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Bailliage du Canada —Chapître du Canada

Bailliage du Canada – Chapître d u Canada 2022 National M eeting in Review (October 20-22, 2022)

Halifax Harbour at night. Photo credit: Nova Scotia Tourism


Halifax and the Bailliage de la NouvelleEcosse were pleased to host the 61st Annual Grand Chapître du Canada from October 2022, 2022 with the National Council, visiting provincial and regional Baillis and confrères from across Canada and around the world enjoying an action-packed weekend of events. The organizing committee compiled an outstanding array of tours and culinary adventures culminating in the awards ceremony on Saturday October 22 prior to the Gala Dinner. We thank them for their efforts and also thank the sponsors for the competitions and Grand Chapître weekend events - without their support the event wouldn’t be possible. Founded in 1749 and the site of the first British town in Canada, visitors have been falling in love with Halifax for more than 250 years.

Situated on a peninsula alongside one of the world's largest deep water harbours, Halifax combines the international essence of a major port city and naval base with the culture and heritage of one of Canada’s most historic communities. Downtown Halifax mixes the past with the present — stately 18th and 19th century architecture side-by-side with modern skyscrapers of steel, glass and concrete.

The waterfront and historic settings in the busy downtown area serve as a backdrop to the busy harbor, with its never-ending worldwide ocean traffic. The rolling hills of the city rise up from the harbour and the historic central district to the upper ramparts of the Halifax Citadel.

The Historic Properties. Photo credit: Nova Scotia Tourism

Home to the 78th Highland Regiment, Halifax’s starshaped fortress has presided over the city since the early 1800s. Its hilltop setting provides a commanding view of the city and harbor. Halifax Citadel National Historic Site, completed in 1856, is a symbol of Halifax’s role as a principal naval station in the British Empire, and it is the fourth in a series of forts on the site.

The Citadel. Photo credit: Nova Scotia Tourism

The event began Thursday evening with Chaîne Dine-Arounds offered by three Chaîne members: Brooklyn Warehouse, Eliot & Vine and Hermitage. Founded in 2007, inspired by Joe Beef in Montréal and The Spotted Pig in New York, Brooklyn Warehouse has continuously been ranked one of the best restaurants in Halifax and has already earned a full suite of awards for innovative menu items and its great atmosphere.

Owner George Christakos welcomes attendees.

Andrew Shannon. Executive Chef

A Canadian Bistro, it takes its cue from simple, honest food and strives to bring an affordable indulgence in a laid-back atmosphere. Working with rural producers, local markets, and regional suppliers, Brooklyn Warehouse creates “seriously good food from Fresh”. They have a strong desire to bring back the practice of farm to table cooking and convivial attitudes to the dining table. This attitude has produced remarkable service and a nationally recognized, award-winning cuisine; which includes a Taste of Nova Scotia Prestige Award for Casual Fine Dining Restaurant of the Year.

Chaîne des Rôtisseurs Dine-Around Brooklyn Warehouse

T una T artare Shallots, cucum ber, chive, olive oil, red wine vinegar, dijonaise Ben ja min Bridge NV Brut Sparkling, W olfville NS

Squash R isotto Parsnip chips, pum pk in seeds, pecorino, sage Rosewoo d Fo llow th e W hit e Rab bit Char don nay20 20, Niag ara, ON

Rhubarb So rbet

Duck Leg Confit T ruffle white bean purée, fried brussel sprouts, burnt honey dem i-glaze Doma in e de la Ma don e Ga may 20 20, Bea ujola is France

Pecan Pie Caram elized white chocolate crum ble, chantilly cream Romb eau Rivesa ltes Ambr é 20 08, Lan gue doc Roussillon France

Valli Arlette, Calgary Chargée de Presse Honorarire and Winnipeg's Barry Burdeny.

