VOICES - March - 2023

Page 28


VCS Director

Nikola Stankoski


Andrej Naumovski

Goran Adamovski

Goran Galabov

Selina Niemi

Ewelina Chańska

Jolanta Ciopcińska

David Stoilkovski

March - the month for celebrating women and daylight! While you are changing your clocks and are welcoming springtime warmly, remember to still enjoy the last minutes of wintertime, because it’s almost over!

Guess what is an appreciated part of Balkan culture and even healthy if drunken responsibly in small doses? If you are not sure, get into comfortable position and educate yourself by reading the article “Rakija - Magic of the Balkans”. Or if you are more into movies, check out the review about a film adaption of “All Quiet on the Western Front” to get the most out of it.

As women's day approaches, it’s a perfect time to focus more on equality. Are you maybe interested in women’s entrepreneurship? Or do you want to break taboos concerning abortion? Take a look at this month's VOICES edition and don’t forget to change the clockno excuses for being late to work this time.

I hope that you will get the most out of this month full of light!

Katariina Weijo


Март - месец за славење на жените и дневната светлина!

Додека го менувате часовникот и подготвувате добредојде на пролетта, не заборавајте, сепак, да уживате во последните минути од зимата, бидејќи речиси е готова!

Погодете што е ценет дел од балканската култура, па дури и здраво доколку пиете одговорно и во мали дози? Доколку не сте сигурни, заземете удобна поза и едуцирајте се, читајќи ја статијата „Ракија - Магијата на Балканот“. Или, ако сте повеќе за филмови, дознајте ја рецензијата за филмска адаптација на „All Quiet on the Western Front“.

Како што се приближува Денот на жената, совршено врем е е да се фокусирате повеќе на еднаквоста. Можеби сте заинтересирани за женско претприемништво? Или можеби сакате да ги скршите табуата за абортусот. Погледнете го овомесечното издание на „Воисес“ и не заборавајте да го промените часовникот – овојпат без оправдување зошто доцните на работа.

Се надевам дека ќе го извлечете најдоброто од овој месец полн со светлина!

Катарина Веијо


Angelina Berndt

Marie Kiel

Hugo Lhomedet

Camelia Sghayare

Katariina Weijo

Taika Soihtu

Hakan Yagci

Resit Efe Bayram

Hamit Durak


Goran Adamovski

Njomza Xhaferi

Darica Stamkova


Milada Vigerova, Unsplash

External writers

Adrijana Smilijkovska

Martina Danilovska

Olgica Arsova


Angelina Berndt

Marie Kiel

Hugo Lhomedet

Camelia Sghayare

Katariina Weijo

Selina Niemi

Jolanta Ciopcińska

Taika Soihtu

Contact Volunteers Centre Skopje

Emil Zola 3/3-1, 1000, Skopje +389 22 772 095



VOICES magazine is coordinated, designed and created by ESC and local volunteers with support of Erasmus+ program.

topic of the month

4 Dangerous trend of self-diagnosing

Taika Soihtu

26 Опасен тренд на самодијагностика

Таика Соихту


6 Portugal: A place to make a difference, one smile at a time

Andrijana Smilijkovska

10 From idea to reality: the project that inspires women

Jolanta Ciopcińska, Ewelina Chańska

22 Португалија: Место за промена и насмевки

Андријана Смиљковска


8 How did we get there?

Hugo Lhomedet

12 Less work, same salary - realistic or utopian?

Katariina Weijo

14 Use of art to defend women's rights

Camélia Sghayare

24 Më pak punë, rroga e njëjtë - realiste apo utopike?

Katariina Weijo


16 All quiet on the Western Front

Marie Kiel

18 Rakija - Magic of the Balkans

Angelina Berndt

20 The impact of anatomy and art

Martina Danilovska

21 Воздејството на анонимноста и уметноста

Мартина Даниловска


28 I will always remember us that way

Olgica Arsova

content VOICES March - issue 3 14 16 4


Self-diagnosis = the thought or idea of suffering from a condition without a diagnosis by a professional.

topic of the month

Weall know finding information is easier than ever, just google your symptoms and the internet will most probably tell you what’s wrong. An increasing number of young people are suffering from anxiety disorder, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder etc. But are they really? Mental health care is unfortunately inaccessible for many, so it’s understandable that people seek answers by self-diagnosing. Although, before jumping to conclusions, a consultation with a professional would be necessary.

