The Anchor, Volume 132.16: February 6, 2019

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VOL. 132 NO. 16 F E B R U A R Y 6, 2019 ♦ SINCE 1887



Blanket over Holland: Snowstorm ravages city Cameron Geddes S taff W

Classes were canceled at 5:41 a.m. Monday, with classes resuming Tuesday. However, classes were again canceled at 2:34 p.m. on Tuesday, which took effectat3 p.m. through Thursday morning. A subsequent email at 6:11 p.m. on Wednesday notified students that the campus would not reopen until 11 a.m. on Thursday. With Wednesday’s feels­ like temperatures of -24 and wind-gusts of over 20 mph, the warnings seemed well advised. Indeed, a winter storm warning had been issued for the nearby metropolis of Grand Rapids. Still, this extreme cold snap did little to deter students from attempting to enjoy the conditions. With the extra free time, students took to sledding, snowball fights, snow angels and rumors offrat boys jumping into thesnow shirtless.The lattermost activity is recommended under no circumstances and not endorsed by this publication. What differentiates this winter storm from most previous ones is that it constitutes a “polar vortex.” According to the


The Midwest found itself assailed by winter conditions of mythic proportions in the final week of January. With Chicago reaching colder temperatures than parts of Antarctica (according to US A Today) and 21 dead across the country due to the extreme temperatures, the weather is far from a standard cold front. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), temperatures in Chicago reached as low as -23. While not historically the coldest in the city (-27 in 1985), it did break records of the coldest daily low and high point, which were previously -15 and C a m e r o n G eddes +3 from 1966 (as recorded by the National Weather Service.) THE GRAY SKY — Graves Hall was blanketed In snow as The windchill made the the polar vortex tore through Holland. Classes were canceled situation even worse, with feels- Monday and Wednesday, which gave students an opportunity like temperatures plummeting to relax during their days off. This was the first time In four under -50. This led to cars being years that classes had been canceled for an extended period, unable to start, the Chicago treated for frostbite. Across of negative numbers, River freezing, homeless the country schools called off Meanwhile, on the other side shelters filling to capacity and classes and workplaces shut of Lake Michigan in Holland, more than 50 people being down as citizens braved a week things were not much better.

N O A A ’s “Scijinks” website: “A polar vortex is a low pressure area— a wide expanse of swirling cold air— that is parked in Polar Regions. During winter, the polar vortex atthe North Pole expands, sending cold air southward. This happens fairly regularly and is often associated with outbreaks of cold temperatures in the United States." Furthermore, an associated article states that while there is not fully conclusive evidence that man-made conditions have caused more splintering of these vortexes, it is reasonable to suspect they may become more common. This was indicated by Third National Climate Assessment, which points to a rising intensity and frequency of winter storm across middle and high latitudes. Because this past week was the largest number of days in the same weeks off since the infamous norovirus outbreak of 2008, one can conclude that there is unlikely to be more days off in the future, unless conditions return to that of the fierce winter tempest.

Scogin invites all students to the table Miles Pruitt

experiences to students at community. Even though some of the the dinner, as the students students at the dinner are set to themselves settled in and got graduate in 2019, many of the more comfortable with the students are stillunderclassmen, President-Elect. Meeting with which means that his tenure will organizations at the dinner have a direct impact on them. allowed Scogin to gauge the After the dinner, some students interest of the students and walked away optimistic about creating lines of dialogue early will allow him to get things done. the future. Along with the insight W h e n he was introduced Scogin and as the next president on Dec. provided by 7 of last year, board chair Karl attendees, the dinner was Droppers gave Scogin a raving delicious! There is a lot to be review: “As a strategic thinker excited for when July 1 rolls who has worked on the most around, because Hope will important economic and social continue to rise and move issues facing our nation, Matt forward. Scogin will be a young will bring intellectual depth and president that hopefully can visionary leadership to Hope change things for the better, College. Matt personifies the in the future. You can find the mission of Hope, as he has led a life of leadership and service quotes from this article and at the highest levels of business more information about Scogin on Hope’swebsite and watch out and government.” Scogin received his for updates as July 1 approaches. As President Scogin prepares undergraduate education here at Hope, then he moved on to in a couple months to sassume Harvard and into the finance leadership, if you have a sector. He got a opportunity opportunity to connect with to talk a little bit about his him, do it!Itisworthwhile

C a m p u s C o -E d i t o r

As a part of his first visit to campus, President-elect Scogin had dinner with representatives from Multicultural Student Organizations (MSOs), GRACES, G L O B E and 95 Stories. The dinner had been scheduled for a long time, but it unfortunately fell on a day in which classes were canceled, for Wednesday, that afternoon. As a result, campus itself was empty, with a few brave souls going outside to brave the harsh elements to make itto the dinner. It fortunately provided students with sokmething to eat and take their mind offof a dizzying start to a wierd week. The dinner was a great opportunity for members of students organizations to meet and greet Scogin. Hope worked tirelessly, through a rigorous selction process, to find Scogin. But in order for the President to be successful, he has to connect to the students, which is why


PRESIDENT-ELECT POSES FOR PICTURES - Scogin posed for sveral pictures with members of the Latino Student Organization (LSO) Executive Board. He will begin his term on July 1, ushering In a a new era In the history of Hope. this meet and greet event was so important. The dinner was held lastweek Tuesday at the Haworth Inn & Conference Center. Along with the food, Scogin got to know the students, listen to their perspectives and provide

them with an opportunity to ask questions of him. Many insightful questions were asked as Scogin and the students were eating. These focused mainly on diversity and inclusion, two topics that are important parts of the Hope

SPORTS i| i|f j

Polar Vortex

j R e a d eyewitness 1 1 from the week.


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W h a t ’s In s i d e

Far f r o m the Tree

Hope-Calvin 2 0 0

R e a d about the incredible film on family here

H o p e and Calvin went d o w n to the wire. Hear m o r e about the incredible g a m e here.


