46 minute read

La Chaîne — Coast-to-Coast

Bailliage de New Brunswick

(Submitted by Mario Griffin – Vice Chargé de Presse)


Une soirée d’intronisation et un souper de gala grandiose au Nouveau-Brunswick

Un événement d’intronisation de notre baillage et un souper de gala s’est déroulé dans le décor du sublime complexe historique de l’Algonquin Resort Autograph Collection. Localisé dans la communauté de St-Andrews, au Sud-Ouest de la province du Nouveau-Brunswick, cette propriété historique était le lieu tout rêvé pour y tenir une telle soirée. Lors de cette cérémonie, une quinzaine de membres ont prêtés serment en présence de Tony Catanese Bailli Délégué du Canada et de Cornel Ceapa le bailli de la Chaîne des rôtisseurs du NouveauBrunswick.

Après cette cérémonie, le souper de gala dirigé par James May, chef exécutif et directeur nourriture et breuvages de l’Algonquin, a présenté un menu savoureux de plusieurs services aux saveurs des quatre coins de notre province. C’était une façon grandiose de faire honneur à notre association mondiale de gastronomie, alors que plus d’une trentaine de convives se sont régalés avec des accords judicieux de bons vins.

Le Bailli Cornel Ceapa (gauche) remet une assiette décorative à l’effigie de la Chaîne des Rôtisseurs au directeur nourriture et breuvages et chef exécutif de l’Algonquin, James May. Cornel Ceapa (left) Bailli presents Chaîne des Rôtisseurs plate to James May, Algonquin Food and Beverages Director and Executive Chef.

D’ailleurs, un autre moment marquant de cette soirée aura été sans doute le sabrage du 6 litres de Champagne Moët et Chandon. Sous les yeux attentifs du groupe, le bouchon de ce Mathusalem de Champagne aura été expulsé. Armé de son sabre, Bailli Cornel Ceapa aura effectué cette opération avec la précision recherchée par la dextérité de sa manœuvre.

Les nouveaux membres prêtent serment. New members take the Oath.

Bailliage de New Brunswick continued

Le Bailli Cornel Ceapa sabre un Mathusalem (6 litres de Champagne). Bailli Cornel Ceapa slashes a Methuselah (6 litres of Champagne).

Nul doute qu’il n’y avait pas de geste plus spécial pour clore les activités de cette fin d’année 2021 du baillage du Nouveau-Brunswick.

[En Anglais]

A grand induction night and gala dinner in New Brunswick

An induction event of our Bailliage and gala dinner took place in the backdrop of the sublime historic resort of the Algonquin Resort Autograph Collection. Located in the community of St-Andrews, in the southwest of the province of New Brunswick, this historic property was the perfect place to hold such an evening.

During this ceremony, about fifteen members were intronized in the presence of Tony Catanese, Bailli Délégué du Canada and Cornel Ceapa, Bailli of the Bailliage of New Brunswick.

Following the ceremony, the gala dinner hosted by James May, Executive Chef and Food and Beverage Director of The Algonquin, featured a tasty, multicourse menu with flavors from across our province. It was a grandiose way of honoring our global gastronomic association, as more than thirty guests feasted along with judicious pairings of fine wines. Another highlight of this evening was undoubtedly the sabering of the 6 liters of Moët et Chandon Champagne. Under the attentive eyes of the group, the cork of this Methuselah Champagne was propelled. Armed with his saber, Cornel Ceapa, president of the Bailiwick of New Brunswick, carried out this operation with the precision required by the dexterity of his maneuver.

Bailliage de New Brunswick continued

Souper de Gala/ Gala Dinner Al gonquin Resort, St. Andrew s by the Sea

Réception Moet & C han don Im perial Brut (Sabrag e d ’u n 6L Mat husa lem)

Pétoncle & Caviar Galette de pomm es de terre, Beurre de C iboulette Cuvée Spéc iale Bollinger

Foie Gras & Parfait De Fo ie De Poulet Gelée au Nova 7, Essence de T ruffe| Brioche m aison, Sel de m er de T erre-Neuve, Ferm es T uddenham Confiture de m yrtilles Mout on C ade t Reserve Sa uternes

Poitrine De C anard Cinq épices chinoises, Grains anciens, Endive belge parfum ée à l' orange, Carottes glacées au m iel, Star, Jus d'anis Pin ot N oir Joe l Got t Orego n

Flétan De L a Baie De Fundy Flétan noirci, R adis grillés, Risotto, Foin de poireaux, Beurre Blanc, Salsa à la m angue et à l'avocat Famille Bougr ier Sancerre Bla nc Aop

Ag neau De Sussex Menthe C himichurri, purée de patates douces, Choux de Br uxelles grillés, Sauce Rom esco à l'ail noir Napa Va lley Quilt C abern et Sauv ign on

« Dessert Les R ives De F undy » Chocolat « Earth », « R oches » de Marscapone & grué de cacao, Eau salée à l’anglaise Yalum ba Ant iqu e Muscat N V

La brigade de la cuisine de l’Algonquin et James May (avec l’assiette). Algonquin Resort kitchen brigade and James May (with plate). 48

Une expérience culinaire chinoise authentique au Mimimi

Saint-John au Nouveau-Brunswick est une ville portuaire qui baigne dans l’impressionnant Baie de Fundy reconnue comme une merveille naturelle avec ses marées prodigieuses soit les plus hautes du monde. Saint-John baigne aussi dans l’histoire, car elle est aussi la plus ancienne ville constituée au Canada.

Le plaisir était au rendez-vous pour nos membres. Dans l’ordre : Cherrie, Dorina et Tammy ont eu du plaisir à savourer les plats de cette cusine chinoise authentique. Our members were having an amazing time. In order: Cherrie, Dorina and Tammy had fun savoring the dishes of this authentic Chinese cuisine.

Toutefois, ce que les gens ignorent peut-être est que cette localité de 70 000 habitants s’illustre aussi pour ses fruits de mer de renommée mondiale avec ses plats locaux uniques et la variété de restaurants que l’on est en mesure d’y retrouver. L’un d’eux devrait figurer sans l’ombre d’un doute sur votre prochaine itinéraire gourmande, soit le Restaurant Mimimi situé dans le secteur Millidgeville au 725-1 Millidge Ave. C’est justement cette expérience mémorable qui attendait une vingtaine de membres du Baillage du Nouveau-Brunswick lors de notre premier événement de l’année 2022 qui s’est déroulé le dimanche 20 mars dernier.