European Inspired Cuisine in Halifax! Opening its doors in the spring of 2016, the main dining room is encased by large windows, providing diners with beautiful natural light while the semi-private space offers guests a feast for the eyes: Breathtaking murals created by artist Jean Bradbury, featuring paintings and imagery inspired by the life and passions of owner, Johanna Eliot. The unique and flavorful European-inspired menu offers guests the chance to try something new, along with familiar favorites. Eliot and Vine believes that using fresh, locally sourced ingredients makes a difference, not only in quality but in flavor. In doing so, Eliot & Vine has created strong relationships with Nova Scotia’s many small businesses and independent agriculturalists.

Chaîne des Rôtisseurs Dine-Around Eliot & Vine

Foie Gras T orchon Apple cognac com pote, grilled baguette, port & balsam ic reduction Saut ernes, Gran d Cru Clas sé, Chate au R ie ussec 201 1

Craw fish Ravioli Crawfish &sm ok ed tom ato bisque, asparagus, crawfish, tarragon, shallot, ricotta Vin ho Verd e, C asal Garcia, Portu ga l

Seared Du ck B reast Cherr y Port reduction, potato dauphinoise, brussel sprouts Brune llo d i Marda icin o, Donat ella C ince lli C olu mb in i 20 13

Raspberry Rose Water B rulé with fresh raspberries Sig nat ure Cockta il wit h He nnessy VS, whit e crème de coco a, rasp berry, lem on

Kevin Toth, Bailli Bailliage de la Nouvelle-Ecosse and Deanna Toth.

Hermitage Restaurant is located in the stunning Alexander building in downtown Halifax. Executive Chef and co/owner Lawrence Deneau, and his partner Ryan Wolfe, established the restaurant in October 2020 with the motto “Think global + love local”. His menu relives times spent in Europe, staging through Italy with reflection on his roots.

Using locally sourced ingredients along with some of the world’s most popular products, Hermitage produces elegant dishes meant to challenge. Maura Casey, sommelier on sitel designed the perfect accompanying wines for the evenings menu, showcasing some of the best producers.

The evening was highlighted with the surprise intronization of Lawrence Deneau as Maître Rôtisseur as he was unable to make the Saturday Gala due to other commitments.

Chaîne des Rôtisseurs Dine-Around Hermitage

Am u se Herbed s hortbread, N S m aitak e ragu, fresh ricotta Riesling Do man ie de Gran d Pre ‘Trad itiona l meth od Sparkling ’, Gasp erea u, Nov a Scot ia, NV

Smoked M ussel Bisque Charred chicor y, duck ‘prosciutto’, shiso tem pura, chick pea crack er Pin ot Gris Gustav Loren t z ‘Grand Cru Ka n zlerber g ”, Alsace, Fra nce 2 012

T ourtière Ravioli Acadian-style m inced ragu filling, browned butter, crispy sage, pangrattato, G rana Padano Pin ot N oir, H id den Be nch Estate, Bea msville Bench , Ontar io 2020

Butter-Braised B ranzino Om bré potato & beet pavé, roasted Cr eole garlic custard, pick led asparagus, an incredible EVOO Sauvign on Bla nc/Sem illon Châte au Baret , Pessac-Léog nan , France 2 016

Roasted Dijon L amb Rack Carrot-apple m int risotto, J apanese white turnip, lavender jus Cabern et Sauvign on/ Merlo t Chât eau Pa lo umey, Haut-Médoc, Fra nce 20 15

Sw eet Corn Gelato Pie Bourbon-glazed popcorn, dulce de leche m ousse Sem illo n/Sauvigno n Bla nc Châte au Su duira ut, Saut ernes, Fra nce 20 11

Tony Catanese, Bailli Délégué du Canada intronizes Executive Chef Lawrence Deneau, Maître Rôtisseur.

Early Friday morning, confreres and guests were able to take a guided bus tour of Peggy’s Cove, historic Lunenburg (with a lunch at Beach Pea Restaurant) and visit the churches of Mahome Bay.

The iconic Peggy’s Cove lighthouse.