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Sp o r t s 8

Making graduation s e e m less daunting

T his W e e k a t H o p e Today

Kailey S a v o n a

M E E T T H E FIRM: S T E E L C A S E Employees from Steelcase will be visiting c a m p u s from 3 to 3:50 p m in Winants Auditorium located in Graves Hall. The goal of the hour will be to introduce students to the mission and culture of the company. C o m e dressed in your business-casual attire to see whatSteelcase is all about.

Thursday C O M P U T E R SCIENCE S E M I N A R BY JAMES HERRICK ;Herrick, involved in Mellon Grand Challenges and the Communications Department, will speak about Al or Artificial Intelligence at 1 1 a m in Vanderwerf Hall r o o m 102. The topic has b e c o m e increasingly relevant across the world. The general public remains uneducated about the seemingly mysterious realm of technology. The future of Al will be immensely impacted by the lanugage accompanying the w a y technology is developed and regulated. Join Professor Herrick to learn m o r e about Al and the ways w e talk about it.

Friday GLORY HOUR Start off your mid-winter break tuning in with your spirituality at Glory Hour. All are w e l c o m e to join for worship and prayer from 8:00 to 11:00 p.m. in the Harvey Prayer Chapel located in the Bultman Student Center. The event runs every Friday night.

C a m p u s C o -E d i t o r

Senior year hits and all of a sudden you are scrambling to solidify post-graduation plans. It seems as though college will last forever so it becomes difficult to accept the reality of leaving Hope College and finding an adult career. With May quickly approaching, senior Mariah Bensley shares her various thoughts about graduation: “I feel as if I am in this weird middle stage where I absolutely love being a college student and being in this phase of my life, but I also feel ready to move on. I get excited about the opportunity to start pursuing a real career. As exciting as that prospect is though, its hard to imagine not being surrounded by m y Hope community.” The job search process can be exciting yet scary and overwhelming. It’s common to feel underqualified for jobs you want or be unsure of where to look in the first place. Megan Scheldt facilitated the mini boot camp regarding job searching at the end of January. She articulated four main steps crucial to the job search process:

First, narrow your focus of careers. Figure out what type of work you want to pursue. Vault can be a helpful online source during this step. Second, gather and refineyour support materials including resumes, cover letters, references, etc. Having a few different resumes and cover letters is important to apply for various positions. Third, develop a plan for finding work. If you feel lost, the Boerigter Center is an excellent resource. Attend job or internship fairs and utilize websites such as to apply. Scheldt recommends applying for one or two jobs every day Monday through Friday. “If you stop for even a week in your job search process, you’re making yourself wait even longer. It’s better to tell a company you’ve accepted a position at another one than to wait too long," said Scheldt. Keep in mind quality along with quantity to make sure they are positions you would actually want. Additionally, always follow up with a thank you note. The final step is interview preparation and practice. Familiarize yourself with the employer and their mission. Be ready with multiple reasons you want to work for them

H ope C ollege

BOERIGTER CENTER — In the midst of anxiety, the center and staff offer tactics and resources that can alleviate some of the fears that come along with job search and interviewing. specifically. Think about your strengths and experiences that are relevant to the position you are applying for. One ofthe most underutilized components isasking questions. Inquiring about the position, company and training process communicates genuine interest in being hired. “Questions you ask them are just as important as your responses to their questions,” said Dale Austin as he lead the interview strategies mini boot camp. The back and forth dialogue helps make the interview feel more similar to a

pleasant conversation. The best way to master the art of interviewing is through repeated practice. The Boerigter Center offers mock interviews so students can become more comfortable sitting in an interview in-person. You can also practice online through InterviewStream, answering randomized or specifically tailored questions. The program even has the ability to count the amount of times you say “u m ”. Visit the Boerigter Center in person or online to utilize many of these phenomenal resources.

‘S a m e G o d ’ informs, educates, inspires Zach Danker! S

In B rief

MID-WINTER BREAK The time to rest is finally here! N o classes will run M o n d a y and Tuesday. Whether you are travelling h o m e for the long w e e k e n d or staying in Holland, w e hope you enjoy the small break from school.

EXODUS 90 KICK-OFF There will be a meeting for the Exodus 9 0

program, sponsored by

Saint Benedict Institute and C a m p u s Ministries, on Feb. 14 from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. in Dimnent Chapel. The program is geared toward people struggling to find God. Participating entails giving up items such as alcohol, sweets a nd television for a full 9 0 day period. M e n seeking to discover their calling, prepare for marriage or overcome an addiction are encouraged to join.

VAGINA MONOLOGUES Hop e students will be performing the episodic play written by Eve Ensler in the 1 9 9 0 s k n o w n as “The Vagina Monologues."



consists of personal monologues from various w o m e n across the world describing their feminine experiences. The play will run Feb. 14-16.




In 2015 Dr. Larycia Hawkins, a professor of political science at Wheaton College, began a religious revolution. Disturbed by the phobia and bigotry that was and still is inflicted upon Muslims all over the globe, Hawkins donned a hijab and posted a picture on Facebook that was captioned: “I stand in human solidarity with m y Muslim neighbors because we are formed of the same primordial clay...And as Pope Francis stated last week, we worship the same God... Thus, beginning tonight, my solidarity has become embodied solidarity.” As her advent pledge, Dr. Hawkins wore the hijab everywhere, including the classroom and on the plane. Mere months afterher Facebook update, Hawkins, the first black woman to achieve tenure status at Wheaton College, was forced to resign after suffering unjust treatment at the hands of colleagues, friends, students and the whole world. And on Jan. 26, Dr. Hawkins brought the revolution to Hope College. “Same God," a documentary by Wheaton alumni Linda Midgett, was shown at Holland’s Knickerbocker Theatre Saturday night. The film revealed Hawkins' struggle after her controversial declaration and

