Candidates Profiles MLIB 2011

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MAY 2011

The Traveling Feather


Who are you voting for??

e t a d i d n a C e n u o i s s t i e l i Elec f o pr

Chief  Candidates


ELECT ALBERT CHINGEE FOR CHIEF 2011 CAMPAIGN McLEOD LAKE INDIAN BAND My name ! Albe" Chin#e and I am $ son of Aschille (Oley) and Laura Chin#& I am currently employed by Summit Pipeline Services which ! o(ed by $ )Leod Lake In*an Band.

In $ pa+ I was a f!he,es officer for 16 years and a deputy game warden for 4 years. I’ve been ha.ily mar,ed to Veronica Seym/r for 33 years and we have one son Darcy who now ! 32 years old.

I w,te 0! le1er to y/ asking for su.o" to be elected as Chief of 0e )Leod Lake In*an Band in 0! election. As Chief I will be 0e ears and voice for /r community members. I will not make erratic jud#ments or dec!ions.

But in+ead will ask $


y/0 for creativity, $ elders for w!dom, and all respected band members for insight of what 0eir need and wants are to build capacity for 0e )Leod Lake In*an Band and help unify $ community as on&

I will welcome all members to a1end Chief and C/ncil meetings to voice 0eir concerns. Dec!ions made by Chief and C/ncil will never be made behind closed doors. 2e community will be a pa" of helping Chief and C/ncil making impo"ant dec!ions which will impact $ community in making a positive +ep forward.

Communication: Maintain open *alogue and *scussions wi0 $ whole community

Planning: Planning ! to identify long term p,o,ties, goalies and +rategies as laid /t by $ band members 5

I w/ld like to take 0! time to 0ank everyone for taking $ moment to read 0! le1er and giving me $ o.o"unity to run for Chief. If y/ have any questions or concerns 0at y/ w/ld like to b,ng to my a1ention, please call me anytim& God bless y/ all

Albe" Chin#e CONTACT:


(250) 962-­‐6096


EDUCATION About 70% of First Nation and Aboriginal students that enter high school do not complete. Education is one of the most important areas in a Member’s life that we can support. We must provide incentive programs for elementary and secondary students and look at what our Members need for programming and training to have success in their lives. Early education like Head Start must continue and we need to support students that aren’t eligible through INAC funding. For change we need to link our Traditional Knowledge to the long-term educational goals of our Nation. Finally, we must celebrate our successes and honour those that have completed their personal goals.


More Culture Camps for Families MLIB Wellness Days Traditional Health & Healing Residential School Survivorship Sun Run Training Family Lifestyle Challenge Funding for Sport Programs

In my own life I realize how important it is to look at the whole picture. As a Nation we cannot focus only on economic development; we must look at how to build a healthy community both on and off reserve. I suggest we expand our existing programs for youth and Elders AND provide healthy activities to include adults and families on and off reserve. • • • • • • •

More ideas? I want to hear from YOU!

Have More Questions? Call: 250-964-1855 Email:

