Valley Christian Magazine August 2013

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August 2013

Big Daddy Weave In Concert Friday, October 4 Also Featuring:

Tickets Now Available! How to be a


Spiritual Colleague


in a Non-Spiritual

Workplace p30

Chris August Unspoken

Longing For More p14

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St. Matthew’s Episcopal School

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Andrew Hollinger

Jerrell Jobe

National Columnists 10 14 16 38

19 Valley Christian Weddings & Engagements 26 FCA - RGV 27 Forgiven Motorcycle Ministry 30 How to Be a Spiritual Colleague in a Non-Spiritual Workplace-Achim Nowak 32 Music Spotlight: Big Daddy Weave 34 New Books 36 Events


James MacDonald Lysa Terkeurst Greg Laurie Dave Ramsey

Miguel Paredes

On The Cover


Big Daddy Weave Live in Concert October 4 Tickets on sale now

Valley Contributors 6 8 12 22 24 28 34

Christian Torres Jerrell Jobe Andrew Hollinger Milton Gonzalez Nick Dombrowski Abram Gomez Miguel Paredes


Abram Gomez

Vol. 3 / Issue 5

To submit story ideas, events, or comments:

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Johnny Q Photography Xiomara Denisse Anzaldua Krissy Elizondo Jesse Cazal Eric Sierra Egmont Van Dyck

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Eli Lara 956-451-0174

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Karl Johnson 956-638-1424

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Valley Christian Magazine is a free monthly magazine published by

Valley Christian Magazine is a publication of Texas Christian Publications (a 501c3 organization). Texas Christian Publications reserves the right to edit, modify, revise, rewrite and reject editorial materials and assumes no responsibility for accuracy, errors, omissions or consequences arising from it. All correspondence to this publication becomes the property of Texas Christian Publications. Texas Christian Publications shall be held harmless indemnified against any third-party claims. Texas Christian Publications accepts no claims made by photographers, agents or contributors. Writers’ and columnists’ opinions are not necessarily those of Texas Christian Publications or its publishers. Advertisements appearing in Texas Christian Publications present only the viewpoint of the advertisers. We assume no responsibility for advertising claims made in this publication. Valley Christian Magazine is printed in the United States. Reproduction without the expressed written permissi on prohibited. Copyright 2011.

/ Printed in the USA.

From the


McAllen Area Womens Christian Connection A Division of Stonecroft Ministries

Invite You To Our 2013 Summer Luncheons August 20 September 17

I wanted to encourage you this month. Lately I’ve

been reading prayer requests from people in our community. Let me just say that people are hurting. People are seeking God and looking for purpose. You might be one of them right now. You might be dealing with a situation that you can see no way out of. Maybe questioning God why you are going through what you are going through right now. Maybe you feel like giving up. I’m committed. I’m going to church. I pray….but I still feel like giving up. Our vision is limited. We can only see what’s right in front of us. I encourage you to not give up. You’ve come a long way already. Don’t stop. God has a work to be done in and through you. You may not see it or Him…but He’s there. I want to encourage you with this: So let God work his will in you. Yell a loud no to the Devil and watch him scamper. Say a quiet yes to God and he’ll be there in no time.

The Echo Hotel 1903 Closner (Bus 281) - Edinburg 11:30 – 1:00 // $14 Lunch Buffet Reservations Contact: Kathleen 956-821-7591 or email

Quit dabbling in sin. Purify your inner life. Quit playing the field. Hit bottom; and cry your eyes out. The fun and games are over. Get serious, really serious. Get down on your knees before the Master; it’s the only way you’ll get on your feet. James 4:7-10 msg ~Christian

Childcare with notice-bring a sack lunch with children August 20. “Great Adventurer” Guest speaker Cindy Walker From Houston, this mother of 3 graduated from UT with honors and earnered her Masters in Food Science from TAMU. Married to an Aggie Lawyer, she is a Fitness Instructor, Nutrition Teacher and Legal Assistant. Cindy loves adventure and travel. She is an adventurer who tells how getting lost helped her find herself! Special Feature: Judge Dorina Ramos “You never know what can happen in your life.” September 17 “Name Dropping” Guest speaker Phyllis Robinson Phyllis is an accomplished speaker and writer from Georgetown, TX. “Why I believe the Bible is the word of God.” Taken from her book is the fascinating study of names and their meaning to give a hidden message from God to us in the Old Testament. Surprise Feature!

Christian Torres

is a graduate of Baylor University. He and his wife, Stephanie, have 3 daughters: Madeleine (13), Natalie (10) and Courtney (8). They live in McAllen and are members of Palm Valley Church of Mission.

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A Time to Remember by Jerrell Jobe

Timothy, MY SON, I am giving you this COMMAND in keeping with the PROPHECIES once made about you, so that by RECALLING THEM YOU MAY FIGHT THE BATTLE WELL -1 Timothy 1:18 God has a plan for each of us. At times in life, we are blessed by interacting with other followers of Christ who have an intuitive sense into what God is doing in one’s life, even at discerning the special grace(s) God has imparted to a person. Elements of one’s gifting’s, calling, etc. These words, messages and insights, when shared at a timely season, in a God honoring way, have tremendous power to direct one’s course in God. Along our journey in this world there are many things that can serve to distract and derail us from God’s preferred path for our lives. Relationships, busyness, pressing needs, even forces of darkness can rally to thwart our way. At other times, discouragement and apathy settle in on our souls like a fog on a spring morning. Subtly it settles, barely noticeable at first, and then before one knows it, they find themselves unable to see ten-feet ahead. Likewise, discouragement and apathy, slowly, yet steady settle in on our souls, until without nearly noticing, we are surrounded, clouded, stagnant and lacking in any sense of motivation and direction. Timothy, as a young man, seemed to face his share of discouragement and opposition in life and ministry. Paul “urges” him to “recall” those things that had been spoken over his life prior to the fog settling. To “recall” these prophecies, and by them, “fight the battle well.” God’s perspective, often found not only in His written Word, but the very words at time spoken to us by God, through others.

• Have you ever experienced someone speaking a word like this to/over you? 

 • Do you have people in your life like this? People who can give perspective and insight into life, especially during the difficult seasons of the soul? • Are there things that you have sensed God has spoken to you? Things that in times of discouragement or misdirection could be “recalled” to help you “fight the battle well”…? “Like golden apples set in silver is a word spoken at the right time.” -Proverbs 25:11 “A person finds joy in giving an apt reply-- and how good is a timely word!” -Proverbs 15:23 “Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with.” -Habakkuk 2:2

Over the years, there have been various influential people in my life, who at times, have spoken a timely word into and over my life. Words that I knew were from God. Words, that either resonated with something God Himself had spoken to me or perhaps a word confirming something someone else had spoken. Regardless, there was power in these words - they brought life to something deep within. I’ve kept many of these words written down on pieces of paper. At times, like Paul’s instructions to Timothy, I’ve found it helpful to go back to those pieces of paper and simply re-read, remember and reflect on these messages. And, it is during those discouraging seasons of the soul, that these words have the potential to strengthen us, to cause something to rise up within us, to enable us to “fight the battle well.”


Jerrell is a teaching pastor at Palm Valley Church in Mission. He is married to Charissa and has three children :

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Micah (10), Naylah (7),and Avi (6).

