Valley Christian Magazine April Online Edition

Page 1

April 2014

Ed Newton April 25-26 McAllen Convention Center

A Decision Only

You Can Make p12

Back to Basics


The 5 Best Things to Say To A Friend Today p.8


NEW 2014

2   April 2014

Raul “Rudy” Rodriguez attorney at law




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What’s Inside? April 2014 Features

Vol. 4 / Issue 1 To submit story ideas, events, or comments:

On The Cover

Student Evangelism Conference


April 25-26 McAllen Convention Center

Twitter: @vcmagazine

20. Barna

Three Digital Life Trends for 2014

22. Heritage Church Spotlight 24. Kids Talk about God

Tax Deductible donations can be mailed to:

Texas Christian Publications c/o Valley Christian Magazine 3827 North 10th Street, 301 McAllen, TX 78501

What does the Bible Mean When it Says Jesus Was Full of Grace and Truth?

30. FCA - RGV


33. New Books

Book Review by Miguel Paredes

For Advertising contact:

34. Music Spotlight:

Eli Lara 956-451-0174

Planet Shakers

37. Events

National Columnists

Stella Gallegos 956.739-1663

Ronnie Guerra Vela 956-599-8036

8. Greg Laurie

Back To Basics

14. Lysa Terkeurst

Leila Bird 512-501-9471

The 5 Best Things to Say to a Friend Today

12. James MacDonald

A Decision Only You Can Make

Christian Torres Publisher

Stephanie Torres Accounting

Jonathan Martin Designer

James Alexander Distribution

Johnny Q Photography Photographer

Valley Christian Magazine is a free monthly magazine published by

Valley Christian Magazine is a publication of Texas Christian Publications (a 501c3 organization). Texas Christian Publications reserves the right to edit, modify, revise, rewrite and reject editorial materials and assumes no responsibility for accuracy, errors, omissions or consequences arising from it. All correspondence to this publication becomes the property of Texas Christian Publications. Texas Christian Publications shall be held harmless indemnified against any third-party claims. Texas Christian Publications accepts no claims made by photographers, agents or contributors. Writers’ and columnists’ opinions are not necessarily those of Texas Christian Publications or its publishers. Advertisements appearing in Texas Christian Publications present only the viewpoint of the advertisers. We assume no responsibility for advertising claims made in this publication. Valley Christian Magazine is printed in the United States. Reproduction without the expressed written permissi on prohibited. Copyright 2011.

/ Printed in the USA.

Valley Contributors 6. Christian Torres

From the Publisher

10. Jerrell Jobe

My Heart Christ’s Home

16. Abram Gomez I Am Barrabas

38. Dave Ramsey Ask Dave!

From The Publisher

And He said to them, Go into all the world and preach and publish openly the good news (the Gospel) to every creature [of the whole human race]. Mark 16:15 Thank you for picking up your copy of Valley Christian Magazine. Our purpose is to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ through relevant articles and events in our community. No gimmicks. No twisting of arms. No bells and whistles. Just the Gospel. The same gospel that is over 2,000 years old and is continuing to radically change lives today. What is this Gospel we are talking about? The word gospel simply means “good news.” The central message of the Bible is the gospel, or good news, about the person and work of Jesus Christ. Paul provided an excellent summary of the Gospel in 1 Corinthians 15:1–4: “Now I would remind you, brothers, of the gospel I preached to you, which you received, in which you stand, and by which you are being saved, if you hold fast to the word I preached to you—unless you believed in vain. For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures . . .”

The Wycliffe Bible Encyclopedia summarizes the gospel message this way: The central truth of the gospel is that God has provided a way of salvation for men through the gift of His son to the world. He suffered as a sacrifice for sin, overcame death, and now offers a share in His triumph to all who will accept it. The gospel is good news because it is a gift of God, not something that must be earned by penance or by self-improvement “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16 The way to know the Father is through His Son: “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” John 14:6. In the words of Billy Graham: “Today is the Day of Salvation.” Learn what it is to walk with Christ. I encourage you to find a local church. If you have questions, please call 888-Need Him or go online at Today….start a relationship, Christian Torres








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Back to Basics By Greg Laurie

When Jesus told the believers at Ephesus they had left their first love, He was getting to the heart of the matter, the root of success or failure in the Christian life. He was saying, “You are leaving this first love. You are neglecting these basic things.”

Greg Laurie is Senior Pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside, Calif. He began his pastoral ministry at 19 by leading a Bible study of 30 people. Since then, God has transformed the small group into a church of 15,000 plus, one of the largest churches in America. For more, visit Used by permission from Harvest Ministries with Greg Laurie, PO Box 4000 Riverside, CA 92514

Copyright © 2013 by Harvest Ministries. All rights reserved.


once knew a guy who was always in the best shape. I would run into him a couple of times a year, and he always made a point of reminding me that he was in much better shape than I was. He would tell me, “Feel my arm!” “That’s hard.”

side. He was in great shape. But inside, his heart was in trouble.

That’s good as far as it goes. But it falls short of revealing the whole picture.

You may have the greatest physique — bulging biceps and rippling abs. You may have incredible stamina and energy. But what good is all of that if you have heart disease? You might be able to flex your spiritual muscles in front of other people. You might say, “Look at my schedule! Look at all that I am doing for God. Look at what I have done. Listen to my accomplishments.”

When Jesus told the believers at Ephesus they had left their first love, He was getting to the heart of the matter, the root of success or failure in the Christian life. He was saying, “You are leaving this first love. You are neglecting these basic things.” That is when the Christian life becomes drudgery. That is when you start saying, “There are so many rules. There are so many restrictions. I want to live as I please. I want to be free.”

Look how far you have fallen! Turn back to me and do the works you did at first.

“That’s right!” he would say. But he was a stressed-out and very intense kind of guy. One day, I received the sad news that he had died of a heart attack. This guy had it all together on the out-

— Revelation 2:5, NLT

8   April 2014

When you begin to think like this, you are leaving your first love.

Acts 1:8 “but you shAll receive power when the holy spirit hAs come upon you; And you shAll be witnesses to me in JerusAlem, And in All JudeA And sAmAriA, And to the ends of the eArth.”

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My Heart, Christ’s Home by Jerrell Jobe

We’ll, it’s pretty simple. There are just certain rooms you don’t go wandering around in someone else’s house, especially on your first visit. Often, a host will say, “Hey, let me show you around.” However, it’s not quite the same if the guest spontaneously launches into a self-guided tour of the laundry room, closets and garage. Where are the places in your house that your rarely take guests? The laundry room? The master bedroom closet? Are there certain rooms in your house that you close the doors prior to a guests arrival? Why? Are you embarrassed for them to see the pile of dirty clothes?


hat do you do when someone knocks on your door? I mean, before you open the door and let them inside? Do you look through the little spy-hole? Slightly lift the blinds and peer outside to see if you recognize the car? If you realize it’s a salesperson, do you tell the kids to keep it quiet, as you pretend no one’s home?

In the New Testament, the Apostle Paul prays a fascinating prayer. He prayed, «that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith» (Ephesians 3:17). Interestingly, Paul is praying for Christians, for those who have «asked Jesus into their heart,” as Sunday School teachers and Evangelists have often said through the years. But, Paul’s not Look! I stand at the door and praying they’d knock. If you hear my voice and “ask Christ into open the door, I will come in, and their hearts,” that we will share a meal together as rather Christ would friends. “dwell in” their hearts. Is there (Revelation 3:20 NLT) a difference?

