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December 2015
Contents DECEMBER 2015
Vol. 5 / Issue 8
On The Cover
To submit story ideas, events, or comments: valleychristianmagazine@gmail.com
- p18 Q&A w/Brian & Jenn Johnson of Bethel Music - Come Alive
CONNECT WITH US: Twitter: @vcmagazine
17 FCA
Rise Up Weekend of Champions
19 Music Spotlight
Tax Deductible donations can be mailed to:
Bethel Kids Music
Texas Christian Publications c/o Valley Christian Magazine 3827 North 10th Street, 301 McAllen, TX 78501
20 Kids Talk About God
22 Do You Know? 25 New Books
For Advertising Contact:
Rudy Ruiz 956-314-8799 info@valleychristianmagazine.com
Stella Gallegos 956-739-1663
27 Events
Columnists 6. Lysa Terkeurst
3 ways to get through unanswered prayers
Ronnie Guerra Vela 956-599-8036
8 Tom Weaver
Christmas in the South
10 Theresa Valladares Broken Gift
14 James MacDonald In His Steps
Christian Torres Publisher
Stephanie Torres Accounting
James Alexander Distribution
16 Greg Laurie
A Messed Up Family Tree
16 Miguel Paredes
Book Review - 30 Days in the land of Jesus
26 Dave Ramsey Dave Says
Valley Christian Magazine is a free monthly magazine published by
Valley Christian Magazine is a publication of Texas Christian Publications (a 501c3 organization). Texas Christian Publications reserves the right to edit, modify, revise, rewrite and reject editorial materials and assumes no responsibility for accuracy, errors, omissions or consequences arising from it. All correspondence to this publication becomes the property of Texas Christian Publications. Texas Christian Publications shall be held harmless indemnified against any third-party claims. Texas Christian Publications accepts no claims made by photographers, agents or contributors. Writers’ and columnists’ opinions are not necessarily those of Texas Christian Publications or its publishers. Advertisements appearing in Texas Christian Publications present only the viewpoint of the advertisers. We assume no responsibility for advertising claims made in this publication. Valley Christian Magazine is printed in Mexico. Reproduction without the expressed written permission prohibited. Copyright 2015.
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3 Way s to Press T h ro u g h Un an s w ere d Pray e r B y Lys a ter keu r s t
year and a half ago, I opened an anonymous letter that made my heart sink. It was from another mom who wanted to make sure I had a list o f all the ways one of my daughters was falling short. There in black and white she listed my daughter’s mistakes, shortcomings and frailties. And then just to make sure I took her nameless letter seriously, she informed me she’d be sending a copy to my pastor. My initial reaction was figure out who sent this so I could call her. Talk this through face-to-face. Assure her my husband and I were not only aware of some struggles my daughter was having but also working diligently to help her course-correct. But as I reread the letter, I discerned it wasn’t sent from a place of love for my family or a heart that wanted to help. From the language she used and the fact that there wasn’t a way to contact her, it was obvious she didn’t send it because she wanted the best for my daughter. I sat on the edge of my bed and cried.
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It’s so hard to have someone attack you in an area that’s already rubbed raw with hardship. Her letter was like a bullet straight to my heart. However, it was also a wake-up call to get more intentional in praying for my daughter. I thought about her struggles a lot. I talked about her struggles. I worried about her struggles. But thinking about, talking about and worrying about something is not the same as praying about it. I determined to turn this letter that felt like a bullet into a blessing by using it as a catalyst to ramp up my prayer life. Through my tears I cried out to the Lord, “I will not sacrifice Your grace for my child on the altar of people’s opinions. Of course I want my daughter to walk the straight and narrow path of great choices. But I trust You Lord to write her testimony. My main goal for her is not behavior modification but total heart transformation. I want her to want You, Lord, and Your best for her life. Give me the courage to not just pray about my daughter, but to pray her all the way through this.”
December 2015
Praying her through the ups and downs wasn’t easy. There were days I wondered if God was even hearing my prayers. It’s tough to pray someone all the way through a messy, hard, complicated situation and not see answers. Maybe you’ve been there. Maybe you are there now. Can I speak hope into your heart with 3 ways to press through unanswered prayers?
1. Know with confidence God hears your prayers. 1 John 5:14 reminds us, “This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us” (NIV).
2. Trust that prayer makes a difference, even when you don’t see the difference. It may take a while for you to see God answer your prayers. But don’t miss an “in the meantime answer” you can receive right away. Philippians 4: 6-7 reminds us of the immediate answer to every prayer: “Do
not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (NIV) Did you catch it? It’s the peace of God that will guard your heart and mind in the process while you’re waiting for God to reveal His answer to your request. When you pray, you can trust you are doing your part and God will certainly do His part.
