16th SNA 2017

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Sustainability and Digital Transformation Accelerates the Next Wave of Digitization

(From Left to Right): Mr. Shrikant Sinha, CEO, NASSCOM Foundation; Mr. Vishal Bhardwaj, Group Head – CSR – Dalmia Bharat Group; Mr Ajay Choudhary, DGM – Marketing ALIMCO; Dr. Bhaskar Chatterjee, Former DG & CEO, Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs; Mr Deepak Kumar Sahu, Publisher and Group Editor, (VARINDIA & SPO INDIA); Shri. Ram Kripal Yadav, Hon’ble Minister of State for Rural Development and Land Resources; Ms. Madhu Madan, Country Head - Resource Mobilization, HelpAge India; Ms. Dipanwita Chakraborty, Regional Director, Corporate Responsibility & Sustainable Development, Asia Pacific, Cargill; Mr Avijeet Kumar, COO, CAF India and Ms. Meghna Garg, Associate Director – Facilities & Administration, Thomson Reuters India’s most popular event Star Nite Awards (SNA), popularly recognised as the DNA of the Channel was held last Friday, where 700 CXOs had gathered to discuss and deliberate on the theme ‘Sustainability and Digital Transformation with Simpliication’, with the aim of improving client experience for proitable growth. The day-long session was organised by Kalinga Digital Media, the infor mation-communication-technolog y (ICT) publishing house that celebrated its 18th anniversary and hosted the 16th edition of Star Nite Awards ceremony. Shri Ram Kripal Yadav, Hon’ble Minister of State for Rural Development and Land Resources, Government of India was the Chief Guest at the event and he kick-started the event by lighting the ceremonial lamp. The Hon’ble Minister in his keynote address emphasised that CSR is the need of the hour and that it should be promoted for the welfare of the country The irst panel discussion of the day was titled - Technology helping in Sustainable Development and the discussion was joined in by Mr. Shrikant Sinha, CEO, NASSCOM Foundation; Mr. Deepak Kumar Sahu, Group Editor (VARINDIA and SPO INDIA); Chief Guest, Shri. Ram Kripal Yadav, Hon’ble Minister of State for Rural Development and Land Resources; Dr. Bhaskar Chatterjee, Former DG & CEO, Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs and Ms. Meenakshi Batra, CEO, CAF India. The second panel Discussion was on ‘CSR & Sustainability in Business’, which


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was moderated by Radhika Ralhan, Head Innovations for Exponential Impact Unit, CAF India. The speakers included Ms. Dipanwita Chakraborty, Regional Director, Corporate Responsibility & Sustainable Development, Asia Paciic, Cargill; Dr Angeli Qwatra, CEO, Centre for Disaster Risk and Safety; Mr Avijeet Kumar, COO, CAF India; Ms. Akanksha Sharma, Head- CSR & Sustainability, Jubilant FoodWorks Ltd.; Mr. Vishal Bhardwaj, Group Head – Corporate Social Responsibility – Dalmia Bharat Group; Dr. Bhaskar Chatterjee, Former DG & CEO, Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs, Ministry of Corporate Affairs; Mr. Sanjeev Dham, COO, Smile Foundation and Mr. Shrikant Sinha, CEO, NASSCOM Foundation. The third and the inal panel discussion was on CSR @ Women's empowerment that was Dr. Bhaskar Chatterjee, Former DG & CEO, Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs, Ministry of Corporate Affairs. It was joined by eminent speakers like Ms. Laxmi Agarwal, Indian Campaigner with Stop Acid Attacks; Ms. Meenakshi Batra, CEO, CAF India; Dr. Vikas Goswami, Head Sustainability - Good and Green, Godrej One; Ms. Rina Dhaka, Fashion Designer; Dr. Bhaskar Chatterjee, Former DG & CEO, Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs, Ministry of Corporate Affairs; Mr. Sanjeev Dham, COO, Smile Foundation; Ms. Mamta Wasan, Senior Vice President, Human Resources, ฀Fidelity National Information Services; Ms. Madhu Madan, Country Head - Resource Mobilization, HelpAge India; Ms. Meghna Garg, Associate Director – Facilities

