockey Club would love you to join them. The club is one of the oldest in Surrey, with a great combination of players, coaches and volunteers who share a love of hockey. Catering for all abilities, they welcome new members to join their performance and social squads with coaching that is second to none. So if you’re looking to take GODALMING 40 HIGH STREET GU7 1DY 01483 418020




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Guildford Jazz welcome Art Themen, on Tuesday 10th November, to The Electric Theatre, Onslow Street, Guildford GU1 4SZ. He is a busy and sought after musician who is known for his originality and individual style. He regularly plays in large and small venues throughout the UK and worldwide, and is a regular feature at many jazz festivals. Music at 7.30pm Tickets £12 on 01483 444789. Then on Wednesday 25th November, The Andrew Cleyndert Quartet will be playing stunning new arrangements of jazz classics plus some often-neglected tunes at Jazz @ The Pavilion, Guildford Rugby Club, Guildford Road, Godalming GU7 3DH. Doors 7.30pm, music from 8pm. Tickets £12 in advance from Godalming Evening Townswomen’s Guild will be holding their main monthly meeting on Tuesday 10th November at the Baptist Church Hall, Queen Street, Godalming. The hall opens at 7.15pm allowing time for members and visitors to enjoy a warm drink and to catch up with others before the meeting starts at 7.45pm. This month’s speaker is Neil Sadler, his talk is entitled ‘California Dreaming’. There will be

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your performance to the next level, return to social hockey or try a new sport, they have the right training and team for you to enjoy. The club is based in Summers Road, Godalming GU7 3BW. For more information visit their website www.


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Catwalk returns In the second of a series profiling local independent clothing businesses, Kirstie Smillie takes a look at Catwalk in Godalming. I love a good refurbishment. Fresh and newly painted makes me feel all excited and optimistic for the current season. Fashion boutique Catwalk is celebrating its 15th year in Godalming having recently reopened in October following their refit. A bright and shiny layout, filled with contemporary brands including modern prints by Save the Queen, easy daywear layers by InWear and Sandwich and practical but stylish rain coats by Ilse Jacobsen.

cashmere maybe, or a detail I know I will love for more than one season.

Liz’s top picks for this winter follow the trends of the season but they are pieces that will last. Gorgeous cashmere by Cocoa (washable thankfully) over the knee boots by Cara Eastwood (with a back stretch panel for ultimate fit), and a fur trimmed pom-pom hat for cosy chic, priced at £39. Liz has increased her accessories including this timeless, perfectly proportioned leather bag by Owner Liz Trendle, who also owns Rino & Pelle for under £70. The Gate in Guildford, has a strong Now with four grown up children, Liz connection with Godalming’s High Liz Trendle right wearing one of her puts in the hours to run her business Street. In her early 20s after studying popular Moray cashmere ponchos, but has great back up with her ‘girls’ in £189, with staff member, Annie. beauty therapy, Liz came to the area store - they know the fit and drape of and opened The Curiosity Shoppe, each piece, so always ask for top tips only later to find her passion in fashion, opening to help you choose. Catwalk at the top of town, and then relocating to its present address, 29 High Street, proudly Successfully running a fashion business is not a opening its doors to customers aged 17-70 (and simple task and, as Liz remembers, she learnt the above). hard way, but after 15 years, with two thriving businesses under her (stylish) belt she has lots of exciting future plans ahead. “I wanted to offer something unique

to Godalming - special but not out of reach.” Godalming offers a thriving melange of fashion which needs the balance of unique boutiques like Catwalk. Most labels are sized from 8-16 and if you are in need of jeans, you will probably drop a dress size with the popular NYDJ’s. Priced from £129, they will be an investment but all wardrobes ideally need a healthy mix of quality items to work with every day pieces. If you are going to invest in one thing, make it an item you will wear on multiple occasions. I always look for an emotional attachment to a garment. The feel of the fabric, 20

Catwalk 29 High St, Godalming, Surrey GU7 1AW. Tel 01483 527634. Keep up to date FIND OUT MORE

Kirstie Smillie is a Personal Fashion Stylist. Contact her at, call 07773 234947 or follow her new blog on

FASHION How to wear... this winter

For wider legged jeans - you need to keep the top half slim fitting to show off your waist - even with a longer line cardigan over the top, keep your under-layer tucked in. Heels are best to elongate the leg, although sneakers work for casual. Decide on height and alter hem to suit. If you are sticking with your slim jeans this winter, invest in the over the knee boot. Keep the heel low and the tops oversized ponchos and man-sized cardigans, best layered over crisp white shirts for day or simply over a cami for evening, to show a little shoulder. Centre top: Cocoa Cashmere sweater, £169; centre middle: NYDJ jeans, sizes 8-16, £149; above left and middle: pom pom hat, £39, and leather bag, both by Rino&Pelle, £69.95; above right: Cara Eastwood boots, £189. All available at Catwalk, 29 High St, Godalming GU7 1AW Tel: 01483 527634. Style images, top left and top right, courtesy of November 2015


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Oh yes it is! Panto time is shortly upon us. We list what is on in the local area this Christmas

Jack and the Beanstalk

Jack and the Beanstalk on Ice

Yvonne Arnaud Theatre Millbrook, Guildford, Surrey GU1 3UX Tel: 01483 440000 4th December 2015 to 3rd January 2016 Fascinating Aida star, the brilliantly funny cabaret artist, Dillie Keane leads a fabulous cast including Kit Hesketh Harvey, Eagle Radio’s Peter Gordon and Jamie Brook in this year’s traditional magical family panto.

Guildford Spectrum Parkway, Guildford GU1 1UP Tel: 01483 443322 11th December to 13th December Spectrum will be home to a big, bad giant, a golden goose and a magical beanstalk this Christmas as the popular pantomime ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ takes to the ice. This classic fairy story adaptation combines all the ingredients for a great show, including ice.

Aladdin Camberley Theatre Knoll Road, Camberley, Surrey GU15 3SY Tel: 01276 707600 7th December 2015 to 3rd January 2016 Camberley Theatre is producing a brand new interpretation of Aladdin. Come and join us on an action packed adventure full of pantomime pandemonium! Mark Slowey returns as the wonderfully wacky Widow Twankey. Tickets on sale now.

Aladdin The Harlequin Warwick Quadrant, Redhill, Surrey, RH1 1NN Tel: 01737 276500 11th December 2015 to 3rd January 2016 It’s a jewel encrusted family pantomime set to dazzle and delight so fasten your seat belts for a magical ride of mystery, sparkling romance and dazzling adventure with this year’s lavish production of Aladdin.

Dick Whittington The Leatherhead Theatre 7 Church Street, Leatherhead, Surrey, KT22 8DN Tel: 01372 365141 16th December 2015 to 24th December 2015 London needs a hero but is young Dick Whittington the right man for the job? Follow his story as he is joined by his feline friend Tommy the cat to battle the evil King Rat.

November 2015

Cinderella Prince’s Hall Princes Way, Aldershot, GU11 1NX Tel: 01252 329155 10th December 2015 to Sunday 3rd January 2016 Accept your royal invitation for this brand new, actionpacked panto that is fun for all the family! Will Cinderella make it to the ball? Do the ugly sisters use polyfilla in their make-up routine? Does any local shoe store stock glass slippers? All will be revealed so book your tickets now.

Little Red Riding Hood Haslemere Hall Bridge Road, Haslemere, Surrey GU27 2AS Tel: 01428 642161 8th January 2016 to 16th January 2016 Whose afraid of the big bad wolf? The Haslemere Thespians, famed for their high quality traditional pantomimes, will be bringing the best gags and plenty of audience participation. Oh yes they will!

WIN PANTOMIME TICKETS We have family tickets to give away for Jack and the Beanstalk at Guildford’s Yvonne Arnaud, Cinderella at the Dorking Halls and Treasure Island at the Ben Travers Theatre, Godalming. Please visit to enter. 23

It’s behind you... Oh no it isn’t!


Sleeping Beauty

Dorking Halls Reigate Road, Dorking, Surrey RH4 1SG Tel: 01306 881717 19th December to 28th December 2015 Dorking Halls is showing the most magical pantomime of them all. The cast includes Bucks Fizz Legend Jay Aston as Fairy Godmother and CBBC’S Gabrielle Green as Cinderella.

New Victoria Theatre The Peacocks Centre, Woking GU21 6GQ Tel: 0870 060 6645 11th December 2015 to 10th January 2016 Woking are delighted to announce that Katie Price and Anita Dobson will be sharing the role of the Wicked Fairy in this year’s spectacular panto adventure, Sleeping Beauty. Featuring traditional pantomime ingredients to delight audiences of all ages with glittering costumes, sensational songs, dazzling dance routines, and bags of audience participation guaranteed to keep you awake this Christmas!

A Christmas Carol

Chichester Festival Theatre Oaklands Park, Chichester PO19 6AP Tel: 01243 781312 18th December 2015 to 2nd January 2016 Miser Ebenezer Scrooge lives for money; the cold hard currency of gold, and cares not for how it is obtained or how it has crushed his own human spirit. People are worthless; family is a nuisance, employees ungrateful and all no more so than at Christmas when the insanity of love and forgiveness is allowed to run amok. Except, this Christmas Eve is going to be different. Dickens’s tale of one man’s search for redemption is brought to life by the Chichester Festival Youth Theatre.

Treasure Island

Ben Travers Theatre, Charterhouse School Hurtmore Road, Godalming GU7 2DX Tel: 01483 425556 13th December 2015 to 20th December 2015 Ahoy there, me hearties! Godalming Theatre Group brings you a swashbuckling tale of skulduggery upon the high seas, treasure on a desert island, a Guatemalan crimson parakeet going by the name of Cap’n Haddock, Dame Ladd’s fisherman’s pies and death by chocolate! Godalming Theatre Group’s Christmas production is an absolute must for anyone addicted to either pirates or pantomimes! FRI 4 DEC - SUN 3 JAN Directed by

Bob Good



and Choreography by

Polly King & Katie Luff

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Book online at or call 07402 484 484 (see reverse for booking details)

This amateur production of “Treasure Island: The Panto” is presented by special arrangement with SAMUEL FRENCH, LTD.

