Twin Oaks Christian School Celebrate 45 Program 2017

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Heather Sartin


Rev. Bill Myers


Development Project Coordinator

Associate Pastor, Twin Oaks Presbyterian Church

Gracie Sartin & Jon Garrett


Program Introduction

Sherry Blough & Debbie Stair Heads of School

Celebration 45 Commemorative Video Guest Speaker

Larry Shikles

Ministry Update

Tim Adcock

Pledge Challenge

Jim Marsh


Amateur Baseball Hall of Fame Pitcher

President of School Board

Head of School Emeritus, Westminster Christian Academy

Rev. Scott Kerens

Pastor of Discipleship, Twin Oaks Presbyterian Church


Thank You to Our Sponsors

Loveall & Associates

Robert D. Arb, L.C.

Christian Attorney & Mediator Serving the St. Louis community for over 30 years



History of

Twin Oaks Christian School


n celebrating our 45th year as a school community, it is important to look not only at what opportunities lay ahead for our school’s future but also to step back and appreciate how we arrived at this moment in our history.

when - after two years of deliberation - the congregation once again unanimously reaffirmed the desire to establish a Christian day school. The session was charged to appoint a Board of Directors, and Glen Ridge Christian School became a reality. The newly-established board had their first official The school we meeting on know today began June 8, 1972, which as a simple idea: was the first of a series establish a Chrisof weekly meetings tian day school so which lasted throughthat school-age out that summer. The children could learn board was comprised and grow in an of George W. Knight environment which III, William J. Swenechoed the valson, Harold VanKley, ues established in Lilias Churchill, Hugh their churches and C. Collison, Richard homes. Glen Ridge E. Ellis, Joe H. Hall, Reformed PresbyJames Hearne, terian Church, just William C. Hogan, a year old, felt this Bronwyn Leonard, calling for their own Glen Ridge Christian School 1972 David May, and families: a recomDwayne J. Ter Maat. mendation was passed to create a day school, but the realization of this need Each and every Thursday, milestones would have to live in their hearts until were checked off as new goals were the church had laid the framework to set and the school rapidly came into meet the myriad needs a school would being. There was much to do: a single require. bathroom wouldn’t be sufficient for a group of school children, a core That moment came in May of 1972, teaching staff would need to be hired, 5

and the picturesque farmhouse Glen Ridge RPC was gathering in on Sundays was difficult to reach on snowy days. These hurdles were identified and overcome by the Lord providing the way forward on all fronts, the most critical of these being the right teacher for this fledgling school. That answer to prayer existed in the form of Emmeline Chapman, a member of Memorial Presbyterian Church, who had just recently retired with 36 years of teaching experience in both the Saint Louis and Rockwood school districts. While her peers were enjoying their recent retirement, Mrs. Chapman accepted the massive responsibility of teaching in what was essentially a oneroom schoolhouse with children in grades 1 through 3.

lin, was hired to take over teaching for students in the 4th and 5th grade.

By the 1973-74 school year, the school was so successful that a happy problem was arising: the school was outgrowing the facility. It was during this year that Covenant Presbyterian Church agreed to assume responsibility for the school. The move took place the summer of 1974 with the school board remaining intact and operations mirroring those established at the Glen Ridge campus. To retain consistency with its new church home, the school was renamed Covenant Christian School beginning with the 1974-75 school year. The move to Covenant brought with it a full elementary Mrs. Emmeline Chapman school with 18 & the first six enrolled students Finally, on Septemstudents in grades ber 11, 1972 and after a summer filled 1 through 6, but still with only two with frenetic activity and anticipation, teachers - Sharon Withington heading Glen Ridge Christian School opened up 1st through 3rd grade, and Laverna their doors with one main teacher, a Chamberlin continuing as the teacher volunteer art teacher, and six students. for 4th through 6th grades. The school flourished at Covenant, with enrollIn the years which followed, Glen ment at 51 for the 1975-76 school year. Ridge expanded the school to include To provide for this rapidly growing grades 1 through 5. This meant creatstudent base, a new teacher-adminising two rooms from one, and the probtrator, Mr. Robert Guis, was hired lem was gracefully solved when Jim to head the school and teach 5th Hearne - one of the founding board and 6th grade. Additionally, there members - designed and built a series was now a teacher individually overof rolling storage cabinets which dividseeing every grade from 1st through ed the area into two distinct rooms. An 4th while 76 students graced the additional teacher, Laverna Chamberchurch’s halls. 6