& Administration, Thomson Reuters and Ms. Shivani Wazir Pasrich, Theater Personality, TV host. Three parallel track sessions were conducted during the event 1. Government and PSU Breakfast session being supported by NETAPP, GEMALTO and INSPIRE. 2. An Industry Round Table that was attended by 45 senior oficials of various IT Associations from across the country. 3. Enterprise CIO Round Table session being supported by VERTIV and CANON. A number of government ministers, oficials, as well as top industry executives from around the world, spoke in all the 5 different sessions. The industry round table was supported by IT associations from across the country - FAIITA, PCAIT, COMPASS, FITDAK, TAIT, ASIRT, FITAG, CONFED-ITA, ITAO, CMDA, RCTA, JCDA,ISODA, UPCDA, AIT, VCMDWA & ADCTA who also attended the Industry Round table to discuss and understand the theme of “Vendors Commitment for the VARs”. The meet was also attended by ACER as the key vendor. The key discussion was on the topic of ‘On-line versus Traditional Resellers’. Evening session As evening descended, the air at the Ballroom of Hotel The Lalit, New Delhi was pregnant with hope and anxiety to understand

this year’s verdict on who are the winners of the Annual Star Nite Awards. But once the awards were announced, the mood changed to one of celebration - with the joy of the winners overshadowing the disappointment of those who did not make it. Star Nite Awards took the opportunity to recognize the Chief Marketing Oficers (CMO), Value Added Resellers (VARs) and IT Vendors (Corporates) serving the Indian ICT Industry. The CMO Leadership Awards 2017 saw 15 CMOs being recognised, while VARs from 4 regions namely Delhi, Mumbai, Bengaluru and Kolkata were felicitated during the event

ceremony. There were Technology showcases by 16 Corporates that included Vodafone, Canon, Vertiv, Dell-EMC, HPE, Ingram Micro, Inspira, Acer, Cambium Networks, eScan, ALIMCO, Digisol, Epson, Gemalto, RAH Infotech, LG and IndiaSoft-ESC that promoted their products and solutions. Another attraction of the Star Nite Awards was the Tech Talk session. The idea behind tech talk is that, within ive minutes a speaker needs to tell the audience on the present and future technology that their respective organisations are endorsing. There are a multitude of topics

capped, on which Five leaders has shared their ideas and concepts with the audience. These talks were a great source of inspiration to all those who were present in the hall and was a great beneit for their professional growth. The speakers who spoke during the Tech Talk were Ms. Monalisa Sahoo, Sr. V.P-MarketingVodafone Business Services; Mr Ruchin Kumar, Business Head (Govt. & Defence) – GEMALTO; Mr. Rajeev Sreedhar, Director – Channels & Alliances (India & SAARC) - McAfee; Mr. Sujit Panigrahi, Co-Founder & CTO- Convergent Technologies and Mr. Sunil Sharma, Managing Director- Sophos India.

kEynoTE addrEss Shri Ram Kripal Yadav Minister of State for Rural Development and Land Resources, Government of India “India is a huge country and 70% of its population reside in its villages. Even after 70 years of independence, the condition of the villages or the lifestyle of the people living in these villages has not improved. Development in areas of food, electricity, water, sanitation is still a far cry. The government is doing its bit in introducing schemes from time to time for such people but due to challenges in last mile, these schemes are not reaching the right individual. It is here that CSR is going to play a big role and NGOs & different corporates involved in CSR should take this responsibility upon themselves to act as a bridge and provide these services to the people there.”

Shrikant Sinha CEO - NASSCOM Foundation “When we talk of STGs and 17 of them, we try to see how they are impacting us and what exactly they mean to us. But the question is who creates these STGs? Do we think that the UN owns these STGs or is it the Govt. and the corporates who take responsibility of these STGs or is the NGOs and the civil society who own them? Unless and until we are clear that each and every one of us own the STGs and have the responsibility of achieving these goals, I don’t think we can make any headway. We being the social arm of NASSCOM, we believe in technology and feel that it is today a game-changer in bridging the digital divide.” Vineet Goenka Member – IT Taskforce, Ministries of Shipping, Road Transport & Highways

A Sheshagiri Rao CMD – TCIL “On 2nd July 2015, when our Honourable Prime Minister, Narendra Modi launched the three pillars of digital infrastructure as utility, digital service and also digital empowerment to the citizens, it was then that the wave of digitization started. The complete government and industry is working towards it. The schemes which are developed and implemented by government or PSUs are converging towards it. Today, everything wants to be in a digital fashion. If we talk about the readiness, we are actually trying to implement it and maybe we are 20% ready. There is however a gap of 80% which needs to be bridged by all of us.” Dr. Bhaskar Chatterjee Former DG & CEO, Indian Institute of Corporate Afairs - Ministry of Corporate Afairs-GOI “Any company that is registered in India, or any multinational has any operation in India, it should declare what is its CSR budget. The Ministry of Corporate Affairs has developed a 360 degree database in which we are able to track every single company – where they have spent the money, which district they have spent the money and so on.”