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Chichester Hall Petworth Road, Witley GU8 5PL Tel: 07583 048084 27th to 30th January 2016 The kingdom is in trouble! Giant Blunderbore and his partner in crime, the evil witch, Poison Ivy, are blackmailing the royal family. All that stands between the royals and the giants dinner plate is a collection of misfits. Can this motley crew beat the Giant and the wicked Witch? What can Fairy Beansprout do to help them.And there is a bean in there somewhere!!!

Cinderella King’s Theatre, Portsmouth Albert Road, Southsea, Portsmouth PO5 2QJ Tel: 023 9282 8282 8th December to 3rd January 2016 Throw on your glad rags and dust off your glass slippers as your pumpkin awaits to whisk you away to the world of our fairytale princess, Cinderella. With lavish sets, wonderful costumes, a surprise or two and all the cheers, jeers and jokes you would expect from a classic pantomime – you will not be disappointed!

Santa Claus and the Night Before Christmas

Eddie & Polly King

with Choral Direction by


Jack and the Beanstalk

Affiliated to the National Operatic & Dramatic Association

GLIve London Road, Guildford, GU1 2AA Tel: 01483 739040 9th December to 24th December It’s Christmas Eve and whilst most children are hanging up their stockings, there are a few boys and girls in Guildford who are not. They don’t believe in Santa, and with Christmas morning fast approaching, cheeky elves Charlie and Kara must help Santa prove that he is indeed real! With magic tricks, songs and stories this interactive show is a must see. www.

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an opportunity to buy a bargain from the fund raising sales table – the theme of which is ‘Autumn’s Colours’. As well as enjoying lunching out, book club and social evenings, on Thursday 26th November they are holding a ‘Big Breakfast’ at St Mark’s Community Centre starting at 9.30am in aid of the Carers Trust. One in 10 of us is a carer. That’s nearly 7 million people. Even if you are not a carer yourself, it’s likely you know someone who is and needs the support of the Carers Trust. More details on becoming a member of the group can be obtained by ringing the Chairman on 01483 415343.


bar will be open and once the quiz is underway there will be table service.

‘Little Lights,’ is free every Wednesday from 10.30am to 11.30am for parents with children aged 1-5 years. There are interactive bible stories, songs, crafts and refreshments. It takes place at Godalming Baptist church. Just turn up on the day, contact or call 07973 927233.

Surrey Hills Society offers a wide ranging programme of exclusive talks, visits and short, focussed walks. All of these are designed to increase the understanding and awareness of the special landscape and features which characterise the Surrey Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. On Friday 13th November you will have the unique opportunity to join us for a tasting of wines from a wide range of Surrey vineyards (£15/members and £18/nonmembers). On Saturday 21st November they will be holding our seventh Annual General Meeting and Members’ Day in a local pub with fine locally sourced food. The AGM is free. Booking is essential to all our events. More information can be found on or 07530 949302.

On Friday 13th November (lucky for some!), Guildford Rugby Club will be hosting a Quiz Night for GUTS - a great local charity which helps fight bowel cancer. Tickets are £20 each, and include a lovely Curry Supper from Surrey Spice. To book teams of 8 to 10 people, please go to the website www. If you can’t get a team together but would still like to participate, get in touch with the GUTS office and they may be able to match you up with another team. The

Margaret Watson, a renowned Harpist, will entertain the Milford & District U3A for their Friday talk on Friday 13th November at 2pm at Milford Village Hall. Members and visitors are welcome, £1 to include tea and cake. Margaret has been playing since she was 14 and has entertained a variety of groups including royalty. She will share her vast knowledge of the instrument and will certainly entertain with her varied repertoire.

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Albury Vineyard, home of the award-winning Silent Pool Rosé, is releasing new sparkling wines for Christmas. The vineyard is situated just outside Guildford in the beautiful Surrey Hills, and produces the highest quality English organic wines. Visit them on open days for free tastings! Open Days take place every Friday (10am-3pm) and Saturday (10am5pm) from 13th November until 19th December. Also, on Saturday 5th December, they are holding a Christmas Wine Tasting with carols sung by the Godalming Gospel Choir, finalists at the BBC Gospel Choir of the Year, with Albury Estate sparkling wines and mince pies. It runs from 10am5pm (music from 1pm). Email to book. Albury Vineyard, Silent Pool, Shere Road, Albury GU5 9BW. You may have noticed new entry signs on two main approaches into Cranleigh. The signs are located at either end of Amlets Lane, and clearly inform visitors that Cranleigh is a Fairtrade village and is the gateway to the Surrey Hills. Cranleigh first became a Fairtrade village in 2012. Residents, businesses and shoppers have a positive influence on Fairtrade by using many of the shops, offices, schools, churches and businesses, which supply, sell or use Fairtrade goods and products. Contributions towards the cost of the sign were received from Surrey County Councillor Alan Young who generously gave £1,500 from his member budget allocation; £100 from Cranleigh Parish Council; £100 from Cranleigh’s Fairtrade committee and £50 from the Co-

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Operative. More information about Fairtrade can be found at The RSPCA Lockwood Centre for Horses and Donkeys, together with the local RSPCA Guildford and District Branch, will be holding a joint Christmas Fair on Saturday 14th November from 10am-4pm. It will be held in Milford Village Hall, Portsmouth Road, Milford GU8 5DS. Attractions include: meet and greet with a donkey, plus photo opportunities, lots of children’s activities, refreshments, books, bric-a-brac, DVDs, games, clothing, tombola and raffle, collectable items, jewellery and crafts, equine and pet accessories. There will also be Christmas items, plus lots of gift ideas. Admission is £1 adult (with free prize draw entry), 50p for under 16s. These local animal charities rely on public support, so do try and pop along and enjoy the fair, knowing that you will be helping animals in need. On Saturday 14th November, Cranleigh School will be hosting its annual Christmas Gift Fair. From 10am till 4pm, more than 50 fantastic stalls will be selling a variety of gifts perfect for Christmas. They have a superb selection of stalls for your Christmas shopping with lots of new exhibitors offering a range of products from accessories and homewares to Christmas cards and decorations, personalised stationery and presents to suit all ages. Also available in the food court will be a selection of food and drinks including mulled cider, tea, coffee and delicious homemade cakes as well as giant pigs in blankets! To be held at: Wyatt Hall, Cranleigh Prep School, Horseshoe Lane, Cranleigh, GU6 8QH Entrance £4 (children free). Please note that not all stallholders take credit or debit cards. Surrey Artists Open Studios have started up a website so that you can buy original artwork gifts from their online shop. The site is and is up and running from Monday 16th November to Monday 21st December. You can also visit their free art fair on Saturday 28th November which is being held at East Surrey College in Redhill. The Ewhurst Players present ‘The Hollow’ by Agatha Christie. 2015 marks the 125th Anniversary of the birth of Agatha Christie, so it is fitting that they have chosen one of her classic ‘whodunits’ as their next production. The play is set in 1951 at The Hollow, home to Sir Henry and Lady Angkatell and a murder is committed. Enter Inspector Colquhoun and Sergeant Penny to solve the crime! I remember watching this play as a youngster; I think my uncle was playing the Inspector, and I was totally enthralled. The production runs from Wednesday 18th to Saturday 21st November at Ewhurst Village Hall. The curtain goes up at 7.45pm and the doors open at 7pm when the bar will be open! Free parking available. Tickets are £8 and can be obtained online at or by calling 01483 272378. You can find out more about The Ewhurst

BUSINESS - Godalming & Disctrict Chamber of Commerce News Are you a homepreneur? In his spare time, Ben experimented with infusion and brewing techniques and then contacted Graham Jones and Petra Suchova at local Guildford coffee roastery, Redber Coffee, of whom he was a customer. A collaboration soon emerged with further testing and refinement at the roastery, which led to them launching the Redber Cold Brew Coffee range at this year’s Godalming Food Festival.

It’s now just over a year since home businesses were thrown into the spotlight when Enterprise Nation published its somewhat unexpected findings in The Home Business Report. It found a significant rise in UK home businesses with 2.9m ‘homepreneurs’ spending £40bn in their local economies and contributing more than £300bn annually to the national economy. Home businesses are of course nothing new and many a wellknown brand today started life in someone’s garage, shed, kitchen table and the like. What perhaps is more exciting though is the sheer volume of homepreneurs around. Some factor the past recession into this - with people thinking creatively about alternative employment routes for themselves. In fact it would seem the South East is a homepreneur hotspot, as it had the highest concentration in The Home Business Report. Tim Ostle, President of The Godalming & District Chamber of Commerce, says this echoes the Chamber’s experiences. “Through events like The Godalming Food Festival and our networking gatherings, we’ve seen an increase in local homepreneurs coming forward. There certainly seems to be a real entrepreneurial energy in the area, which is prompting both manufacturing and service-focused businesses to emerge.” Once such recent example has been Redber Cold Brew Coffee. The product range was born out of the passion of Ben Broadley - a Financial Software specialist who lives in Godalming. During business trips to the States, Ben was introduced to iced coffee but found the taste bitter and disappointing. This spurred him on to research and conduct experiments in his kitchen to perfect a cold brew coffee flavour. Cold brew coffee is very popular in the States. Its process extracts more flavour and removes the bitterness to create a new coffee experience when drinking or used in cookery.


“We had such a great response from people at the Food Festival,” said Ben. “It’s stirred us on to enter negotiations with a number of local independent shops and cafés to stock our cold brew coffee. It’s still available to buy via the Redber website and we’re also planning to attend more festivals.” Such collaborations are one of the reasons why homepreneurs are contributing so much to local economies. Ben had also turned to the Godalming Community facebook page for recommendations of a local label printer for the cold brew coffee bottles. In fact Ben recommends the importance of leveraging your network and canvassing opinions when developing your home business product or service. “People bring a variety of different perspectives. This is really valuable insight and helps you test, evaluate and evolve your business idea further.” Tim Ostle at Godalming Chamber adds, “We’ve seen a big need for start-ups and homepreneurs to collaborate and swap ideas and experiences. Sometimes working at home can be lonely and isolating and many have said they’d like a regular event where they can get together. We’ve set up a monthly lunch club to help fulfil this need. It takes place on the last Friday of the month, the next one being on Friday 27th November at the The Stag Pub in Eashing at 1pm. It costs between £10 and £15 and is open to any business”. VantagePoint Magazine is a proud member of Godalming & Disctrict Chamber of Commerce. Come and join us there!


