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Chairman’s Report
Recently we bade farewell to our longest active branch member, Tom Clements, at a fitting service at Cutler Park. Tom was in his 73rd year as a member of the VCC and was one of those original foresighted members in the early years working at the grounds, shifting the barn to where is it now, planning the clubrooms and the list goes on. Our deepest sympathy is extended to his sons Ian, Robin (branch members) his daughter Cheryl and their families. (See obituary Page 33) Our grounds are looking magnificent and I was so very proud of them at Tom’s funeral. It is not only due to the wet weather we have had recently that they look so great, but in no small way to the hardworking grounds maintenance team who diligently meet on the first Sunday and third Tuesday morning of the month. In the large grounds we enjoy at Cutler Park, there are all sorts of tasks that need ongoing attention. You don’t need to be an “Atlas” to join them – there are also many jobs that require a light helping hand, so give Mike Foster a ring (359 8260) for further details, or just turn up. You will be made very welcome. (Vaccine passes required.) Thank you to those who voted in the informal vote we have taken as a branch as to whether to change the club’s logo, or keep the status quo. Secretary Rod will be taking the result to the zoom Executive meeting on 12 March to vote on our behalf, along with the other branches and management committee who make up the executive. Your branch committee has purchased a second defibrillator to be kept in the Parts Shed in addition to the one in the main hall which will be used on rallies etc. and put back afterwards. A sign where the second unit will be found will be put in place as the location is officially registered. (Watch this space for a notice of a