Content list 04
- Editors Letter - Term 1 Recap
- Tawharanui Surfing Camp
- Poems
- Junior Art
- Intermediate Art
- Senior Art - Dance Interview
- Construction Academy Interview
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- Photography Competition
- Photography Competition
The Vault Magazine is a student run publication to showcase the arts, music, and culture at Mahurangi College.
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Welcome back everyone! Term 1 recapped Editor's note Intro - Noah Barclay
ey everyone! I'm Noah, the lead editor for the Vault Magazine this year. My goal for the magazine this year is to create an issue for each term, except for term 4 which is when exams kick off and everyone will be real busy. I'd like to get a lot more interviews, cover all of the exciting events throughout the year, and really focus on the art, music and culture.
Term 1 was pretty full on. We had all of the sports kicking off with trials and practices, before heading down to Mt Roskill for our annual sports exchange (which we won again!). The Year 7s had a blast with their fun week of doing activities like a water slide, kayaking, among many other things. The Year 13 prefects did leadership training at Action Matakana, and the Year 13 outdoor education and PE students went on a surfing trip to Tawharanui!
I would also like to give another huge thanks to our sponsors who will be featured throughout the magazine!
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There were plenty of exciting things that happened during Term 1.
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Tawharanui surfing camp On the 14th and 15th of April the Year 13 PE and Outdoor Education groups camped out at Tawharanui for a surfing trip. I messaged a few students asking what their favourites things were about the trip, and here are their responses.
"I think my favourite thing was the night times because the teachers like trusted us to just chill and do our own thing and everyone kinda hung out together and like played cricket so it was lots of fun." - Amelia Burton
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"The whole thing was fun. The water was warm and everyone was really supportive making it a good environment to learn in, but I enjoyed making s’mores for dessert with my tent the most." - Jamie Glassford
"It was super fun. I enjoyed how many different things there were to do around the camp like cricket and stuff. And It was fun how we got to cook in our tent groups, but I have to say even tho the surf was tiny that was my favourite thing about the trip." - Kaspa Edmonds
"Not to be cliche but probably the surfing hahaha but I also liked the amount of chill time we had rather than being forced into doing other activities." - Ashlie Bisset
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POEMS Owls Fly Silently A lexie Ferguson - Year 11
A lone owl glides by, Silently in the night. High up in the treetops. She, Is hungry. An ever so cautious mouse, Is finding food. His family is home, They all, Are hungry. The fierce owl spots the mouse, Her beady eyes locked into focus. There, Down by a log, Is breakfast. One timid mouse, Found a nut. Lodged in the ground. There, In the ground, Is dinner. Up in the treetops, The owl descends. Talons out at the ready, In order to catch, Her breakfast. WOOSH The no longer mouse, Left the nut. By the front door, Of his family's home. They will miss him dearly, But that is the circle of life.
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Whose Beach Is That? G race Sammons - Year 11
Whose beach is that? I think I know. Its owner is quite happy though. Full of happiness and joy of all kind, I watched her smile, as I made this rhyme. She brings her beach awake, And she laughs till her belly aches The only other sounds that
U A K E S, is distant birds and waves who wake.
The Storm Inside A ria S olaris - Year 7
he icy wind tugged violently at her tangled brown curls. She looked at the waves as they smashed down hard on the shore. It felt as if the sea was mourning a loved one. She knew how that felt. Like being pulled underwater. The water was so freezing it was like a thousand needles being pushed slowly into you one by one. It was horrible, the worst feeling. She lay onto her back and watched the sky. The wind had died down a bit, almost as if it could feel her pain. She watched the clouds move slowly against the flaming crimson sky. “I should probably get back, I don't want mum worrying,” she thought slowly getting up.
Photos provided via
For a chance to have your work featured in the Vault Magazine, send it through to with your name and year level. Vault Magagine / Page 9
Your Art! I
t's only term 1, yet there is still so much awesome art that's been made. Starting off with the Year 7s we have Mr McNoughtons classes' Taniwhas, and Miss Hards classes' self protraits.
Taniwhas in order: Joseph Rambande Dewage, Liam Fowler, Niamh Christian, Nico Farmilo, Sophie Barclay, and Thomas Griffiths. Self portraits in order: Arlo Smales, Cam Finch, Caylym Muller, Charlie Long, Emily Barnes, Francois Crause, Freddy Wilkins, Jack Maclean, Kadyn Gray, Kaylee Gundesen, Leonardo Walker, Lexi Gymer, Lily Thomson, Loki Dove, Lucas Brown, Mia Waters, Na'avah Lord, Natasha Sickling, Olivia Hood, Rocky Connolly, Ruben Pow, Ruby Davis, Tyler Potaka, and William Coombe.
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Your Art!
