Hope's tenure compared •a&r*' # <^ ^•» I ^ n
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to policies elsewhere
by Paul DeWeese
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olland, michigan Volume 8 7 - 1 8
February 28,1975
Hope College, Holland, Michigan 49423
Hope for $200,000
Students begin fund raising by Dave DeKok In hopes of raising $200,000 toward the construction of a new physical education building for Hope, a student committee has organized to solicit pledges and donations of money from fellow students, alumni and friends of the college. DEBBIE MAXWELL chairs the committee, which calls itself, appropriately, Students For A New Phys. Ed. Building. Jim Donkersloot chairs the activities and publicity subcommittee. Bob Carlson will supervise the students contacting alumni and friends, while Deb Gray will oversee the students who contact fellow students. President Gordon VanWylen, Vice President for Student Affairs Robert DeYoung, Director of Campus Life Dave VanderWel, and Director of College Relations Tom Renner serve as resource persons for the committee. Jim Bultman, associate professor of education, serves as faculty representative. MAXWELL STATED that if each student were to pledge his $50 housing deposit that $100,000 could be raised. This tactic was used with some success to raise money for the Build Hope Fund in 1972, when this year's seniors were freshmen. Students will be contacted for pledges and donations beginning April 9. The committee plans to approach the Kresge Foundation, which donated money towards the Peale Science Center, on March 5 in hopes of obtaining money from them.
THE H-CLUB, an association of ex-Hope varsity letter winners, has raised $475,000 for the building fund to date. Fifty thousand dollars has already been pledged
campus who participate in intramural sports, all of whom could benefit from new sports facilities. "As a community we have worked to raise money for the
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jAMES DONKERSLOOT by students, parents and friends of the college. This latter figure is included in the $200,000 the committee plans to raise. Donkersloot's activities and publicity subcommittee has several fundraising events planned for this semester, beginning with a cake sale at the Feb. 26 HopeCalvin game. The cake was baked in the shape of the new physical education building. MAXWELL AND Donkersloot stressed that the proposed new building will be for all students, not just those who participate in team sports. They pointed out that there are 950 students on
DEBORAH MAXWELL DeWitt Center and the Peale Building," Donkersloot said, "and now we should work together on this project." MAXWELL SAID that the college doesn't want to begin construction of the building until all the money is raised. This decision stems from past experience; people aren't as willing to donate money after the building is completed. "We don't want our fund raising to be a hardship for anyone," Maxwell said. "We are also looking for students to supply us with contacts-people who might want to donate."
AAB considers Chicago program A Chicago Metropolitan Center study program "and Student Instructional Reports were considered by the Academic Affairs Board on February 18. IN MAY 1974 the AAB had decided that Hope would send students to the Chicago Metropolitan Center under the stipulation that at least one Hope faculty member serve on the governing policy-making committee. The board, however, discovered that such a committee did not exist. The problem was solved as the board approved a newly constituted organizational structure. THIS INCLUDED an evalua-
tion advisory committee which would include a faculty or adminstrative member. It was also decided that all students wishing to participate in the Chicago Metropolitan Center program could transfer their credit hours and grades and still remain Hope students. THE BOARD concluded that this would alleviate any problem that may be incurred regarding financial aid. The next issue the board dealt with was student Instructional Reports. The S.I.R. is a tool by which the faculty member and his or her chairman can check for evidence of competence in the
evaluation process. THE BOARD decided that all un-tenured faculty members will submit to their chairmen S.I.R. evaluations once a year and for three consecutive semesters prior to consideration of his tenure. Also all tenured faculty members will submit S.I.R. evaluation to their chairmen once every two years. The S.I.R. will go into effect in the spring semester of 1975. However, since the cost of appropriating and evaluating these reports promises to be astronomical, the board decided to table^this issue until more research could be done.