Peggy's Cove is a small rural community located on the eastern shore of St. Margarets Bay and site of the famous Peggy’s Cove Lighthouse.

The port town of Lunenburg, and site of our luncheon at Beach Pea Restaurant, was founded in 1753, one of the first British attempts to settle Protestants in Nova Scotia. Old Town Lunenburg is one of only two urban communities in North America designated as a UNESCO World Heritage site. Attendees viewed vibrantly painted Victorian homes and shops with colourful heritage gardens, all under the direction of a knowledgeable guide.

Guide outlines history of Lunenburg.

Beach Pea Restaurant is a seasonal restaurant located in the beautiful town of Lunenburg. ChefOwner Martin Luis Salvador, Maître Rôtisseur served tour attendees a menu filled with unique, elegant dishes made from premium, local products.

Chef-Owner Martin Luis Salvador, Maître Rôtisseur and his wife Sylvie.

On the return trip to Halifax, Mahone Bay offered spectacular views of its scenic harbour, where sailboats gently bob and the sun sparkles like diamonds on the deep blue waters. The three worldfamous churches, which sit at the water’s edge form the iconic backdrop for one of Canada’s most picturesque towns.

Beach Pea Restaurant Lunch Menu

Selection of House-mad e Charcuterie

Ad ams & Knickle Scallops Seared Lunenburg scallops , braised fennel, potato, chili

Nova Scotia Lamb Northum berland Rack of Lam b, Risotto, T om ato, Swiss Chard, Pec orino

Zucchini Nutm eg Spiced Zucchini Loaf, Chocolate, Cinnam on Ice Cream , Clove Cr èm e Anglaise, Xandied W alnuts, Crum ble

Wines (Nova Scotia)

20 ’ L ’Ac ad ie Vineyards, ‘J oie de Vivre ’ Ch armat 19 ’ Mercator Vineyards, U p per Ridge Marq uett e Alternatively, confreres and guests were able to enjoy two wine tastings followed by lunch at Le Caveau Restaurant, named one of twenty world’s best winery restaurants by Wine Access magazine.

Gaspereau Vineyards.

A premium boutique winery situated in the beautiful Gaspereau Valley since 2004, Gaspereau Vineyards was the first winery to establish in the valley. The winery is nestled on the edge of a picturesque, 50 acre vineyard, formerly the site of a dairy farm & apple orchard, in the replica of a historic barn on the premises.

The vineyards surrounded by Fall foliage.

The oldest farm winery site in Atlantic Canada, family owned and operated, Domaine de Grand Pré winery was built on a passion for Nova Scotia. Owner Hanspeter Stutz took a leap of faith in 1994, establishing something special to grow the Nova Scotia wine industry. A place of the Old World, European charm is carved into every stone at Domaine de Grand Pré winery.

Attendees gather at Le Caveau Restaurant.

Lunch was included at Le Caveau Restaurant. Chef Jason Lynch delivered an exceptional culinary journey built on relationships with local purveyors.

Le Caveau Restaurant Lunch Menu

Pear and R adicch io Salad Date vinaigrette, fresh cheese and olive oil

Braised B risket Pomm e purée, gar lic dem i

Crème Catalana Cinnam on shortbread

Accompa nied by our Est ate W ine Tasting

Acadian Seaplants Presentation & Ecotour/Mushroom Foraging/Lunch

Guests received a rare glimpse into the world’s leading and most diversified, fully integrated, and sustainable seaweed company in Friday morning. Louis E. Deveau, O.C., O.N.S., P.Eng., L.L.D. (Hon.), Acadian Seaplants Founder and Chair, inspired, informed, and amused with his account of the company’s world-class operations and products supporting the global health and wellness of people, animals, and plants. And, as the world’s proprietary producer of the premium cultivated sea vegetable, Hana Tsunamata®, you’ll see why this unique, versatile, and beautiful sea food product is a hit in Japan.

Fred Dardenne discusses mushrooms.

