Volume LI
Fifty-first Year of Publication
Hope College, Holland, Mich., Wednesday, May 11.1938
To Entertain Readers Here Friday in State-wide Meet Thirteen Colleges Will En- Male Dinner Guest & ter Annual Interpretive At Girls' Dormitory, Contest To Revive Tradition Friday Hope college will be host to the 13 colleges composing the Michigan S t a t e I n t e r c o l l e g i a t e Speech league in their annual Interpretive Reading contest. The schools entering the contest are; Calvin college, Kalamazoo college, Western State Teachers' college, Michigan State college, Battle Creek college, Albion college, Hillsdale college, Alma college, Adrian college, Central State Teachers' college, Northern State Teachers' college, the U n i v e r s i t y of Detroit, Michigan S t a t e N o r m a l , Wayne university, and Hope college.
Tomorrow n i g h t will mark an event in Voorhees hall that will be the first of its kind since the time when men students ate in the dorm with the girls. It has been planned that junior and senior girls may entertain male guests at dinner on Thursdcy, and probably the freshmen and sophomores will do the same later.
Gertrude Young Crowned Queen At May Festival
a n d Doors.
Time Limit for Prose The p a r t i c i p a n t s in the prose contest are given a s e l e c t i o n of prose one hour before the contest. The readers must prepare to deliver these selections in that time and not take more than four minutes in the actual delivery of the prose selection. Robert Bonthius and Nina Fopma will represent Hope in this division of the contest. I !
David De Witt, Class of '35, Dies In West Word was received by the mother of
'35, of
death on the west coast last week end. According to the report received by his mother at her home
in Coopersville, David was drownThe contest, which is open to the ed. At present there has been no public, will begin a t 2:00 p. m., in the chapel. Three men and three word regarding the discovery of women from each division will be the body. David was well known on Hope's acclaimed as the winners. Festival in Evening
campus. He was a member' of the
The victors in the poetry division C o s m o p o I i t a n p r o d u c e a Poetrn
in t h e
t o m o r r o w night the Emersonian society will hold open house f r o m 7:30 until 10:30. Cliff Steketee's New Alcor Girls Pinned; orchestra will furnish the entertainment and refreshments will be Queen, Court Reign served. Everyone is invited to atat Banquet tend. The Emersonian house is located at the c o m e r of 12th and Spectators last Friday night saw Columbia. the Senior queen, Marjorie Moody, and her court walk to the throne in the sunken gardens for the coronation of h e r successor, Gertrude Young. The dais was a rainbow of
Student Vote On Honor Code Set For Friday
Two years ago the dorm girls had a party for friends and have entertained at open house and receptions during the year; however the idea of a dinner party is quite The contest is divided into two an innovation — and Mrs. Godfrey divisions: one for the interpretation has promised an especially good of poetry and the other for the in- dinner for the occasion. The s o c i a l chairman, Margaret terpretation of prose. Each college enters a man and woman delegate Allen, announced that guests will include L e s t e r V e r s a w , G o r d o n in both of these divisions. In the poetry section, each con- include the following: Lester Vertestant reads a long and a short saw, Gordon Pleune, Oliver Lampoem from a selected list prepared pen, Bob Marcus, Howard Schauby State Director Ray Skinner of ble, Dick Van Raalte, Gleon BonWayne u n i v e r s i t y . Representing nette, Bill Van Dussen, Howard Q U E E N GERTRUDE Hope this year in the poetry con- Lubbers, Joe Di Giglio, Elmer Van Dyke, James Barr, Freeman Vantest are Lucille Buter and Dean Dykstra. Lucille Buter wil interpret der Ploeg, Jack Burkett, Henry color, decorated with dogwood and the two poems, In An Atelier, and Vermeer, Paul Ter A vest. green maple leaves. Hill Hunger; Dean Dykstra will Andy Vollink, president of the render Lincoln, the Man of the student council, read the names of People,
the junior girls selected for Alcor Honorary society. The girls are Lois Voorhorst, Esther Bultman, Katharine Van Raalte, Mildred Mulder, Dorothy Vanden Bout, Marjorie Vyverberg, Jean Hoekje, and Nelva Zandbergen. Miss Lois Tysse. president of the honorary society, pinned badges of recognition on the girls. Immediately following, the newcourt, consisting of Katherine Van Raalte, Marguerite Bergen, Thelma Kooiker, Mary Jane Vaupell, Lorraine Pomp and Marjorie Vyverberg, was escorted by senior g i r l s to the throne.
