Global Youth Coalition on HIV/AIDS Information and Application for Regional Focal Point 2012-2013 DEADLINE: Friday June 22nd, 2012
Contents Contents..................................................................................................................................1 ABOUT GYCA...........................................................................................................................1 Our Members.....................................................................................................................................2 Our Mandate.....................................................................................................................................2
AREAS OF FOCUS.....................................................................................................................2 Capacity building and technical assistance.........................................................................................2 Networking and sharing of best practices..........................................................................................3 Political advocacy...............................................................................................................................3
ABOUT PHI..............................................................................................................................3 THE FOCAL POINTS PROGRAM.................................................................................................3 PRINCIPAL FUNCTIONS............................................................................................................4 Outreach and Support........................................................................................................................4 Communications................................................................................................................................4 Advocacy............................................................................................................................................4 Strategic Development.......................................................................................................................5
RESPONSIBILITIES....................................................................................................................5 BENEFITS.................................................................................................................................6 CRITERIA FOR APPLICATION....................................................................................................6 IMPORTANT APPLICATION SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS.........................................................7 APPLICATION FORM................................................................................................................8 The Global Youth Coalition on HIV/AIDS (GYCA) is currently recruiting Regional Focal Points (RFP) for a two-year term from June 2012 to December 2013. Each term, the RFP undergoes a mid-term review (to take place in December 2012) to assess and confirm each RFP for the following year. Application for this run is open for the Eastern Europe and Central Asia Region. This is a call to all young people interested in taking a leadership role with GYCA by applying to be a GYCA RFP. Please look at the information and criteria listed below and fill out the application if you are interested, committed, and eligible.
GYCA is a program of the Public Health Institute (PHI). GYCA is a youth-led network of more than 6,500 young leaders and adult allies working on youth and HIV/AIDS in over 170 countries worldwide. Its North Secretariat is based in New York, and its South Secretariat is based in Accra, Ghana. GYCA recognizes the potential of young leaders as the best force to address HIV and AIDS in their own communities, and empowers them with the knowledge, skills, resources and opportunities they need to scale up their initiatives. Three main areas of focus guide GYCA’s work: networking and sharing of best practices; technical assistance and capacity building; and political advocacy.
Our Members GYCA members are young people and adult allies from over 170 countries worldwide. Anyone can join. GYCA members are engaged on a wide range of HIV and sexual and reproductive health and rights issues, from sex education to ARV treatment access to maternal health. GYCA defines young people as ages 15-30. Young people living with HIV and/or those who identify as sex workers, men who have sex with men, injecting drug users and other marginalized youth, are encouraged to join. GYCA members take action by, for example… • holding events for World AIDS Day on December 1st each year; • applying to take a free, online e-course on project management, political advocacy or resource mobilization; • applying to serve GYCA's membership as a National Focal Point, chosen by the Regional Focal Point, • …and much more!
Our Mandate GYCA seeks to improve HIV and AIDS policies and programming geared toward young people by facilitating the inclusion of skilled young leaders in decision-making that affects our lives. For example, GYCA has coordinated the inclusion of young leaders on government delegations through which they have addressed the UN General Assembly and dialogued directly with Ministers of Health and Education. GYCA has secured prominent advocacy opportunities for powerful young leaders affected and infected with HIV, such as the opening ceremony and plenary sessions at International AIDS Conferences. GYCA also connects young people to positions in their countries from which they can affect great change, such as employment with National AIDS Control Organizations, heading NGOs and designing effective prevention and outreach programs.
AREAS OF FOCUS Capacity building and technical assistance GYCA members have regular access to training opportunities, internships, jobs, volunteer positions, grants, and scholarships, allowing them to reach their highest potential as change-makers. GYCA offers free month-long e-courses in Project Management, Political Advocacy, and Grant Proposal Writing & Fundraising to help young people more effectively conduct their HIV/AIDS work on the ground. Graduates receive technical assistance from GYCA staff and local members to implement their final project plan, and are linked to local members and allies in their own countries and communities. GYCA offers international, regional, and local trainings, e-groups, and speaking and publicity opportunities at prominent international events such as the bi-annual International AIDS Conferences during which GYCA is one of the lead organizers of the Youthforce program. International public health events are crucial opportunities for training, networking, fundraising, showcasing successful work, and for advocating to high-level decision-makers to take action on HIV/AIDS interventions for and with youth. GYCA provides capacity-building workshops for youth before major events to train youth participants on advocacy, media outreach, technical aspects of the AIDS epidemic and other topics. GYCA members are frequently selected to speak on panels, plenary sessions,
and to give presentations. GYCA also offers a special e-course on preparing conference abstracts and securing scholarships before major international conferences.
