Valley Christian Magazine October 2012

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October 2012

Radically Rescued by TRUTH


Football, Faith and John 3:16 Bad PlacetoBe


Christian p.16

W omen t oday



No Loitering p.32

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Fun to Date...But NOT to Marry


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W t oday


35 – – – –

James MacDonald Greg Laurie Joe Beam Dave Ramsey

Valley Contributors 8 26 30 32 36

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12 – At Home with Pastor Kevin Sheese 14 – Faith, Football and John 3:16 20 – Christian Women Today 24 – My Valley Story 34 – Kids Talk About God 35 – Veggie Tales: Parents Guide to Raise Incredible Kids 38 – Fellowship of Christian Athletes 40 – 5 Questions with Jesus Culture: it’s really more like 20! 43 – New Releases 44 – Events

Guide to Raise Incredible Kids

National Columnists 10 18 28 46


Christian Torres Abram Gomez Dr. Theresa Valladares Jerrell Jobe Miguel Paredes

On The Cover

Football, Faith & John 3:16

24– My Valley Story with Korey of Logos Community


24 My Valley Story began as an idea to share the story of people who have come from wrecked lives. People who have hurt others, and been hurt. People who are cheaters, liers, perverts, violent, bitter, and angry. People with all of these characteristics who were radically rescued by TRUTH.

AT HOME WITH: Pastor Kevin Sheese

Vol. 2 / Issue 7

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Valley Christian Magazine is a publication of Texas Christian Publications (a 501c3 organization). Texas Christian Publications reserves the right to edit, modify, revise, rewrite and reject editorial materials and assumes no responsibility for accuracy, errors, omissions or consequences arising from it. All correspondence to this publication becomes the property of Texas Christian Publications. Texas Christian Publications shall be KHOG KDUPOHVV LQGHPQLÀHG DJDLQVW any third-party claims. Texas Christian Publications accepts no claims made by photographers, agents or contributors. Writers’ and columnists’ opinions are not necessarily those of Texas Christian Publications or its publishers. Advertisements appearing in Texas Christian Publications present only the viewpoint of the advertisers. We assume no responsibility for advertising claims made in this publication. Valley Christian Magazine is printed in the United States. Reproduction without the expressed written permissi on prohibited. Copyright 2011.

/ Printed in the USA.


ore than a MMumble By Christian Torres

KH PXVW QRW HYHQ EH WDONLQJ DERXW WKH QXPEHU RI ZRUGV ZRPHQ VSHDN +DKDÂŤ-XVW NLGGLQJ He posed the question: How many of those words we speak are toward God? Half a book? A few chapters? One Chaper? Paragraphs? Even a sentence? It captured my attention in thinking that ‌well, I pray to God often. In WKH FDU PHDOV ZKHQ , ZDNH XS , WKRXJKW FKHFNÂł,¡P JRRG ZLWK WKLV RQH James 5:16 states, “The fervent prayer of a righteous man results in much.â€? Isaiah 40:9 says, “Lift up your voice with strength‌lift it up, fear not.â€? I thought of the times throughout the day that I do pray to God. How many times were they really fervent‌.how many times did I actually speak out my prayers. Other than the dinner table with my kids‌. I basically said them in my head or mumbled them a few decibels louder than a whisper. Recently I was dealing with a situation where my plan and abilities were not working (of course‌should I have expected anything else?). That’s when I remembered Isaiah 40:9 and out it came. Just like the words from the song from Plumb “God, I need you‌â€?

There is no Plan B. Most of us are working out our Plan A and if all else fails‌.there’s always Plan B. What if there was no Plan B? What if you only had Plan A?

You know what? It felt different. Not just mumbling my prayer to God but actually crying out to Him. Letting Him know that I do need him. Not just in a bad circumstance but all the time. Sometimes we need to let God know that we need him more than a whisper. More than a mumble. More than a passing thought.

Well when it comes to relying on God to get you through something. Friends‌there’s only Plan A – Relying on God. Now don’t get me wrong. We have to do our part. We have to commit to prayer‌commit to working hard‌yet when it all boils down to it, we have to rely that God will get you through it.

Know this, there is a time and place for quietness with God. There is a time and a place for you to think your prayers or whisper your prayers but sometimes the time and place is calling for you to cry out to God with a loud voice. Show Him how serious you are. Do more than a whisper or a PXPEOH /LIH 8S \RXU 9RLFH

I recently heard a sermon from James MacDonald (yes, he is a writer in our magazine‌see his article on page 10 on Worship: The Most Powerful Thing We Can Do) on crying out to God in your prayers.


He shared a fun fact on the number of words we speak in a day. Did you know we speak about half a book a day? Now I’m not talking a Dr. Seuss book, I’m talking full-on novel. If we took the words we spoke in a day ZH FRXOG DOPRVW ÀOO DQ HQWLUH QRYHO , WKRXJKW WKDW ZDV FUD]\ , WKRXJKW

Is a graduate of Baylor University. He and his wife, Stephanie, live in McAllen with their 3 daughters: Madeleine (12), Natalie (9), and Courtney (7). They are members of Palm Valley Church of Mission.

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Worship: The Most Powerful Thing We Do By Dr. James MacDonald

When Jesus said, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be alsoâ€? (Matthew 6:21), He was punctuating the absolute centrality of worship as the determinant for every human future. Worship or adoration is the most powerful expression a human being is capable of. When worship is directed to an unworthy person or object, we call it idolatry. Idolatry, not pride as we are often told, is the root of all sin. Pride is the wrong view of self that fuels idolatry, but the ultimate sin is the actual act of placing anyone or anything RQ WKH WKURQH WKDW LV *RG¡V DORQH 7KH Ă€UVW RI *RG¡V ´7RS Âľ FRPmands forbids idolatry with the words “You shall have no other gods before Meâ€? (Exodus 20:3), and Jesus reiterated that reality, circling “Love the Lord your Godâ€? as the greatest commandment (Matthew 22:34–40; Mark 12:28–34). The highest and most powerful human experience is to express our love to the most worthy object of that affection. In the elevation of Christ’s worthiness, our greatest joy is discovered. The greatest sin, then, is directing that adoration elsewhere; not only because it insults God, but also because it insulates our hearts from the delight we were created to revel in. To fail at worship is the greatest failure a human is capable of with the gravest and most immediate of consequences. But when a believing commuQLW\ DPSOLĂ€HV ZRUVKLS DV WKHLU XOWLPDWH SULRULW\ WKH\ DUH VKDSHG E\ that adoration into the most powerful human force possible. :RUVKLS 'HĂ€QHG The Hebrew word translated worship means, literally, “to fall or to prostrate yourself before someone on the ground, touching your IRUHKHDG WR HDUWK Âľ 3K\VLFDOO\ RU Ă€JXUDWLYHO\ ZRUVKLS LQYROYHV ERZLQJ or prostrating yourself before someone in humility and is actually a picture of subservience. In the New Testament, two words describe this action. One is the word proskuneo, which means “to kiss toward or to kiss the handâ€?—it’s the idea of adoration (this is the word repeatedly used in John 4). The second word is latreuo, meaning “to give or to pay homage.â€?

Listen to Walk in the Word locally weekdays at 5:30a.m.

When you worship, you are saying, “This one is worth more.â€? At the VDPH WLPH \RX DUH LPSO\LQJ ´, DP ZRUWK OHVV Âľ :RUVKLS LV WKH PDJQLĂ€cation of God and the minimization of self. One of the most succinct expressions of a worshipper’s heart in all the New Testament came from John the Baptist: “He must increase, but I must decreaseâ€? (John 3:30).

James MacDonald is founding and Senior Pastor at Harvest Bible Chapel in northwest Chicago. James’ teachings can be heard on Walk in the Word, a daily radio program reaching more than 3 million people across North America. Used by permission of Walk in the Word, Elgin, Ill., 61023.


by permission of Walk in the Word,Elgin, Ill., 61023.

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H ave you everexperi enced the ‘H ol y Land’? P

eople who have had this experience will often go back many times, and for those who have never made the trip, it is more than just a vacation. It’s an opportunity for your Bible, with the stories, words, and images, to become vibrant and real when we follow the paths that Jesus walked, or feel the waves as they rock the boat on the same water where Jesus travelled. It’s about standing on Mt. Nebo, in Jordan and looking over the ‘Promised Land’ as Moses did. It’s a sail on the Sea of Galilee in a boat, very similar to the one in which Jesus sailed. One of the highlights of a trip to the Holy Land is often the Western Wall, or the ‘Wailing Wall’ in Jerusalem. It’s the only remaining section of King Herod’s

temple that ran directly behind the temple that housed the Holy of Holies. There, according to the Bible, the presence of God dwelled. Today, as we visit the Western Wall we are reminded that we are as close to an ancient dwelling place of God as you can get. You cannot help but hear the cries of God’s people—presently and over the hundreds of years, as they pour out their hearts to Him. One couple who frequently took vacations—never understood the ‘draw’ to the Holy Land. Since visiting the ÀUVW WLPH WKH\ KDYH UHYLVLWHG QXPHUous times—and look forward to going back again soon. When they were asked why they continue to go back, they said, “You must travel there to re

ally understand what it is like to experience the Holy Land. Now when I read about the resurrection, I am inspired. I go back to what I saw…the empty tomb! He is risen!” If you wish to experience the same--if you want to walk where Jesus walked, touch the wall that stood behind the Temple, and so much more, join Chuck Olson Tours & Cruises on their yearly pilgrimage to the Holy Land. This 11-day tour is an in-depth journey to the land where it all began with all travel, hotels, (breakfasts, dinners and most lunches provided), along with very knowledgeable tour guides. Join us for a once in a lifetime and truly life changing experience! ~Chuck Olson

H ol y Land & Petra Tour M arch 8-19,2013 Land & A i rFrom M cA l l en Enid Olson, Tour Host Contact us regarding Group Rates.