Now, if it’s a delivery courier with a package you’ve been expecting, that’s a different story. Who doesn’t like getting packages? But, a guy selling a twenty-dollar bottle of glass cleaner, or a three-thousand dollar vacuum? Sometimes, it just seems easier if I don’t answer the door. Honestly, I feel bad telling them, “Sorry, but, right now is not a good time. I don’t have two-hours to watch you pour ink on my carpet and then make it miraculously vanish before my eyes …” What about when someone you’re expecting knocks on the door? Suppose, you just met the neighbors from down the street and you’ve invited them over for dinner. Obviously, you open the door. Then what? It’s often customary for them to stand there, until you invite them in and direct them where to go. It wouldn’t be too uncommon, once directed to the living room, for them to take a seat on the couch. However, what if after being invited in, they proceeded to your bedroom and sat down on your bed? That would be a little weird, if not creepy. Why?

Simply put, there’s a vast difference between being a guest and a resident. Guests are visitors that have limited access to the house. Residents feel at home and have much greater access, even to the unkept places within.

Does this infer that it is possible for someone to “believe” in Jesus, pray a prayer, even ask Him “into their hearts,” be “saved” and on their way to heaven, yet Christ Himself still feels more like a guest than a resident; more like a visitor than a family member? The word “dwell” means to “settle down and feel at home.” The Greek scholar, Kenneth Wuest, translates this verse by saying, “That the Christ might finally settle down and feel completely at home in your hearts through your faith.” Biblically, the “heart” is the very center of your personality. It’s not only your feelings and affections, but it also includes the mind and what you think about, what you desire, how you understand things and willfully make decisions. The heart is the citadel of the soul, the executive command center of your life.

10   April 2014

What is Paul praying? Picture your “heart” as if it were your house. Paul’s praying that Christ will not merely be a guest, invited in, but all the while, tip-toeing around, only going where He’s directed. No. Paul is praying that Christ will “settle down and be at home.” He’s praying that Christ will move from guest status to permanent resident status. He will move beyond a visitor with limited access to One who has full access to every room of our heart. Christ is no longer a guest, who graciously brought forgiveness as a house-warming gift, rather He is a resident who has access to sins of the past and present, even those sins hidden from our own awareness. That Christ would dwell in our hearts through faith. That He would finally settle down and feel at home. What does it look like to give Jesus “refrigerator rights” to your life? Following Christ is more than a cognitive consent to a prescribed set of beliefs. It’s more than inviting Him in and asking him to pull up a chair for dinner. Following Christ is unlocking the garage door and then handing over the keys to your whole house. It’s giving Him access to the junk drawer of your soul and the dark closets of your past. For Christ to settle down and be at home within your hearts, means total surrender and an open invitation for Him to roam every area of your life. Our hearts (mind, thoughts, ambitions, desires and emotions) are all laid with unclenched fist before Him. Our heart’s, become Christ’s home. Prayer Practice: Spend some time praying. Imagine Jesus coming to the door of the place where you live. Invite Him in and give Him free access to wander and roam through any and every room. Allow these physical rooms to speak symbolically of the rooms of your heart. Are there closets (areas of your life) that are closed off to Christ’s influence? Any thing crammed under the bed or stuffed in an internal junk drawer of your soul? Allow the Spirit of God to creatively speak to you about the state of your heart. Does He feel more like a resident or merely a guest? As Paul prayed, may Christ settled down and feel at home in our hearts…? May our heart’s, indeed, become His home. JERRELL JOBE

Jerrell is a teaching pastor at Palm Valley Church in Mission. He is married to Charissa and has three children : Micah (11), Naylah (8),and Avi (6).


“Now some will consider this choice to serve but do nothing. They’ll feel the tug of possibility, the longing that could lead to great things, but think, Not for me, that sounds too much like work. What a tragic waste of opportunity. Don’t be like that”

by James MacDonald

work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ. —Colossians 3:23-24

Whatever you do

Paul’s words in these verses are so practical we may gloss over their radical nature. Serving Christ isn’t just about obvious spiritual matters. There is no corner of our lives empty of opportunities to serve Him, no matter how menial or seemingly inconsequential the task He places before us.

in Christ’s kingdom. If you open your heart to this, you will begin to see an incredible array of service opportunities set before you each day. As you begin to take steps of service, you will quickly find it isn’t a lighthearted and carefree parade. There will be times of intense joy, deep camaraderie, and great fun—but also times when fatigue and discouragement are part of the experience. Humbling yourself and serving is tough, and it’s easy to want to throw in the towel when things don’t go as planned.

In fact, other than your decision to believe in Jesus Christ, the choice to serve Him will be more formative in your spiritual life than any other decision.

Colossians 3:24 is key, “You are serving the Lord Christ.” Especially when we get discouraged, we can rest in the truth that our lives and what we do aren’t about us, they’re about serving the Lord.

Consider the way we’re to work. The word heartily doesn’t mean frantically. It refers to an all-in attitude. It also anticipates the joy we can experience when we discover God has actually wired and gifted us for certain tasks we can do wholeheartedly for Him.

Now some will consider this choice to serve but do nothing. They’ll feel the tug of possibility, the longing that could lead to great things, but think, Not for me, that sounds too much like work. What a tragic waste of opportunity. Don’t be like that.

And the commitment to serve heartily requires you to be in God’s Word. You cannot afford to wander away for days or weeks. Time in Scripture is like a briefing for the days’ activities in the place the Lord has called you.

Do you want a life guided by the Lord, encouraged by His blessings, and marked by a sense of purpose? Choose to serve. If you ask anyone fully engaged in ministry for their story, you will find this connection is true: “If you want to be great,” Jesus said, “you must be the servant of all” (Matthew 20:26 NKJV). The life you were designed to experience begins with the decision only you can make: I choose to serve Jesus Christ.

Serving Christ also tethers your heart to the Cross. People are counting on you to be a faithful servant, whether they realize it or not. You have an awe-inspiring privilege to work

12   April 2014

Journal Where are you heartily serving Christ right now?
 What have you found are the benefits of serving Christ?

Pray Lord, I can hardly think about service without visualizing Your Son washing the filth from His disciples’ feet. The work itself was service, but the deeper service was in the unexpected choice. Jesus saw and was willing to do what others were ignoring or oblivious to. Lord, help me become the kind of person who can step into a situation and see where genuine service can be engaged in heartily without even being noticed. Continue to teach me to serve as unto You alone, Lord. In Your Son’s name, the ultimate servant, amen.

Listen to Walk in the Word locally

weekdays at 5:30a.m.

James MacDonald is founding and Senior Pastor at Harvest Bible Chapel in northwest Chicago. James’ teachings can be heard on Walk in the Word, a daily radio program reaching more than 3 million people across North America. Used by permission of Walk in the Word, Elgin, Ill., 61023. by permission of Walk in the Word,Elgin, Ill., 61023.