3. Tell fear it has no place in this conversation. These prayers are your gateway to feel an assurance you don’t see yet. But fear will beg you to focus on the problem more than God’s promises. Isaiah 41:10 says, “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand” (NIV). A lot has happened since I got that hard letter that prompted more frequent prayers for my daughter … that bullet that turned into a blessing. I recently visited her at college and could hardly believe my eyes. She’s a completely different girl. At one point during our time together, I asked her, “What finally made following Jesus wholeheartedly click for you?” She said, “Mom, I’ve made friends who love Jesus. I saw a joy in them that I wanted. So, I started doing what they do even when I didn’t want to. At first I thought getting up to do devotions was unrealistic, prayer meetings were boring, and listening to praise music, excessive. But as I kept doing these things, the Lord started changing my thought patterns. And when I started thinking about life from the standpoint of truth, I had so much more joy.” She then paused and said words I’ve longed to hear and prayed to hear for so long, “Mom, I’ve just completely fallen in love with Jesus.” I can hardly type those words without crying. I pray this infuses your heart with hope to keep praying. I pray you believe God can take the things others intended to harm you or the ones you love, and use them for good to accomplish His purposes as Genesis 50:20 reminds us: “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good t
About Lysa: Lysa TerKeurst is a New York Times best selling author and speaker who helps everyday women live an adventure of faith through following Jesus Christ. As president of Proverbs 31 Ministries, Lysa has lead thousands over the past 15 years to help make their walk with God an invigorating journey. In the midst of her ministry, though, Lysa is a real, everyday woman who simply seeks to glorify God through her life and family. Used by Permission Proverts 31 Ministry www.provers31.org
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Christmas in the South By Tom Weaver
It’s 1978. My family lives in Anderson, South Carolina and life is good. All but today. Today is picture day, and my Mother is making me wear an outfit she picked out, which looks nothing like what I normally wear ( I wanted to wear my The Fonz tshirt). Cool right? I know all of us 4th graders loved The Fonz. My mother, however, felt like it was more important for me to wear a shirt with a butterfly collar and a sweet sweater stolen from some rest home. Also, what would top the outfit off with class is a hairstyle which looks like I was suffering from male pattern baldness and was working my comb over. I did not feel thankful that day to say the least.
What does all this have to do with Christmas? Well, I’m so glad you asked!! We just entered into the Holiday season full blast, with Thanksgiving. It’s a big deal. We do Thanksgiving much like we did it in the South when I was kid: Full blast! Family, food, football, more food, opportunities to receive advice from family members that shouldn’t be giving it, more food, more football, and hopefully, some cold, snappy weather. Next up is Christmas. The big one. The holiday the world loves because of its glitz and glamour, the gift giving and, and merriment. As followers of Christ we celebrate because sin been put down forever, through the blood of Jesus, and we are making much of His birth. Do we discount the parties, the feasts, the presents, because of Jesus? Heck no! We are just called to do it differently. To keep a prioritized order. So headed into this time of food, festivity, and family, how’s your heart? You ready? The eating portion is easy, we are all ready for that, but as a Christ follower, have you thought through this time? Hey listen, I get it.
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December 2015
About Tom Weaver: Disciple of Jesus Christ, husband of Selina, Daddy to three, founding Pastor of Logos Community - McAllen & Harlingen Campuses. Logos Community Church is not a group of people that talk about a vague god and help each other find true friendship. Rather we are a group of people who preach, teach, and follow the real Jesus Christ. If He did not rise from the dead, then our faith is meaningless. Apart from Jesus, we are a collection of sinners.
Many of you are bone dead tired and you just need to sleep a lot. Then take a nap. But, when you wake up, may I encourage you to prepare for this time, and not just coast through in neutral? You see, we the church, the body of Christ, have responsibilities when it comes to these moments. How we live and breath in these spaces of people, culture, and community bears witness to who we are and what we believe. I know that many of you want your family members to become Christians right? The method of telling them they are wrong, and they need to change falls miserably short of the actual plan of evangelism Jesus has for you. It’s the same plan He followed when he was here, did you know that? You see, scripture tells us that not only did Jesus have a Mom and Dad, at least 4 brothers and two sisters, which means he probably had some crazy Tios and Tias as well, conoces? :) He also had people he hung out with that were the lesser thans. The ones people looked down upon. So much so that he was called a drunk and a glutton (dude who eats too much) by the church folk of the day. Didn’t stop Jesus. He didn’t care. He hung out with his crazy family, his wacky friends….and He rocked it! So what do you think He did, and how was He so popular with the drunks, the thieves, the perverted,the liars, etc.? The only thing I can come up with is...evidently He loved them. Really well. He chose to serve them where they were instead of demanding they join Him where He was. So the following is a list of things I believed Jesus did during their holiday times, and feasting days. Maybe you and I can choose to be like Jesus this Christmas. 1. Jesus said hello to everyone when He arrived. Valley style :) This was a new custom to me when I married my sweet Latina hotty, Selina. White folk don’t say hello to everyone when you arrive at a
party..but Latins do! I’ve started to enjoy this custom, and realize it is a wonderful way of letting people know they matter, and that you are thankful to be there. You know Jesus did this! 2. Jesus demanded nothing It is so easy during this time to come into a family meal or party and quietly, but clearly want people to meet our expectations. OUR wants. OUR..demands. Honestly, how has that worked out for you in the past? Let’s be like Jesus this year and drop that bad holiday habit. Let’s be the people that come in thankful if we get a roll, let alone all the food or gift we want. Let’s be thankful for everyone who’s there. Yep. Even that weird relative… People who demand nothing are in a wonderful position to show where their true happiness comes from. This is a strong witness. Jesus gave witness to His heavenly Father.