YourTourIncludes: Round trip from McAllen, Texas Full breakfast and dinner daily plus three lunches as outlined in the itinerary Transfers & Sightseeing, per itinerary via deluxe air-conditioned motorcoach with the services of a licensed English-speaking tour host

Chuck Olson Tours & Cruises 956-664-2916 / 800-568-9890 3827 N 10th St. Ste. 203 McAllen, TX 78501 We reserve the right to make changes to the itinerary or arrangements due to circumstances beyond our control. Passport must be valid for 6

months following our/return / 11 /www.valleychristianmagazine. com

At Home With Pastor Kevin Sheese Wife: Pam Sheese Rio Valley Church of the Nazarene 1400 W Nolana McAllen, TX 78504 956-686-6748 Service Times: Sunday: 10:45 – Worship 9:45 – Sunday School

Wednesday: 7:00 – Ladies Bible Study, Youth & Kids Tuesday: 7:00 – Men’s Bible Study (in a home) Life Groups Throughout the week

How long have you been Pastor of Rio Valley Church of the Nazarene? We’ve been here 12 ½ years and moved here from Illinois. At our previous church, we were at we were there for 16 years…. guess you can say we don’t move around much! I drive by your church daily…how long have you been around? The church has been here on the corner of Main and Nolana since around 1966. The church began downtown McAllen over on 12th and Fresno. It started with a tent meeting back in the early days of McAllen. After moving here, we’ve just about torn everything down except the sanctuary and in 1998 they did a major remodel. Share one of the characteristics of Rio Valley? Rio Valley Nazarene had a celebration of the nations not too long ago. We celebrated the various cultures and ethnicities represented here. We celebrated 15 different countries of origin from Arratia, North Africa, The Congo, Libya, many others and of course Hispanic and Anglo. We liked that because we think Heaven is going to be little like that…. the various cultures yet the oneness we have in Christ. Have you always been Rio Valley? We were originally known as First Church of the Nazarene. We changed it about 2-2 ½ years ago. Why the name Change? Well, we had a member of the church

who had invited someone to go to church with them. Their response was “oh you’re talking about that Anglo church.” I thought…hhhhmph…there was something about that name First Church of the Nazarene that drummed up an image in people’s minds. So we went through the long process within the denomination and the church to change the name to “Rio Valley.” We thought that this would better communicate with our culture here in the Valley. How long have you been married? 38 years. Since 1974. Tell us about your wife. My wife teaches second grade at Navarro Elementary in McAllen ISD. She recently just became a Gramma a few weeks ago. [VCM: So that makes you a Grampa?] No it doesn’t!! Haha Just kidding. She loves teaching…she just absolutely loves the kids. How did you get from Illinois to the Valley? How we got here was from an Anglo church within a small community of around 6000 people. There was a hog processing plant that killed 15,000 hogs a day. They were bringing Hispanic people in from Texas. Most of them were men ZKR FDPH E\ WKHPVHOYHV DW ÀUVW WR ZRUN and then would later bring their families up to join them. My wife felt that there was no outreach to them. We knew that most could not speak any English, so we started an English as a second language class at our church. Even though neither one us / 12 / /

spoke any Spanish. We were able to connect with a lady who spoke Spanish and ironically she had moved to our town from McAllen. People started coming and it grew to an after school program. We recruited volunteers to help them with their homework. It was going well and that’s when my wife suggested that we start a Spanish Service and I was like yeah right. But we did! We ZHQW RXW DQG PDGH Á\HUV DQG KDQGHG them out throughout the community. People came because I think when people know that you care about them… whether you can speak their language or not…. they know. We didn’t know anything about cross culture ministry. We did the music and God allowed it to grow. I realized that I could preach and it could be interpreted but I could not disciple them. I could not create small groups or anything with my lack of speaking the Spanish language. That’s when we were able to bring up a Pastor from Guadalajara to help with the ministry. That was one of the most challenging yet most rewarding time in our ministry. We were not gifted or equipped but we saw God move. We believe that this work prepared us and allowed us the opportunity to serve here in the Rio Grande Valley. What would you say is the purpose of your church? Building lives for Christ. Lives that love God. Connect with others and serve the world. So all of our programs and everything that we initiate try to accomplish

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others to Christ? What are the challenges you have where there is a close enough relationship where they can share what WKHLU GHÀFLHQFLHV FKDOOHQJHV DUH DQG they can challenge one another. Pray with one another. Help deal with issues ZLWK SDUHQWLQJ DQG ÀQDQFH 7KHUH·V MXVW something you learn when you are oneon-one with a couple that can help walk you through something they’ve gone WKURXJK 3XWWLQJ *RG ÀUVW each of those purposes. We’re helping people come to love God with a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Our Life Groups and small group ministry help people live life together. I can tell you the RQH DUHD ZH DUH ÀQGLQJ RXU QLFKH LV ZLWK our service ministry. We want to serve our community the best way possible. From when you got here 12 years ago to today, how is Rio Valley Different? Well I when I got here it was kind of tradition driven. A lot of it was geared toward Winter Texans. The attendance would dramatically increase. When I got here we started changing the mindset of not trying to only reach winter Texans but reach the people living in McAllen. Where the average person in McAllen is 26 years old, married with 2 children and they’re Hispanic. That’s our target outreach. We changed from one person and a choir to Worship teams and a worship band with drums, guitar, etc… We also implemented comprehensive small groups with great training of the leaders with workshops and one-on-one training. Fast forward 12 years from now….what do we see? I would like to see an increase in our small groups. We currently have around 60-70% involvement with our groups which is pretty good, but I still believe for people to really be disciples, and not just Sunday attendees, need that life-on-life with other Christians. I would really like to have more like 90% involvement. I’d like for us to be doing something with our community where we are really making a difference in the lives of people. Not sure what that is yet but I’m sure God will OHDG XV WKHUH ,·G OLNH WR ÀQG WKDW ZKHUH our facility is being used more throughout the week. We are on a vibrant thoroughfare and we are located very visibly and I’d like for us to continue and increase our foreign mission involvement. It does something for those we serve, but it really does something for those doing the serving. It changes their hearts. It helps them to see Missions in a worldview and not just Christ here in the Valley or in their own little world. It’s a lot bigger than that. Talk a little bit about the people being discipled…walking life on life: We know that there is a time and place for formal teaching and for bible study. But I believe real life transformation occurs when people actually take that information and implement it in their lives. That is the challenge. That is the dynamic of life groups. We take our studies and apply them to life. How is this going to help you in life? How is this going to draw you to Christ? How is this going to draw

I believe it is like the same model of Jesus Christ and His disciples. He’s walking with them in daily life. Doing life with them and yet making spiritual applications as He walking with them. I believe in what I would call relational evangelism. I believe in building genuine relationships with people. Caring about them where they are outside the four walls of the church and then earning the opportunity to ask those personal questions and to share Christ’s love and truth with them. This is what I am preaching/teaching, we have to touch our world outside the four walls of our church. Can you share a story about relational evangelism? I go Starbucks a lot and I made friends with one of the Baristas. I’m trying to reach out to him. It turns out that he is LQWHUHVWHG ZLWK 8)& XOWLPDWH ÀJKWLQJ championship) which turns out I am a hard-core fan. We had an event in our home and invited him. He came and has been to church several times. You know… mutual interests…just everyday encounters. There’s a dynamic when you have it in your home…there’s that warmer and closer relationship you can have. What are you passionate about? This is it! Teaching people to reach out and build relationships. You know I’m not going to get anybody saved or disFLSOHG VLWWLQJ KHUH LQ P\ RIÀFH ,W KDV WR be outside these four walls. Teach them the practical things…you know some people live an isolated life. They say that after you become a Christian within 2 years you rarely have many friends that are outside the kingdom of God. Hmmmm, I don’t think that’s right. The people Jesus hung out with…who were they? He was criticized for it. Here’s an example I used in a sermon illustration a few weeks ago: Two months ago we were at South Padre Island and there’s a place down on the beach called Clayton’s. I guess you’d call it a party place. My wife and I were down on the beach and a storm came rolling in. I saw it coming and told my wife that we need to get under cover. So we went up inside under cover towards the back…which was near the bar. Soon everyone was coming up. We were sitting there eating at a table for four when saw a young couple standing there. Well we had two extra seats so we invited them to join us. They did and set their beers on our table. We started looking around thinking who is going to think that it’s mine?! Well wouldn’t you know it…I look over across the area and we see this brand new couple from our church that I had just taken through new membership. They were like ‘heeeeey how’s it going?!’ I thought wait a minute…why should I be / 14 / /

embarrassed or intimidated by befriending people that need the Lord. We had a wonderful conversation with that couple. We got to know them. Talked about different things. You know I could have gotten up and left or not invited them by thinking what are people going to think? We would have missed an opportunity to have a life impact on the couple. Not sure if they will ever come to our church but I know he will remember that I didn’t thump him over the head with the bible. I was just a real normal guy. Let’s talk about that normal guy… , ORYH WR ÀVK«GRQ·W JHW PXFK WLPH WR ÀVK but I still love to do it. I love UFC (ultimate ÀJKWLQJ FKDPSLRQVKLS . I love to watch it and not do it! Some people think that it’s too violent but I don’t think it’s anymore violent than the NFL. You know there’s some application there to life…of competition. )LJKW WKH JRRG ÀJKW :H ZUHVWOH QRW« , GRQ·W WKLQN WKDW MXVWLÀHV 8)& >ODXJKLQJ@ but there’s opportunity there to reach out to that area of life. My wife and I love to hike. We went hiking this summer up in Utah and did some hiking in very remote areas. We wound up going so far that we got dehydrated and got sick that night. We only took one bottle of water, so we learned to be prepared next time! Another hobby is smoking ribs. We will do that here at the church from time to time. Smoke ribs…cook fajitas and chicken. That always brings people in! Can you share about your journey to becoming a Pastor? I was 18 and my not-yet-wife back then knew she was not supposed to be dating me. She was raised in church and was taught what a good Christian boy should be like. I wasn’t the church kind. Well I went but I was doing everything you weren’t supposed to be doing. One weekend, we had a revival at our church and God spoke to her. She came up to me and said we are done. She wouldn’t date me anymore. Later on, I was in my car at the city park and I repented. I threw my Marlboro’s out the window! The Lord dealt with me and later that year, I felt the call to be a Pastor. I fought it for about two years and then went to Bible College in Colorado. He called but I didn’t pick up the phone right away! But I am glad I did!!

Pastor Kevin & Pam Sheese

Edinburg Conference Center at Renaissance Saturday, November 17th at 5:00pm What was the Star?

FREE to public [but recommended for ages 10+.]

Scholars debate whether the Star of Bethlehem was a legend manufactured by early church or was it a miracle which marked the advent of Christ.

Absolutely no collections will be taken or requested, we just want to share this amazing presentation with you!

But if the Star was a real astronomical event, what could it have been? Come see the science and proof behind the most famous celestial event in history. / 15 / /

Football, Faith / 16 / /


ost Americans love football and faith. Mixing the two, NFL quarterback Tim Tebow has reinvigorated the debate about public expressions of religion. One of the controversies has been the NFL player’s common practice of writing biblical references—such as John 3:16—on the black marks beneath his eyes.

Yet, does the typical American even know what this reference means? Last year, the American Bible Society commissioned %DUQD *URXS WR Ă€QG RXW KRZ ZHOO $PHULFDQV XQGHUVWRRG YDULRXV DVSHFWV RI WKH %LEOH LQFOXGLQJ LI WKH\ FRXOG LGHQWLI\ ZKDW WKH numbers “3:16â€? mean. The question mentioned the phrase John 3:16 and asked people to identify, without any predetermined choices, what the “threeâ€? means. Overall, nearly seven out of 10 Americans (68%) were able to identify without any prompting from the interviewers that the “threeâ€? in John 3:16 refers to the chapter where the biblical reference is found. More than three out of ten adults either gave an incorrect answer (15%) or ventured no guess (17%). Among Mr. Tebow’s generational peers—Americans who are 18 to 27-year-olds—the basic understanding was even lower than the national average (61%). Practicing Protestant Christians (80%) were more likely than were practicing Catholics (66%) WR XQGHUVWDQG WKH UHIHUHQFH 2QH RI WKH VXUSULVHV D PDMRULW\ RI SHRSOH RXWVLGH &KULVWLDQLW\ LQFOXGLQJ WKRVH DIĂ€OLDWHG ZLWK another faith or atheists and agnostics, said they understood the “threeâ€? refers to the chapter. In comparison with other things Americans know about the Bible, awareness of the chapter reference was comparatively VWURQJ 6OLJKWO\ PRUH $PHULFDQV ZHUH DEOH WR LGHQWLI\ FRUUHFWO\ WKH Ă€UVW ERRN LQ WKH %LEOH DV *HQHVLV %XW IHZHU ZHUH DEOH to name the original languages of the Old Testament (Hebrew, named by 57%) or New Testament (Greek, by 27%). 'DYLG .LQQDPDQ SUHVLGHQW RI %DUQD *URXS GLUHFWHG WKH VWXG\ RQ EHKDOI RI WKH $PHULFDQ %LEOH 6RFLHW\ +H SXW WKH Ă€QGLQJV LQ FRQWH[W ´7KH FRQWURYHUV\ VXUURXQGLQJ 0U 7HERZ HQGV XS DIIHFWLQJ VR PDQ\ SHRSOH EHFDXVHÂłZKHWKHU WKH\ KDYH DQ DIĂ€QLW\ for sports or not—most Americans have at least some knowledge of the Bible and connection to Christianity. Despite the pundits’ protestations, more Americans than one would expect know exactly what Tim is Tebow-ing about in the end zone.â€?