16:33)—don’t ever forget the Shepherd leads you through that ground. God will use it for your good and bring you through it to the place He has planned. Second—like a shepherd, He protects us. Sheep are so vulnerable—to disease, to weather, to predators and thieves that come to steal them. In the same way, the enemy of our souls would terrorize us, harm us, steal our focus, tempt us to chart our own course—and our Shepherd protects us. It’s just as Jesus says in John 10:9-10: “I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” You’re reading this today because the Shepherd is leading you, and He is filling your life with good things. God is protecting you.

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. -Psalm 23:1-3

Just Like A Shepherd

by James MacDonald


hen David said, “The Lord is my Shepherd,” he knew something about the word picture he was using. The first time we ever meet David, he is introduced as the youngest, all-but-forgotten son—out doing the chore none of his seven older brothers wanted to do. “Then Samuel said to Jesse, ‘Are all your sons here?’ And he said, “There remains yet the youngest, but behold, he is keeping the sheep” (1 Samuel 16:11). When he volunteered to face off with Goliath, David claimed his work as a shepherd, warding off lions and bears from the flock, had prepared him for the fight (1 Samuel 17:34–37). Because he knew shepherding and he knew the Lord, David found it easy to put the two together—as if to say, “The way the Lord treats me is just like a shepherd.”

Third—like a shepherd, He feeds us. For sheep, it’s green pastures and still waters. For us, our Shepherd offers nourishment of every kind. Devotionals like this and even Sunday sermons are just a sampling of the feeding that comes from the Lord. As the prophet Jeremiah proclaimed, “Your words were found, and I ate them, and your words became to me a joy and the delight of my heart” (Jeremiah 15:16). These portions are intended to fire us up, and take hold of the abundant food God has provided in His Word to feed ourselves day by day, moment by moment. And we desperately need it. Keep seeking the Lord— in prayer, by meditating on His promises, reading and reflecting on the Scriptures, adoring Him in worship—as He leads, protects, and feeds you. Because He is your faithful Shepherd.

Journal • Reflect on an example for each of the Shepherd’s tasks in your life: leading, protecting, and feeding. • How have you responded to His faithfulness?

Pray Father, I praise You for the many ways You are my Shepherd. Thank You that in Your leading, protecting, and feeding, You have never failed. Your faithfulness has never faltered. There hasn’t been, nor will there ever be, a circumstance or danger You can’t handle. I rest my life in Your care. In Jesus’ name, amen.

That we are not shepherds begs this question of David, “How is the Lord like a shepherd?” First—like a shepherd, God leads us. We need to be led, don’t we? A good shepherd leads the sheep out in front of them, not from behind. There isn’t a place where the lambs put their feet that the shepherd hasn’t already walked. There isn’t a valley the sheep go through that the shepherd hasn’t gone through first. And there is nothing that comes into your life that isn’t terrain the Shepherd has already covered and given His full approval—including the rocky ground, the most difficult times. If God doesn’t want to allow it, He will turn it away and you will not experience that hard time. But when it comes—indeed, “in the world you will have tribulation” (John

Listen to Walk in the Word locally

weekdays at 5:30a.m.

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James MacDonald is founding and Senior Pastor at Harvest Bible Chapel in northwest Chicago. James’ teachings can be heard on Walk in the Word, a daily radio program reaching more than 3 million people across North America. Used by permission of Walk in the Word, Elgin, Ill., 61023. by permission of Walk in the Word,Elgin, Ill., 61023.



more fearsome kind of trust. I do not now live under the banner that I “will soar on wings like eagles.” That’s a verse for someone who needs to feel the power, breadth, and sheer force of God. When I was in high school, I definitely needed that. And perhaps I will again; I am still a young man.

Inspiring verses: Isaiah 40:31

Have you SEEN a Mustard Seed? By Andrew Hollinger

Jeremiah 29:11 Ecclesiastes 3:1 1Corinthians 13:13


I was in 9th grade, I asked my parents for a study Bible. I wanted something big, hefty, with annotations and a concordance: something I could explore and mark up. I received the Bible as an Easter gift in 2000 (this is easy to remember because my folks wrote it in under “date presented” on the inside cover).

Matthew 17:20

To protect my new Bible, I got a zippered book jacket. It was a massive thing, with three or four pockets where I collected church bulletins and memory verse cards. Embroidered on the cover was a fierce eagle and a reference, Isaiah 40:31. In this way, I found and chose my life’s first epigraph: “but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint.” It’s a verse full of power. Even now, remembering these words fills me with the jitteriness of unspent energy. It is the kind of verse that inspires a teenager who feels like he might be hitting his first real stride as a Christian. In this verse, God shows up as a spiritual Energizer Bunny who will help you keep going and going against all odds. I think it’s fairly common for people to find epigraphs for their lives, perhaps a song lyric or a bit of poetry, a famous quotation, or a Bible verse. They become mantras for us, something to repeat to ourselves as we work through the successes, frustrations, and flat out failures of our lives. Who hasn’t, at some point, repeated, “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens” (Ecclesiastes 3:1, partial) over and over to remind ourselves that even this (whether it be good or bad) can’t last forever? And every graduation we think deeply on the plans the Lord has for us, “plans to prosper [us] and not to harm [us], plans to give [us] hope and a future” (Jeremiah 29:11). The first year of marriage is a good time to remember that “these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love” (1 Corinthians 13:13), especially as we have to get used to being “we” instead of “me.” I have never had much trouble with understanding hope or love. That’s just me. For whatever reason, these two come quite naturally to me. I am, however, endlessly intrigued by faith and what it means to have faith or to be of faith. I wonder whether love might be the “greatest” but faith what bears spiritual fruit. For what it’s worth, I don’t exactly equate “faith” and “belief.” I clearly remember moments in my life where I chose to believe in God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and my own salvation. Faith, I think, is that drive to trust that God will do what he promises—“to prosper you and not to harm you,” for example. Faith is a stronger,

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The most recurring epigraph of my life so far is Matthew 17:20. A man brought his son to Jesus because the disciples were unable to heal him. After Jesus rebuked the demon within the boy and healed him, the disciples asked Jesus why they couldn’t heal the boy themselves. After all, they had been given the authority to do so. “He replied, “Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” Have you seen a mustard seed? If you haven’t, visit your nearest grocery store and buy some stone ground mustard. That grit is mustard seeds. Of course, this isn’t about some kind of spiritual magic trick where particularly devout Christians can rearrange terrain. As though Billy Graham might decide one day that the Rockies are poorly placed and do some continental redecorating. At first glance, though, this verse seems to be just as much about harnessing the power of the Lord as Isaiah 40:31. But I don’t think it is. For me, this is a verse (an epigraph) of conviction. If I had real faith in the Lord, I imagine the mountains in my life shifting—no, jumping—aside. Not because I want them to, but because God wants them to. I had faith enough to act with and in Him. I’ve seen mountains move and I’ve flailed mightily against the Rock. Remember, “There is a time for everything,” even a time to realize how little faith we operate on. Seriously, have you seen a mustard seed?

Andrew Hollinger Andrew Hollinger is a husband and a father, a writer and a teacher. He spends his time teaching at UTPA, writing (although it sometimes looks like staring into space), and tag-teaming with his wife, Wendy, to keep up with their 3-year old, Peter. He attends Palm Valley Church in Mission, TX. He writes, here, in the tradition of Don Miller: just a person continually interested in what it means to know God and to be a Christian. He can be reached for question or comment at

1400 E. Ridge RD., STE 10 MCALLEN, TX 78503 WWW.PENAEYE.COM

A Soul That Longs For More

(Below is a little peek into my book, What Happens When Women Say Yes to God – the story of how I really got started on this lifelong “yes” journey. And I thought it just might speak into someone’s heart today.)

