The Hub April 2018

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Official Magazine of the



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CLUBROOMS: Cutler Park, McLean's Island CLUB NIGHT: 7.30pm Ist Thursday of the month Phone 03 359—7004


Main Committee


John Coomber (Christine)


Rod Thrower (Lynda)

338 2320


Kevin Sarjeant (Joan)

365 1938

Immed. Past Chairman Trophy Custodian

Leigh Craythorne (Tony)

342 9110

Club Captain

Dave Inwood (Linda)

327 4156

Vintage Convenor

Brendon Eason (Elizabeth)

027 346 8324

343 2979

Veteran Convenor

Tim Palmer (Barbara)

021 338 692

03 313 3952

Group Convenor

George R Kear (Jorden)

027 221 4332

347 0315

Commercial Convenor

Neil Shaskey (Louise)

027 289 6201

352 8802

Cover photo:

027 2925206

03 310 7056

Barry in Model T waiting for road to clear ahead on the Back Country Run March 2018. Photo credit to Carolyn Elcock. 3

2017-2018 Representatives Motor Cycle Convenor

Les Freeman (Margaret)

Spare Part Shed Reps

Ross Butler Wayne Stocks

9-90's Co-ordinator:

John Kuipers

332 7926

VIC Representative

Don Bennetts (Judy)

385 6333


Mike Foster

359 8260

Bar Managers

Amanda Franklin (Wayne)

389 7066

Bar Managers

Gill Stevenson (Kevin)

327 5743

Noggin Displays

Don Muller (Marlene)

385 6850


Owen Genet

358 2514

Assistant Librarian

Kay Shaskey (Graeme)

Swap Meet Chair

Colin Hey (Jenny)

Swap Meet sites

Kevin Clarkson (Shona)

021 0270 6525

Barn bookings/ Camping

Kevin and Claire Campion

027 407 5344

03 312 7255

Beaded Wheels Reporter

Tony Becker (Ngaire)

027 446 6964

421 2426

North Canty Noggin

Jeff Rogers

022 131 7235

03 313 8432

Hub Editor/Club Website

Brendon Eason

027 346 8324

343 2979


027 339 0962

358 4549

352 3160 383 1380

027 279 9195

352 5217

359 8737

Club Events April


June July

Thurs Wed Wed Sun Wed Sat/Sun Wed Sat Wed Wed Sat Sat Wed Wed

5 11 11 15 18 21/22 25 28 9 16 12 19 13 11

Noggin 9-90s M/C Noggin Annual P Group Rally Commercial Noggin Autumn Run ANZAC Day Run (Dutton Garage Malvern Run) Annual Scooter & Small Motorcycle Run 9-90s Commercial Noggin Rural Run Quiz Night 9-90s 9-90s Christmas Midwinter Lunch

Check the online calendar for more up-to-date Events information on our club website:

COPYRIGHT STATEMENT: The contents of this newsletter may not be reproduced in a commercial publication without the Editor’s permission.


Chairman’s Report Our Annual Rally was a very enjoyable weekend, well planned and run by Dave Inwood and his team of helpers. We really enjoyed the dinner provided by the Painters and look forward to many more in future. A number of Canterbury members travelled to the West Coast for the Scenicland rally and this year we had the unusual opportunity to drive down into a large open cast coalmine as part of the rally. We saw the motorcycle section, who also visited the coast on the Jim Toohey run. Rod and I attended the Executive Meeting on 24th and you can read his full and detailed report in this issue. Canterbury Branch was asked to make a presentation on our Daffodil Rally, and an excellent power point presentation was prepared by Colin Hey. I had the privilege to present it as Colin was in Australia. Marlborough and Wanganui also made presentations and this has given branches ideas on this year’s National Day which will be held on 26 August. I am grateful to Colin for producing such a professional presentation which was well received. We are fortunate to have such dedicated and talented members serving on the branch committee. A number of Canterbury members will travel south for the National South Island Easter rally in Invercargill, and we will have a team competing for the Penzoil Trophy. I trust you have all got your entries in for the Anzac Day rally and also the P group rally. This will be the first time the Anzac rally is run and this will become an important calendar event in the future. Remember, if you do not have a pre 1946 vehicle, you are very welcome to attend in your club eligible vehicle as a supporter of the rally. I hope we have a good turnout. As it is now April, I would remind members that our branch AGM will be held on Sunday 24 June. Please give some thought to standing for the branch committee at this year’s election. We have an excellent committee with hard working and talented people who make possible all the facilities and events you all enjoy throughout the year. It is always good to have some new faces join the committee, and help share the workload. Happy and safe motoring, John Coomber - Chairman