2014   13


remember sitting in the smelly middle school gym like it was yesterday. I’d survived the awkward and much dreaded moments of changing into my PE uniform in the girls’ locker room. And now I sat on the hard bleachers listening to the squeak of tennis shoes, the uneven cadence of bouncing balls, the teacher’s sharp sounding whistle, and the girls laughing behind me. They weren’t laughing with me. That would have meant I was accepted and wanted and invited in to be a part of their group. No, they were laughing at me. This meant I was not accepted, not wanted, and not invited in to be a part of their group. I was the subject of their gossip. I was the punch line of their jokes. And it hurt. I imagine you know that hurt too. Change the scenery and the people and this same hurt can be found in most of our lives. When your coworkers all make plans to go out to lunch but somehow your name was left off the email chain. When that other preschool mom said, “Several of us moms are concerned with how your child seems so aggressive on the playground.” When everyone else’s social media makes marriage look dreamy and uber-romantic as you’re crying yourself to sleep at night feeling like the loneliest married woman alive. Then a friend steps in with a gentle smile and a few simple words of encouragement and suddenly, you’re not alone. I want to be that friend for you today. In the midst of whatever it is that’s made your heart feel a bit knocked off-kilter, can I whisper what I believe are the five best things one can say to a friend? You’re wonderful. Me too. I’ll pray. I’ll share. Come over. These aren’t incredibly profound but oh so needed. You know what I mean? And if we need to hear these simple kind words, then might we dare to believe someone near us needs to hear them as well? I think a lot of us girls are terribly lonely. So, imagine what good these words could do. Loving someone else is one of the most God-honoring things we can do today. After all, we’re reminded in Scripture that all the commandments can be summed up and fulfilled if we will love others (Romans 13: 8-10). I came up with this list of 5 best things to say to a friend from Romans 12: 12-13 in a section appropriately titled, “Love.”



Best Things to Say to a Friend Today

By Lysa Terkeurst

1. “You’re wonderful.” 
(Romans 12:12, “Be joyful in hope…”) What a loving thing it would be to infuse joyful hope into your friend’s life by reminding her of ways you think she is wonderful.

Lysa TerKeurst is a New York Times best selling author and speaker who helps everyday women live an adventure of faith through following Jesus Christ. As president of Proverbs 31 Ministries, Lysa has lead thousands over the past 15 years to help make their walk with God an invigorating journey. In the midst of her ministry, though, Lysa is a real, everyday woman who simply seeks to glorify God through her life and family.

The world is quick to tell us girls of all the many ways we fall short. We are hyperaware of our faults and frailties.

So, what a precious gift to remind a friend of specific ways you notice that she’s a wonderful friend, a wonderful mom, a wonderful Jesus girl, a wonderful wife, a wonderful coworker, a wonderful person. 2. “Me too.”
(Romans 12:12, “…Patient in affliction…”) What a gift it is to remind our friend that we all have afflictions, hurts, faults, and tender places. We all get sick both emotionally and physically. The patient friend is one who freely gives grace because she so desperately needs it herself. “Me too” acknowledges that I’m no better than you but together we can get stronger. It is such a loving and disarming admission that we’re all in this together. 3. “I’ll pray.”
(Romans 12:12, “…Faithful in prayer.” Wouldn’t it be wonderful to express to a friend that you will absolutely be faithful in your prayers for her? I have a friend that prays for me so faithfully. She texts me Scriptures that she prays over my life.

I have a friend who literally lost every possession she owned due to a chemical spill in her home. So, we threw her a “Job (like the man in the Bible) Party.” Each of us brought a few things to help her family start over. We didn’t even come close to fully meeting their financial needs. But we helped build a foundation of restoration and gave this family the assurance that God was working on their behalf. 5. “Come over.”
(Romans 12:13, “Practice hospitality.”) Throwing open our front door to welcome a friend inside the sacred space of our home is such a needed gesture. There’s just something about relationships that are less pixilated where we get eye-to-eye, voice-to-voice… and talk. Really talk. Over broken bread we share broken hearts. And then we celebrate the parts of us that are still intact. We reach across the table and across our differences to grab hold of the glorious bond of friendship. Yes, these are 5 great things, maybe even the best things to say to a friend. Yes? You’re wonderful.

But here’s what I really love about her. She doesn’t just pray about my situations. She prays me through them. She’s willing to circle my circumstances over and over with her prayers.

Me too.

I honestly don’t know how she hasn’t gotten tired of praying for some of my same issues for so long. I get so tired of me… but she never does. What a gift. A gift I know I must pass on by being faithful in my prayers for others.

So, today, I pause and say them to you. Now, I haven’t quite figured out how to do that last one. It would be such a hoot trying to fit you all in my kitchen, but I sure am dreaming about it. What a crazy fun time we’d have.

4. “I’ll share.”
(Romans 12:13, “Share with God’s people in need…”) When we notice a need in a friend’s life, might we be willing to step in and at least be a small part of the solution?

14   April 2014

I’ll pray. I’ll share. Come over.

My only request is that you bring one of those awful pictures from middle school you keep hidden away in the back of your closet. Then we can laugh and bond and wonder together why we ever thought it was okay to do our hair that way.

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Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends -John 15:13 April

2014   15

He had done nothing wrong.

This other man lived a different lifestyle. He had done something wrong. He had committed crimes. He was known as a murderer and He had committed no crime. as a robber. He was part of a rebellion with his fellow rebels. He was caught and placed He simply went around doing good, not evil. in prison. He was serving his time and paying He healed the sick. He opened the eyes of the for his poor decisions. He deserved what was blind. He made the mute speak. Deaf ears happening to him. were opened by His touch. People were drawn to Him in such a way that crowds would gather But in an act of unseen grace, he just happened wherever He went. Yet, He was accused by the religious leaders of His day out of envy and jealousy. He was brought before the Jewish Sanhedrin to be examined and tried. False witnesses even testified against Him to convict Him of His works. The high priest was persuaded by the chief priests and the rest of the council to put Him to death. Soon, He was brought before Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor.

hatred of Jesus allows them to forget about the crimes that Barabbas had committed. The wrongdoings of Barabbas were overshadowed by the innocence of Jesus. Barabbas is given a second chance. Barabbas has an opportunity to start over. The chains that once kept him bound will now be loosed. Barabbas must have felt lucky that day as if he got away with murder. To be quite honest, he did. This unmerited favor and good fortune was only a result of Jesus taking his place. The Bible does not let the audience know what happened after his release, but one can imagine the relief and liberty Barabbas must have felt in that moment. Jesus dies. Barabbas lives.

“Barabbas is given a second chance. Barabbas has an opportunity to start over. The chains that once kept him bound will now be loosed. Barabbas must have felt lucky that day as if he got away with murder.”

Being in the presence of the governor, He had an opportunity to speak for Himself, but He said not a word. It was the custom of the governor to release a prisoner during this time. Pilate would release and give a pardon to whomever the multitude of Jews requested. However, the Jews wanted someone else. They wanted the “other” man.

to be in prison at the same time the innocent Man was convicted. One is named Barabbas. The other is named Jesus. Barabbas lived his life as a notorious prisoner. Jesus carried Himself as a Nazarene Prince. Barabbas deserved death. Jesus deserved life. In a collision of merciful fate, Barabbas is requested by the people to receive the pardon and freedom. Instead of setting Jesus free, Pilate allows Barabbas to be released. The people’s

Friends, you and I are Barabbas. Because of our sins, we deserved death. We were bound by our ways and imprisoned by our past. However, we were given a second chance. We have been set free. We can start over. Because Jesus took our place, we are redeemed and justified. This Easter season, remember that we have experienced a collision with grace and by grace, we live. To Him who lives forever and ever. To Him who is worthy of our praise. To Him who has set us free with His precious blood. Our Savior, Our King, Our Redeemer. JESUS CHRIST IS LORD!

Abram Gomez

I Am Barabbas

16   April 2014

is the Executive Pastor at Valley International Christian Center in San Benito, Texas. He serves under the Leadership of Bishop Jaime Loya, and is a graduate of Southwestern Assemblies of God University. Abram has helped to develop leadership in various ministries and programs at VICC. He and his wife, Rebecca, currently reside in Harlingen, TX and are parents to Isabella Claire.


