Mlib q and a number 1

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One of the Members forwarded some very pointed questions about the draft Membership Code through social media. The questions are important so we are posting the detailed responses.

1. Who are the members of the Working Group that developed the draft amendments to the Custom Election Code and Membership Code? Answer: The members of the Working Group are as follows:        

Yasmin Ali, MLIB Councillor Adele Chingee, MLIB Band Manager Marion Jackson, MLIB Membership Administrator Jodie Ware, MLIB Supervisor of Education and Employment Training Deborah Prince, Manager, MLIB Land Referral Office Albert Peeling, MLIB Legal Counsel Regina Toth, Consultant Rick Krehbiel, Consultant

2. Where did the Working Group get their recommendations and proposals? Answer: Some recommendations for amendment have been proposed by working group members, particularly regarding operational re-drafting and operation of the 2004 codes. However, recommendations have also come from other sources. Many were raised by band members in the 10 years since the last Codes were approved. Also, Electoral Officer Loreen Suhr has met with the group on two occasions and procedural recommendations from her and from former Electoral Officer Gina Beddome have been included. The working group has met twelve or more times since the end of June including two meetings with Chief and Council. Members als made presentations to the AGA and conducted an information booth and member survey. The first round of community meetings in Calgary, Vancouver, Prince George and McLeod Lake was completed two weeks ago, and the second will begin at the end of next week. Comments from these meetings are being applied to refine the draft codes prior to the ratification vote.


“These proposed changes give far too much power and control in decisions - to whichever Chief and Council at the time and it actively discriminates against Severalty members!”

Answer: This appears to be a general statement, so specific changes will be discussed below. Generally speaking, in some circumstances the role of Chief and council would be enhanced, such as the hearing of appeals. However in most areas there is no change from their existing responsibilities under the present codes and in other areas their powers are more constrained, such as more stringent penalties for failure to attend meetings or violations of the codes. Severalty is addressed below.

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