It all started

By Lysa Terkeurst

Lysa TerKeurst is a New York Times best selling author and speaker who helps everyday women live an adventure of faith through following Jesus Christ. As president of Proverbs 31 Ministries, Lysa has lead thousands over the past 15 years to help make their walk with God an invigorating journey. In the midst of her ministry, though, Lysa is a real, everyday woman who simply seeks to glorify God through her life and family.

the day God told me to give away my Bible.

I was exhausted from traveling and speaking. All I wanted to do was to get to my assigned seat on the plane and settle in for a long winter’s nap. Imagine my absolute delight at being the only person seated in my row. I was just about to close my eyes when two last-minute passengers made their way to my row and took their seats. Reluctantly, I decided to forgo my nap. The last thing I needed was to fall asleep and snore or, worse yet, wake up with my head resting on the guy’s shoulder beside me. No, I didn’t need another most embarrassing moment, so I pulled a manuscript out of my bag and started reading.

“Please forgive me for all those noes. Right now I say yes, Lord. I say yes to You before I even know what You might ask me to do. I simply want You to see a yes-heart in me.” Several minutes after exiting the plane, I was weaving in and out of the crowds, trying to find my connecting gate, when I spotted the businessman again. He stopped me to tell me he had been praying to God and thanking Him for what happened on the plane. We swapped business cards, and, though we lived several states apart, I knew we would stay in touch.

“What are you working on?” the guy asked. I told him I was a writer and I was working on a book titled Leading Women to the Heart of God. He smiled and said he thought God was a very interesting topic. I agreed and asked him a few questions about his beliefs. Before long, I found myself reaching into my bag and pulling out my Bible, walking him through some key verses that dealt with the issues he was facing. He kept asking questions, and I kept praying God would give me answers. All of a sudden, I felt God tugging at my heart to give this man my Bible. Now, this was not just any Bible. This was my everyday, highlighted, underlined, written in, and tear-stained Bible. My kids had even drawn pictures in this Bible. I started to argue with God in my head, but His message was clear. I was to give away my Bible. I emptied it of some old church bulletins and other papers, took a deep breath, sighed, and placed it in the man’s hands. “I’d like for you to have my Bible,” I said. Astonished, he started to hand it back to me, saying he couldn’t possibly accept such a gift. “God told me to give it to you,” I insisted. “Sometimes the God of the universe pauses in the midst of all His creation to touch the heart of one person. Today, He paused for you.” The man took my Bible and made two promises. First, he said he would read it, and, second, someday he would pass it on, doing for someone else what I’d done for him. Before I knew it, the plane landed and we were saying our goodbyes. As I stepped into the aisle preparing to disembark, the woman on the other side of the businessman reached out and grabbed my arm. She’d been staring out the window the entire time we were flying, and I thought she’d been ignoring us. But her tearstained face told a different story. In a tone so hushed I could barely hear her, she whispered, “Thank you. What you shared today has changed my life.” I put my hand on hers and whispered back, “You’re welcome.” Then

About a month later he called to tell me his life had totally changed. He’d taken a week off from work to read the Bible, and he’d already shared his testimony with numerous people.

a knot caught in my throat as tears welled up in my eyes. I didn’t have another Bible to give away, so I gave her one of my books and hugged her goodbye. It has been said that we are to tell the whole world about Jesus, using words only if necessary. I saw this powerful truth come to life. Though I never spoke to this lady about Jesus, she saw Him through my obedience. How humbling. How profound. As I got off the plane that day, I could barely hold back my tears. Three people’s hearts were radically changed. I believe the businessman came to know Jesus as his Lord and Savior. I believe the same is true for the lady. But my heart was changed in a dramatic way as well. While on the one hand I was overjoyed at what God had done, I was also brokenhearted by the flood of thoughts that came to mind recounting times I’d told God no. How tragic to miss God’s divine appointments. I just kept wondering, How many times have I told You no, God? How many times because I was too tired, too insecure, too uncertain, too busy, or too selfish have I walked right past Your divine appointment for me and missed experiencing You? I lifted up my heart to the Lord and whispered,

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When he said this to me, my mouth dropped open. I couldn’t bring myself to tell him that I’d never taken a week off from work to read the Bible. God was definitely pursuing this man in a serious way! When I asked him what his favorite verse was, he said it was Proverbs 3:5-6: “Trust in the LORD with all your heart; and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.” I thought to myself, Wow! Look at how God has already answered that for my new friend. He also told me that after reading the Scriptures he knew he needed to get involved in a church, so he’d decided to visit a large church in his town. On his way there he passed another church, and a strong feeling came over him to turn his car around and go back to that church. So he did. When he got to his seat in the sanctuary, he opened up his bulletin and gasped. Inside the bulletin he saw my picture and an announcement that I was to be the speaker at an upcoming women’s conference. He said he felt as though, once again, God had paused just for him. That day on the plane, when God impressed on my heart to give this man my Bible, I did not know what would happen. This man might have thrown my Bible into the nearest airport trashcan, for all I knew. Normally, I would have come up with a hundred reasons not to give my Bible away, but that day something changed in me. That day, for the first time, I truly heard the call of a woman who says yes to God: “Whatever God says to do, do it.”

Out for a “Talk” By Greg Laurie


think sometimes that Jesus has a lot of socalled followers today who are more like Twitter followers. Twitter followers know what someone says, and that is the extent of it. It is how a lot of us are with Christ: “I am a follower of Jesus. . . . Did He Tweet today?” But following Christ is more than that. Jesus said to Matthew, “Follow Me” (Matthew 9:9). Matthew wasn’t a believer at the time. He was a tax collector working for Rome. But Jesus walked up to him, looked at him (or right through him), and said, “Follow Me.” Matthew bolted up from that table and began to follow Christ. The phrase “Follow Me” also could be translated “Follow with Me”—not follow behind Me, but follow with Me. In other words, “Let’s take a walk together.” The other day I took a walk with my wife, Cathe. I bolted out the door, and she asked me to slow down and wait for her. That is not the way for a husband to walk with his wife, and that is not the way to walk with the Lord. We are not to walk ahead of Him. To be a follower of Jesus means that He walks with us. We are never alone. Sometimes Cathe will take a walk with her girlfriends. When she tells me she is going on a walk with certain friends, I will say, “You are going on a talk, not a walk.” It has nothing to do with walking, and she admits that is true. The Lord wants to go on a “talk” with you, not just a walk. It is not about how fast you can move. It is about fellowship and companionship.

Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone e, desires to come after M d let him deny himself, an take up his cross, and follow Me.” — Matthew 16:24

Greg Laurie is Senior Pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside, Calif. He began his pastoral ministry at 19 by leading a Bible study of 30 people. Since then, God has transformed the small group into a church of 15,000 plus, one of the largest churches in America. For more, visit Used by permission from Harvest Ministries with Greg Laurie, PO Box 4000 Riverside, CA 92514 Copyright © 2013 by Harvest Ministries. All rights reserved.