2014   17


hrough SEC, the gospel will be communicated and lost students will have the chance to respond. Students will learn that Christianity is not just about showing up at church, but it is a movement to be advanced to the ends of the earth. They will be challenged to go home and start a movement by sharing and living the good news of Jesus Christ in their communities. The Student Ministry Team at the SBTC are here to serve you, student pastors and leaders across the Lone Star State. As we partner with you to do Kingdom work in this great state, we hope more students will be evangelized, discipled and involved in ministry and missions.

Worship- The Digital Age Asked about the art and craft of novel writing, E.L. Doctorow once famously stated: “It’s like driving a car at night. You never see further than your headlights, but you can make the whole trip that way.” That analogy applies to so many creative pursuits—recording an album, for example. But let’s suppose the musical group in question leaves behind a celebrated past to traverse an uncertain future: one so speculative that even the group’s name isn’t quite settled yet when the road trip begins. To take Doctorow’s analogy a step further, it’s like driving a car at night with one headlight, a spotty GPS signal and no gas stations for another hundred miles. Yet the long, strange trip that saw four core members of the David Crowder*Band become The Digital Age has yielded one stunning testament to multi- dimensional faith: faith in the music, faith expressed through the music and faith the musicians had in each other. The result is a sojourn that, fittingly enough, begins at night and rides straight on to dawn in best concept-album fashion— Evening:Morning. As guitarist/vocalist Mark Waldrop notes: “It’s equal parts old and equal parts new. As a band playing together for so many years, we know each other as people, musicians and songwriters. With The Digital Age, it all felt very natural, but losing a violinist and acoustic guitarist changed us, so we decided to press on and continue to innovate our sound.” Along with Crowder compatriots Jack Parker, Jeremy “B-Wack” Bush and Mike “Mike D” Dodson, Waldrop set out to create a disc that maintained the best of their old, beloved band. Yes, that means sinewy rhythms, undeniable hooks, and infectious melody, as evidenced in the first single and leadoff track, “Captured.” But it also means maintaining a beating-heart belief that the Church is beautiful, diverse, creative and alive … and that these quali-

ties should be reflected in the music that the Church and The Digital Age create. “The Digital Age mission picks up where we left off,” Waldrop says. “It’s alt rock that’s compelling lyrically and musically, and we’re still obsessed with the concept record. So we’re carrying over what we did before. This is all we know, to write together and work together. It feels new, but a lot of it is a carry over; it’s not too, too huge a departure.”

in the silence for his parents Ron and Libby Newton. Through difficult circumstances and major hardships Ed was radically saved in high school. It was through the spoken word of others and the written Word of God that clarified a call to ministry as a senior in high school. God began to show forth His sovereign will in leading Ed to Clearwater Christian College to gain a Bible education, while affording the opportunity to play college basketball for four years. Ed continued his education journey by receiving a Master in Religious Education from Mid-America Baptist Theologi-

Still, The Digital Age’s combination of sound and spirit defies definition in a way that even leaves the band’s members stumped. “When we met with our record label after the record was done, they gave us an assignment to categorize ourselves in a couple of words. We laughed and they replied, ‘We know this is Tickets: $15 before March 25th really difficult.’ $20 after March 25th or at the door The term ‘modern Online: worship’ is played out; all these other things are played out. All we’re trying to do is write music that sounds like what we listen to, but worship music specifically. You have to be aware of the church and make cal Seminary, a Master of Divinity from Trinity it accessible. But we don’t want to fit into any Theological Seminary, and a Doctorate of Minmold. Worship music needs istry in Pulpit Communication and Expository to meet the broader culture Preaching from Trinity Theological Seminary. to make it more relevant.” Prior to surrendering to a call to a faith-based There’s much to recommend itinerant evangelism ministry, Ed has served about this musical expe- the local church in multiple positions such as dition, which promises to Youth Minister, Recreation Pastor, as well as reach an audience far be- Minister of Outreach and Single Adults. Curyond David Crowder*Band rently, Ed serves in a support role as Staff Evanterritory. gelist at First Baptist Church Central Florida, the Executive Director of the LIFT TOUR, and And so let The Digital Age teaching faculty member of Student Leaderbegin, an age that mocks its very moniker by ship University in Orlando, Florida. yielding music that overflows with heart and soul—not just the kind that makes for a gliding God has uniquely gifted Ed with an ability to groove or an emotive performance. Yes, there’s connect with various age groups, personally plenty of that to enjoy on Evening:Morning. and corporately. His communication style can But another brand of heart and soul also man- be summarized as “passion with content” while ifests itself, and it’s one Waldrop sums up with seeking to inspire people to be passionate, high-beam optimism: dedicated followers of Christ. He and his wife, (College Sweetheart) Stephanie, and their four “Our God isn’t passive and in the grave. He’s ac- children, London, Lola, Liv, and Lawson reside tive and so we thought, ‘Let’s put the flashlight in Orlando, FL. ahead of us and see what step we’re supposed to take.’ We don’t know where we’re going but Andy Mineo we’re going somewhere and we’re trusting that God is with us every step. We’ve been given the Whether he’s on gist; we’ve been given the songs. Now it’s time stage bringing an to go out into the wild, follow … and see.” audience to its feet

Ed Newton Ed Newton was raised in a deaf world. The only child of two deaf parents, Ed was the voice

18   April 2014

with his riveting performance or off stage fielding interview questions with a potent com-

bination of intellect and wit, it’s obvious Andy Mineo is a born communicator and hip hop music is his instrument for reaching the masses. “It is absolutely undeniable that hip hop is becoming the universal language,” Mineo says expressing an unbridled enthusiasm for his artistic vehicle. “It’s so influential because you are able to say so much in a short period of time. The essence of hip hop is the boldness of it so you’re able to be exactly who you are. You are able to say exactly what you want. You represent exactly what is deepest and dearest to you and people respond to that. They respond to that realness.”



That musical authenticity, heart for people and keen insight into the human condition coalesce on Mineo’s Reach Records debut Heroes for Sale. “We make heroes out of a lot of things,” he says. “We make heroes out of people. We believe ourselves to be greater than we really are. We make ourselves look like heroes to other people. What I really wanted to do is show the brokenness of the heroes that we create and the heroes that we try to be in order to show that there is ultimately only one great hero.” To underscore that message, Mineo was willing to strip back the layers of his own life and be honest with his audience. “I get really transparent on these songs,” he confesses. “I want to let people see into my brokenness in hopes that other people would identify with that and ultimately know that they don’t have to be great. Their God is. Also I just wanted to have fun. I wanted to show off my love for hip hop. I wanted to try some things. You’ll see a bunch of my big personality come out. I let people see who I am.” A native of Syracuse, New York, Mineo grew up in a single parent home and was a troubled kid who was kicked out of public school because of his anger issues and aggressive tendencies. Sports and music became positive outlets for Andy’s excessive energy. “I was more involved in basketball and football until one of my friends and I just started rapping as a joke,” he remembers. “We used to buy singles because we couldn’t afford anything else. When you’re 10 years old and you’ve got two or three dollars, you buy the CD single instead of the whole album. The CD single would have instrumentals, so we would just write our own raps to the instrumental on the CD. That’s kind of where my love for it began. My buddy got a program for the computer and we were recording in my living room. I put together my first rap and I fell in love with it the moment I heard myself on the beat. I said, ‘Man, I want to do this forever!” Mineo became a hard-working young entrepreneur and not only recorded his own raps, but started a studio in his house where he recorded other young hopefuls. He became a local hero and at 17 had money, success and everything most young guys are looking to achieve. “When I got to about 15 or 16, I got all the equipment I needed to not only record myself, but have my friends come over and I’d record them,” he says. “Other people got wind of that and said, ‘Hey I’ll come over and I’ll pay to let me record,’ so I started doing that. The business kept on evolving. I started making more money and bought more stuff, moved it into my basement and built a full studio with one of my friends, who was a carpenter. We created a little ghetto basement studio. That’s how I made my money all throughout high school.” Yet even with Mineo’s worldly success, there was still an emptiness and restlessness in his heart. He found what he had been looking for when his sister Mary went to work at a church camp one summer and took Andy with her. “I was surrounded by loving people,” he recalls. “There were a couple of guys that invested in me that summer, shared the gospel with me, showed me what it is to follow Jesus, and that’s when I had my first real encounter with Jesus.” When he returned home, it was hard to grow in his faith. “All throughout high school it was really difficult to follow Jesus without having any community,” Mineo says. “I didn’t have any home church. I didn’t have any men to disciple me. Nothing. When I went to college is when I started to get that. In college, I got away from the situation I was in. God put me there and he put me around a bunch of people that loved God, people that looked like me and talked like me. They were into hip hop like I was and it was really a blessing to meet some of these guys.”





