is M A R C H 11, 2015 ♦ SINCE 1887
VOL. 128 NO. 19 H O P E COLLEGE ♦ HOL L A N D , M I C H I G A N
Dance Marathon raises record $182,187.30 H o p e students forego sleep to raise m o n e y for the Children’s Miracle Network
^aehler personally trains audience in experiences
H o p e a l u m n a e uses exercise to create a multi-faceted market in fitness and health Fonda's friends, all of w h o m were celebrities. Fonda end ed up getting married and no longer needed Kaehler as her trainer. Marketing herself be came one of Kaehler’s strongest suits as she trained one celebri ty after another and grew a pool of contacts that she would use throughout her personal train ing career. She has appeared on various radio stations and T V shows like “Goodmorn ing America" and has been a spokesperson for several ath-
Alek M o l e n a a r
Campus Co-Editor
Jennifer Aniston, Julia Rob erts, Rob Lowe and Samuel L. Jackson are just a few celebri ties who have been personally trained by Hope College alum nae Kathy Kaehler (’85). This past Thursday and Fri day, the Hope alumnae graced us with her presence and pre sented her life story in the Fried-Hemmingway Audito rium. She began by discussing her education at Hope, saying that she had always “wanted to take exercise to another place.” Whether it was being a T A in dance classes or teaching soror ity friends in the Delphi base ment new exercises, Kaehler s^t herself on the fast track to gtow in Exercise early on. Her 'next stepping stone ii^to the: exercise and personal training world began right af ter graduating Hope. She ex plained ,to the audience that opportunities, no matter how odd they might seem, need to be taken. “W h y not me?” was a phrase she used throughout the presentation to encourage stu
Kathy Kaehler gave students an In side look at her life through the stepping stones she took led by her passion for exercise. dents to take chances that will appear in their lives. An internship at Coors Brewing Company was this stepping stone. She thought that a beer factory of all plac es was initially an odd place to work for an aspiring fit ness professional. As she read the internship description, it became a clear choice. Coors Brewing Company was one of the first major corporations that wanted employees to be
fit and healthy. Kaehler took on the position to organize exercise classes for employees to try and maintain a healthy lifestyle while working at Co ors. Kaehler then proceeded to work in a similar position at a gym in Colorado after her internship. She was later con tacted by her old boss with an opportunity to work with Jane Fonda in California. Kaehler began working with Fonda and slowly began to meet
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P hoto by S a m C ole
Kinesiology and dance students alike attended Kaehler’s presentation.__________ SPORTS
Lacrosse travelsto Iowa
Dance the Night Away Spring Breakers
P hoto by S a m C ole
letic companies. She is now the lead spokesperson for Usana, a nutritional supplement brand. Kaehler is the quintessential saleswomen for her own prod uct, personal training. She has grown with technology and has a presence on all major forms of social media such as Instagram, Facebook and Twitter (@ kathykaehler). “I’m creating over and over again with that passion [for ex ercise]." Kaehler said.
Dance 41 gets down to business.
Whether you’re basking in the sun or shredding the slopes, enjoy your break.
Men’s Lacrosse takes a long-distance tripand brings home the win.
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h a t ’s
In s i d e
F eatures 7
G o t a story i d e a ? Let u s k n o w at a n c h o r @ h o p e . e d u , or call u s at 3 9 5 - 7 8 7 7 ,
V oices 8
S ports 11