The Hub September 2021

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Secretary and AGM Delegate’s Report Well that was close, one days grace. Covid/19 has raised its ugly head again. Firstly I would like to thank all our members who stepped up to the plate when we really needed you. There are far too many to name, but those of you who were there on the four days know too well who you are and the mess we would have been in had you not volunteered your time and expertise. A special thanks to Marilyn McKinlay and Katryna Shaw for the hours and hours and of heartache and stress you have had to go though. Was it all worth it, well from my perspective I am very sure it was. Will we do it again I’m also sure we will when our time comes around again. Now to the business side of things: FRIDAY EXECUTIVE MEETING The Delegates were asked whose parts shed had a policy on the disposing of unwanted parts.( DO WE?) Letter from Hawkes Bay Branch on the wish for a name change to include “Classic /Car/Vehicle”. Discussion on the definition of the term “Classic”. Motion put that the matter be left to March Executive Meeting. Murray Trounson gave report on National office upgrades and stage one being almost completed. Change to Club Logo: From Canterbury’s perspective I presented a report on the very poor response to the request for feedback on the proposed Logo put forward by the Club’s committee. 47 responses in total counting joint members who sent in two. Sixteen were completely against any change. Thirty one were happy to agree to new Logo with some wishing to make changes to what was put forward. These emails (names excluded) were passed on to one of our representatives on the Clubs Committee. The main points put forward were the words New Zealand /Classic/or Heritage need to be included and the colours need to be changed. After a lengthy discussion it was Moved that any decision on the 8

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