Modern life includes using psychiatric terms and diagnoses in everyday language. You could hear someone say ‘’I had a bad day. I feel so depressed’’ without meaning they have a depressive disorder. Awareness of mental illnesses is increasing and people are more capable of naming and recognizing their emotions in a concrete way. Mental health problems are normalized and are not so much of a taboo compared to previous generations. This surely makes it easier to handle them. It’s important to know yourself and be aware of things that seem abnormal. For many people, realizing you have a mental illness can be a relief. It can also help you become more self-accepting and start the process of getting help or finding communities with similar problems.

Social media users share a lot of content about mental health and break unnecessary prejudices but while the internet is a great source of information, one should proceed with caution when it comes to diagnosis. Even though it’s human nature to sometimes relate to a disorder or disease, self-awareness takes years to accomplish. Accurately diagnosing mental health conditions is a complex medicine field. Since the 1800s, medical science has been using chemistry and physics to define diseases. Even Hippokrates studied his patients’ condition by observing body liquids. So diagnostics is so much more than just how you feel inside.

There are trends that come and go in everything.

Also in mental health. The more people share things, the more they are talked about. This is not necessarily bad, but it allows trends to form in a very complex field. You’ve probably heard someone call their ex or their boss a narcissist after a bad breakup or getting fired. This can be caused by people seeking reasons for other people’s bad behavior or trying to understand them better. The problem is that it’s done without actually looking into what it means.

Social media and the Internet tend to simplify things and use a lot of common stereotypes of different illnesses that have nothing to do with diagnostics. There are multiple websites where you can describe your symptoms, and the AI tells you your diagnosis. People rely on these sites without questioning where this information comes from. This slows down getting an accurate diagnosis. There are at least 10,000 diseases in the world. Fairly many of them have similar symptoms that indicate something diffferent. For example, a brain tumor can cause changes in personality, as well as depression or psychosis can.

A good example of this is also the ‘’Barnum effect’’. Briefly explained, it’s a social experiment where participants get a personal description of their life, personality, childhood etc. Most people who participate in this, find the descriptions accurate and feel like they’re personal. The point of the experiment is that the descriptions are usually identical, vague and general enough to apply to most people. These kinds of experiments show that even though knowledge and awareness is a positive things, one shouldn’t base their decisions about themself on general information. One problem with this trend is also that everyone has access to it. There

are not only adults that are fine with their personal selves, and with skills in media literacy. There are also young people who are still in the process of growing and identifying themselves, people who are in the middle of personal growth. These trends are pushing these processes off the tracks. As Emma McAdams, a licensed marriage and family therapist addresses: ‘’diagnosis is not an identity, it’s an experience, not who you are’’

Taika Soihtu


Terveyskirjasto: Yleistynyt ahdistuneisuushairio

Yle: Some ruokkii mielenterveysongelmien “itsediagnosointia”, mutta väärään tietoon on helppo haksahtaa

Highlandspringsclinic.org: dangers of self diagnoses

Pfizer: tutkimus-diagnostiikka ennen ja nyt, tasmallisen taudinmaarityksen jaljilla

McGovern Medical School: Challenge with Social

Media: Self-Diagnosing Mental Health

Tpmg: Mental Health Self-Diagnosis: Helpful or Harmful?