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3. Jesus did not look to serve, but to serve Nothing worse than the people that come to your party and just want to be the slug. The one who sits there, eats, enjoys everything you offer, and gives nothing in return. Yuck! Don’t be that person! Serve, but let me offer this. Serve quietly. Don’t ask to take out the trash. Just do it. Don’t ask whether or not you need to grab a wipie and take care of those monster mocos on that kid...just do it! Y’all know Jesus did this! You know He was taking care of stuff and no one knew who did it because He was content just to let His heavenly Father know He was about His business. Quietly serving. Quietly giving witness to God the Father. 4. Jesus spent time talking to those no one was interested in So you have some weird family members, and weird family friends that are going to be there, right? Everyone does. If you can’t think of anyone, maybe it’s you :) These are the folks that LIVE to come to these events. Why? Because they don’t get invited to a lot of them. Why? Because they are boring. They talk too much. They don’t ask questions. They’re not really interested in you. They are interested in you being interested in them. What a pain, right? I know, I agree! But Jesus didn’t. He loved on these folks. He listened to them. He heard their boring stories over and over because He showed them agape love. Heavenly love. Love that is a deep calling, not a responsive emotion. Be like Jesus this Thanksgiving. Pour something delicious to drink, grab a turkey leg...and listen. 5. Jesus encouraged those who needed it This was one we can all do, but many times we forget. Encourage your family! Encourage your friends! Everyone responds well to encouragement. It’s free for you to give, and it’s priceless to receive. Many people have begun the long arduous process of real change when someone who chose to care for them encouraged them in their need. Be that person! I know Jesus has done that for you and I.
How long have you been meaning to call us? Don’t let another month go by!
6. Jesus didn’t leave the party until help was given to clean up Okay, I know I don’t have any scripture for this one, settle down. Or do I? Jesus was pretty clear that we are to serve others, put others first, care for folks in their need, so I guess I do! Serve before you leave this year. Help your Tia/Abuela/Friend with the dishes before you head out. Take a load of trash, sweep a little, wipe the sticky off the table. I can totally see our King, the Lord of Lords, creator of all, Redeemer of sin, doing these menial things. Let’s be like Him. 7. Jesus said goodbye to everyone when He left. and let them know they mattered
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As we do at the beginning of the party, Valley folks say goodbye to everyone with a hug, and a kiss, a handshake. To everyone. Let people know you appreciate them hosting, or giving the party. Look them in the eye. Let them know you mean it.
Valley Christian Magazine 3827 N. 10th Street, Suite 301 McAllen, TX 78501 valleychristianmagazine.com
This year, let’s be like Jesus. Let’s be thankful for everything we have been given. It’s so much. And, let’s serve. May our actions be our witness to King Jesus this year.
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My love language is gifts. It’s how I show someone I appreciate and love them. There doesn’t have to be a reason or special day. I put a lot of thought into a gift and I’m always looking for the “perfect” one. I’m into presentation so the wrapping is just as important as its contents. I’m always concerned that the gift will break in transit or that the receiver will receive a less than perfect gift. Will the person still value it? Will they realize the effort and thought that was placed into it? You can’t return a broken gift so I imagine their disappointment. What if I tell you that God gives us broken gifts? That what He made perfect for you could’ve been damaged in transit. Would you still see the value of the gift through the flaws? Or would you solely focus on what’s wrong with it? I want you to imagine your spouse and marriage as a broken gift from our Heavenly Father. We all go into marriage with these unrealistic expectations of our spouse. We have these ideas in our minds what a perfect wife or husband should do and be to make us happy…keep us happy. With time we are destined to be disappointed, hurt and disillusioned with this mindset and every day marriages are at risk of falling apart. No spouse can live up to the fairy tale idea of perfection.
a spouse pleading to be seen as flawed and to work on saving the marriage by accepting each other as broken. In the video at different times it shows each spouse wanting to be viewed the same way. My favorite line in the song says “we can only last forever by being broken together”. In 1 Corinthians7:28 it says “those who marry will have many troubles (special challenges) in this life. One special challenge is making a life with an imperfect person and loving them as “we are loved”. Another challenge is looking in the mirror and recognizing your own flaws. Matthew 7:3 states “and why worry about a speck in your friend’s eye when you have a log in your own?” In other words I am even more imperfect as are you! I know that’s hard to believe but our spouses would probably say “AMEN “to that revelation. We vow unconditional love but in reality we place so many requirements on our spouse that depend on our expectations of perfection. I’ve been so guilty of this during my 23 years of marriage. How about you?