Read David Kinnaman’s blog post WHAT WIKI STATS SAYS ABOUT JOHN 3:16.

5REHUW *ULIÀQ ,,, RI WKH :DVKLQJWRQ 5HGVNLQV WDNHV D NQHH DIWHU KLV ÀUVW 1)/ WRXFKGRZQ About Barna Group Barna Group (which includes its research division, the Barna Research Group) is a private, non-partisan, forSURÀW RUJDQL]DWLRQ XQGHU WKH XPEUHOOD RI WKH ,VVDFKDU &RPSDQLHV ,W FRQGXFWV SULPDU\ UHVHDUFK SURGXFHV PHGLD resources pertaining to spiritual development, and facilitates the healthy spiritual growth of leaders, children, families and Christian ministries.

Located in Ventura, California, Barna Group has been conducting and analyzing primary research to understand cultural trends related to values, beliefs, attitudes and behaviors since 1984. If you would like to receive free e-mail QRWLĂ€FDWLRQ RI WKH UHOHDVH RI HDFK XSGDWH RQ WKH ODWHVW UHVHDUFK Ă€QGLQJV IURP %DUQD *URXS \RX PD\ VXEVFULEH to this free service at the Barna website ( Additional research-based resources are also available through this website. Š Barna Group 2012.

and John 3:16 / 17 / /

Bad PlacetoBe


Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the path of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful. Psalm 1:1

By GREG LAURIE When you hang out with the wrong people at the wrong place at the wrong time, it is only a matter of time until you do the wrong thing. $IWHU -HVXV¡ DUUHVW ZH Ă€QG 3HWHU KDQJLQJ DURXQG in the courtyard of Caiaphas the high priest, ZKHUH WKHUH ZDV D Ă€UH JRLQJÂłWKH HQHP\¡V Ă€UH ,W was a bad place to be. Psalm 1 says, “Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the path of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful; but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he meditates day and nightâ€? (verses 1–2). Peter was with those ungodly people. And someone recognized him as one of the followers of Jesus. A little later someone else noticed him and also claimed that Peter had been in Jesus’ company. Then another person saw him and said that Peter must be one of Jesus’ disciples; his Galilean accent gave him away. And the Scripture tells us that Peter swore he was not one of Jesus’ followers. Then the rooster crowed, just as Jesus said it would. And Luke’s Gospel tells us, “The Lord turned and looked at Peter . . .â€? (Luke 22:61). I think as Jesus looked at Peter, He looked at him with love, because Jesus saw potential. Let’s not forget that Jesus changed Simon’s name to Peter, which meant “rock.â€? That is stability. That is dependability. But it was going to take a little time for Peter to grow into his name. At the time, he felt downhearted, discouraged, like he had been a failure. He went out and wept bitterly. Was there KRSH IRU KLP" <HV WKHUH ZDVÂłEHFDXVH RI WKH resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.

greg laurie

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is Senior Pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside, Calif. He began his pastoral ministry at 19 by leading a Bible study of 30 people. Since then, God has transformed the small group into a church of 15,000-plus, one of the largest churches in America. For more, visit www. Used by permission from Harvest Ministries with Greg Laurie, P.O. Box 4000, Riverside, Calif., 92514. All rights reserved. Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright Š 1996.

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W t oday: Women Think of Faith, Leadership and Their Role What

in the


Women are the backbone of U.S. Christian churches. They are more likely than men to comprise the ranks of churchgoers, volunteers and Sunday school teachers. Yet, how do women feel about occupying these roles at their church? Do they feel YDOXHG" 8QGHUYDOXHG" $UH WKH\ VDWLVÀHG ZLWK WKHLU OHYHO RI LQvolvement and their opportunity for leadership? In this article, the team at Barna Group looks at the perceptions of Christian women in America, beginning with their views of leadership, church and their place in it.

Satisfied? Broadly speaking, the research depicts two types of experi-

HQFHV DPRQJ &KULVWLDQ ZRPHQ 7KH ÀUVW UHSUHVHQWV WKH PDMRULW\ of Christian women. Most express a great deal of satisfaction with the church they attend when it comes to leadership opportunities. Three quarters say they are making the most of their gifts and potential (73%) and a similar proportion feel they are doing meaningful ministry (72%). More than half say they have VXEVWDQWLDO LQÁXHQFH LQ WKHLU FKXUFK DQG D VOLJKW PDMRULW\ H[SHFW WKHLU LQÁXHQFH WR LQFUHDVH Yet, the study also shows another experience for many other women. These women are frustrated by their lack of opportunities at church and feel misunderstood and undervalued by their church leaders. About three out of 10 churchgoing women (31%) say they are resigned to low expectations when it comes WR FKXUFK 2QH ÀIWK IHHO XQGHU XWLOL]HG 2QH VL[WK VD\ their opportunities at church are limited by their gender (16%). Roughly one out of every eight women feel under-appreciated by their church (13%) and one out of nine believe they are taken for granted (11%). Although these represent small percentages, given that about 70 million Americans qualify as churched adult women, this amounts to millions of women in the U.S. today who feel discouraged by their experiences in churches.

Leaders? A common stereotype is that women are not as likely as men to be leaders. But the research shows Christian women are equally likely as Christian men to consider themselves to be leaders. One out of every three Christian women use the term “leader” to describe themselves—the same proportion as among men. On a positive note, many women leaders believe the church is a receptive place for their leadership. Women who self-identify as OHDGHUV PRVW RIWHQ ÀQG WKDW UROH IXOÀOOHG LQ FRQJUHJDWLRQDO VHWtings (52%). Others say they serve as leaders on the job (31%), at

/ 20 / /

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home (29%), in their community (28%), in a school setting RU DW D QRQ SURĂ€W RUJDQL]DWLRQ

would have more effective ministry if women were given more opportunities to lead.

It is slightly more common for women to self-identify as a servant, a label embraced by half of today’s Christian women. Self-described servants say they embody this role by praying for other people (46%), encouraging others (24%), helping the needy (24%), sharing the gospel (23%), volunteering (21%), donating money (17%), and giving WLPH WR D QRQ SURÀW

‡ 2QO\ KDOI RI ZRPHQ VD\ WKH PDOH OHDGHUV LQ WKHLU church are willing to change the rules and structures to give women more leadership opportunities.

Even so, most Christian women feel the pangs of guilt and are motivated to do more with their life. Three quarters of women say they feel they can and should be doing more to serve God (73%).

‡ 2YHUDOO RI ZRPHQ VD\ WKH\ FDQ WHOO E\ LWV DFWLRQV that their church values the leadership of women as much as it values the leadership of men.

‡ 5Hà HFWLQJ VRPH RI WKH FKDOOHQJHV ZRPHQ H[SHULHQFH LQ churches, 41% of women say they have more opportunities to lead outside of their church than within their church.


Support? The research also looked at how women perceive various aspects of their leadership opportunities within churches. The study highlighted a mixed set of perceptions among Christian women: ‡ :KLOH PRVW ZRPHQ VD\ WKHLU FKXUFK LV HLWKHU WRWDOO\ RSHQ WR RU PRVWO\ RSHQ WR ZRPHQ IXOÀOOLQJ WKHLU OHDGHUVKLS potential in their church, about one quarter of women (24%) still feel the role of pastor is not open to women. ‡ 0RUH WKDQ WKUHH TXDUWHUV RI ZRPHQ GLVDJUHH WKDW the Bible prohibits them from being leaders in the church. ‡ 0RVW ZRPHQ VD\ WKH\ DUH IXOO\ VXSSRUWHG LQ SXUVXLQJ leadership roles by the men in their lives, including their senior pastors (68%) and their husbands (63%). They are least OLNHO\ WR SHUFHLYH WKLV VXSSRUW IURP RWKHU PDOH RIÀFHUV LQ their church (54%). ‡ 0RUH WKDQ RQH WKLUG RI ZRPHQ VD\ WKHLU FKXUFK

About the Research The study on which this report is based included telephone surveys with 603 women who are ages 18 or older who describe themselves as Christians and have attended a Christian church service within the past six months (excluding holiday services or special events). These Christian women were randomly chosen from the 48 continental states. The maximum margin of sampling error for a sample of that size is estimated to be within SHUFHQWDJH SRLQWV DW WKH FRQĂ€GHQFH OHYHO 7KHUH DUH RWKHU IRUPV RI VXUYH\ error that cannot be statistically estimated. About Barna Group Barna Group (which includes its research division, the Barna Research Group) is a priYDWH QRQ SDUWLVDQ IRU SURĂ€W RUJDQL]DWLRQ XQGHU WKH XPEUHOOD RI WKH ,VVDFKDU &RPSDnies. It conducts primary research, produces media resources pertaining to moral and spiritual development, and works with a variety of organizations to facilitate the healthy moral and spiritual growth of leaders, children, families, individuals and Christian ministries. Located in Ventura, California, Barna Group has been conducting and analyzing primary research to understand cultural trends related to values, beliefs, attitudes and EHKDYLRUV VLQFH ,I \RX ZRXOG OLNH WR UHFHLYH IUHH H PDLO QRWLĂ€FDWLRQ RI WKH UHOHDVH RI HDFK XSGDWH RQ WKH ODWHVW UHVHDUFK Ă€QGLQJV IURP %DUQD *URXS \RX PD\ VXEVFULEH WR this free service at the Barna website ( Other research-based resources are also available through this website. Š Barna Group 2012. The State of Christian Women Series From Barna Group and Barna Books To learn more about the lives of women, check out two recent Barna Books, Resignation of Eve and {w}hole


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Story began as an idea to share My Valley the story of people who have come from wrecked lives. People who have hurt others, and been hurt. People who are cheaters, liers, perverts, violent, bitter, and angry. People with all of these characteristics who were radically rescued by TRUTH.

Valley Christian Magazine & Logos Community has partnered up for the next 12 months--we will post a story and a video of these people. You will hear them tell rough, painful, stories of ugliness. Of pain. They will vividly describe to you, their scars.