Secretary’s Report

Hi All, By the time you read this report the National Executive Meeting will have come and gone. Highlights from National Executive Meeting: Total Membership Club: As at 23rd March 2018. Club: 8560 Canterbury Branch 1267 Vehicles listed on national data base in Canterbury 2672 & With ID's 1033 Decrease in vehicles -37 decrease in ID's -16 Difference in Membership -2 For more details and charts and graphs see Notice Board. There will be a Power Point presentation coming to our Branch called Revolution rather than Evolution which I'm sure all members will find interesting and we may arrange to show it on one of our Noggin Nights. National Daffodil Rally Sunday 26th August 2018. Last Year $40,000 was raised, 24 Branches took part, over 2,000 Vehicles. There was a in-depth discussion on the success of the Branch Magazines available on line, 35 Branch's magazines are now available and the number of people reading them is something like 1700 mth. Also the Face Book Page's popularity. The matter of New Members being able to sign up on line came up for discussion again with there being approx. 50/50 split in favour or not. This method in a nut shell would do away with the present requirement for a new member having to have any contact with the Branch, or be proposed or seconded. Also as there would be a leveling out of all Branch's Fees in that 1st year. Some Branches with low or no joining fees stand to gain in that 1st yr. We in Canterbury would loose equivalent to our joining fee that year and I then would have to explain why the new members sub would jump up in the second year by approx $34.50 plus or we would lose it completely. At this time this is only a discussion paper gaining momentum for the next round at the AGM. So if you are not reading this then you are probably one of the 60 unfinancial members in our branch and not receiving the Hub Magazine or Beaded Wheels. This probably is the first indication that you get that you are unfinancial. I did my best to try and contact you in late Nov early Dec 2017. 7

Secretary’s Report... Your account for subscription is sent to you 1 month before it is due at the end of October and a reminder is sent in November so it is up to you to pay on time. If you are traveling overseas for any lengh of time them you must make arrangements to pay to retain the continuance of membership.

Members Unfinancial at 24th March 2018 four months after it was due will have their membership terminated by National Office. Remember also if you have your vehicles insured with VERO and you become unfinancial you will then be shifted to a different category with a higher premium. The important thing to remember here is, if you let your membership lapse even for a short time you no longer have the continuance of your membership, which in the long term affects your 25/35/50/60/70yr membership Awards. Nomination for all these these awards should be with National Office 3 mths in advance as there is a lot of research work that goes into these Awards. On a lighter note: The lunch was lovely. Happy motoring. Regards Rod - Secretary


Club Captain’s Report A busy month just gone! The Annual Rally seems to have been successful. I would like to thank the following people for helping - Colin Hey, George & Jordan Kear, Mike Foster, Greg Lamb, Andrew Morison, Don & Judy Bennetts, Gay Goodman and Monique (new member), Graeme Arps, Clive Miller, Tony Meikle, Mark Drury, Dave Cooper, Max Trumper, Tony Craythorne, Brendon Eason, Philip Mitchell. And thanks to Kevin & Linda Tucker from Highpark Motor Inn at Greymouth for supplying the rally numbers. Thanks also to Lindsay & Annette for the marvellous meal. Also thanks to John Coomber and George Kear for stepping in with the presentations in my unexpected absence. (Please note the rally numbers were for participants to keep).

The Commercial Rally seems to have been a success on a lovely day – a slight dampening of that comment with the Club fire engine catching fire on the trip home. Thank goodness the Fire Brigade were handy. Thanks to Neil Shaskey and helpers for organising the run and the lovely afternoon tea supplied by Louise. The Back Country run was a success – the weather was really good. (Everyone enjoyed putting their chains on!) I would like to thank the Rutherford family of Montrose Station, Gavin & Robin Wilson, owners of Marble Point Station and Chris Flynn, Manager - and the Schwass family of Kiaora Downs. I have not received any reports on the Moped Run or the Rear Wheel Brake rally. Some of us have just returned from a marvellous weekend on the Scenicland Rally to Greymouth. A great sight with 104 cars proceeding down into an impressive Open Cast Mine near Reefton.

