The MAY 2020
The COVID-19 situation has meant a huge upheaval for all our members. It has also made communicating with all our members more difficult. For those that have access to email we have been able to keep them fully informed of the developing situation and what it means for club activities. For those who do not have access to email this is the first communication you will have received from the branch committee as we were unable to print and produce anything during the lockdown period. This hub newsletter has been printed and mailed by our club secretary in an attempt to keep all members informed of what is going on. The branch committee have made the difficult decision that, for the foreseeable future, our existing newsletter The Hub will no longer be produced in a printed form. The Normal Hub is not available this month and is replaced by The Hub Lockdown Newsletter. Once Branch activity resumes all rally entry forms will be available in the hub or you can enter events online. electronically via the branch website.
Cutler Park, McLeans Island CLUBNIGHT
7.30pm 1st Thursday of each month Phone 03 359 7004
POSTAL ADDRESS PO BOX 11-082, Sockburn, Christchurch 8443 EMAIL
CHAIRMAN’S REPORT Greetings to all our members, and I hope you are all keeping safe and well in your lockdown bubbles. Last month we could not print the April Hub because of the level four restrictions, so the Hub was published and sent out electronically to all members we had email addresses for. It was also posted on our branch website Our Hub editor Rosalie Brown arranged for all members who we did not have email addresses for to be rung. This resulted in us obtaining a number of additional email addresses. We realise that some of our members do not have a computer, or an email address. In most cases, these members will have a relative or friend who does have email, and this should be advised to us so that we can readily contact them and pass on information. Please advise our secretary Rod Thrower if you have a contact email we can use. There were some members who did not wish to give us their email address. The current situation highlights the need to have these addresses. Those without email addresses would not have received their Beaded Wheels magazine this month as it was also sent out by email. This month we are producing The Hub Lockdown Newsletter, as there is no activity within the branch at present, or for the foreseeable future. All events on the calendar are cancelled until further notice depending on the length we will be in level three and level two restrictions. This newsletter contains details of the AGM set down for 21 June, as this is a constitutional requirement. It is unlikely
SECRETARY’S REPORT By the time you read this we will all be in Covid/19, Level 3. Hopefully not for too long as its, same old, same old for us oldies. For Lynda and I all this has almost just been life as normal, except we couldn’t go to the shops and have had to rely on family for groceries. I have not had my trips out to the Island on Wednesdays for a cuppa with my mates or at the Hornby Club on Fridays but have been able to set up a couple of zoom meetings with a few from Parts shed and committee, quite fun really, always good to try a new experience. Good to have sometime to catch up in the garden, certainly has been great weather.
that the AGM can proceed on that date, and you will be advised in June of any postponement. Details will also be posted on our website. Unfortunately this will be the means of communicating our monthly report during the next period until we are allowed to safely resume some form of normal daily life. Please assist us to assist you. You may not receive vital information if we don’t have an email address for you.
JOHN COOMBER Chairman ph 03 310 7056
Your committee are meeting and conducting any urgent club business by telephone and Zoom meetings. So far this has proved to be successful, and Rod has introduced a parts shed meeting on Zoom on Wednesdays, and the motorcycle section have held virtual meetings on Zoom. We will all have to get used to this new way of meeting others. I know that some members will be questioning why we can’t get on with our hobby, and feel that it is all an over reaction. Please just stay calm and be patient. The current situation is still very serious and a real threat to many of our members. Sadly we have recently lost one of our members to coronavirus, and there may be others around the country. Please keep in touch with one another, and look after yourselves. John Coomber
Things are ticking along preparing for the AGM which will be held in the near future we hope. So get your nomination for Chairman, Club Captain, Committee, proposed and seconded and I will be ready for the rush. (Nomination Form in this months Covid/19 Hub) Stay Safe, Keep smiling, Rod
ROD THROWER Secretary ph 03 338 2320
ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Notice is hereby given that the 64th Annual General Meeting of the Canterbury Branch of the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand Incorporated will be held on Sunday 21 June 2020, 2:00pm in the Clubrooms, Cutler Park, McLeans Island. Nominations are invited for all positions on the Committee in accordance with Rule 9 which states: “The election of the Members of the Branch Committee shall be carried out by secret ballot at the Annual General Meeting of the Branch. Any financial Member of the Branch unable to attend may appoint a proxy to vote at such a ballot on his/her behalf by notifying the Branch Secretary in writing two clear days before the meeting. A proxy must be a Member of the Branch and represent one Member of the Branch only. Each nomination shall be required to be proposed and seconded by financial Branch Members and shall bear the signatures of the proposer and seconder and nominated Member� All nominations must be forwarded to: The Branch Secretary PO Box 11-082 Christchurch Notices of Motion or resolutions to be proposed must be received by: The Branch Secretary P O Box 11-082 Christchurch or via email Nominations and Notices of Motion or resolution to be proposed must arrive no later than 27 May 2020. Please note that there is every likelihood this meeting will have to be postponed to a later date. More information will follow in our June issue.