Harley Chingee


McLeod Lake Indian Band Election June 3, 2011

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May 05, 2011 Dear Band Members: My name is Verne Solonas. I am a member of the McLeod Lake Indian Band. I am Sekani from McLeod Lake. I was born at Prince George but grew up on reserve at McLeod Lake where we lived. My mother is Sophie Prince and my father is Andrew Solonas, Sr. My grandma was Atsoo Monique and our Grandpa was Dogun. They lived on the other reserve past the sand bar where we used to visit them in the 1960s. Whenever we visited them Mom made sure we chopped them wood and we had to be quiet when the adults were talking and visiting. I left for Lejac Indian residential school when I was 7 years old and spent 8 years there. Then on to public school for two years at Fraser Lake Junior Secondary. I was at PGSS for three months in the fall of 1973 but quit high school and went to work that January at Anzac where a bunch of us young men (Ernie, Wilfred, Marvin, Gordon, Gerry, Boris, Allan) all worked. I quit there after my Mom died in March 1974 and moved to Hazelton for a couple months that summer. I later went to work at BCFP on December 5th 1975 and spent the next 5 years working at C Mill in Mackenzie. Ron Solonas worked in B Mill across the road from us. I left Mackenzie in Sept 1980 and moved to Vancouver to attend Vancouver Community College at King Edward Campus on Oak Street. The idea was to get my Grade 12 Diploma. They started me off on Grade 9 level subjects so I spent the next 12 months (1 year) doing my Grade 9, 10, 11 and 12. I completed my Diploma the following August and entered university at UBC in September 1981, one year after I left McLeod Lake. I finished my Bachelor’s Degree in 1985 and went on to Law School then worked on a Master’s Degree at UBC in 1991-1992. In April 1992 the Band called me back to McLeod Lake as we were told the government wanted to begin negotiating a treaty with us. I became a negotiator that year until we signed Treaty No. 8 in April 2000. I later became a Consultant working on a number of projects for the Band. In 2002 I ran for Onreserve Councillor and succeeded so became a Band Councillor until 2005. In 2006 I went to work at Land Referral at Chetwynd and was assigned as the Manager for that office that June. I am currently a Consultant at McLeod Lake. I have prepared a 7-Point Recovery Plan for you. There is so much going on in the Band but most Members are not aware of all everything that we have. I will put all Band Members at the table when negotiating agreements, in making decisions relating to the Band and all its affairs. We need to know everything that is going on with Duz Cho Logging. What is the company worth? How is it set up? How do you get a job with the company? Can you get a job with the company? We also have Duz Cho Construction and Summit Pipelines, the Band Budget, the Trust, a number of agreements with various other projects (Forestry Agreement, Mt. Milligan, OGC, etc.) with other projects coming through the Band’s territory. What are all those agreements worth? What is the current total worth of the Band if you were to add everything up and why are we cutting our student’s incentives and Elders program? When are going to start providing services to those not living on reserve? Three-fourths of our population live off-reserve yet what have we done for them?


I am running for the Office of Chief and these are all the things I will take care of when in office. I have prepared a 7-Point Recovery Plan for you, our Children and all future generations. Please take a moment to go through it and we will get together in future because I need to know what the Band should be doing for you. Hope you all have a nice day. Verne Solonas McLeod Lake, BC For copies of the 7-point recovery plan please call me at (250) 750-4662


s a n o l o s e n i n e J

On Reserve Candidates


May 2, 2011 McLeod Lake Indian Band Members Hello to all and happy spring, well to the most of us up north where we still have snow. Election time is here for the McLeod Lake Indian Band again, Wow! Three years gone by again so quickly but successfully. My name is Jenine Solonas daughter of Marion Jackson, grand-­‐daughter of Harriet Benoit Ahuille and Tony (Antoine) Solonas. I have been living on reserve for almost ten years now, I live with my daughter Abigail (6) who is the bright light worth waking up to everyday. We enjoy what country living offers such as the lake, animals, fresh air we breathe, the trees, camping, sliding, skidooing, hot dog roasts, bbq etc….. but mostly, I enjoy living in the community for family and knowing everyone is a secure feeling. My position as On Reserve Councillor has been a challenge at the beginning but has grown to be an achievement like going to school for example, taking a course and finishing but not stopping until the goal is reached, makes the feeling complete! A personal project that I have started is a genealogy family tree which I thoroughly love to do with pictures, scrap booking and stories, so my children know where they COME from and WHO they are. I have been nominated as On Reserve Councillor once again, Re-­‐elected this will be my third term, I have thoroughly enjoyed representing you through the political aspect for the past 5 years. There are a few items I would like to touch on, that I believe to be of significant value for all First Nations, not only have I been a representative for McLeod Lake, I have also been learning other pressing issues First Nations face today as a result of something they endured in the past caused by government, residential schools, education, etc…. Firstly, being introduced to the United Nations Declaration has been an eye opener for me and will continue to be as this is guide for all to follow in order to get involved in the international commitments and help get in shape. Getting the young people involved will benefit the future generations to come and help make that difference. Secondly, helping the way and making change for First Nations adoptions as well as in care and all the above. There are many repercussions that have and still occur due to poor adoptions and foster care for our native children in the past and this has to stop and has started, now maintaining and making sure our voice is heard, we can do things to support aboriginal children and culture: 1) You’re an aboriginal child 2) You have rights! 3) You have the right to your Culture 4) You have the right to your Language 5) You have the right to be connected to your Nation


Currently, values and what we want for our own children in care is a support system, not a wait list, not a referral but our own traditional ways and values that we know best. Thirdly, housing has become a passion of mine recently; this is a big project for our community but one that should not be ignored as we face obstacles that we can remove. We NEED new housing, more members to move home, the list is growing which is wonderful, it makes a difference. A new housing program will be revamped to work effectively for the McLeod Lake Indian Band giving us options like buying a home, etc… Lastly, education levels have increased and the highest I’ve ever seen which is the greatest news ever for statistical ratings in First Nations. Please join in volunteer programs or attend school events or go back to school to help promote education. Good for the soul! ! I wanted to get the facts out! Nothing long but short and sweet! I promise to work to the best of my ability, be honest, be reliable and be a Leader for my Nation.