Betterhelp: why you shouldnt self diagnose your mental health

Urevolution: is self diagnosis valid

Youtube: The Essential Lesson You Missed in Psych

101- How Self-Diagnosis Can Harm You

Wikipedia: Barnum effect

Youtube: TherapyinaNutshell

тема на месецот

Portugal A place to make a difference, one smile

at a time

Nestled along the coast of the Atlantic Ocean, Portugal invites volunteers to explore its rich history, gorgeous architecture, and breathtaking landscapes while making a meaningful difference in the lives of the local community. What makes this country truly special, however, is the hospitable and friendly culture that radiates through a simple smile and a "cafezinho." Immersing yourself in the volunteer culture of Portugal can be a lifechanging opportunity if you want to gain a deeper appreciation for the world around you.


For the past month, I have been constantly reminded of my personal growth from volunteering in Águeda, a quaint little town just an hour away from the vibrant city of Porto. Each day is a new adventure, as I am privileged to share my home with volunteers from Hungary, Belgium, and Turkey. My work alongside people from Finland, Austria, Romania, and Croatia (the list goes on) added excitement and growth as we learned about our diverse cultures and backgrounds. Have you tried fruit soup, pasta with potatoes, or chocolate toast? This is what having international housemates means: cultural shocks never end, and you get a new world vision.

Exploring different cultures has always been a dream of mine, and my experience in Portugal so far is genuinely unique. The Portuguese culture and mindset feel incredibly familiar and close to my own, and I feel like I'm slowly but surely immersing myself in the local way of life. The smalltown atmosphere means that life moves more leisurely, and a quick train ride takes me to the Atlantic coast. Besides, Portugal being a relatively small country, makes it easy to travel and experience new places without breaking the bank or sacrificing time.

"What is your biggest cultural shock here?" people usually ask. Well, other Europeans typically point out the relaxed Portuguese pace of life. Coming from the Balkans, I am not shocked by the lack of punctuality or the culture of drinking coffee with friends daily. The most significant difference I find is seeing orange and lemon trees everywhere. What I cherish the most is the opportunity to be part of our diverse, united European community of volunteers.

Have you considered putting your heart and soul into helping a community on the other side of Europe? Well, this is what the ESC projects help you accomplish. It has been only a month, yet I've participated in different educational, ecological, intercultural, and event-driven activities within the Youth Center of Águeda. As one of the most vital values of volunteering is non-formal education, we've focused on workshops promoting diversity, creativity, and a sense of entrepreneurship among young people. From organizing English classes for the locals to implementing school sessions dedicated to important historical and social topics, we contribute to youngsters' education and empowerment. We also try to bring a little joy to the elderly of Águeda by having sessions called "School of life" with retired locals who share their inspiring life stories and learn more about our cultures. Feeling like part of a big family while being far from home is, without a doubt, one of the most rewarding experiences. Last but not least, for those passionate about ecology, there are plenty of opportunities to contribute to preserving the forests in Portugal, which is a high priority for the local community. Finally, I am excited to see the results of our work for the Carnival, an important event in the region, as well as the interculturality sessions and the language-exchange activities.

Even though I have just started my volunteering journey in Portugal, I already see its transformative power. This one-month experience has inspired me to pursue personal growth and self-discovery, and I can't wait to find out where this path leads in the future! I highly recommend that everyone takes the opportunity to volunteer at least once in their lifetime.

Now that you've added Portugal to your bucket list let's talk about something more meaningful than just "visiting": volunteering!

VOICES - 7 ерасмус+

We aren’t spending any money to use social media, but we are paying the price by the time we spend instead of sleeping and all the tasks that we reschedule for later while passively scrolling. One of the goals of social media is to identify the weaknesses of human psychology and to take as much advantage of it as possible and they are willing to pay the price for it. Every company came up with their own algorithm and we definitely know now that social media is addictive. But no company tops the mastodon TikTok. They don’t especially have a better algorithm than their concurrents but they use it the best and here’s how.