C hicago T ribune

EMBODYING SOLIDARITY — Larycia Hawkins continues to seek Justice, whether that Is with Syrian refugees, survivors of the Rwandan genocide or students In-her classroom. how it ultimately changed the course of her life. The film highlighted the reactions she received from Wheaton College, including the hostility from the Provost and President but also the student protests supporting her. It brought into light the struggles ofher colleague Michael Mangis, who helped expose the hypocrisy of her treatment and was similarly forced to walk away from Wheaton as a result. The film also delves into Hawkins' past, traveling back to her roots in Oklahoma and the religious, racially-divided culture she grew up in. “Same God" showed Hawkins as competent professor, a steadfast activist and a loving daughter, but it also showed her as a disciple of Jesus with a righteous love for his teachings and what she believes he has sent

her to accomplish. The Knickerbocker Theatre was near full that night, packed with students and Holland residents alike who had trekked through the snow to watch this powerful, intimatedocumentary. After the screening, there was a round panel discussion featuring Dr. Rakesh Peter-Dass ofthe Hope College Department of Religion. Joining them on stage were Michael Mangis and after a long, worthy applause Dr. Larycia Hawkins herself. She now teaches at University of Virginia, where she is an Assistant Professor of Politics and Religious Studies and is currently traveling the U.S. with her documentary. The panel answered questions from the audience, many of which dealt with the concepts of embodied

solidarity, if Christianity and Islam really do worship the same God, and what Hope can do to make sure that a situation like this one can be avoided on this campus. Afterward, during an interview with The Anchor, Hawkins had this to say: “I think the best way to represent embodied solidarity on a daily basis is to seek out the perspectives of the most oppressed in our midst. W e have the eyes of Jesus Christ, and it doesn't just change who we are but how we see and who we see. So if we’re not seeing the dispossessed, the marginalized, we need to figure out where they are. Jesus didn’tjust find himself in Samaria; he went through Samaria purposefully. Scripture says thatJesus learned obedience through those things that he suffered. Similarly, Ghandi did that; Mandela did that; M L K did that. So thinking about those people that we want to emulate, in terms of their social justice commitments, they sought out the oppressed, to learn from them what itmeant to do justice, to love mercy and law.” Dr. Hawkins has been the catalyst for religious upheaval, a symbol of morality and a solemn reminder of what solidarity with the oppressed can cost. She will continue spreading her message across the United States with the “Same God” film, inspiring many to live as Jesus did, as she strives to now.

Claire B u c k N

ation/ w o r l d

E ditor

As the March 29 deadline for the U K to exit the EU approaches, Brexithas been back in American headlines. Mark Turner, an exchange student from a city near Manchester who’s studying computer science at Hope, looks back on his experience in England when the U K first voted to leave and explains what the future might hold for his home country. “Unlike some of m y friends, I didn’t stay up late to see the result, and I found out when I turned on the T V in the OUT OF OPTIONS — English exchange student Mark Turner morning,” said Turner. “What explains how the UK reached its current deadlock with the EU probably sums up the mood for and what needs to happen before the March exit deadline. me and most other people was one of utter disbelief.”According “Our teachers aren’t allowed to they weren't sure what to expect to Turner, nobody was expecting give political opinions, but there in the year and a half before the for the U K to vote to leave— it were definite class discussions exit deadline. “A lot of people was the opposite of what the about it.” As Turner explained, were wondering ifitwould ever poUs had anticipated. "In a way developments came in quick happen,” said Turner. I asked Turner about his though, itwas kind of exciting,” succession throughout the day, perspective on the situation now and there was always something Turner added, explaining that that Brexit was back in the news. new to discuss. the U K ’s political situation “I presume you’ re talking about “ Almost immediately the had been fairly uneventful for the US, since Brexit has never biggest issue became Northern years. “At least we finally had once l e f t the news in the UK!" Ireland,” said Turner. He something to talk about.” he told me. “The way I see it is explained that the conditions of Turner recalled the day after that we’ ve completely run out of the Good FridayAgreement were the referendum’s results came options." He agreed with Prime out. “Wh e n I got into school, at odds with the need for a hard it was pretty much all that border between the countries Minister Theresa May’s decision anyone was talking about,” he that would result from a break to rule out the possibility of said. “Everyone wanted to put with the EU. Another major a second referendum, but he in their two-penny's worth, even concern was the anticipated loss explained that her unpopular those who you wouldn’t expect.” of businesses. Citizens of the U K and poorly-designed Brexit The story unfolded in the saw the economic impacts of deal had been voted down by a background of the school day: Brexit almost immediately, but historic margin. Parliament had

also voted down the possibility of a no-confidence vote in May’s government, which is similar to an impeachment vote in the US. N o w Turner suspects that ifthe U K exits on schedule, they won’t succeed in reaching a deal with the EU. Hardly anyone would be satisfied with this outcome, so Turner believes a delay of the March deadline is inevitable. “W e are very much at an impasse, and the only thing that can break the deadlock is time,” he said. “Time for the EU to come to terms with the fact that this isvery real and actually happening, and if they cut us out by giving us a poor exit deal, they would have completely lost a very valuable member and trading partner.” He also thinks that remaining in the EU is out of the question: “This would be a betrayal of the British people. Whatever their reasons, more of the voting population voted to leave the EU than remain, and the government needs to adhere to this— we like to think of ourselves as a democracy.” According to Turner, pushing back the deadline shouldn’t be a problem given a ruling from the EU High Court, and it’s the option that makes the most sense at this point. As he put it, “More time is required to reach a deal that works for everyone, putting aside self-interest for the long-term gain of all parties.”