All my relations;

Jenine Solonas


Danache’a, My name is Calvin Inyallie. I was born in Prince George, 51 years ago. My parents are Allen Inyallie Sr. and my mom Victoria Inyallie (Isadore). I have two children; Calvin and Ashley Inyallie with my spouse, Marilyn Fox. I’m running for office because we have poor representative on the reserve. We have high unemployment, poor housing, managers who won’t hire on reserve – that is why most homeowners cannot afford rent. Work on the problem of why is there so many residents on Social Assistance and Employment Insurance when we have two (2) companies and the housing problem. Mussi, Calvin Inyallie





To McLeod Lake Band Members: I, Elizabeth Solonas would like to would like to run again for On-­‐Reserve Councillor. I have already been a councilor for 29 years which has given me a lot of experience in this position. Also, I must be doing something right because I have been nominated once again. Over all these years I have come to understand who tries for the people and who do not. I know I try with the McLeod Lake Band Members best interests in mind. So, please vote for me as On-­‐Reserve Councilor and re-­‐elect me once again. I will do my best for you, as I have done before and keep trying for you until things are done right. Thank you, Elizabeth Solonas


*******************************TOWARD TSE’KHENE PROSPERITY************************** Dan' che'a (hello, how are you?) My name is (Rose) Geraldine Solonas and my parents are Andrew Solonas, Sr., and Sophie (nee Prince); grandparents are Monique (nee Cyprian) and Edward Solonas, Sr. and Agat and Jean Marie (Zaa Marie) Prince. I grew up between the McLeod Lake reserve, Lejac Indian Residential School, graduating in Prince George in 1969. I am a single parent and have five daughters and four granddaughters. After graduation, I lived in Prince George, Nanaimo, Hazelton, Vancouver, Burns Lake, Prince George and back to Burns Lake before returning to live in McLeod Lake in December of 1999. It was quite the feeling, emotionally, when I came back home to live on the reserve. I have worked in numerous areas: waitress, chambermaid (cleaning hotel rooms); tree planting, receptionist, secretary, bookkeeper for a society and for a Band, set up a law office, legal secretary, legal information counsellor, data entry, drug and alcohol worker, Health management, Elder program management and currently Elder program coordinator. I have served on several committees from a local legal services board, the local McLeod Lake Post Historical Society committee, Band finance committee, Band housing committee, and recently joined the Band’s volunteer community planning committee. I had the privilege of sitting on the Board of Trustees in the past, and now sit on the Board of MLIB Entities. I believe that all of the above make me the person I am destined to become by the Creator. A bit of my personal history: After reading much about the history of our people, I once believed that life was extremely hopeless causing me to be suicidal. I then began my healing journey, entering into intensive counselling sessions with the support of family, friends and co-­‐workers, which led to me to also attend Bible college for two years furthering my personal healing. I am now happy and content where I am at and healing is a constant part of my life as is working towards bettering the lives of my people, my community and our Nation. I am now a proud Tse’khene woman with inner strength and confidence to work for the benefit of our people. I take pride in all work I do. I am honest, responsible, fair, committed, empathetic for our people and First Nation causes, and have great respect for our Elders and for our environment. I will do my best to represent you in all issues affecting us: first, as Tse’khene; then, as a First Nation. Healing of our people must be one of our priorities as many of us attended residential school(s) which effects traumatized our parents, our generation and then wormed its way into our children and grandchildren’s lives. UNITY and TEAMWORK is needed with our Band Council in working to better the lives of our children and future generations as we strive to be a healthy, productive, and self-­‐sufficient Nation in today’s society. Goals I will work towards, as a team, with Council are: improving the quality of ALL administrative services to ALL Band members; we will continue to pursue and utilize economic development as a stepping stone in reaching our Nation’s self-­‐sufficiency; we will promote employment, education, language and cultural growth of Band members; our Elders’, as keepers’ of knowledge and wisdom, will be encouraged to share their expertise in the rebirth of our culture, especially with our youth; we will protect Band assets(including the environment) for future generations; and, Band members will be encouraged to speak out on all issues and Council must respond in a timely manner. ****************************TOWARD TSE’KHENE PROSPERITY*****************************