Great weather – great company. On the Saturday we were passed by most of the Jim Toohey Run participants making their way to Greymouth. Enjoy your rallying but please remember not to travel in close convoy and pull over to let other motorists pass. Cheers, Dave Inwood - Club Captain 9

Commercial Report

The Annual Commercial Rally was held on 24th February, it was fortunate that the terrible weather earlier in the week cleared in time for the weekend to make it a pleasant day out in the sun, despite the last minute route changes needed as a result of too much water on some roads. Many thanks to those who took the time to help out on the day, results and report included in this Hub.

The March Commercial Noggin was held at the convenor’s house, with a good turnout despite the somewhat miserable weather, and fortunately it was still warm enough in the garage for a catch up and a drink.. The April Commercial Noggin is on the 3rd Wednesday as usual, 18th April, to be hosted by Greg Lamb at 2 Orion Street, Shirley. Neil Shaskey - Commercial Convenor

Signs of the times...


9-90s Report

9 - 90s

Hi to you all Ross Butler organised this outing and what a day. The weather was good, a great turnout of about 48-50 cars, a nice ride through the countryside and the final destination, Daniel Smith’s. What a fantastic collection of cars and not even half are on display. I can’t wait for Daniel’s museum to open. The only thing bigger than his collection is his hospitality. Thank you Daniel, for the time you gave us and thank you Ross, for organising the day. On a more serious note I am asking myself, Am I losing it ? Am I losing my Dutchiness? Am I past it? You wouldn’t believe it. I ran out of raffle tickets! About 20 people missed out. I can’t believe it but I have promised it won’t happen again. April 11 Organiser Ray Maginnes Meet at the Rolleston Community Hall at 9.55am

May 9 Organiser Peter Shaskey Meet at the Peg Carpark, Belfast Hotel at 9.55am June 13 Organisers Tony and Annette Meikle Meet at the Peg Carpark, Belfast Hotel at 9.55am This is going to be a bigger run so have a full tank and an empty bladder. July 11 This is our Mid Winter Lunch. We are going to the Tuahiwi Marae for a Hangi. I have been shown, on an Ipad, how they prepare the food. (It looks finger-licking good). The Koha for this event is $17.50 per person. This includes the hire of the hall and the shortfall, if there is any, will be paid out of your $2.00 a car entry for the outing. I have to let them know numbers so in May and June I will have a list for you to put your name down. This will have to be pre-paid (and no Eftpos or IOUs). There will be NO late entries after the June outing. This is going to be a traditionally prepared Hangi. We will meet at the Peg Carpark, Belfast Hotel at 9.55am. The lunch will be at 1pm. Looking forward to seeing you all next month. Don’t forget your name tag and be considerate on the road. J K and the Team


Tony Becker Phone 421-2426 11

New Members Welcome to our branch. We look forward to meeting you at our coming events and activities. • • • •

Roydon Mauger - Mercedes 1966 250 SE Coupe JD 1977 Brian Keith Williams - 1927 Rolls-Royce Phantom Justin Douglas Corey - 1923 Dodge Roadster ute, 1927 Dodge fast 4 saloon, 1961 Vanguard phase 3 ute Joint :Hamish Pierce - 1979 Mini Welcome! Leyland, 1275 GT

Correction to name spelling in March Hub should read Tony & Petina Danenberg

9-90 Mid Winter Christmas Lunch Wednesday 11th July 2018

This year John has organised a Lunch with a difference (traditional Maori Hangi) to be held at the Tuahiwi Marae. The cost per person will be $17.50 which must be paid in advance to John on or before the June 9-90s Run. The Run will start at New World Kaiapoi Charles Street at 10:00am and finish at the marae at 12 o’clock. (Please park and meet in the car park, but do not enter the marae) There will be a powhiri (Host people welcome visitors onto the marae) at 12:30pm then the hangi at 1pm (4x Meats Vegetables etc and sweets), then a Maori elder will speak. As the Club need to also pay a fee for the use of the Marae we would like to see as many people there as possible to help make it break even. Entry shut off date is Wednesday 6th June 2018. For more information please ring John Kuipers 3327926 or Graeme Sword 3277812 12