For more information visit the Godalming Chamber site – or contact Euan Davidson at Redber Cold Brew Coffee is available at and at The Godalming Food Company.


Photo: shutterstock_208005769


Ideal Christmas Gifts

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JOTTINGS - YOUR LOCAL COMMUNITY NOTICEBOARD Players at or find them on Facebook. Chiddingfold Horticultural Society held a successful Autumn Show in September with a great talk on Pruning by Kevin Hobbs from Hilliers Nursery. The next meeting will be the AGM followed by a Christmas Demonstration given by Pat Freemantle. This will be at 8pm on Wednesday 18th November in the Village Hall in Coxcombe Lane. Visitors will be welcome.

The plight of refugee children fleeing the war in Syria has captured the hearts of pupils at Barrow Hills School in Witley and galvanised the entire school community into action by lending its official support to the ‘Bags of Hope’ initiative which was initially started by two Haslemere mothers and now has an operational team of twelve Mums. The School has collected over 200 rucksacks filled with essential items such as clothing, blankets, toiletries; books and toys for the migrant babies and children arriving in Kos and other Greek islands on a regular basis. The fundraising project was spearheaded by sisters Madeleine and Bethany Nugent (Year 8 and 6 respectively) and Jennifer Glover (Year 8), who first heard about the Bags of Hope campaign at Mass in their local parish. The girls approached their headmaster CIF_Wisley_Xmas_15_92x147_CIF_Wisley_Nov_15_92x147 Matthew 07/10/2015 15:42and Page 1 Unsworth suggested the school’s involvement and he readily agreed. Well done to everyone involved. “Always a super show, how good it is to see proper crafts made by people and not machines!” R Meadows, Lightwater

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JOTTINGS - YOUR LOCAL COMMUNITY NOTICEBOARD Guildford Wey Valley (formerly The Wey Valley) Decorative and Fine Art Society‘s next lecture, by Mrs Caroline Knight, is entitled ‘Robert Adam’s Practice in London.’ Why not join them at Shalford Village Hall on Thursday 19th November for a fascinating look at the grand houses and their interiors designed by this highly successful and fashionable 18th Century architect? Refreshments are available from 9.45am and the lecture starts at 10.45am. The Society offers a monthly programme of varied and fascinating talks by first class speakers. There are also special interest days, visits and an annual tour for members. New members and visitors are warmly welcomed. Annual membership is £42 and visitors pay £6 per talk. If you are interested, contact the membership secretary on 01932 355113 or visit their website at www.


it Computer support Desktop and Laptop Repairs PCs & Mac Sales and Advice PC Tuneup and Upgrades Virus Removal and Protection Networking Broadband Business Support

Here’s an idea for a rather nice pre-Christmas day out. Loseley House are hosting a rather special Christmas Fair from Thursday 19th to Sunday 22nd November. Special pavilions will be erected encircling the beautiful Tithe Barn adjacent to Loseley House. It is a perfect way to do some Christmas shopping and actually enjoy it! Apart from a host of stalls, The Abinger Cookery School and The Portable Pottery Co will be there. Also, The Milford Music Works will let you try out the musician in you! Refreshments will be provided by Caper & Berry, so should be delicious. Opening times are; Thursday to Saturday 9am to 5pm and Sunday, 9am to 4pm.

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The Tanners • 75 Meadrow • Godalming • Surrey • GU7 3HS • 01483 861848 •

November 2015




Entrance, adults £5 (seniors £4.50) or in advance £4 (£3.50). Call the hotline for tickets 01428 684494.

Open until 9pm

Friday nights 30 October 27 November



As the sun sets on the Surrey Hills discover a surprising new side to Watts Gallery – Artists’ Village.

2 for 1 on adult entry 16s and under go free

Milford Probus Club’s next meeting is on Friday 20th November when Malcolm Alexander, always a popular speaker, will be talking about the antiques trade. The Club has members from Waverley and beyond, and meet in Godalming on the third Friday of each month, for lunch followed by a talk on a wide variety of subjects. They are a club with monthly luncheons and various other activities for retired and semi-retired professional and businessmen over 50. Their next visit is to the traditional John Rutter Christmas concert at the Albert Hall. Prospective members are invited to attend a meeting without obligation. The secretary will be pleased to arrange for you to meet a member in advance if you wish. For more details please contact Mike Thompson on 01483 428181 or email More information at Saturday 21st November at 7.30pm in Holy Trinity Church, Bramley is the date for the next concert in the Bramley Music Series. They welcome The Meryon Trio, namely Angus Meryon – clarinet, Andrew Fuller - ‘cello and Richard Saxel – piano. They will be playing Beethoven’s Trio in B flat, Op.11, Debussy’s Premiere Rhapsodie (clarinet and piano), Debussy’s Sonata (‘cello and piano) and Brahms’ Trio in A minor op.111. Who needs to go to the Wigmore Hall when


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Milford Window Company Oct 13_Layout 1 12/03/2015 14:57

JOTTINGS - YOUR LOCAL COMMUNITY NOTICEBOARD there are such superb musicians willing to come to play on our doorstep! Tickets are available as usual at the door or in advance from Robertsons in Bramley High Street, at £10 for adults and £5 for students and under 18s, and include a free glass of wine or soft drink in the interval. Tickets may also be reserved via or 01483 892645. Proceeds will go to the charity ‘Medicins Sans Frontieres’ who are particularly stretched given the refugee crisis. Do encourage your friends and relations to go along.


The Milford Window Company

Waverley hoppa community transport has increased the capacity of its Godalming dial-a-ride service. An extra bus is now operating from 9am to 2.45pm on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, which is when demand for the service is at its highest. The door-to-door service picks up passengers from their home and takes them to a pre-booked destination such as Godalming Leisure Centre, a supermarket or the doctors’ surgery. Waverley Borough Council has provided funding to run the extended service for one year. The £20,000 contribution has come from the Council’s Personalisation, Prevention and Partnerships Fund. The aim of the fund is to support organisations that work in partnership with the council to provide services or projects that support and empower vulnerable adults on a sustainable basis. To use the hoppa service, residents need to register their details. This is free and only needs to be done once. Residents can register online at or by calling 01428 681701.


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November 2015






Godalming Flower Club holds classes in the basics of flower arranging and these are offered free to members of the Club. So if you are interested in flower arranging but don’t know how to make a start and if you like meeting people and to have the opportunity of watching expert demonstrations, go along and join them. They meet on the third Tuesday of the month at the Baptist Church in Queen Street, Godalming GU7 1BA. Arrive at 7pm for a 7.30pm start. For more information contact Linda on 07940 578425 or email Lindatompkins42@gmail. com


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A Spirit of Christmas @ The Clockhouse is on Saturday 21st November. It’s a winter fair where they will be serving mulled wine and refreshments whilst people can browse some of the many stalls to include Christmas Decorations, Gifts, Cards, Raffle, Tombola, Cakes and Sweets as well as other seasonal stalls. The event will be taking place from 12noon until 4pm; entry by donation. Cranleigh Art & Crafts Society are holding their Annual Craft Market on Saturday 21st November. With Christmas approaching it will be a good time to visit the seasonal market, which this year will run for an hour longer. The market takes place at Cranleigh Village Hall from 9.30am until 4.30pm. You should find some great bargains, whether you are looking for stocking fillers or a more substantial present. The hall is conveniently situated between the shops and the car park. If there are any local crafts people who would like to book at stall for this occasion, there might still be time. Contact the Society via Dennis May on 01483 898206. Milford Horticultural Society’s Annual General Meeting is on Tuesday 24th November at 8pm in Milford Village Hall. For more information on Milford Horticultural Society, their talks, visits and shows please visit their website or contact Beth Otway , email or telephone 01483 420989. ‘Jennie Churchill: Winston’s American Mother - Style Icon or Ambitious Seductress?’ is the title of the November lecture of The West Surrey Decorative and Fine Arts Society on Tuesday 24th November. In this lecture, Anne Sebba, historian and biographer, re-evaluates Jennie’s legacy. When her marriage to Lord Randolph Churchill ended in disaster, she threw all her energies into bringing up her son Winston. In one of her projects she became an interior designer before the term was invented. The Society meets in Shalford Village Hall on the fourth Tuesday in the month at 9.45am for coffee. Lectures start at 10.30am. New members and visitors are very welcome. Details of their programme of lectures, visits and holidays for 2015 can be found on their website or, for more information, ring 01483 811671. Local Hospice Care charity Phyllis Tuckwell has launched an exclusive range of Christmas cards, featuring scenes from local towns. Farnham, Fleet, Guildford and Haslemere are all included in this year’s range, designed to appeal to local shoppers and visitors alike. The range of cards also includes a host of traditional and contemporary designs, such as Mother and Child, the Twelve Days of Christmas, Our Angels and Reindeer Party. Priced between £3.95 and £4.25 the cards are available in packs of 10 from Phyllis Tuckwell shops throughout West Surrey and North East Hampshire, as well as from the Hospice




Horsham Road, Alfold (Nr Cranleigh), Surrey GU6 8JE

01403 753255 November 2015

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LOCAL The Clockhouse, Milford is also an opportunity to buy a cup of tea or coffee served with a biscuit and a piece of homemade cake. We also offer a wide rage of activities. Some of these include; hairdressing, chiropody, reflexology, art classes, pilates, bridge club, sewing and knitting groups and extend exercises, bingo, games and computer classes. We are open Monday to Friday 10am to 3.30pm. We also offer a mini bus service at a low cost of £2 each way.

The Clockhouse offers a warm and friendly environment for the over 50s where members can meet old and new friends and take part in our many social events and activities. It costs just £6 per annum to become a member which entitles you to use our facilities 5 days a week.