Bailliage de New Brunswick continued

Le chef et propriétaire Ning Hou, Maître Rôtisseur, avait l’ambition de nous faire découvrir ses origines à travers les mets de la cuisine authentique de ses racines chinoise. Mimimi signifie littéralement RizRiz-Riz en référence à cet élément incontournable de la cuisine chinoise.

C’est à travers une aventure d’un repas 7 services que le chef Ning Hou et son équipe nous auront permis de franchir la Grande Muraille chinoise de nos papilles gustatives. Dès les premières bouchées de « dumplings », nous étions déjà sous le charme des saveurs et des parfums exotiques de cette cuisine de ce vaste pays d’Asie.

La cuisine chinoise est riche et diversifiée, variant en style et en goût d'une région à l'autre. Son histoire remonte à des milliers d'années et notre chef maitrise à merveille son art. Que ce soit la succulente salade familiale traditionnelle d’épinards, germes de soja et concombres ou encore son fameux plat de médaillons de filet de porc frits croustillants, les convives ont été rassasiés. Le plat de sauté épicé avec porc haché, aubergine et ail aura volé la vedette assurément durant cette succession de plats envoutants.

Notre Bailli Cornel Ceapu a profité de la fin du repas pour procéder à un discours de distinction pour remercier le chef Hou et son équipe pour la succulente expérience culinaire. Our Bailli Cornel Ceapa took advantage of the end of the meal to make a speech of distinction to thank Chef Hou and his team for the succulent culinary experience. Dumplings à son Meilleur avec la recette du Chef Hou. Dumplings at their best with Chef Hou's recipe.

Diner Amical & AG A Mimimi

Soupe aux dumplings, coriandre et épaule d e po rc

Salad e familiale tradition nelle avec concom bres, germ es de soja et épinar ds

Guo Bao Rou Médaillons de filet de porc frits croustillants, gingem bre, ail et sauce aigre-douce Mim im i

M a Po T ou Fu Plat m ijoté de tofu, porc, purée, ail, oignons verts, poivre de Sichuan, pim ents ferm entés et fèves

Yu Xiang Qie zi Sauté épicé avec porc haché, auber gine et ail

Dumplings Cham pignon shiitak e avec porc

Patate douce sucrée Sucre et patate douce

Bailliage de New Brunswick continued

Le plus difficile aura été de se garder de la place pour le 7e service alors que nous avions un plat de patates douces sucrées pour clore ce festin d’une cuisine chinoise dans l’authenticité la plus agréable de la confrérie de notre goupe du NouveauBrunswick. Notre Bailli Cornel Ceapu a terminé cette soirée en présentant un bref discours de remerciement et de distinction à l’endroit du Chef Hou pour son travail et sa passion. Notre prochaine activité au programme est prévue le 24 avril à Moncton, tout juste dans le sillage du Jour mondial de la Chaîne.

[En Anglais]

An authentic Chinese dining experience at Mimimi

Saint John in New Brunswick is a port city on the Bay of Fundy, recognized as a natural wonder with its prodigious tides, the highest in the world. Saint John is also steeped in history, as it is also the oldest incorporated city in Canada. However, what people may not know is that this community of 70,000 people is also known for its world-famous seafood with its unique local dishes and the variety of restaurants that can be found there. One of them should definitely be on your next gourmet itinerary, Restaurant Mimimi located in the Millidgeville area at 725-1 Millidge Avenue.

Salade familiale traditionnelle d’épinards, germes de soja et concombre. Traditional family salad of spinach, soybean sprouts and cucumbers. A memorable experience awaited about twenty members of the Bailliage of New Brunswick during our first event of the year 2022. Chef and owner Ning Hou, Maître Rôtisseur, wanted us to discover his origins through the authentic cuisine of his Chinese roots. Mimimi literally means Rice-Rice-Rice in reference to this essential element of Chinese cuisine.

Le plat vedette de la soirée, soit le Yu Xiang Qi zi. Un sauté épicé avec porc haché, aubergine et ail. The star dish of the evening, the Yu Xiang Qi zi. A spicy stir-fry with ground pork, eggplant and garlic.

Through a 7-course adventure, Chef Ning Hou and his team allowed us to cross the Great Wall of China with our taste buds.

From the first bites of dumplings, we were already charmed by the exotic flavors and scents of this vast Asian country. Chinese cuisine is rich and diverse, varying in style and taste from region to region. Its history goes back thousands of years and our chef mastered his art to perfection. Whether it was the succulent traditional family salad of spinach, soybean sprouts and cucumbers or his famous dish of crispy fried pork tenderloin medallions, the guests were more than satisfied.

The spicy stir-fry dish with ground pork, eggplant and garlic certainly stole the show during this succession of captivating dishes.

Bailliage de New Brunswick continued

The hardest to save room for was the sweetened sweet potatoes to close out this feast. Bailli Cornel Ceapu ended the evening by presenting a brief speech of thanks and distinction to Chef Hou for his work and his passion.

Chef Ning Hou, Maitre Rôtisseur et propriétaire du Restaurant Mimimi. Chef Ning Hou, Maître Rôtisseur and owner of Mimimi Restaurant.

Le Bailliage attribue 2250 $ en bourses pour des jeunes talents culinaires

La Chaîne des Rôtisseurs du Nouveau-Brunswick est fière d’apporter son appui au concours régional des jeunes chefs rôtisseurs. Le déroulement de cette compétition de jeunes talents culinaires se tenait vendredi le 4 mars dernier. L’activité a été présentée au Collège communautaire du NouveauBrunswick à St-Andrews. Deux jeunes chefs se sont affrontés dans le cadre du concours et plus de 2250$ en bourses ont été décernés.

Ella Shelby à l’œuvre durant la compétition. Ella Shelby at work during the competition.

Gabe Campbell est occupé dans la cuisine. Gabe Campbell is busy in the kitchen.

La première place a été remportée par Ella Selby qui met la main sur une bourse de 1500 $ et la seconde position a été décrochée par Gabe Campbell avec une bourse de 750 $.

Bailliage de New Brunswick continued

Le jury était composé de plusieurs professionnels dans le domaine de la cuisine et l’alimentation. Le chef Alex Haun, vice-conseiller culinaire du chapitre de la Chaîne du NB, le Chef Chris Aerni, ainsi que Dorina Ceapa et Cornel Ceapa, Baiili de la Chaîne NB, étaient sur le panel des juges. Les chefs et instructeurs Dave Irvin et Darren Dorcas du Collège communautaire du Nouveau-Brunswick à StAndrews étaient aussi sur place.