Motorcycle Report Past Events 3rd March – Moped Run. About 12 turned up for this run, to West Melton for morning tea, and on to Darfield for lunch. See elsewhere for a full report. 3rd March – Bicycle Clip-on Run. Appears 17 fronted up, very successful; see elsewhere for a full report. 17-18th March – Jim Toohey run, to Greymouth. About 22 motorcyclists and a back-up left Christchurch in overcast misty (as we went north) conditions that peaked at 12 degrees as we hit Lewis Pass. First regroup stop was Culverden, then onto Springs Junction, then Reefton. A watering stop in Reefton preceded the run to Blackball, then to our accommodation at The Recreation Hotel in Greymouth. As we wound down from the top of the Lewis Pass the temperature rose, the clouds parted, and we enjoyed idyllic weather the rest of the weekend. Sunday am saw a garage raid on Roger Devlin’s garage, some interesting auto electrical memorabilia, Indian motorcycles, and Model A car. After an hour or so we crossed Arthurs Pass via Kumara Junction to the Bealey Hotel where the gongs for the event were handed out. Garth Boulton riding an AJS was declared the winner of The Squirrel Trophy. 24th March – Fish & Chip Run. Not sure how this went, it was brought forward as the (usual) last Saturday of the month fell in Easter weekend. Couldn’t find anyone who went on it, but the fact it was steady rain all morning probably made this a non-starting event. Coming Events. 11 April – Noggin Night. This will be in The Barn as usual. 28th April – Scooter Run & Motorcycles up to 250cc, plus Veteran & Vintage Motorcycles. Entry for in this Hub, or go on line. That’s it for this month, Cheers, CML. 13

9-90’s Outing Wednesday 7th March 2018 This month's mid week run was organised by Ross Butler. We met at the car park of The Peg Hotel, Belfast for a bit of a chat and instructions for the day. These runs are becoming very popular and 48 cars turned up. We had a pleasant run to Rangiora via Cust and Fernside and arrived at our destination which was the impressive home of Daniel Smith. Daniel has several garages, full of an amazing collection of cars which range from Rolls Royce’s to a Delorean to a Tuk Tuk and, we believe, has several other storage areas off site with more cars. Daniel gave a short talk and then invited us to have a stroll round his garden. He opened up his “man cave” so that those of us who wished to sit inside could do so, but as the weather was reasonably mild, most of us sat round in his very sheltered courtyard to have lunch. The raffle was, as usual, a great success. So much so, that John ran out of tickets. However, John was not at all worried, he just suggested that those who had dipped out, could buy twice as many next month.

Thanks very much to Ross for an enjoyable run and Daniel for supplying a magnificent venue. Paul and Margaret Seaton


Our deepest sympathies are extended to the families of:

Jack Tretheway (Past Member long time member of Parts Shed Team) Des Fowler - Parts Shed stalwart and Committee Member


March 2017 Noggin Display The March Noggin Display was, some of the winners from the 2017 Vintage Annual Rally. Thank you to the following members, for displaying their vehicles, it is a few years since we have had an Annual Vintage Rally display. They were : Eric & Robyn Cox 1930 Dodge DB8, 2nd Overall. Barry Croucher 1929 Buick, 3rd Overall. David & Heather Mason 1929 Chevrolet Roadster,1st Field Tests.

Future Noggin Displays:

This month: 3rd May : 7th June :

VCC Canterbury Annual Rally Winners (some) Commercial Rally winners. Irishman Rally winner, + P Group winners (some)

Don Muller. 15

Velosolex Owners Group... (VOG’s) Lyall’s Tiki Tour for March My New Year’s Resolution this year to spread the workload of organising our monthly runs was accepted well by the lads and for the month of March Lyall Hurst (VOG 3) put up his hand to do this run, and a great job he did of it too. From a delayed start due to a slight mishap for VOG 1 who’s front tyre & tube suffered a large gash on the side wall and hence expelling all the inner tubes contents when loading on the trailer to make the expedition from Halswell to the start line at the beach resort of North Beach, Marine Parade. Fortunately we had the technology to rectify this major problem so VOG 1 was up and running again albeit temporarily. 10 intrepid riders including 2 newbies, Ray Oakes & Dave Marks (welcome guys) set off on a “follow the leader” tour around the beach suburb of North Shore, gosh there are some nice new big homes around that area, then on through to Queenspark and by this time the lads had become quite spread out and disorientated so it was a quick stop to re-group and get all the ducks in line again and blow me down just 10 metres later along the road all the air disappeared again from VOG 1’s same tyre, so that was the end of the days riding for VOG 1 so it was onto the backup trailer to view the proceedings as “Tail End Charlie” . The run to our lunch stop in Belfast took us through the large new subdivision of Preston Downs – wow that is romping ahead and what a huge area it covers too. Spencerville and Ouruhia were also included on the tour. The long awaited lunch stop at Belfast was welcomed by all after 20km’s of exhilarating riding and it was great to rest ones posterior from some not so comfortable saddles. Our afternoon tour took us through the Belfast, Marshlands, Mairehau, Westhaven & Burwood suburbs before returning to North Beach.