Key, co-editor of the Student Guide,
Q u e e n Ger\ chapel at 8:00 p.m. In this festival president of his class as a freshtrude was then ' they r e n d e r p o e t r y of their own Peg Bergen man and active in debate and Pi c r o w n e d and choice for approximately ten minKappa Delta. given the goldutes. The public is also invited to Upon graduating he received a hear these renditions. en orb and scep$500 scholarship to the University At the close of the afternoon con- of Michigan. He then went on a tre by retiring test members of Pi Kappa Delta trip around the world on a tramp Queen Marjorie. will conduct the visitors along the steamer. He wrote two books, both A f t e r the tulip lanes of the city. of which were published. winding of the Following his travels he spent This is the first time for four May poles and Loraine Pomp years t h a t H o p e h a s entertained a year at home and had just reformation of the cently secured a job with a large delegates to a state contest. Hope anchor in corporation operating in Hollyh o n o r of our 1 wood, California. new Queen and He is survived by his mother, one the singing of brother Bernard, who also graduthe Hope song, ated from Hope, and a sister Mart h e recessional ian. Paul Boyink. '39, is his cousw a s led Marj Vyverberg ^ the in. senior q u e e n Last Wednesday the Pan-Helj and her court, followed by the lenic council committees were ap"Y" Cabinets Organize junior queen and her court and pointed for the purpose of revising Next Year's Programs members of the present rushing rules. The comhonorary socimittee consists of Katharine Boon, Under the leadership of PresiNelva Z a n d b e r g e n and Marjorie ety. dents Esther Bultman and John Following the Van Westenburg. The committee Olert, and Rev. Paul Hinkamp, banquet, Presfor making non-rushing rules confaculty advisor, the joint retreat Wichers opened sists of Mildred Mulder, Angeline of the new Y Cabinets was held the p r o g r a m Dornbos, and Norma Claus. April 28 at Miss Dehn's cottage on with a few apResults of the recent questionLake Michigan. Thelma Kooiker propriate words naire concerning the present sysAfter the devotional period led t o o u r queen tem of rushing were compiled and by Rev. Hinkamp, the Y members and on the day's discussed. discussed plans for the coming activities. The rules offered by each commityear. An extensive and enjoyable tee will be submitted to the socieThe queen was program has been arranged for ties to be voted upon and revised. Orientation Week with an added toasted by Bob These results will be acted upon attraction for all the College stu- Haack, president by Pan-Hellenic and the new rules dents. Some changes are also to of the senior will then be submitted for ratifiKit Van Raalte be made in the "Y-Fore" so as to class; Bob Vancation by societies. make the new students better denberg, presio acquainted with Hope's Campus. dent of the junRuth Van Popering Plans The Y Cabinet feels as though iors; Bob PowClassical Club Program Prayer Week will be a great suc- ers of the sophcess next year as they have secured omores, and A1 The Classical club will meet this the services of Dr. Zwemer. A Van Dyke, repafternoon at 4:00 p. m. in Dr. Van bigger and better Missionary drive resenting t h e Saun's room. An interesting pro- is the aim of the new cabinet. Molly Vaupell freshmen. gram has been planned under the The possibilities f o r securing Dr. Warner then awarded the chairmanship of Ruth Van Poper- George Campbell f o r an All-Col- library prizes. Fraternal and Deling, Nelva Zandbergen, and Peter lege P a r t y in the fall are to be, phi receiving society honors. For Veltman. looked into. the independents, Charles Olson' At the last meeting Margaret With the business meeting over, received first prize and Ted Ogema Laman gave a paper on "The a ball game, a • delicious meal second. Queen Trudy presided over Greeks Were Modern," and Alice served by our social chairmen, Isla the remainder of the activities. She Munro spoke on the "Modernism Meppelink and Jim Hinkamp, and presented the athletic laurels on of Athens." an inspirational fireside talk by the heroes and heroine of the day. Plans f o r a beach p a r t y to be Miss Boyd rounded out the enjoyThe senior ^irls were acclaimed held May 26 were discussed. able day's outing. (Continued on page 3)
Pan-Hel Revises Rushing Rules
Council Will Distribute Copies of Code Tomorrow The new honor code will be submitted to a student vote on Friday to Andy Vollink, student council president, said yesterday. Mimeographed copies of the code will be Jistributed among the students tomorrow so that they will be able thoroughly to understand the code before voting. The vote on Friday will last the entire day with voting booths situated between Graves and Van Raalte halls. "The council hopes that students will give this matter careful consideration," Andy said. "There has been a great deal of time and effort spent in trying to find a solution to this pertinent issue and it is hoped that the entire student body will co-operate."
