lANCHORto J A N U A R Y 18, 2017 ♦ SINCE 1887
V O L. 131 N O . 13
W e l c o m e b a c k D u t c h m e n : guide to a successful year Alayna Parsons-Valles
itallbefore, “Ican teach myself”, blah, blah, blah. Take advantage. Welcome back to another The professors are there to Hope College semester, answer your questions. You can Dutchmen. As classes begin and even utilize them as someone extracurriculars take off, it can to just talk through the content be overwhelming. H o w do you with. Building a relationship with your professor can really make a successful semester? Number one: Get a planner. help you in the future. Even No way you can reallyremember if you don’t have a question, all you have on that checklist of introduce yourself on a deeper yours. Ithelps to have everything levelthan, “Hi, my name is...”Do in one area so you can plan your itwhile you can. Number four: Work ahead. day more efficiently. A schedule will save you so much time and Look at that syllabus and start checking off assignments ahead effort. Number two: Find your study of when they are due. Right now spot. The key word is your. you are pumped and ready to Feel free to get out of the usual get work done because of the Library bubble. Classrooms excitement of new classes. By are obvious, but those get full the middle you’ll get bored and fast. You need a backup. I enjoy that’s when you start to watch studying in De Free and I am Netflix instead of doing that not even an art student. Do like assignment. Use some of your free time to get a chapter ahead. Dora and Explore! Number three: Know your Believe me, it will,help you out professor's office hours. A great in the long run. Number five: Klooster thing about Hope is the classes Writing Center. Klooster are small and the professors actually know your name. You comes in. handy, whether you don’t get that at big universities. feel confident in your writing Go in for help. I get it. W e are or don’t. It’s always beneficial big kids and have been through to have someone go over your C ampus E ditor
as much as the next person, so that’s not what 1 am asking you to do. But when you are in class all day and studying, you sometimes don’t realize how much you are sitting. Get up and take a walk. Even a walk around campus will get your blood flowing and may just give you the little boost you need! The Do w and Devos are always there. The bike and elliptical are not that intimidating. I admit it willsuck while your doing it,but you will feelgreat after.You need a healthy body just as much as you need a healthy mind. Number eight: Breaks. Take breaks. Even if they are tiny 20 A layna P a r s o n s -Va o e s minute ones in-between study W E L C O M E TO S P R I N G S E M E S T E R — Are you ready for sessions. You need to have some 2017? Read these tips to stay ahead this semester and make fun or else why do people say Itsuccessful. college is the best four years of work and play with ideas. They Don’t overwhelm yourself. I your life? Go to the beach, hit will take anything from creative said working ahead is helpful in up the bowling alley or go out to research papers. They don’t the long run, but don’t put too to eat downtown. It’ll give you only fix your problems, they much on your plate. Students a breath offresh air,which we all work with you along the way. sometimes set unrealistic goals deserve. And the best part, it’s free. They and then have no time or energy Good luck to everyone this also email your professor you to get there. Be smart and semester. The biggest rule is went in for help, and that looks realistic with the planning. to do what works best for you. good. Just saying. Number seven: Find time Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Number six: Moderation. to stay active. I hate running Go get them Dutchmen!
M L K lecture addresses injustice, creating a better future Madeline Chapman C enter
D iversity a nd Inclusion
The annual Martin Luther King Jr. Civil Rights Lecture at Hope College explored “Dismantling Injustice: A New Legacy for a Better Future” on Monday; Jan. 16, at 7 p.m. in Dimnent Memorial Chapel. The public was invited. The address was presented by Julian Hinson, who is a 2010 Hope graduate and currently -a fourth-year medical student at Meharry Medical College in Nashville, Tennessee. His passions center around bridging the divides that contribute to ongoing health disparities— both stateside and abroad. He continues to work with a group of students and resident physicians under the banner “North of Charlotte” to that end, bringing effective- 21st-century care to North Nashville’s developing community. Hinson was president of the Black Student Union and a Phelps Scholar while at Hope and Amos Christie Scholar
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JANUARY M, 2017 DIMNENTCHAPEL 7 M P M ML Keynote speaker; Julian Hinson ’lO a
H o p e C ollege
M A R T I N L U T H E R KING JR. L E C T U R E - Hope alumni Julian Hinson leads MLK lecture In “Dismantling Injustice.” Ifyou could not attend the lecture, stay tuned for upcoming events this week. at Meharry / Vanderbilt. He is a self-identified pseudo-hipster, and enjoys both photography and the power of sous-vide cooking. Hinson’s presentation was sponsored by Herman Miller Inc. and the college’s Center for Diversity and
Inclusion, multicultural student have worked toward the organizations, Student Life advancement of civil rights and office and Campus Ministries social justice, and is organized office, and was taking place as in conjunction with the national part of the college’s annual Civil commemoration of the life of Rights Celebration week. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The week, running MondayThe week willinclude avariety Saturday, Jan. 16-21, honors of additional acti\dties for the all persons and groups who campus community, including
a focus on civil rights during the college's Chapel services; a panel discussion, Diversity in the Workplace, on Thurs., Jan. 19, from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. in the Maas Center and a special “Time to Serve” opportunity for students at multiple community locations on Sat., Jan. 21.
D a n c e strikes again
“R o g u e O n e ” is the one
D u t c h m e n takes itto the court
StrikeTime Dance C o m pany visits Hope to blow us all away.
Did you like the latest “Star Wars” movie, “Rogue O n e ”? Check out the pros of the new film.
W o m e n ’s basketball team played against Olivet and St. Mary. W h o c a m e out on top? Read sports to find out!
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