CANTERBURY BRANCH COMMITTEE NOMINATION FORM 2020/21 This is your chance to assist us with helping to run the Branch, from organising rallies, maintaining the grounds and buildings, organising social events, in fact most things the Club does at the local level. The committee meets once a month on the first Monday of every month. All positions are open for nomination: Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, Group Convenors, Social Convenor. Fill out the form below, and give it in person to Rod Thrower, the Club Secretary, post it or scan and email it to the addresses below.
I, ....................................................................................... agree to be nominated for the position of ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� on the 2020/21 Canterbury Branch Committee.
Nominee, Proposer and Seconder must be financial members of the Canterbury Branch. BIOGRAPHY: Please attach a brief biography that can be circulated among our members prior to the AGM. Post to the Secretary, P O Box 11082, Christchurch 8443, or email to to arrive no later than Wednesday 27 May 2020
MIKE MILNE Vintage Convenor
Hello fellow isolators, I hope that you are all doing well in your isolation bubbles and making the most of being locked up with your loved ones and of course the family. I know many people will be facing different challenges during this time but I trust you have found something to occupy you during the days. I know our projects are moving along here with work on the Taylor’s Austin 7 continuing and the Landrover almost back together after being painted. In our section we will have cars turning 100 years old this year. The Roaring Twenties brought about several novel and highly visible social and cultural trends. The era saw the large-scale adoption of automobiles, telephones, motion pictures, radio and household electricity, as well as unprecedented industrial growth because of the economic boom following World War I. Many manufacturers developed new techniques, tooling and standards during war time production to help keep up with demand and the production quotas set by the various war departments. Post war production was varied with some companies having different access to raw materials depending on how they served the war effort. This gave rise to new materials being used and traditional materials
Thanks to the following for their continued Apex Auto Centre, Brake & Cable
Ph 0800 102 739
Ashley’s Tow Taxi
Ph 021 317 765
Auto Restorations
Ph 03 366 9988
Classic & Custom Auto Interiors
Ph 03 322 5272
Early Ford Parts
Ph 021 637 656
Enford Spares Ltd
Ph 03 379 3775
Gateway Car Systems
Ph 03 358 7580
Kaiapoi Auto Electric
Ph 027 435 0636
Louise Shaskey, Harcourts Grenadier
Ph 027 298 1880
being used in more efficient ways. Bakelite (invented in 1909) was aggressively marketed as “the material of a thousand uses” and manufacturers used it extensively replacing may smaller metal cast components. Pot metal replaced brass and bronze and could be cheaply produced from the scrap metal drives and demilitarization that many countries were conducting. Coach building became less popular being replaced by the pressing of panels with either sections of the body being built and assembled on chassis or the body being completed as one unit. Like today, everything was driven to be better, faster and cheaper. It really was the death of the brass era cars. Below is a list of manufacturers that began production, 100 years ago, in 1920. BELGIUM ALP FRANCE Electricar, Janémian, Jouffret, Radior, Jouffret, Radior, Astatic, La Comfortable, De Marçay, Elfe, Kevah, Santax GERMANY Joswin, Selve, Steiger JAPAN Mazda UK Aeroford, Cubitt, Galloway, Palmerston, Payze, Albert, Allwyn, Archer, Baughan, Bell, Black Prince, BlériotWhippet, Bound, Cambro, CFB, Winson, Sports Junior USA Ace, Alsace, Aluminum, Astra, Binghamton Electric, Carroll, Colonial, Colonial/Shaw, Friend, Gardner, Gray Light Car, LaFayette, Lorraine, Mason Truck, Sheridan, Standard Steam Car, Stanwood
d support of The Hub in its reduced form. Metropolitan Valuation Services Neale Cook, Bayleys Real Estate Paterson Bros Tyre Services Rolleston Costume Hire Safe R Brakes Ltd, Brake & Clutch Vero CIS
Ph 03 342 9055 Ph 021 295 3628 Ph 03 365 0875 Ph 0274 843 040 Ph 03 379 6140 Ph 0800 658 411
Veteran Car Rims
Ph 03 338 4307
Vintage Auto Parts
Ph 03 359 8592
CHRIS LEITH Motorcycle Section