Let’s take YouTube as an example: on the app, you are free to choose whatever video you want to watch according to the thumbnails and your homepage. Youtube already knows what you like because your curiosity previously pushed you into looking for topics, content creators or music and will recommend this to you whenever you are on the app. TikTok (and Reels for Instagram or Shorts for YouTube - the format is the same) is the total opposite of that. The second you open the app, you are already consuming content that the app chooses For You. They limited the choices you have to make to watch content to one: scrolling to the next video. One video you are watching someone dancing, scroll, you see a cute dog playing with water, scroll, you see a humorist show and 10 minutes later you are still on the toilet

seat and you didn’t see the time flying away. And that’s because you had no conscient choice to make as the app sends you infinite short and stimulating content to test your interests.

experience doesn’t gravitate around the content you look for or the creators you follow, it’s about who you are. All the time you spend on the app is training it to get to know you better.

In a few hours, the app already knows your music taste, your sense of humor, your sexual orientation and even your mental health status. Your

When you scroll and watch a content that you like you get a boost of dopamine, when you watch a content that you never expected to be interesting, you get a bigger boost of dopamine due to the surprise effect. Studies show that unexpected rewards stimulate areas of the brain connected to behavior development and learning. The big deal here is that it’s an infinite feed of content, and every video could be a bigger dopamine shot than the previous one - that’s why TikTok has an average spent time of 52 minutes per day across the world. Addiction starts when your brain assimilates the movement of your finger

How did we

The economic model of a social media company consists in one thing: our attention.
It’s about who you are

get there?

scrolling to the trending music that you hear in the videos. There, your subconscious group these two factors together and tell your body that this is a dopamine source.

Starting from this point, every activity that doesn’t consist of having dopamine peaks every 30 seconds, will make you feel like an eternity. You are going to lose the motivation to seek long term gratification. You are also going to lose the focus on reading a book, watching a movie, spend off-screen time with your loved ones and in the end, lose the capacity to think. We often underestimate the impact of social media on the longer term. Studies show that addictive tendencies and overexposure to dopamine are literally killing brain cells. In other words, the more you are exposed to this free dopamine, the dumber you become. You are losing creativity and it makes you make unreasonable and vacuous decisions because your subconscious is too busy looking at teenagers dancing, there is no more “brain space” left to function correctly. In the end, it

reduces the mental bandwidth that is making decisions. The dumber the decisions are, the more you will stay in your comfort zone and watch what you already know. If you send the signal to your brain that it is TikTok that makes you happy, you enter a chemical cycle that

Because it has the tools, Tik Tok rewired the cables in our brains in order for us to think that our happiness depends on the app. With one billion active users (at least using the app once a month), Tik Tok is in the head of 12% of the world population. Mainly young people, that will never get their cognitive capacities back as the prefrontal cortex (which is responsible for the regulation of emotions, motivation, decisions and memory) is not entirely formed before 25. It is the most impacted area by this free dopamine.


are bored during the day you will open Tik Tok, not because of a lack of discipline, but because of cerebral reflex. You are enduring the same symptoms as alcoholics or dope fiends, but nobody will worry because the symptoms aren’t physical, they’re only in your head.

Comment TikTok a ba*sé le cerveau

d’une génération - Léo Duff

The Psychology behind unexpected rewards - Luke Kreitner

This is Your Brain on TikTok - Jonathan Michaelson

TikTok Is Altering The Behavior Of An Entire Generation - Julien Dimastromatteo

Credit photo: Alex Perez - Unsplash DBCLS
Many people are worried about the improvement of Artificial Intelligence, but I think that we should be more worried about the decline of ours.



I would recommend this project to my colleagues and friends. It’s a powerful tool for learning and sharing knowledge. It supports female entrepreneurs and anyone who has an idea but doesn’t know where to start. Inspiring women leaders with their knowledge and experience make mentoring sessions even better to focus on what matters most to the individual. At the same time, your network opens up to many possibilities for the future.

It is always good to hear multiple perspectives on a number of topics of interest from women entrepreneurs. These webinars have been quite educational and have opened up some new views for me on how to perceive and approach the entrepreneurial challenges in front of me.

Dance A.

I liked the fact that the knowledge I gained was not taken from some theory but from the actual personal experiences of the lecturers. I don’t think I will change anything regarding my career. However, I am happy that now I am richer by all the insights I gained on the topic.

