The Anchor, Volume 128.15: February 4, 2015

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VOL. 128 NO. 15 F E B R U A R Y 4, 2015 ♦ S I N C E 1887

“S P E R A IN D E O ’


Winter break forecast: 1 0 0 percent chance of fun Duncan MacLean


C o -C a m p u s E d i t o r

HO USE H o / C A R D S

Alek Molenaar C o -Ca m p u s E ditor

Winter break is upon Hope College once again. After a near snow day and record breaking snowfall, students are riled up and ready for some winter she­ nanigans and a chance to leave class in the rear view mirror. For many students, this four day weekend means a quick trip home to enjoy home cooked meals, family bonding and re­ unions with friends. However, some students cannot escape the clutches of father winter here in Holland. If you are one of these incredibly lucky indi­ viduals to be stuck at Hope for the long weekend, there is still plenty to do. Sharpen up those old ice skates, and hit the rink at Edge Ice Arena. $7 is all you need for unadulterated flying-lotus fun. Check the Edge website for live updates on ice availability. Looking for something a little WINTER B REAK HAPPENINGS- Netfllx original hit se­ more scenic? Snow skating at

ries House of Cards debuts Its third season later this month and is one of the many activities available to fillwinter break .

Faith & W or k Conference

Pigeon Creek Golf Course and Park allows you to experience nature and the beauty of snow­ fall in a whole new way. Open from 7 a.m. until 8 p.m., Pigeon Creek offers ski rental as well as lessons to ensure the safety and well being of its patrons. Three levels of skiing lessons can be taken to tailor to every skiers skill level. No admission or trail fee is charged ,so with the right gear and training, anyone can hit the trails. If transportation is an issue, there are plenty of activities right here between 7th and 16th street. An empty Pine Grove provides the perfect arena for a high-octane snow ball fight. Over-the-top snow fortresses and battle cries are encouraged. Ifsnow isnot your fancy, the D o w will be open throughout break. Basketball, weight lifting and swimming will be easily ac­ cessible. Even dorm buildings can be turned into palaces offun during a sleepy winter break. Channel your inner winter olympian and take on the challenging mattress

luge course that is a landing di­ vided stairwell. Of course, ifyou want to just take a more seden­ tary approach to winter break, catch up on the hit Netflix series “House of Cards” in prepara­ tion for season three which will release later this month. Also on Netflix, six of the seven sea­ sons of “Parks and Recreation” are now available, as well as “Friends” in its entirety. Or sit back and enjoy Techland’s “Dy­ ing Light” a 2015 survival horror video game for Windows, Linux, Xbox One and Playstation 4. Finally the least exciting but possibly the most productive way to spend break: schoolwork. Whether you are getting ahead or catching up, two days without class is the perfect time to shut out the world and power through some reading. From video games to staying in shape, winter break brings around all sorts of possibilities for entertainment and life en­ richment. Make sure to unwind somehow over this long week­ end; its a long time until spring break.

Expansion a n d food of N H B C

Life and servitude prod students

between faith and work, he strongly believes that Christian Questions like “What will vocation, or calling, is essen­ I do with my life?” arise in the tial in every career. President thoughts and anxieties of nearly Knapp will deliver the confer­ every college student. For stu­ ence's keynote address. dents who want to live out their Other influential community Christian faith, questions like members, including professors “H o w will I serve God in m y ca­ in the sciences and humani­ reer?” and “H o w does m y faith ties, social workers, and medi­ impact the work I do?” are es­ cal professionals, will speak on pecially relevant and pressing. panels and participate in dis­ Grindstone: A Faith and cussion sessions with smaller Work Conference will seek to groups of students. Student answer these questions and participants will have many more. The student-led confer­ opportunities to ask questions ence will be held on Feb. 21, and engage with these thought­ from 10a.m.-2p.m., in the Mar­ ful Christian leaders from many tha Miller Rotunda. The confer­ walks of life. ence is free and includes lunch. The conference’s student or­ All Hope College students are ganizers hope that everyone at­ tending the conference will be encouraged to attend. Several community lead­ equipped to explore the possi­ ers will speak to the important bilities of integrating faith and questions of God's calling in their future careers. Nathan Longfield (16), one their careers and the ways they have successfully integrated of the conference organiz­ Christian faith in their own ers, said, "Colossians 3:17 calls workplaces. One of these lead­ Christians to live their lives ers is Hope College’s very own for Christ. This means that we President Knapp. Having dedi­ are called to honor and glorify C H A N G E IS HERE, C H A N G E IS G O O D — W e explored “The Sidecar” of the ever-expanding cated a large part of his career God in whatever job we have. New Holland Brewery and got the Inside scoop of what’s coming up next. to discerning the connections SEE FAITH, PAGE 2 See full story on page 2. Abble Larink G




W •




American Sniper

Cheap Date

Weekend Triumphs

Reactions to the movie that is blowing up the box office.

Survive Valentine’s Day without breaking the bank but still putting in the time.

M e n ’s and w o m e n ’s basketball both win out this past weekend.



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h a t ’s ..

In s i d e



orld —



A rts 5


Features 7


G o t a story idea? Let u s k n o w at a n c h o r @ h o p e . e d u , or call u s at 3 9 5 - 7 8 7 7 .

V oices 8

Sports 11

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