Off Reserve Candidates



Justin Chingee for Off Reserve Council My name is Justin Harris Chingee and I am a traditional forest ecologist with a background in tourism and environmental monitoring. I am a strong intelligent and outspoken person with strong ties to Tsek’ehne culture as a hunter with 5 years’ experience in business. 2011 is a year when my skills will be a great asset to MLIB as we now have a Conservative majority government with sights set on development in our territory. I will always fight to ensure that development will not occur in our territory without the support of our people and maximum environmental protection, employment and benefits for us and our children. Where employment is concerned I will fight for clear commitments from the companies to employ our people for at least 20 years so that they have a pension and job security. I believe in transparency and proper, meaningful consultation followed by ratification of major decisions impacting our people (putting the power back into the hands of our people). I will be available to the people and always act in their best interests while always allowing for member input and without ever seeking personal gain. I will strive for significant investment in our membership through monthly distributions from band agreements, Housing in Prince George and a membership small business loan program. I firmly believe in equality for all band members on or off reserve with regard to employment opportunities and education funding. I will work towards the band providing $1000 RRSP’s for every child in MLIB and back pay of school allowance retroactive to 2008. I will work with the membership to strengthen our culture and make it accessible to all members through development of cultural tourism products, non-timber forest products. I have already begun the research and developing partnerships to see these dreams become a reality. Aboriginal Tourism in BC is projected to be a $50 million industry by 2012 with the north being underrepresented giving us a great opportunity to capitalize on an untapped market. I have a great relationship with Aboriginal Tourism BC and Tourism BC through my past work with Vernon Tourism and members of the Okanagan Indian Band. I see this as a great opportunity for sustainable low-impact employment for our members while allowing them to connect with our culture.

I respect our membership and especially the Elders and believe that no decisions should be made without them as our leadership traditionally never did this in the past.

Love is what's in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents and listen. 14

Hello McLeod Lake Members!!! My name is Wiona George (Ware); I live in Mackenzie, BC with my beautiful little family, my husband Daren George and my 2 kids Ethan and Sophia. My mother is Anita Vallee (Tylee) of the McLeod Lake Indian Band whom I adore and is very proud of what she has accomplished this year and my father is Jimmy Ware of Tsey Kay Dene Band. I do have a long line of my family ancestry in which I have dated back to the 1700’s; I have to say I am one proud lady of a very big family. My sisters are Jodie Ware, Jamie Lee Ware and Sabrina Tylee (RIP 2010), in the past 2 years my family has went through a lot of pain and sorrow which (I didn’t think was possible) has made us closer and stronger. My Grandparents are Josephine Tylee & Max Tylee (RIP 2009), who hold special places in my heart, without them our family wouldn’t be where it is today! I am honored and happy to be nominated for the position of Off Reserve Council Person, for the McLeod Lake Indian Band! I know I have no back ground in Chief and Council but how do you get a back ground if you don’t try it? I think I would make a good Council Person because I am honest, I have trust and I don’t make promises I can’t keep. I have seen the past council and I acknowledge them for the years they have put in and what they have done! I have always believed in having a fresh out take on life so why not a fresh face on council? It may only be one voice but its mine and I will use it! I don’t want to bore you with my babbling so if you want to ask me questions please feel free to email me Wiona George Off Reserve Council Nominee !

Georgina & Atreyu 27

Georgina & Atreyu 15

Georgina & Atreyu 15


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Hi, My name is GRACIE SOLONAS and a member of McLEOD LAKE INDIAN BAND. I have lived in McLEOD LAKE practically all my life. But now i reside in PRINCE GEORGE, I am 57 years old. The reason why I am running for the off reserve councilor, is because, i feel that i can make a difference in the council. I feel very strongly about how the people are being treated by the current chief and councilors. My goal is to represent the members with a strong voice and not cater to the chief. I would like to be a better advocate for the members and only for the members. SO ON THE ELECTION DATE BE SURE TO CAST YOUR VOTE FOR ME!!