Irina S.

I learned where I can apply for projects and also got an idea of the current state of the labor market presented through the eyes of people working in HR. I couldn’t directly relate the training to my future career (sustainable architecture), but I learned a lot of information that I think will be useful.

While the proportion of women entrepreneurs in Europe is increasing, there is still a significant gender gap in entrepreneurship. Addressing this gap requires a joint effort to provide greater access to funding, mentorship, and networking opportunities for women entrepreneurs, address systemic biases, and promote diversity and inclusivity in entrepreneurship. With the Promoting Women Environment Entrepreneurship project, we aim to close this gap and support young women’s entrepreneurship in Europe.

The number of women and men owning businesses varies depending on the country and region. However, the most minor gender gaps are found in lowand middle-income countries, according to data from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) 2020/2021 report. When we take a closer look at Europe, according to a report by the European Parliament, women account for about 34% of selfemployed individuals and 30% of startup entrepreneurs in the European Union. When addressing these disproportions, we need to consider several indicators describing the gap between male and female entrepreneurs. First is access to funding, as women entrepreneurs tend to receive less funding than their male counterparts, and this gap is particularly pronounced at the seed stage. Another indicator is the representation of women in leadership roles – women are often underrepresented in senior management positions and on corporate boards. Women entrepreneurs may also face challenges in building networks and accessing mentorship opportunities, which are critical for business success. The last but not least important indicator is work-life balance. Women entrepreneurs may face more significant challenges in balancing their personal and professional lives, as they often bear a greater burden of caregiving responsibilities.


The need to close these gaps and support young women entrepreneurship in Europe inspired three organizations: Youthpreneur Stichting from the Netherlands, Volunteers Centre Skopje from Macedonia, and Eprojectconsult from Italy to create the project that delivers digital means such as training curricula, webinars, and mentoring sessions to all ambitious young people who plan to start their enterprise.

Within Promoting Women Environment Entrepreneurship project, we organized 15 webinars in three languages and reached the number of almost 400 participants. During the webinars, we covered topics from three e-courses available on the dedicated online platform. We discussed business technology, social and environmental entrepreneurship, and entrepreneurial finance.

The webinars were the starting point for e-courses and mentoring sessions. The mentoring sessions that never became popular in our network connected experienced mentors and mentees who received a massive dose of practical knowledge and tips on starting a new enterprise or how to be an exceptional entrepreneur. We organized a total of 105 mentoring sessions. We didn’t stop there and organized events in Italy and Macedonia and two events online where we gathered participants eager to learn more about gender equality and entrepreneurship.

Throughout webinars, mentoring sessions, and events, we engaged over 16 experts, from business coaches, successful business owners, psychologists, and youth workers to sales managers who gave their insights as webinar trainers and mentors.

We feel happy to see the project inspired so many people and that so many young women are considering starting their enterprises.

Women entrepreneurship has power!

Jolanta Ciopcińska

Ewelina Chańska


Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, Women’s Entrepreneurship 2020/21: Thriving Through Class, London, 2021 European Parliament, Report on reaching women’s economic independence through entrepreneurship and self-employment, (2021/2080(INI)), Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality, 2022

Project partners

Volunteers Centre Skopje, Macedonia Youthpreneur Stichting, the Netherlands Eprojectconsult, Italy

Trainers and Mentors

Business Technology:

Emanuele De Pasquale & Roberto Foti

Social and Environmental Entrepreneurship:

Suzi Escobar

Aleksandra Lalova

Elena Davidovska

Astrid Muller

Monika K. Tomashevska

Jovana Jovanova

Entrepreneurial Finance:

Anita Janchevska

Tiana Ivanovska

AnaMarija Pavlova

Marija Burgieva

Viktorija Mitrikeska

Kamelija Kostovska

Kristina Mitrovska

Vafire Muharemi

This article was created as a part of the project “Promoting Women Environment Entrepreneurship,” funded with the support of the Erasmus+ program of the European Union through Key Action 2 – KA210-YOU - Small-scale partnerships in youth. The opinions expressed in this material belong to its authors and do not reflect the position of the European Commission.