Velosolex Owners Group... (VOG’s) As a recipient this month of the backup service I appreciated fully what a great job Denise McKenzie does each month by patiently following behind us and also being aware of not holding up traffic and giving our group a bad name, Denise follows the route instructions and ensures none of the tail enders take a wrong turn and go astray, thanks Denise. We made it back safely to the finish line just as the rain started (great timing I reckon). John Thomson had given his meteorogical report earlier in the day that the Eastern Suburbs weren’t meant to get rainfall until 8pm, you got that wrong John! Thanks to Lyall for an interesting run. Royce VOG 1


Rural Run Saturday 12 May 2018 Meet at Cutler Park at 9:00am for a 9:30am start The Rally has been set over our lovely Canterbury Roads Approximately 130 miles (215km's) so a great chance to stretch the old girl’s legs There are two areas of shingle Come and enjoy the day Kevin Campion 0274075344


Back Country Run Photos

Rear Wheel Brake Rally Photos


2018 Annual Commercial Rally Photos


2018 Annual Rally Photos

For more photos of this event, go to:


The Club Fire Engine (and a fire!)

Thanks to the brave firefighters from Brooklands Volunteer Fire Brigade for their quick thinking and quick actions


The Club Fire Engine (and a fire!) UNFORTUNATLY IRONIC The 2018 Commercial rally started at the Brooklands fire station 10am Saturday 24th February which was looking like being ideal conditions. After a coffee or two and the standard banter we got underway with Myself, Dad (Donald), Trevor and Mike riding in the vintage Dennis fire engine as a crew of Firemen from Brooklands brigade. The morning’s run went well with our two drivers Dad and Trev commenting how the recent work on the Denise’s clutch had improved how it drove by heaps. We stopped outside the Cust fire station for a few photos before continuing to the local reserve for lunch and all was going well. After lunch Dad popped the bonnet of the Dennis and checked the radiator levels and noticed nothing out of place. We were all instructed to make our own route back to Cutler Park for field trials and afternoon tea. We decided to travel via Poinz Rd to South Eyre Rd and back to Tram Rd. Part way down South Eyre Rd we were passed by a car and noticed a smell of petrol and someone commented that the car must be running a bit rich but we soon realized the smell was hanging around so Dad started to pull over. As we pulled over I looked between my feet at a couple of small holes in the firewall and spotted flames so shouted out that we were on fire. As soon as we pulled over Dad and Trev opened the bonnet it was already too hot to touch but as we had worn our Level 1 fire service gear they opened it with dad’s gloves. Instantly the flames shot up about 8-10 ft. above the engine and we realised we were dealing with a large petrol fire. Mike rang 111 then started flagging down cars asking for extinguishers. Meanwhile we threw everything we had at it which wasn’t much as the motor wasn’t running meaning the hose reel & pump were useless. Flasks of water for coffee, a bottle of milk and even the beer we had for later all went on the fire. Mike managed to get 4 small extinguishers and a shovel to throw dirt on the fire with from passers-by all of which only just helped to slow the spread of the fire as the wind was blowing it along the truck. Just as we thought it had us beaten Trev worked out how to let the water free flow from the back of the truck into our chilly bin allowing us to form a relay throwing helmets of water onto the fire which finally started to slow it down. Then a farmer from nearby arrived with a 9kg dry powder extinguisher which I managed to put the fire completely out with less than a minute before the Swannanoa and Cust fire brigades arrived. As it was still very hot under the bonnet we used their hose to cool everything down and also wash off the highly corrosive dry powder then finally sat back exhausted but thankful we had saved most of the truck by limiting its spread. If nothing had been done straight away we have no doubt in the 15 min it took the fire trucks to arrive the entire truck would have burnt to the ground.

The rest of our day was spent waiting for the tow truck to arrive so we could deliver the poor old Dennis back to Cutler Park and marvelling at the irony of four firemen in a fire truck catching fire but thankful it happened to us and not someone else. William Crawford


PARTS SHED OPEN EVERY WEDNESDAY 1 pm – 4:30 pm THIRD & FOURTH SUNDAY 9 am – 12 noon Open first Thursday of the month on Noggin Night from 7:00pm.