To The McLeod Lake Band Members, I am running for Off Reserve Councilor for the following reasons: - I want Chief & Council to put Education and Elders on their top priority list. - I will stand up and voice my opinion if I am against any proposals’ made by Chief & Council. - I would like the Band to expand our progress, like the Bednesti Resort was for sale; we should have tried to purchase it. - There are too many things that I would like to do, to mention… The Band is in a situation where they can only move forward. I would like to be part of this push. Thank you, Wilf Solonas


r a e B y n i t Des 25

Youth  Candidates


Youth Councillor Candidate for June 2011 Elections for MLIB My name is Destiny Bear; I am 25 years old and a member of the McLeod Lake Indian Band through my mother (Arlene Solonas’) lineage. I have lived on the reserve for 23 years; recently I have moved off of the reserve to move out West. I have 3 children. Gage, who is turning 7 this fall is my oldest, he loves to play hockey and is a very motivated boy. His manners are so well and he is so easy going! He is such a big help with his siblings. Trinity is turning 5 this fall as well as starting kindergarten; she is the accident prone one of my little clan! Always falling but she keeps up with the best of them, and she is so witty! My youngest is Dominic who is 15 months of age, he is growing so fast and learning so quickly! He surprises me every day! My family is young and continuously growing which so awesome to see. They are what keep me motivated and going. I have been asked to run again for the position of Youth Councillor; which I was honoured to accept the nomination! I have held the position for the last three years, which has been such an awesome experience and such a great learning tool for myself. I truly enjoyed the people that I have had a chance to work with these last three years, and would like to thank them all for everything that they have taught me. Everyone that I have had to deal with and work with in any way, sort or form has helped me grow and expand my knowledge! For that I am truly thankful to all of you!!! I enjoy working for my people and would like nothing more than to continue my journey on the path that is on. There are so many things that I am passionate about when it comes to working for my people. My greatest passion would to have our People going back to our inherent rights and living our life as we used to. Unfortunately the world is forever changing, and it is changing quickly. Leading into my next focus would be on the Elders and have a building constructed for them, an Elders Centre that they can gather at; a place that they can teach our traditions and language in comfort and with ease. Hopefully to see the Elder’s Society thriving again and becoming self sufficient. One of my greatest fears is the loss of our traditions, culture and language as the Tse’khene People. Another passion of mine is the Youth and Education. I would like to work on getting more recreational assets on reserve for our youth, such things as an outdoor skating rink, a swimming hole which could include a place for our People to gather and have picnics and it could be a safe place to bring children to swim during the summer months. I would like to be able to see more money put aside to enhance our post secondary funding as well as our elementary and secondary attendance and effort allowances for our youth. These are just a few of my areas of concern that I would like to approach. I would like to wish good luck to all the candidates that are running for each and every position!! I hope that everything works out for all of you. May God bless you and all of your loved ones and keep you safe wherever your journey takes you! Mussi Cho! Respectfully, Destiny Rae Bear!


Hi my name is Nathan Findlay; I’m 28 years old and currently reside in Fraser Lake. I

enjoy a lot of activities such as snowboarding, skateboarding and one day hope to traveling abroad. My parents are Lorne and Marilyn Findlay (daughter of Josie & the late, Max Tylee) I have two younger brothers, Gerald and Kevin Findlay. I have a daughter and I have to say that I’ve done a lot of growing up since the day she was born. I want her to be proud of where she came from, who she is and hopefully one day, strive to be a leader. I was nominated for the Youth Councilor Position in hopes to bring a different perspective to how issues are dealt with respectively. I will speak for the youth who cannot yet speak for themselves because they are not of age. I will listen and ask questions about the importance of education and how they want to pursue their life in a business/industry career. I will also ask them how they would want general issues dealt with concerning our heritage, culture, and current situations .Growing up in Fraser Lake; I have not had the privilege of accessing band everyday resources and thus have grown up with a slightly different perspective of what it means to be “off” reserve. I want to break down the barrier between on and off reserve band members and involve everyone in decisions making. I have worked at Endako Mines since I was out of high school and I know a lot about the mining industry and its reclamation codes and practices and currently an OHSC Representative for the Safety Department on my own crew and have earned respect from them. One issue is I would like to see more funding for post-­‐secondary education set aside. I have talked to a lot of people that were denied simply due to lack of funding. My question to the administration is how could you deny this kind of incentive to our membership? Education is high on my list of priorities among others and it should be yours too! If elected, I believe my voice would be your voice; I want that opportunity to be able to stand up for you. I will listen with both ears and soft heart. I strongly believe that our youth in our membership hold the key to our future generations. They are our future leaders and I will do my best to stand for them.