Three Digital Life Trends for 2014 Today’s personal devices may be wireless, but digital users seem to be more tethered than ever. From computer to phone to tablet to television, Americans spend more time in front of a screen than ever and show no signs of slowing down. The effects of this widespread digitalization of life, for better or worse, are widely debated. But there can be no doubt about one thing: the digital life is here to stay, and it is changing everything. Work, faith, relationships, the very contours of young adulthood—all of these and more are dramatically shaped by the realities of our screen age. 

Barna Group’s latest study reveals three cultural trends emerging out of the “new normal” of digital life.v

The Hyperlinked Life 
 Digital life connects—and disconnects—adults in life and faith. 

In 2013, two images of Saint Peter’s Square captured the world’s attention. The first, taken in 2005, shows a crowd attending the funeral of Pope John Paul II. The second, taken in 2013 from an angle similar to the first photo, shows a crowd observing the election of Pope Francis—only this photo exhibits a particular glow. Nearly every person in the picture is holding up a digital screen to capture the event. 

These images are emblematic of a larger cultural shift that has just begun. In the hyperlinked age, people now view life—from its smallest details to its monumental moments— through a digital lens. And through this lens, they experience faith as well. 

In fact, there’s not much that adults today don’t experience through a digital lens. And while the benefits of technology are many—increased information, social connectivity and even communities and tools for spiritual growth, to name a few—the hyperlinked life also opens up new challenges. 

Because the relationship to personal devices is so strong, it naturally affects personal relationships—for better and for worse. Social media, of course, lives up to its name. As Barna data show, more than one-third of adults (36%) stop whatever they’re doing to check their device when they get a new text or message. About the same number (35%) admit their personal electronics sometimes separates them from other people. 

The hyperlinked life has its advantages and disadvantages for a life of faith, too. For all their hyper-connectivity, for example, only 21% of adults say they set aside time each day to connect with God.

20   April 2014

First Gen Digital Natives 
 The first generation of digital natives are coming of age—and inaugurating a new young adulthood unlike any generation before. 

The “next greatest” generation. The me-me-me generation. Whatever you call them, nearly everyone has something to say about Millennials. But if you ask Millennials themselves what makes their generation unique, chances are their answer will have something to do with technology. Nearly one-quarter of Millennials (24%) identify the use of technology as the distinctive characteristic of their generation, and 62% like that they know more about technology than older adults. This fluency with technology has revolutionized the way Millennials engage with the world. 

What is striking, however, is that the first generation to grow up as digital natives is looking not for mere flashing lights, but for substance. An overwhelming 87% of Millennials say they want to live a meaningful life. 

This mix of technological savvy and the search for meaning may explain a few generational surprises. For example, despite rising rates of co-habitation and delayed marriage, Barna research shows a majority of Millennials (82%) want to get married even more than the general population (62%). And even though born again Millennials are notable for their social activism, they also defy expectations as the generation that practices evangelism most. There’s more to this digitally connected tribe than meets the eye.

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Greater Expectations 
 Twenty-four-seven digital availability means greater expectations in one’s work and social lives. There can be no doubt that personal technology is a pervasive part of life today. Yet when it comes to its value, adults are nearly split on the issue: 47% say their devices have made them more productive, while 53% believe their devices have made them more distracted. 

Adults are beginning to realize that even digital lights burn out—and more often than not, their tech-savvy users burn out with them. The data suggests it’s a difficult lesson to learn, however. Many idealize the concept of logging off periodically, if only for a little while, but few actually do so. Only a little over half of Americans (54%) say they relax on a regular basis—leaving nearly half who do not. 

Meanwhile, perpetual digital connectedness takes its toll. Less than half of Americans (42%) feel satisfied with their work/life balance, and even fewer are content with their relationship boundaries (38%), their levels of overall stress (28%) and their practice of rest (39%). And while nearly everyone is plugged in nonstop, only about one in five say they spend eight to 12 hours a day being truly productive. And an overwhelming 55% say they wish they had accomplished more the day before.

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About the Research
The research included in this report is part of Barna Group’s FRAMES project. This project included four separate nationwide studies conducted between May and August 2013. These public opinion studies were conducted using a mix of telephone (including cell phones) and online interviewing among 4,495 adults. The maximum sampling error for any of the four studies is plus or minus 3.1 percentage points at the 95% confidence level. 

Additional details about the research effort are available here:

About Barna Group
Barna Group (which includes its research division, the Barna Research Group) is a private, non-partisan, for-profit organization under the umbrella of the Issachar Companies. Located in Ventura, California, Barna Group has been conducting and analyzing primary research to understand cultural trends related to values, beliefs, attitudes and behaviors since 1984.

If you would like to receive free e-mail notification of the release of each update on the latest research findings from Barna Group, you may subscribe to this free service at the Barna website ( Additional research-based resources are also available through this website. Joe Cuellar, Manager for Castle & Cooke Mortgage, LLC 5412 N 10th Street McAllen, TX 78504 Office 956.687.6688 Mobile 956.789.2121

© Barna Group, 2014


2014   21

A conversation with Pastor Jeremy Valladares” : A Pastor Shown God’s Mercy

Valley Christian Magazine had the privilege of sitting down with Pastor Jeremy Valladares of Heritage Baptist Church in McAllen.


ou may not know Jeremy….but most likely you may have heard the story of this South McAllen Pastor’s horrific car accident in Mexico’s Yucatan peninsula. It was 2 days before Christmas, Pastor Jeremy was traveling with another pastor finishing up prep work for a new mission site that he and his church were going to work on this year when the worst of our fears happened…. A truck swerved to miss a group of people walking along the street causing their vehicle to swerve off the road hit a rock and throw the car in to a head-on collision with a semi-truck. After several hours of being trapped in their vehicle, help finally arrived. Pastor Jeremy survived with broken femurs, a broken clavicle and many other broken bones. He was in critical condition. Jeremy showed me his arm and shared how his arm went through the window and the truck struck it. He stated the doctors couldn’t believe his arm wasn’t torn off. Jeremy survived but required numerous surgeries. Unfortunately, the first hospital he was taken to could not perform any of them. He had to be transported to another hospital and it was hours until he received his first IV. Katie, his wife, immediately traveled to Mexico to be by her husband’s side. It was at this time that word got out that the hospital would not release him until he had multiple surgeries before they would allow air travel back to the United States. As you can imagine, all these surgeries were extremely expensive and cash and credit card were the only forms of payments they would accept. Finally, after monetary gifts from friends, family, and strangers to pay for the

Pastor Jeremy his wife, Katie and daughters Laura -7, Aylen -5, Adalai -1 treatment….along with a substantial gift from a private donor who donated for the Air Ambulance transport back to the US, Jeremy arrived in Brownsville to throngs of friends & family.