Open Hours Monday to Friday 8:00 - 5:00 Saturday 8:00 - 12:00

96 Williams Street, Kaiapoi 7630


Clip-On Run 3 March 2018 Some of the seventeen members plus one visitor from Canada who participated in the Clip-On Run. The route of approximately 22.5 km took us on a pleasant ride west from Cutler Park along McLeans Island Road then south and east around a pleasant circuit to a stop at the Yaldhurst Museum of Transport and Technology. There we enjoyed great coffee, the choice of a wide range of cakes and plenty of conversation and camaraderie. As we were members of a bona fide club and there were more than ten of us, those who wished were granted half price entry to the museum. Most took advantage of this and found much of interest. (There were no clip-ons on display though!) There was only one breakdown, and a minor one at that. Our grateful thanks to Denise McKenzie and Martin White for providing back-up facilities. We also acknowledge the manager of the museum and the manager of the cafÊ for their interest and their willingness to accommodate us. We hope to make this an annual Canterbury Branch event. Also, this year we had one lady rider, let’s see if we can double that number for next year! Alister McKenzie Doug Watkinson


Autumn Run 2018 Weekend Programme Saturday & Sunday 21st and 22nd April 2018 Start: Cutler Park Be there by 8:30am with everyone on the road by 9:30am, morning tea supplied at the start. (Paper Plus Select Kaiapoi Calendar photos taken as you arrive) Morning Route (105 Miles shingle) or 85 (Miles) Finishing at the Geraldine Heritage Hotel, via Courtenay, Glentunnel, the Rakaia Gorge then using some of the back roads. (some shingle) Lunch Time stop We will have a light lunch at the Geraldine Heritage Hotel. Tom & his cook will supply us with his usual very nice light lunch. (set menu) fish & salads Afternoon Route Part 1 (26 miles) To Pleasant Point via some of the side roads with one small section of shingle. This is where we will have afternoon tea (supplied by the organisers) Afternoon Route Part 2 (24 miles) To Timaru via Richard Pearse Memorial, and Temuka. Roast Dinner at Timaru RSA 6:30pm Dinner at 7:30pm Sunday 22nd April 2018 Supply your own breakfast at your accommodation. Morning Run (36 miles) 1 mile of Shingle Start Timaru VCC 19 Redruth Street. be there at 9:00am for a 10:00am start. (morning tea & Parts Shed open) A short drive to Rangitata Air Field via Temuka back roads so we will not have to cross the dangerous Main Road into Rangitata Island Road, for The ANZAC’s in ACTION Country Fair, arriving around 11:00am, free entry to 2x members in VCC vehicle which are to be on display until around 2:00pm. Then we intend to have afternoon tea, after which you can make your own way home at your leisure. (Backup Vehicle will leave after afternoon tea). Please leave good spaces between vehicles when traveling on main roads Any member who is looking for something to do on the Sunday is welcome to join us at Rangitata Island at 11:00am. You will get free entry for 2x people if you are in and prepared to put your VCC Vehicle on display (If possible ring me and let me know numbers) Organiser: Graeme Sword 327 7812 26

Canterbury Branch Up Coming Events Annual P Group Rally Sunday 15th April 2018

For vehicles dated between 1932 and 1987 Anzac Day Run Dutton Garage Malvern Run Wednesday 25th April 2018

Annual Scooter & Small Motorcycle Run (Bikes up to 249cc) Saturday 28th April 2018 Plenty of time to get your scooters & bikes organised. Details in this month’s (April) Hub.



Come along and enjoy a fun night out.

Quiz Night, Saturday 19th May.

Bar opens 7:00pm

Quiz starts at 7:30pm

Get your team together

(6 - 8 people per team)

Check the online calendar for more up-to-date Events information on our club website: 27

2018 Swap Meet Committee Nominations This is your chance to assist with this year’s Swap Meet, by joining the committee and having some active input into the organisation of the 2018 event. Our aim is to do our very best to raise funds to help maintain and run our branch and facilities for the benefit of all VCC members, and to have fun doing it.

The committee meets once a month from April until November, on the second Thursday of every month. Meetings are relatively informal and social, but we get stuff done! All positions are open for nomination: Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, Site co-ordinators (2), Camping co-ordinator, Workforce, Traffic, Handbook Editor, Promotions. If you want to make new friends and enjoy a challenge, we have a job for you! All you need to do is fill out the form below, and give it in person to Colin Hey or Katryna Shaw on Noggin night, post it or scan and email it to the addresses below. Swap Meet Committee Nomination Form 2018 I,

agree to be nominated for the

position of

on the 2018 Swap Meet Committee.


