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International and National Conseil Baillis Updates
Tony Catanese Appointed to Conseils d'Administration et Magistral (Paris)
Our own Bailli Délégué du Canada, Tony Catanese, was appointed to the International Conseils d'Administration et Magistral at the recent Annual Meeting in Paris.
As part of his new role on the international stage, Tony has accepted the responsibility of Chairing a subcommittee that will consider changes to the
Membres des Conseils d'Adminstration et Magistral (left to right) David Tetrault, Chair, Jeunes Chefs Rôtisseurs Committee; Marie Jones, International Vice President; Tony Catanese; and International President Yam Atallah. Paris Regalement (aka the International by-laws) aimed at attracting and retaining younger members to La Chaine.
Tony Catanese is intronized by International President Yam Atallah.
Welcome To Our Newest National Conseil Members
Ruth Grierson. Chargée de Missions du Canada
Ruth has had a long history in the hospitality industry influenced by her mother who was a professional baker and cook. During her training in Medical Biochemistry, she worked at the UBC Faculty Club. She has been and is still involved with a west coast Cooking School. She also assisted on the PBS Series “Look and Cook with Anne Willan” as well as assisting at an IACP conference with Julia Child. Her attention to detail and skills to organize has led her to many volunteer roles with numerous nonprofit groups serving as Board Member, Vice President and President. Ruth was introduced to the Chaine des Rôtisseurs in Russia by her sister who was the Bailli. She joined the Vancouver chapter and quickly became involved with the Jeune Chef Competition both locally and internationally. Ruth continues to stay involved with the JCR internationally and is looking forward to serving as Chargée de Missions nationally. 47
Toni-Marie Ion-Brown, Bailli Honoraire of the Bailliage de l’Alberta à Calgary, has been promoted to Chancelier du Canada. Toni-Marie joined the Chaîne in 2011, and joined Calgary Council as Vice-Conseiller Gastronomique from 2013-2017. Toni-Marie was promoted to Vice- Chancelier in 2017 and in 2019 became the Bailli Régional. She is excited to take on the role as Chancelier for National Council. Her prime responsibility in this role will be membership development, including new member (with a focus on young member growth), and member retention. She feels her over 30 years in the member-based, private club business has built a very strong foundation to this new role.
Born and raised in Duchess Alberta, Toni-Marie grew up on a small acreage, and enjoyed participation in 4H Beef Canada, and grew up gardening and appreciating the “farm to table’ philosophy to food. She and her husband Bruce have enjoyed their quiet acreage lifestyle for nearly 20 years. Toni-Marie loves to tend to her large vegetable garden, is a flower lover and spends most weekends during the summer months at a nearby lake resort.
Toni-Marie’s career in hospitality began in 1990 when she joined the Calgary Petroleum Club as a server. She quickly became a supervisor and in 1999 was promoted to Food and Beverage Manager, responsible for a team of over 60. ToniMarie became Assistant GM at the club in 2015, and in 2017 was promoted to General Manager. With a 3000-member base, and food and beverage average annual sales in the multi-million, ToniMarie brings a very personal connection to the everyday operations of this vibrant city club. ToniMarie is passionate about service, food, wine and spirit and serving the membership of her organizations she serves.
Welcome To Our New Baillis
Joe Scorgie. Bailli Bailliage de l’Alberta à Calgary
Joe Scorgie has been a member of the Chaîne des Rôtisseurs since 2011. In 2014 he joined the Calgary council and has held several consecutive positions over these years including, ViceEchanson, Vice-Conseiller Gastronomique, ViceChancelier, and now as Bailli Regional. In 2018, Joe and Linda Robinson (Vice-Echanson at the time), developed and implemented the Alberta Regional Young Sommelier competition. Joe’s dedication, commitment, and passion for the Chaîne continues to grow and evolve and he is excited and honoured to be the Calgary Bailli.
Joe was born in Penticton and has lived in Vancouver, Victoria, Vernon and Kelowna before moving to Calgary in December 2000. Joe’s keen interest in wine developed in the early 2000’s when he completed his ISG levels 1 & 2. He and his wife own a successful business in Calgary and share their home with their Border Collie, Presley. Joe’s favourite activities are golfing (as much as possible), BBQing on his Argentine grill, reading Jack Reacher novels, walking his dog, eating great food, and drinking excellent wine.