Les gagnants de nos bourses avec nos juges. Scholarship winners with the judges.

[En Anglais]

Bailliage Awards $ 2250 in Scholarships to Support Young Chefs

The New Brunswick Bailliage is proud to support the regional competition for young chefs. The latest competition for young culinary talents was organized on Friday, March 4th at the New Brunswick Community College in St-Andrews. Two young chefs competed and more than $2,250 in scholarships were awarded. First place was won by Ella Selby with a $1500 scholarship while Gabe Campbell took second place and a $750 scholarship.

The jury included several professionals in the cooking and food industry. Chef Alex Haun, viceconseiller culinaire: Chef Chris Aerni, as well as Dorina Ceapa and Cornel Ceapa Bailli were on the panel. Culinary instructors Dave Irvin and Darren Dorcas from the New Brunswick Community College in St. Andrews were also there during the event.

Chef Alex Haun, Maître Rôtisseur était membre du jury de la compétition. Chef Alex Haun, Maître Rôtisseur, member of the competition jury.

Ella Selby, gagnante du 1er prix avec une bourse de 1500$. Ella Selby, winner of the 1st prize with a $1500 scholarship.

Bailliage de New Brunswick continued

Le Bailli Cornel Ceapa remet la bourse de 750 $ à Gabe Campbell. Bailli Cornel Ceapa presents the $750 scholarship to Gabe Campbell.

Récompenses des participants. Participant awards.

Bailliage du Montréal

(Submitted by Michel Busch, Bailli Honoraire) C’est le 9 décembre dernier que s’est tenu le dîner gala clôturant l’année 2021 du Bailliage de Montréal .Répondant à l’ invitation de Michel Busch , officier commandeur, bailli honoraire Mtl et de Ginette Normandeau Phisel , vice-argentier , l’ événement a réuni plus d’ une trentaine de dignitaires et invités qui ont dit Non à la pandémie pour célébrer la fin de cette année difficile dans la bonne chère et trinquer déjà à l’An nouveau.

Et ce fut tout un événement ! Tenu sous les auspices de la formidable cheffe Helena Loureiro, maître restaurateur/rôtisseur dans son élégant et raffiné restaurant rotatif Portus 360, dominant Montreal, cette soirée fut une fête inoubliable de la gastronomie et de la joie de vivre, au firmament de la gourmandise , et ceci tout en respectant les consignes sanitaires en place.

Mise en Bouche. Appetizer.

Fidèle à ses origines portugaises mais aussi à sa passion pour la cuisine dite de terroir, la grande cheffe décorée de l’Ordre du Mérite National par le président du Portugal, membre, ambassadrice de la Fondation de l’ ITHQ et présidente de l’ Ordre International des Disciples d’Escoffier Canada nous a servi un menu , ode gourmande à la Mer et à la Terre , mettant en vedette avec un accent de son pays natal, parmi les plus prisés produits du Québec.

Bailliage du Montréal continued

Son conjoint Dinis Seara directeur et sommelier en chef de la salle à manger a su brillamment donner la réplique aux différents plats de l’ écriteau par un choix judicieux et même grandiose de crus , tous portugais et d’ importation privée, joyaux de la cave du restaurant.

Mariage Heureux - Saint-Jacques. Happy Marriage - Saint-Jacques.

Soulignons entre autres éminentes personnes, la présence à ce dîner mémorable de David Connor, commandeur, officier maître hôtelier, Vice Président Régional Est du Canada Hôtels et Villégiatures Fairmont, directeur général Hôtel Fairmont Reine Elizabeth, Louis Bouchard vice-conseiller gastronomique, Mario Dumas vice-chargé de mission, et leurs invités Jean-François Guichard, bailli de France honoraire et bailli d’Aquitaine, RenéLuc Blaquière, ancien secrétaire général de l’ITHQ et directeur général de sa fondation, Paloma Fernandez, directrice générale Fondation de l’ITHQ, et André-J Côté, CHA, Président Gestions Hôtelières AJC Inc.

Mer - Morue Charbonniere – Crevettes. Sea - Sablefish - Shrimp. 54 Michel Busch a donné l’accolade à cheffe Helena Loureiro et à Dinis Seara en les remerciant pour leurs exceptionnelles prestations, remerciant également leurs brigades respectives. Un Merci tout spécial aussi à Ginette Phisel vice-argentier, également présente, pour la coordination des réservations et l’organisation des tables, sans qui cet événement n’aurait pu avoir lieu.

Gala Diner Portus 360

T rilogie de T artinades Beurre de chouriço, tapenade d’olives, beurre à l’huile d’olive

M ise en Bouche Billes de courge farcie aux sardines Saum on, betterave & sa cr èm e d’aneth Bonbons de foie gras & coing Laure nt-Perrier La Cuvée Brut

M ariage Heureu x Saint-Jacques, fondue de pureau, Ėm ulsion en persil & tuile aux racines de persil Redo ma bla nc 20 19, DOU RO, Newp ort

M er Morue charbonnière, crevettes, croustillant aux crustacés, tom bée d’épinards & Sauc e hom ardine Tabua de la Jea n reserva 2 0 19, D ÃO

Granité au Porto tonic

T erra Filet mignon de bison d e la ferm e « T akw ânaw » Pomm es Anna, Sauce Grand Veneur aux cam erises Quint a de Terruge m, To uriga Nac ion al 201 1 AL ENTEJO

Dessert T orche aux marrons

Bailliage du Montréal continued

[En Anglais]

The Bailliage of Montreal's 2021 closing gala dinner was held on December 9. Responding to the invitation of Michel Busch, Officier Commandeur, Bailli Honoraire of Montreal and Ginette Normandeau Phisel, Vice-Argentier, the event brought together more than fifty dignitaries and guests who said No to the pandemic to signal the end of this difficult year in good cheer and a toast to the New Year.

Terra -Mignon De Bison- Pomme Anna. Land - Bison Filet Mignon –Potatoes Anna.

It was quite an event! Held under the auspices of the fantastic chef Helena Loureiro, Maître Restaurateur/Rôtisseur in her elegant and refined rotating restaurant Portus 360 overlooking Montreal, this evening was an unforgettable celebration of gastronomy and the joy of living, this while respecting the health instructions in place.

Torche aux Marrons. Faithful to her Portuguese origins, but also to her passion for so-called local cuisine, Chef Loureiro (decorated with the Order of National Merit by the President of Portugal, member, ambassador of the ITHQ Foundation and President of the Ordre International des Disciples d’Escoffier Canada) served a gourmet ode to the Sea and the Land, featuring an accent from her native country and some of the most prized products of Quebec. Her husband Dinis Seara, Director and Head Sommelier of the dining room, brilliantly responded to the different dishes on the menu with a judicious choice of wines, all Portuguese and privately imported, jewels of the cellar of the restaurant.