“When we started the journey in 2014, we started addressing corruption, curtailments, curtails, complications and compulsions in public life. Taking this to the next level was more disturbing because there was delays, debts, diseases, more disabilities, distortion of facts. As we progressed, we thought that we have to stop this, which was going on in this country for several years. When we took it further, we talked about three Es - ethical business, the environment and economic viability. So even if you are ethically correct, environmentally right, we should not do a business which is not economically viable." Vipin Tyagi Executive Director C-DOT “This is the time to create in India the new India. What can be created and what can we do so that we can realise the new India. It is the best place in my assessment as we have hardware and software capabilities. We are all geared up but the only thing is that this is the time for us to really think of what we want to create. The potential, ability, creativity that we have in this country which is bottled up should be realised.”


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Dan Mishra Chairman and CEO-CSDC and Executive Chairman – ICAD Investments LLC

Prashant Gupta Partner – Grant Thornton “Cyber crimes are evolving day by day around the globe. In past, it used to be like we would look into crime incidents and work with the clients to come up with a defensive strategy by analyzing the problem and then resolve it. But in recent 4-5 years, the kind of attacks or risk factors that is coming out has really awaken the industry. The most recent Bad Rabbit attacks that revolves around vulnerabilities on the website, created quite a stir in the last few weeks. Similarly the WannaCry that revolved around systems working on Microsoft systems was another such attack that squeezed the security industry and made them think about of what can be done to avert such threats.”

“There is a saying which says that when a wave comes, either you swim or sink. This is true with the digital wave too, where the level of preparedness decides how well you would be able to adapt to digitization. When I left India in 1969, computer technology was still at a nascent stage. There were only 4 computers in the country at that time. I remember travelling to Bombay to do our programming project. The other 2 were in Kolkata and 1 in Delhi. In computer programming, ‘Zero defect’ is ver y important and this determines the success of a business. The ancient computer systems however no longer exist but the heritage still remains and we have all readily accepted it.”

TECH TaLk Star Nite Awards witnessed the inspirational Tech Talk session by the Tech professionals in their areas of focus, while engaging with the analysts through track presentations. Grant Thornton supported the event as the Knowledge partner. Monalisa Sahoo, Sr. V.P-Markei gVodafo e Busi ess Ser i es “I believe the SMEs are the growth engine for India's economy. If we see the industry igures, there are about 50 million SMEs who contribute about 40% of India's export, 38% of our GDP and they are employing a staggering 117 million employees in the sector. And if you look, 68% of this Industry today is not even digital and a very small percentage of them actually do their business in a digital manner. We have this great mission of our prime minister about digital India and we believe that vision can be made a reality when we actually focus on this segment and actually make them go digital.”

Ruchin Kumar, Busi ess Head Go t. & Defe e - GEMALTO “We are in Data Centric security and when I am talking about Data centric security we ensure that data is safe from unauthorised access. Data conidentiality is there in the system. We also ensure that Data integrity and things like granular access, authorization and similar type of security concepts are there in place. If we see in the organisations when we talk about security, some 70 to 80% budgets are spent on the parameters on the irewalls, on the IDS, IPS and other systems. By virtue we have concretized our parameters and it is almost impossible for outsiders to intrude in our systems.”

Rajeev Sreedhar, Dire tor – Cha els & Allia es I dia & SAARC - M Afee “McAfee has been a pioneer in the security space and thus we made sure that whatever acquisitions we made, we always integrated their technology with our’s in order to give a visibility to the customer in terms of security. We have taken a step ahead through which our technology can protect, detect and also remediate, which means from a customer’s standpoint he/ she does not need to invest in too much technology and skills and have that automation done where not only the viruses get detected but also protected against it that we are seeing in the recent times. Another key factor that we have come out with is 'data exchange layer' which is based on open protocol where customer can integrate the McAfee technology with that of the technology they have deployed from any other security vendor. So we have create an open fabric or DXL where technology from other security vendors can also get integrated.”