But what if we focused on the value behind the flaws? How much easier would marriage be if we stopped expecting perfection from one another? All relationships if we are honest with ourselves would be different.
Want to know if your love is truly unconditional for your spouse. How do you act when something doesn’t go your way? Are you still able to speak blessings over your spouse or are you replaying a list of mistakes when you get disappointed? Do you show gratitude with the same intensity as you do disappointment?
I was on my way to work and the song “Broken Together” by Casting Crowns was playing on the radio. I was holding back tears as I listened to this group describe the different phases and trials of marriage. Any person could relate to this song. I know I can.
Is it possible to love someone when you judge them as the source of your pain? In the flesh this is difficult but when you have the mindset of Jesus and you vow to love a flawed person it is absolutely possible.
Of course because I’m OCD I downloaded the lyrics and watched the video. It beautiful and yet at the same time painfully shows a couple going through the challenges of different stages in marriage. It portrays
As the song says “only God can change our minds.” In scripture it says “My ways are higher than your ways and My thoughts are higher than yours.” We need to remember that God didn’t give us
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December 2015
Broken Gift 1 Corinthians7:28 says “those who marry will have many troubles (special challenges) in this life. One special challenge is making a life with an imperfect person and loving them as “we are loved”
By Theresa Valladares
our spouse to be their judge and jury. On the contrary He warns us “judge as you will be judged”. I play this song often and it brings me to my knees in prayer. During those times when my flesh wants to shut down or over react to a situation I ask myself …Do my thoughts and words portray unconditional love and gratitude for him? Would I feel regret if these were the last words spoken to my husband? Does my need to prove to be right outweigh his need to be respected? Ultimately I hand the conflict to God. Your questions may differ but the end should be the same. In Philippians 4:8 it says “fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right and pure and lovely and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.” This scripture challenges us to stop focusing on our perceived imperfections and instead focus on the many blessings of our spouse-to see the value through the flaws. Don’t we all want to be treated this way? I’m learning to not react to situations and instead focus on the many gifts that my husband brings into my life-his laughter, his strength, his compassionate and generous heart, his love for me and the boys and most of all his faith in God. I am more aware and take into account his stress level, his past experiences and his pain before I react to any situation. My husband has always been a gift. So is yours. So with Christmas time fast approaching you may be searching for that “perfect gift” to give your spouse. What if this Christmas you strengthen your marriage with acceptance that you are each broken and flawed? Set time aside to thank God for your “broken” gift and vow not to attempt to return it.
Theresa Valladeres is married to Enrique Lopez and has two wonderful sons, Cord and Diego. They are members of The Family Church and she practices family medicine in Pharr.
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Fabian Guerrero Attorney/Abogado
Divorce/Family Law Child Custody State & Federal Criminal Defense Phone: 956-380-1421 Mobile: 956-279-1163 511 W. University Drive Edinburg, TX 78539 fabianlaw@sbcglobal.net God is our help and strength, an ever present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1 December
valleychristianmagazine.com 13
In His Steps
by james macdonald
For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow in his steps 1 Peter 2:21, ESV
Wouldn’t you love for someone to describe you as authentic?
“She is authentic—completely true to herself.” “I think of him as authentic—the real deal.” Authentic refers to the original article, the real thing— not a phony knock-off or cheap imitation. Authentic doesn’t necessarily mean unique. A craftsman may produce many authentic pieces. These objects conform to an original ideal or pattern so as to faithfully reproduce the essential features. They’re true, genuine, and real. Being described as authentic is a high compliment. Those who are authentic are truly themselves, or who they are meant to be, in the best sense of the idea. We instinctively want to emulate authentic, genuine human beings—but these people are often hard to find.
Peter betrayed Jesus in a humiliating episode of personal failure, Jesus reinstated him and echoed the original call in no uncertain terms: “You follow me” (John 21:19, 22). Peter passed that same wisdom on to us: “For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow in his steps” (1 Peter 2:21). We can’t duplicate what Jesus did, but we can imitate Him. Jesus said, “It is enough for the disciple to be like his teacher, and the servant like his master” (Matthew 10:25). Will we ever perfectly imitate Him? No. But it’s enough for us to be like Him, and the more we become like Jesus, the more we will be living an authentic life. Committed Christians across the centuries have demonstrated that there are certain practices that can lead to a deepening and sharpening of our likeness to Christ. The goal isn’t frantic performance to prove a point. Authenticity isn’t forced. In fact, human authenticity includes room for failure. Admission of error and genuine repentance are definitely marks of authenticity.
Becoming an authentic person is an easy goal to set but hard to live out under scrutiny
Becoming an authentic person is an easy goal to set but hard to live out under scrutiny. Our standard for authenticity is Jesus Christ. He’s the real original. This is not only true because He is our Maker and therefore qualified to tell us how to live authentically, but He is also our ultimate model. Humanly speaking, He was in every way our perfect example. In fact, the Christian life could be described as learning to live faithfully as an authentic imitation of Jesus. When Jesus called the disciples, He simply said, “Follow me” (Matthew 4:19). And after the Apostle
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The disciplines of a sincere faith are practical ways to “follow in his steps.” Authentic Christians don’t drift in and out of His steps or wander in roughly the same direction as His steps—we “follow in his steps.” Jesus taught and practiced certain spiritual disciplines, which is how we know they’re worth repeating. When we practice them as He did, we are setting our feet in His very footprints.