M e e t the candidates w h o plan to challenge Trump Cameron Geddes

she has worked for reentry programs for nonviolent criminals, several civil rights cases, and worked prosecution As the clock creeps closer for financial crimes. However, to the next cycle of American her record is mixed with democracy, several challengers several controversies involving have emerged to contest corruption and upholding the potential re-election of wrongful convictions. This has President Trump. With no lead many Democrats to shy declared Republican opposition away from backing her as a true as of yet, all opponents of note progressive. have emerged from Democratic Several other candidates and Independent sides. Here’s have also made waves, for a a breakdown of the most variety of reasons. Former prominent candidates. The C E O of Starbucks Howard following information has been Schultz is rumored to be largely sourced from Glamour, the Chicago Tribune, the N e w KAMALA HARRIS — The Democratic senator and former At­ mulling a run stricdy as an York Times and torney General of California Is one of several presidential hope­ Independent, frightening those Senator Cory Booker, 49, fuls already facing controversy and concerns within their party. who support Starbucks’ left­ leaning values. John McAfee, of (D-NJ) announced his bid on the antivirus software firm, has suggest one must go back six become cleared for public the first of the month and is also announced intentions to to ten generations to find her a release by the time of his act of likely to be among the most join the fray as a Libertarian or f ully Native American ancestor. popular candidates this season. defiance. an Independent. John Kasich, Another candidate well- While still claiming a culturally He served as mayor of Newark former 2016 candidate from the known in D.C. is Elizabeth and socially Native American before becoming a senator, and upbringing, Warren has since Republican party, has indicated he championed a bipartisan Warren, 69 (D-MA). Warren apologized privately to a leader interest in potentially running criminal justice reform bill, has not officially announced against fellow Republican her candidacy but was quick to of the Cherokee Nation and which just passed. He made Donald Trump, one of the only affirmed she is not the member form an exploratory committee waves during the nomination G O P members to do so thus right before the end of last year. of any tribal nation. of Justice Kavanaugh by f ar. Even twice-defeated Hillary Kamala Harris, a 54 yearWarren is among the most declaring his office would Clinton has been rumored to be old Democratic Senator from release confidential emails extremely liberal of her crowd, giving i t another try, although about Kavanaugh’s career, quick to condemn sexism, big California, has also thrown with the dramatic defeat of2016 her hat in the ring. She is the which allegedly promoted racial banking, and Russia. However, profiling. Declaring himself to Warren has come under fire daughter of immigrant parents still fresh in the mind of her be “Spartacus,” it was revealed for frequendy claiming a blurry from India and Jamaica, and she fellow Democrats, it’s unlikely that another Trump-Hillary shortly after that the emails Native American heritage, announced her candidacy on had already, embarrassingly, when in fact D N A results Jan. 21. A former D.A. and A.G., showdown is on the horizon. S




Here’s why you got that notification to turn down your thermostat

D etroit N ews

Claire B u c k N




E ditor

On the morning of Wednesday, Jan. 27, C o nsumers Energy w a s in a crisis. Across Michigan, two days of bitter sub-zero cold caused by a polar vortex created record d e m a n d for natural gas. Then, a fire at C o n s u m e r s ’ Ray Natural G a s Compressor Station in M a c o m b County shut d o w n gas flow from the key facility, which is responsible for about a fifth of the state’s supply. Faced with the threat of gas cuts in the midst of a deadly freeze, the c o m p a n y and the state sent out an emergency plea for residents to turn d o w n their thermostats to 6 5 degrees until midnight Friday. In the m e a n t i m e C o ns u m e r s rerouted gas from other facilities and pipelines. Compliance with the request to conserve energy w a s strictly voluntary, but the people of Michigan listened. By Thursday C o n s u m e r s ’ C E O announced that natural gas usage w a s d o w n ten percent. That s a m e day the c o m p a n y thanked customers for their responsiveness and said that they could turn their thermostats back up twelve hours earlier than they’d initially anticipated. The action of residents and businesses and the rerouting efforts of C o nsumers averted disaster this time, but s o m e say that the incident has exposed serious vulnerabilities in Michigan's natural gas infrastructure. The cause of the fire at the M a c o m b County station hasn’t been confirmed, but Governor Gretchen Whit m e r has expressed concern about the c o m p a n y ’s reliance on that one facility. W h i t m e r has asked the State Public Service Commission to examine the state’s energy supply and delivery systems. Experts also emphasize the need to focus not just on increasing companies’ capacity to provide energy but decreasing energy demand. Energy efficiency measures would not only work to prevent emergencies like the one that unfolded on W e d n e s d a y but help to lower energy bills and pollution as well.


— V oices - C a m p u s response to polar vortex

T he A nchor

January 16, 2019

Sarah S a n d e r s V oices E ditor

Elizabeth Inthisane: Sophomore, commuter “I don’tlive on campus, so haven’tactually been to school until [last] Friday, because it’s been so horrible. The roads have been super bad. my car engine completely frozeso I couldn’t get to school at all.”

Isaiah Hough: Junior, R A of Brumler Apartments “The snowstorm kept me inside mostly. Itgave m e a falsesense ofextra time that led m e to procrastinate a good amount, but it ended up okay in the end. It did let me sleep in though, and that was amazing.”

Andie Alsgaard: Sophomore “During the days off I was still piled high with homework, but as the week progressed I found myself checking things off m y list and having a more open week than normal! Additionally, I spent more time with m y

Abby Pearch: Sophomore “The snowstorm was difficult for me, because I still had my normal workload that I had to do, but help sessions and review sessions were cancelled which made homework take longer. This made me feel left out, because everyone else could enjoy their days off, but I

roommate, suitemates and friends.”

stillhad to do work.”

Tyra White: Senior “I would say the snow storm hit us in the same way it pretty much hit everyone else on campus. Because Brumler is pretty old, we could feel a strong draft through our win­ dows at night, so my housemates and Iwould wake up freezing in the

Angelica Vaiana: Sophomore "Overall I'd say it was pretty lit. I got to dedicate some quality time to Resident Evil 2 and a lot of my homework got pushed back. One of my quizzes got really thick because of it but it, will probably be fine.





Sophomore Gilmore RA Llnnea Johnson was spotted cross­ country skiing on her day off. ± _______ k.