Montréal Bailli Honoraire Michel Busch avec/with Executive Chef Helena Loureiro.

Other notable attendees included David Connor, Commandeur, Officier Maître Hôtelier, Regional Vice President Eastern Canada of Fairmont Hotels and Resorts and General Manager Fairmont Queen Elizabeth Hotel; Louis Bouchard, Vice-Conseiller gastronomique; Mario Dumas, Vice-Chargé de mission, and their guests Jean-François Guichard, Bailli Honoraire of France and Bailli of Aquitaine, René-Luc Blaquière, former secretary general of the ITHQ and general manager of its foundation, Paloma Fernandez, general manager of the Fondation de l' 'ITHQ, and André-J Côté, CHA, President of Gestions Hôtelières AJC Inc. Michel Busch delivered the accolade to chef Helena Loureiro, Dinis Seara, and their brigades thanking them for their exceptional performances. A special thank you to Ginette Phisel, Vice-Argentier for the coordination of the reservations and the organization of the tables. 55

Bailliage de Toronto

(Submitted by Paul Morrell, CCM, CCE Bailli) After many months of delays, closures, and postponements the Bailliage of Toronto was able to host its first experience of 2022. Conseil member Tim Reardon, GM of the Sheraton Centre Toronto hosted 30+ plus guests for a wonderful cocktail reception and exceptional culinary experience at his hotel property. Chefs Surej Parthasaradhi and Michael Tan led the members and guests of the Toronto Bailliage through some creative hors d’oeuvres which were followed by an exceptional 5 course dinner. Food and Beverage Director Mark Moffat paired wines with each course to highlight and compliment the many flavours presented.

The table awaits.

Diner Amical Sheraton Centre Toronto

Passed Ho rs d’Oeuvres T una and Green Apple Sweetbread Mille F euille with Vanilla Velouté and Shim eji French Kiss O yster with Pam plem ousse, Evo and Nasturtium Parsnip and Pear Soup with Pork Bell y and Sage Henry of Pe lha m Cuvé e Ca tharin e Brut

Am u se King Crab Avocado, Ham achi, Crèm e Fraiche Charles baker B-Side R iesling

Salad Braised and Grilled O ctopus Passion Fruit and Kale Cherm oula Flatrock Ce llars Pin ot N oir

Pasta Bison Sh ank Ravioli Poached Quail egg, Pearl Onion, Squash Puéee, Shaved T ruffle Roversi Barbaresco DOCG

Entrée Venison Foie Gras, Purple Kale, Huck leberr y, Spruce Pog gio d i Guard ia Serpr im o, GT

Dessert Bourbon Crèm e B rulée Apple T art T atin, Goat C heese Powder, Hazelnut Stratus R ed Ice win e

Bailliage de Toronto continued

Braised and Grilled Octopus.

Bison Shank Ravioli

Venison Bourbon Crème Brulée

Bailli Paul Morrell presents Chaine Plate to Chef Surej Parthasaradhi.

On the heels of this event the Toronto Bailliage is proud to be able to share 2 more events in the next month. In April, OJD Peking Duck Restaurant will host an 8-course meal that will feature 5 different types of cuisine from across China. This event will be sure to provide an unique Culinary experience to our membership. In early May, The Royal Canadian Military Institute will open its door to their private club for an exclusive dinner for the members of the Chaine des Rôtisseurs. Both events promise to be memorable, and it is very exciting that share camaraderie around the table once again.

Bailliage de l’Alberta à Calgary

(Submitted by Ashley James, Vice-Chargé de Presse)

Dîner Amical, Delta Calgary South

The Bailliage was pleased to hold a Diner Amical at Calgary’s Delta South, the first Chaîne dinner to be held at the hotel and an inaugural event for Executive Chef Michael Frayne, Thomas Hill (Banquets Manager), the Kitchen Brigade, and serving staff.

From the moment members and guests entered the facility Thomas greeted us with Champagne. The excitement was bubbling off Mr. Hill the entire evening as he went table to table with every wine explaining its story, and why it had been paired with the course that was about to follow – an outstanding menu of nine beautifully presented courses.

Vanilla poached Lobster.

Alberta Elk tartare.

Bailliage de l’Alberta à Calgary continued

Duo of roasted tenderloin and braised cheek.


Bailli Toni-Marie Ion-Brown gave the accolade for the evening. The small but mighty Delta South team of a mere 10 people, Chef Michael (with 2 chefs) and Thomas (with 6 front of house staff) pulled off an evening that will be remembered by everyone in attendance. It is not often a room full of people goes into raptures over the bread. The evening had barely begun, and murmurs of “try the bread” could be heard throughout the room. A beginning which set the standard for the rest of the evening.

Diner Amical Delta South

Red fife soda b read hom em ade cultured butter, lava salt

Lobster Vanilla poached, celer y root purée, brioche croutons, Acadian caviar,Sage + Co. dill Noble R idg e Reserve C har donn ay, 20 17

Mushroom W aterford Farm s Lions Mane, Mushroom caram el, roasted apricot, puffed rice Cable Bay Viog nier, 20 19

Elk Alberta elk tartare, spiced c arrot puree, roasted bone m arrow, pick led carrots, crispy k ale, gr illed sourdough LAN R io ja Gra n Reserva, 2 011

Sorbet Granny sm ith apple, cheddar crisp

Beef Duo of roasted tender loin + braised cheek , natural jus, Agria potato doughnut, bab y turnip, cream ed spinach Tola in i Picconero, 20 16

Cheeses Le Guillaum e T ell, Farm house Clothbound C heddar, la Belle-Mère, D élice de Bourgogne, D evils R ock Blue ginger m arm alade, butterm ilk crack er Tola in i Picconero, 20 16

Cremeaux Earl Gre y + white chocolate, roasted pum pk in caram el, spiced cook ie crum bles, tonk a bean Chantilly Hets zo lo T okaji As zu 5 Putt onyos, 20 08

M ignardises “Old Fashioned” chocolate bon bon, sea salt Devon T offee, spiced pear frangipane

Bailliage de l’Alberta à Calgary continued

Bailli Toni-Marie Ion-Brown delivers the accolade.