Well, here we are at Day 26 of the lockdown. While I had plenty of projects in the garage to carry on with the same cannot be said for everyone, of course. Today (as I write this) is D (decision) Day, are we carrying on with Level 4? Do we slip back to Level 3?? Time will tell. With ANZAC weekend coming up it is my guess lockdown will be extended – with a release date to allow other businesses to gear up… May events, Definitely off, I’d say. June? Dunno. Probably off, too. July? Too early. Some of us have had to think of innovative ways to get our vintage motoring fix; while it is difficult to balance the (essentials) grocery shopping on the motorbike is certainly able to fit in the boot of the Stag, no issues there! The other aspect of VCC life is, of course, the social aspect. There is a group of us motorcyclists that meet every Friday at the Hornby Club – we still do so, but from the comfort of our lounges and via Zoom. The same for our Sunday 4’s group meeting, instead of in our garages it is via Zoom. 4’s has been going for about 35 years now, first started by Fluff on a “no women allowed” affair, but it has evolved over time, it is fair to say… For those scratching their heads, 4’s is like the Pommy “Elevenses”, except it starts at 4pm… Until next month, CML.
From left to right, top to bottom: Kevin, Mike & Gill Stevenson, Chris Leith, Royce & Jan Baker, Heather & Mike Glenday, Neil Stevenson, Rod Thrower, Philip & Marietta Jeeves, Lois & Bevars Binnie, Shona & Kevin Clarkson, Ian & Marilyn McKinlay, and Barbara & Gary Johnstone. Of a “normal” Friday night at the Club, only Alan Bland, Peter May, Andrew & Fay McClintock, and Gary & Ruth Arps are missing,
Members are invited to compete for the following trophies which will be awarded at the 2020 Canterbury Branch AGM
MCLACHLAN TROPHY Awarded annually to the veteran vehicle, which covers the most mileage for the season. The mileage includes travelling to and from calendar events and also includes the Mount Cook Rally. This trophy is for the combined competition between Canterbury, Ashburton, South Canterbury, West Coast and Banks Peninsula Branches. All members who wish to compete for the above trophy should submit a record of the rallies attended and their mileage covered. MAX SMITH MEMORIAL TROPHY Awarded to the veteran vehicle competing in the greatest number of Canterbury Branch events for 2019/2020 season. USE NOT ABUSE TROPHY To be awarded each year and available to members of the Canterbury and Banks Peninsula Branches to acknowledge the most creditable effort during the year for the same driver and vehicle (car or motorcycle ) where at least two speed events and two endurance events have been successfully completed. Ph Ron Hasell 942 1105. All members who wish to compete for any of the above three trophies please send all relevant details to Dave Inwood, 126 South Eyre Road, RD 2, Kaiapoi 7692. Phone: 03 327 4156, email:
RESTORATION OF THE YEAR Proposed Date 7 June 2020
Entries Close 31 May
As we go to press this event is still on. Anybody interested in entering a vehicle for judging please advise George Kear of the details or find the link to the entry form on the branch website. If we are out of Level 2 or 3 we will still hold the judging at the branch at 2pm, 7 June 2020 with cars on display from midday. If allowed members are invited to bring out their picnic lunch. There will not be a run and we can all keep our distance if you feel happy to partake. If we are still under a no-gathering situation entrants will be contacted individually and a judging team will call past and look over the vehicles in the owner’s driveway keeping within our safe distance rules. George Kear, 40 Rossendale Road, RD5, Chch 7675 Ph 347 0315
COLIN HEY Swap Meet Convenor
Hi everyone. No doubt many are wondering what the fate of this year’s Canterbury Branch Swap Meet will be? A decision as to whether or not we can proceed with planning this year’s Swap Meet will be made mid-June. For it to proceed there will have to be certainty that NZ would be completely free of COVID-19 restrictions by October, as even if we do return to Level 1 there would still be no mass gatherings of more than 500 allowed. Should we be in a situation where Swap Meet needs to be cancelled, those who have pre-paid their site for 2020 will be given the option of rolling forward the booking for 2021, or requesting a refund. An alternative fundraising option may be investigated for later this year that would not involve any mass gathering. Hopefully many are using the lock-down as an opportunity to sort out their parts and tool collections, so the next Swap Meet may turn up many more items of interest.