Amidst this happiness and growth, however, an unexpected tragedy occurred. Mr. Guis suffered a heart attack and died while attending the Christian Teachers Convention in Grand Rapids in October of that year, only three short months after becoming the school’s administrator. After much prayer and reflection, the board hired a seasoned teacher, Sandy Aeschliman, to replace Mr. Guis as teacher for 5th and 6th grade and administrator for the school, with the assistance of Lilias Churchill - another founding board member. David Moll was hired as the principal for the school in 1977.

puses were established at what is now Chesterfield Presbyterian Church and facilities were also rented at a local Baptist church building to accommodate the steadily-expanding population. Enrollment grew to 140 students, only 20% of which were members at Covenant Presbyterian Church. The move to Twin Oaks Presbyterian Church - our much-loved current location - took place in a chilly February of 1992. The church was designed to also meet the needs of the school, and the resulting facility beautifully accommodated both the church congregation and school population. When church growth gave rise to a building addition, school needs were once again considered; this translated into double the classrooms as the original design held. Upon completion in the fall of 1996, 7 new classrooms had been added, with no rooms left unused and enrollment at 90% capacity.

A kindergarten class was added for the 1978-79 school year, and Covenant rented space from Westminster Christian Academy, which had just recently purchased the old Des Peres

Twin Oaks Christian School is and has always been committed to providing both Biblical teaching and academic excellence for our students and their families. Those many founding families made a critical commitment to Christian education within an area where local public schools had a stellar reputation, all for want of something which wasn’t available until their vision brought it into existence: a school which provided a superior academic experience based on a Biblical worldview. Twin Oaks remains seated within reach of several prestigious public school districts in Saint Louis County, yet continues to be one of the most well-respected and attended parochial schools in the area.

Covenant Christian School

grade school at Manchester and Ballas roads. Nancy Dykstra was hired as the first kindergarten teacher, while Lois Mehnert replaced David Moll as school principal. For the next 18 years, both church and school continued to grow as a community and cornerstone for students as well as their families. Satellite cam9

with us throughout the years, including the many alumni whose children now attend. We continually strive to find ways to improve and enhance the programs and resources we offer our school community, all while providing a distinctive Christian education which both emphasizes the sovereignty of God in all areas of life and challenges students to develop the talents which God has bestowed upon them and use them for His glory.

Twin Oaks Christian School

We come together on our 45th anniversary to honor all who were integral in bringing about this school’s inception as well as those who have remained


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God’s Faithfulness George Peters told his wife he was, “scared

In 1976, we entered our oldest child, David, in Covenant Christian School. We were convinced, by Dr. George Knight, that our children would need both church and school to support and teach in agreement with our faith and training at home. Eventually our twins would also attend this school. All three would go on to Westminster Christian Academy. God blessed our decision many times over and we see that legacy played out as our sons pursue Christian schools for their children.

to death”

but he and Judi

trusted God’s leading trusted God’s leading as they drove the girls up what was often a muddy dirt road to the school. Terry and Lisa remember loving recess activities: jumping around on pogo sticks, playing tether ball and roller skating.

Some teachers will never be forgotten for the influence they had on the lives of so many children: Nancy Dykstra, Nancy Alexander Young, Marilyn Dumm, Margie Gates, Kristin Hoekzema, Laurel Elzinga and long time secretary, Jimmy Quick are just a few. There would be more wonderful teachers in years to come, many of whom would teach in Christian school their entire career; teachers like Chris Huffman, Mary Goodman, and Mary Hickman.

Many other families, some with names familiar to us today, entered their children in what became Covenant Christian School: the Barringtons, Hearnes, Jones, Keinaths, Middendorfs, Myers and Peters are just a few who trusted the school with multiple children over the years.