With the heart of the house and the brigade assembled it was time to announce the plate recipients for the evening. The Heart of the House plate was presented to Michael Frayne, the Delta South’s Executive Chef a while the Front of the House plate went to Thomas Hill, The Delta South’s Banquets Manager.

Delta South Executive Chef Michael Frayne.

Delta South Banquets Manager Thomas Hill.

Intronization and Chapître – Hotel Arts

While it has been a long-held tradition to hold the Calgary Bailliage’s Christmas Dîner Amical, or Chapître, at the Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel nestled in the Rocky Mountains, alas COVID once again forced a change. The Bailliage was honoured, and very grateful, that Hotel Arts was able to step in and host the Bailliage on this auspicious occasion.

The evening began with the Bailliage’s intronization ceremonies. In fact, Calgary’s last intronization was held at Hotel Arts in September of 2019 as part of Canada’s Grand Chapître festivities (while also hosting the International Jeune Chefs des Rôtisseurs Competition), so perhaps a new tradition has been created.

Ribbons ready for presentation.

Joe Scorgie, Calgary Vice-Chancelier welcomed the attendees to the evening, introducing Calgary Bailli Toni-Marie Ion-Brown, Tony Catanese, Bailli Délégué du Canada, and David Tetrault, Member Conseil d’Administration who all joined him on stage.

Bailliage de l’Alberta à Calgary continued

Calgary Bailli Toni-Marie Ion-Brown addresses the attendees while Tony Catanese, Bailli Délégué du Canada, and David Tetrault, Member Conseil d’Administration look on.

Tony Catanese gave us a brief history of la Chaîne de Rôtisseurs, and introduced David Tetrault, who then had those being honoured and inducted stand to swear their oath to La Chaîne.

David Tetrault administers the oath to the Chaîne.

The ceremony began with presenting several Commandeur pins to members in good standing who have supported Chaîne for ten or more years, moving smoothly on through the induction of new members. Several members also joined l’Ordre Mondial. After being dubbed with the ceremonial wand, new and old members of l’Ordre enthusiastically drank a toast to the Chaîne.

l’Ordre Mondial members, new and old, toast the Chaîne.

With the formalities complete, all gathered for the reception in the area overlooking the hotel’s pool and adjacent to where we were to have dinner. We were served mulled wine in martini glasses, champagne, oysters, along with a selection of delicious hors d’oeuvres. The sound of pipes signaled we were to be piped into the dining room by Fraser Abbott, following David Tetrault, Tony Catanese, Toni-Marie Ion-Brown, and Bailli Provincial Honoraire Mark Wilson, accompanied by their respective spouses. Mark Wilson thanked Fraser for piping us in for dinner and shared a toast of the finest Scotch with him, as is the tradition.

Bailliage de l’Alberta à Calgary continued

Ashley James, Calgary Vice-Chargée de Presse far right. (left to right) Bailli Provincial Honoraire Mark Wilson; piper Fraser Abbott; Tony Catanese, Bailli Délégué du Canada; David Tetrault, Member Conseil d’Administration; Toni-Marie Ion-Brown, Calgary Bailli.

As always at the Hotel Arts, the menu delighted our taste buds from the very beginning, with butter and soft rolls, perfect foie gras gingerbread men, delicately flavoured scrambled eggs, tortiere with divine Christmas flavours, the list goes on and on. It was such a change to have a sipping tequila as the palate cleanser. In addition having a warm towel brought to us with that course was a charming surprise, reminiscent of flying.

Bailliage de l’Alberta à Calgary continued

Once dessert had been cleared Toni-Marie IonBrown, Bailli delivered a succinct accolade. With the Heart of the house and the Front of the house brigades assembled the time came to announce the plate recipients for the evening. Bailli Toni-Marie announced the recipients and Bailli Délégué du Canada Tony Catanese had the honour of presenting them.

Sujin Choi, Pastry Chef. The Heart of the House plate recipient was Sujin Choi, Pastry Chef. The Front of the House recipient was Jim Yee, Banquet Manager. The final plate for the evening was a surprise, Mark Wilson, Vice President of the Hotel Arts Group, and Bailli Provincial Honoraire was honoured with a plate. Having given out many plates during his time as Calgary Bailli, it was very special to honour him with his own plate.

Jim Yee, Banquet Manager.

Bailli Provincial Honoraire Mark Wilson, Vice President of the Hotel Arts Group, receives his plate from Tony Catanese.

Bailliage de l’Alberta à Calgary continued

Calgary Bailliage Chapître Dinner Hotel Arts

Garlic Parker House Rolls Roast Chick en Butter

Savoury Gingerbread M an Foie Gras Parfait & Sour C herr y Jam Feudi di San Greg orio, Ros ’ Aura, San Gre gorio, 2 019

Soft Scrambled Fresh Farm Egg, Miso Mus hroom , Hollandaise, Caviar Lou is Jadot, Mâco n-Lu gny, 202 0

Chestnut Cream Cipollini Onion, Shaved T oasted C hestnut Maple C andied Double-Sm ok ed Bacon Gérard Bertra nd, Ora nge Gold, France, 202 0

T ourtière Alberta Pork , Puff Pastr y, Peppercorn Jus, Cherr y T om ato Chutney Burrowing Ow l, Syrah, Oka naga n Valley, 201 6

Smoked Crow n Duck Roast T ruffle Duck Confit Cabbage Roll Shaved T urnip, Duck Jus Lan Gran Reserva, R io ja, 2 011 Châte au R eysson, Ha ut-Médoc, 2 016

El T equileño Platino

Venison Vanilla, Parsnip Agnolotti, Black Currant Red C abbage Pur ée Chanterelle Jus, Acorn Squash Chip Lan Gran Reserva, R io ja, 2 011 Châte au R eysson, Ha ut-Médoc, 2 016

Fruit Cake Snow Globe

Drunk en Rum & Eggnog C heesecak e Speculoos Cook ie Ice Cr eam Pocas, Co lh eit a, Portu gal, 1992

Dîner Amical, Foreign Concept

There was a crisp chill to the air on this March evening as we made our way down to Foreign Concept, but the warm welcome from Executive Chef Duncan Ly and his team soon had guests warmed up eager to experience the inaugural dinner of 2022. Upon arrival guests enjoyed a standing reception with bubbles and hors d’oeuvres in the lounge area of the restaurant before moving over and settling in for dinner.

(left to right) Toni-Marie Ion-Brown, Peter Finlay, Joan Tetrault, David Tetrault

(left to right) Sandra Hoenle, Susan Bauerfind, Juergen Bahr, Cindy Findlay, Beat Hegnauer.