Number 16
Nominate Boyink, De Groot, H. Leestma, and Jim Hallan for Student Council President SOCIAL CALENDAR Wednesday, May 11 French club, 7:30. English Majors' club. Thursday, May 12 Emersonian open house. Senior-junior dinner.
Bonthuis, Olin, F.Bertech To Run for Editor's Assistant The names of Paul Boyink, Bill De Groot, ^Harold Leestma, and Jim Hallan yesterday were approv-
Friday, May 13 State Poetry Reading contest.
ed by the college administration as
Saturday, May 14 Tulip Time begins. W.A.A. hike.
the student council, Andy Vollink,
Saturday, May 28 M.I.A.A. meet at Kazoo. Friday, June 3 Sorosis party. Sibylline party. Dorian party. Saturday, Juni* 4 Alethean party. Delphian party. Fridcy, June 10 Cosmopolitan party. Knickerbocker party. Saturday, June 11 Emersonian party. Sunday, June 12 Baccalaureate service. Monday, June 13 Fraternal party. Wedneseday, June 15 Commencement.
candidates for the presidency of student
president, announced
day. The nominations were made late Monday at a meeting of the council. All four men have been leaders in their fraternities, and have engaged in outstanding activities on the campus. They have been rated among the highest scholastically, and all possess those qualities of character, personality and ability which a student council president must have. The election, which will be held on June 2, promises to be a close one. Because of a change in the voting system, the Anchor staff decided last Wednesday to revise the list of nominees f o r the position
Dorm Girls Entertain On Annual Voorhees Day
The code has been approved by the student direction committee of the faculty and by the student Dean Elizabeth Lichty and the council. girls of Voorhees hall held an open -o— house for mothers and women New Hope Alumni Group friends on Monday afternoon at Organized in Wisconsin 4:00. This affair is an annual institution in honor of Elizabeth I he Rev. C. Lubbers of Gibbs- Voorhees. ville, Wis., was elected first presiThe committee in charge of this dent of the newly-formed Hope event was headed by Margaret AlAlumni association at Sheboygan len, social chairman of Voorhees Friday night. The new association hall. Working with her were Teddy is the ninth to be organized. Meulendyke, Genne Nafe and Joyce Other officers include the Rev. White. Edward Tanis of Waupun, Wis., Six of the faculty women poured, vice president; Miss Geraldine including Mrs. Prins, Miss Ross, Smies of Sheboygan, secretary. Mr. Miss Boyd, Mrs. Wichers, Mrs. Paul Brouwer represented the Snow, and Mrs. Hinkamp. alumni at the organization meeto — ing, with Prof. Clarence Kleis repJuniors to Take Charge resenting the college. of Majors' Club Tonight Prof. Kleis explained the program by means of which it is hopThe English Majors' club will ed that the alumni organizations meet tonight. This program will can be knit together. Mr. Brouwer be in charge of the juniors, under expressed the hope that associa- the chairmanship of Loraine Pomp. tions at Detroit and Sioux county, Watch the bulletin board for tht Iowa, will be formed soon. notice as to the time and place.
of associate editor. The staff nominated Bob Bonthius, Fritz Bertsch, and Cleo Olin. According to the revised system the student body will elect two associate editors from the group mentioned above. These candidates will work with the editor until the beginning of the second term. At that time a committee of five staff members, elected by the staff, and the Publications committee will vote on which of the two students is best fitted f o r the position. It was decided t h a t the chairman of the Publications committee would not vote, thereby giving the students a 5-4 majority.