A Spirit of Christmas at The Clockhouse is on 21st November. They will be serving mulled wine and refreshments whilst people can browse some of the many stalls to include Christmas decorations, gifts, cards, raffle, tombola, cakes and sweets as well as other seasonal stalls. The event will be taking place from 12noon until 4pm, entry by donation. FIND OUT MORE

If you, a relative or friend want warmth, company and friendship with a fresh homemade meal on a regular or occasional basis Come and join us for lunch! We have our own chef please contact the Manager, Jessica on 01483 420668 or visit who prepares fresh homemade meals daily at a cost of Godalming Butcher 1214_Layout 1 11/11/2014 1 £4.50 for a main course and just 50p for dessert.15:00


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in Farnham and the charity’s online shop org.u.k. Alternatively you can order yours by calling 01252 729446. Ewhurst Horticultural Society will be holding its AGM on Tuesday 24th November at 7.30pm at the Glebe Centre. The AGM will be followed by talk with slides by Jean Griffin ‘Tales from the Potting Shed’. With refreshments and raffle. Visitors welcome. RHS Wisley, GU23 6QB is holding a Christmas Craft Fair from Wednesday 25th to Sunday 29th. It’s a chance to find that unique Christmas gift as you browse and buy from some of the finest craftspeople in the country. It is open from 10am5pm. Please note the Craft Fair is held outside the garden. Free entry for RHS Members; RHS Member’s family guest entry £6. Accompanied under 16s free. Watts Gallery hold a Walking Tour: ‘The Architecture of the Artists’ Village’ on the last Wednesday of the month. The next one is on 25th November starts at 2pm and lasts 1 hour and 30 minutes. Cost is £6. Meet in the visitor centre. Learn more about the Artists’ Village Arts & Crafts architecture by visiting the Pottery Building, a space created for Mary Watts’ Compton Pottery, the historic Gallery, the intricate and detailed Chapel and the artists’ house on the hill, Limnerslease designed by


Sir Ernest George. To book, call 01483 813593 or book online. RSPB Guildford and District Local Group will hold its annual Christmas Fair at The Village Hall, Cranleigh on Thursday 26th November from 9.30am to 12.30pm. RSPB Christmas cards and calendars will be available at the fair. In addition, homemade cakes, breads, jams and chutney, bric-a-brac, second hand books and bird food will be on sale. There will be a tombola and raffle with two splendid Christmas hampers among the prizes and, for your refreshment during the morning, there’s a cafe selling hot drinks and delicious cakes. All profits go to the RSPB, Britain’s largest nature conservation charity. Further information at or call 01483 800173. Just a reminder that interest in and booking of Christmas trees are well under way now for the Christmas Tree Festival which is taking place in Godalming Parish Church starting on Thursday 26th November and running through to Wednesday 2nd December. It is the opportunity for businesses, schools, charities and other community groups to decorate a Christmas tree, together creating a splendid display within such an historic building. At the time of writing it is still not too late to become involved in this relatively new Godalming event. For further information or to

Finest Christmas Food and Gifts now in stock November 2015


Godalming Town Council is again delighted to host this year’s magical Christmas Festival and lights switch-on in our historic and picturesque town. Start your Christmas shopping choosing from over 60 unique Christmas stalls in the High Street, Upper High Street, Church Street and Crown Court. Enjoy delicious street food and browse in our own individual shops and hostelries. Enter your hound in the best dressed Christmas dog competition taking place in Angel Court. Bring the family to meet the Christmas Ponies - Molly Dolly and her friends are returning to Godalming and are looking forward to seeing you. Top Shelf Elf will be back and his balloon modelling friends will be strolling around the town. Visit Santa in his magical Grotto and enjoy children’s activities full of fun and sparkle. At 5pm, the town’s fabulous Christmas lights will be switched on in a sparkling ceremony at the Pepperpot by the principle characters from the Yvonne Arnaud’s panto Jack and the Beanstalk together with Eagle Radio DJ Simon Rose and Father Christmas. Stay with us afterwards as Revd Canon Mervyn Roberts leads the Christmas carol singing. Eagle Radio’s Love Crew will also be in town. Come and join us for a wonderful day and we look forward to seeing you. Cllr Anne Bott, Mayor of Godalming Please visit for more up-to-date information about the day.

Santa’s Wonderland Grotto and Kiddies Corner Sponsored by St Hilary’s School

Santa’s Grotto

Visit Santa from 10am to 4pm in his winter wonderland Grotto at Moss Lane School. £4 to visit Santa and receive a stocking full of Christmas goodies.

Crafts Station at Moss Lane School will be providing kiddies’ activities all day long to include:

Face Painting

Fun Christmas crafts & games

Charity prize draw. Don’t miss your chance to win some fantastic prizes! Santa’s Sleigh will be located in Crown Court where you can ride the Dobby Horse Carousel Pony Rides - visit Molly Dolly and the Christmas Ponies in Church Street Santa’s Wonderland Grotto and Kiddies Corner activities are run by the Godalming & District Chamber of Commerce and assisted by Santa’s helpers Witley Panto, Moss Lane School, and many thanks to Dawn (Boots Opticians) and Steve (Toy Box).


There will be a packed programme of entertainment all day long at the Pepperpot and around the town, some surprises in store and performances will include: Moss Lane School Choir singing some Christmas songs A sing-a-long with Sing ‘O’ Lingo and Sabrina Bazeley The Riverboat Shuffle with their toe-tapping style to get you in the Christmas spirit GOLO - The Godalming Lottery Draw at midday The Rock Choir with their inimitable style Godalming Theatre Group performing songs from their forthcoming show Treasure Island The Godalming Band – without whom no Christmas festival would be complete The Nefarious Picaroons Live music from Music Works Witley Panto performing some rousing numbers Angel Court’s Best Dressed Christmas Dog Competition 10am to 3pm Dog owners are invited to bring their suitably Christmassy decorated dogs to Angel Court between 10am and 3pm. A photographer will take a picture of each doggy entrant and winners will be judged in Angel Court at 3pm by the Mayor and her team of judges. £1.00 per entry (proceeds to local charities). Entry forms will be available before the event and on the day from all Angel Court businesses - Café Mila, Little Angels Shoes, What Not’s and selected othe businesses in Godalming including Boots Opticians, The Toy Box, The Greenhouse and Animal Magic. FREE PARKING is provided at Godalming College by kind permissison of Godalming College (subject to availability). Godalming’s Christmas Tree Festival Come and visit Godalming’s Christmas Tree Exhibition at St Peter & St Paul’s Church with over 40 illuminated Christmas Trees decorated by local groups/businesses and organisations. See them from 26 November to 2 December from 10am-6pm. Call Janet Davies for details on how to enter a tree on 01483 416177.

Organised by Godalming Town Council Supported by Godalming & District Chamber of Commerce

Thanks to our sponsor

Charterhouse Club offers an extensive range of facilities and classes for the whole family from 3-months up. The Club is situated in a truly beautiful setting in which to work out and get fit and with no joining fee there’s no reason why Charterhouse Club shouldn’t be the Club for you. Come and take a look at our new gym offering from mid-December. For more info, contact Tel: 01483 239600.

Thanks to Surrey & Hampshire Property Agents for their support Thanks to The Star Public House for sponsoring the elves and sparkly tinsel for the stalls and also Church Street Traders for sponsoring the Church Street balloon modelling elves

The organisers reserve the right to alter any elements of the event on the day as appropriate. November 2015



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book a tree contact Peter and Janet Davies on 01483 416177 or email Leonard Cheshire Disability is pleased to be holding their Christmas Fair on Thursday 26th November in aid of their newly launched garden project. Do go along to buy seasonal gifts, books, bric-a-brac, jewellery, homemade cakes and other goodies. If you wish to take along an ‘antique’ for valuation, an expert auctioneer is available. They will open from 10am until 2pm at the residents’ Hydon Hill home in Clock Barn Lane, Godalming GU8 4BA. There’s plenty of parking available. Canine Partners, a registered charity, is specifically looking for volunteers, known as puppy parents, who can take a pup into their home from the age of eight weeks until they are 12-14 months old. They will need to have time, commitment and a sense of humour, and be able to attend a regular training class. A trainer will be on hand to support them in their key role at classes and at home in one-to-one sessions. Puppy parents teach the assistancedogs-in-training basic obedience, social skills and core tasks that are essential before they move on to advanced training, where their skills are refined specifically for a disabled person’s needs. Although previous experience with dogs is not required, a puppy parent will need to be home most of the day, have a secure dog-friendly garden, enjoy the fun

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Please contact Sarah Bradford for an appointment on 01483 411503 or *Places are limited and subject to availability – please mention Vantage Point.

The Tanners • 75 Meadrow • Godalming • Surrey • GU7 3HS • 01483 861848 •




of classes and outings and have the stamina to manage an active young puppy. Canine Partners will provide food and equipment for the puppy and cover all veterinary costs for the duration of the puppy parent relationship. If you would like to play a vital role in training an assistance dog, please call their office on 01730 716017 or email puppyoffice@ There is a screening of ‘Cinderella’ at The Clockhouse, Chapel Lane, Milford on Friday 27th November. Doors open 6.45pm and the film starts 7.30pm. Tickets are £5 and available at The Clockhouse; call 01483 420668. There’s a licensed bar. For many, a day out to a National Trust house and garden is already a Christmas must do. Over the festive season, National Trust properties will be decked out with Christmas sparkle, Father Christmas will visit special grottos, there’ll be wreath making and Christmas crafts, and atmospheric estates will be packed full of festive traditions to bring Christmas to life through the ages. Have a look at their website www. and find out what’s going on. It really is a nice day out and gets you in the Christmas spirit. The acclaimed theatre show, It’s a Wonderful Life, presently showing at Farnham Maltings, is coming to Thursley Village Hall. The home-grown show toured to over

November 2015

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JOTTINGS - YOUR LOCAL COMMUNITY NOTICEBOARD 50 village halls across England and Wales last winter and is touring again by popular demand. It’s coming to Thursley for one night only, Saturday 28th November. Doors open at 7pm and the show starts at 7.30pm. They’ll be serving pre show and interval drinks, and the local pub The Three Horseshoes will offer a special post theatre meal. Tickets: £7.50 adults, £5 under 18’s.To book tickets, phone Clea on 01252 703913 and leave your first name, surname and contact number. For the post-show meal deal, booking essential, contact Ryan on 01252 703268. The lighting of the Christmas tree is an integral part of the lead up to Christmas Day. Residents of Milford and Witley parish are warmly invited to the following events. On Saturday 28th November at 6pm the Christmas tree at Chichester Hall will be lit and All Saints Choir will be the featured choir. On Friday 4th December it’s the turn of Milford Village Hall. Starts at 7pm and features St John’s Church choir and Milford Baptist Church. Finally, on Saturday 5th December at 7pm the lights will go on at Pirrie Hall featuring King Edwards, Witley’s School Choir. Do go along to one or all of these events and get yourself well and truly into the Christmas spirit! Dr Sam Watts will be running a two-hour interactive talk about the basic principles of Ayurvedic Medicine and how they can be applied in our own lives at the Fintry Retreat House, Brook, near Godalming from 2pm-4pm on