So why would anyone do this? I assure you, none of them are choosing to do it for shock value, or to recount a war story. None of them seek credit for the change in their lives. Why we share our stories is so that those of you who are like us can receive HOPE. Hope that who you are is not who you have to be. Hope that real forgiveness and new life is possible. All of the people whose stories you will hear and see have been saved by HOPE. Truth and Hope have a name, and that name is Jesus.

/ 24 / /

.RUH\... Welcome to My Valley Story‌ , Ă€UVW EHFDPH DZDUH RI .RUH\ DW /RJRV &RPPXQLW\ when I saw her tattoos. They were clever, thought provoking, and had awesome color. I watched her over the next weeks to see who she was. What , IRXQG RXW ZDV .RUH\ ZDV RQH LQ D PLOOLRQ ,¡P QRW HYHQ VXUH KRZ .RUH\ FDPH WR /RJRV &RPmunity, but once she made it here, she immediately brought her two nieces, her sister, and her sister’s husband. Since then, she continues to bring people into our community. .RUH\ LV D ORFDO SDVWU\ FKHI DW 5*9 FXSFDNHV 6KH was quietly becoming a part of our community, and volunteered to serve with our kids ministry almost immediately. I did not see her make much of herself, but saw her make much of others. Her IULHQGVKLSV JUHZ TXLFNO\ DQG VRRQ .RUH\ KDG HVtablished herself in a community of friends inside our community. She sent me her testimony to me one day via email, and it blessed me tremendously. The VWURQJ FRQĂ€GHQW \RXQJ ZRPDQ ZKR ORYHG -HVXV and her friends and served children for the glory RI *RG KDG EHHQ WKURXJK VRPH KDUG WLPHV 7KH character I saw exhibited in her service and reODWLRQVKLSV KDG EHHQ IRUJHG WKURXJK WKH Ă€UHV RI pain and hurt.

When we began envisioning, DQG KRZ LW FRXOG VHUYH WKH 5*9 ZLWK VWRULHV RI UHGHPSWLRQ .RUH\ LPPHGLDWHO\ FDPH WR P\ PLQG I knew that she had a tale to tell of need, pain, DEXVH DQG EHLQJ VDYHG E\ .LQJ -HVXV

Schurch he grew up in a religious home, attending and being a part of a community that

FDOOHG -HVXV /RUG )HHOLQJ GLVWDQW IURP KHU SHHUV and being introduced to sexual things at this early age, She became distant and angry, not seeing the reality of Jesus, but the ugliness of the world. .RUH\ EHJDQ WR VHHN DFFHSWDQFH WKURXJK KHU friends by talking like them and acting like them. This led to a continual spiral of sin and self inà LFWHG SDLQ :KHQ VKH ZHQW DZD\ WR FROOHJH DW 18, church was a thing of the past, and partying was her calling. Any man who gave her attention would receive her affections, and bitterness and DQJHU FRQWLQXHG WR JURZ LQ KHU VSLULW &RPSOHWH hopelessness was a her present reality. :KHQ VKH PRYHG EDFN WR WKH 5*9 VKH ZDV FDOOHG a drunk by her own family, and the drinking, sex, DQG DQJHU HVFDODWHG .RUH\ ZDV LQYLWHG WR DWWHQG church January 1, and out of a deep need for change, she decided why not. Jesus took hold of .RUH\¡V KHDUW DQG FKDQJH EHJDQ WR WDNH SODFH ´:LWKRXW PHHWLQJ &KULVW¾ .RUH\ VD\V ´, GRQ¡W WKLQN , ZRXOG EH DOLYH WRGD\¾

Thomas Weaver

/HDG 3DVWRU /RJRV &RPPXQLW\ $Q $ &KXUFK Is a multi-site church in the Rio Grande Valley which was planted 4 years ago.

/ 25 / /

Common excuses. Logical reasons. Justifying Explanations. by Abram Gomez

“Your servant has killed both lion and bear; and this uncircumcised Philistine will be like one of them, VHHLQJ KDV GHÀHG WKH DUPLHV RI the living God.” 1 Samuel 17:36



is the Executive Pastor at Valley International Christian Center in San Benito, Texas. He serves under the Leadership of Bishop Jaime Loya, and is a graduate of Southwestern Assemblies of God University. Abram has helped to develop leadership in various ministries and programs at VICC. He and his wife, Rebecca, reside in Harlingen.

/ 26 / /

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Into Me See She

interrupted my talk to tell me that I should say the word differently to make its meaning clear. Instead of intimacy, I should say it into-me-see. She had a great point. 7KH 'LFWLRQDU\ GHĂ€QHV LQWLPDF\ DV ´D close, familiar, and usually affectionate or loving personal relationship with another person or group.â€? In the social sciences we think of it as closeness, openness, vulnerability, and transparency. Pronouncing it into-me-see does a great job of giving the meaning in the way the word sounds. It is letting another person look deep inside you. 7KH GLIĂ€FXOW\ LV WKDW PRVW RI XV GRQ¡W KDYH a person, much less a group of people, with whom we can be so open. We learned early in life that people tend to accept us when we meet their criteria for acceptance, and we learned to paint pictures of how they want us to be rather than showing who we really are. Yet we crave being known as we truly are and loved nevertheless. No criteria. No pretending. Just love me as I am. A couple weeks ago a friend was interviewing me before an audience several thousand teenagers. In the course of our conversation, I tried to make it clear that we do strange – sometimes very bad – things in our effort to feel that someone loves us as we are. Without realizing it, I referred to the title of an old hymn that I haven’t heard for decades. I said to my friend, “I want someone to love me just as I am.â€? “Just as I am,â€? he mulled. He quickly got the symbolism. Great revivalists in the last century used that hymn at the end of their sermons to draw people down aisles into public repentance. Maybe they understood its importance. Maybe it was just an easy hymn to sing. Either way, the underlying theme was, and is, powerful. I want to be accepted just as I am. That’s the core of love. I don’t feel loved when someone wants me to be different in some way to be accepted. I feel loved when I realize that another person can and does love me without requiring me to be any different than I actually am deep inside. Some call it unconditional love. Others call it true love. Most don’t care what it is called: They want just want it. It is a basic desire of every human. When it happens, tremendous bonds of affection, trust, and loyalty develop. Unfortunately, that doesn’t happen in many relationships. Some grow up in homes where they feel they have to meet certain criteria to be

accepted by a parent. Others enter romantic relationships with people that constantly want to control or change them, only feeling loved when the partner is happy with what they are being or doing at a particular moment. Yet others feel that their friends accept them and want them around as long as they are giving their friends what they want or need. It seems to be rare for a person to be in a relationship where he or she feels that the other accepts or loves without requiring any action, belief, mindset, or anything else‌where love exists for the person when he is good, when she is bad, or when vacillating between the two. After the interview by my friend, people lined up to tell me that no one loves them as they are. A teenager told me his friends only want what he can do for them and no one seems to care that he hurts, and that he feels lonely. As long as he does what the group wants, he’s accepted. Rather than feeling a close bond with them, he felt rejected and alone. A wife told me a similar story about her relationship with her husband. A husband’s story was eerily similar, though he had no connection to the woman who had just talked with me. As each passed in turn, I knew a three things were alike for each of them: 1. They were lonely. 2. They wanted someone to love them without making them pretend to be someone or something else. They craved another person to see into them and accept and care about the person they DUH HYHQ ZKHQ Ă DZHG RU LPSHUIHFW 3. They each were vulnerable to abandoning their values if they could feel loved and accepted as they are. Could a predator person prey on them? Yes. However, they were much more OLNHO\ WR Ă€QG DQRWKHU KXUWLQJ SHUVRQ DQG engage in a relationship with him or her that could lead them both to personal misery or destruction. :KHQ ORQHO\ KXUWLQJ SHRSOH Ă€QG HDFK other, it can be a wonderful thing if they develop a relationship based on mutual trust, openness, and understanding. It can be a tragic thing if they come to feel that they are “two against the worldâ€? and no one else could ever understand or love them the way they do each other. Allow me to illustrate. At LovePath International we work a great deal with marriages in crisis. Quite a few of those LQYROYH LQĂ€GHOLW\ 6RPHWLPHV WKH LQĂ€GHOLW\ is primarily an affair of opportunity; being in the wrong place at the right time and things get out of hand. As bad as that / 28 / /

is – and it is very bad – those are usually the less troublesome to overcome. Those WKDW DUH IDU PRUH GLIÀFXOW LQYROYH WZR people, feeling lonely and craving love, who come into contact with each other, but one or both of them are married to someone else. &DQ \RX LPDJLQH KRZ GLIÀFXOW LW LV WR FRQvince a person to leave a relationship where they feel accepted and loved for who they are, and go back into a marital relationship where they feel the other person controls or coerces them to be as that spouse wants them to be? It can only be done if there is a restructuring of the existing marriage to a relationship of unconditional love. That, of course, is very hard to accomplish when the unfaithful mate compares the love and acceptance he or she feels from the lover to the experiences of feeling unloved by their spouse. If the spouse being abandoned isn’t willing to see his or her part in what happened, and isn’t open to changing the relationship to one much healthier than they had, it’s relatively impossible. We have an amazing success record of saving three out of four troubled marriages, even when this situation exists, but only occasionally can we help when the abandoned spouse refuses to see what must be done, refuses to take any responsibility for what has occurred, or mostly just wants to hurt the unfaithful spouse. 7KDW LV QRW WR VD\ WKDW DGXOWHU\ LV MXVWLÀHG or that it is acceptable to stray when one feels more love from a paramour than from a spouse. It is to say that a marriage in crisis because a spouse feels loved by another usually involves a serious problem in the marriage. Whatever the symptoms, the underlying cause probably relates to at least one spouse, if not both, feeling a lack of love because they are afraid to let the other person see into them. Or they did let the other person see into them but were rejected, castigated, or made to pretend to be someone else. Intimacy is the answer to a great many problems in relationships. However, it will never occur until a person feels safe enough to show who he or she is, and the other person in the relationship can accept them as they are. Without that, all relationships are tempoUDU\ 7KH\ H[LVW XQWLO D SHUVRQ ÀQGV DFFHStance and love from someone else.

Joe Beam is a best-selling Christian author and internationally respected marriage expert. He founded Family Dynamics institute in 1994 and in 2008 he founded LovePath international, and serves as its chairman.

Joe Beam LovePath International /â€? Permission to Republish / Š Joe Beam. All rights reserved.