Bailliage de l’Alberta à Calgary continued

The dining room awaits.

Balli Toni-Marie gave the accolade following dessert with Chef Duncan Ly, and his team, commended on the success of the evening, highlighting the care and attention paid to everything that was served, even down to carving out the tops of the mushrooms.

Lobster Thermidor.

Diner Amical Foreign Concept

Seared Bison T ataki Ponzu dressing, Acadian Sturgeon caviar Mom ok awa Pearl Junm ai Ginjo Nigor i Sake

Dungeness Crab Broth Caram elized D igb y scallop, scallions, Enok i m ushroom , gold leaf Em ilio H ida lg o Fino d e Jere z (Jere z, Spain)

Lobster T hermidor Double cream ed spinach, frisée orange salad, T hai Lobster sauc e Am èricaine Famille Peillot Altesse du Bugey, 2 019 (Bugey/ Savo ie, Fra nce)

Intermezzo Passionfruit So rbet

Lemongrass Glazed Du ck Breast & B raised Leg Cellophane noodles, bab y bok choy, Borage flowers Ochota Barrels “Green Roo m ” Gre nache, 20 19 (McL aren Va le, Austra lia)

Black Pepp er C rusted B eef T enderloin Crispy pancetta pomm e Anna, carrot variations, soy truffle brown butter sauce Fran z Go jer Süd tiro ler L agr ein “Gran at ”, 2 019 (Sout h Tyrol, I taly)

Dessert Almond & Lemon C ake Lem on crem eux, lem on com pote, torched m eringue Clos d u Gravillas Muscat d e Sa int-Je an d e Min ervois, 2018 (Lan gue doc, France)

Bailliage de l’Alberta à Calgary continued

Executive Chef/Owner Duncan Ly preparing the Intermezzo.

(left to right) George Leitch, Karen Ashbee, Paul Salo, Kathleen McNallyLeitch, Ken Moghadam, Andrea Moghadam

With the Heart of the house and the Kitchen brigade assembled it was time to announce the plate recipients for the evening. Peter Paiva, Sous Chef received the Chaine des Rotisseurs Commemorative Plate for the Heart of the House while Rachel Yu, Operational Manager was recognized with a Plate for the Front of the house.

Bailliage de Vancouver

(Submitted by Ann Collette, Bailli)

Christmas Italian Style

The holiday season in Vancouver 2021 marked the much-anticipated return of members and friends to one of the city’s top Italian restaurants – the awardwinning La Terrazza. True to the reputation of his iconic establishment, Maître Rôtisseur Gennaro Iorio again took the group on a flavourful journey through classic Italian cuisine.

Chevalier Matt Petley Jones and Sue Danahy enjoy the holiday splendor at La Terrazza.

As ever, the fine Old World-infused décor of La Terrazza, resplendent in a shower of delicate white Christmas lights, provided the perfect backdrop for a festive celebration, which began with a lively reconnection of Chaîne members, family and good friends over glasses of pink sparkling accompanied by three delectable pass-around canapes.

Bailliage de Vancouver continued

Classic bruschetta paired beautifully with rose sparkling during the reception.

(Left to right) Vice-Conseiller Gastronomique Bob Charlton with members Rebecca England and Jordan Hanley.

2021 Christmas Celebration Dinner La Terrazza


Praw n Cocktail / T omato Bruschetta / Mushroom Flatbread Veuve d ’Arge nt Brut R ose


Beef Carpaccio thinl y sliced raw Angus beef tenderloin, crispy capers, black truffle vinaigrette, shaved asiago, fontina flatbread Nibb ia no Va ldipiatta 20 17

Praw n Carbonara w ith Penne penne, tiger prawns, applewood bacon, green pea, parm igiano reggiano Alt esino Rosso d i Mont alcino 2 018

Ag nello oven-roasted boneless Aus tralian lam b rack , fingerling potatoes and seasonal vegetables Cian ti C olli F iore ntini, Cast ello d i Pop pia no 201 2

T iramisu warm handm ade vanilla cinnam on sugared donuts, caram el sauce

The evening’s four-course dinner began with an exquisite beef carpaccio deftly paired with crisped capers, truffle-infused vinaigrette and shaved Asiago. The traditional pasta course was a rich Prawn Carbonara, gently tossed with perfect “al dente” penne, followed by perfectly prepared Australian lamb rack accompanied by a colourful array of seasonal local vegetables.

Each delectable course was accompanied by an Italian wine hand selected from the restaurant’s legendary wine cellar by La Terrazza general manager Terese Iorio (sister of owner Gennaro).

Bailliage de Vancouver continued

A delectable beef carpaccio dressed with crispy capers and a tangy balsamic vinaigrette was the opening course at the La Terrazza Christmas dinner.

Classic tiramisu provided the perfect punctuation to a wonderful Italian menu.

Viva “Vino e Formaggio”

If ever a culinary pairing were made for each other it’s cheese and wine! It was precisely this legendary duo that formed the heart of a casual educational social held at the home of Vancouver Bailli Ann Collette and her husband Guy to explore some of the magical pairings of cheeses and wines from Italy.

Dr. Jordan Hanley samples some of the delights on the table at the Vancouver Italian cheese and wine pairing event.

The event, led by Vancouver Vice-Conseiller Gastronomique Bob Charlton, opened with an introduction to 11 different Italian cheeses that cumulatively represent much of the scope of popular cheese styles, from semi-soft Fontina to blue-veined Gorgonzolas to cooked and uncooked hard cheeses (Parmegiano Reggiano and Piave, respectively). The cheeses were complemented by seven classic Italian red, white and sparkling wines. Each participant also received a listing of all the wines and cheeses with pairing suggestions from Bob together with a section for tasting notes.

Bailliage de Vancouver continued

The event at the Collette residence featured Italian cheeses and wines with a distinctive Chaîne twist.

Vice-Consellier Gastronomique Bob Charlton and Bailli Ann Collette were happy collaborators on the Italian wine and cheese tasting event. The event proved a revelation for many members who enjoyed a few Italian cheeses they had never tasted before, plus they had a chance to sample two cheeses of the same family with markedly different flavour profiles – blue-veined Gorgonzola Piccante and Gorgonzola Dolce. Ultimately, the two Gorgonzolas were the hands-down stars of the tastings. Not one morsel was left at the end of the day.

The original event planned for Sunday, March 20th sold out in 24 hours with many members waiting for an opening. Eager not to disappoint, hosts Bailli Ann and Guy Collette, together with Bob Charlton, decided to add a second tasting on Saturday, March 19th, which also sold out! Needless to say, the Collette’s were busy!