December 2015
journal 1 Would you describe yourself as an authentic person? Would others? Why or why not?2 In what ways have you been tempted to minimize the authority of the Bible in your life? 2 Compare who you were a year ago to who you are today. How are you growing in your likeness to Christ?
P ray Father, if we are imitations of one thing, may it be of Your Son, Jesus. We will never be perfectly like Him on this side of heaven, but we can become increasingly like Him. In fact, “it is enough” for us to be like our Teacher. Teach us to “follow in his steps,” to practice spiritual disciplines as an expression of love and admiration for Jesus, not as an empty attempt to earn Your favor. God, You are the one who sanctifies us and works in us to make us more authentic imitations of Jesus Christ our Lord, in whose name we pray, amen
James MacDonald is founding and Senior Pastor at Harvest Bible Chapel in northwest Chicago. James’ teachings can be heard on Walk in the Word, a daily radio program reaching more than 3 million people across North America.
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A Messed-Up Family Tree By Greg Laurie
“I, Jesus, have sent My angel to testify to you these things in the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, the Bright and Morning Star.”
Greg Laurie is Senior Pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside, Calif. He began his pastoral ministry at 19 by leading a Bible study of 30 people. Since then, God has transformed the small group into a church of 15,000 plus, one of the largest churches in America. For more, visit www.greglaurie.com. Used by permission from Harvest Ministries with Greg Laurie, PO Box 4000 Riverside, CA 92514
—Revelation 22:16 Copyright © 2015 by Harvest Ministries. All rights reserved.
In the first century, Jesus was not a unique
Gabriel also said that He would come from “the throne of His father David” (verse 32). David is a unique figure in Scripture, described on one hand as the sweet psalmist of Israel and a man after God’s own heart. But we also know of David’s foibles and shortThe angel Gabriel told Mary, “He Two names connected if you think you comings. will be great, and will be called the with David sum up his life: have a dysfunc- Goliath and Bathsheba. GoliSon of the Highest; and the Lord God will give Him the throne of tional family, take a ath represents David’s greatHis father David” (Luke 1:32). est victory, while Bathsheba look at Jesus’ fami- represents That word great is from the his greatest dely tree Greek word megas, the same word feat. David was a flawed man, from which we get our English term yet Jesus was called “the Root mega, conveying the idea of bigness and and the Offspring of David” (ReveUsado con Permiso. Derecho de Autor 2015definition magnitude. Jesus would be the very lation 22:16). And as Jesus was engaged www.luispalau.net of the word great—mega, if you will. in His ministry, He was referred to as the Son of name. Many boys were named Jesus, which meant “Jehovah is salvation.” But there was only one person who has embodied that name in all it was, and that is the Lord Jesus.
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December 2015
David. Clearly Jesus was connected to this man. So if you think you have a dysfunctional family, take a look at Jesus’ family tree. Some of the most unsavory characters who made it into the most exclusive genealogy in human history include prostitutes, liars, cheats, adulterers, and even a murderer. What does this say to us? Even before Jesus was born into that family tree, His ancestry pointed to one thing: Christ came into the world to save sinners.
ethel Music recently announced the first and
highly anticipated Bethel Music Kids worship album and DVD, Come Alive. This project is aimed at cultivating in the next generation the greatness they possess as children of God, the inseparable connection they have to Jesus, and the truth that they are powerful vessels of worship and contributors in the kingdom. Hear the heart of this project in this Q&A with Bethel Music worship leaders/songwriters Brian and Jenn Johnson:
What’s your vision for this album and what do you hope it brings to the families who hear it? Jenn: Something that’s really celebrated, especially with this album is fun, and I think that we can never lose sight of the fact that there’s a fun element to worship. Yes there’s a reverence and there’s an awe, but – we have this saying that God is as happy as He is holy, and I think that that’s what we want to champion our kids in – that God is so fun and He is so wonderful. Just seeing that in the kids, seeing the fun and the raw and the real, that they’re not going to be into any fluff – I think it’s just incredible to watch that unfold.
Have you guys seen any impact on the lives of your kids, or you as parents as a result of worship? Brian: What’s amazing about the grace of God is that you pray for your kids, and you do your best as a parent and then, you get to see them respond. Like the other night, my son woke me up and is just freaking out because he had this nightmare and he says, “Dad can you put some worship music on?” So he’s learned that when the worship music is on, it’s peaceful, and I’ve taught him and talked to him about how when we wor-
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ship, when we praise God, He inhabits our praise – He comes. He knows that now and he’s asking for it. That’s when you start realizing they’re having their own experience with God and I think that’s what’s fulfilling as a parent.