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HE SAVED ME B y Th eresaValla dares , M .D .


far back as I can remember, I wanted to become a physician. The idea of saving lives and nurturing others appealed to me. The path to becoming a physician was long-11 years (undergraduate, medical school & residency). I never had a Plan B regarding my goals because I believed that I was controlling P\ GHVWLQ\ 7KH VDFULĂ€FHV PRQH\ DQG time were worthwhile to me. I wanted to be part of something bigger than myself and to serve God through Family Medicine. When I graduated from medical school we had to recite Hippocrates’ Oath as part of the ceremony. It states and we promise to above all things do no harm and save lives to the best of our abilities. As physicians we are to be humble enough to ask for help from colleagues DQG WR SURYLGH FRQĂ€GHQWLDOLW\ UHJDUGLQJ all care. We had been taught the essentials of diagnosis, treatments and medical ethics. Proverbs 17:22 is my favorite scripture regarding how I approach my patients‌. “a cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bonesâ€?. 0\ SDWLHQWV ZLOO EH WKH Ă€UVW WR WHOO \RX WKDW , push them to lead healthier lives. At times I will scold my wonderful patients because of noncompliance to treatments and my recommendations. They know that I hold them accountable. I do so because I care and try to do it with respect and a smile. God has made medicine my calling. Knowing that one day I will be held accountable to Him for all my actions, decisions and words spoken makes me more aggressive when concerning my patient’s physical, emotional and at times spiritual care. It’s a blessing to me that I have been given this opportunity by God to touch and change lives. I recently took care of a patient that was very challenging. Mr. Henry ran a local food bank and was very active in helping the underserved areas of our community. He always had a smile and kind words for my staff. He would remind me that he was doing Gods work whenever I insisted on him being compliant with visits. This visit was no different. It had been a year since I had seen Mr. +HQU\ LQ P\ RIĂ€FH , DVNHG KLP WR FRPH to my clinic to discuss recent labs and concerns that his family had brought to my attention. He was very hesitant and told me he was a very busy man and that he felt great. Nonetheless I persisted and made him come see me. I had become increasingly worried about certain health issues and tried to explain that it was a matter of life and death.

I told him what I tell all my patients-“if I didn’t care I wouldn’t bother to scold you.â€? I was trying to “save his lifeâ€?. The response I received was not what I expected and it challenged me as a Christian. “Doc I appreciate your efforts but I am not afraid to die. When God wants to take me home there is no miracle, test or medication that will keep me alive. God is in control and he knows when my last day on earth will be. I have lived in abundance and at times with little, but God has always provided. As Christians we know death is not the end and our hearts long for home because our lives have been saved through our faith. God has blessed me with a wonderful family and I have had a good life. I will try to do as you ask but will not stop living and working waiting for diagnosis or treatment. God is the ultimate healer.â€? You saw me before I was born. Everyday of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day passed. Psalm 139:16 He spoke words of encouragement and blessings over my life and expressed his gratitude for all that I had done. As I thanked him for his kind words I reminded him that God had called me to serve and re-stressed the importance of taking care of His temple. I presented again my concerns. My medical knowledge and mind were taking priority over my spiritual knowledge. He patiently listened to me and pointed to a scripture I have on my wall in this particular exam room‌.â€?be still and know that I am God.â€? As I stood there and listened I felt like this would be the last time I would talk with him. It felt like he was not only saying good-bye but that he was also at peace. At the urging of his family he complied with all asked of him and his care was transferred to another facility for more advanced treatment. I felt relieved that Mr. Henry was on the road to recovery. 6 weeks later he passed away from medical complications during treatment. Treatments that were meant to extend his life. I can not explain the sadness and self-doubt I felt when I received the news. Had I failed him? Had I pushed too hard? Could I have done more? Why had he passed away when he was so close to getting healed? My mind was at war with my spirit. We would all like to believe that we have control over our lives and destiny. As a physician, wife, & mother I am no difIHUHQW 2I FRXUVH , FDQ Ă€[ WKDW SUREOHP Take this medicine and you will feel better! I can become obsessed with trying to achieve good outcomes and at times it / 30 / /

has affected my succeed. I need in control.

I don’t to feel

When we realize that we’re not in control and you have done your best but the outcome is not as expected is when we have to be “still and listenâ€?. It’s humbling yet should also be comforting because God is so much better at handling any issue. Mr. Henry was right. I could only do so much EHFDXVH *RG KDG WKH Ă€QDO DQVZHU During that moment of self-doubt I felt the Holy Spirit reminding me of the last FRQYHUVDWLRQ WKDW ZH KDG LQ P\ RIĂ€FH Salvation and healing is only guaranteed through Jesus Christ. Mr. Henry had received his healing despite dying in a hospital room. It was not through medical science that he was healed‌.it was through faith. Mr. Henry used that day to prepare me for his death. I remembered the love and gratitude he expressed that day. He spoke those blessings and words of encouragement because he probably sensed I would need them when he passed. He had been trying to give me peace. As much as I was trying to save his physical life, Mr. Henry was trying to save my spiritual life-he wanted me to relinquish control to GOD. My medical training has led me to treat patients based on evidence and things WKDW , FDQ VHH %\ GHĂ€QLWLRQ IDLWK LV EHOLHYing even when we don’t see. Mr. Henry saw what I couldn’t. To look back and know that I was being comforted by a man whom I perceived was dying is a testimony of God’s love and timing. Eccleseiastes 3:1,2,4,14 1For everything there is a season, A time for every activity under heaven. 2A time to be born and a time to die A time to plant and a time to harvest. 4A time to cry and a time to laugh. A time to grieve and a time to dance. 14 And I know that whatever God does LV Ă€QDO 1RWKLQJ FDQ EH DGGHG RU WDNHQ from it. I would like to sincerely thank the Enrique Uria Family for allowing me to share his story. His wife, children, their spouses and grandchildren were his greatest blessings. I am humbled and honored to have had the opportunity to care for such a special man.

theresa Valladares She is married to Enrique Lopez and has two wonderful sons, Cord and Diego. They are members of The Family Church and she practices family medicine in Pharr.)

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ine he was a boy, David struggled with discouragement and depression. After all, his father passed away when he was only nine years old and just a few years later, at the age of fourteen, his mother died as well. Who could blame him for such despondency? As if this wasn’t enough, this young man spent the majority of his life wrestling with the plagues of sickness. At twenty-two years old, he began to manifest the unstoppable symptoms of tuberculosis, the very disease that would strangle the life out of him until his last breath, at the early age of twenty-nine. A person in this condition needs continual medical attention and care, not to mention a stable environment to get adequate rest. But then again, only so much could be done with a person in such a condition during the 1740’s. Someone with tuberculosis often experiences sleepless nights. And, if fortunate to get any sleep, RIWHQ DZDNHV RQO\ WR ÀQG WKHPVHOYHV LQ D FROG SXGGOH RI sweat. Days are spent coughing up blood, attempting to hold down the contents of their last meal, while straining for the strength to take another breath. David’s experience was no different, only he had no adequate shelter to ward off the bitter winter winds common in New JerVH\ 7R PDNH PDWWHUV ZRUVW WKH YHU\ VPRNH IURP WKH ÀUH that was intended to warm his stricken body only served to aggravate his lungs resulting in more coughing and blood, thus driving him outside into the cold to get his breath.

J e r r e l l

J o b e

´2K , ORQJHG WR Ă€OO WKH UHPDLQLQJ PRPHQWV DOO IRU *RG 7KRXJK my body was so feeble, and wearied with preaching and much private conversation, yet I wanted to sit up all night to do something IRU *RG 7R *RG WKH JLYHU RI WKHVH UHIUHVKPHQWV EH JORU\ IRUHYHU and ever; Amen.â€? (April 17, 1747) ´0\ VRXO ZDV UHIUHVKHG DQG FRPIRUWHG DQG , FRXOG QRW EXW EOHVV *RG who had enabled me in some good measure to be faithful in the day SDVW 2K KRZ VZHHW LW LV WR EH VSHQW DQG ZRUQ RXW IRU *RG Âľ (February 21, 1746) “I am engaged to ‘press towards the mark’ day by day. O that I may feel this continual hunger, and not be retarded, but rather animated by every cluster from Canaan, to reach forward in the narrow way, for the IXOO HQMR\PHQW DQG SRVVHVVLRQ RI WKH KHDYHQO\ LQKHULWDQFH Âľ Brainerd says that there was a “continual hungerâ€? deep within him. This was a hunger greater than any earthly desires for physical comfort and reprieve from sickness. A desire, he says, to be “animated by every cluster from Canaan.â€? Canaan is a metaphor of God’s promises. It speaks of a desire to see God’s will manifested here on earth, through us. It denotes a life that is lived with intentionality and purpose. Brainerd wasn’t content merely being a Christian who believed all the right things about God. That’s important, but, he wanted his life to count for something. He longed to make a difference in the world. To be “spent and worn out for God.â€? There’s a phrase in his journal that has captured my heart. Brainerd wrote, “Oh that I may never loiter in my heavenly journey!â€?

Food was limited. Resources were scare. But, David wasn’t found curled up in a corner of a little hut somewhere feeling sorry for him self. Far from it, he was on a mission for God to take the message of Christ to the American Indians. It was a lonely mission, full of hardship. <HW WKURXJK VOHHSOHVV QLJKWV KXQJHU Ă€OOHG PRUQLQJV DQG cough infested days, he endured. More than endured, David blazed a trail that many over the last two hundred DQG Ă€IW\ \HDUV KDYH EHHQ LQVSLUHG WR MRXUQH\ 3HUKDSV OLNH QR RWKHU Ă€JXUH LQ PRGHUQ KLVWRU\ 'DYLG %UDLQHUG KDV LQĂ XHQFHG FRXQWOHVV LQGLYLGXDOV WR WDNH XS *RG¡V FDOO WR become a Missionary and share the message of Christ to the ends of the world.

To “loiter,â€? means to “stand around with no apparent purpose.â€? You’re just there. Standing. Breathing. Existing. But, there’s no apparent purpose to your existence. Brainerd’s heart cry was that on this journey called life – this heavenly journey – that he would never be found merely loitering. Rather, he would “press toward the mark day by day‌ reaching forward in the narrow way.â€?

What infuses an individual with such passion to be able to HQGXUH VXFK DIà LFWLRQ" $OO ZH KDYH DUH KLV SHUVRQDO MRXUnal entries which chronicle the brief four years he worked among the American Indians, prior to breathing his last breath at the young age of twenty nine. The following excerpts from David Brainerd’s journal gives some insight into his source of strength and motivation. He writes,

“Oh, that I may never loiter in my heavenly journey.�

The life of David Brainerd calls me to reach for God and pursue the living Christ with all that is within. His example inspires me to not be content with knowing God or resting assure of my eternal destination. No! Brainerd’s life EHFNRQV PH WR ULVH XS ZLWK SDVVLRQ UHJDUGOHVV RI WKH HDUWKO\ GLIÀFXOWLHV WKDW surround on every side. His story challenges me to not merely stand around with no apparent purpose. Rather, to prayerfully discover what God has created me to do in this world, throwing myself into it with my whole being. (David Brainerd 1718-1747)

JERRELL JOBE is a teaching pastor at Palm Valley Church in Mission. He is married to Charissa and has three children : Micah (9), Naylah (7),and Avi (5).