H a n n a h Pikaart



- E d i t o r -i n - C


Sophia V a n d e r K o o y



- E d i t o r -i n - C


A n n a h Duffey Angel Rebollar Taylor D u n n Miles Pruitt

Pr o d u c t i o n M





S ocial M Campus C



edia o


Kailey Savona C a m p u s C o - E d i t o r Claire B u c k N /

anager anager


Alexandra Olson W





Sarah Sanders V o i c e s E d i t o r Isabella Wilson F e a t u r e s E d i t o r Abigail B a c h e A




E ditor

M a r k Lewison

F a c u l t )'A


Ruth Holloway L ifestyle E d i t o r M e g a n Gri m e s Morgan Brown

Sports E ditor C




Caitlyn Fields C o p y E d i t o r Carter D a m a s k a


Z achary D a n k e r t



C a m e r o n Geddes



Molly D o u m a





A l e xander S

2= ^ ? —

F eatures

T he A nchor


From the residential hail on to Reflections o n the current housing options across c a m p u s stretch so far as the maintenance of malfunctions in the house; the R A can always call Hope’s Physical Plant to fixa shattered window or burst pipe. Another job of the RAs in both dorms and cottages isto throw events for their residents, each of varying size and grandeur. Cottage events can include the members of your home for something such as weekly Saturday morning breakfasts, or the event can be the entire street of houses getting together for a “neighborhood event.” These larger activities range from Super Bowl parties to group t-shirt painting get-togethers with supplies provided. Each neighborhood R A staffis issued a budget to use when throwing events such as these, which follows the same system as the dorms. Ben Douma (‘20), a resident of Hope’s Rider Cottage, shares his opinion on house living. The feel of a cottage, Douma said, is“a lot more homey” compared to that of a dorm. “The extra living space is nice,” he said, as itprovides an additional hangout space to be with his housemates outside of

Molly D o u m a S




their room. There isalso the benefit of having a kitchen and fridge at their disposal-the best of both worlds for cottage residents now able to have a balance of their own personal food while stillbeing able to make a trip to Phelps Dining Hall or the Kletz Market as they desire. Cottages are a hot commodity at Hope, which can make acquiring the perfect home for a group of friends a challenge. Douma recommends anyone in pursuit of a cottage this upcoming year to “get going early and get hooked up with an RA.” “The earlier, the better” isthe mindset to be in with cottages, as they tend to fillup very quickly with students eager to get a home with their friends. Of his six housemates, Douma said that “they are good friends of mine” and get along very well. Cottage living treats this group of friends with the experience of independence and the unique community feel provided by Hope’s cottages.

As the time for next year’s housing decisions approaches, Hope College students are exploring their options and getting all of their ducks in a row. Students must find friends to room with and plan out where they want to live; a decision that could end in any number ofways. Hope provides quite a variety of living options for its students, who can choose from eleven different dorms, which iswhat many freshmen and sophomores often do. However, as students become juniors and seniors, the majority of upperclassmen choose to live in either off-campus apartments around Holland or in one of Hope’s 68 available cottages surrounding campus. These cottages are owned by Hope, but have a completely different feel than a campus dorm. Each of Hope’s cottages can house anywhere from 4 to 10 people, which provides an opportunity for groups of friends to live together in their own home instead of having to choose a single roommate or hoping buds have dorm rooms close by. The group of cottage residents also has the benefit of a personal living room and kitchen, something that is often missed in college dorms. One similarity between Hope’s cottages and dorms is the presence of resident assistants (RAs). This position, however, has many different requirements depending on whether or not the R A lives in a dorm or cottage, The resident assistant of a cottage is tasked with the delegation of chores to their residents, as the people living in the house are responsible for maintaining the . cleanliness of the entire house-not just their STREET VIEW — Pictured above Is a street view of Douma’s cottage on 13th Street. In Rider Cottage, Douma has enjoyed the feel­ own room. ing of being In a home again, as opposed to a residential hall. Luckily, this responsibility doesn't

Our Mission: The Anchor strives to communicate c a m p u s events throughout Hope College and the Holland community. W e hope to amplify awareness and promote dialogue through fair, objective journalism and a vibrant Voices section.

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TheA n c h 0K

Kruizenga debuts Japanese exhibition ‘Enlightened Harmony’brings Japan’s culture to Hope Z a c h Danker! S taff W


The Showa period of Japan's history is one of mounting tension and dramatic change, as well as artistic birth. It began with economic crises in the late 1920s and evolved to ultra-nationalistic philosophies that culminated in invasions of China and Manchuria in the 1930s. At Japans 1945 surrender to Allied Forces during World War II, itseemed like the end of an age for many of its citizens. However, the Showa reign was not quite finished yet; it lasted until 1989 and marked a significant, controversial change in Japan as a world power and a center of culture. Emperor Hirohito, the longest reigning emperor in Japanese history, transformed from a God of his people to a passionate marine biologist, and Japan went from being a country plagued by homelessness and destructive patriotism to a country with the second largest economy in the world. Also during this time period, John and Etta Hesselink arrived in Japan. Between 1953 and 1973 they not only served as church missionaries but began nurturing a love for Japanese art. “Enlightened Harmony: 20th Century Japanese Art from the Hesselink Collection” displays some of the pottery, clothing and prints that the Hesselinks accumulated during their 20year service and trips afterward. Featured in the collection are artists such as Hoshi Joichi, Yokoishi Gagyu XIII and Haku Maki, who expertly expressed

Z ach D ankept

PICTURE OF HISTORY — Beautifully embroidered cranes fly across the fabric of a silk kimono currently on display in the Kruizenga Art Museum. the culture and time of midShowa Japan through their various mediums. The temporary collection is small and intimate, featuring artifacts ranging from cement block prints to silk kimonos. “I thought itwas a really beautiful tribute to more recent Japanese art and culture,” says Hope student Kimberly Breyfogle (‘21). “The inclusion of a variety of art types and styles gives the exhibit depth.” This exhibit is situated in the left wing of the Kruizenga Art Museum and will depart on March 30. Hope is no stranger to the Hesselinks and their unique art collection. The Hesselinks moved to Holland in 1973, where John Hesselink took on

the role of President of Western Theological Seminary. Two of their children are Hope graduates, and John Hesselink is a cousin to Richard Kruizenga. Pieces from their collection can be seen across campus. The later half of the Showa period is where the majority of this art originates from. This was the era of American occupation in the Japanese islands, and money was spent less on military and more on advancement. This part ofJapanese history isknown to many as “Japan’s Golden Age" or the “Showa Renaissance.” Modern people are now appreciating the art, fashion and culture developed during this time ofprogressive technological and economic growth.