The two afternoon events were both capped off by a special bonus as delighted guests were invited to take home generous slices of all their favourite cheeses. Fantastico!

Italian Cheese & Wine Pairings

Semi-Soft Fontina Val D ’ Aosta Washed Rind Semi T aleggio Blue-veined Gorgonzola picante Gorgonzola dolce Stretched Curd Provolone Piccante Scamo rza Hard Whey Cheese Ricotta Salata Semi Hard T oma Uncooked Piave Vecchio Cooked Parm igiano-Reggiano Montagne Goat Cheese Formaggio di Cap ra

Gran Passione Proscecco Med ici Ermet e Co ncerto R egg ian o La mbrusco 202 0 Zenato Pino t Grig io delle Vene zie 20 20 Villa Bianch i Verd icchio Dei Castelli de Jes i Classico 2019 Pug lia Pr im itivo F ant in i 20 2 0 Marchesi Frescob ald i C ast elli d i N ipo zza no 2 018 (Frescobald i)

Bailliage de Vancouver continued

The Vancouver Italian cheese and wine event featured two identical tasting stations to give everyone lots of elbow room to mix, mingle and enjoy.

The two tasting stations featured 11 well-labelled cheeses with complements such as Roman Pane and fresh grapes.

Vancouver’s Dining Season Kicks off at Bruno

When Vancouver Vice-Echanson Clement Lau discovered that an exciting new high-end boutique hotel with an amazing restaurant and whiskey tasting bar was opening in Richmond, he wasted no time in orchestrating an Ordre Mondial tasting and Chaîne dinner. So it was that the members of the Vancouver Bailliage came together on Friday, April 8th to celebrate the first in-person dining event of the 2022 season at Hotel Versante.

The reception area for the event at the Versante Hotel included the exclusive tasting room at Cask Whiskey Vault.

The event was a departure from typical Ordre Mondial/Chaîne events in that it featured two distinct venues at the same hotel – the Cask Whiskey Vault and Bruno Restaurant.

For the reception, members met in the Cask Whiskey Vault, which proved the perfect warm-up for the rest of the evening. The richly appointed room, with its restrained lighting, comfortable couches and spectacular private whisky tasting area, welcomed guests with a fine skewered canapé coupled with an ounce of Bruichladdich whiskey – the Classic Laddie.

Bailliage de Vancouver continued

The Cask Whiskey Vault proved the perfect place for a relaxed reception and featured a glass of Bruichladdich whiskey.

After the reception, guests moved to Bruno Restaurant, where Executive Chef Will Lew was waiting with his custom menu created expressly for Chaîne members. Here, too, the Chaîne changed things up from the usual individual servings, opting instead for a collegial “family style” dinner, with each course carefully plated for groups of four. It proved a lovely way to welcome and serve the “Chaîne family.”

The dinner at Bruno featured a “family style” presentation – perfect for our Chaîne family! Highlights of the evening (of which there were many) included the black garlic balsamic glazed Kurobuta pork belly and the bone-in Ribeye Oscar, featuring Canada’s legendary Alberta beef. And what would a West Coast dinner be without seafood? In this, too, Chef Lew pulled out all the stops with his Saffron Shellfish course, which featured fresh BC mussels, clams and pink scallops delicately flavoured with fennel and saffron vin blanc.

One of the highlights of the dinner - the Saffron Shellfish dish.

After two long years of only intermittent opportunity to come together in person, the Ordre Mondial/Chaîne dinner at the Versante Hotel’s Bruno restaurant proved a truly wonderful social and culinary event and was a wonderful kick-off to an exciting dining year ahead in Vancouver.

Bailliage de Vancouver continued

Spring Ordre Mondial/Chaîne Dinner Bruno Restaurant at Versante Hotel

Reception – Cask Whiskey Vau lt

Beef T ongue Skew er ferm ented soybean, chili, sesam e, scallion ginger relish Bruich lad dich The Classic La ddie

Dinner – Bruno at Versan te Hotel

Fresh BC O ysters & Caviar torched nduja rém oulade, ik ura, preserved lem on m ignonette, Northern D ivine caviar Bailly Lap ierre Cr éma nt d e Bourg ogn e Réserve

Spring Bu rrata Salad strawberr y, fig, baby basil, pom egranate, candied walnut, avocado purée

Kurobuta Pork Belly black garlic balsam ic glazed, peppercorn lim e aioli

Saffron Sh ellfish m ussels, clam s, pink scallops, fennel, saffron vin blanc 2021 Misty C ove Est ate Se ries Sa uvig non Blanc

Bone-in Ribeye Oscar bernaise, crab, r ed wine jus

T ruffle Lavender Duck foie gras, flam bée apr icots, confit duck croquettes, candied hazelnut crum b, duck glace

T ruffle Potatoes sm ash fried, garlic truffle butter, parm esan, green peppercorn aioli

Crisp y Brussels Sp routs m arcona alm onds, calabrian chili, parm esan 2018 Um berto C esari Sa ng iovese R iserva

Rustic T iramisu vanilla cream , espresso infused savoiardi, cocoa, chocolate shavings

An ti-Griddle Ice Cream Popsicles Castello del Pogg io Moscat o

Molecular magic was made with ice-cold anti-griddle ice cream popsicles that were served as a surprise after the Tiramisu dessert.

Bailli Ann Collette, Executive Chef Will Lew and Vice-Echanson Clement Lau.

Bailliage de Victoria

(Submitted by Gail Gabel, Bailli)

A “Balmy Winter Chapître” in December

Ah, a Winter Chapître in Victoria in December, when Members just had time, before donning their tuxes and evening wear, for a dip in the swimming pool, a plunge into the mineral spring, or a soak in the hot tub as the beautiful Salish Sea lapped against the glass-topped retaining wall surrounding the event venue, the Oak Bay Beach Hotel and Resort (OBBH), recently voted the best in Canada by Condé Nast.

Oak Bay Spa along the Salish Sea coast.

Fifty-seven Members and guests were welcomed by Bailli Délégué du Canada Tony Catanese, and Victoria Bailli Gail Gabel, for the first Induction ceremony in Victoria since Covid closed all such Chaîne activity in Canada. This was also the first Chaîne event for many attendees and they made a point of expressing their pleasure, at not only being invited, but with the superb menu, wines, the friendliness and ambiance of the entire evening.