Networking and sharing of best practices GYCA maps youth-focused HIV/AIDS initiatives and leaders through an online Global Directory. The Directory links young leaders together to collaborate for change. It is frequently used by governments, United Nations agencies, and NGOs to identify local partners to pool resources and to reduce the duplication of efforts. GYCA's online social networking platform, TakingITGlobal, has helped hundreds of thousands of young people to turn their ideas and ideals into collaborative action.
Political advocacy GYCA provides spaces for members to work directly with their governments and the United Nations to create and influence HIV and AIDS national and international policy and programs that affect young people. GYCA works to measure progress and hold governments accountable to international declarations and national commitments to reduce HIV infections among youth, and to ensure access to sexual and reproductive health information and services including comprehensive sex education, condoms, HIV testing, and youth-friendly health clinics. GYCA divides the world into 12 regions and recruits an RFP to represent each. These regions are:
Eastern Europe and Central Asia Middle East and North Africa West Africa Central Africa East Africa Southern Africa South Asia Asia Pacific Latin America The Caribbean North America Western Europe
GYCA is a program of the Public Health Institute (PHI), an independent, 501c(3) non-profit organization based in Oakland, CA and Washington, DC, with four decades of experience dedicated to improving the health, nutrition, well-being and quality of life for people around the world. PHI is expert in building local capacity, influencing health policies, and training health leaders and advocates at community, state, national and international levels. Known for strong leadership development, innovation and technical depth, PHI today has more than 600 employees in 26 countries. PHI, which works in partnership with local and international organizations around the world to ensure culturally-relevant, locally-driven and sustainable programs and policies, is guided by the belief that health is a fundamental human right and that just societies ensure equitable health outcomes for everyone.
GYCA is committed to working with and for key affected populations of youth, such as young people living with HIV, injecting drug users, men who have sex with men, sex workers, young women, and youth
in resource-constrained areas, and aims to create meaningful youth-adult partnerships. We work closely with 12 young community advocates serving as Regional Focal Points and approximately 50 serving as National Focal Points globally.
The principle function of the RFPs is to be pro-active in effectively engaging all GYCA members and implementing GYCA projects. The RFP should believe in GYCA’s overall goals, operate from a framework of human rights, work in an HIV/AIDS related field and be willing to facilitate GYCA’s growth and sustainability. These you can find on our website:
Outreach and Support • • • •
Undertake outreach and communication with GYCA members in the region to ensure equal focus and representation within GYCA related to regional needs, challenges, and activities; Recruit at least 5 new NFPs and manage a team of National Focal Points from the different countries in the region, supporting their projects and participation; Conduct outreach to organizations working in the region on youth and HIV/AIDS issues, make contact with such organizations to share information about GYCA, and include them in GYCA’s interactive online Global Directory; and Organize local events/trainings at least once every six months with youth in resourceconstrained areas and inform them about opportunities, events, and resources. RFPs will be assisted in this process by our strategic partners, and may be able to use the facilities of UN country offices and local NGOs. Initiate quarterly online discussions on the regional platform, including surveys regarding membership in the region.
Communications • • • • • • •
Maintain open and consistent channels of communication between focal points and GYCA staff, reporting on any and all relevant activities in the region and checking your GYCA email address consistently. Write a blog on the RFP blog site at least once each month. Facilitate the regional planning listserv by circulating announcements, news, and encouraging discussion on current topics in the region, including at least one moderated discussion on the Regional Listserv every quarter. Contribute articles to the GYCA newsletter as requested, and upon attendance at a major conference, event, activity, initiative, etc. Participate in the bimonthly and emergency RFP and staff calls, and attend all individual meetings with staff as scheduled. Write pieces for other publications and websites as appropriate. Create visibility for GYCA on all social media outlets, especially Facebook and Twitter.
Advocacy • • •
Represent GYCA and its objectives of empowering youth working in HIV/AIDS at relevant regional conferences and events; When appropriate, develop and carry out advocacy initiatives with the NFPs and members from the region and/or with Secretariat staff; and Sign on to advocacy letters on behalf of GYCA with consultation from the Secretariats.
Strategic Development • • • • •
Attend bi-monthly RFP chat sessions with the other 11 RFPs, preparing updates. Facilitate at least one RFP chats in a year. Contribute feedback on important GYCA documents and/or proposals, including GYCA’s strategic plan. Work with Secretariat staff, RFPs, NFPs, and members to implement the GYCA strategic plan. Building a cohesive regional network through existing GYCA membership, through local and regional NGOs and grassroots organizations, and through international partnerships with organizations working in the region on youth and HIV/AIDS issues.