Membership No


Membership No


Membership No

Post to the Secretary, P O Box 11082, Christchurch, or email to To arrive no later than Thursday 12th April 2018 All enquiries contact Colin Hey, phone 03 359 8737 28

2018 Annual Commercial Rally Results •

1st overall

R & S Gough

2nd overall

Alan and Barbara Hill

3rd overall

Dave Inwood

1st field tests

Mike Glenday

2nd equal field tests

John & Sharon Chynoweth Alan & Barbara Hill

Hard luck award

Don Crawford (club fire engine)

Annual Scooter and Motorcycle Run (for all club-eligible scooters, motorcycles up to 249cc AND veteran bikes) Saturday April 28th

Start & Finish: Protocol Bar & Café (Corner Colombo St & Centaurus Rd).

Gather in Protocol car park at 9:30am (grab a coffee), ready for a 10:00am start.

Around 100km in 3 stages. Stops for morning tea, lunch and prize giving at the finish. Some hills and gravel roads.

Back-up trailer, but make sure your petrol tanks are FULL for the first two stages. Organiser: John Benn 022 078 2002 29

Irishman Creek Rally 2018 2-4 June 2018

This year’s rally will start from the Oamaru Farmers Market site in the Victorian Harbour precinct, corner of Wansbeck and Tyne Streets, Oamaru. Can we please gather at 8.00am for a quick briefing before departing at 8:30am sharp. Rally sheets can be collected from the Gladstone Hotel in Fairlie or the Brydon Hotel, Corner of Thames and Wear Streets, Oamaru, Friday 1st June from 6pm -9pm. The Brydon Hotel has a restaurant and refreshments available for the weary traveller. Please mark on the entry form where you will collect from so we can have them available for you. The Steampunk NZ Festival starts in Oamaru on Thursday evening. While most accommodation sites say the weekend is sold out, a lot of hotels and Motels still have Friday night free. If you are looking for accommodation it pays to phone the establishments as they might only be booked for Sat/Sunday and happy to accept bookings for Friday. Have a look at to check out some of the events. Sundays run will start from outside the Gladstone Hotel, Fairlie. Can we please gather at 8:00am before the start.

Prize giving and supper will be in the community hall which will open from 6:30pm for 7:30pm presentation. While back up vehicles are provided all vehicles must be self sufficient and carry chains for mud or snow and be adequately prepared to cover some distance on back country roads with river crossings. The Irishman Rally is for Vintage and Veteran vehicles only.

The winner and runner up will be drawn as per tradition from the entrants participating. All entrants are eligible without exception. The winner and runner up will be joined by a small team to assist with the task of organising the following year’s event. This is what makes the rally special and provides the variety we see each year as a new person gets to put their mark on this event. While this is a challenge there is a team behind you. 30

Irishman Creek Rally 2018 2-4 June 2018 ENTRY FORM Entrant

No. of crew








Vehicle Year

Regn No.

VCC Branch

Mem No.

Entry Collect: Entry Fee per Vehicle


Oamaru $55.00

Irishman 2018 Plaque @ $10.00 Saturday Lunch

@ $20.00/head

Sunday Lunch

@ $20.00/head TOTAL$

Or by email to: Or mail to: James Webb, 18 Armack Drive, Rolleston RD7, CHCH 7677 Payment by direct credit, with your name and “Irishman Rally” to: VCC Canterbury Branch,03-1594-0096832-00 Or by cheque, payable to VCC Canterbury Branch.

Entries close 11 May 2018 31


Can you Name the Vehicle Brand? How many brands of motor vehicles can you name from their logo? Hint: This month = starts with B




Interesting extra‌ How many people currently own one of these cars? Which Brand? Answers for last month (A vehicles) How many could you guess?