In order of appearance (above): Anna Williams-Mart, Cody, Danielle Peck, Eli, Erin, Jack Smith, Jacob W and Lily Powell. Left: Craig Taylor and Bella Gips In order of appearance (right page): Aria Dewe, Ava Cranwell, Caitlin Daniels, Gabby Crabb, Hannah Davey, Jack Cleland, Joel Disprose, Juliette Crause, Leo Cunnen, Levi Connon, Lottie Collis, Luke Cullen-Spaffod, Nessiah Davis, Ronan Corbett, Sienna Cribbens, Sophie Clay, Tali Demeuelemeester, Tayla Davy.
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Your Art!
In order of appearance: Brooke Stafford, Tegan Davies (2), Isla Ward-Stewart (2), Lexx Meale, and Noah Barclay.
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Dance interview Jade Dance Interview - By Ella Smith I interviewed Jade Davies, an amazing year 11 Mahu dancer, on dance to see what she thought. Q. - How long have you been dancing?
Q. - Where and what dance do you do?
A. - Since I was three, I am now fifteen.
A. - I go to to WPA and Limelight dance studios. I have
Q. - Do you have a favorite dance move or trick? A. - Fouette turns (They are when you spin and use your leg to propel you round gracefully). Q. - Favorite dance style? A. - Lyrical and hip hop. Q. - Is it stressful? A. - Oh yeah, but stay positive, keep going even if it gets hard, give it chances. That's what I tell
done ballet, jazz, tap, Latin, and hip hop and I still do latin and lyrical as well as competing. Q. - Any plans for the future with dance? A. - Something I would do in the weekends to deal with stress, but for me personally no, not professionally. Q. - Anything to tell people or add? A. - Don't do it because you think you have to, do it because it makes you happy.
myself. Q. - How can you start dancing? A. - Find your studio and enroll, WPA, Limelight are places I go. Q. - Biggest achievement with dance? A. - Being able to compete and win and show everyone what you can do is awesome. Q. - Is dance something you think is worth pursuing and would you recommend doing it? A. - I would recommend giving it a go and if it's not your style and you don't enjoy it, don't do it. It's definitely worth doing as it helps with other sports and improves stuff like flexibility, core and strength.
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Whats happening at
the construction academy?
Noah interviews Dontaye Davis, a Year 12 student at the construction academy, about what everyone is working on and what the plans are for the rest of the year.
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Q. - Have you been doing work on the tiny house? A. - No that's just for the year 13s. It's a project I'm keen to work on next year though. Q. - What else have you made so far?
Image One A shot of the class work ing on the be nc hes Image Two Close up of a be nc h in progress Image Three V iew from the second level of the tiny house.
Q. - What are you working on currently? A. - We are working on benches, we're about quarter-way through making them. We've done the backing frames for the benches and we've still got the back slats and the seating slats, as well as the arm rest. Q. - Why did you choose to do the construction academy? A. - To get the feel of building stuff. I was thinking of doing like just being a builder, or plumber, but I have my sights set on being a farrier, which is a blacksmith. I just wanted to get a new experience other than farrying.
A. - Before the benches we were making sawhorses. We could either take them home after we'd made them or kept them here. We've been told that the sawhorses are very sturdy and hold quite a lot of wieght. It's what the year 13s are using to keep the tiny house elevated. Q. - What are you doing for the rest of the year? A. - Once we've completed the benches we'll probably start levelling out the driveway and putting in concrete mix, and also get some more cabins up and running. A year 13 group has just started on one this year and made some progres on it. We'll be helping them start once we learn a bit more about the tools and get more experience.
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Photography Competition T
hanks to everyone that submitted photos it was awesome seeing all of them! Especially all of the pets. Congratulations to Luca Farmilo (1st place) for his stunning photo of a meerkat at Auckland zoo, Mattie Collings (2nd place) for his awesome photo of a Californian Quail, and Bianca Fradsen (3rd place) for her eye-catching hoto of an old car, overgrown with weeds and lost to time.
Photos in order (right page): Cole Mathers, Dillan Krieg, Liam Anderson, Maia Iversen, Molly Sakey, Aaron Skipper, Beckette Guy, Ben Norrington, Chace Lethbridge, Charlotte Parry, Elisha Hollis, Friija McGuinness, Georgia Strudwick, Indiana Schollum, Lexi Jones, Lily English - Waitoa, Oscar Green, Pippa Joule, Poppy Hallam, Poppy Shears, Silas Sims, and Inez Yarrel.
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Portrait photos: Bella Shaw, Brittany Howlett, Caitlyn Parker, Ehren Corsan, Erin Passingham, Evie Cross-McNeill, Isabella Julian, Izzy Trout, Lily Thomson, Niamh Christian, Phebe Duffy, Rylee Cotton, Sydney Parker, Tiraya Sullivan, and Zanmari Venter.
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