What is something that excites you about the next generation of worshipers? Brian: I feel like each generation grabs something more– they take from the previous generation of worship leaders and stack on it. I’m also seeing a power in worship that has been really unique to this generation– encounters, healing and deliverance. When kids get a hold of that power in worship, there’s just going to be more of the kingdom coming to earth. The church historically has been growing in creativity and worship. I think this generation craves something that’s real and that ministers to them on a personal level, regardless of what’s been popular before. They are grabbing onto something that won’t compete, but will allow the church to use that inspiration from God to put out creativity that the world is looking for. The wineskin is being structured now, so that the next generation can hold even more. Jenn: I’ve been thinking about the next generation of worshipers, because we have young kids— ages 8, 10 and 13. We are really passionate about not just catering to adults in worship, but to championing our kids and kids in our community in worship. Modeling for them what a posture of worship looks like and encouraging them to step into those moments. It’s really beautiful to see this forward motion to what worship is turning into.
What are some things you’ve experienced as you are teaching your kids to worship December 2015
and hear His voice? Jenn: There are few things on the planet that make me happier than watching our kids hear or feel something from God. Being able to lead them to hear God’s voice is everything. Brian: You can’t control or force your kids to know God, even though every parent at some point probably tries that. The perfect parent would know the right balance between keeping them guarded from drama in life, but also exposing them to some of it so they can see God’s hand in your life and the world around them. You want them to see complete void without God and then see the light, when God comes through. Let them watch you worship through the pain and see what it looks like to co-labor with Him.
What’s something that’s happened with you and your kids as they are learning to be in His presence? Brian: In my own life, I grew up seeing worship leaders and I learned from them by watching, not just by listening to them. What’s exciting about Bethel Music Kids is that kids will get to watch other kids worship God. Worship is a real expres-
sion of your heart to God. In a lot of churches and culture, worship can feel like it’s just for the adults. There can be a disconnect for the kids and we’re trying to bring them in to worship and encourage them to be caught up in worship, in His presence. What happens is that when our children are in the atmosphere of worship, even if it’s
not a heart connection yet, they will encounter Him— they will grow into a heart of worship. Learn more about Come Alive, the first Bethel Music Kids album/DVD, releasing 12.11.15 at http://www.bethelmusickids.com.
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Call L.J. at 956-239-1995 About Brian and Jenn Johnson: Brian and Jenn are worship leaders and songwriters with Bethel Music. They are committed to raising up worshippers who will take hold of their true identity and pursue intimacy with God above all else. Brian and Jenn continue to minister in the US and internationally and reside in Redding, CA with their three wonderful children.
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How Was Doing the Will of God Like Food to Jesus (John 4:15-26)
“We get bigger by eating healthy stuff and obeying God’s word helps us grow,” says Marina, 5.
Serious athletes know that disciplined eating will enhance their performance on the field. Serious Christians know that they must feed on the Bible to win spiritual battles.
When God’s word is embedded in your mind through memorization, you’re ready for action. Every Christian faces a daily battle between old patterns of self reliance and the new patterns of depending on God.
“One thing I enjoy doing is pleasing my family, especially my parents,” says Theresa, 11. “When Jesus did something that he knew pleased God, he felt so joyful sometimes that his nourishment was the joy he felt.”
Have you ever been empowered by God in an activity to the point where you simply forgot to eat? If you haven’t, imagine yourself on a high-speed roller coaster on the verge of dropping several hundred feet. I can guarantee you’re not thinking about food.
Jesus said, “These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full” (John 15:11).
In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled” (Matthew 5:6).
There’s an unimaginable joy and inner satisfaction that comes from walking with God. If I put water in
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the gas tank of my car instead of gasoline, I’m going to be very disappointed with the results. I would be stupid to curse the car. It’s not designed to run on water.
Guess what? We aren’t designed to run on the spiritual junk food that’s offered to us every day. It’s a cheap substitute for living in an ongoing conversation with a holy, living God. Don’t scream when you come to the end of yourself frustrated out of your mind. Your attempt to fill your own life with junk will leave you feeling empty and lonely.
We’re not designed to live apart from God. Trying to run on water instead of the high-octane fuel that God has for us is a fool’s journey.
Art by Elizabeth Smyly
Think about this: When you long to do God’s will more than you desire to eat and drink food, you will know the joy that Jesus experienced.
Memorize this truth: “Jesus said to them, ‘My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish His work’” (John 4:34).
Ask this question: What kind of food are you eating today?
When Jesus’ disciples returned from going into town to buy food, they offered some to him, but he said, “I have food to eat of which you do not know” (John 4:32).
Jesus had just offered living water to a Samaritan woman who came to draw water from a well. When the woman discovered that Jesus was the Messiah, she got so excited that she left her water pot to tell others about Jesus. We all have the need to eat and drink, but we have a deeper need in our souls for reality.
When we discover that Jesus is the reality who satisfies the thirst and hunger in our souls, it’s easy to forget about our physical needs and a lot of other things. The deep, abiding joy that Jesus gives makes a lot of other things look very small and trivial. God wants us to live large, and that’s only possible with him.