Alors qu'il s'est officiellement joint en tant que membre à la Chaîne en 2008 à Victoria alors qu'il était à la barre du Fairmont Empress, Martin L. Leclerc a une histoire beaucoup plus longue avec l'organisation ayant été inspirée par M. Norman Mastalir alors qu'il était dans les Rocheuses canadiennes (maintenant à Whistler). Plus récemment, il a travaillé pour le Bailliage de Pékin en Chine, où Jim O'Neill est le Bailli Régional, tandis qu'Allan Wong est le Bailli National, basé à Shanghai. Il est récemment revenu à Montréal en tant que Directeur général de l'Intercontinental Montréal et a accepté d'être le Bailli du Bailliage de Montréal.
Martin a plus de trois décennies d'expérience dans des rôles de gestion et de leadership stratégique pour des hôtels et des centres de villégiature, ainsi qu'une connaissance approfondie de l'industrie hôtelière internationale avec une expérience entrepreneuriale et pratique dans les opérations hôtelières de conférence, de centre-ville, d'aéroport et de villégiature. Au cours de sa carrière, il a travaillé avec des marques comme Shangri-la Hotel, Fairmont, Sofitel, St. Regis, Westin, InterContinental et Loews pour n'en nommer que quelques-unes. Il a aidé des marques et des propriétaires dans le repositionnement et l'acquisition d'actifs, la pré-ouverture et le changement de marque. De plus, Martin est constamment impliqué dans la formation continue et a récemment été reconnu comme le premier et le seul étranger à être professeur invité pour la MBA et la MTA, par l'Université Minzu de Chine, à Pékin. Il a travaillé à Québec, Montréal, Moncton, Ottawa, Victoria, Vancouver, ainsi qu'en Chine à Nanjing, Tianjin, Pékin et Kunming. Martin a toujours été très actif dans la communauté locale et a occupé plusieurs postes au sein de conseils d'administration, allant de Président à Vice-Président de diverses associations, dans le tourisme, l'amélioration des affaires, les causes sociales et les chambres. Sa passion pour l'industrie hôtelière est bien connue et il est ravi de revenir à Montréal. Martin est titulaire d'un MBA de l'Université du Québec à Montréal et d'une maîtrise en gestion internationale de l'Université ParisDauphine.
Dans ses temps libres, il aime faire tourner des disques (il était DJ), faire du vélo, explorer des régions éloignées avec sa famille et tout ce qui touche aux arts, à la culture et au divertissement. Martin est marié à l'artiste peintre professionnelle Annie Pelletier (www.anniepelletier.com). Ils ont trois fils.
[En Anglais]
Officially joining the Chaine as a member in 2008 in Victoria while at the helm of The Fairmont Empress, Martin L. Leclerc has a far longer history with the organization having been inspired by Mr. Norman Mastalir while in the Canadian Rockies (who is now in Whistler). More recently, he was with the Beijing Bailliage in China, where Jim O’Neill is the Regional Bailli, while Allan Wong is the National Bailli, based in Shanghai. He has recently moved back to Montreal as General Manager of the Intercontinental Montréal and has agreed to serve as the Bailli of the Bailliage du Montréal.
Martin has over three decades of experience in management and strategic leadership roles for hotels and destination resorts and a thorough knowledge of the International Hotel Industry with entrepreneurial and hands-on experience in conference, city centre, airport and resort hotel operations. Over his career, he has worked with brands like Shangri-la Hotel, Fairmont, Sofitel, St. Regis, Westin, InterContinental, and Loews to name a few. He has assisted brands and owners alike in repositioning, and acquisition of assets, preopening and rebranding. In addition, Martin is consistently involved with on-going education and recently recognized as the first and only foreigner to be invited Professor for the MBA and MTA, Master of Tourism Administration, by Minzu University of China, in Beijing. He has worked in Québec City, Montréal, Moncton, Ottawa, Victoria, Vancouver, as well as in China in Nanjing, Tianjin, Beijing and Kunming. Martin has always been very active in the local community and has held multiple roles on boards of administration, ranging from President to Vice-chair on various associations, in Tourism, Business Improvement, social causes and Chambers. His passion for the Hospitality Industry is well known, and he is delighted to be returning to Montréal. Martin holds a MBA from Université du Québec à Montréal and a Master’s Degree in International Management from Université Paris Dauphine.
In his free time, he enjoys spinning records (he used to be a DJ), cycling, exploring remote areas with family, and anything in relations to arts, culture and entertainment. Martin is married to the professional artist painter Annie Pelletier (www.anniepelletier.com). They have three sons.