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ope college

by Doug Deuitch Due to the efforts of senior Cathy Keast and director of the computer center John Watson, a computer terminal was recently installed in Phelps Hall. A cathode ray tube model (CRT) Is located in the old art history office in Phelps basement. "It is an historic moment to put a terminal in a dormitory," Watson stated. On most college c a m p u s e s terminals a r e placed in academic buildings. This limits the access of students to terminals, particularly at a time when demand is increasing. Some faculty and administrators voiced concern to Watson over putting a terminal in a dormitory. "We received some negative reaction when were talking about doing this," commented Watson. "I have enough confidence in students, though, that they will not rip off the CRT." While both Watson and Keast consider this a test case, they feel it will be successful. "If this works," noted Keast, "I will talk to other people about placing more t e r m i n a l s . " "We would like to put more on campus," Watson added. (continued on p. 2)

Student offices moved olland, michigan VOLUME NO. 93-ISSUE 7


by Betty Buikema OCTOBER 23,1980 The new student offices in the basement of the DeWitt Student and Cultural Center a r e open for business, and student organizations have been busily moving in and getting settled. The offices a r e situated w h e r e the bowling alleys used to be in the DeWitt basement. The office a r e a houses the anchor, Milestone, Student Congress, differential gr ant funding for second Social Activities Committee, and O p u s semester of this year. Individual students would have to make up this lost aid offices. The student offices w e r e centralized in because the college would not be able to this area in order to facilitate comhelp. Additionally, Michigan residents ap- munication between the various student plying for financial aid next year would o r g a n i z a t i o n s , p r o m o t e i n t e r e s t in have to compete for federal funds with student activities, and promote inout-of-state students. This would add to teraction between student organizations in t h e i r new the present problem of students with and a d m i n i s t r a t i o n proximity to each other. increasing need vying for fixed funds. Also housed in the area of the old The college budget would be affected bowling alleys is the new student lounge adversely if a large n u m b e r of students replacing the Pit, which was m a d e into left due to the loss of aid. Anderson noted that if one hundred students left, Hope a d m i n i s t r a t i v e office space a f t e r the Van Raalte fire. would lose $400,000. This would not be a The student organizations a r e now large enough loss to force the reduction of sharing a three-extension telephone line; staff or courses, but it might require that a n y of the organizations can be reached a number of nonessential p r o g r a m s be by dialing extension 6577,6578 or 6579. eliminated.

Financial aid faces troubles by Doug Deuitch With the costs of attending Hope rising annually, students are now facing an additional problem. The financial aid department was unable to meet the needs of all eligible students for the first time this year and will find it difficult to do so in the future. In addition to a change in the federal government's need assessment formula allowing more students to be eligible for the s a m e amount of previous funding, the passage of the Tisch Amendment-would immediately cut funding for aid to Michigan residents. The assessment formula was changed in response to increasing inflation. Students coming from higher-income families a r e now eligible for aid they were previously excluded from. This h a s increased the amount of competition for .available funds. According to director of financial aid Bruce Himebaugh, the problem is that funding f r o m both federal and s t a t e sources have not increased to meet the g r e a t e r needs of students. The Basic Eligibility Opportunity Grant p r o g r a m (BEOG)-reduced all a w a r d s by $50. At the state level, the competitive scholarship program, normally funded at a m a x i m u m of $1300, was reduced to $950. The amount of money available in the tuition grant program was also reduced slightly. While, grants r e m a i n e d at a m a x i m u m funding level of $1300, the n u m b e r a w a r d e d decreased, particularly to f r e s h m e n . An additional problem, noted William Anderson, vice president for business and finance, is that the state has used up its funding for g u a r a n t e e d student loans. Banks a r e the usual source for these loans. When the loan limit of a bank h a s been reached, however, students m u s t

then turn to the state. Many times parents will take out these loans to assist a son or daughter in school, and have been doing so in an increasing m a n n e r . In order to m a k e up the difference in last funding. Hope itself spent 39 percent more on financial aid this year than last. "Hope has done all they can to try and meet the needs based on the reduction in grants from government," Himebaugh commented. "Most students were at least brought up to previous aid levels this year." Hope is expecting to receive $1.3 million in aid monies from the state this y e a r . These funds have not yet been received, due to tentative state budget cuts proposed totalling $2 million. Governor Milliken has proposed these cuts a s p a r t of the current three-month budget. This money may not be released until a f t e r the November election. Tn looking to next year, Himebaugh feels the needs of the students will not be met. Funding will not increase to meet these needs. "We h a v e to think of new ways to equitably distribute dollars," Himebaugh noted. One aspect of this y e a r ' s election which would f u r t h e r complicate the financial aid situation is Proposal D, or the Tisch Amendment. Briefly stated, the Tisch proposal would push back property tax levels to that of 1978 and then cut them in half. If this happens, it is projected that $2 billion of the $3.2 billion general fund in the state would be eliminated. This money helps d e f r a y the tuition costs of Michigan r e s i d e n t s attending s t a t e colleges and provides the needed aid for residents in private schools. The i m m e d i a t e effect upon s t a t e residents at Hope would be the loss of competitive scholarship and tuition and

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Saturday morning found members of student organizations moving into their ne r>ffirp<; in I^Wjlt h - ^ m P n t (nhnlnhv l,Ora ReCtOf)

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