December 2015
Bio for Carey Kinsolving’s Kids Talk About God syndicated column is available as a free, weekly family devotional by email at KidsTalkAboutGod. org. Also, view a Bible-lesson archive of all columns. Kinsolving is the co-founder of the RGV Children’s Arts Festival. Two Valley children will win duderanch vacations for up to five family members. One will go to Medicine Bow Lodge in Saratoga, Wyoming and the other to Coulter Lake Guest Ranch in Rifle, Colorado. Each will receive a check for $600 to help pay for travel expenses. For details go to KidsTalkAboutGod.org/rgv.
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Do You Know Jesus?
Do you know Jesus Christ? Many have heard of Jesus and know a little about Him. Many sing songs about His birth at Christmas and know that Easter commemorates His resurrection. Some think of Him as a teacher or perhaps the founder of a major world religion. But, do you know Him personally? Do you know that Jesus died and rose again, not to start a spiritual movement but because He loves you and wanted to provide a way for you to know Him?
The Bible tells the story of God’s love for people. In the beginning, God created us to reflect His image and to have a relationship with Him (Genesis 1:27). We were created good, and then sin entered the world. We essentially chose to try life on our own without God, instead of living our lives for God as we were designed.
God loves us so much that He sent His Son, Jesus, to die on the cross to pay the price for our sins and bring us into a relationship with Him. Through Him, we can know the promise of eternal life and experience the joy of knowing God here on earth!
If you would like to have a relationship with God, the Bible tells us that the first step is acknowledging that we have sinned and that there is nothing we can do to earn God’s love (Romans 3:2326). Next, we believe and confess that Jesus is Lord (Romans 10:9) and allow Him to guide our lives. Where we once wanted to control our own futures, we now invite Jesus into our hearts to be Lord over our lives.
Knowing God’s peace, perspective, and purpose for your life begins with a personal relationship with Jesus.
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December 2015
Follow these steps to a New Life with Jesus 1 God’s purpose is life and peace: God desires for you to have life and peace now and for all eternity.”I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” John 10:10b
2 Recognizing the problem: sin and separation: We were created to know, love and glorify God. When we choose to go our own way, living life in willful disobedience to God, we are choosing to be separated from God both now and for all eternity.The Bible says we are sinners…“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23 But God is love…“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16 And God is also just…“For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:23
3 We cannot save ourselves: Because God is Holy, He cannot allow sin to enter into Heaven. Most people attempt to save themselves by their own efforts, good works or church attendance. The Bible says… “There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death.” Proverbs 14:12 How then can a sinful person enter Heaven where God allows no sin?
4 We are saved by grace: The good news is… in spite of our sin, Christ died for us.“For it is by grace you have been saved through faith – and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God – not of
works, so that no one can boast.” Ephesians 2:8-9” But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8 5 Responding to God’s gift by faith: “If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” Romans 10:9
Would you like to accept Jesus as Lord of your life? “But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions — it is by grace you have been saved.” Ephesians 2:4-5
If you would like to accept Jesus as Lord of your life, you can pray the following prayer: Lord, I confess that I have sinned against You and ask You to forgive me. I’m sorry that my sin has hurt You and other people in my life. I acknowledge that I could never earn salvation by my good works, but I come to You and trust in what Jesus did for me on the cross.
I believe that You love me and that Jesus died and rose again so that I can be forgiven and come to know You. I ask You to come into my heart and be Lord of my life. I trust You with everything, and I thank You for loving me so much that I can know You here on earth and spend the rest of eternity with You in heaven. In Jesus name, Amen.
What do I do now? Just like a new baby needs to be cared for and nurtured in order to grow physically, a child of God needs to be nurtured in order to grow spiritually. Here’s how you can begin growing in Christ:
1 Tell someone: Tell a pastor or Christian friend who will help you grow and find your gifts of service. “So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up.” Ephesians 4:11, 12
2 Be baptized: This is your first act of obedience. “So he ordered that they be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ.” Acts 10:48
3 Join the church: The church is where God’s family encourages and supports one another.”How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!” Psalm 133:1
4 Pray and read your Bible daily: God communicates His will for your life through His Word and prayer.”Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” Psalm 119:105
Seek a godly mentor: A mentor teaches you the ways of God and how to live a holy life. “Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good.” Titus 2:3
© 2015 Proverbs 31 Ministries All Rights Reserved. Used with Permission. For more info go to www.proverbs31.org
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Thirty Days in the Land with Jesus Charles H. Dyer Moody Publishers Advent season is a great time to remember the first arrival of Jesus, Emmanuel, God with us. Charles Dyer takes us to the Holy Land with Jesus in his devotional, Thirty Days in the Land with Jesus. It is one thing to know about the geographical nature of the Promised Land from books and the internet, it is quite another to have been there personally. I have yet to make a quest in the Land that Jesus and the prophets walked, but Charles Dyer has been in the Holy Land more than 70 times. His vast experience and scholarship make him a good tour guide on this short but insightful journey. Dyer provides 30 devotionals in this compact book. Each devotional refers to a passage of Scripture, and Dyer paints the geographical backdrop to give a unique and fresh perspective to the text. He also inserts distinctive photographs of the locations. Be transported to the Judean Wilderness where Jesus was tempted. If one day and one night can prove to be unpleasant, imagine 40 days and 40 nights. No thanks! Yet, Jesus did what he must, and he did not give in to temptation. Take a walk to Nazareth and discover the significance of the “insignificant” town from which nothing good can come, according to Nathaniel. Stand atop Mount Arbel and look upon the Sea of Galilee and the surrounding town where Jesus spent a lot of time ministering to the people he visited. Step into the supposed upper room of the last supper, and get insight into those reclined around the “U-shaped table (but with horseshoe curve in the table squared off).” The traditional picture we have is corrected by Dyer, and we get an even more intimate look at that night. At the end of each devotional, Dyer makes it personal. This book offers a good opportunity to spend time with the Lord with a enriching look at the text. Each daily devotional is rich, and the blessing is well worth it.