Grande Valley that were affected by his trial. He has so many people to be thankful to. He’s most thankful to God for providing through some of the unlikeliest ways during this need.

Additional surgeries were required at Valley Baptist in Harlingen and extensive therapy at Arbor View in Edinburg…Jeremy can now stand and walk with a cane (for now). Jeremy is determined to get back to his cycling and athletic triathlon lifestyle!

Jeremy also loves to share about how his church, Heritage Baptist Church, a small church located in South McAllen next to The Zone Action Park, after planting the church 6 years ago, is making an impact on our community.

Jeremy loves to share the story of how God has worked in his life, his family’s life, his church’s lives and so many lives of people here in the Rio

Heritage Baptist is a young church…meaning the average age of the members are in the midto-late-twenties. There are older members that

22   April 2014


First Thursday in May WORSHIP • PRAISE • PRAYERS “Blessed is the Nation whose God is the Lord.” Psalm 33:12: attend but they are actively reaching out to the younger people of the Valley. He wants them to know that once they get involved, they are like family. They lean on each other and show them how a church community can impact their lives. They are active in serving outside their church walls by recently serving in different ministries like Beach Reach at South Padre Island and the 9 mission trips they have planned for this year. Yes, they are returning to the site where Pastor Jeremy had his accident. “How could they not?” Jeremy shared.

A Call to Worship East Lawn (Flag Poles) of Hidalgo County Courthouse in Edinburg, Texas

“God is not done with me yet. If you woke up today? Live with a purpose. Live for God.” Say Jeremy, “I’m just a Pastor who has been shown God’s faithfulness. You can too….don’t doubt Him.”

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and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” II Chronicles 7:14

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2014   23

What Does The Bible Mean When It Says Jesus Was Full Of Grace And Truth? By Carey Kinsolving & Friends


f you had a bad day and had a time out, God would forgive you,” says Hayes, 6.

Hayes, you’re thinking like me. You need a lot of grace for life’s truth timeouts. In Jesus, we see the perfect balance of grace and truth.

person of the Lord Jesus Christ: ”This constant undivided union of two perfect natures in Christ’s Person is exactly that which gives infinite value to His mediation, and qualifies Him to be the very Mediator that sinners need. Our Mediator is One who can sympathize with us, because He is very MAN. And yet, at the same time, He is One who can deal with the Father for us on equal terms, because He is very GOD.”

“And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth” (John 1:14). Ryle gives one of the best explanations ever placed in The word print of how “dwelt” as in grace and the Word or truth came Jesus dwelling together in among us the person has a history of the Lord in the Old Jesus Christ. Te s t a m e n t . You may The word can want to read be translated it again. “tabernacled.” M o s e s When I think constructed of grace, the the Ark of the words of the Covenant and Lord Jesus placed it in a tent so that God dwelt among his on the cross come to mind: “Father, forgive people as they wandered in the desert. them, for they do not know what they do” (Luke 23:34). Truth demands justice, but forgiveness Pastor Emile Wolfaardt puts it this way: “A is grace in action. little more than 2000 years ago God stepped onto our earth, pitched His tent and set up The truth behind the unjust trial and crucifixion camp right in the middle of us all. That is what of Jesus is that he could have snapped his the word ‘dwelled’ can mean - to set a tent. fingers and annihilated his accusers. Jesus In other words, the Word became flesh and allowed himself to be falsely accused, unjustly pitched His tent among us. And when He did whipped and brutally crucified as a common that it was the most profound revelation of God criminal. Why didn’t he resist? Grace. man would ever know on this earth.” The truth is that our sins drove him to the Theologian J.C. Ryle eloquently writes of the cross. He took our sins on himself and bore grace and truth that came together in the the punishment that we deserve. Why?

“A little more than 2000 years ago God stepped onto our earth, pitched His tent and set up camp right in the middle of us all.

24   April 2014

Truth demands justice, and justice demands punishment for wrong doing. What kind of world would this be if people were permitted to kill each other when they got angry? God is righteous in that he punishes sin, but he also loves us because he sent his son to take the punishment we deserve. “It means that God was full of grace,” says Katie, 10. “When people sinned, he gave grace.” Think about this: Jesus Christ left the glories of his dwelling place in heaven to suffer the humility of crucifixion so that he could prepare a heavenly dwelling place for us. Memorize this truth: John 1:14 quoted above. Ask this question: Have you received the truth about your need for a savior and God’s gracious provision in the life, death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ?

Carey Kinsolving’s Kids Talk About God syndicated column is distributed by Creators Syndicate. features a Bible-lesson archive of all columns. Kinsolving is the co-founder of the RGV Children’s Arts Festival. One Valley child will win a vacation for up to five, immediate family members to the Bar Lazy J Guest Ranch in Parshall, Colorado plus a check for $1000 to help pay for travel expenses. For details go to

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2014   25

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2014   27


28   April 2014

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2014   29

You are invited to the

FCA Victory Gala With Special Guest To see the world impacted for Jesus Former A&M Christ through the influence Texas of athletes Head Baseball Coach and coaches. FCA Vision

Mark Johnson

Lord and has been the Fellowship of decades.

FCA Mission


Tuesday, May 6, 2014 6:30pm and adventure of receiving Jesus Christ McAllen Convention Center To present to athletes and coaches and

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as Savior and Lord, serving Him in their


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FCA Core Values To Reserve Your Our relationships will demonstrate h at several major call Robin Table steadfast commitment to Jesus Christ 84 he became the at (956)994-1121

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Service, Teamwork and Excellence.

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Fellowship of A Note From Nathan... Christian Athletes

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d thousands of lives.

Nathan Jones



Hey Everyone,

eball Coach for the Bearkats.

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Mulit-Area Director Fellowship of Christian Athletes

I am sooooo This Rd year’s 31st300 Annual FCA Victory Gala on May 6th at the McAllen Convention Center is 1801excited… S. McColl Suite going to be great!!! Sponsor a table, have fun bidding on our Gala Auction Items, and come prepared to have McAllen,our TX 78503 a ton of fun supporting kids. Former Texas A&M Head Baseball Coach Mark Johnson will be with us, and ev ery dollar raised goes towards the FCA Ministry here in our Area. With our Weekend of Champions retreat comPhone: 956-994-1121 ing up April 25-27, hundreds of Jr High & High School students from all over South Texas are preparing to come together for Bible study, prayer, worship, and fellowship with other quality students. Everyone’s participation in Fax: 956-994-1131 our FCA Victory Gala will go a long ways in helping raise money to help send kids to not only the Weekend of Champions retreat but also to the many other Summer Camp opportunities FCA has to offer. May the Lord’s E-mail: grace & peace be your portion this month.all.

The Best Is Yet To Come...

Nathan Jones

FCA Vision To see the world impacted for Jesus Christ through the influence of athletes and coaches. FCA Mission To present to athletes and coaches and all whom they influence the challenge and ad-

venture of receiving Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, serving Him in their relation-ships and in the fellowship of the church.