Yours truly, Nathan Findlay



e e g n More Horoscopes on Page 18chi e i g r a m 38

Elder  Candidates


Danachea’ Tsekhene My name is Margie Chingee and I am running for the Elders Council position in our election this year. I was born on the Parsnip River to Sam and Amelia Chingee. I am the second oldest of eight children. There are many band members in our generation. I feel that my life experiences will enable me to represent our diverse membership population. I am a mother of three girls and a grandma to two grandchildren. I have been an active band member with both McLeod Lake and Duz Cho Logging. I worked as Duz Cho’s safety coordinator and first aid attendant for 15 years and retired from this job 3 years ago. I had the opportunity to be an active member on the housing committee for the past 11 years been a member of the housing committee for 11 years serving both on and off reserve members. I want to ensure each fellow band members that you will have an ear that will hear you and a voice to address and advocate for your questions and concerns. As Tsek’hene people we must work together for the betterment of our people everywhere. Please feel free to contact me by email me with your phone number so I am able to phone and speak with you directly. I look forward to your support in this election. Mussi Cho Margie Chingee



HI, my name is ALBERT ISADORE. I was born and raised in KERRY LAKE, BC, but was and still a member of the McLEOD LAKE INDIAN BAND. My reason for running for the elder’s councilor position is that, i know that, i can make a big difference for the PEOPLE. THE PEOPLE NEED A VERY STRONG VOICE TO SPEAK UP FOR THEM, not someone who caters to the chief and allows the admistrators to bully the people. THE PEOPLE need to have the last say so before the chief and councilors can past anything that is the reason why I want to represent the PEOPLE. LIKE MYSELF, i supposed that the band members are getting sick and tired of their rights and land being sold off. This are things that i will fight for and also for the members jobs, which was wrongfully taken away and replaced by none first nations. WHEN THEY SAY BAND MEMBERS, THEY SHOULD MEAN JUST THAT!! NOT others, should have the right to take away what is rightfully belongs to the BAND MEMBERS. i, promise that i am not running because of the money, i really don’t care for the money. the money can be replaced, but not the members. The members of the band are the only reason why i am running. if I am elected, i will fight hard for the people. Because the people deserve the best and only the best.


Tuesday, May 03, 2011

To whom it may concern; My name is Sophie Isadore. I was born in Kerry Lake, BC. My parents were Minnie and Jimmie Isadore. My husband is Ivor Smaaslet and we have eight kids and many grandchildren. I speak our language fluently. I’m running for the Elder Councilor position. I want to preserve our lands and our way of life so our future generations will benefit from it. It’s important to me to be able to also teach our future generations the language and the native medicines that are still used today. I do not drink or do drugs. I have been sober for thirty two years and I would like to teach the younger generation also that we do not need these substances and they would be better off without them. I want to see changes for the better for all band members on and off reserve. We need to work together to continue positive changes. Thank you for considering me for this position. Mussi Cho, Sophie Isadore


Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Hello Tse’khene members; My name is Doris Prince, also known as Mado. My father Andrew Prince is a descendant of Chief Quaw (Qweh) Prince from Fort St. James. My mother Anne Prince is the daughter of Edual Solonas. My plan as the Elder’s Councilor is to bring your ideas, concerns, and requests to the Chief & Council meetings. You will also receive the results of those requests immediately. For the next three years I will be dedicating my full attention to all band members. In my spare time I enjoy crafts such as beading, crocheting, dream catchers, etc. I also bring clothing for on reserve members as often as possible. Mussi Cho for your time to read this message. Yours truly,

Doris (Mado) Prince Prince George, BC


I, Andrew Solonas Jr. have been nominated for Elders Councillor in the upcoming election for Chief & Council of the McLeod Lake Indian Band. If elected, my goals and intentions would be as follows: 1. Represent the Tse’Khene people of McLeod Lake Band with integrity, honesty 2. 3. 4.