Bookw Revie by
Miguel Paredes Is a teacher at Edinburg North and earned his Masters in Theology from Dallas Theological Seminary. He is married to Brenda and has four children: Diego, 14, Karla & Andrea, 11, and Charis, 7 .
Following Jesus In A Selfie-Centered World By Craig Croeschel Zondervan Publishing We all love the benefits of technology and social media, but even with the incredible upsides, many of us suspect there are unintended negative consequences that are beyond our control. We’ve lost perspective, even perhaps ourselves. In this timely and life-changing new book, New York Times bestselling author and pastor of LifeChurch.tv Craig Groeschel encourages readers who are hungry to regain control over their lives and put Christ first again. He walks them through biblical values that all Christ followers know are essential, but are even more important for our maxed out, selfie-centered world. The more you compare, the less satisfied you are. The more we interact online, the more we crave face to face intimacy, but the harder it is to find. The more filtered our lives become, the more challenging it is to be authentic. The more information about the pain in the world we’re exposed to the more difficult it is to care. It’s time to refresh and rediscover our understanding of the biblical principles that life with Christ brings: contentment, intimacy, authenticity, compassion, rest and more. Groeschel taps in to some of the most up-to-date studies on the effects of social media on our emotions and our friendships. And he offers real-life examples of how we struggle with social media, how it masks our real struggles, and how we can reclaim a Christ-centered life. With helpful appendices like the 10 Commandments of Using Social Media to Strengthen Your Faith, and Creating Safeguards for Your Digital Devices, you’ll find #Struggles to be just the guide to bring balance and real-life engagement to your everyday life.
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December 2015
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Sell As-Is Dear Dave, My husband and I are about to relocate to another part of the country. We’d like to sell our house, but we’re thinking about taking out a small loan to have some work done first. We could get in the $180,000 range selling it “as-is” but closer to $200,000 if we installed new roof, carpeting, exterior paint and concrete work. I know how you feel about debt, but what are your thoughts in this scenario? Kim Dear Kim, From what you just described, and assuming the concrete work wouldn’t be too extensive, you looking at going into debt probably $12,000 to $15,000 in order to get $20,000 more out of the deal. I’d just sell it. I wouldn’t go to all that trouble for $5,000.
Every piece of debt you take on compromises your financial security and robs you of your largest wealth-building tool—your income. Even if you guys are in good shape, you’ve got a lot of uncertainty and the potential for unexpected expenses in the months ahead. Just sell the house and get on with your lives. It’s not worth the hassle.
Dave Says
Minor car repairs should be in the budget Dear Dave, My wife and I are on Baby Step 3 of your plan. When we have standard car repairs, I want to use the emergency fund. She says that kind of thing isn’t an emergency, and we should just put it off as long as possible while saving up to fix the problem. Who’s right? Ryan Dear Ryan, Sorry, you’re both wrong. Cars break. And since no one will invent one that lasts forever and doesn’t break down, standard car repairs shouldn’t be viewed as an emergency. Maintenance and repair of your vehicles are an ongoing expense. It’s just part of owning them. That means you should have a category in your monthly budget for this sort of thing.
* Dave Ramsey is America’s trusted voice on money and business. He has authored five New York Times best-selling books. The Dave Ramsey Show is heard by more than 8.5 million listeners each week on more than 550 radio stations. Dave’s latest project, EveryDollar, provides a free online budget tool. Follow Dave on Twitter at @DaveRamsey and on the web at daveramsey.com.
Now, an engine blowing up or the transmission going out would be an emergency. Hopefully, you’re not talking about something of this magnitude. But you’ve got to rework your budget to where you have something designated each month for car maintenance and repair. That way, you won’t be dipping into your emergency fund just to cover the basic wear and tear that comes with owning a car. Take the next step today, and adequately fund this area so it doesn’t continually come back to bite you in the wallet and sabotage your emergency fund! —Dave
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