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It Mean KIDS What Does TALK ABOUT to Abide in Christ? GOD By Care Kinsolving

ot rist is nm h C in g in “Abid n my om e h w e id s going outlls me not to,� te ge 5. andra, a says Alex

has God’s will outside of iding in Christ. o g to g n ab Refusi to do with to everything u need eans yo m g in id “Ab en to and list d o G h it stay w ants us , 8. “He w e tt e y Fa s n him,� say nd lear h him a it w y a us to st e loves t him. H u o b a o e mor people t all the s t n a w all and o him.� stick t s a vine y. Just ahristians k c ti s e us to b branch, so C listen t d wants e Yes, Go s its life from th from God. Jus apes r g receive ceive their life e av h ’t n a c ’t are to re ou You canree. n, 7: “Y . e n i v e to Peyto p t ra

g ple withoutlaes without an aoput God.� have app ’t have life with You can

ord nslate the w r way to trad with Jesus for e th no a is â€? aine “Remain disciples rem sus was cru “abide.â€? Theuring his ministry. After JeSRVWOHV 3HWHU three years d OHP¡V OHDGHUV DUUHVWHG D d raised Je FLĂ€HG -HUXVDr preaching that God hars examined and John fo dead. When the leade ss, “they re sus from the hn and saw their boldne s 4:13). Peter and Jo d been with Jesusâ€? (Act r alized they ha rved only fos a ness isn’t rese w ld r o te b Pe ly t a ho f th This kind o same account notes UHWXUQHG WR apostles. TheH +RO\ 6SLULW $IWHU -HVXV ction body, Ă€OOHG ZLWK WK e God/Man in a resurreabide in his heaven as thHoly Spirit to indwell or he sent the people. an e Earth beg to reclaim thH +RO\ 6SLULW IURP n sio va in s ZLWK WK Heaven’ e name Im Q EHLQJ Ă€OOHG ZLWK RQH PDiding in his father’s will. ThJesus called birth and ab ch we sometimes hear ,Q KLV Ă€UVW DG manuel, whi PHDQV ´*RG ZLWK XV Âľ nd time. But DW &KULVWPDV was with us in space a him as their vent, Jesus es in all who believe in now, Jesus liv savior.

“To abide in Christ means to try to do what God wants you to do,� says Chelsea, 8. “If you try to do what the devil wants, you would be abiding in the devil.�

If God is not the captain of your ship, who do you think is? Jesus came to set us free from the delusions of grandeur that characterize living a self-centered life by the spirit of this world. They say Las Vegas is an inch deep and a mile wide. It’s all lights and glitter. Abiding in the spirit of this world will leave you thirsty and restless. Jesus promised that he would never leave anyone who has received his gift of eternal life (John 10:28). In light of such faithfulness on God’s part, John wrote: “We love him because KH Ă€UVW ORYHG XVÂľ , -RKQ 7KLQN DERXW WKLV *RG ZDQWV XV WR Ă€[ RXU KHDUWV DQG PLQGV RQ him and live our lives rooted in him, drawing our life from him. 7KH Ă€UVW SVDOP VD\V WKH SHUVRQ ZKR PHGLWDWHV RQ *RG¡V :RUG day and night will be “like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither; and whatever he does shall prosperâ€? (Psalm 1:3). Memorize this truth: “If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for \RX %\ WKLV P\ IDWKHU LV JORULĂ€HG WKDW \RX EHDU PXFK IUXLW VR you will be my disciplesâ€? (John 15:7-8). Ask this question: Is your life rooted in Christ or something else?

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? alley nde V 2? io Grages of 5-1sumR e in th n the a es next u live ee rado ors Do yoyou betw to ride h the Colo nch Are you like family in a dude rar Lazy r a ld u B in Wou with yo ins? W at the rado! mer y Mounta ur family all, Colo tional o k h y c rs r rna r a Ro h in P ’s Inte answe tion fo vacauest Ranc Children res and ils, visit V tu G ic deta . J RG p r e o w F th . ra Enter estival. D t heaven u Arts F ons abousTalkAbo ti ques www.Kid

/ 35 / /

The Nearness of God By Lanier Burns “You can’t be alone!â€? These are some words directed to the Jerry Macquire in the 1996 Oscar winning movie. :KHQ KH EURNH XS ZLWK KLV Ă€DQFp VKH told him these words full of unintended sound theological truth. We are created to be in the company and presence of others. We are created to experience the presence of the Triune God.

perfection. When Adam and Eve ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, they were expelled from the Garden of Eden, from the presence of their creator.

Lanier Burns, a senior research professor of theology at Dallas Theological Seminary, brings a deep and practical presentation of the presence of God among His people. He writes: “‘Presence’ is a biblical term that connotes relationships, human and divine, in all of their facets. Presence means that God is with his creation generally as well as with his people intimately. This book is not about the possibility of God’s existence. Instead, it is about the biblical God, who is personally with us in our joys and sorrows, our wants and needs, our successes and failures.�

%XUQV WDNHV D ÀUP %LEOLFDO DSSURDFK DV KH H[poses God’s desire for people to walk with Him, even in the fallen state of humanity. God’s kindness is displayed in the coming of the Son of God, Jesus, who died on the cross for our sin. When Jesus ascended into Heaven, He sent the Holy Spirit to be present among His people, the Church.

God did not design and make the universe and leave it to run on its own without his intervention. Sometimes, even Christians live as though God does not intervene. Perhaps we would prefer that he stay out of our business.

God reveals himself to Abraham and his descendants; to whom he promises land, seed, and blessing. The Lord shows himself to Moses in a burning bush, and then He dwells in the Tabernacle after Moses delivers Israel.

However the end of the world will come, we are assured that Jesus will return to be among his people, which leads to the eternal presence of God. A walk through this book will take you through a theme that can be easily overlooked. Burns’ practical approach will help you consider how you can better think through your personal walk with the Lord.

God IS with us. Live the reality and walk with The Lord created Man and Woman in His image Him. to commune with Him and with each other in

Book Review by

Books and Music featured available at:

Miguel Paredes Is a teacher at Edinburg North and earned his Masters in Theology from Dallas Theological Seminary. He is married to Brenda and has four children, Diego (10), Karla and Andrea (7) and Charis (4).

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Twelve Unlikely Heroes Wisdom Meets

How God Commissioned Unexpected People in the Bible and What He Wants to Do with You


by John MacArthur

When Generations Collide and Collaborate by Dan Miller, Jared Angaza

Today we face a unique dichotomy between the wisdom of the Baby Boomer generation and the passion of Generation Y. According to Wisdom Meets Passion, the question is not which is right, but rather how can the two work together? Wisdom, meet passion. Passion, wisdom. By bringing these two voices to the issue, this book takes readers through familiar plights, such as understanding the American Dream, the quest for security, and work that matters—regardless of age. Through candid storytelling, Dan Miller and Jared Angaza uncover various generational approaches to work, money, success, and relationships, proving that it is possible to be both passionate and wise.

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PHARR 1101 N. Cage Blvd., Ste 8-C 3KDUU 7; 956-702-GOGA[4642]

/ 37

What kind of people does God use to accomplish His work? Far from the children’s tales depicted in picture books and nursery rhymes, the men and women highlighted in the Bible were unnervingly real. They faltered. They struggled. And at times, they fell short. Yet God worked through them in surprising and incredible ways to accomplish His purposes. Scripture does not hide their weaknesses, caricature their strengths, or spin their stories as a display of human nobility. Instead, it describes WKHVH KHURHV RI WKH IDLWK ZLWK XQĂ LQFKLQJ honesty and delivers an unexpected ending: “God is not ashamed to be called their Godâ€? (Hebrews 11:16). In Twelve Unlikely Heroes, pastor and best-selling author John MacArthur uses his deep knowledge of the Bible and history to take us back to see these three-dimensional men and women in their own times and cultures. In doing so, it becomes clear how their dramatic stories apply to us today. People who might at Ă€UVW VHHP IRUHLJQ TXLFNO\ EHFRPH familiar and unforgettable—particularly as they reveal the true Hero behind every witness, the power counterbalancing every weakness, “the Author and Finisher of our faithâ€? (Hebrews 12:1).

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Championship Tournament

Honoring Jim Myers Monday, October 8th Shotgun Start 8:30 am at

Call the FCA Offices at 956-994-1121 to reserve your team! FCA Champions Tournament Special Guest Rich Garza Pro Career: ‘81: signed (FA) Philadelphia Eagles ‘82: signed (FA), Denver Broncos ‘83: Philadelphia Stars (USFL) ‘84 - ‘95: San Antonia Gunslingers (USFL) Started all 56 games with USFL Currently a motivational and inspirational speaker for Sports World Inc.

“You’re not born a winner, You’re not born a loser, You’re born a chooser”

A Note from Nathan… Hey Everyone, Wow, what a great start we have had to our new school year. Literally thousands of Coaches and Athlete’s are already engaged in the FCA ministry across South Texas. We’ve also just launched a major “Sign Up for Camp” Camp Scholarship Campaign, and our goal is to take over 1,000 student athletes to Camp in 2013. In short, each $500 Advertising Signs that is sold is used to send a student athlete to one of our Texas FCA Camps. Each 18x24” sign, with the Sponsors name on it, will be displayed at all of our events all year long. Make a difference in the life of a child: BUY A SIGN! Just FDOO RXU RIÀFH DQG ZH·OO ´6,*1 <28 83µ ,W·V WKDW VLPSOH- 7R *RG EH WKH *ORU\ :H ORYH \RX DOO Hebrews 10:39 “But we are not those who draw back and are destroyed, but those who have faith and obtain life.”

Nathan Jones Multi-Area Director Fellowship of Christian Athletes

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)&$¡V :RPHQ RI ,QĂ XHQFH 0LQLVWU\ South Texas Fellowship of Christian Athletes is excited to announce the launch of FCA’s ´:RPHQ RI ,QĂ XHQFHÂľ PLQLVWU\ ZKLFK LV IRFXVHG RQ PLQLVWHULQJ WR FRDFKHV¡ ZLYHV IHmale coaches, and female athletes. With FCA’s vision for all of its ministries being to VHH WKH ZRUOG LPSDFWHG IRU -HVXV &KULVW WKURXJK WKH LQĂ XHQFH RI DWKOHWHV DQG FRDFKHV WKH IRFXV RI )&$¡V ´:RPHQ RI ,QĂ XHQFHÂľ LV VLPSOH WR UHDFK WKH KHDUWV DQG VRXOV RI WKH women and young ladies who are involved in sports.

Laura Benavides ´0\ UROH LQ )&$¡V ´:RPHQ RI ,QĂ XHQFHÂľ PLQLVWU\ LV to minister to all of our coaches’ wives & female coaches. The coaching industry is tough, and whether you are coaching or married to a coach, the pressure, strain, and challenges of getting through life can sometimes feel overwhelming. My heartbeat is to bring a ministry of hope and encouragement to the hearts and lives to as many incredible women who are either FRDFKLQJ RU PDUULHG WR D FRDFK Âľ



Jennifer Rosales

´0\ UROH LQ )&$¡V ´:RPHQ RI ,QĂ XHQFHÂľ PLQLVWU\ LV WR PLQLVter to all of our female athletes. In today’s arena of female sports, young women are facing many pressures such as alcohol, drugs, self-image, homosexuality, peer pressure, and pre-marital sex. My vision for this new ministry is to reach these female athletes for Jesus Christ and to be a positive LQĂ XHQFH LQ WKHLU OLIH WKURXJKRXW WKHLU DWKOHWLF FDUHHU Âľ

:H ZDQW WR EH ´:RPHQ RI ,QĂ XHQFHÂľ DQG ZH ZDQW \RX WR MRLQ XV LQ WKLV HIIRUW *RG KDV D VSHFLĂ€F SXUSRVH IRU HDFK DQG HYHU\ RQH RI XV ,I \RX ZRXOG OLNH WR VXSSRUW WKLV HIIRUW Ă€QDQFLDOO\ SOHDVH JR WR and click on the DONATE tab located at the top right of the page. If you have questions, want more information, or would like to get involved with the ministry, please contact Laura %HQDYLGHV DW RU OEHQDYLGHV#IFD RUJ RU -HQQLIHU 5RVDOHV DW RU MURVDOHV#IFD RUJ .