Sujit Panigrahi, Co-Fou der & CTOCo erge t Te h ologies “'smooth XRM' a product that we have, if you look at the typical CRMs that you ind in the market they all cater to the end customers. Our smooth XRMs actually solve that particular problem; what we are looking at is extending that relationship to both partners and customers. So partners are extremely important for all the OEMs. Essentially when you look at the industry leading CRMs, they typically do 3 things - irst, they do sales performance tracking, essentially the primary sales from the company to the distributors. But they do not capture the tertiary sales, the sales that actually happens in every stores. So, what we do is, we help companies and large OEMs to be able to capture the tertiary sales from every point of sale. Second thing is about marketing communication, typically it is either to customer or to the sales team and not necessarily to the channel partners and the third thing is about service and the support."


November 2017


Sunil Sharma Ma agi g Dire tor. Sales Sophos I dia “Sophos started 35 years back, in 1982. It started on information and endpoint security and after 35 years it is a listed company on London stock exchange. Today we have 20,000 partners across the globe and in India itself we have 3000+ partners. We have 17 branches in India and have a direct representative in any small city you name in India. India is contributing more than 5% to the overall worldwide business. There are 850 people involved in research and development, product development and support, based out of Ahmedabad and Bengaluru. In our sales team, we have 82+ people who are there to support our partners. Sophos has also done massive investments in terms of solutions; in fact we were the irst company to come out with solution addressing WannaCry and Bad Rabbit. This talks volume about our company which is into information security – end-to-end endpoint security, network security, remediation and synchronised security is what we offer.”

Panel Discussion I: Technology helps in Sustainable Development In the 1st panel discussion of the day, Technology helps in Sustainable Development, Mr. Deepak Kumar Sahu, Group Editor (VARINDIA and SPO INDIA), opened the floor for the audience to interact with the Minister and discuss on the topic of how rural development can be possible with general support. Shri. Ram Kripal Yadav, Hon’ble Minister of State for Rural Development and Land Resources while talking about limited resources and reach, requested people to engage and participate with the ministry of rural development as there is a need to get involved in such initiatives. “The ministry of rural development has been working for roads, water, and toilets, which now has become a separate department in itself. The CSR approach envisages doing well for the society and I will say everybody is working according to their level but there is the need to speed this up this and engage (From Left to Right): Mr. Shrikant Sinha, CEO, NASSCOM Foundation; Mr. Deepak yourself more with us. I urge the media too Kumar Sahu, Group Editor (VARINDIA and SPO INDIA); Chief Guest, Shri. Ram Kripal to help Ministry in working towards this and Yadav, Hon’ble Minister of State for Rural Development and Land Resources; Dr. Bhaskar so that the CSR approach and funds can be Chatterjee, Former DG & CEO, Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs and Ms. Meenakshi utilised to its best. As our PM says, this is not Batra, CEO, CAF India. possible by only one’s wish or contribution; everybody has to equally indulge in it and this should be considered as a mass-movement; everybody should take responsibility as without public participation it’s not possible. In context of the mass constructions of toilets in India, it cannot be a success until and unless beneficiaries will cooperate with the govt. So there is a need to raise awareness and if the beneficiaries themselves take the responsibility of maintenance, only then it will be called a success. Therefore, the PM appeals to the national populace to join us with the campaign; for this he has instructed his department and has also allocated additional funds for water tanks and for maintenance of the public toilets.” Enumerating the activities that NASSCOM Foundation takes up, Mr. Shrikant Sinha, CEO, NASSCOM Foundation said, “NASSCOM Foundation along with Capgemini and Aricent takes up many development works. We have given skill training to more than 1 lakh rural youth so that they become ready for the \job market. We have also visited schools and colleges from tier 2 & 3 cities where the percentage of placement is less than 50% and picked up students from there to train them. Right from soft skills, to advanced engineering skills, we have imparted training in each of these areas.” Dr. Bhaskar Chatterjee, Former DG & CEO, Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs in his appeal to the government urged that whatever programmes and schemes it introduces at the district and rural level should be linked to CSR. “When we were drafting the CSR law for the country, I always put his idea forward that whenever there is any development work going on at any district, and if the respective district magistrate or administrator link them with CSR, then the fund available for CSR fund gets stronger and the development work also speeds up where NGOs can also give a helping hand.” Ms. Meenakshi Batra, CEO, CAF India highlighted the fact that NGO and foundation headquarters based out of cities should be made aware of rural development and they should be asked to work there for rural upliftment. “Many of the CSR decisions are taken at the corporate headquarters, particularly in big cities like Mumbai, Gurgaon and there is a need to raise awareness about rural development among those decision makers. If you take the example of CAF, we have been working for rural development in last 5 years and we do close to 50-60% work in these areas. So there I felt that NGOs based out of big cities should be made more aware about the issues prevailing in the rural areas.”