Pi Kap Accepts 13 at Initiation
The formal initiation of the Pi Kappa Delta neophytes was held in the dining room of the Warm Friend Tavern at 6:0(| p. m. last Wednesday night. Men and women accepted f o r satisfactory work in oratory, extemporaneous speaking or debate were Dean Dykstra, Robert Bonthius, Robert Ver Burg, | James Prins, Peter Stielstra, Mar' j o r i e Vyverberg, Gertrude Dame, By GENEVIEVE N A F E Nelva Zanderbergen, Lois Henricks, Having bt*en given the honor ol thought Trudy would be qualified Esther Bultman, Mildred Mulder, interviewing our new and lovely to give us some good pointers in Margaret Allen and Loraine Pomp. queen, this Anchor reporter deter- heading a young man down that Senator Brooks Speaks minted to obtain as much informa- noted aisle. After the ceremony, the members tion as possible, for it isn't every "You evidently approve of col- adjourned to the banquet and proday that one can interview a queen. lege engagements yourself—but do gram prepared by Theodora Meu"Trudy" met us and was v e r y you think it's a wise course for lendyke, chairman; M a r g a r e t obliging in answering the follow- every s t u d e n t ? " Lemke, Isla Meppelink and Henri ing questions: "It all depends on the individual. Vande Brake. "What are your plans for the fu- 1 don't believe it advisable unless After the banquet. President t u r e ? " we asked. the persons know they have the Herman Luben congratulated the
Queen Gertrude Reveals Plans; Prefers Stenography to Singing
"Nothing in plied, "This is The first thing the track-meet 27-28."
particular," she re- real thing. However, I wouldn't bea rather new job. lieve in the Tom, Dick and Harry on the program is idea in any case." at Kalamazoo, May "Do you plan to worli a f t e r you've g r a d u a t e d ? " we asked. Having driven into the f u t u r e "Yes, I plan to go to business and found that although it is full, college and hope some day to be it hasn't been planned as yet, we an efficient doctor's secretary and determined to delve into the past. bookkeeper." "When you were a little girl, "About your voice—do you plan Trudy, did you ever dream of being to try f u r t h e r vocal work or is it a queen?" just an avocation with y o u ? " "I used to read fairy tales, if "It's more of a hobby to me. I that's what you mean—but as for would enjoy it as a vocation of if being a queen — I suppose every it were possible to go abroad to girl secretly wants to be one a t ;tudy." jome time—Friday night was like "How about radio, now that youa dream." 've had a taste of i t ? " "Did you have any idea you'd be "Radio is very interesting, and l .he chosen o n e ? " we asked. With I believe I would like it a great unassumed modesty Trudy answer- deal. If a t all possible I would like ad, "No, frankly, but I am thrilled to do some radio work on the side/ by it!" "Since you've been qualified a s Remembering that her interests a beauty by reliable judges, per^rere in Rochester, N . Y.-—and not haps you could give some good in the camera company there either pointers on it. You've been our — we asked if " P a p e " had been third queen who has been brunette told immediately. —where do 6ur blonds r a t e ? " we "Of course, he was wired right queried hesitatingly. iway. That sort of makes him a " W h a t is this, a cross examinaking, doesn't i t ? " t i o n ? " Trudy smiled bewitchingly. As an engaged young lady, we | "I say, everyone to her own shade.
Topeka delegates, Wendell Miles, Wilbur Jacobs, Eunice Sluyter and Alma Nyland. The members then listened to a humorous talk by Dr, Rolland Shackson. Mildred Kirkwood gave a reading by Booth Tarkington. That eminent Republican, Wendy Miles, was called upon to introduce the speaker of the evening, eminent Democrat, S t a t e Senator Brooks. Senator Brooks' topic was "Oratory in the Legislature." Van Liere New President President Luben t h e n formally installed the n e w presid e n t , Donald Van Liere. The followingof f l eers were also Don Van Liere installed: V i c e president, Isla Meppelink; treasurer, Robert Bonthius; secretary, Orville Hine; women's debate manager, Mildred Mulder; m e n ' s debate manager, Wilbur Jacobs; publicity chairman, Loraine Pomp. The new officers presented the society with a gavel.