FCA Core Values Our relationships will demonstrate steadfast commitment to Jesus Christ and His Word through Integrity, Service, Teamwork and Excellence.

30   April 2014


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April 2014   31

50 People Every Christian Should Know

Warren W. Wiersbe Baker Books


ame some of the greatest singers or bands. How about some of the greatest athletes of all time? Some of us may be able to do that without much effort. Do you know some of the “Spiritual Giants of the Faith?” Warren W. Wiersbe has written 50 People Every Christian Should Know. He has selected 50 people born from the period 1499 to 1905. In some way, each has contributed to evangelical Christianity in America today. Katherine von Bora, the wife of Martin Luther, was a sacrificing woman who, it can be argued, kept the great Reformer in check and encouraged him. The founder of the Methodist Church was George Whitefield, not John and Charles Wesley. He was a strong and influential leader who could say, “Oh, that I may learn from all I see to desire to be nothing and to think it my highest privilege to be an assistant to all but the head of none.” Charles Spurgeon was a prolific preacher who liked to rock the boat on theological issues among his peers, especially a diluted gospel message. It was important that the message

of the gospel remained simple and pure. Dwight L. Moody was an influential evangelist and preacher who did not have formal training for ministry, and he was never ordained. Yet, his influence among his contemporaries was profound, and the establishment of a Christian higher education institution should speak for itself. Amy Carmichael impresses me. Her faith was radical and her methods were a product of her faith. “She did not solicit funds.” She was the kind of missionary that many churches and missionary boards would not necessarily want to be connected with because she was misunderstood by her unapologetic devotion and dedication to God. To some she was not easy to work with, but God’s will was done.

She was not out to please people, but solely focused on pleasing and serving her Heavenly Father. Her ministry in India involved saving children from sold by their parents to different gods for the purpose of temple prostitution. She was referred to as Amma, the Tamil word for “mother.” She is definitely someone all Christians should know. Get to know some of the people whom God has used. None were perfect, but God uses the imperfect to display His perfect power and grace. Let Him do the same with your life as you are encouraged by theirs’, so that you may also leave a good legacy of faith.

Here are Amy’s principles of prayer: 1. We don’t need to explain to our Father things that are known to him. 2. We don’t need to press him, as if we had to deal with an unwilling God. 3. We don’t need to suggest to him what to do, for he himself knows what to do.

Book Review by

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32   April 2014

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Miguel Paredes Is a teacher at Edinburg North and earned his Masters in Theology from Dallas Theological Seminary. He is married to Brenda and has four children: Diego (12), Karla and Andrea (9), and Charis (5).

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Raw Faith


: The God Moment That Changes Everything

by Kyle Idleman David C. Cook Curriculum

We’ve all had “aha!” moments in our lives, times when a sudden revelation surprises us with insight. According to pastor and bestselling author Kyle Idleman, we can experience this same kind of “aha!” in our spiritual lives. With everyday examples and trademark testimonies, Idleman draws on Scripture to reveal how three key elements can draw us closer to God and change our lives for good. Awakening to the reality of our true spiritual condition, we see ourselves and our need for a Savior with renewed honesty. This realization leads to action, obeying God’s commands and following the example set by Christ. As we see in the transformation of the prodigal son, the result is a life-changing, destiny-altering collision—an AHA moment that leads us home to our loving Father. Read a Sample Chapter at

Kasey Van Norman Tyndale

As a respected Bible teacher, Kasey Van Norman had dedicated her life to sharing God’s Word and encouraging women to trust in God during times of crisis. Then, just as her ministry was poised to explode, Kasey was diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer that shattered her spirit and rocked her faith to its core. Sick, frightened, and in pain, Kasey suddenly found herself facing the greatest challenge of her life—believing her own message. In Raw Faith, Kasey chronicles her courageous battle with cancer, taking readers on a candid and poignant journey of faith and discovery, from the depths of despair through triumphant victory. Drawing on a variety of Bible stories and characters, Kasey discovers and distills the singular truth that has existed since time began: while change and uncertainty are inevitable, God is always unchanging, and He is always faithful—even when our circumstances might tempt us to think otherwise. Read a Sample Chapter at


2014   33

expectation, but as God began to break all the boundaries we had, to reach our city and our area, we’ve begun to see God use Planetshakers to win the nations of the world, and we’re moving with it, taking this message and encounter with God, to see the Kingdom of Christ come to earth as it is in heaven, to see a great harvest of souls.”

by Melissa Riddle Chalos Modern worship grown locally then catapulted onto an international stage, Planetshakers is organic to its environment and yet unique to the digital age in which it was born. It is a dedicated team of talented songwriters, musicians and worship leaders boldly leading as one, proclaiming the joy and freedom found in powerful encounter with God. ENDLESS PRAISE marks the 26th LIVE recording to capture the energy, excitement and commitment of Planetshakers Church of Melbourne Australia, a church rising up to change the world. Under the direction of pastors Russell and Sam Evans, Planetshakers Church is one of the fastest growing churches in Australia and the catalyst for a worldwide movement. An outreach of epic proportions, recently leading over 200,000 at a single event in Asia, Planetshakers will tour nine states throughout the U.S. in 2014, as well as an astounding 17 countries, including India, Germany, Poland, Korea and Malaysia. “From the beginning, the idea of a movement was never in our vision, says Sam Evans, co-pastor and lead worshiper of Planetshakers. “We were just being obedient to God every step of the way. Of course we had faith and

1. Sidewalk Prophets Keep Making Me CD: Live Like That

2. Francesca Battistelli Write Your Story CD: If We’re Honest

Produced by Joth Hunt for Planetshakers, in partnership with Integrity Music, ENDLESS PRAISE features 14 original songs that reflect the life and worship of Planetshakers Church and its Awakening conference. Emerging in part from pastor Russell Evans’ teaching over the course of a year and in preparation for Planetshakers’ annual conference in Melbourne, it’s an anthemic, joy-infused collection forged in a vibrant, celebratory community... in the context of an ongoing move of God. “We’re always trying to write from a fresh perspective, to say something new,” Joth explains. “We’ll write toward Pastor Russell’s teaching on a given topic, but often it’s just in the flow of the Holy Spirit, which is the greatest way to do it.” In everything, he says, the goal is to support the vision of the church and give voice to how God is moving among them. “Our songs have to be full of power and life,” he adds. “Scripture shows us that the kingdom of God is full of joy and life, so that shapes our approach to the music.” Transparent to its core, Planetshakers’ ENDLESS PRAISE reveals a breakthrough worship experience wherein believers abandon themselves in praise. “God’s just using us to remind the Church of the joy and celebration and passion he desires,” says Sam. “In a world that looks for happiness in all sorts of things, there is such great power in our praise - power against the forces of darkness, depression and heaviness that people live under. We want to break through that with praise so that people experience complete freedom in Christ.” “This is prophetic, I can feel it in the air

3. Big Daddy Weave

– The Only Name

(Yours Will Be) CD: Love Come To Life

4. Matt Redman Your Grace Finds Me

34   April 2014

CD: Your Grace Finds Me

We lift our praise and you change the atmosphere...” –from “Turn It Up” That freedom is palpable. ENDLESS PRAISE gives honor to the One who makes all things possible. From the celebratory title track/single and video that opens the recording, to the electric-joy explosion that continues with “Turn It Up” and “Dance,” the album gives listeners carte-blanche permission to leave their inhibitions at the door and dance for joy before the Lord. From there, ENDLESS PRAISE slows the tempo a bit for moving declarations of faith, “No Other Name,” “Made for Worship,” followed by the spontaneous worship of “Kiss Toward” and “Unto God.” For Sam, one of the most intimate tracks on the album is the ballad “Made to Worship”: “We had a moment at the conference,” she explains. “The atmosphere was electric, we were in awe of the presence of God, and one of our singers began to sing in the spirit, ‘I will bless the Lord at all times... we were made for healing, we were made for worship.’ I don’t know how to describe it, but listening to it again [months later], I just cried, remembering how amazing the moment was.” Especially meaningful to Joth is the final track, the only studio-recorded song on the record, and one that will be recorded live on the next recording. “Leave Me Astounded,” written by B.J. Pridam, is a piano-driven prayer for God to reveal himself as never before, to “leave me astounded, leave me amazed. Show off Your glory, let heaven invade. We’re waiting with worship, we’re waiting with praise for the almighty Presence of God to invade.”