Saturday 28th November. The event costs £7. To book or for further information email fintry.administrator@btconnect. com or telephone 01428 682621. Benjamin Britten’s Saint Nicolas – and a sleighful of favourite music for Christmas! A chance to discover the real story of Santa Claus! On Sunday 29th November, Cranleigh Choral Society joins with Cranleigh School choirs and the Merriman Concert Orchestra, under the baton of Marcus Pashley to sing Britten’s musical account of the life of one of our best-loved saints. It is a story both dramatic and amusing, ranging through the diverse life of this patron saint of children (and mariners) and encompassing a terrifying storm at sea and the miraculous return to life of ‘the pickled boys’. In the role of Saint Nicolas will be the internationally renowned tenor, Philip Sheffield. The concert, in the Speech Hall of Cranleigh School, will also include some seasonal favourites and there will be a chance for audience participation. Tickets are £15 (£12 concessions) and available from 01483 273666 or email:

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I must mention this one. Joel, from St Joseph’s Specialist school and College in Cranleigh, has won the prestigious People’s Choice award in the Create! Art for Autism competition. Competing against talented young artists from across the nation, 17-year-old Joel’s pastel drawing ‘Still Life Of Donuts’ was the chosen favourite by hundreds of online Bourne Buildings May 14_Layout 1 11/05/2015 14:51 Page 1






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November 2015

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Bees and Honey It was National Honey Week in October, which culminated in the National Honey Show which started on 29th October. To celebrate, we’re taking a look at how honey is made and how you can help these vital pollinators. A honey bee will make on average about a twelfth of a teaspoon of honey in its lifetime; plus about a million flowers will have been visited to make just one pound of honey. Honey bees are the only type of bee where the workers stay alive through winter. They cluster together in the hive to feed the queen and keep her warm, and so need a store of honey to consume through the winter, which they have collected over the summer months. A good beekeeper will always make sure that there is ample honey for the colony to feed on over winter, usually at least 40lbs left in the hive, taking only as much as can be spared for humans to eat. Bees make honey from nectar. They gather this sweet sticky substance from flowers and mix it with enzymes in their stomachs, storing it in the wax, hexagonal honeycomb. In a good year, honey bees will make far more honey than they need for themselves. Beekeepers take any spare honey from the hive collected in frames, and cut off the wax so that the honey can be extracted. Runny honey is honey just as it comes out from the comb, while set honey has been stirred so that it crystallises slightly. Honey will taste differently according to the flowers the bees have been feeding from, such as heather honey, and it can have different colours too. If the bees have been collecting honey from horse chestnut or conker trees, for example, this can produce a very dark coloured honey. Honey bees can only fly out to gather nectar when it is warm enough, and not raining or too windy. Because this has been the UK’s windiest year for two decades, beekeepers are not expecting a very good honey crop this year. The British Beekeepers Association (BBKA) conducts an annual survey of its members and last year this recorded an average crop of honey of 32lbs per hive. Stuart and Lorraine Hobbs, members of Reigate Beekeepers Association, live in Horley and have been pleasantly surprised with the honey crop this year.

lucky with the warm spell in September and the bees have been very active collecting stores for the winter. Extracting the honey is always a family affair and all hands are willingly on deck to help; our three children all like to take turns at uncapping the comb and turning the spinning handle.” For people who want to learn more about beekeeping, or to help the honey bee in other ways, the BBKA has its “Adopt a Beehive” scheme where members of the public can adopt a beehive from one of ten different regions in the UK, including the Hobbs’ bees in the South East. It costs £30 plus p+p to adopt a beehive for one year, and in exchange you receive a welcome box of bee related goodies, as well as two updates throughout the year from your beehive and beekeeper. All the profits from the scheme are ploughed into research and education programmes to help save the honey bee, so it is a very positive scheme to be involved with. For more information, visit

WIN AN ADOPT A BEEHIVE SET We have one free Adopt a Beehive set, plus this lovely gift set from Burts Bees, to give away to one lucky reader. Please visit to enter.

“It has mostly been a good year for the bees and honey here in Surrey, even though it wasn’t the best summer. We’ve been


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voters on the Create! website, chosen from a field of 24 finalists. Create! Art for Autism is a nationwide art competition open to all young people between the ages of 11-25 who are on the Autistic Spectrum. Joel’s picture now hangs in pride of place in the school. St Joseph’s are extremely proud of their budding young artist and so they should be. Very well done Joel and good luck with your artistic future. Christmas isn’t Christmas without a good old fashioned panto so I was delighted to see that Guildford’s Yvonne Arnaud Theatre is putting on one of my favourites, Jack and The Beanstalk. Leading the cast is the very talented Dillie Keane who has starred in the hugely successful Fascinating Aida. Dillie plays Fairy Fairway and playing opposite her is Kit Hesketh- Harvey who plays Dastardly Dick. They are joined on stage by Surrey and Hampshire’s favourite breakfast show host, Eagle Radio’s Peter Gordon, bedecked in a brand new array of astonishing frocks and ready to present the delightfully ditsy Dame Dolly Trott. It promises to be huge fun and the great thing is, as far as I’m concerned, is that it starts before Christmas so we can all really get into the Christmas spirit! It runs from Friday 4th December to Sunday 3rd January. Tickets for Jack and the Beanstalk are on sale now. You can book yours by calling the Yvonne Arnaud Theatre Box Office on 01483 440000 or by visiting the website at

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On Friday 4th December, students from eleven school and community dance groups in Guildford, Farnham and Cranleigh will perform Winter Move, which is an interpretation of The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. The celebration of community dance is being led by The Dance Movement, which is a resident company at the Farnham Maltings. Professional dancers have been working with students since September to devise a number of dances. The show will be an opportunity for all the students to come together and perform their individual dances as part of one production. The skills of The Dance Movement’s choreographers will help to ensure an exciting and seamless performance. Winter Move will be held at the Farnham Maltings. For more information, visit www. Cranleigh & District Lion Tamers are holding their annual Christmas Bazaar in Cranleigh Village Hall on Saturday 5th December 2015. Doors will open from 10am and close at 1.30pm. They have an assortment of gifts and home crafts available for Christmas presents so why not kick start your shopping and go along. If you have any craft making skills and would like a table, please contact Dot on 01483 273680 for more information. Spike Edney’s All Star Band is touring the UK this autumn and will be playing at G Live on Saturday 5th December. With an incredible 30 years as the musical director, keyboard player and honorary fifth member of one of the UK’s most

Lingerie & Swimwear for you: We stock Empreinte, PrimaDonna, Marie Jo, Simone PÊrèle and many other brands. Fitted for you: We provide a professional and friendly bra fitting and lingerie styling service to all our customers. 26 Church Street, Godalming, GU7 1EW 01483 427022 |

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successful bands, Queen, Spike has also toured/recorded or performed with acts including Eric Clapton, The Rolling Stones, Bon Jovi, The Manic Street Preachers, Roger Daltrey, Robert Plant, Simple Minds and Def Leppard, to name a few. He usually has some surprise guests so should be exciting. It will be a great night of rock so don’t delay; book tickets from or call 01483 369350. All Saints Church, Grayswood will be holding its Christmas Fayre on Saturday 5th December between 11.30am and 1.30pm. Stalls will include raffle, bottle tombola, cakes, gifts, brocante, bulbs and plants, bran tub, toys and games, cards, books and DVDs and much more. Soup and bacon butties will be served from 12.15pm to 1.30pm. Entrance £1 adults (includes tea/coffee and a biscuit!), children under 10 free. Go along and join the fun! For more information contact Di on 01428 654303 or Shirley on 01428 653285 Join in the fun of a festive Santa Cruise on board a beautifully decorated boat and travel along the Wey & Arun Canal and through a restored lock. Children under 12 years will receive a gift from Santa who will board the boat at the lock whilst adults enjoy mulled wine and mince pies. The boat departs from The Wharf next to the Onslow Arms on the B2133 in Loxwood (free car parking). The trips take 45 minutes and depart at 11am, 12 noon and 2pm on Sunday

November 2015


6th, Sunday 13th, Sunday 20th, Monday 21st, Tuesday 22nd and Wednesday 23rd December. Tickets cost £9 per person (under 12 months are free). Booking in advance is essential. 50 minute festive boat trips, with light refreshments on board, will run on Boxing Day and New Year’s Day at 11am, 12 noon and 2pm. Tickets cost £5 for adults and £2.50 for children. Booking in advance is advisable. Call 01403 752403 or email More information at www. Hydestile Resident Animals will be holding its Christmas Bazaar at Milford Village hall from 11am to 3pm on Sunday 6th Dec. There will be various stalls with Christmas gift, jewellery, book stall, bric-a-brac and our own Christmas cards. Refreshments will be available. The Bazaar will be opened by the team that decorates a Christmas tree to raise funds for Hydestile every year, and this year it is twenty years and the tree has grown very large! For more information please phone 01483 860313. The new Bishop of Guildford, the Rt Revd Andrew Watson, will be joined by the choir of Guildford Cathedral in a celebratory service to mark the 150th anniversary of St Mary’s, Shackleford on Sunday 6th December. The Festal Evensong will take place 150 years less a day when Bishop Sumner of Winchester consecrated the new church in 1865. Designed by the noted Gothic revival