Recently, George and Judi Peters shared the joy of their Christian school journey which began when they sent their two oldest children, Terry and Lisa, to Glen Ridge Christian School. Eventually all four of their children would matriculate and move on to Westminster Christian Academy as well. George Peters told his wife he was, “scared to death” but he and Judi

Many children educated in our school, now as parents, have their children enrolled at Twin Oaks Christian School: Ashley Stanford Bond, Jodi Visser Brasfield, Brian Ter Maat, Dan Chan, Aaron Hofius, Shannon Nothum Weber, Amy Van Gilst St. John, Ashley Chasteen Reinken, Lauren Peters Surdyke and Rob Stain. 26 of 13

the current employees at Twin Oaks Christian School either have or had their children enrolled in Twin Oaks Christian School. The legacy continues through former students who currently work in our school: Matt Pannkuk, Ashley Prosser, Corbin Shelton, Ashley Bond, Kendall Brewer, Rachel Stain, Jodi Brasfield and Noah Cordray.

is now nine schools in the Christian Schools Association of St. Louis. From very humble beginnings and the vision of a small group of families, God has raised up all these schools to the praise of His Glory. Thank you Lord! - Sherry Blough, Head of School

“Many rich stories of sacrifice and love abound from those first two years at Glen Ridge. The real and lasting impression from our involvement in Christian education was the positive blessing to our family in the following years of commitment to quality teaching in the Lord Jesus. To this day, with 4 children and 23 grandchildren we would again provide those valuable years in Christian education even if the public schools were doing a bang-up

Our God is faithful, and He has blessed the dream of the Founders to establish a school that would be just the beginning of many more Christian schools created to come alongside Christian parents in the education of their children. Even more importantly hundreds and hundreds of children have been blessed with a Christian education through the establishment of what


Robert Arb concentrates in the areas of personal injury and workers’ compensation; wills, trusts and probate administration, small business law, mediation and traffic law.


Near Hwy. 141 and Big Bend 14

job of secular teaching. Psalm 36:9 “... with You is the fountain of life; in Your light do we see light.”

general. She has a keen understanding of the needs of the students and she is working so hard to implement many creative and beneficial strategies. She loves the Lord too, which is most important. I think a teacher like her is hard to find!”

- Bill and Letha Swenson, founding members of Glen Ridge Christian School

“For me, beginning a Christian education in elementary school was an excellent way to be grounded in Biblical truths from the very beginning.”

- Twin Oaks Christian School current parent

A recent visitor to the school sent a thank you note after the visit saying she was impressed with the beautiful facilities and, best of all, she could sense the presence of God in the school.

- Mia (Hearne) Agner, student in the founding first grade class of Glen Ridge Christian School

“I just wanted to tell you how thankful we are for our child’s teacher. She is a phenomenal teacher and we are so blessed to have her at Twin Oaks. She possesses so much wisdom and truly gets our child and the students in


Serving small businesses and families in the Greater St. Louis Area Proud sponsor of Twin Oaks Christian School 677 Craig Road Suite 100 • Saint Louis MO 63141 • 314-500-1200 16

Proposed School Renovations


Past Administrators Mrs. Emmeline Chapman 1972 - 1976 Mr. Robert Guis 1976 Mr. David Moll 1977 - 1978 Mrs. Lois Mehnert 1978 - 1981 Mr. David Hine 1981 - 1984 Mr. David Kinsey 1984 - 1989 Mr. Allen Biddle 1989 - 1993 Mr. John DeMaster 1993 - 2007 Ms. Jean Zoet 2008 - 2009 Mrs. Cathy Jones 2010 - 2016



We would like to extend a special Thank You to those who have given their unique talents and time to help make our Celebration 45 Gala an evening to remember!

Jill Metherd

Private Event Director, Ballpark Village

Michael Roberts

Director of Entertainment, Ballpark Village

Van Avanzado

Graphic Design, Video Editing, Program Production, AV Coordination

Shannon Weber Program Assistance

Susie Porlier Floral Arrangements

Han Kim

Video Recording

Larry Shikles Guest Speaker

Jim Marsh Pledge Challenge

Jon Garrett Piano

Gracie Sartin Vocals

TOCS Advancement Committee Current School Board Tim Adcock President, Dan Kendrick Vice President, Amy Avanzado Secretary, Barbara George, Carson Carrington, Elizabeth Kerens, Jeff Scheibe, Kama Tate Gregory, Peter DeMarea