Then attendees connected with the land and nature! Local expert mushroom identification herbalists Jolanta Grossman and Fred Dardenne from Terroir & Wild Ecotours led a Mushroom Foraging expedition, followed by a gourmet lunch featuring the bounty they collected.

Enjoying the fruits of their labours.

Duck Breast and Mushroom lunch.

On Friday evening, an extraordinary Welcome Reception featuring a delectable series of food stations highlighting the flavours of the Maritimes and a fine selection of wines was held at The Wardroom, CFB Stadacona in Halifax. Hosted by Executive Chef Executive Chef Kevin Ouellette, the Wardroom is an integral part of CFB Halifax Officers’ Mess complex in the Juno Tower. The area features many beautiful pieces of artwork including the magnificent mural Wylie’s Trafalgar, depicting the greatest naval battle ever, and a sixteen foot painting depicting the famous Second World War naval engagement of HMCS Assiniboine attacking U210. This relaxed event provided the perfect opportunity to mix and mingle with Chaîne friends –both old and new.

Tony Catanese, Bailli Délégué du Canada welcomes attendees. The Town Crier makes his announcement - Vive la Chaine!

Tony Catanese, Bailli Délégué du Canada with the Halifax Town Crier.

Toronto Bailli Paul Morrell (left) and Executive Chef Cameron Huley, Conseiller Culinaire du Canada.

Magnificent mural Wylie’s Trafalgar, depicting the greatest naval battle ever, serves as backdrop.

Our Jeune Chefs enjoy the evening – before tomorrow’s competition! The Baillis – David Tetrault, Bailli Délégué du Canada Honoraire and Tony Catanese, Bailli Délégué du Canada.

Friday Welcome Reception The Wardroom, CFB Stadacona

T he Food Stations!

Scallops, seared/bacon wrapped Beef T enderloin, carved, mini brioche Seafood Chow der M ini Donairs Cheesebo ard, lo cal Dessert T able

T he Wines!

Aqu in as Cab ernet Sa uvign on, D on Seb astia ni & Sons Son oma Ca lif ornia 20 18 Seg hesio Sono ma Z inf and el, Seg hesio Fa mily Vin eyards Sono ma C aliforn ia 2 020 Spy Valley Sauvigno n Bla n c, Marlb orou gh N ew Ze ala nd 2021 Delo ach Her ita ge C hardo n nay Russia n River Va lley Californ ia 202 0 Longv iew Yakka Sh ira z Ad ela ide Hills Austra lia 20 20

T hanks to Bishops Cellars of Halifax and Devonian Coast Wineries for their gen erous donations.

Remy Richard administers Nova Scotia’s Order of the Good Cheers Induction.

All non-Nova Scotia residents also experienced a Nova Scotia tradition, their induction into the “Order of the Good Cheer (L'Ordre de Bon Temps)” conducted by Remy Richard, Chargé de Mission du Canada Honoraire. Originally a French Colonial order founded at Port-Royal in New France in 1606 by Samuel de Champlain, it was intended to offset the idleness thought to cause scurvy over the winter. As such, Champlain organized the Order to include not just food, but also entertainment with the first meeting on November 14, 1606, including a play about sailors travelling to the New World, only to encounter Neptune, god of the sea on the way. The feasting of the Order occurred weekly and continued throughout the winter until the last of March, only to recommence annually in the Fall. On May 11, 2001, the Speaker of the House in Nova Scotia, Canada, the Hon. Murray Scott reaffirmed official recognition of the order in Canada as grant of the province under the custodianship of the Nova Scotia Ministry of Heritage. During the day on Saturday, confreres and guests were able to take advantage of a unique walking tour accompanied by a kilted guide. The tour started at Halifax's famed Public Gardens, a 17-acre paradise in the middle of the city. The group then sauntered along to Citadel Hill where they gazed over this modern port city. The tour wound its way down the hill, past the 200-year old Town Clock, the Metro Centre, City Hall, Grand Parade (historically a military parade square and now home to Halifax's oldest building, St. Paul's Anglican Church) and to Historic Properties, where massive ironstone warehouses once stored privateer's booty (and sold their ill-gotten gains). Today it is the home of charming shops and waterside restaurants. The tour ended at the Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21. The museum occupies part of Pier 21, the former ocean liner terminal and immigration shed from 1928 to 1971. Pier 21 is Canada's last remaining ocean immigration shed.