The formal part of the Chapître saw seven new Chaîne Members inducted, including one Chevalier from Toronto, three Conseil Members appointed and Executive Chef Ryan Bissell, Rôtisseur granted Maître Rôtisseur status. Two Members were also designated Commandeur, with Dr. Frank Kemble received his Officier Commandeur rank, having been a loyal Chaîne Member for thirty years.

New Victoria Chargée de Missions Lynn Duplessis with Tony Catanese, Bailli Délégué du Canada.

Following the intronizations, the Reception featured a choice of French white, or Spanish pink, “Bubbles” to accompany luscious oysters on the half shell and platters of delicate Amuse Bouche that included sturgeon caviar, duck chicharrons and a foie gras parfait. While we were renewing old friendships and making new ones at the Reception, the OBBH staff quietly removed the theatre-style seating and turned the David Foster Foundation Auditorium into an elegant dining room. Unquestionably, the stunningly beautiful white, silver and green seasonal flower arrangements designed by Twyla Rusnak, wife of new Chevalier Illarion Gallant, made each table a show piece. At the end of the evening, nine very happy folk were able to take home these beautiful flower arrangements.

Bailliage de Victoria continued

New member Barry Andruschak (sporting moustache mask) along with Illarion Gallant (centre) and Twyla Rusnak.

Bailli Gail Gabel with Shary Mudassir, Toronto.

Executive Chef Ryan Bissell, Maître Rôtisseur. Without a doubt, the presentation and plating of each menu course was outstanding, and it really was impossible to decide any majority opinion from the many positive comments received. My favourites were the Amuse Bouche, the Scallops, the Sable Fish, the Lamb and the Bavarois. Hmmm, I guess I am no help as that covers the entire menu!

Victoria Bailliage Chapître Dinner Oak Bay Beach Hotel and Resort


Live shuck ed Kum am oto oysters, yuzu and um e m ignonette Acadian gold sturgeon caviar, k ennebec chip, chive cream Duck chicharrons, foie gras parfait, quince preser ve Lamb lin Fils Crem ant de Bourgo gne AOC Brut R osé NV Leon or de Carrera Brut C a va Tradit ion al Met hod DO NV


M eyer lemon cured Hokkaido scallop, nashi pear, arbequina olive oil and espelette pepper Chate au Sa int-Bén é zet L es Haut es de C oste-Rives Rosé 20 19

Whole salt-baked sablefish pine m ushroom s, green olive and parsle y sauce Chateau de la Gard Blanc - Pessac-Léognan 2016

M etchosin Lamb shank and truffle parmentier bacon wr apped loin, shallot and rosem ar y jus Chate au H aut-C arles Frons ac 200 3

Raspberry b avarois, lych ee cu rd and raspb erry gelee Villa Sand i Asolo Prosecco

Bailliage de Victoria continued

Long term member Beverley Straub. Maître Rôtisseur and Executive Chef Kreg Graham eloquently explained the preparation and ingredients in each menu course. The Bailli addressed the wines paired, noting grape, production style, and added a few regional anecdotes. The evening concluded with an accolade praising the culinary and service teams for their dedication and excellence in delivering such a memorable dining experience. Each was presented with a Chaîne Certificate of Appreciation. Maître Rôtisseur Kreg Graham was presented with a gift of Riedel glassware to add to his bar collection. Special thanks were expressed to Ms. Madone Pelan, OBBH General Manager, for her attendance at our event and her generous support of the Victoria Bailliage.

Intronized, promoted and dignitaries.

Bailliage de Victoria continued

The Year of the Tiger Chaîne Banquet

Chinatown in Victoria was teaming with life as shoppers crowded the sidewalks amid huge displays of exotic produce, while delicious aromas drifted from dozens of restaurants and barbecued ducks hung out in shop windows. A perfect setting for our first post-Covid event that attracted Chaîne guests from Calgary and the USA. As they arrived at the Don Mee Restaurant, thirty-seven Members and guests were greeted with our traditional welcome glass of “Bubbles”, this time a Pink from Burgundy and a White from the Loire. Hugs and warm handshakes were evident as many Bailliage Members were seeing each other for the first time in two years. A much-admired and beautiful redthemed flower arrangement was created and contributed to the evening by Twyla Rusnak.

Bailli Gail Gabel spoke to the challenge of selecting wines other than a Riesling, which is often chosen for pairing with Asian food. Three Members had participated in the pairings which included Rieslings, but settled on a 2020 Italian Spinelli 100% Pecorino and a 2019 Australian Mount Pleasant Elizabeth Semillon as the two dinner wines, both being rated at 93 Points. The Mount Pleasant Semillon, while being 10.5% alcohol is known for its keeping quality and flavour development with a few years of cellaring. Each table had a bottle of three other wines to try: a Canadian dry Riesling, an Italian Friulano and a Vin d’Alsace. These three wines were in limited supply but the pairing team had thought them very worthwhile to add to the evening, for Members to appreciate how many other wine styles are suitable pairings for Asian cuisine. The Bailli had also provided a written review on each of the dinner wines.

Bailliage de Victoria continued

Needless to say, the reception went a little longer than planned but the appearance of our first course of BBQ pork, Five Spice Squid and Crispy Spring Rolls soon had appetites sharpened. Of the nine more courses served during the evening, the Peking Duck and Pan- Fried Lobster with Ginger and Onion were my favourites, but every course was really delicious and included a seafood soup, prawns, chicken, beef, vegetables and of course, a special rice dish.

Pan Fried Lobster

As the evening came to an end, it is fair to say that there were many compliments on the event which is always great to hear as there are considerable tasks, activities and of course, timing that require coordination to deliver an event that provides our goal of “comraderie at the table”.

Don Mee Restaurant The Chaîne Year Of The Tiger Banquet


Crisp y Spring Rolls, BBQ Pork Five Spice Squid

Roasted Peking Duck with Pan Cak es

M inced Duck M eat Lettuce Wraps

Seafood Suprem e Soup

Pan Fried Lobster with G inger & O nion

Crisp y Chicken

Beef in our Chef’s Special Sau ce

Sauteed M ixed Vegetable in Garlic Sauce

Pan Fried Praw ns with Greens

Deluxe Don M ee's Fried R ice


Bubbles: Veuve de Vern ay Brut NV Lou is Bo uillot Cre mant Bou rgogn e Brut Rosé N V

Dinner : Spine lli Terre d i C hieti Pec orino 20 20 Moun t Ple asant Elizab eth Sem illo n 20 19 Quail’s Gat e Dry Riesling 2 020 Villa Loca telli Friu lan o D.O. C. 20 19 Vin D ’Alsace Arth ur Me t z 2 018

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