In addition to creating local, national and regional networks, you are also responsible for including youth in resource-constrained areas in GYCA activities, especially most-affected populations of youth including sex workers, drug-users, LBGT, people living with HIV, young women, and others. This can be done through linking them to local resources and partnering with local UN and other development agencies to engage non-ICT connected youth. In collaboration with your regional team, RFPs are responsible for organizing regional advocacy actions that are part of GYCA’s current global advocacy efforts. The GYCA secretariats will provide technical support in fundraising efforts led by RFPs to subsidize your costs and will prioritize RFPs for funding opportunities.
The RFP will become part of GYCA’s decision making team and will be expected to contribute to the decision-making process. RFPs will have a voice in what activities GYCA undertakes and how; and may be called upon to represent GYCA publicly at events in the region. The RFP will sign a binding contract for a one-year term at GYCA. The core responsibilities are as follows: • • • • • • • • • •
Monitor the regional list serve using TakingITGlobal platform and maintain continuous discussion on the listserv. Recruit at least 5 National Focal Points (NFPs) and manage a team of NFPs from the different countries in the region; developing work plans with them, monitoring their progress, and supporting their work with support from staff. Conduct research on organizations working in the region on youth and HIV/AIDS issues, make contact with such organizations, and include them in GYCA’s interactive global directory of youth HIV/AIDS organizations and programmes. Organize local gatherings (meeting with in country members) at least once every six months including youth in resource-constrained areas. Assist GYCA in its ongoing efforts to reach marginalized youth at the grassroots level; Undertake outreach and communication with GYCA members in their region, to ensure equal focus and representation related to regional needs, challenges and activities. Represent GYCA and its objectives of empowering youth working in HIV/AIDS at any relevant regional conferences and events. Maintain records of regional communication and communication with both secretariats. Assist in preparations for International HIV/AIDS meetings and other meeting concerning youth and HIV/AIDS. Submit monthly activity reports on the RFP blog that notes progress on duties and responsibilities to GYCA.
• • • •
Submit brief monthly updates to the Regional Listserv (membership) on your work in the month. Submit a brief report and pictures of conferences/important meetings attended. Contribute timely feedback upon request on important documents and/or proposals. Contribute regional HIV-related news and relevant resources for the GYCA website.
Although the RFP work is primarily voluntary, the role comes with a variety of visibility and networking opportunities. RFPs have been and will often be offered opportunities to represent GYCA and their regional work at international conferences and events (for example, UNGASS Roundtable Review at the UN Secretariat in New York, and planning and participation in the International and Regional AIDS Conferences), to take part in regional and international trainings, to be involved in collaborative local and regional projects with the UN and NGOs, etc. Active RFPs may be able to access scholarships to International and Regional AIDS Conference taking place during their term. GYCA hopes to provide a small stipend to offset the costs of working as a GYCA RFP. This is pending funding, which is not currently confirmed. Additionally, • Chance to advocate at the highest levels to create and change policies and programs for youth in your region; • Chance to build the capacity of a vibrant network of young leaders infected by and affected by HIV in your region so that they can take action in their countries.
*Please do not apply if you do not meet the criteria below. Applicant Criteria: • Is already a GYCA member with a complete and detailed profile (TIG) • Candidate is a youth aged 18-26; • Has daily internet access1; • Is proficient in Microsoft Word and Internet research; Excel and PowerPoint is a plus; • Has a genuine will to volunteer and participate in the work of GYCA; • Is willing to work on a voluntary basis for an average of 10 – 15 hours per week; • Commitment for at least one year (April 2012 – Dec 2012), ideally able to commit for two; • Can work independently with minimal supervision; • Can understand and communicate effectively in English 2; • Works with youth in resource-constrained areas and/or with most affected populations; • Attention to detail, strong writing skills, patience, a responsible attitude, and strong teamwork skills; • Agrees to consult with GYCA staff before using GYCA’s logo and materials and regarding sensitive communication; 1
RFPs are required to have reliable daily Internet access, as this is the most cost effective means of communication. RFPs must be available for every online chat. 2 The majority of GYCA and the international HIV and AIDS community’s communication are in English. Applicants with fluency in Spanish, French, Arabic, Russian, Kiswahili and other languages are strongly encouraged to apply.
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Has taken, or will take within three months of starting (assuming adequate availability), one of GYCA’s three e-courses offered in Project Management, Political Advocacy, and Grant Proposal Writing and Fundraising; Works with a registered organization (or has significant experience) working on youth and HIV and AIDS; Is from a country that has a stable political situation where political advocacy is possible and safe; and Has a good communication infrastructure (reliable phones, internet, fax and postal service).
Organizational Criteria: • Organization officially permits RFP to work with GYCA; • Focus of organization is on HIV and AIDS and/or on related focus such as sexual and reproductive health, development, poverty, or human rights; • Organization is in or near a city (preferably a capital city, but not required) with an airport/ reliable transportation (essential for networking with UN, government and NGOs); • Reaches out to most affected communities’ youth.