This year’s Baillis and Members Luncheon was held at Gio Restaurant located in the host hotel, The Prince George Hotel. Executive Chef Greg Burns presented an outstanding lunch with wine pairings.

Simply stated, Gio is the definitive dining experience of downtown Halifax. Since inception in 2006, the restaurant has garnered critical acclaim from those impressed by the ambition and execution of its fourdiamond food and service. Fine dining with a twist, attendees experienced “fun aside fancy”, from the atmosphere to the plate.

Baillis and Members Luncheon Gio, The Prince George Hotel

Classic Nova Scotia M ussels in a white wine sauce Châte au H aut G arriga En tre Dea ux Mers

M ixed Green Salad with seasonal vinagrette

Sustainable Blu e Salmon Molé sauce, s erved with wild rice Ricossa Barbera d ’Ast i

Flourless Chocolat e Cake Local Blueberr y jam , Chocolate Ganache, pick led blueberries

Gio Restaurant, The Prince George Hotel

Nova Scotia Mussels

Blue Salmon.

Flourless Chocolate Cake.

On Saturday evening, Nova Scotia Bailli Kevin Toth welcomed all the attendees to the Regency Room at Prince George Hotel and introduced Tony Catanese, Bailli Délégué du Canada.

Kevin Toth, Nova Scotia Bailli (right), welcomes the group to the Induction ceremonies.

Tony opened the joint festivities for the Awards Ceremony of the Concours National des Jeunes Chefs Rôtisseurs; and the Member Inductions, Promotions, & Awards ceremony. He began by recognizing David Tetrault, Membre des Conseils Magistral et d’Administration, Président, Concours International des Jeunes Chefs Rôtisseurs; the National Executive members present (Cameron Huley, Conseiller Culinaire; Eric Jones, Chargé de Presse; Cynthia Grossman, Echanson and the newly inducted Ruth Grierson, Chargée de Mission and Toni-Marie Ion-Brown, Chancelière) and the Baillis in attendance: Ann Collette, Vancouver; Lois Gilbert, Okanagan; Paulo Morrell, Toronto; Cornel Ceapa, New Brunswick, Kevin Toth, Nova Scotia and Cameron Gray, Manitoba. Tony also recognized Remy Richard, Chargé de Mission du Canada Honoraire and Josie Richard, Nova Scotia Bailli Honoraire for their tireless efforts in pulling the weekend together. He also recognized the Culinary Campus at Kingstec Campus, site of this year’s national Jeunes Chefs Rôtisseurs competition. Finally, Tony thanked Wüsthof, Uniglobe Lexus Travel and Acadian Sturgeon and Caviar Inc. and all of the local corporate and individual sponsors without whose support these competitions could not take place. With that, he invited Chef Cameron Huley, Conseiller Culinaire du Canada and judge at the National Jeune Chefs competition to take the podium. Cameron acknowledged the four young competitors in the front row, where they anxiously awaited the results of the competition. Each of the competitors was presented with a medal, certificate and a Wüsthof knife as participants.

Cameron Huley, Conseiller Culinaire du Canada, announces the winners.

After thanking Nova Scotia Community College’s state-of-the-art Kingstec Campus for their amazing kitchen facilities; Kingstec Instructor Peter Dewar for organizing the kitchen stations, common table, and tasting room; the Halifax Jeune Chefs team for their organization; annual sponsors Wüsthof; Uniglobe Lexus Travel and Acadian Sturgeon and Caviar Inc. (and in particular thanking Brenan Madill and Sysco Nova Scotia for donating $1500 for the competition this year), and recognizing the kitchen and tasting judges, Chef Huley announced the winners of the National Jeunes Chefs Rôtisseurs competition.

