VOL. 132 NO. 16 F E B R U A R Y 6, 2019 ♦ SINCE 1887
Blanket over Holland: Snowstorm ravages city Cameron Geddes S taff W
Classes were canceled at 5:41 a.m. Monday, with classes resuming Tuesday. However, classes were again canceled at 2:34 p.m. on Tuesday, which took effectat3 p.m. through Thursday morning. A subsequent email at 6:11 p.m. on Wednesday notified students that the campus would not reopen until 11 a.m. on Thursday. With Wednesday’s feels like temperatures of -24 and wind-gusts of over 20 mph, the warnings seemed well advised. Indeed, a winter storm warning had been issued for the nearby metropolis of Grand Rapids. Still, this extreme cold snap did little to deter students from attempting to enjoy the conditions. With the extra free time, students took to sledding, snowball fights, snow angels and rumors offrat boys jumping into thesnow shirtless.The lattermost activity is recommended under no circumstances and not endorsed by this publication. What differentiates this winter storm from most previous ones is that it constitutes a “polar vortex.” According to the
The Midwest found itself assailed by winter conditions of mythic proportions in the final week of January. With Chicago reaching colder temperatures than parts of Antarctica (according to US A Today) and 21 dead across the country due to the extreme temperatures, the weather is far from a standard cold front. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), temperatures in Chicago reached as low as -23. While not historically the coldest in the city (-27 in 1985), it did break records of the coldest daily low and high point, which were previously -15 and C a m e r o n G eddes +3 from 1966 (as recorded by the National Weather Service.) THE GRAY SKY — Graves Hall was blanketed In snow as The windchill made the the polar vortex tore through Holland. Classes were canceled situation even worse, with feels- Monday and Wednesday, which gave students an opportunity like temperatures plummeting to relax during their days off. This was the first time In four under -50. This led to cars being years that classes had been canceled for an extended period, unable to start, the Chicago treated for frostbite. Across of negative numbers, River freezing, homeless the country schools called off Meanwhile, on the other side shelters filling to capacity and classes and workplaces shut of Lake Michigan in Holland, more than 50 people being down as citizens braved a week things were not much better.
N O A A ’s “Scijinks” website: “A polar vortex is a low pressure area— a wide expanse of swirling cold air— that is parked in Polar Regions. During winter, the polar vortex atthe North Pole expands, sending cold air southward. This happens fairly regularly and is often associated with outbreaks of cold temperatures in the United States." Furthermore, an associated article states that while there is not fully conclusive evidence that man-made conditions have caused more splintering of these vortexes, it is reasonable to suspect they may become more common. This was indicated by Third National Climate Assessment, which points to a rising intensity and frequency of winter storm across middle and high latitudes. Because this past week was the largest number of days in the same weeks off since the infamous norovirus outbreak of 2008, one can conclude that there is unlikely to be more days off in the future, unless conditions return to that of the fierce winter tempest.
Scogin invites all students to the table Miles Pruitt
experiences to students at community. Even though some of the the dinner, as the students students at the dinner are set to themselves settled in and got graduate in 2019, many of the more comfortable with the students are stillunderclassmen, President-Elect. Meeting with which means that his tenure will organizations at the dinner have a direct impact on them. allowed Scogin to gauge the After the dinner, some students interest of the students and walked away optimistic about creating lines of dialogue early will allow him to get things done. the future. Along with the insight W h e n he was introduced Scogin and as the next president on Dec. provided by 7 of last year, board chair Karl attendees, the dinner was Droppers gave Scogin a raving delicious! There is a lot to be review: “As a strategic thinker excited for when July 1 rolls who has worked on the most around, because Hope will important economic and social continue to rise and move issues facing our nation, Matt forward. Scogin will be a young will bring intellectual depth and president that hopefully can visionary leadership to Hope change things for the better, College. Matt personifies the in the future. You can find the mission of Hope, as he has led a life of leadership and service quotes from this article and at the highest levels of business more information about Scogin on Hope’swebsite and watch out and government.” Scogin received his for updates as July 1 approaches. As President Scogin prepares undergraduate education here at Hope, then he moved on to in a couple months to sassume Harvard and into the finance leadership, if you have a sector. He got a opportunity opportunity to connect with to talk a little bit about his him, do it!Itisworthwhile
C a m p u s C o -E d i t o r
As a part of his first visit to campus, President-elect Scogin had dinner with representatives from Multicultural Student Organizations (MSOs), GRACES, G L O B E and 95 Stories. The dinner had been scheduled for a long time, but it unfortunately fell on a day in which classes were canceled, for Wednesday, that afternoon. As a result, campus itself was empty, with a few brave souls going outside to brave the harsh elements to make itto the dinner. It fortunately provided students with sokmething to eat and take their mind offof a dizzying start to a wierd week. The dinner was a great opportunity for members of students organizations to meet and greet Scogin. Hope worked tirelessly, through a rigorous selction process, to find Scogin. But in order for the President to be successful, he has to connect to the students, which is why
PRESIDENT-ELECT POSES FOR PICTURES - Scogin posed for sveral pictures with members of the Latino Student Organization (LSO) Executive Board. He will begin his term on July 1, ushering In a a new era In the history of Hope. this meet and greet event was so important. The dinner was held lastweek Tuesday at the Haworth Inn & Conference Center. Along with the food, Scogin got to know the students, listen to their perspectives and provide
them with an opportunity to ask questions of him. Many insightful questions were asked as Scogin and the students were eating. These focused mainly on diversity and inclusion, two topics that are important parts of the Hope
SPORTS i| i|f j
Polar Vortex
j R e a d eyewitness 1 1 from the week.
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W h a t ’s In s i d e
Far f r o m the Tree
Hope-Calvin 2 0 0
R e a d about the incredible film on family here
H o p e and Calvin went d o w n to the wire. Hear m o r e about the incredible g a m e here.
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Sp o r t s 8