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“For by grace are ye saved through faith…” Ephesians 2:8-9 / 18 / /



If you are interested in placing your Engagement announcement or getting your wedding spotlighted in the Valley Christian Wedding & Engagement Section, please contact Stella Gallegos. Email: or call her at 956.854-1601


VCM is excited to share with you our newest feature! Our new Wedding & Engagements will feature local couples not only sharing this exciting time in their lives but most importantly, sharing how God is at the center of their relationship. VCM believes in the example of a marriage pyramid. If you put God at the top, then as you get closer to God you get closer to your spouse (or spouse -to-be!).

Commitment in Romantic Love An excerpt from The Art of Falling in Love about commitment.


ommitment is the bedrock of love. It is the decision to continue a relationship, to love someone and to maintain the love. It constitutes a measurement of how strongly we value our relationship. When one is committed to another, it means that he or she will always be there with the other person — no matter what — and will always be there for the other person.

Commitment keeps lovers together when life and its circumstances try to pull people apart. It gives safety and assurance. Committed lovers know that passing emotions — anger, sadness, frustration — never foretell the demise of the relationship. It means that no matter what one feels as she walks out the door in the morning that she is coming back. No pitfall, no person, no situation will be allowed to separate committed lovers. We want the intimacy and the passion that makes love magnificent, but we just as strongly want to know that our lover will be with us tomorrow and a thousand tomorrows after that. We want to know that the other person is with us through thick and thin. Good times and bad. When we deserve our lover and when we do not.

In a truly loving relationship, we have an unalterable need within us to have absolute confidence that both of us are committed to maintaining our relationship. We have a need to know without any doubt that neither of us would ever let another person or anything come between us, no matter what. We have a need to believe with assurance that each of us is certain of our love for the other, that our love will last for the rest of our lives, and that our relationship will be stable. We have a need within to know that each feels responsibility for the other. Moreover, that neither person considers the possibility of the relationship ever ending. Romantic love without commitment is like leaping from a plane without a parachute. You may experience the most intense physical sensations and maximum emotions of your life, but it ends badly. Very, very badly.

Joe Beam

is a national-best selling author who has made appearances on Good Morning America, The Today Show, The Montel Williams Show, The James Dobson Show and other appearances on tv and radio. His blogs are about relationships and life. Joe founded Beam Research Center, an organization that saves troubled marriages and prevents healthy marriages from developing bad habits that can do harm.

Rigoberto Garza II & Miranda Chavana June 15, 2013 Abundant Grace Church

“Rigo, as we stand here in front of our friends, family and above of all God. I want to pledge my undying love and dedication to you. You are my best friend, my partner, my other half, my everything.

I promise to encourage and inspire you, to laugh with you in times of joy and comfort you in times Event Planner: Dee Galan of sorrow. I promise to share everything with you: life’s experiences, dreams, goals and yes even closet space. I promise to remain faithful to you for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health. Most of all, I promise to be your partner in a loving, honest, relationship. No what matter trials we encounter or the fun times ahead, we will always be together. Know that our love with never fade, that we will always find strength in each other and seek the Lord’s guidance. From this day forward I promise you will never walk alone. My heart will be your shelter and my arms will be your home. This I promise for all the days of my life.”

“I, Rigoberto Garza II, take you Miranda Leah Chavana to be my loving wife, and so much more. I vow that at the foundation of our relationship, I promise to always remain your friend. Through good times and bad, happy and sad, I will be there for you. I vow to love you before myself, and put your needs before mine. I cannot promise you a life of sunshine or that it will always be easy. But I can promise you that I will give you all of my heart’s devotion, I will give you a love that is ever growing, and to hold your hand through each tomorrow. With this ring, I give you my promise that from this day forward. I will always be by your side and that you shall never walk alone. I vow that on the days you find it too difficult to go on, I will go on no further, or that I will be there to carry you as far as we need to go. I vow to love you faithfully, forsaking all others. In a sea of eyes will always search for you. Eric Sierra Photography

I pledge these things with all of my love.”

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Valley Christian Engagements Joe Menchaca, Jr and Lynda Marie Perez Church: St. Helena Catholic Church / Holy Trinity Catholic Church


hen two people fall in love it puts those two in a very special place. In my Love of my Lynda, all I can say is that I have never loved as I do her. Love is one thing but falling in love with your soul mate Krissy Elizondo K. Elizondo Photography and best friend is something that I can’t find words to describe. My Lynda completes me!!! Where I fail, she brings me to succeed! When I cry, she wipes my tears. When I hurt, she’s there with my cure. When I’m down, she lifts me. When I can’t stand, she’s my rock to lean on. My last thought before I sleep to dream of her and my first thought when I wake from my dream and realize it wasn’t a dream and I am in Love with the most beautiful, gorgeous, strong, and loving Woman!!! And most importantly She IS in Love with me and that’s the greatest feeling in the world!!! I love YOU Lynda Marie!!! How has your relationship in Christ grown during your engagement? Through Christ our love has grown immensely. Our Faith in God dwells in our hearts. As our relationship grew so did our Faith, and we both attend church regularly. Although we both have our own interpretation of biblical verses and sermons; we always manage to communicate our thoughts, and express our beliefs in a respectful manner. Many times it feels like a cross x debate; because we are both so passionate about sharing and building a solid foundation through God, who we place our trust in. Together we embrace our relationship, and look forward to a long, beautiful, and blessed journey.

Happy 50th Anniversary Chuck and Enid Olson

Married August 3, 1963 Chuck and Enid Olson will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary this year. They have grounded their marriage in Christ. Making God the center of their life. Chuck and Enid early in their marriage lived aboard in Sweden where God placed on their hearts to go into the ministry. Over 30 years later, many miles on the road and in the air, God blessed them with a music ministry that touched thousands of people over the years. Although retired from their singing ministry, Chuck and Enid have taken their passion for travel and for the past 15 years have been running Chuck Olson Tours & Cruises in McAllen, TX. Again able to use this as a platform to meet and share the word of God to so many. Actively involved in Calvary Baptist Church, Chuck and Enid continue to pursue God’s work especially in the Rio Grande Valley Community. They are the proud parents of two wonderful daughters and six very special grandchildren. They are proud to call the Valley home.

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John 13:4 so he (Jesus) got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist. 5 After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him. someone in need. He possessed a peculiar ability to lead, possessed somewhat of a charm and glowing charisma like no one else I knew. I consider my father a leader among leaders, a man’s man.

Worth Following By Milton Gonzalez

I enjoy

attending leadership conferences as much as much as I find pleasure in reading leadership books. My favorite authors are Bill Hybels, Jim Collins, John Maxwell and Jack Welch. I am always amazed of the knowledge they possess and how their impact worldwide impact. We all follow someone - because of what they mean to them and because of the deposits they have made into their lives. Great leaders are hard to come across these days. Maxwell defines leadership as “influence”. Jim Collins on the other hand describes leadership in the “level 5 leader”. Level 1 - Highly capable individual who possesses the talents and skills to do the job. Level 2 - Contributing team member who works effectively, productively and successfully with other people. Level 3 - Competent manager that is able to organize a group effectively to achieve specific goals and objectives. Level 4 - Effective leader is the category that most top leaders fall into. Here, you’re able to galvanize a department or organization to meet performance objectives and achieve a vision. According to Collins many leaders make it all the way up to the fourth level and that in itself is commendable, however, very few perhaps only a handful of CEOs in the U.S. make it to the last level…

Level 5 -Great Leader. At this level you have all of the abilities needed for the other four levels, plus you have the unique blend of humility and will that’s required for true greatness. Did you say HUMILITY? Yes indeed. Humility. Growing up I watched my dad every morning put on his three-piece suit and get ready for work. He was a man of importance, a leader who many others followed and desired to emulate simply because of what he stood for. He was not a tyrannic domineering, he was a leader who led by example. He was the kind of man who would take off his jacket, roll up his sleeves and get dirty in order to help