The presentations began with the awarding of the highest kitchen score winner. The winner of this segment of the competition is recognized with the Chef Paul Mastalir Award for Kitchen Excellence along with a Wüsthof Knife attaché set. For the 2022 competition, the winner was Jean-Denis Roussel from Atelier Tony Restaurant in Dieppe, NB.

Tony Catanese, Bailli Délégué du Canada presents Chef Paul Mastalir Award for Kitchen Excellence to Jean-Denis Roussel.

After finishing second at last year’s 2021 National finals in Winnipeg, the winner of the gold medal and the Fulgence Charpentier trophy for 2022 was Nova Scotia’s Ethan Green from The Half Shell Oyster and Seafood, Lunenburg, NS. Ethan has now earned the right to represent Canada at the 2023 Concours International des Jeunes Chefs Rôtisseurs in Istanbul, Turkey.

(left to right) Tony Catanese, Gold Medalist Ethan Green and Cameron Huley. The silver medal was presented to Calgary’s Connor Fenton from Teatro Restaurant. The bronze medallist was Manitoba’s Mark Gingco from the Fort Garry Hotel, Winnipeg, MB.

Next year’s Canadian National Competition will be held on Saturday October 21, 2023 in Toronto

All competitors were winners! (left to right) Jean-Denis Roussel, Award for Kitchen Excellence; Connor Fenton, Silver medal; Ethan Green, Gold Medal; Mark Gingco, Bronze Medal.

Tony Catanese, Bailli Délégué du Canada launched the Induction part of the ceremonies. He gave a brief history of the Chaine and explained the components of the Chaine logo shown on the flag behind the stage and the colours of the ribbons that the members wear. Tony then led the inductees in the Oath to the Chaine.

As Bailli Délégué du Canada, Tony raised the sword over the promotion of council members and the induction of new members, assisted by David Tetrault. Kevin Toth, Bailli de Bailliage de la Nouvelle-Ecosse served as announcer. The ceremonies began with the announcement of Commandeur Silver Pins (10 years) to Brenan Madill; Commandeur (20 Year) Pins to Josie Richard, Kevin Toth, Denise Leahey and a 30 Year Pin to the Honourable Raymond LeBlanc in recognition for their years of service to the Chaîne.

The ceremonies continued on with the induction of two new members of the National Council: Ruth Grierson, Chargée de Mission du Canada and ToniMarie Ion-Brown, Chancelière du Canada; the intronization of Kevin Toth as the Bailli of the Nova Scotia Bailliage, and the promotion of the Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia, The Honourable Arthur J. LeBlanc, ONS, KC to Grand Officier, along with the intronization and promotion of members of the Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Manitoba Bailliages.

Ruth Grierson, Chargée de Mission du Canada.

Toni-Marie Ion-Brown, Chancelière du Canada.

Kevin Toth, Bailli de Bailliage de la Nouvelle-Ecosse. The Honourable Arthur J. LeBlanc, Grand Officier.

Inductions and promotions included:

Bailliage de la Nouvelle-Ecosse - Nouveaux membres

Dr. Phillip Amys, Chevalier Douglas Fraser Norris, Chevalier Roxanne O'Neil, Dame de la Chaîne Jennifer Creelman, Dame de la Chaîne Johanna Eliot, Maître Restaurateur Jolanta Grossman, Chef de Table Maureen Leahey. Vice-Chargée de Mission Estelle Theriault, Vice-Conseiller Gastronomique

Bailliage de la Nouvelle-Ecosse - Promotions

Brenan Madill, Vice-Conseiller Ryan, Vice-Chancelier Kevin Toth, Bailli The Honorable Arthur LeBlanc, Grand Officier

Bailliage de New Brunswick - Nouveaux membre

Ginny MacDonald, Dame de la Chaîne

Bailliage de Manitoba - Nouveaux membres

Ken Campbell, Chevalier Dr. Daniel Lindsay, Chevalier

Dignitaries, Inductees and promotions at the Halifax Annual Meeting.

