VETERAN REPORT Once again a very quiet month, but this has at least allowed me to get some planning done for the branch Annual Veteran Rally on Sunday 25th September. Everything is now booked in and an event plan prepared, so all we need now are some participants! It will be springtime by then, and our lunch venue in particular will provide a suitable backdrop to enjoy that time of year. I hope all of you out there with a ‘still mobile’ veteran vehicle can summon up the enthusiasm to get it ready, or if not you, then perhaps call on a family member to use it instead. It’s vitally important that we have them out on the road whilst we still can, and with some great national and local events coming up in the next 18 months or so there’s no better time to revitalise idle veteran machinery than now. You will find all of the details for the Annual Veteran Rally on page 27. The entry form is available on line, or if you can’t access that then just give me a call and I’ll be more than happy to sort your entry for you. Planning has of course also continued with the Daffodil Rally on Sunday 21st August which I hope everyone is going to attend, whether in (or on) a veteran machine or other club eligible vehicle, or indeed a modern if that’s what you really need to do to get there. The emphasis is on participation, not just what you choose to drive or ride on the day. However, if you do want or plan to bring your veteran vehicle you will see that there are two routes more suitable for this type of motoring. Details are on Page 11. It will be a busy and fun day, with lots of things going on besides the runs themselves. There are also now two other important dates for the veteran calendar: Firstly, on Saturday 27th August there is going to be an informal memorial picnic at Terrace Station, Hororata, for the late Richard Foster, an identity and friend to so many veteran and vintage enthusiasts from all around the country. We’re planning a veteran run to Terrace Station to be part of this day, which will leave from 12