Born in a very small town in Mexico in 1942, he was not raised in a privileged home nor did he live an easy life. He was not blessed with an opportunity of higher education however he managed, in his early thirties, to become the V.P. and Director of Operations of a very lucrative U.S. corporation. He was admired by many especially me. He was a man of his word. There was never a promise he made that he did not keep. He exemplified integrity, loyalty and the key for level 5 leadership -- humility. I spent my teenage years listening and learning from him. Every conversation was an opportunity to learn something valuable, something I could put in my pocket and pull out later in life. I kept a journal with his teachings, sayings, philosophies and principles. He taught me life principles. He would tell me to always be the best at whatever I did no matter what that be. “Be punctual, speak up, give a firm hand shake, don’t look down, look people in the eye, stand-up straight and smile”. “Be sure to learn a little bit of everything so that you can relate to the factory worker, the brick layer, the teacher, preacher and physician”. Responsibility was on of his favorite words and he lived it. He’s been a responsible son, husband, father grandfather, mentor and friend. My father’s words of encouragement empowered me to become the man I am today. His never-give-up attitude has molded and shaped my perspective on life. His care for my mother has set an expectation on what marriage should look like. And his love for his children and grandchildren has set a high standard for me as a father of two boys (David - 21 years old and Daniel 5 months). My father’s life has never been shady nor questionable...he practices what he preaches. In the summer of 2001, my father would impact my life exponentially like never before. It was at 59 years of age that my father would humble himself and surrender his life to Jesus Christ to make Him Lord and Savior of his life. I was there the day he and my mother prayed that prayer as they both held hands. This was the year that my dad went from being a great man to becoming a great man of God. It has been over 12 years and he has never been the same. He now encourages me everyday with scripture and prays for me. My dad’s life has made it easier for me to love, trust and believe in a Heavenly Father that I cannot perceive with my five physical senses. I am thankful to God for the man he gave me to be my dad. My father’s life has led us closer to the greatest

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of all leaders...Jesus Christ. Jesus surpasses level 5 leadership. Maxwell’s definitions cannot encompass the vastness of His greatness. It is Jesus that leads us to the Father. Jesus said “I am the way, the truth and the life and no one goes to the Father except through me” - John 14:6 Jesus is worthy to be followed. As a father of two, I have two pairs of eyes watch as I walk, talk and lead. I have the ability to lead them closer to God or obliterate Him from their lives. I have been called by God to be the priest of my household and to lead as Christ did. Although not an easy task, I will always declare the words penned by the Apostle Paul in Phil 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who give me strength”. In Him I find strength, wisdom, favor and grace to lead my children and those He has placed under my leadership. But my children and wife come first. Phillips, Craig and Dean sing a beautiful song about a dad wanting to be a Christ-like example to his child. I am strongly convicted every time I listen to the chorus… “Lord, I want to be just like You ‘Cause he wants to be just like me I want to be a holy example For his innocent eyes to see Help me be a living Bible, Lord That my little boy can read I want to be just like You ‘Cause he wants to be like me” Shalom, Milton

My question to all the men reading this article… Has your life as a dad impacted the lives of your children in such a way that they have come to know Christ through you??? If you answered yes - I applaud you and assure you that in due time you will see the fruit of your labor. If you answered no - I remind you that God’s grace is sufficient and that today could be your turning point. Rise up and follow Christ and He will make all things new.

Milton Gonzalez Milton is the Principal of Covenant Christian Academy in McAllen and has a son David. He is married to Elena and they have a son Daniel

Train with


Angela Greenig to

Centro Familiar Christiano 3308 N. Conway, Mission, TX The General is coming to rally the troops August 9th, 2013 Friday Night at 7p.m. August 10th 10a.m.-12p.m. 12p.m.-2p.m. Lunch 2p.m.-4p.m. 7p.m. The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is proclaimed to the poor. Matthew 11:5

Pamela Neelry 956-453-3007

The Joy of Confession By Nick Dombrowski


ny Catholics out there? Do you remember your “First Confession”? Kinda’ strange, right? I remember walking into the room, staring at my shuffling feet, while trying to recall all the bad stuff I’d done (particularly to my older brother, Justin, who deserved every bit of it, of course). Looking back, I wasn’t sure what the heck I was doing or why I was doing it but I have found that there is something special, even vital, to the value and practice of confession that I think we are losing. Ambiguity won’t be helpful in an article on confession though, so let me be specific. I was struggling with masturbation, pornography, a bit of lying, anger, and what I like to call “I think I’m awesome” issues. Now, before you say (or think) something along the lines of, “Wow, this dude is screwed up,” please hear me out. I worked hard to manage and conceal my sin, but it just didn’t work. Overwhelmed, I eventually confessed everything to my friend, Marc. To my surprise, instead of wagging his finger, he began to share his sin! Marc then invited me into a group of guys that met weekly for the purpose of confession and pursuing holiness for the glory of God. As I was vulnerable about the sin in my life with these men, God taught me about confession. 1. We get to know ourselves more. Sexual sin was the most visible issue in my life but my heart was home to all

kinds of sin. The Holy Spirit showed me how I did not truly believe that through Jesus, God’s love for me was unconditional, but rather that I had to earn it. Furthermore, He revealed how conditional my love was for others. My anger issues stemmed from a heart that expected others to oblige my will, and when they didn’t I had no grace to spare because I didn’t understand God’s love and grace in my own life. Coming to grips with who I really was marked the beginning of the true life that Jesus had for me. 2. We get to know God more. One day I was walking with my pastor, Tom Weaver, of Logos Community Church. “Tom, can we stop for a second?” I began to confess all this sin to him and the most unexpected thing happened. Tom looked into my eyes, smiled, and said, “Nick, I want you to know how much I love you no matter what you’ve done or what you’ll do.” His words hit me like a freight train and tears began to flow as I began to grasp, as if for the first time, the reality of God’s unconditional love for me.

4. We experience freedom. Confession helps to bring freedom from sin, shame, and secrecy. I finally felt free to own that I’m a sinner! I don’t mean “free” in that I had license to live in peace with my sin, but “free” to be myself without the fear of condemnation. There are consequences to sin and hardships in working through it, but there is true freedom that comes with confession in light of God’s forgiveness and love. 5. We experience joy. Our joy overflows when we confess. The more we get to know ourselves, God, and others and the more freedom, grace, and love we experience, the more joy we have. The Bible says that both you and I are sinners (Rom. 3:10-18, 23). What sin is crippling you? What sin would your spouse, kids, or friends say that you struggle with? If you don’t know, would you dare to ask them? Don’t miss out on the life that Jesus has for you through the joy of confession. James 5:16 “Therefore confess your

3. We get to know others more.

sin to one another and pray for one

As I confessed, others started to open up to me and I had the opportunity to learn about them and their sin. I simply can’t explain to you how deep of a bond you form with people when you know one another for who you truly are and still express love towards them while also encouraging them towards righteousness.

another, that you may be healed...”

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Nick Dombrowski Nick graduated from Western Michigan University and leads campus staff for InterVarsity Christian Fellowship here in the Rio Grande Valley. Chapters are located at both UTPA and STC. He is married to Chelsea and live in Edinburg.