IMPORTANT APPLICATION SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS A committee formed of GYCA staff and Advisory Council members will oversee the selection process. This committee would shortlist RFP candidates for each region, but ultimately, GYCA members will vote for the RFP for their region. Applicants will be notified by End of May if they are finalists. Voting will take place in June 2012. The new RFP will be announced in June 2012, and activities for the year will begin shortly thereafter. Please send only your completed application form (BELOW) and your Resumé/CV to: Applications sent elsewhere (to other GYCA staff emails) will not be accepted. The form should be included as an attachment, and should not be pasted in the body of the e-mail. Applications that are not spell checked or are in ALL CAPS LETTERS will also not be accepted. The deadline is Friday 22 June 2012 at 5 pm EST (New York time) *Applications received after this date will not be considered. Due to the high volume of applications and emails, only short listed candidate applicants will be contacted. We cannot respond to inquiries regarding your application. Please do not send large files or additional materials. If you have any questions concerning the application process, please e-mail This application will also be available on our homepage at Thank you! We look forward to receiving your applications! GYCA is committed to ensuring that all applicants receive fair and equal opportunity regardless of gender, sexual orientation, disability, race, religion, age, marital status, ethnic or national origin, serostatus, or any other characteristic. Youth under 24 years and those living with HIV are encouraged to apply.
APPLICATION FORM DEADLINE: Friday 22 June, 2012 5 pm EST (New York time) Please complete the application form below only if you are confident that you can manage the duties and responsibilities and meet the criteria listed above. The twelve regions of GYCA: (If you’re not sure which region you’re in, please look at the “GYCA Countries by Region” available on the Focal Points Page of the website ( **For this election year, we are only accepting applications from the LISTED Region Eastern Europe and Central Asia Name your region from the above list First Name Last Name/ Surname Email address Date of Birth Gender Street Address City + State/Province Postal code Country of Residence Nationality Phone number (specify if it is a mobile number) TakingITGlobal Profile URL3 Organization/Network Affiliation Organization’s Website (if applicable) How long have you worked with the organization? How long have you been a GYCA member?
1. Are you near a capital/major city? (Yes or No) If YES, which city? 2. Do you have daily Internet access? If so, please describe how often you go online, what kind of Internet connection you have (dial-up, cable, DSL, etc) and how often you experience technical
To find your profile URL, go to and click on ‘view profile’ to the right. Then paste your profile link above. This is required.
difficulties connecting to the Internet. If you do NOT have daily Internet access, please do not apply. We expect sincerity in your response to this question since it will reflect in your work
3. Number of hours you can commit to GYCA per week (Please be realistic and honest!): ___ 2-5
4. What populations do you work with? (Youth? People living with HIV and AIDS? Sex workers? Injecting drug users? LGBT community?)
5. Do you work with youth on a regular basis? Please expand on what kind of outreach you do in 35 sentences:4 6. What are your professional/activism-related goals for the next 2 years? 7. Do you have experience working in a cultural diverse setting? 8. What do and sexual and reproductive health and rights mean to you? Please elaborate in 3-5 sentences: 9. Please list any community partners/other NGOs you work with on a frequent basis. 10. Applicants must have already taken, or must enroll in, one of GYCA’s month-long e-courses offered in Project Management, Political Advocacy, and Grant Proposal Writing and Fundraising within 3 months of starting the position. If you have already taken an e-course, please provide the Title, Date, and Name of Instructor of GYCA E-course (Ex: Project Management, November 2008, Reshma Pattni): 11. Please describe any potential problems/difficulties you foresee with taking on the RFP position: 12. Please describe anything else about yourself that would make you a good fit for GYCA: (Not more than 100 words)
GYCA is committed to working with and for key young affected populations young people who use drugs, men who have sex with men, sex workers, and youth in resource-constrained areas without access to information communication technology (ICT)
13. Write a bio of yourself (no more than 250 words including information on your experience working on HIV/AIDS):
14. Attach your current resume or CV with this application. (Maximum length: 2 pages)
______ (your name) has read out and filled the above application, criteria and duties carefully and honestly. ______ (your name) agrees, if elected, to represent the ________ region as a Regional Focal Point (RFP) for the Global Youth Coalition on HIV/AIDS (GYCA) starting from April 2012 to December 2012, with the possibility of extending through December 2013. Should circumstances beyond my control arise and I cannot complete this one year contract, I will find a suitable replacement for my region in collaboration and approval of the GYCA Secretariats.
We (affiliated organization) have read the application and support (your name) to be a GYCA RFP for (state region). We commit to supporting him/her throughout his/her term as RFP to deliver his/her mandate with GYCA.