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Panel Discussion II: CSR & Sustainability in Business The 2nd panel of the day, CSR & Sustainability in Business that was moderated by Ms Radhika Ralhan, Head Innovations for Exponential Impact Unit, CAF India emphasized on the fact that apart from technology and innovation which are 2 big factors, the third factor is the mindset change. People should be able to realise that technology can help them. There is also the need to make more and more people educated because if today we look at urban people, most of them are not able to get jobs but there are people from villages running to cities in search of work. So there needs to be created an eco-system where jobs are available for such people. It is the people coming together who can make a difference and believing that ‘changes can be done even with a small thing’. The discussion also stressed corporate philanthropy to be very signiicant when it comes to driving the entire agenda of sustainable development. There are a number of examples where MNCs have partnered with Non proit organisation for some remarkable sustainable development programs. In India too, there has been in past where companies have been doing this kind of philanthropy and mention can be made of companies like Bajaj, Tata now that have now started doing it. At a time when International funding and grants are shrinking, the 2% CSR mandate comes in as a tremendous opportunity to really push the national and the global development agenda.

(From Left to Right): Ms. Dipanwita Chakraborty, Regional Director, Corporate Responsibility & Sustainable Development, Asia Paciic, Cargill; Dr Angeli Qwatra, CEO, Centre for Disaster Risk and Safety; Mr Avijeet Kumar, COO, CAF India; Ms. Akanksha Sharma, Head- CSR & Sustainability, Jubilant FoodWorks Ltd.; Mr. Vishal Bhardwaj, Group Head – Corporate Social Responsibility – Dalmia Bharat Group; Dr. Bhaskar Chatterjee, Former DG & CEO, Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs, Ministry of Corporate Affairs; Mr. Sanjeev Dham, COO, Smile Foundation; Mr. Shrikant Sinha, CEO, NASSCOM Foundation and Ms. Radhika Ralhan, Head Innovations for Exponential Impact Unit, CAF India.

Panel Discussion III: CSR @ Women's empowerment The 3rd panel of the day, CSR @ Women Empowerment was moderated by Dr. Bhaskar Chatterjee, Former DG & CEO, Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs who set the context by stating why it is increasingly becoming important for addressing the issue of woman empowerment in today’s time. The panel that included women representing different industry and stream discussed on some of the key issues that continue to remain a thing of concern for women empowerment. We are aware of many problems that women face in everyday lives and in every sphere of activities. But it is upon us of what best we can do for women in every single space and make them feel lighter and better. Achieving gender equality and empowerment of all women and girls, rests upon unlocking the full potential of women. Social, Economic and Political empowerment, (From Left to Right): Ms. Laxmi Agarwal, Indian Campaigner with Stop Acid Attacks; Ms. including education for women, health of Meenakshi Batra, CEO, CAF India; Dr. Vikas Goswami, Head Sustainability - Good and women, mobility of women, participation of Green, Godrej One; Ms. Rina Dhaka, Fashion Designer; Dr. Bhaskar Chatterjee, Former women in various ields and also protection of women against Gender based violence are major DG & CEO, Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs, Ministry of Corporate Affairs; Mr. pillars of creating an enabling environment Sanjeev Dham, COO, Smile Foundation; Ms. Mamta Wasan, Senior Vice President, Human for empowering women overall. But whatever Resources, ‎Fidelity National Information Services; Ms. Madhu Madan, Country Head a woman does, she should be consistent and Resource Mobilization, HelpAge India; Ms. Meghna Garg, Associate Director – Facilities in that consistency lies success. For instance, & Administration, Thomson Reuters and Ms. Shivani Wazir Pasrich, Theater Personality, it is a regular scenario for a woman marketing TV host. professional, where she goes for meetings, present proposals, but at the end of the day does not even meet with partial success. But we learn to be consistent in our deeds by facing such a situation, and accept whatever challenges come to us. But that does not mean we get accepted in whatever way the world perceives us. We have to break out of that mould of having taken for granted and thereby submitting to the requirements of the family or society.