Courtyard Praise @ 12th & Austin Ave Friday, September 6 Featuring Band: Cornerstone Time: 8:00pm

If you are a local band or singer and would like to participate, email us your contact information along with an audition CD/DVD to:

First Presbyterian Church Downtown McAllen Location at 12th & Austin Ave.

Holy Land Petra Tour &

March 8-19, 2014 Land & Air From McAllen Enid Olson, Tour Host $4,997.00 per person, Coach Class Deposit $200.00 per person

Your Tour Includes:

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Chuck Olson Tours & Cruises 956-664-2916 / 800-568-9890

3827 North 10th St. Suite 203, McAllen TX 78501

We reserve the right to make changes to the itinerary or arrangements due to circumstances beyond our control. Passport must be valid for 6 months following our return.




GET IN THE GAME. GET IN THE BOOK. Fields of Faith is a peer-to-peer movement where thousands of students from across the nation and world gather on their school’s athletic field to share stories and challenge each other to apply the Bible as their “game plan for life.” Join the field nearest you!



A Note From Nathan...

Nathan Jones

Mulit-Area Director Fellowship of Christian Athletes

Well… the 2014 School Year is here, and that means all of our incredible Coaches and Athletes are about to lace up their shoes, take the field, hit the weights, turn on the gym lights, and go 100 mph in their sport. Those who know me know how much I love sports. Even though I am in my 40s, I still love to play and compete. Nevertheless, more than the love of sports itself, I love the people of sport, and I am looking forward to seeing those that I have not seen in a couple of months. I want to challenge each of us to take the time to find at least one Coach and one Athlete to whom we can give a word of encouragement about who they are and what they do. You never know, your word of encouragement may be the simple act of kindness that God uses to make a big impact in their life. It’s great to be in South Texas, and I love being a part of FCA. I Thessalonians 5:11 – “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up as you are already doing.” Blessings,

Nathan Jones FCA Vision To see the world impacted for Jesus Christ through the influence of athletes and coaches. FCA Mission To present to athletes and coaches and all whom they influence the challenge and ad-

venture of receiving Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, serving Him in their relation-ships and in the fellowship of the church.

FCA Core Values Our relationships will demonstrate steadfast commitment to Jesus Christ and His Word through Integrity, Service, Teamwork and Excellence.

Championship Tournament Honoring Jim Myers Monday October 14, 2013

Call the Robin at 956-994-1121 to reserve your team!


very person has an image of themselves. We all see ourselves in a certain way. Our self image is like a self-portrait. It has been formulated by several factors such as how we see ourselves, how others see us, and how we perceive others view us. The question must be asked: Does the image you see in your mind line up correctly with who God says you are? The image you have of yourself may or may not be entirely accurate, yet it is your perception of you and it does affect you. Research has shown and proven that we will more consistently behave and perform in a way that is in harmony with the image we have of ourselves. In other words, your mind completes the picture you tell it to paint. For example, if you see yourself as unqualified, unattractive, or inadequate, the more likely you are to carry out those thoughts in your life. Phrases such as “I can never do anything right” and “nobody wants me” have more potential to be birthed out of your mouth and carried out in your life. Conception begins internally. The truth is that there is no way we can live in the Promised Land and enjoy the fulfillment of God’s promises if we have a poor self-image. In Numbers chapter 13, Moses sends out 12 spies to view the Promised Land. Ten spies came back with a negative report and viewed themselves as “grasshoppers” compared to their enemies. Only 2 spies, Joshua and Caleb, had a positive self-image. Even before the battle was started, the majority of the spies were already defeated. The difference was how they viewed their God and themselves. Let me give you 3 things to help you see yourself as God sees you. 1. Renew your Mind. The 12 spies all came from the same place of Egypt, but only 2 trusted God at His Word. As believers, we are instructed to “…not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the By Abram Gomez renewing of your mind,” in Romans 12:2. We may have been given new hearts in Christ, but some are still operating under old mental maps. The Israelites were only supposed to journey 11 days, but it turned into 40 years. It will take you a long time to get to the place God wants you as long as you have a negative mindset and wilderness attitude. You will never rise above the image you see of yourself. Learn to set your mind on higher things. Align your mind with God’s Word. 2. Guard your Inner Conversations. The 10 Spies began to speak negatively throughout the camp, and it affected the majority of the Israelites. Yet, in the narrative, Joshua and Caleb stood by their conviction and kept courage. In order to progress in life, you have to have a firewall of faith to protect you from internalizing your circumstances. The person we talk to most is ourselves. You have a constant conversation with yourself all the time. Are you encouraging yourself in the Lord, or criticizing yourself? Guard the words that are heard within your mind. Don’t let any internal negative messages stifle or put to death the seed of faith that God is trying to cultivate within you. 3. Don’t play the Comparison Game. It was unfortunate that the negative spies compared themselves to the people of the land they were going to possess. They saw them as mightier, stronger, and more numerous. It bred discouragement and fear. Maybe one of your biggest setbacks is that you compare yourself to people around you. Rather than be inspired, you end up full of pride or full of discouragement. The enemy preys on comparisons. You were not meant to mimic, but

MIRRORS Photo Credit: Egmont Van Dyck Copyright © 2013 Egmont van Dyck

to be who God created you to be. If you must compare, look to His word and see if your life aligns with Him. Also, compare yourself to you. Are you further along in your faith than you were at this time last year? Are you becoming more like Christ? Are you making progress in your life? Just be determined to be the best you can be. Remember, God has given you the grace to do what He has called YOU to do. So, go take a look in the mirror. And answer the question, “How do you see yourself?”

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Abram Gomez is the Executive Pastor at Valley International Christian Center in San Benito, Texas. He serves under the Leadership of Bishop Jaime Loya, and is a graduate of Southwestern Assemblies of God University. Abram has helped to develop leadership in various ministries and programs at VICC. He and his wife, Rebecca, currently reside in Harlingen, TX and are parents to Isabella Claire.

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How to Be a Spiritual Colleague in a Non-Spiritual Workplace

By Achim Nowak

We want to practice our spiritual beliefs in every part of our life, don’t we? Not just at church, not just at home – everywhere. Yes, absolutely everywhere.

Irony is, many of us spend more time interacting with our colleagues at work than we do with our loved ones at home or at church. And you all know that even at church and at home, some folks know just how to push our unspiritual buttons. But what if we happen to work in place that’s decidedly unspiritual? The sort of place where gossip reigns, where folks are combative, where cooperation is a dirty word, where colleagues have been known to stab each other in the back. The sort of place where we do not feel entirely safe. We could just leave the job and get another one. That may not be a realistic option. And life tends to be complex – there may be many aspects of this particular work situation that we actually quite like.

That’s when it’s time to follow the Spirit Golden Rules: I lead by Example. I embody everything that I believe:

1. Be Kind: I choose kind words even when provoked to use unkind ones. I choose kind acts even when a part of me wishes to do otherwise.

2. Praise Freely: When I see an act that is praiseworthy, I choose to praise. I am concise and specific in my praise. We all want to be noticed and acknowledged. Praise is a powerful way of seeing the highest in another human being. 3. Be Helpful: When I can, I choose to go beyond the call of duty and help my colleagues. I do so not to do their job for them, to receive praise, or to be controlling. I simply do so because it is the right thing to do. 4.

Choose Joy: I show up with a playful spirit at work. I trust that my playful spirit will be infectious. I know that a playful spirit, in the long run, melts even the most bitter heart.