FCA Vision 7R VHH WKH ZRUOG LPSDFWHG IRU -HVXV &KULVW WKURXJK WKH LQĂ XHQFH RI DWKOHWHV DQG FRDFKHV FCA Mission 7R SUHVHQW WR DWKOHWHV DQG FRDFKHV DQG DOO ZKRP WKH\ LQĂ XHQFH WKH FKDOOHQJH DQG DGYHQWXUH RI receiving Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, serving Him in their relation-ships and in the fellowship of the church.

FCA Core Values Our relationships will demonstrate steadfast commitment to Jesus Christ and His Word through Integrity, Service, Teamwork and Excellence.

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5 Questions with

om Chicago ning: Live Fr ke wa A re tu l RUVKLS /HDGHUV Cu QJ : s RPL Jesu RXU 8S $QG & QWLDO <RXWK 0RYHPHQW )HDWXUHV ) /LYH &' )URP ,QĂ XH

WKH ZRUOG -HVXV &XOWXUH KDV QWLDO \RXWK PRYHPHQWV DURXQGc worship music organically .QRZQ DV RQH RI WKH PRVW LQĂ XH enti auth tic, passionate and to equip a generation to ignited a generation with energe of a movement whose focus is ’s love through worship and m entu mom the ugh thro ed birth ple into an encounter with Godyoung people who are pastransform society by bringing peo the heart of this movement of presence. ture cap ms discipleship. Their albu seeking an encounter with His and God sionate for Jesus Culture Music, features new full-length recording from is. Emerging Voices, the seventh Johnson, Mary Kat Ehrenzeller, Nate Ward and Justin Jarv ek four rising worship leaders: Der w and love,â€? says Banning rging voices to you that we kno rging voices being raised eme four e duc intro to ited “I’m exc . “We believe that there are emeused to see entire nations Liebscher, Jesus Culture director these voices are going to be and , now t righ lly our heart for this alup around the earth kened to the gospel. This is rea awa s; Jesu awakened to the love of bum, Emerging Voices. ship leaders who were and Melissa Wise-How were wor anoint to see their voice to an “Kim Walker-Smith, Chris Quilala beg Lord th group and that the m young and involved in our you awaken people to Jesus,â€? continues Liebscher. “This albue and Nat rch Kat, y Chu Mar the of ek, rts Der hea us: stir the g voices; ones that are close tosongs and anointing to imis just a handful of these emergin is going to take their lives, God that ed vinc and Justin. I’m con pact an entire generation.â€?

ABOUT JUSTIN Since he began playing guitar in high school, Justin Jarvis has been marked with a passion for worship and the local church. “The power of music came alive to me in those years, and Jesus met me in that SODFH ,W WRWDOO\ FKDQJHG P\ OLIH DQG , KDG WR Ă€QG DQ RXWOHW IRU ZKDW was going on in my heart,â€? says Jarvis. In 2002, Justin moved from his native Birmingham, AL to Fort Lauderdale, FL with Darren & Wendy Davis to plant The Harbour Church. “God taught me the value of community, one relationship at a time. I began to see the church as my family, and it was something very new to me. I started writing songs out of that journey.â€? For almost ten years, he has overseen the music and creative culture of The Harbour Church through training, preaching and leading worship. In 2004, he married his college sweetheart, Janette Leong, and they have two sons, Owen and Elliot. From his family to his music, -XVWLQ GHVLUHV WR VHH WKH .LQJGRP RI *RG DQG WKH Ă€UH RI UHYLYDO FRPH LQ a life-changing way to this generation. “When we love Jesus, we carry D FDWDO\VW LQVLGH RI XV 7KH ORYH SRZHU DQG SUHVHQFH RI *RG Ă RZLQJ through His people, the local church, are what will change the world. I want to create music that inspires us to that end.â€?

FIVE QUESTIONS WITH JUSTIN JARVIS When did you start leading worship? In high school, I started leading worship at different youth groups in Birmingham. I continued in college at weekly campus ministry meetings, and I got involved helping out with a church-plant my senior year. God aid strong foundations in my heart which ultimately helped prepare me for building the worship ministry at he Harbour Church when I moved to Ft. Lauderdale. What’s your favorite junk food? ell it depends on the day: Haagen-Dazs: strawberry, coffee or pineapple coconut in that order. Twizzlers. our Patch Watermelons. Lindt Chocolate with Sea Salt. Trader Joe’s Peanut Butter Cups. Five Guys and n-N-Out (for you, Luke). Wasabi peas. Also, hotdogs. Favorite childhood memory? y Dad used to decorate my birthday cakes by hand. He would sketch out a design and use a sheet cake as a canvas. The best part about it was his freehand designs were based on the party theme. My cake was always original and rad, and it made me feel so special. Star Wars. Gremlins. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to name a few. The list over the years was epic! If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, it would be...? ...the Thai Steak Noodle Salad at Houston’s. Baby greens, mango, avocado, peanuts, tomato, FKXQNV RI Ă€OHW DQG IUHVK QRRGOHV ,W¡V DQ XQUHDO PRXQWDLQ RI Ă DYRU 1R FRQWHVW $P , VHHLQJ DQ emerging food theme here? If you could give one piece of advice to young worship leaders, what would it be? Plant your roots deep in a local church family that you can trust. This gives you a safe environment where you can fail and grow; you cannot get it anywhere else. Submitting yourself to friends and leaders that love you at your worst and believe the best for your life will unlock your destiny in a way talent and skill never could. Let your journey with God and the community around you be the well you draw from to write songs and lead people into His presence. / 40 / /

ABOUT NATEKAT Nate Ward is a musician who has dedicated his life to pursuing the presence of God in every season of life. He strongly believes in community and has served as the worship leader at Wooster Church of the Nazarene in Wooster, Ohio for 7 years and is a 3rd generation in ministry. Nate’s passion and zeal are evident in his worship, encouraging others to engage their hearts in pursuing the presence of the Living God. Nate lives in Wooster, Ohio with his wife Kayla. FIVE QUESTIONS WITH NATE WARD :KDW ZRUVKLS OHDGHUV LQĂ XHQFH \RX WKH PRVW" ,¡G KDYH WR VD\ WKH Ă€UVW RQH WKDW UHDOO\ PDGH DQ LPSDFW RQ me was Lindell Cooley who was the worship leader during the %URZQVYLOOH 5HYLYDO 'HOLULRXV" KDV KDG D +8*( LQĂ XHQFH RQ PH Jeremy Riddle, John Mark McMillan, & Gungor are ALWAYS in my most played list these days and they are the worshipers making the biggest impact on me at the moment. If you could vacation anywhere in the world, where would it be and why? Oh that’s easy: Dale Hollow Lake wakeboarding, tubing, skiing, & being out on the water all day long. It is simply the best vacation. Absolute perfection. Best Christmas present ever received? 0\ ZLIH :KHQ ZH Ă€UVW VWDUWHG KDQJLQJ RXW VKH LQVLVWHG WKDW there was no way that we were ever going to date and that she just didn’t have feelings for me beyond friendship. So that

Christmas when we were making or family Christmas Lists my sister asked what I wanted and without a moment’s hesitation I said “Kayla!â€?. I was half joking of course but within less than a year we were married so...Thank you Santa! What’s your favorite summer-time activity? Air conditioning. Also see question #2 If you could give one piece of advice to young worship leaders, what would it be? The Holy Spirit has no “favorite music styleâ€?. From pipe organs to house music if there is genuine Spirit and Truth worship going on He WILL show up every time. Take in all you can from the genuine worshipers who have gone before you regardless of their age or musical style. Let them pour into your life. Learn from their experiences with the Holy Spirit and let their ceiling EHFRPH \RXU Ă RRU

ABOUT MARY KAT Mary Katherine Ehrenzeller is a musician and a missionary with a passion to take what God is doing in her local community and release it to the nations. With a style that ranges from devotional soaking to warring breakthrough, her voice resounds with passion for Jesus. The songs she writes explore the depths of brokenness and the majesty of God. She is a worship leader at The Harbour Church in Fort Lauderdale and also mentors the youth alongside her husband Andrew Ehrenzeller. She has a passion to raise up the next generation of worship leaders who truly burn for Jesus intimately, not only in her community, but also the world. Mary Katherine lives in Florida with her husband Andrew . FIVE QUESTIONS WITH MARY KATHERINE EHRENZELLER What worship album are you listening to right now? I am LOVING Jonathan David and Melissa Helser’s new album “On the Shores.â€? I love their other albums too because it is the kind of worship music you can intimately connect with the Father. :KDW ZDV \RXU Ă€UVW FDU" 0\ Ă€UVW FDU ZDV D EOXH 7R\RWD &DPU\ VWDWLRQ ZDJRQ ZLWK electric seat belts and a sun roof. I made it cool because I was the oldest one in my class and was the only one who could drive. We called it the Pimp Wagon. I’m not proud of it, but what do you do? It was a station wagon! Favorite way to spend a Saturday? My husband, Andrew, and I love to watch movies, cook new recipes, drink coffee, and just chill at home. All-time favorite movie? Wow. That is a hard question! I would have to say is “Little Wom

en.� This movie is so inspiring to me because of the Colonial era it takes place in. I’m inspired by Jo and I feel like I relate to her character in so many ways. The soundtrack and movie have also inspired me to write my own novel which is still a work in progress. If you could give one piece of advice to young worship leaders, what would it be? Don’t get distracted by the world’s ways of music. Find the songs and sound of Heaven which may be totally different than the others around you even if they are Christians! We can only do this if we are connected into the Vine. God is always giving us new songs and as we walk with Him and live a true life of ZRUVKLS +H ZLOO VKRZ XV KRZ WR ÀQG +LV VRXQGV WKDW ZLOO UHOHDVH freedom in our land!

ABOUT DEREK Derek Johnson is a singer-songwriter who has a heart to see young adults experience the power and extravagant love of God through music that carries God’s presence and anointing. He has been leading worship at Bethel Church in Redding, CA for the past 4 years, believing strongly in serving the local church and has been a featured worship leader for Jesus Culture conferences. His heart is to see people transformed by encounters with Jesus who then transform the culture they live in. Derek is a relevant voice to this generation with a strong anointing for bringing intimacy and the joy of the Lord through praise and worship. Derek lives in Redding, California with his wife Becky Johnson.

FIVE QUESTIONS WITH DEREK JOHNSON Where did you grow up? What is your hometown like? I grew up in Roselawn, Indiana. It was a small town with one grocery store, three gas stations and a video store that my Dad paid a lot of late fees to on my behalf. What was your favorite subject in high school and why? I wanted to spend as much time as possible around music so I joined any band class I could. Jazz band was always my favorite; playing drums and the saxophone. Does band count as a high school subject? Your favorite way to spend time with the Lord? I usually grab a guitar and get alone with the Lord. Sometimes I spend the whole time in worship and other times I’ll just stay quiet and listen to what’s on His heart.