Reception and Gala Chapître Dinner

Following the induction ceremony, Tony Catanese invited everyone to next year’s national meeting and Grand Chapître in Toronto in conjunction with the National Jeunes Chefs competition. Attendees then retired to the Terrace for a champagne reception followed by the Grand Chapître Gala in the Windsor Ballroom.

The Prince George awaits.

Tony Catanese opens the Gala.

Tony Catanese opened the Gala and outlined the history of the founding of the Chaine in Canada. He recognized the Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia, The Honourable Arthur J. LeBlanc and his wife Her Honour Patsy LeBlanc. Tony then welcomed Executive Chef Greg Burns to the podium who outlined his thoughts on developing the evening’s menu focusing on local seafood and the bounty of Nova Scotia.

Executive Chef Greg Burns welcomes attendees and outlines the menu.

The gala dinner was an extravaganza of tastes, moving smoothly through a series of nine superb courses, perfectly accompanied by the exquisite range of wines. Truly a wonderful grand finale to a wonderful weekend!

Grand Chapître Gala Dinner The Prince George Hotel

Am u se Bouch e Atlantic Canadian Fr ied O yster, Burnt Lem on, Seaweed D ust

Foie Gras Fall Apple and Foie Gras T art Gustave Lore nt z Pino t Gris 202 1, France

Scallops Roasted Sunchok es, Sautéed Kale, Sunchok e Purée, Chim ichurri, Sunchok e Cris ps Itin era Pr ima Grillo Sauv ign on Bla nc 20 18, It aly

Mushroom Glutinous R ice, Mushroom Dashi Broth, Local F oraged Mushroom s, Scallions, Garlic Chips and Black T ruffle Pip oli Aglia nico de l Vult ure 2019 , Ita ly

Valley Apple Granit a

Beef Sm ok ed and Braised Short Rib, Pick led T urnips, Crispy W onton, Beef Jus Châte au le Puy Em ilien 20 18, France

Acadian Seaplants H ana T sunomata Salad Foraged Nova Scotia Seas onal Salad

Cheese Taylor Fla dg ate 10 Year

Dessert Sage Infused Mascarpone Cream on Spiced Parsnip Cak e Pear and W alnut Preserve served with Parsnip and Pear Ice Cream Finished with Parsnip Cr isps and Fresh W atercress Lacad ie Vineyards Joie d e Vivre 2 019 , Nova Scot ia

Tony Catanese, Bailli Délégué du Canada delivers the accolade

Tony Catanese, Bailli Délégué du Canada, delivered the accolade, complementing the Prince George Hotel, General Manager Scott Travis, Area Meetings & Events Sales Manager Amy Panasuk, Executive Chef Greg Burns, and the kitchen and the serving brigade. Tony wrapped up the evening and the weekend by thanking all the attendees including those from outof-town. He also thanked Nova Scotia Bailli Kevin Toth; Friday night Welcome Reception Executive Chef Kevin Oulette; the local member establishments and Chefs; Ambassador Tours; and Louis Deveau of Acadian Seaplants for all the tremendous experiences over the weekend. In particular, Tony recognized Remy and Josie Richard for their on-going support and tireless efforts in attracting the sponsorships that allowed the competition and Annual meeting weekend to take place.. These sponsors included Sysco Foods, Fidelity Mutual Funds, Insight Wealth Management, Bishop Cellars, Wüsthof; Uniglobe Lexus Travel and Acadian Sturgeon and Caviar Inc. He concluded by inviting everyone to join with our members in Toronto for the 2023 Grand Chapître weekend.

Join Us in Toronto for 2023! G ran d Ch ap ître of Can ad a 2023 Octob e r 19-21, 2023 Con cou rs Nation al de s Je un e s Ch e fs Rôtisse u rs Octob e r 21, 2023

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