The system of tenure has been a tradition in many colleges and universities over the years and is becoming increasingly attacked because of its evident inadequacies. IT IS a poignant reality that once a teacher becomes tenured he can subsequently relax because the college has essentially committed itself to keeping the teacher for the next 30 to 35 years. Presently there is no system whereby a faculty member may be periodically reevaluated in terms of effectiveness, productivity, and self motivation, all essential characteristics for a teacher. Two of the five colleges that make up Grand Valley State Colleges have never had a tenure system. William James College and College IV replaced the tenure system with a long term, periodically renewed structure. IN THIS system each faculty member is reviewed every three years. If the review is positive the teachers contract is renewed, if negative, the teacher is given two years to find a new job. Dean Tensley of Thomas Jefferson College, another of the Colleges at Grand Valley stated, "where there is a tenure system, we felt that there was a lot of security for the tenured teachers and none for the others." WHILE THERE are arguments against the present system of tenure at Hope, there are also many positive qualities. In abolishing the tenure system one must face the implications of letting a 55 year old teacher go into a job market which is very tight, even though his perspective may be a very valuable one. A job's two most beneficiary aspects are that of security and money. Hopes faculty members do not receive great monetary benefits, thus if tenure is removed, the teachers would essentially be provided with neither great economic endowment nor a security system. THE TENURE system was initiated to protect the teachers. Dr. VanWylen stated that a system
was needed to allow the teacher, to freely speak out on issues without the threat of being fired. Through the years however, the tightened job climate has caused a gradual diminishing interest in academic freedom and an increased interest in job security. IT IS however a very difficult feat to evaluate a faculty member even though there are six years during which the evaluation is made. "THERE WILL always be mistakes made in this type of evaluation," Dr. VanWylen stated. A teacher may be tenured who should have been let go while one may be let go that should have been kept. Besides the benefit of security, tenure has proved to be an affirming factor in many teacher's careers. THE FACT that they have been accepted by their institution allows them to concentrate more on their vocation than on their portrayed image. Thus, while tenure can instigate laxity, it can also be a motivating and encouraging factor. This year Hope is practicing a new method for tenure evaluation. It involves new guidelines concerning the evaluation of faculty which includes more stress in insuring that student evaluations will also be taken into account. WHEN THE suggestion that periodical evaluations might be a valuable way of eliminating some of the pitfalls of the present tenure system, Dr. VanWylen stated that, "the idea of periodic reevaluation is an excellent one." If this were to be put into effect the faculty would have the security of the tenure system, but the administration would have a tool of assuring academic activity from every faculty member. Under this system the teacher could be submitted for periodic reevaluation every five years. If the evaluation is returned negative the teacher could have future raises eliminated or reduced. Dr. VanWylen pointed out that the new guidelines instituted this year may well evolve into a system like the one suggested above.
Indochina Project to be here Wed., Thurs. The Indochina Mobile Education Project will be on campus Wednesday and Thursday. According to its sponsors the Project is designed to convey the beauty and resilience of the Indochinese people and the impact of the war on them. THE PROJECT consists of a 40 panel exhibit of photographs, artwork, maps, graphics and poems which will be displayed in the Kletz. Artifacts, handmade items and written materials will also be displayed there. In addition, the Project includes several films including the recent documentary The Year of the Tiger, which will be shown in Winants Auditorium, Wednesday at 7 p.m. THE FILM was praised by the Los Angeles Times as "a positive insightful look at everyday life in North Vietnam and parts of South Vietnam that are controlled by the Provisional Revolutionary Government (Viet Cong)." The Times continued, "It shows the Vietnamese not as helpless victims but determined human beings working hard to rebuild their country after seven years of devastating bombing." STUDENTS will also hear Jean-Pierre Debris. While teaching French in South Vietnam, Debris was arrested in 1970 for distributing^peace literature. In a Saigon prison he witnessed the torture and brutal treatment received by his fellow prisoners.
Eventually Debris became the focus of a campaign in France to free him, and he was released in 1972. SINCE THEN, Debris has been^ traveling through France and the United States telling the story of the plight of political prisoners in South Vietnam.
JEAN-PIERRE DEBRIS Debris will speak after the film in Winants Wednesday. In addition he will speak in the Faculty Lounge of the Dewitt Cultural Center at 7 p.m. Thursday and in several classes both days. A Vietnamese dinner is also planned for Wednesday at 5 p.m. in the Phelps Conference Room. The IMEP's visit is sponsored by the Chaplain's Office and the Student Congress.