And I make sure to remember the Spiritual Achilles Heel: I focus on what I can influence. I let go of the rest.


Accept your Limits: I will not try to be the fixer. I will not seek to change that which I cannot change. It is not my job to preach at work or help them see the light.


Don’t be a Pushover: I will not accept unkind words or unkind actions that may be directed at me. I will hold my ground and set limits. I will do so with firm kindness. We have a saying in my firm – they hire us for one thing but they always get a little something extra. We’re an international training and coaching firm, but my team and I know, deep down, that everything we do is an act of love. So no matter what you hire us to do, the love is something you’ll always get. And in my experience, love is an energy that is, in the long run, simply impossible to resist. I urge you to trust this. It is so!

Achim Nowak

Achim Nowak is the author of the just published Infectious: How to Connect Deeply and Unleash the Energetic Leader Within (Allworth Press, 2013) and Power Speaking: The Art of the Exceptional Public Speaker. An internationally recognized authority on personal influence, Achim has coached entrepreneurs and Fortune 500 executives around the globe. He resides in Miami, Florida.

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First Christian Academy 521 S. Illinois Weslaco, Texas 78596 956-968-9030 in d il h up a c d go: “Train he shoul , he

ay he is old m the w hen depart fro and w t l wil no it.” (KJV) bs 22:6 Prover

The mission of First Christian Academy is to promote a redemptive relationship between each student and Jesus Christ and facilitate spiritual, academic, social , physical and vocational growth through the provision of an environment in which non-denominational Biblebased Christian values are inspired. Here at FCA we take pride in our familyoriented, positive, loving environment. We pray that the Lord will guide us in living up to our motto everyday;

“Teaching Christian Morals, Educating Tomorrow’s Leaders.”

Life is Not Posed.

I realize that is nothing to sneeze at. But when I realized that I had missed the goal by 6 pounds, I was destroyed. I couldn’t see any of the good in it. All I could see was the failure and it resonated in that place in me that had always said that about me.

Mike Weaver talks about the song Redeemed: I’m Mike Weaver, from the group Big Daddy Weave. I sing and play guitar for Big Daddy Weave. The song Redeemed continues to blow my mind how God is using this thing. I don’t think there’s any part of the songwriting process where you think, Well, this is the part where the Holy Spirit is going to talk somebody out of ending their life or encourage somebody in the middle of something that they’ve never been able to see a way out or see hope in the middle of. “Redeemed” came out of a place of brokenness for me. For as long as I can remember I have always never felt like I was enough. I’ve struggled a lot in my life with the issues of personal acceptance and self worth. And no matter what God has done through my life and around my life, I never really let that affect the way that I felt about myself. We kind of resolved to do this Biggest Loser-esque kind of idea in 2009. The goal was for me to lose 90 pounds in ‘09. In November I was down 70 pounds, all the way down 80 pounds in December, with only had 10 pounds to go, at that point. Honestly, it had become less about my health and more about reaching this number on the scale. And so on the last day of 2009 I got on the scale and I had lost 84 pounds.

It just sent me into a really, a really dark place in my life. I remember there was a day when it was at about it’s worst and I was down in our garage pouring these feelings of self-hatred out to Jesus. And just saying God if you can love me unconditionally and you are perfect and you are holy and you are the king of the universe, you can love me, why can’t I love and accept myself, God. And it was like the King of the Universe said to me, “Mike why don’t you let me tell you what I think about you for once.” And the God of Everything…said to my heart that day, “I like the way you smile man,” He said “I love your heart for people, and I even like your silly sense of humor, because I put all that stuff in you. And you’re mine, not because of your track record, not because of your ability or inability to do any thing, it’s based solely on what I have already done for you, the blood of Jesus Christ shed for your life. You are mine because of my track record.” I feel like the Lord showed me that day that what real humility is, is not self deprecation but what walking in humility really is, is just agreeing with what he says about anybody and anything and what he says about my life as his child, somebody who belongs to him, is that I am redeemed And that’s the way I need to see myself. Only Jesus can take the stuff that you hate about yourself, and use that to reach people man. As a person who has been ransomed by the blood of Jesus…when He looks at me….He says Redeemed. Isaiah 43:1: “But now, this is what the Lord says—He who created you, Jacob, He who formed you, Israel: “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are Mine.” *Adapted from Lifeway & Big Daddy Weave Story Behind the Song.

Lyrics of Redeemed: Seems like all I can see was the struggle
Haunted by ghosts that lived in my past
Bound up in shackles of all my failures
Wondering how long is this gonna last
Then You look at this prisoner and say to me “son
stop fighting a fight that’s already been won” I am redeemed, You set me free
So I’ll shake off theses heavy chains
Wipe away every stain now I’m not who I used to be
I am redeemed All my life I have been called unworthy
Named by the voice of my shame and regrt
But when I hear You whisper, “Child lift up your head”
I remember oh God, You’re not done with me yet I don’t have to be the old man inside of me
Cause his day is long dead and gone
I’ve got a new name, a new life I’m not the same
And a hope that will carry me home

1. Matt Maher

Featuring Audrey Assad-Lord, I Need You CD: All The People Said Amen

2. Chris Tomlin

Whom Shall I Fear (God of Angel Armies) CD: Burning Lights

3. The Afters

Every Good Thing CD: Life is Beautiful

4. Matthew West 5. Sidewalk Prophets Hello my name is CD: Into The Light

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Help Me Find It CD: Live Like That

is excited to present Dove Award winning Contemporary Christian band, Big Daddy Weave and their Only Name Tour

Tickets for this event will go on sale on Wednesday, July 25. Big Daddy Weave’s 7th CD, Love Come to Life, peaked at number 8 on the Billboard Christian Albums Chart. Love Come to Life features the title song, which peaked at number 6 on the Christian Songs chart as well as “Redeemed”, which peaked at number 5. Chris August along with up and coming Christian band Unspoken are the opening acts. August latest release Restore, Unspoken latest song, Who You Are has made an impact on Christian Radio.

Tickets are $15 Reserved Meet & Greet Tickets are $25

Tickets available at:

6. Building 429 We Won’t Be Shaken CD: We Won’t Be Shaken

7. Hawk Nelson Featuring Bart Millard-Words CD: Made

8. Aaron Shust

God of Brilliant Lights CD: Morning Rises

9. Jeremy Camp My God CD: Reckless

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Life’s Healing Choices By John Baker Published by Howard I wish I could take my hurts and place them in some emotional landfill and not worry about them anymore. Landfills are problematic for the environment. Let’s be honest, who wants to live next to one. The emotional landfills we develop are no different, and they are destructive to ourselves and others. Our hurts cannot just be thrown away and forgotten. John Baker, author of Life’s Healing Choices and founder of Celebrate Recovery, believes that God can use our hurts. Sounds crazy, doesn’t it? Most of us who have had a salvation experience with Jesus Christ know this is true. We also know that the continued need for healing is real and necessary. John Baker’s ministry which started at Saddleback Church has had a tremendous impact on many people.

The book introduces




Admitting need – The reality choice


Getting help – the hope choice


Letting go – the commitment choice


Coming clean – the housecleaning choice


Making changes – the transformation choice


Repairing relationships – the relationship choice


Maintaining momentum – the growth choice


Recycling pain – the sharing choice

Through Celebrate Recovery, one can walk through this process with others. Many of the stories shared in the book are true stories shared by people who went through the experience. They stories are real, raw, and refreshing. This book can be helpful for yourself, as it is for me, and you can share it with others. God can heal us. He wants to heal us. His healing is the best for us. We just have to make a choice submit to God, and allow God to do his thing.