25, 35, 50 & 60 YEAR BADGES To be presented at the Branch Awards’ Dinner 12 Sept 2020 If you are eligible for these badges please contact Leigh Craythorne for the appropriate form. Members must provide proof of having completed 25 years continuous membership themselves (there were only limited records at National level before the 1990s.) You may have a copy of your nomination form or early membership list; the branch has bound copies of The Hub held in the library that may help; ask the Branch Secretary’s permission to search the Branch Minutes; or I may be able to assist, as I have copies of some of the early membership lists. Badges have to be approved by the branch committee and National Office and forwarded to us from Wellington. A delay in providing your information may mean a wait until next year’s Awards’ Dinner for presentation. Members do not have to have been in the same branch for 25, 35, 50, 60 years – it is recognition for continuous membership of the Club. Contact me please - do not contact National Office. Leigh Craythorne, ph 342 9110,,
A NOTE FROM THE TREASURER REFUNDS OF CANCELLED RALLY ENTRY FEES If you want a refund of entry fees to cancelled rallies please email the Treasurer: You must include the following details your bank account number the rally entered amount paid date paid method of payment/cash/cheque internet
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MARKETPLACE For Sale RALLY NUMBER HOLDERS. Stainless steel to suit standard National and Local rally numbers. No more taping cards to window or headlamp ,also useful for vehicle detail information. $23 Stainless - also $20. Zintec ready for painting your vehicle colour. Plus postage. Available from the bar at Noggin & Natter. Alan Wills phone 03 332-7225, 021 0870 0692 1924 STANDARD MODEL V3 Restored, registered & wof. $16,500. Paintwork, bodywork, hood and side curtains are tidy, new battery. Has a very simple but weather proof hood and side curtains. Hood is easy to raise and lower. Motors extremely well, cruise all day at 40 mph. Light English built aluminium tourer bodied Standard very lively OHV 4 cylinder 1300 cc motor, perfect 3 speed gearbox, worm drive diff, 2 wheel brakes in 14 inch drums. A very unusual car that is a real charmer to drive. Multi spares included in sale price. Contact Trevor Lightfoot for more info ph Christchurch 385 1200, 1929 DESOTO SPECIAL. Built in 1995 for the Spine run. Completed the demanding 14 day expeditions of both the Highland Frolic and Goldseekers with out any problems plus many Irishman runs. Ideal car for Irishman Creek/Back Country Run or any other club event. A very reliable go anywhere vehicle. Reg. Wof. Vic. $6000 or offers. Phone Greg 960 3077. THE AUTOMOBILE MAGAZINE –Bundles of 12- $25. Years 2003, 2007, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017 plus 2002 has 4= $8 and 2000 has 1 which is $2. These English magazines cover vehicles from the 1880s to the 1960s -a fabulous read! Trevor Lightfoot, ph 3851 200 Christchurch or
From the Parts Shed WE ARE CLOSED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE Although the shed is currently closed we are sure that you are all spending lots of time in your garages and we will be inundated with clean and useable spare parts when we are back in action....go on – you know you aren’t going to use it! Contact: Ross Butler, 352-3160 or 021 314-221
Wanted Southland AA badge from post 1963, patina or slight damage OK. Phone Kelly 027 303 5568 or Morris Minor 1100 petrol tank wanted. Phone Peter on 389 8674 or 021 212 8088. Thanks to those who have offered parts for Taylor’s project. We are now looking for Austin 7 rear mudguards RL,RM,RN model 30-34 ,Flange mount speedo. If you have something available please contact Mike at or 0223587246.
MAY 2020
Welcome to our club. We look forward to meeting you at our coming events and activities. Mr Michael and Mrs Janet Kelly. 1914 Hubmobile HA 32 Touring, 1958 Morris Minor Four Door, 1934 Morris Ten 4 Four Door Mr Duncan Woolley, 1953 Matchless G3LS Mr William Skelton, 1976 Yamaha RD 400C Mr Jeremy McIntosh, 1929 Ford Model A Roadster
Our deepest sympathies are extended to the families of those members and friends of the branch who have recently passed away. Maria (Mary) Lee. Wife of Member Peter Lee Melville Reese 05/10096