Abigail B a c h e rts

E ditor

The Winter Film Series returned thispastweek with “Far From the Tree,” a film based on the N e w York Times best-seller “Far From the Tree: Parents, Children, and the Search for Identity” by Andrew Solomon. The unrated film follows different families through the eyes of parents as they push society's acceptance of their special kids, who have been deemed socially “abnormal” by the world. “Far From the Tree” was shown at the Knickerbocker Theatre in downtown Holland Jan. 28 - Feb. 2, with the exception of Jan. 30, when the showing was canceled due to poor weather. Coming up next in the Winter Film Series is a documentary about three Japanese tuna trawlers who survived the US detonating their first hydrogen weapon Castle Bravo while they were out fishing. “Day of the Western Sunrise” is told through “kamishibai" or “paper

Upcoming Events Jonathan Frey Exhibition @ DePree Art Center Kruizenga Art M u s e u m : O nce W e r e N o m a d s : Textiles and Culture in Baluchistan Exhibit @ Kruizenga Kruizenga Art M u s e u m : Enlightened Harmony: 20th-Century Japanese Art from the Hesselink Collection Focus Exhibit Artist’s Lecture - Feb. 7-8, 4 p.m. @ C o o k Auditorium Frey Reception - Feb. 7-8, 5 p.m. @ D e Free Art Center Lobby Historical Social Balle - Feb. 7, 7 p.m. @ M a a s Auditorium O p u s Meeting - Feb. 7, 7 p.m. @ Lubbers Hall, R o o m 2 2 0

Top Movies from the Weekend

This period isunique in that it lasted most of the 20th century and was able to capture a whole way oflife,from the chaos caused by the 1945 Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings to the pride of the 1964 Tokyo Olympics to the death of Emperor Hirohito in 1989. Japan possesses a oneof-a-kind history in the Showa reign, and itisperfectlycaptured in this era’s art. “Enlightened Harmony: 20th Century Japanese Art from the Hesselink Collection” will only be on Hope’s campus for two months and is well worth the visit, even in the freezing weather. Be sure to also stop by the Kruizenga's other exhibition, titled “Once Were Nomads,” which is open until May.

Winter Film Series shows second movie A

In B rief


WHAT MAKES THEM UNIQUE - The film focused on how families with special circumstances are sometimes isolated by society. drama,” a Japanese storytelling method that gives viewers a more intimate retelling of the fishermens story. The film is

shown in Japanese with English subtitles and will be playing at the Knickerbocker Theatre March 11-16. Be sure to mark

it in your calendars - you won’t want to miss this show. The last film in the Winter Film Series is titled “W o m a n at War” and will be shown at the Knickerbocker Theatere on April 1-6 to conclude the season. This film follows a woman named Halla, who declares war on the local aluminum industry in hopes of stopping the operations from happening in the Icelandic highlands. While Halla isin the middle of her war, she is thrown a curve ball when a long-forgotten application to adopt a child from Ukraine is approved, and she is stuck in the tricky position of raising a child while stillfighting for what she believes in. The film is in Icelandic, Spanish, Norwegian and English, shown with English subtitles. Tickets for the Winter Film Series are $7 for regular admission, $6 for senior citizens, children and Hope faculty. Tickets can be purchased at the door or in advance in the Anderson-Werkman Financial Center in Downtown Holland.

1. Glass 2. The Upside 3. Miss Bala 4. A q u a m a n 5. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse 6. Green Book 7. The Kid W h o W o u l d be King 8. A D o g ’s W a y H o m e 9. Escape R o o m 10. They Shall Not G r o w Old

New Music via WTHS B u k e and Case - Scholars Lost Under Heaven - Love Hates W h a t You B e c o m e J a m e s Black - A s s u m e Form Toro y Mol - Outer Peace Better Oblivion C o m m u n i t y Center - Better Oblivion C o m m u n i t y Center Girlpool - W h a t Chaos is Imaginary Caused by Carelessness - Get Better Sharon Van Etten - R e m i n d M e T o m orrow Vampire W e e k e n d - “H a r m o n y Hall," “


Lala Lala and W H Y ? - “Siren 0 4 3 ” The Decemberists - Traveling O n American Football feat. Hayley Williams - “Uncomfortably N u m b ” Spelling - “Under the Sun" Methyl Ethel - “Trip the Mains” Broken Social Sce n e - “All IW a n t ” Clarence Clarity - “Bipolar Rainbows" Tanma r y n - “Fits of Rage" Lady L a m b - “Even in the Tremor" Bellows - “T he Rose Gardener"

This Week’s Netfllx Releases T he Soloist Nailed It! Mexico El arbol de la sangre High Flying Bird Kevin Hart’s Guide to Black History O n e Day at a T i m e (S3) ReMastered: T he T w o Killings of S a m C o oke Th e Epic Tales of Captain Underpants (S2) Unauthorized Living Th e Brak (S2) Patriot Act with H a san Minhaj (V2) Flavorful Origins: Chaoshan Cuisine Little W o m e n Dating Around K en Jeong: You Complete Me, Ho Larry Charles’ Dangerous World of Comedy Th e Breaker Uppers The Dragon Prince (S2) Th e Umbrella A c a d e m y Yucatan

Hope Talent Michael J. Pineda - “Lady Luck," “Headspace" Julian Lugo - “T h ank You" Available on music streaming services (ITunes, Spotify) C h eck out Coffee House in the B S C great r o o m to hear m o r e of H o p e ’s talented students every Thursday night from 9-11 p.m.