Book Review by

Miguel Paredes Is a teacher at Edinburg North and earned his Masters in Theology from Dallas Theological Seminary. He is married to Brenda and has four children: Diego (10), Karla and Andrea (7), and Charis (3).

Cold-Case Christianity: A Homicide Detective Investigates the Claims of the Gospels

By J. Warner Wallace

David C Cook Publishers

Written by an L. A. County homicide detective and former atheist, ColdCase Christianity examines the claims of the New Testament using the skills and strategies of a hard-to-convince criminal investigator. Christianity could be defined as a “cold case”: it makes a claim about an event from the distant past for which there is little forensic evidence. In Cold-Case Christianity, J. Warner Wallace uses his nationally recognized skills as a homicide detective to look at the evidence and eyewitnesses behind Christian beliefs. Including gripping stories from his career and the visual techniques he developed in the courtroom, Wallace uses illustration to examine the powerful evidence that validates the claims of Christianity. A unique apologetic that speaks to readers’ intense interest in detective stories, Cold-Case Christianity inspires readers to have confidence in Christ as it prepares them to articulate the case for Christianity.

Forgiveness: Overcoming the Impossible

By Matthew West

Thomas Nelson Publishing

Whether giving or receiving, forgiveness is the key toward true healing and blessing. God says there are no limits to forgiveness toward others or ourselves. And when Matthew West set out on a journey asking people to share their true life stories, Renée shared about how she chose to forgive the drunk driver who hit and killed her daughter. This remarkable story and others like it bring peace and healing to the one needing and the ones giving forgiveness. Fifty powerful stories share forgiveness through divorce, betrayal, addiction, abandonment, death, and more. Each story ties into the promises of God’s faithfulness and healing, and ends with the story of God’s ultimate forgiveness through the message of salvation.

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New Hope Christian Fellowship

Starts August 27, 2013 Registration: $25 15 Week Course, meets on Tuesdays 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm For more details: 956-975-8242 205 W. 6th Street Weslaco, TX 78596

October 4th Big Daddy Weave

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August 10th The Convoy


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San Benito

August 8-9

Global Leadership Summit

Palm Valley Church

September 12 Coffee Talk Russos on N 10th McAllen 11:30am - 1:00pm

August 9-10 Train To reign

with Angela Greenig Centro Familiar Christiano Mission

September 6 Courtyard of Praise

First Presbyterian Church Mcallen

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No Deal Broken

Dear Dave, Our son is about to graduate from law school. He took out a loan to cover the cost, but we’ve been paying on it for two years to help him out. Right now, the balance on the loan is about $76,000. We could continue paying it off, but my husband is hesitant. How do you feel about this situation? Patty

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Dear Patty, It’s not a bad thing if you guys decide to continue helping him out by paying off the rest of the loan. But I don’t want you to feel as if you’re obligated in any way. No deal has been broken here, and you haven’t reneged on a previous agreement. But there’s absolutely nothing wrong with a young lawyer earning a living and paying off his own debt. He can roll up his sleeves and clean up the mess he participated in making. If you do decide to pay it off, that’s an incredibly generous gift. In my mind, it should be met with much gratitude and appreciation. It should also be accompanied by a signed letter of agreement from him stating that he will never, except in the case of a 15-year, fixed rate mortgage, borrow money again. In other words, I’d want to see some kind of permanent commitment and recognition of the fact that you guys have changed your family tree. I’d want this kid to be affected in a deep and profound way by this gift; so much that his kids would also be affected in a positive way by your behavior and by his in the years to come! —Dave

Is It In The Will?

Dear Dave, My father is terminally ill, and my two brothers and I recently had a talk with dad about his estate. He wants everything, except his house, left to us. He would like it to go to his long-time girlfriend, but it’s not written that way in the will. Should we have the will changed to reflect this desire? Dan Dear Dan, I’m really sorry about your dad. I know this isn’t easy for you guys, but I’m glad you’re all working together to make things right. Yes, the will needs to be changed to reflect his wishes where the house is concerned. If he is still of sound mind and able to make that decision independently, the will should describe exactly what he wants to happen with every piece of his estate.

For more financial help please visit: Dave Ramsey is a personal money-management expert and extremely popular national radio personality. His three New York Times best-selling books—Financial Peace, More Than Enough and The Total Money Makeover—have sold more than 6 million copies combined. His latest book,

EntreLeadership: 20 Years of Practical Business Wisdom from the wTrenches, released in September 2011.

There is an alternative though. It’s fine if he simply wants to give her the house. But he could also leave her a life estate that says she gets the use of the home as long as she’s alive. Then, upon her death, it would revert to you. Essentially, the house would be left to you, but she would have use of it during her life. This is a more traditional approach in these kinds of situations, but it’s your dad’s will and his estate. He can do whatever he wants. But remember, if he deeds the house to you and you give it to her, you’ll have a gift-tax situation on your hands. You don’t want to get into that mess! —Dave

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Raul “Rudy” Rodriguez

attorney at law Some historians may argue that among the greatest restoration stories of mankind are the European Renaissance or perhaps the post-World War II era. The cultural movement known as the European Renaissance roughly took place during the 14th through 17th centuries. This moment in history saw the face of Europe evolve with respect to its arts, architecture and long held science tenets. It also saw a rediscovery of the Greco-Roman classical knowledge and a rebirth of the study of Latin and vernacular languages. It served as a bridge between the Middle Ages and the Modern Era. Closer to home, America saw its restoration take place in the years that followed World War II. During this era, couples who could not afford families during the Great Depression made up for lost time. The mood in America suddenly became optimistic. At that time, the unemployment rate of the Great Depression dropped dramatically and the economy improved substantially. The G.I. Bill empowered many honorable service members to finish high school and attend college. As their skills were improved, so was the financial well-being of their families. But, without a doubt the greatest restoration that can take place is when a person does as Romans 10:9 instructs us to do. Romans 10:9 says: “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” The message is simple: invite Christ into your heart and make him your personal Lord and Savior. At that time, your restoration will be complete. Next He will do as Philippians 1:6 says, “And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.” As you seek and strive to honor God with your life, He will reward you by allowing you to take on His characteristics. Hosea 14:4 says, “I will bring my people back to me. I will love them with all my heart; No longer am I angry with them.” I pray that you will invite Christ into your heart and allow Him to restore you! At my office, I also want to be part of your restoration plan, albeit in a different way. I pray that God will use me for His honor and glory in helping me address your needs. If you have been involved in an auto accident and/or other serious injury or if you have lost a loved one as a result of someone’s negligence, I will do my best to restore some sense of normality to your life. I will also help you in matters involving family law, criminal law and real estate and will issues. As always, I bear in mind that in honoring God with the way I handle my business relationships I will be honoring you my esteemed client.

Raul “Rudy” Rodriguez Phone: 956.380.1421 / Toll Free: 877.480.1421 Fax: 956.380.2920 / Mobile: 956.655.5455

Phone: 956.380.1421 / Toll Free: / Fax: 956.380.2920 / Mobile: 956.655.5455 511 W. University / Edinburg, TX877.480.1421 78539 e-mail: 511 W. University / Edinburg, TX 78539 / e-mail: / 40 /www.valleychristianmagazine. com /

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