Gracie Sartin is a local recording artist located

in the Saint Louis area. She grew up singing, performing her first solo in a church performance at the age of 4. Gracie sings covers as well as writes her own music. She released her first EP, The Covers EP, in August 2015, and will be debuting her first EP of original songs in late November 2017. She is a recent graduate of Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville with a Bachelors of Arts in Theatre Performance and Dance and currently performs on many stages in the area. To find out more about her music or book her for events, visit her website at

Jon Garrett is a collaborative pianist, composer,

recording artist, musical theater director, conductor, operatic tenor, and piano and voice teacher. He has performed with Winter Opera St. Louis, Union Avenue Opera, the Saint Louis Chamber Chorus, Missouri Ballet Theatre and Stray Dog Theatre. His compositions have been featured in performances by the Chamber Chorus, the St. John UCC Chancel Choir and Missouri Ballet Theatre. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Music from the University of Missouri, St. Louis and is currently pursuing a Master of Music degree at SIUE. Jon serves as an Adjunct Professor of Voice and Staff Accompanist at Saint Charles Community College and Lindenwood University. He is the Minister of Music at Grace United Church of Christ in O’Fallon, Missouri, and he lives in St. Peters with his wife and three daughters.


Sponsor Business Directory Becker Dental Lab 1236 Commercial Blvd. (800)-931-6691

Herculaneum, MO 63048

page 7

Bopp Chapel 10610 Manchester Road (314) 965-7680

Kirkwood, MO 63122

page 3

Cape Albeon 3380 Lake Bend Drive (636) 861-3200

St. Louis, MO 63088

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Children’s Hope International 11780 Borman Drive St. Louis, MO 63141 (314) 890-0086

page 8

Flower & Fendler Homes 200 S. Elam, Suite 300 Valley Park, MO 63088 (636) 556-0535

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Hough Orthodontics 673 Big Bend Road Manchester, MO 63021 (636) 391-1959

page 8

K. C. Bailey Realty 1212 Birch Meadow Ct. (314) 246-SOLD

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High Ridge, MO 63049

Keystone Technologies 4835 MO-109 Eureka, MO 63025 (314) 621-9500

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Krause Basler Team 16690 Swingley Ridge Road, Suite 240 Chesterfield, MO 63017 (636) 549-1129

page 10

Langeneckert Homes 806 Meramec Station Road Twin Oaks, MO 63088 (636) 529-9600

page 14

Levesque Estate Planning & Elderlaw 100 Chesterfield Business Parkway, Suite 200 Chesterfield, MO 63005 (636) 681-1359

page 4

Loveall & Associates 1425 Buckhurst Ct. Ballwin, MO 63021 (314) 966-6300 ext 201

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Loveall Properties 1425 Buckhurst Ct. (636) 256-8200

Ballwin, MO 63021

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Mosaic Family Wealth 1404 S. Brentwood Blvd., Suite 630 St. Louis, MO 63144 (314) 627-5220

page 3

Neustaedter’s Fine Jewelers 2691 Dougherty Ferry Road, Suite 103 St. Louis, MO 63122 (314) 966-4442

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Robert Arb, Attorney at Law 809 Meramec Station Road Valley Park, MO 63088 (636) 225-6500

page 14

Spectrum Cleaning & Restoration Services 1505 Fenpark Drive Fenton, MO 63026 (636) 680-5555 page 3 Speech Language Learning Systems 16100 Chesterfield Parkway West, Suite 270 Chesterfield, MO 63017 (636) 537-1576 page 16 Stanford Dental 663 Big Bend Blvd. (636) 256-3559

Ballwin, MO 63021

page 15

Telegraph Road Physical Therapy 2716 Telegraph Road, Suite 107 St. Louis, MO 63125 (314) 894-9008

page 3

Tom Bond, Statefarm 9712 Watson Road St. Louis, MO 63126 (636) 305-9999

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Tom Dunn CPA Firm 677 Craig Road, Suite 100 St. Louis, MO 63141 (314) 500-1200

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Twin Oaks Presbyterian Church 1230 Big Bend Road Ballwin, MO 63021 (636) 861-1870

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Westminster Christian Academy 800 Maryville Centre Dr. Town & Country, MO 63017 (314) 997-2900

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of distinctive, Christian education

Preschool (age 3) through 8th grade


November 30 at 7:00 p.m. & December 1 at 9:00 a.m. 636-861-1901

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