The D o w diaries, part II:All day, every day R uth Hollowav Ruth Holloway

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L ifestyle E ditor

Hello, friends. It’s me again, back to bring you another installment of health and wellness related stories from across Hope’s campus. This week Ihad the distinct pleasure of discussing workout routines with a good friend and reallife fitness fanatic, John VanderVliet. Faced with the decision of who to feature in this edition, John came out as the obvious choice, not only because he sweats up a storm every single day, but because he is my only friend who says the word “grind” unironically. John is a busy guy, with a major in business and a passion for all things financial - investments, hedge funds, you name it. For as much as he likes money, there might be something that he loves even more: hitting the gym. Ifyou looked ata listofJohn’s frequently visited locations, the D o w would be second only to his residence hall. He estimates that over the course of 2018, there were two days he failed to work out, and that’s only because he was throwing up. The man isa machine! Whe n Isat down with John to talkwith him about his rigorous fitness routine, the first thing I

_______________________________ ___ Jo n a t h a n C


CONNECT WITH JOHN -John wants to encourage all of you to connect with him on Linkedln, his favorite networking website, or to challenge him to a game of basketball. He’s single, ladles. wanted to know was what keeps him motivated. “It’s fun,” he said. “I go to the gym because it’s a good time, and well, you know." He paused and gestured to himself. At six foot, three inches, John is frequently mistaken for an athlete. In addition to making a daily trip to the Dow, John maintains a strict diet with little flexibility when it comes to snacks or sweets. This combination of meeting lofty nutritional goals and pushing his body to itslimits has yielded results that seem somewhat unattainable. Contrary to the stereotypes associated with those who love fitness, John does not lord his

success over his friends. While he is proud of his hard work and happy with his disciplined lifestyle, he is shocked when other people anticipate that he will judge them for indulging in a slice of pizza or taking a day off from working out. In fact it took weeks of coercing to get John to go on the record about hitting the gym. When I finally sat down to write this article, he made sure to check in with me every few minutes to ensure that Iwasn’t including too many personal details or painting him as some jerk whose personality is built solely on the fact that he enjoys working out. M y next question was what kind of routine John would

recommend for someone who magazine and only staying for was just starting their fitness as long as you're having fun. journey. While itisunlikely that you will “Just drag yourself to the find me lounging at the D o w in gym,” he told me. “You don’t the days to come, I have found actually have to exercise or do that the advice of Crews and anything. Even doing homework Vander Vliet alike ring true. At the end of our talk, I upstairs will help to get you in the right mindset. Just putting thanked John for his time and in the effort to be at the gym is willingness to open up about a good start.” John stopped for a such an important part of his moment, then added, “Don't go life. “What’s that?” he asked, too overboard, or else you’ll get looking up from his homework. muscle soreness." Not convinced yet? Former “Uh...” Isaid, panicking because NFL linebacker Terry Crews Ihad said something supremely advised Reddit users to treat uncool. “Do you know what the gym like a spa, saying, “The season itis?” “Bulking season,” John said, habit of going to the gym ismore important than the workout.” smiling. “It’s bulking season." He recommends reading a

Solving seasonal scaries and banishing blues Molly Mollv D o u m a S




Winter is a beautiful season. Watching the snow fall outside your window as you curl up under a warm blanket is one of the best feelings in the world, and there are few things more entertaining than a snowball fight with your friends on a day off. This chilly season, however, isn’t all snowmen and hot chocolate. The cold has a way of taking a toll on many people’s health, both mental and physical. Here are a few ways to keep yourself happy and healthy in the coming chilly days.

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Benefitting the brain

Many people can relate to the feeling of grogginess and ir­ ritability that lingers through­ out the winter months. It mani­ fests itself differentiy in each person; striking some as sim­ ply cabin fever and the desire for warm weather, while others experience what is called “sea­ sonal depression.” Preventing such mental states can be diffi­ cult, since we can’t change one of the main causes: weather. Itis possible, however, to take a few precautions that may be able to decrease negative symptoms caused by the climate. One: Go outside. At first glance, this doesn’t make much sense. The reason we feel bad in the first place is because the weather isn't great, so why spend more time in it? Actually,

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SNOWPOCALYPSE -Though It seems that the worst is behind us, we still want to encourage you to stay warm, safe and happy. heading outdoors is a great way to alleviate the stress that builds up when we spend increased amounts of time trapped in­ side. Bundle up and take a brisk walk, embracing the fresh air and space to clear your mind that can’t be found cooped up indoors. Two: Get moving. Taking a brisk walk outside is a great way to increase physical activity which in turn benefits mental well-being. Any kind of physi­ cal exercise releases chemicals in the brain called endorphins;

the chemicals that are proven to reduce stress and trigger positive feelings. Not only can'ffils^benefitmental health, but itincreases the strength of the immune sys­ tem as well. Benefitting the b o d y

Colder weather is often associated very closely with sickness. The common cold is rampant during this season, as people are in closer quarters and viruses spread more easily amongst those trapped inside. Many accept the fate of a cold at one point or another throughout





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YUCKY - It’s hard to frolic and be of good cheer when you’re hiding from junk like this (left), but there are ways to grin and bear It,even when your nose hairs are frozen together. Share your favorite winter acitivities with us on Instagram and Twitter! ©hopecollegeanchor @hopeanchornews

the season, but here are a few small things that-mray reduce the likelihood of you falling ill. One: Take the time to sleep. Life doesn't slow down during these chilly months, and for many it may become increas­ Two: Tea. Lots of tea. This ingly overwhelming and busy. Busyness leads to the sacrifice warm beverage has countless of sleep-a critical mistake for benefits on physical well-being. those wishing to remain healthy. Any kind of tea will help to clear Sleep is one of the most crucial out your head if you’ve already components of a healthy im­ got one. If you’re feeling a little mune system; cutting out just a stuffy, brew up a kettle and feel few hours can be detrimental, so the warm steam chase away the cold. don’t slack on sleep.