With Beth Otway

A great local garden designer We are fortunate to have skilled and talented garden design and construction specialists with a wealth of experience, working in our local area, project managing, designing and building beautiful private gardens. NealeRichards Ltd are garden design, construction and plant specialists based in Guildford, and working in London and throughout the South East, both on residential and commercial garden and landscape commissions. Company directors David Neale and Leigh Richards have over 18 years’ experience between them, including a Gold Medal from the Royal Horticultural Society Judges at the RHS Hampton Court flower show – quite an amazing achievement. I was thrilled to meet David and find out more about his work and his company’s plans for the future. David has always had a creative talent. He studied art at Godalming College and went on to achieve an art degree at Farnham, specialising in sculpture. Having always been interested in gardens, David took over the development of his parents’ 10 acre garden. Finding he enjoyed working outside, being hands-on, David spent the following eight

years working for a professional landscape designer, where he met his now business partner, Leigh Richards. David studied garden design at Merrist Wood. His initial foray into working on show gardens was showcasing his own garden, which he both designed and built at the RHS Hampton Court Flower Show in 2010. The ‘Urban Serenity’ garden was awarded a gold medal by the RHS judges. David and Leigh then went on to team up with other garden designers, focusing on garden construction. NealeRichards returned to Hampton Court in 2011, working with KLC student Anoushka Feiler, building her silver-gilt medal winning garden ‘Excuse Me While I Kiss the Sky’. The following year NealeRichards built Anoushka’s ‘Bridge Over Troubled Water’ garden, which swept the board with a gold medal, best-in-show, and the People’s Choice award. In 2013 NealeRichards built Mathew Childs and the main show sponsor, Ecover’s Show Garden, which also achieved a gold medal and best-in-show. Since then NealeRichards Ltd has worked with many other high-profile designers, including Fiona Lawrenson, Sarah Price, Tom Harfleet, and this year Catherine Chenery & Barbara Harfleet. Away from the public spotlight of building show gardens, David enjoys the process of designing and building client gardens, from the first meeting with clients, finding out about their needs and requirements, the first design, a blank canvas, right through to the final touches of planting and landscaping. A lot of the private gardens NealeRichards Ltd work on, are designed in an older style, with plenty of York stone and dry walling, which is one of the specialty skills that they offer. Client gardens can bring their own challenges – such as a new swimming pool built in an awkward kidney shape. David paved the pool area and surrounded it with box and lavender to soften the edges. He also brought in three parasol trees each around 2.8m high and weighing around a ton - with a wide canopy growing on a bamboo frame, using trees instead of conventional sun parasols. These intuitive and inspiring ideas really set David apart as a designer. Asked about his plans for the future, David would love to secure sponsorship to design and build a Show Garden, on Main Avenue, at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show - it would be a dream come true for NealeRichards Ltd to produce an inspiring and award winning garden, with the sponsorship and backing of a local company. David Neale pictured in one of his recent gardens, shown being built below.


For advice of what to do in your garden or at your allotment this month, plus much more besides, please visit


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November 2015


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architect, Sir George Gilbert Scott, the church bears many of the influences seen in his more famous buildings, which include the Midland Grand Hotel at St Pancras station (now the Renaissance St Pancras Hotel), the Albert Memorial and the Foreign & Commonwealth Office. Making his first visit to the parish will be the newly inaugurated Bishop of Guildford, the Rt. Revd. Andrew Watson, formerly the Bishop of Aston, who will preach. With choral accompaniment from the Guildford Cathedral choir, the evening is poised to mark this historic occasion. The service takes place at 6pm on Sunday 6th December and will be followed by a drinks reception, to which all guests are invited. There is no cost to attend the service, although a collection will be taken during the service. To reserve seats send your name and the number required to Godalming Choral Society Presents Hummel: Mass in B flat, Charpentier: Te Deum and a selection of Seasonal Carols on Saturday 12th December at 7.30pm. The concert takes place in the lovely Charterhouse Hall, Godalming GU7 2DX. Joining the Society will be Orchestra Eroica and the conductor is Michael Veazey. Tickets: £15 (Students £8) are available from Record Corner, Pound Lane, Godalming. Guildford Tourist Office, 155 High Street, Guildford tel 01483 444333. Godalming Choral Society Ticket Office tel 07505 203468 or on-line. For more details go to www. It’s the start of the Panto season, oh yes it is! Godalming Theatre Group is putting on their version of an old favourite, Treasure Island. It runs from Sunday 13th to Sunday 20th December at The Ben Travers Theatre, Charterhouse School, Godalming. It sounds like it’s a proper traditional panto with exploding cannons, gaudy costumes and custard pies! Knowing GTG it will be a great fun and a lovely treat for the kids. Performances start at 7.30pm with some performances at the earlier time of 5.30pm and a couple of matinees that start at 1.30pm. Tickets are £12.50 and can be booked online at or by calling 07402 484484. Annual Have a Heart Christmas Charity Sale is on Sunday 13th December from 10am to 4pm. Helen and Peter McNiven

November 2015


warmly invite you to the sale now in its 24th year. Unique hand crafted gifts, driftwood angels,hearts and wreaths, antique French linen angels and embroidered hearts, Italian inspired food, Christmas decorations and much more! Please do join them for Wassail and shopping. The more you buy, the more they give as every penny you spend goes to support over 60 charities from large to small, national to local. It takes place at Old Farm Barn, Stovolds Hill, Cranleigh GU6 8LE. The Nativity at Wintershall is fast approaching; it runs from 16th to 20th December. Tickets are now on sale through the website or by calling 01793 418299. All children between the ages of 5 and 16 are invited to enter their Children’s Nativity competition. Just send in a drawing of a Nativity scene or a Nativity prayer and the winning prayer and drawing will be printed in the Nativity Programme. The winners will also receive a free Family Ticket to the Nativity play and will be able to invite a member of the cast to visit their school (if they wish).The closing date for this competition is 13th November. If you would like to enter, please email admin@wintershall-estate. com for an application form. Squire’s Garden Centres have spectacular Christmas Grottos at all their locations this Christmas, but there are some very special interactive adventures available at Squire’s in Badshot Lea, Milford and Shepperton. Take the whole family along for an adventure like no other, followed by a visit to see Santa! If your children have been very good then they will receive an early Christmas present! Visit for more information and see our Competition page this month for your chance to win a family ticket to the 4D Grotto Experience at Milford. Victoria Rachel Brook, who lives in East Sussex, has been shortlisted for the Women of the Future (“WOF”) Awards, the movement recognising and nurturing young female talent in the UK. The Awards, now in its 10th year and supported by headline sponsor Aviva, are open to women aged 35 or under and celebrate rising talent across business, culture, media and more. Victoria graduated with a first class degree in Fine Art from the University of Reading and now practices as a


Windfall apples One of the problems with apple trees is that they are prone to produce so many apples that you start wondering what to do with your wonderful harvest. I often pass homes with boxes of apples outside their gate and a sign imploring you to help yourself. We have previously featured a company that will take your windfall apples and turn them into cider, which strikes me an admirable solution, but if you would rather find a culinary use for them, our recipes this month should help. Our thanks to Secretts of Milford, to David Gillott from Four Gables Cookery School in Ashstead and to Bel & the Dragon of Godalming and Churt for their recipes. The Tarte Tatin is something I have, as a non-pudding lover, eaten in thier restaurants quite a few times now, so it really must be delicious! The soup is taken from BBC Good Food magazine (Nov 2014).SR

David Gillott’s Cameralised Apple Chutney Ingredients 700g cooking apples, handful of raisins, 2 red onions, 50ml white wine vinegar, 60g sugar, 1tsp cinnamon Serves 12 Method: 1. Peel and cut the cooking apples to a 1cm dice. 2. Dice the onion and place in a pan with the vinegar over a low heat until softened. 2. Add the apples once the onions are soft and add the sugar, raisins and cinnamon. 3. Cook over a low heat, stirring regularly until a chutney consistency is reached. 4. Place in jars and store in the fridge.

Curried Lentil, Parsnip and Apple Soup Ingredients 2 tbsp sunflower oil, 3 tbsp medium curry paste, 2 medium onions, roughly chopped, 500g parsnips (around 5 medium parsnips), peeled and cut into chunks, 140g dried red lentils, 2 Bramley apples (about 400g), peeled, cored and cut into chunks, 1½ litres vegetable or chicken stock, made with 1 stock cube. Serves 6-8 Method: 1. Heat the oil in a large saucepan. Fry the curry paste and onions together over a medium heat for three minutes, stirring. Add the parsnips, lentils and apple pieces. Pour over the stock and bring to a simmer. Reduce the heat slightly and cook for 30 mins, stirring occasionally, until the parsnips are very soft and the lentils mushy. 2. Remove from the heat and blitz with a stick blender until smooth. Adjust the seasoning to taste. Heat through gently, then ladle into deep bowls. 60

RECIPES Secrett’s Pork Burgers with Apple and Chilli Relish Ingredients For the burgers: 200g pork mince, inch of dry oregano, sea salt and black pepper, 1 tbps olive oil, two ciabatta rolls. For the relish: 1 apple peeled, cored and chopped, pinch smoked paprika, pinch chilli flakes, pinch ground cinnamon, 2 tbsp golden caster sugar, 1 tbsp red wine vinegar. Serves 2 Method: 1. For the relish place all the ingredients in a pan and cook over a low heat gently for approximately 10 minutes. Once the apples have softened and the relish has thickened set aside to cool. 2. To make the burgers simply combine all of the ingredients and then shape with your hands into two patties. Heat the oil in a pan and fry the patties for 3-4 minutes on each side until golden and completely cooked through. 3. To serve cut open the rolls and insert burger patties topped with a generous dollop of the apple relish. Add fried onions, lettuce and tomato if you like.