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CMO Leadership Award winners in the event. The awards were being facilitated by Vinit Goenka, Member-IT Taskforce, Ministries of Shipping, Road Transport & Highways; Savitur Prasad, Addl. CGDA, Ministry Of Defence, Govt. Of India and Deepak Kumar Sahu, Publisher and Group Editor, VARINDIA & SPO INDIA Monalisha Sahoo, Senior Vp-Marketing - Vodafone Business Services Srihari Palangana, Director Marketing –India, Dell EMC India Chandrahas Panigrahi, Cmo & Consumer Business Head -Acer India Amit Gujral, Cmo - LG Electronics India Sriram Gopalaswamy, Head Of Commercial Marketing - Lenovo India Pvt Ltd Parag Amalnekar, Director-Marketing, Netapp India Arvind Saxena, Group Marketing Head - Sify Technologies Ltd B S Rao, V.P-Marketing - Ctrls Datacenters Ltd. Dipti Singh, Head-Marketing & Communications -Vertiv Energy Pvt. Ltd. Tushad Talati, Director- Brand & Communications - Epson India Pvt. Ltd. Rupa Roy, Head Marketing, Apac - Mcafee India Sales Pvt. Ltd. Pawan Awasti, Channel Marketing Asia South - Nvidia India pvt. Ltd. Deepti Sharma, Marketing Head - SUSE Anoop Jarial, VP- Product Marketing, D-Link India Anupam Saha, Senior Marketing Manager - CP Plus India Pvt. Ltd.

UNISTAL SYSTEMS receiving the award for EMERGING ANTI VIRUS CONSUMER - Editors Choice Awards


November 2017




Polycom uniied communication solution pvt. Ltd. Receiveing the award for Best video conferencing infrastructure solution company

Oracle India receiveing the award for Best Business Application Solution Company

Dell India Receiving The Award For Best All In One-Consumer And Best Note Book- Consumer

Commscope Solutions Receiveing The Award For Best Structured Cabling Company

HP inc. Receiving The Award For BEST Note Book- Enterprise, Best Inkjet Printer (Single & Mfp), Best Laser Printer (Single & Mfp), Best Thin Client And Best Workstation

Canon India Receiving The Award For Best Photo Copier And Best Imaging Solution Company

Dell Emc Receiving The Award For End To End Technology Solution Company, Channel Favourite Any, Hyper Converged Infrastructure Solutions, Storage Solution Company

Hewlett Packard Enterprise receiving the award For Best X 86 SERVER , Best Networking Vendor For Enterprise -Aruba and Channel Leadership Award 2017

Epson India Receiving The Award For Best Projector, Best Pos And Best Inkjet & Inktank Printer

D-Link India Receiving The Award For Best Networking Switch Company And Editors Choice Award For Best Structured Cabling Vendor

Microsoft Corporation Receiving The Award For Best O.S - Window 10

Vertiv Energy Receiving The Award For Power Management Solution Company

Sophos Technologies Receiving The Award For Best Security Company In India

Tally Solutions Receiving The Award For Best ERP Solution For SMB

Seagate Technology Receiving The Award For Best Internal & External Hard Disk Drive


November 2017


SNA AWARDS 2017 Co pa y Na e Poly o

Western Digital Receiving The Award For Best Flash Drive - SSD

Sify Technologies Receiving The Award For ICT Company Of The Year

Rah Infotech Receiving The Award For Fastest Growing VAD

Vmware Software Receiving The Award For Best Cloud Infrastructure Solution Provider