8 — Sports

February 6, 2019

Basketball fever: o n e win, o n e loss

T his W e e k In S p o r t s

Alexandra Olson W


This past Saturday the men’s basketball team faced the ultimate rivalry- game. Facing Calvin College at the 200th rivalry match, the Flying Dutchmen played their hardest to bring home the win. Calvin won 82-80 in the final seconds of the game. Although Hope did not win this game, we still lead the rivalry in wins with a 103-97 record. The game started intensely with Jason Beckman (’19) and Riley Lewis (’20) scoring the first 13 points within the first 12 minutes. The Flying Dutchmen held the first lead of 17-16 which lasted the next eight minutes. Sophomore Preston Granger hit a notable career high with 23 points in addition to grabbing 14 rebounds. The Knights, however, were not going to give up easily. By halftime Calvin pushed the score to 38-36. The tight-knit game continued until the end. With four seconds left on the clock and the score being 82-80, Beckman rushed to try to put the game into overtime but was unsuccessful. Head coach Greg Mitchell commented on the defeat saying, “A season isall about staying the course and as disappointed as I am about the loss, I’m equally as proud of all these guys in staying together and beinggritty.Disappointment after disappointment, it’s tough to keep that resolve. But I think we do have that resolve, and I’m proud of our guys for that.” The women’s team also fought with


I’m equally proud of allthese guys in stay­ ing together and being gritty. —









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Today W omen’s Basketball vs. Calvin, 7:30 p.m.

Men’s Basketball ©Adrian, 7:30 p.m.

Saturday Men’s Swim & Dive vs. Calvin, 1 p.m.

W omen’s Swim & Dive vs Calvin, 1p.m.

Men’s Tennis @ Ohio Wesleyan, 10 a.m. vs. Centre @ Ohio Wesleyan, 2 p.m.

W omen’s Basketball @ St. Mary’s ,3 p.m. H ope C ollege

DUTCHMEN INTENSITY — Aggressive offense riles up fans during ground-shaking match

Men’s Basketball vs. Alma, 3 p.m.

Tuesday Men’s Lacrosse @ Cleary, 12 p.m.

In B rief H ope C ollege

D E W C R E W — Hope Students cheer their support during the game, urging the team on.

TENNIS the same intensity found at the rivalry match and won against Alma College. The Saturday game ended with a huge lead of 83-51. Two sophomores, Mallory Gerber and Ashleigh Thomas, lead the team on an aggressive attack. Initially, the first and second quarters of the game started offslow. By the end of the first, the girls had scored 14 points and by the end of the second they had scored 18. Hope college had a considerable lead of 27-11 when Thomas

landed two free-throws. By halftime, The Dutch held onto the lead with 32-21. Alma got within a five-point difference by the first few minutes into the third quarter. The Flying Dutch were not about to hand the game over. A strong defense forced Alma into 26 turnovers and by the end of the third quarter Hope's lead was up by 19 points with a score of 58-39. Only one minute and 41 seconds left in the game, Courtney Barnes (’21) scored a layup with the assist of

Tolbert (’20).Thisgave Hope itslargest lead of 34 points and ultimately their strong victory. This win caused Senior Karen Gingras-Hoekstra to move to fourth place on Hope's alltime scoring list. The men's next home match is against Alma at 3 p.m. this Saturday. The next upcoming match for the women's team is this coming Staurday at 3 p.m. against St. Mary's. Make sure to come out and support our Flying Dutch in the future!

The men's and w o m e n ’s tennis t e a m s had their first matches this weekend! Both t e a m s traveled to the University of Chicago to play. The m e n lost 9-0 while the w o m e n had a stronger showing, but still lost at 6-3. They m e n ’s t e a m plays against next w e e k e n d at Ohio Wesleyan University.

M E N ’S HOCKEY The m e n ’s hockey t e a m had another full w e e k e n d of playing against University of Michigan-Flint, winning both nights! O n Friday they w o n 9-3 and on Saturday they w o n 5-1, moving their season record to a strong 21-3-1.

Track & field breaks school records in W i n d y City M e g a n Grimes S


E ditor

The men’s and women’s indoor track and field teams competed this weekend at the Windy City Invitational at the

University ofChicago, with great performances all around. The men set three school records, and the women broke one with a runner up finish in the large meet. The men’s team took third place with 82.5 points out of the

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twelve teams attending the meet. Senor Justin Freeman set a new school record in the 60 meter dash at 6.91 seconds improving from his previous school record of 6.93 seconds. The other two school records were beat in the field events. Senior Ben Turner vaulted 4.41 meters (14 feet, 5.5 inches) in the pole vault, bettering his own previous record by 0.11 meters (4 inches). Junior Josh Izenbart passed his heptathlon school record, taking third place with 4,371 points, the old record at 4,305 points. The women’s team took second in the meet with 99 points of the eleven teams competing, setting one record and winning one event outright. Senior Kayla Gercak led runners in the 5,000 kilometer run with a time of

JUSTIN FREEMAN ('19)clocked 6.91 during 60 meters.

19:45.26, sweeping the top six places in the event. Freshman Jenna Breuker broke the school record in the indoor shot put, throwing 12.03 meters (43 feet, 3.75 inches) to beat the 2016 record held by Jane Pearson at 11.63 meters (38 feet, 2 inches). The teams run again after winter break at the Grand Valley State University TuneUp, their last meet before the M I A A Indoor Championships held at Aquinas College.

H ope C ollege

MIAA PLAYERS OF THE WEE K Indoor Track Justin F r e e m a n (’19) Tennis A m a n d a Brandowski (’20)

H ope C ollege

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