Bel & the Dragon’s Tarte Tatin Ingredients 3 apples (B&D use Pink Lady), peeled quartered and turned, 50g of butter, 100g caster sugar, 1 cinnamon stick, 1 star anise , 1 puff pastry disc. Serves 2 Method: 1. Spread the butter into the bottom of a heavy based 15cm sauce pan. Evenly spread the sugar over the butter. Place the cinnamon stick and star anise across the middle of the pan. Tightly pack the apple pieces in the pan, placing the cored end of the apple in the centre. 2. Put the pan onto a stove and at high heat let the sugar caramelize until it’s a light golden brown colour. Take off the heat and let cool slightly before placing a 4mm puff pastry disc on top, pushing it in round the apples at the edge of the pan and spiking the pastry a few times to let steam out. 3. Place in the oven and bake at 200 degrees C, for about 25 minutes, when the pasty will be a nice golden colour and crispy. The caramel in and around the apples will be a nice dark caramel colour. 4. Let it rest for a while then turn out onto a plate and serve with vanilla ice cream. November 2015



...for the lovers of local food and drink

The Little Barn Café

Barbaracca comes to Godalming

Sited in one of the oldest buildings in the village of Elstead, The Little Barn Cafe has enjoyed being a welcome addition to the village since opening in January 2015. They have a varied breakfast menu from the traditional full English to grapefruit and mint layered sponge cake. They have a specials board that changes weekly so keep up with the website. It is a relaxed space to go and meet friends and family and enjoy good freshly cooked food. They have also just started to hold monthly evening events. The next is a Spanish Tapas and Paella Night on Wednesday 18th November, will be a relaxed evening with traditional food and music. The menu will consist of paella, cooked in a giant pan (as the name derives) on the premises, as you unwind with a tempting array of tapas followed by sweet treats and no doubt much merriment. Price is £25 per head and booking is essential. Tel 01252 705023





Barbaracca, the new Italian restaurant in Wharf Street is wowing the residents of Godalming. Many were sad to see La Luna close but owner Daniele Drago felt ready for a change and has completely refurbished and redesigned the space and devised a new menu that reflects the rustic, family food that he enjoyed as a child growing up in Sicily. The starters are Sicilian-style tapas called cicchetti, the delicious main courses take advantage of locally sourced meat and there is a wonderful selection of pasta dishes most of which are offered in sharing bowls for one, two or four people, allowing guests to recreate the Italian family style of eating that has inspired Barbaracca. We popped in recently to try the lunch menu, which really is good value. We tried the arancino, or large risotto balls, which were delicious as well as a slice of the Sicilian pizza, better than any of the pizzas I had on a recent trip to Naples. Both came with skinny fries and a well seasoned salad and cost just £6.50 and £5.50 respectively. The house Sicilian rosé was a juicy, fruit-salad of loveliness at £15.95 and the service was both super friendly and super speedy. Well worth a visit! SR For more information go to or to book a table please call 01483 414155.

Bel and the Dragon news There is a new autumn menu at Bel & the Dragon which has branches in Churt and Godalming. New dishes include Hampshire partridge and they have introduced a Feast Menu, which offers parties of six people or more the opportunity to taste and share a variety of mouthwatering dishes. You can also sample one of their signature cocktails, the Bloody Caesar, with their compliments and tuck into the extensive brunch and weekend lunch menu. Enjoy this most satisfying simple pleasure at any of their country inns on Sundays between 11.30am-12.30pm, up until the end of December. For more information and to see their Christmas menus, visit

Gin Festival is a hit It was very quietly marketed but last month saw the first Guildford Gin Festival at the Cathedral and I managed to get a ticket along with Auntie Gin and we had a great time. Around 100 gins were availabe for tasting and it was quite amazing how different they were. I hope it will be repeated and if it is, we will let you know! SR

Send your food news to 62



professional water colour artist and illustrator, creating bespoke paintings for children and adults alike. Inspired by her love of children’s literature, her imaginative and magical images have secured her a well-deserved reputation as a first class illustrator and artist among collectors and the general public alike. She is currently represented by three prestigious galleries in the South East including The Wey Gallery in Godalming. Her full online portfolio and details of upcoming exhibitions can be viewed at Do have a look or pop in to the gallery, her pictures are really delightful. Good progress has been made on Cranleigh’s neighbourhood plan. A team of volunteers is now writing the first draft of the plan. Over the summer, landowners and developers were asked to nominate sites that could be used for new housing or employment and a number of sites have been put forward. An independent planning expert is now looking at the nominations to assess their potential suitability for development. There are still opportunities for people to get involved with shaping Cranleigh’s neighbourhood plan. A workshop and community questionnaire will be held towards the end of November. This will provide residents with the opportunity to see the draft plan and indicate if it is on the right track and whether there is anything else that should be included in it. The latest information about Cranleigh’s neighbourhood plan can be found at www.

Sited in one of the oldest buildings in the village of Elstead, first mentioned in the Doomsday book, the Little Barn Café has been a welcome addition to the village since it opened its doors in January 2015.

• Breakfast menu • Lunches • Sandwiches • Special board • Cakes and bakes • Teas and coffees • Monthly events

Opening Hours: Tuesday to Saturday 8.30am - 4pm Stacey’s Farm, Thursley Road, Elstead, GU8 6DG Tel: 01252 705023 November 2015


There is a folk music session every Monday at the Star in Church Street Godalming at 9pm and at the Squirrel at Hurtmore every Wednesday at 8.30pm, also every 1st and 3rd Sunday at the Royal Oak in Sydenham Road Guildford starting at 8.30pm. All musicians, singers and audience welcome. Free just turn up. For more information phone Kevin Gorton on 01483 415962. ‘You Ukes’ is a club for people and their ukuleles and was formed in 2014 by a guy named David and his wife Shirley. Actually, apparently, David gave Shirley a ukulele band for her 50th birthday, or at least the promise of one! The band now exists and is called The String Bandits and their highlight for 2015 was playing the acoustic tent at Worpfest. The club meet weekly on Tuesdays at the Unitarian Hall, opposite the Esso Garage on Meadrow, Godalming GU7 3JB. The evening starts at 5.30pm to set up and tune their ukes, at 6pm there’s a beginner’s song, at 6.30pm a jam and at 7pm an improver’s song. It is all very jolly and relaxed and you can go to all 2 hours or just half an hour. They ask for £2 donation for the Unitarian Hall. If you would like to join in or would like more information, ring Shirley on 07771 757163 or look up their Facebook page on www. Squire’s Garden Centres have chosen the charity Greenfingers to benefit from the carrier bag tax, which came into effect in England on Monday 5th October. From that date, it is law that large retailers must charge customers 5p per carrier bag. Squire’s will donate all profits from this tax to the charity Greenfingers, who create inspiring gardens and outdoor spaces for children, along with their families, who spend time in hospices around the UK. Well done Squires, a great gesture! Looking for the perfect treat for your loved ones this Christmas? Then look no further than G Live where the Saint Petersburg Classic Ballet will be performing two great Christmas classics, The Nutcracker and Swan Lake, both with exquisite music by Tchaikovsky, from Boxing Day. Saint Petersburg Classic Ballet has won plaudits across Russia,


Pure Maple Syrup Products Natural, unrefined and healthy sugar and the best present for any food lover! Come and taste Miss Maple’s delicious products at two Christmas Fairs:

Petworth (21st and 22nd Nov) Godalming (28th Nov) or shop online at 63

Autumn colour with the National Trust Autumn colour starts from mid-October – red, gold and orange colours will start to cover the breathtaking landscapes at this time of year, and can go on late into November. Autumn colour is produced as deciduous trees and shrubs move from active summer growth to winter hibernation. The green pigment is where a plant produces its energy. As autumn approaches, this green pigment is recycled into the plant, and as it breaks down it reveals other coloured pigments such as orange, yellow, red and purple, which form the vivid autumn colours. Whether you want to admire the myriad varieties of trees and plants you’ll find in picturesque local gardens and countryside, set out on an exhilarating walk followed by a seasonal treat in a café or a pub, or simply celebrate autumn with a stroll as you hunt for conkers and chestnuts, there are plenty of reasons to explore National Trust landscapes this autumn. To help you decide where to visit, we’ve come up with our top autumn colour hotspots in Surrey and West Sussex: Winkworth Arboretum, near Godalming The National Trust‘s only arboretum, near Godalming, is one of the best places in the country to see the fiery hues of autumn. Witness a magical transformation as the lush greens blaze into glorious autumn colour. Viewpoints dotted around higher points of the Arboretum offer some of the best places to experience the full beauty of the orange, gold and red and yellow leaves. The Japanese maple leaves provide a red carpet walkway and the plant life turns golden. Walk downhill to the boathouse and see the colours reflected in the lake from a picturesque wooden veranda. Open daily from 10am to 5pm.

Surrey Hills At Box Hill and Leith Hill you can see whole hillsides turning golden as the oak, beech and chestnut trees go from flame red to yellow. The Rhododendron Wood at Leith Hill is lovely in autumn. The azaleas and acers turn beautiful copper, bronze and reds. The heart shaped leaves of Cercidifolius in burnt purple and crimson are a delight and the dawn redwood in the car park turns a lovely foxy russet.

Polesden Lacey, near Dorking The views from the South Lawn at Polesden Lacey, across to Ranmore Common on the opposite hillside, are stunning in autumn, with flashes of autumn colour. The garden team this year have also planted hundreds of pumpkins in the apple orchard for the first time. Whilst the changing colour of the trees on the drive make for a special welcome. There is an exhibition of amateur photographs this autumn, taken by visitors to Polesden Lacey. Ten finalists have had their images printed as large scale photographic installations in the grounds and one winner will be crowned Polesden Lacey’s ‘Photographer of the Year’. Garden open daily from 10am to 4pm. House open daily from 11am to 3.30pm until 29th November.

Hindhead Commons and the Devil’s Punch Bowl have sweeping purple heather and golden grasses at the start of autumn and dramatic conifers remaining at the end. Countryside open daily from dawn to dusk. Free entry. Leith Hill Tower open 10am to 3pm, 9am to 5pm weekends.


Walking across the parkland to Leith Hill Place, you will pass the spectacular liquidambar tree shot through with fiery reds, purple and oranges. Flocks of fieldfares and redwings will be arriving from Scandinavia for the winter to feast on the bountiful fruits of our hedgerows and woods. Explore the bird hide on the edge of the Rhododendron Wood meadow for blackbirds, bramblings and thrushes feeding on apples.

Hatchlands Park, near Guildford This is a special place to come in autumn for peaceful walks around the estate and garden. There is a huge range of tree species because of the three soil types at Hatchlands Park. On the chalk there are beech woodlands with leaves that turn vibrant yellows and oranges. Out in the parkland around the house where the soil is sandy there is an interesting collection of ornamental trees and on the long walk there are a number of Wild service trees, which really stand out when they change colour as they go a lovely red/orange colour. Wild service trees are relatively rare in Britain and are an indicator of ancient woodland. Park walks daily from 10.30am to 4pm.