Acer India Receiving The Award For Best Gaming Laptop

A ard ategory

U iied Co

u i aio Soluio P t.Ltd. Video Co fere i g I frastru ture Soluio Co pa HP India Inc Best Note Book- E terprise Best I kjet Pri ter Si gle & Mfp Best Laser Pri ter Si gle & Mfp Best Thi lie t Best Workstaio Co s ope Soluio s I dia P t. Ltd. Best Stru ture Ca li g Co pa Cis o Syste s I dia Pri ate Li ited Best Net orki g Soluio Co pa Best U iied Co u i aio Soluio Co pa He let Pa kard E terprise Bset Ser er Best Net orki g Ve dor For- E terpriseAru a Cha el Leadership A ard Sify Te h ologies Ltd I t Co pa Of The Year Dell I dia Pri ate Li ited. Best All I O e-Co su er Best Note Book- Co su er Ca o I dia P t. Ltd. Best Photo Copier Best I agi g Soluio Co pa Lg Ele tro i s I dia P t. Ltd. Best Led Mo itors A er I dia P t.Ltd. Best Ga i g Laptop Dellemc E d To E d Te h olog Soluio Co pa Cha el Fa ourite Co pa H per Co erged I frastru ture Soluio s Storage Soluio Co pa Mi rosot Corporaio I dia P t. Ltd. Best O.s.- Wi do Veri E ergy P t.Ltd. Po er Ma age e t Soluio Co pa D-Li k I dia Li ited Best Net orki g S it h Co pa Editor's Choi e A ard For Best Stru ture Ca li g Ve dor Epso I dia P t. Ltd. Best Proje tor Best Pos Best I kjet & I kta k Pri ter Che k Poi t Sot are Te h ologies Ltd. Best Data De urit Co pa Sophos Te h ologies P t. Ltd. Best Se urit Co pa I I dia Sy a te I dia P t. Ltd. Best E d Poi t Se urit Soluio s Le o o I dia P t. Ltd. Best Note Book– S e Wester Digital Uk Ltd. Best Flash Dri e-Ssd Seagate Technology Best I ter al & E ter al Hard Disk Dri e Intel Technology India Best Pro essor Kingston Technology Best Me or Module M afee I dia Sales P t. Ltd. Best E terprise Se urit Soluio s V are Sot are I dia P t. Ltd. Best Cloud I frastru ture Soluio Pro ider N idia graphi s P t.Ltd. Best Graphi Cards Ora le I dia P t. Ltd. Best Busi ess Appli aio Soluio Co pa SaP I dia P t Ltd. Best Cloud Soluio Pro ider Fori et I . Best E terprise Net ork Fire all Redhat I dia P t. Ltd. Best Ope Sour e I frastru ture Soluio Co pa Seclore Technology Best E terprise Digital Rights Ma age e t F5 Net orks. Best Appli aio Deli er Net ork Ve dor Ctrls Data e ters Ltd. Best Data Ce ter I I dia Ca iu Net orks E ergi g Wii-Ve dor Tally Soluio s P t. Ltd. Best Erp Soluio For S Mi ro orld Te h ologies I orporate Es a Best I ter et Se urit Suit – S Aditya I fote h P t. Ltd. Best Ele tro i s Se urit Co pa Digisol Syste s Ltd. Best I o aio -S s Produ ts Rad are I dia P t. Ltd. Best Ddos Ve dor Bar o Ele tro i Syste s P t.Ltd. Best Wireless Colla oraio Soluio Ve dor Forescout Technologies Best Net ork A ess Co trol Ve dor Fourth Di e sio Soluio s Ltd. E ergi g S.i. Of The Year I spira E terprise I dia P t. Ltd. Best Value Added Distri utor RaH I fote h P Ltd. Fastest Gro i g Vad U istal Syste s P t. Ltd. E ergi g A i Virus - Co su er - Editors Choi e A ards


November 2017







RADWARE INDIA receiving the award for BEST DDOS VENDOR


NVIDIA receiving the award for BEST GRAPHIC CARDS









LG ELECTRONICS receiving the award for BEST LED MONITORS

November 2017



VAR REGIONAL AWARDS MUMBAI Aarvee Computers - Best Reseller Xpress Computers Ltd. - Best Var Orient Technologies Pvt Ltd. - Best Solution Partner Ashtech Infotech Pvt. Ltd. - Best System Integrator NEW DELHI Acpl Systems Private Limited- Best Solution Partner Team Computers Pvt Ltd- Best System Integrator Orbit Peripherals Pvt. Ltd.- Best Var Modi Infosol Pvt.Ltd.- Best Reseller KOLKATA Lalani Computer Academy Pvt.Ltd. -Best Reseller Technocrat Infotech Pvt. Ltd. - Best Var Embee Software Pvt.Ltd. - Best Solution Partner Techniche Consulting Services - Best System Integrator BANGALURU United Computers – Best Reseller Future Business Technology India Pvt. Ltd. - Best Solution Partner Value Point Systems Pvt.ltd. - Best System Integrator Newwave Computing Pvt.Ltd. - Best Var Up-country Sanghivi Infotech Pvt. Ltd. Best System Integrator, Ahmedabad



November 2017


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