6. 7.

and the values passed onto me from my wise Elders of past generations. Will not rubber story any decisions of the Chief or other councilors unless it will be the benefit of the Tse’Khene. Put forth a plan for the future, including specific plans for the next three (3) years and on since many children have been born in the last 20years. Concentrate my efforts towards making our Tse’Khene reserve a better place to live and be more attractive to our brothers and sisters who have chosen to live elsewhere through: a. Plans to bring in more effective and thorough alcohol/drug counselors and professional therapists who deal with post trauma, depression, anger, physical/sexual abuse, etc… b. Recapture our community spirit by working with elders, youth, children in constructing plans for sports, hockey, slow pitch ball, basketball, swimming, etc. Our community needs our own sports teams to cheer on us our children grown. Elders can be very helpful in teaching the Tse’Khene language, cultural, camps, making moose hide, bead work, cooking wildlife as in the past. c. Plan to bring about construction of an ice rink with a roof, lights and other sports facilities if and when funds are available. d. Plan for more community events such as better Christmas concerts, community dinners, barbeques and AGA’s with canoe races, iron man competitions (swimming, biking, running) with prizes given out and for activities such as egg throwing contests, two-­‐legged races, singing/ dancing/instrument planning competitions, bingo, etc… Represent the elders in whatever decisions and recommendations they put forth to the Chief and Council and other communities. Make a commitment to attend all Elders meeting and gatherings. Be approachable to any and all band members who need their concerns brought to Chief & Council. Make sure that all employees’ salary or wages being paid by McLeod Lake Band funds be posted and available to all members, including bonuses paid out. All minutes of all meetings be made available to all members no later than two (2) weeks after, including trustee, finance, housing committees, etc...

Thank you, Andrew Solonas Jr. 46

n o s l o c i n e n h p da

Board of Trustees Candidates


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To McLeod Lake Membership, My name is Marion Jackson, daughter of Antoine Solonas of McLeod Lake and Harriet Benoit Ahuille of Fort St. James. I was born in Prince George but lived in McLeod Lake during my early childhood. I also lived with my great aunt and uncle, Agnes and Isaac Frank at Tudyah Lake pronounced (choo-­‐dai-­‐ya) during the Christmas, Easter and summer holidays from Lejac Indian Residential School. I am employed as temporary reception for the Band until this fall but I have worked in the past as Indian Registry Administrator and Membership Clerk. I currently reside on reserve in McLeod Lake which I enjoy and love. My hobbies include fishing, camping, berry picking, spending time with my children and grandchildren and pretty much anything that has to do with the great outdoors. Being nominated for Trustee came as a surprise that I did not expect or want to be involved in, but after careful thought I’m up to the challenge. I am a fast learner and look forward to learning about our Trust. Once I understand the trust I can relate information to the membership. I feel that communication between the membership and the trust is important and I will do my best to answer and bridge that gap. I thank you for your support. Mussi cho, Marion Jackson


Good day my fellow Band members!

Thank you in advance for reading and considering my reasons for choosing to run for Board of Trustee. I have to thank all the past Board of Trustee members for the work they have done so far, mussi cho! Financial responsibility is crucial to our community and each and every member. It is important for current and future programming for all our members. Although I have not read the whole trust agreement there have been bits and pieces I have been introduced to, such as the protocol for applying for funds and learning about how the funds grow with the various investments we hold. The other main reason I am running for Board of trustee is to ensure the funds are used according to the policies and by-­‐laws we as members have ratified. I will be available through facebook and email if anyone would like to contact me personally. I will provide my phone number when you do this so we can speak to one another. Thank you in advance for your consideration and good luck to all the candidates who are running. Respectfully Daphne Nicolson Facebook: Daphne Nicolson (chingee) Email:


To: McLeod Lake Band Members, Hahdi, sowundo. My name is Jeremy Solonas and I am running for Trustee. My parents are Sheri Solonas and Larson Prince; my brothers are Shawn Prince, Justin Solonas-­‐Langlois, Kristopher Scales and Jesse Tadgell. The reason I am running for trustee is I believe in equality for all band members present and future. All my life I have been good at math and that will not be a problem. If elected I will be working with the other Trustees to ensure that every band member is treated equally!! and that is my platform that I am bringing to the table. We must ensure that our trust is kept to par so that our next generation will have a secure future. Monies coming from the Mt. Milligan Project and other Business ventures will be kept in trust; and I will be looking at distribution in the near future as I believe that the wealth should be shared:))) I thank you in advance for your support in this very important matter. Sincerely, Jeremy Solonas