5. Oceans (Where Feet May Fail) United CD: Zion

6. Phil Wickham This Is Amazing Grace

7. 7eventh Time Down Just Say Jesus

CD: The Ascension

CD: Just Say Jesus

Song after song, the intimacy, excitement and transformational nature of Planetshakers’ worship outreach is captured live on disc. On ENDLESS PRAISE, even more than in their previous live releases, Planetshakers continues to push the creative envelope, to write bold new melodies that celebrate life fully awakened by worship. “It’s definitely a progression,” Joth Hunt says of the record, “the same high energy that people have come to expect of Planetshakers, but a whole new level in terms of production and the quality and impact of the songs.” The live DVD that accompanies ENDLESS PRAISE was shot with the spectacular Sony Red HD camera, capturing the Planetshakers experience visually like never before. Planetshakers has also launched a new blog, “The Well” (, aimed at equipping worship leaders around the globe, sharing their Awakening (conference) experiences and what is happening with Planetshakers’ worship teams each week. A recent podcast on the blog, which is also available on iTunes, reflected on a Planetshakers Awakening event in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia where over 1,000 people had to be turned away after the venue and two overflow rooms were packed to capacity. With 26 albums and years of touring under their belts, the Planetshakers’ Awakening is just beginning. God is shattering boundaries and his word is touching lives all over the globe. “We read testimonies sometimes, of people listening to our albums being healed and restored,” Sam shares. “Our worship has declaration to it. We declare the power of God’s Word over these situations in our lives. It’s not just something you put on in your car; it’s a tool to praise and worship God, a doorway to breakthrough whatever you’re going through, a way to see there’s going to be an answer to prayer. Whatever God uses this music for, above all, our prayer is to see his kingdom manifest in people’s lives.” For further information, please visit:


8. Matthew West Do Something CD: Into The Light

9. Building 429 feat. Blanca Callahan – Press On CD: We Won’t Be Shaken

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2014   35


Dr. Michael Jaworski PhD in Philosophy Ohio State Proefesor at UTPA Bringing an athiest view

Rick Mattson InterVarsity’s National Apologetics Specialist Philosohpy of Religion Bringing a Christian view

Honest Conversation About Christianity & Atheism Thursday, April 10th | UTPA Ballroom | 7pm | Cost: $2.00

Coming together in a respectful manner to listen and explore truth.

April 4th & May 2nd Courtyard of Praise

12th & Austin Downtown McAllen First Presbyterian Church McAllen

Phillips, Craig & Dean w/Jonny Diaz

June 25 | 7pm Palm Valley Church Tickets available at Viva Life Christian Bookstore

May 1 National Day of Prayer

FCA Gala

McAllen Convention Center Ballroom To Reserve a Table call 994-1121

Courty @ 12th &ard Praise Austin Ave

May 9 LeaderCast

Christian Fellowship Church Harlingen 8am-3:30p

SEC Movement South

4/25 & 4/26

Ed Newton, Andy Mineo w/The Digital Age McAllen Convention Center 877-953-7782 $15 Early Bird Registration by March 28th

Courtyard Praise Lily Perez 8 PM April 4, 2014

Cecilio Rodriguez 9 PM April 4, 2014

Cornerstone Worship 8 PM May 2, 2014

@ 12th & Austin Ave, McAllen, TX Free Music + Free Food +

Letting Kids Make Money Mistakes Dear Dave, My 6-year old son has saved up $400. He said he wants to buy a motorcycle with it someday, but he recently changed his mind and wants to buy a computer tablet. Is it okay for him to change his mind like this, and how should I handle things? Christina Dear Christina, I’m not really concerned whether it’s a motorcycle or a tablet, especially if he’s saved his own money. I think the big thing we’re looking for in all this is a teachable moment. Certainly regret is a concern, especially with a kid so young. But the reality is that neither the decision nor the possible regret afterward will ruin his life. If you talk to him and try to advise him beforehand, and he gets upset later because he feels like he made the wrong choice, it gives you the opportunity to step in and gently say, “I’m sorry you think you made a bad choice, but that’s why I wanted you to really think about it first. You had a chance to listen to mom’s wisdom and didn’t. I’m sorry you feel sad now, but I want you to remember it and learn something from this bad decision.” It’s a process of controlled pain and natural consequences. One of my daughters did something similar years ago when we went to an amusement park. All the kids had a set amount of money for the day, and we warned them not to spend it too soon. She turned around and blew all her money on carnival games, then she spent the rest of the day whining while her brother and sister rode the rides and had lots of fun. We didn’t give her any more money, but a controlled amount of pain taught her some valuable lessons that day. She learned to listen to her mom and dad, she learned that carnival games are a rip-off, and she learned to control herself a little bit and think things through. Allowing kids the emotional dignity of making some decisions for themselves is vitally important. You just have to make sure this liberty is supervised and comes with parental warnings and protections. Just because they saved the money doesn’t mean they can do whatever they want. It still has to be used in a way that you, as a parent, are comfortable with and deem appropriate. There will be some natural tension in the process, but it’s a great way to teach kids about money, decision making, maturity and life choices! —Dave

Keep The Lifestyle Simple Dear Dave,

As k


Ramsey For more financial help please visit: Dave Ramsey is a personal money-management expert and extremely popular national radio personality. His three New York Times best-selling books—Financial Peace, More Than Enough and The Total Money Makeover—have sold more than 6 million copies combined. His latest book, EntreLeadership: 20 Years of Practical Business Wisdom from the Trenches, released in September 2011.

I recently got a new job that will increase my income by $20,000 a year. I’ve got $65,000 in debt, and I’m trying to pay it off, so I know I need to adjust my budget. Do you have any suggestions for a situation like this? Mitchell Dear Mitchell, Congratulations on your increased income! The first thing I’d tell you is not to get used to any permanent luxuries while you’re paying off debt. Go out and celebrate with a really nice dinner or something like that after you get your first paycheck. But don’t go nuts or pick up any big, new stuff. The more you put toward debt, the faster it goes away. I’ve been doing this financial thing for a lot of years, and the one thing I’ve found that gets people out of debt is passion. I want you to be so passionate about getting out of debt that you don’t even consider doing anything else until it’s all gone. Your thought process needs to be, “Wow, I got a new job making more money. I can get out of debt even quicker!” Again, I’m okay with you adjusting a bit that first month and having a little fun to celebrate your good fortune. But after that, I want you to turn around and attack the debt with even more intensity than before. Way to go, Mitchell! —Dave

38   April 2014

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