Favorite fast food? No contest, IN-N-OUT! Double double w/ grilled onions... and the fries well, you just gotta have the fries. If you could give one piece of advice to young worship leaders, what would it be? ,I WKHUH LV RQH WKLQJ ZRUWK Ă€JKWLQJ IRU DV D ZRUVKLS OHDGHU LW¡V your PERSONAL devotion and worship to God. I always want P\ SXEOLF PLQLVWU\ WR EH DQ RYHUĂ RZ IURP WKDW VHFUHW SODFH ZLWK the Lord. And it’s practical, some of my most marking moments with God have been while I’m driving or on a lunch break. He makes Himself available to new songs and as we walk with +LP DQG OLYH D WUXH OLIH RI ZRUVKLS +H ZLOO VKRZ XV KRZ WR Ă€QG +LV sounds that will release freedom in our land!

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New Release spotlight LECRAE Gravity Ascend as high as you humanly can…reach the highest of heights…touch the sky…take in the air up there. But there is something you know within. Maybe by mistake, you even get a glimpse of it. It is the earth below you. It’s reality. It is the unstoppable force that brings us all to our knees sooner or later. It’s gravity. :H ÀJKW DJDLQVW LW EHFDXVH ZH NQRZ LWV IXQFWLRQ LV WR EULQJ XV GRZQ %DOORRQV PD\ be void of substance within, but at least they get to avoid the ground. The mountaintop view is all we want, because darkness pervades the valley. We don’t want to face our struggles; we want to forego the pain. That makes gravity the enemy. Or does it?

1. Matt Redman 10,000 Reasons (Bless The Lord) CD: 10,000 Reasons

2. Toby Mac

On his Sixth studio album, Gravity, Lecrae tackles real life head on seeing its difÀFXOWLHV DV SURRI RI RXU IUDLOWLHV WR OHDG XV WRZDUGV KRSH LQ WKH VWUHQJWK RI *RG

Me Without You CD: Eye On It

Matthew West Into the Light Two-time GRAMMY® nominee Matthew West releases of a collection of brand-new songs titled Into The Light. The new studio album features 12 tracks inspired by letters submitted by the thousands after West invited people to send him their stories. The songs making up this sixth studio project from West were written mostly while he was on tour this spring with Casting Crowns.

3. For King and Country

After receiving over 10,000 personal stories from all over the globe for his 2010 project, The Story of Your Life, the acclaimed singer-songwriter, who has been forever impacted by the outpouring of stories, felt as though there was even more for others to say during this season of his music. West collected stories for this new project through the end of March. The tracks comprising Into the Light were inspired by stories touching on everything from drug addiction, the rejection of apathy, abuVLYH UHODWLRQVKLSV DQG WKH IDLWK ZH ÀQG LQ WKH ZDLWLQJ “There is power in a story,” says West. “And we all have a story to tell. Over the last few years, I have had the honor of reading over 20,000 stories from people all over the world who have answered my invitation to share the story of their lives. The songs on Into the Light are inspired by these amazing, real-life stories. Each one has had a profound impact on my life, and I can’t wait to share these stories and songs with the world. I believe the stories told on this record will challenge all who hear to discover the hope, healing and freedom that can only be found when we step out of the darkness and into the light.”

Tenth Avenue North The Struggle :LWK LWV ÀUVW WZR DOEXPV 7HQWK $YHQXH 1RUWK PDQDJHG to fuse truth and music in a potent blend that left listeners engaged, entertained and inspired. The band does so yet again on its third Reunion Records album The Struggle, a 12-song collection that explores the themes of grace, forgiveness and redemption through thought-provoking lyrics anchored in an adventurous sonic landscape.

Luminate Welcome to Daylight Luminate returns with their highly anticipated new studio album Welcome to Daylight, featuring their hit single, “Banner of Love,” on August 28th. On their sophomore album, the band takes the opportunity to stretch themselves and push the songs to have an even grander, epic sound than before. This time around Luminate teamed up with producers Chris Stevens (TobyMac, Britt Nicole) and Pete Kipley (MercyMe, Phil Wickham) who bring plenty of synth and sonic layers to the songs and wrap them around frontman Sam Hancock’s strong vocals. This fall, the band heads out on the road with Newsboys poised to make a breakthrough on the follow up to last year’s Come Home. With “Banner of Love” being the perfect example, Luminate continues to write songs infused with a message of hope and love, encouraging their fans to live life with a purpose and share the love of Christ in practical ways everyday.

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Proof Of Your Love CD: Crave

4. Big Daddy Weave Redeemed CD: Love Come To Life

5. Matthew West Forgiveness CD: Into The Light

6. Jason Gray Good To Be Alive CD: A Way To See in The Dark

7. Chris August Center Of It CD: The Upside Of Down

8. Mark Schultz All Things Possible CD: All Things Possible

9. Brandon Heath Jesus In Disguise CD: Blue Mountain

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Sanctus Re Harlingen3 October 1

Joe Beaenm ce

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Coming Events: Tenth Avenue North November 1 – San Antonio

Having an event? Call us at 956.314.0161 or email us at:

SpiritFest Corpus Christi November 10 MercyMe

2012 F Sukko east of Tab tC ernac Tony Evans elebrat lesi Jentez on en

An Acoustic Evening of Stories & Songs Todd Agnew & Jason Gray South Padre Island November 12 The Story Tour 2012 Natalie Grant 12/8 – San Antonio

Frank San A lin, Jo n hn Ha Octob tonio, TX gee er 262 For m ore in 8, 2012 fo cal l: 210 -490-1 600 / 44 / /

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By Dave Ramsey

)RU PRUH ÀQDQFLDO KHOS SOHDVH YLVLW Dave Ramsey is a personal money-management expert and extremely popular national radio personality. His three New York Times best-selling books— Financial Peace, More Than Enough and The Total Money Makeover—have sold more than 6 million copies combined. His latest book, (QWUH/HDGHUVKLS 20 Years of Practical Business Wisdom from the Trenches, releases in September 2011.

Buy It or Turn It In? Dear Dave, I made the mistake of leasing a car a while back, and the lease is up in about nine months. Should I save up the money between now and then to buy it, or save as much as I can to pay down my student loans?... Aaron Dear Aaron, At the end of a lease the price for which you can purchase the car is called the residual value. This amount is preset when you lease the vehicle. So the big question right now is, what’s the car actually worth? If the company thought it would be worth $12,000 and it’s actually worth $14,000, that would be a good deal, and you’d want to buy it instead of turning in the car. Even if you were going to turn around and resell it, you’d still want to go ahead and buy. Another big thing LV WKDW ,·G QHYHU WHOO \RX WR ÀQDQFH D FDU DIWHU WKH OHDVH WHUP 7KHUH·V QR GLIIHUHQFH EHWZHHQ WKDW DQG ZDONLQJ RQWR D FDU ORW DQG ÀQDQFing any other $12,000 car. Look at it this way. You basically have a $12,000 car loan right now, and you’d only be changing the format from leasing to payments LI \RX ÀQDQFHG WKH WKLQJ 6KRXOG \RX NHHS WKLV YHKLFOH" 2QO\ LI LW·V a small percentage of your income. If you make $60,000 or more, I’d probably say save up, pay cash, and keep the car. But if you’re making closer to $30,000 the answer is no.... Dave

Fun to Date, but Not to Marry Dear Dave, I’m dating a man who is really exciting and fun, but he has well over $100,000 in debt. He has nice cars, a boat and he travels a lot, and he does it all on credit. He wants us to get married, but his view of money worries me. What should I do?.. Vickie Dear Vickie, The fact that you’re worried about this situation means you realize that fun and exciting don’t necessarily translate into being wise. I’m sure he’s a nice guy, but your concern tells me that you two are from completely different planets when it comes to handling money. And that can be a death knell to a marriage. 'LVDJUHHPHQWV RYHU PRQH\ DQG ÀQDQFHV DUH WKH QXPEHU RQH cause of marital strife and divorce in North America today. Fighting RYHU GHEW DQG WKH VWUHVV EURXJKW RQ E\ ÀQDQFLDO SUREOHPV ZLOO WDNH a heavy toll on any relationship. When you’re not on the same page with how to handle your money, you’re not on the same page of life. How you spend your money says volumes about who you are, where your values lie, and what’s important to you. This guy is fun because he’s impulsive and has a lot of toys. But the fact that he’s gone into debt for this lifestyle also means he’s a little boy and not a responsible man. And unless you guys can get on the same page with how money is handled, I would strongly advise not going forward with a wedding. For this to get serious and turn into marriage material, one of you will have to change. Either he’ll have to straighten up and start behaving wisely with money, or you’ll have to agree to enjoy living deeply in debt... Dave

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Raul “Rudy� Rodriguez attorney at law

Some historians may argue that among the greatest restoration stories of mankind are the European Renaissance or perhaps the post-World War II era. The cultural movement known as the European Renaissance roughly took place during the 14th through 17th centuries. This moment in history saw the face of Europe evolve with respect to its arts, architecture and long held science tenets. It also saw a rediscovery of the Greco-Roman classical knowledge and a rebirth of the study of Latin and vernacular languages. It served as a bridge between the Middle Ages and the Modern Era. Closer to home, America saw its restoration take place in the years that followed World War II. During this era, couples who could not afford families during the Great Depression made up for lost time. The mood in America suddenly became optimistic. At that time, the unemployment rate of the Great Depression dropped dramatically and the economy improved substantially. The G.I. Bill empowered many honorDEOH VHUYLFH PHPEHUV WR ÂżQLVK KLJK VFKRRO DQG DWWHQG FROOHJH $V WKHLU VNLOOV ZHUH LPSURYHG VR ZDV WKH Âżnancial well-being of their families. But, without a doubt the greatest restoration that can take place is when a person does as Romans 10:9 instructs us to do. Romans 10:9 says: “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.â€? The message is simple: invite Christ into your heart and make him your personal Lord and Savior. At that time, your restoration will be complete. Next He will do as Philippians 1:6 says, “And I am certain that God, who began the good work within \RX ZLOO FRQWLQXH KLV ZRUN XQWLO LW LV ÂżQDOO\ ÂżQLVKHG RQ the day when Christ Jesus returns.â€? As you seek and strive to honor God with your life, He will reward you by allowing you to take on His characteristics. Hosea 14:4 says, “I will bring my people back to me. I will love them with all my heart; No longer am I angry with them.â€? I pray that you will invite Christ into your heart and allow Him to restore you! $W P\ RIÂżFH , DOVR ZDQW WR EH SDUW RI \RXU restoration plan, albeit in a different way. I pray that God will use me for His honor and glory in helping me address your needs. If you have been involved in an auto accident and/or other serious injury or if you have lost a loved one as a result of someone’s negligence, I will do my best to restore some sense of normality to your life. I will also help you in matters involving family law, criminal law and real estate and will issues. As always, I bear in mind that in honoring God with the way I handle my business relationships I will be honoring you my esteemed client.

Raul “Rudy� Rodriguez Phone: 956.380.1421 / Toll Free: 877.480.1421 Fax: 956.380.2920 / Mobile: 956.655.5455

Phone: 956.380.1421 / Toll Free: / Fax: 956.380.2920 / Mobile: 956.655.5455 511 W. University / Edinburg, TX877.480.1421 78539 e-mail: 511 W. University / Edinburg, TX 78539 / e-mail: / 48 / /

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