Aston Martin







Alpha Romeo


FOR SALE Phillips Gadabout Moped parts 1958-59, Main frame, 2 front sets of tele forks, 2 rear mudguards, 2 handle bars with brackets, 1 seat stem with metal seat frame Phone: Alister 355 4017 2 x axle stands, 39 cm high. Very Strong $10 pr. Portable cabinet gas heater. Full bottle. Unused $50 ono. Diaphram compressor unit on wheels. Has pressure tank with gauge, hose and 2 LP spray guns. $25 ono. 4 inch vice. Record HD. As new in box. $30 ono. Auto-dark welding helmet. Had little use $15 ono. Various tools, pop riveter, spanners of various sizes. Offfers for the lot! 2 x picnic tables. Suit 9-90's. $5 pr. Vauxhall 14/6 axle shaft & bearing $10. Phone: Tom Clements 352 7457 Motobat Quadflex Battery Part Number: MBTX14AU. Original cost $129.00, sell for $65.00. Phone: Arthur 331 6225 for size of battery


WANTED 1929/30 Chevrolet restoration. Rear guards left and right. Would look at anything you may have. Even if it is just one it would help out. Thanks Phone: David Mason 349 5148 1937 Chevrolet Pickup Running boards, guards, grill, headlight mount (LH), windscreen frame, other bits? Phone: Clive 03 313 4158 or cell 021 142 5481 Jaguar E Type prefer Series 2 Roadster, Approx 1968-1970 or would look at other years. Phone: Brian Rogers 358 5322

If you have an advert you would like to repeat, please let The Editor know. Otherwise all adverts will run for the month of publication when received.

MARINE PLYWOOD * 18mm BS 1088 -$165.00. 1220x2440mm. * Second grade - 12mm $65.00, 18mm $85.00, 25mm $112.00 all 1200x2400mm. * High Pressure Laminate -12mm $80.00, 18mm $90.00. all 1220x2440mm. * Anti Slip -18mm $100.00 1220x2440mm. * Bending Ply - 4mm $80.00. 1220x2440mm Phone Paul 027 277 8049 35


See Notice board posters for more information. Saturday 7th April 2018 Sheffield Volunteer Fire Brigade Wings & Wheels The money raised from this event goes to the Sheffield Volunteer Fire Brigade and the Malvern Order of St John Ambulance and other local organisations. We will have planes from the Tiger Moth era to the present. Also present will be Gliders, Helicopters, Homebuilt air craft and maybe a hot air balloon. There will be Cars, Motor Bikes, Trucks and other vehicles from the early 1900 to the latest available.

Sunday 6th May 2018 Ashburton Plains Rotary Car Rally Details available from Clubroom Noticeboard Sunday 6th May Hooters Vintage Race Series Round 4 (Roycroft Trophy Races) - Hampton Downs Motorsport Park, Waikato Details available from Clubroom Noticeboard

Sunday 7th June 2018 Rosco Sporting Trial - West Coast Branch VCC November 2018 National Veteran Rally - Nelson Branch VCC Details available from Clubroom Noticeboard

North Canterbury Noggin Fourth Wednesday of the month, Rangiora RSA from 7:30pm

Hub Editor email: INSURANCE Vero CIS – telephone 0800 658 411 Canterbury Branch Agency Number 300130 This number needs to be quoted when taking out insurance, for Canterbury Branch to benefit. 36

OTHER BRANCH and ORGANISATIONS EVENTS See Notice board posters for more information.

Sheffield Volunteer Fire Brigade Wings & Wheels

This event will be run on the Saturday the 7th April Bad weather date 8th April 2018. Gates open from 7:30am. Location; Charlie & Jos Draper farm. Kimberley Road Darfield. General Public; The cost would be $10.00 per Adult. Children under 15 free. Classic Vehicle Displayers. The cost is $5.00 per car if Club proof is shown otherwise $5.00 per person. Trade Sites From $40.00 upwards depending how much room you would like.

Hot Food & Drink would be available to purchase. (The local Malvern Loins). The Coffee guy will be present to quench the biggest thrust The Malvern Order of St John’s Ambulance will be in attendance as will the local police.

PLEASE NOTE NO DOGS OF ANY SIZE OR ALCOHOL ALLOWED Your early reply would be very much appreciated. Thank you ROAR [Right of Adminission Refusal]


Copy for the May Hub closes on 23 April 2018 Contact "The Editor", Brendon Eason By phone 343 2979 or preferably email The views expressed in ‘The Hub' are those of the contributors and are not necessarily those of the Committee, Editor, Branch or Club.


The Barn is available for hire to all members for birthdays, anniversaries, meetings, and other functions. Contact Kevin or Claire on 03 312 7255

Canterbury Branch Web Site

PO Box 11-082, Sockburn, Christchurch Our bank for direct credit payments is Westpac Barrington Mall A/C 03 1594 0096832 00 Please enter your name and event entered or other details of deposit. 38





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