WALKS Petworth House and Park Petworth House and Park has so many veteran trees that it has its own downloadable Ancient Trees walk, dotted with sumptuous autumn colour from magnificent oaks, limes, beeches and chestnuts. “The early autumn landscape at Petworth can be quite breathtaking,” says senior gardener Martin Sadler. “The native oaks and limes have wonderful shapes as well as colours, and they’re interspersed with ‘exotics’ such as yellow swamp cyprus, flaming yellow and orange acers and vibrant red oaks; it’s an incredible sight.” The park open daily from 10am to 5.30pm. Free entry but parking charges apply. Uppark House and Garden, near Petersfield When visiting Uppark House and Garden, head straight for the south side of the house where you’ll be met with a panoramic view over thousands of tree tops on the South Downs. This is a wonderfully tranquil place, and a great spot to enjoy a cup of tea from the nearby restaurant. Uppark’s pretty woodland is transformed into a canopy of yellow and orange foliage from native trees such as beech, ash and hazel. You’ll spot plenty of quirky fungi too. Garden open daily from 10am to 5pm. House open weekends from 12 noon to 3pm. Slindon Estate, near Arundel Slindon Estate is 1,400 hectares of woodland, downland, farmland, and parkland. With countless historic landscape features and its unspoilt Sussex village, there is something for every visitor. Take in far reaching views and the famous golden beech woodland, where hedgerows are bursting with pink spindle, red hawthorn and blackberries. Countryside open daily from dawn to dusk. FIND OUT MORE

Unless otherwise stated, all properties only offer free entry to NT members. For details on charges, directions and all opening times, please visit the website at

Images from top: Polesden lacey (Eddie Hyde, NT); The boat house at Winkworth (NT Images); Rutting deer in Petworth Park (NT Images); Slindon Estate (NT Images). November 2015



Godalming Operatic Society in the main a well hidden secret from G&S fans. However, in February 2016, Godalming Operatic Society intends to right this wrong and put the words ‘The Grand Duke’ on every local musical theatre lover’s lips with their own traditionally staged version of this rare musical gem! In a plot very similar to that of ‘Thespis’, (which was Gilbert and Sullivan’s very first collaboration), ‘The Grand Duke’ features a troupe of actors plotting to take political power in the Grand Duchy of Pfennig Halpfennig, with of course, the ubiquitous complicated underlying love story. The comic action centres on the theatrical Company’s plans to depose the Grand Duke and replace him with company manager Ernest, in the expectation of places for the actors in the Ducal Court, ranked according to professional precedence. The troupe’s leading man Ludwig accidentally reveals the plan however and thus follows the rest of the action hinging on the mis-interpretation of a 100-year-old law regarding statutory duels, in this case decided by drawing playing cards. In the course of the two Act show, hapless Ludwig finds himself engaged to no less than four women before the fiasco is resolved and harmony is restored in true G&S ‘happy ending’ style.

Ask most people what shows comes to mind when they hear the words ‘Gilbert & Sullivan’ and you’ll most likely get a plethora of ‘The Mikado’, plenty of ‘Pirates of Penzance’, a smattering of ‘H.M.S Pinafore’ and perhaps the odd sentimental outlier popping up such as ‘Yeoman of the Guard’ or ‘Iolanthe’, but only very rarely will you hear ‘The Grand Duke’ mentioned – even by the most fervent of G&S aficionados.

Directed by award-winning Pat O’Connell and conducted by GOS stalwart Musical Director Robin Wells, this funny and thoroughly enjoyable show really will be a once-in-a-decade chance to ensure you’ve seen the complete G&S canon. Performed as ever with a full professional orchestra with un-amplified chorus and our hugely accomplished principal singers, not to mention lavishly costumed and fully staged, this wonderfully melodious show really shouldn’t be missed by anyone who wants to treat themselves to a splendid night out.

The 14th and incidentally the last of the G&S operettas ever written, ‘The Grand Duke - or the Statutory Duel’ (to give the show its full title) premiered in March 1896, and ran for 123 successful performances at the Savoy Theatre, home to the D’oyly Carte theatre company.

Tickets go on sale from December 2015, but save the dates and call the Box Office on 01252 703376 to pre-register early, as the rarity of this show will draw G&S fans from far and wide and tickets are expected to sell out fast once the Box Office opens.

In recent times though ‘The Grand Duke’ has increasingly, and mistakenly, been overlooked in favour of the better-known Operettas with less lengthy librettos, which are cynically considered more certain to bring Box office success: Meaning this wonderful work with its superb lilting Viennese Waltz-inspired musical numbers, complex close harmonies for the Chorus and outstanding comic principal characters such as Ludwig and diva soprano, leading lady Julia Jellico, has stayed



Patrons of Godalming Operatic Society get priority bookings and preferred seat selection, as well as invitations to a host of other GOS social and musical occasions and we’d love to welcome you as a new supporter – call the GOS Membership Secretary on 01483 505897 or email them at: or visit the website to find out more:



Scandinavia and the United States, and now audiences in Guildford have the opportunity to experience the superb artistry of this acclaimed company on its first UK tour. Performances on Boxing Day, Saturday 26th December at 7.30pm. Sunday 27th December at 2.30pm and 7.30pm. Monday 28th December at 2.30pm and 7.30pm. Tickets: £29.50, £34.50, £39. Children and Groups 8+: Save 10%. Concessions and Friends of G Live: Save £3. I think the usual booking fee of £2 applies to most purchases. Book at www. or call 01483 369350 (10am-6pm, MondaySaturday). ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’, (yes, still one of my favourites!), will be the 59th production by Witley Pantomime Company, and will run from Wednesday 27th to Saturday 30th January 2016. WPC have produced a pantomime for the past 59 years. They presently put their shows on and rehearse at Chichester Hall in Witley. They are always looking for new members to take part or help backstage and anyone will be welcome to join at whatever stage of rehearsals they are at. Rehearsals for Jack and the beanstalk are in full swing. They rehearse Mondays in October and Mondays and Wednesdays November to January. They have a strong adult company and a large strong junior company. If you would like to know more contact the chairman, Dale Barrell on 07903 640306, email or the secretary, Vanessa Butcher on 07447 088374, email In October, residents at Hydon Hill, a Leonard Cheshire Disability care home in Clock Barn Lane, tempted the taste buds of 150 guests with a scrumptious cream tea. They brewed the perfect par-tea (sorry, not my pun!) atmosphere and served whipped cream with lashings of strawberry jam on homemade scones. Hydon Hill’s neighbours and many local people flocked to the event to show their support. Many had visited Hydon Hill’s nearly new shop, but hadn’t appreciated the lovely grounds and

Jessica Pilates Offering small matwork classes in Chiddingfold, Dunsfold, Guildford, Normandy, Worplesdon, West Horsley and Bookham

First taster session FREE! For more details contact Jess Curnier on 07789 176416 or email November 2015

the extent of the accommodation. The Friends of Hydon Committee, is looking to fund raise for an accessible wheelchair friendly garden, so all the residents can enjoy the outdoors. If you are interested in finding out more about Hydon Hill or helping the residents with their fundraising please do contact Elizabeth Tovell, chair of the residents committee and Janice Cresdee on 01483 8605 or via email Good neighbour schemes help older and vulnerable people to get out and about thanks to the support of volunteers. There are over 100 schemes in Surrey but currently there’s no scheme available in Godalming. This situation is being addressed; however they need lots of volunteers. They need:- a task force to get the scheme off the ground. They would make decisions about how the scheme would operate, the types of client who would receive help and the area covered by drivers. They need:-Duty officers who receive calls from clients and then contact their rosta of drivers to find a driver. They need volunteer drivers to collect clients and take them to their destination and then drive them home again. Expenses are reimbursed and driving as a volunteer should not affect your insurance. If you would like to volunteer, do please call 01483 447121 or email vickit@ . More information at www.driveintoaction. com. Next year’s Farnham Beerex at the Maltings will be the 40th. Initially planned as a one off event in 1977 it has taken place every year since and has the proud record of the being the longest running Beer Festival to take place at the same venue each year. With over 70 ales, 40 ciders and perries, live entertainment and food on offer the plan is to make the 40th Anniversary event a festival to remember. The ticket price of £10 includes entry, a programme and a 40th Anniversary commemorative glass. Entrants must be aged 18 or over.The dates for next year are 21st to 23rd April. Tickets will be on sale for all four Beerex sessions on a first come first served basis at the Maltings Farnham from 8am10am on Sunday 28th February. Any remaining tickets will be available from 10am on Tuesday 1st March via the Maltings Box office. For more details please see: www.farnhamlions. The editor and sales director both swear by the event!


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Creator and star of Fascinating Aida, the incredibly talented and brilliantly funny cabaret artist and actress extraordinaire, Dillie Keane leads the cast as the Good Fairy in this year’s magical family pantomime Jack and the Beanstalk at Guildford’s Yvonne Arnaud Theatre. Playing alongside Dillie are Guildford favourites, the terrific cabaret performer Kit Hesketh-Harvey, Eagle Radio’s Peter Gordon and Jamie Brook.



BOX OFFICE 01483 44 00 00

Book your tickets now for some fee-fi-fo-FUN this Christmas. Call the Box Office on 01483 440000 or visit It would be a GIANT mistake to miss out! To win a family ticket (2 adults, 2 children) for Wednesday 9th December at 7pm, please answer the following question:

Q: Who is playing the Fairy Godmother? Please enter online at by 27th November 2015.

WIN A FAMILY TICKET TO THE WINTERSHALL NATIVITY The Wintershall Nativity Play will be performed from 16th-20th December 2015 both inside and outside of Holly Barn at Wintershall, Bramley near Guildford, with two performances per day. The play brings the story of Christmas to life and begins with Mary and Joseph’s difficult journey to Bethlehem, the appearance of the Angel Gabriel to the shepherds in the fields. Songs and music accompany the arrival of the Wise Men on horseback. The play is performed by 50 volunteer cast in wonderful biblical costumes, assisted by sheep, donkeys, horses and a sheepdog. To book the Nativity please call 01793 418299 or book online at Performance times are 16th-18th December 4.45pm and 7.30pm, 19th-20th December 2.30pm and 5.30pm. Performances are 90 minutes long and there is free parking. To win a family ticket (2 adults, 2 children), please answer the following question: Q: How many volunteer cast members are there? Please enter online at by 23rd November 2015.

WIN a Family Ticket to Squire’s


Watch Boris the dog star in our special effects Christmas film To enter simply visit and answer the following question: What’s the name of the dog in our 4D Christmas film? Closing date 18 November 2015 Visit for terms and conditions

Portsmouth Road, Milford, Godalming, GU8 5HL

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