My name is Jolene Solonas, I am running for the Board of Trustees. My mother is Sharon Solonas, grandfather is Andrew Solonas and grandmother is Sophie Solonas. I have 2 children, and family and friends are the most important in my life. My children and I are currently learning our language and traditions, which gives us a sense of pride in who we, the Tse’khene people, are. I have been working since my early teens, in a variety of jobs, such as; waitress, chainsaw operator, accounts payable, and clerical positions. I am currently the Infant & Family Development Support Worker. I started this position in January of this year. I am still learning my position and doing some training. Very soon I will doing job shadowing in Prince George which I am very nervous about. I do enjoy working in the Health Department, especially with the children of the McLeod Lake Indian Band. I am honored to have been elected for the last 3 year term and that I have had the chance to serve my people. I am also honored to have worked with the others who are on the Board of Trustees, they are all very intelligent, strong Tse’khene people full of integrity. The elections are a very hard and trying time and also determine our peoples’ future. I am hoping that everyone will seriously consider whose hands we, as band members, put our future into. I appreciate your time and consideration you all have given me. Mussi Cho, Jolene Solonas


Hi, my name is Jamie Lee Ware and I am not only a member of McLeod Lake Indian Band but I have been working for our community for the last ten years. My mother is Anita Vallee (Tylee) daughter of Josephine Tylee and Max Tylee and my father is Jim Ware, son of Jimmy Ware and Julie Poole. I moved to Mackenzie about a year ago and I have to say, living so close to family is the icing on the cake. I am very happy to announce that I will be marrying my best friend this June and I can’t wait. We’ve been together for just over ten years and to move onto a new chapter, is exciting. I am writing this letter because I think it’s important for you as band members to know why I want to be considered for a Board of Trustee member again. Again you ask? Yes again, I have been fortunate to sit on this board for the last six years. I am extremely thankful for my time on the board and that is why I want to sit on it again. I think having that continuity is important in maintaining a successful board. Yes of course I want your vote but I want your vote because I earned it from what I’ve done and not what I can promise you in the future! I am a hard worker, fast learner and will fight for what is always right! I think that who we are today is what we’ve done in the past and not for tomorrow. I know that if I haven’t done it by today then how can I honestly promise it to you for tomorrow. I want to thank everyone who voted for me in the past; you don’t know how much that meant to me! I hope that you consider me again and if not; then I hope that maybe one day in the future; you’ll see me again! Mussi Cho, Jamie L. Ware


Land  Management  Candidates


To: McLeod Lake Band Members Hi, my name is Broken Arrow Michael Inyallie and I have been nominated for the Land Management Committee. I’m 33 years old, have lived in McLeod Lake for all my life and have worked in the forestry industry for about seven years now. I haven’t held this position before but I know I would do a good job because I am very interested in how we manage our land responsibly. If elected I want to let band members know what is going on in our Native land. I also would like to be part of the decision making process and help decide if things are right or wrong. If Elected I’m there for you McLeod Lake Band Members. Sincerely, Broken Arrow M. Inyallie


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Danachea, My name is Anita Vallee (Tylee); I have four girls and nine grandchildren. My parents are the late Max Tylee, son of Juliet Chingee and Charlie McNabb, and Josephine Tylee, daughter of Nancy Alexis and Modeste Alexis. I grew up around the McLeod Lake area my whole life; most of my childhood was spent around the trap line learning our traditional ways. I grew up with seven siblings on these lands and we were taught not only how to use the land for survival but also to respect it. I have worked in the past with the administration for our forestry department; it was there that I learned the importance of our land. I’ve learned the different stages of growth, harvesting, planting and the boundaries of our land. I am proud to be from McLeod Lake and I believe that our land is important to our future. If you were to vote for me, I would stand up for protecting those lands to the best of my ability. I do hope to open communication between Lands Management and the members, if you have any more questions that I can answer, please feel free to contact me via email; Mussi Cho, Anita Vallee Land Management Committee nominee


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