Project No. KA210-YOU-227D5AAC





How many minutes do you spend in your work time just for nothing? If you count every coffee break, chattings with coworkers' trips to meetings, and everything else, you quickly notice that a surprisingly large part of the day is spent on everything except work. And that's more than understandable because people usually have time for that. Many studies show that a 5-day workweek with 40 hours is not necessary because many people can do the same work in less time if they are just a little bit more practical.


But where does the 40-hour workweek even come from?

In the 19th century, when the Industrial revolution grew rapidly, people worked significantly more than nowadays. At some point, workers started demanding better work schedules and, thus, fewer work hours. In the 20th century, the western world slowly moved to a 40-hour workweek, and this model has remained until now. But why a 40-hour workweek?

Labor rights activist Robert Owen's phrase "Eight hours labor, eight hours recreation, eight hours rest" started the idea of a 40-hour work week. The main point was to get a balance between work and free time.

Recently, some countries have been considering a four-day workweek. For example, in Iceland, there was a trial between 2015 to 2019 when 2500 workers moved from a 40-hour to a 35-hour workweek without a reduction in pay. However, it should be noted that it wasn't necessarily a 4-day workweek in all cases, only reductions in working hours. The trial was still quite successful, and many studies showed that people can still do the same amount of work in a shorter time even though there is not that much time. Studies showed that people are more effective when they don't have much time just for chatting.

Every trial about a shorter workweek hasn't been that successful. In Germany, a small company with 16 workers decided to work five hours instead of the typical 8-hour workday. The trick was that phones, social media, or every contact with the other world were forbidden, so the workers didn't have the opportunity to send messages, for example, to their families. Workers also felt much

pressure, and the time was too limited. This led to the resignation of two people. Shorter work time also took away bonding with coworkers, and that's why there wasn't any team spirit in the office.

An example from German shows that the idea of a more effective workday in a shorter time doesn't always go well. This may be because somebody simply has more tasks to do than others. Some workers have to work only eight hours with little pauses while the employees of another company can take much more breaks. Another problem with the trials about shorter workweeks was that the employees had more free time and didn't commit to work that much anymore.

Because of these cases, we can't say that, in general, a shorter workweek is always a good idea. However, in addition to Iceland, there have been successful trials in other parts of the world. For example, in Japan, Microsoft tested a four-day workweek without decreasing pay, and the results showed that in a shorter time, employees were almost 40% more productive and also happier. In addition to that example, a shorter workweek has many other advantages. Your workplace will look more interesting, so job listings will get more applications. Also, if we think about the environmental aspect, it is much better for nature that people go to work only four times a week and not five. Then people don't use cars or public

transportation that often because they don't go to work.

In Macedonia, a shorter workweek is not a thing. Olgica Arsova, who works as an IT Helpdesk specialist from Monday to Friday in Skopje, is aware of that topic, and as she said: "I would love for that to be implemented in my country, where do I sign for it?" Working from home is usually in two shifts, which should be 8 hours. Olgica also has some freelancer jobs, and that's why there are days that she works 16 hours. Because of that and the lack of breaks, weekends are not enough time to rest, and that's why Olgica thinks a 4-day workweek would be more than welcome. "I think it would work anywhere. It might be a bit hard and weird at the beginning, but every beginning is hard, isn't it? We can get used to it and make it work".

Happier, more motivated, and more productive workers and time to rest. The shorter workweek is slowly becoming more popular. If we think about history, it took decades to get a 40-hour workweek. Let's see how long it takes to achieve an even shorter one.


The career contessa podcast - The argument for a four-day workweek 4dayweek.io - Why should you hire on a four-day workweek

Yle.fi - Kelpaisiko nelipäiväinen työviikko?

VOICES - 13 репортажа

Use of art to defend women' s rights

14 - VOICES reportage

The question of abortion is still a topic at the heart of debates in society. In 2023, there are 21 countries in the world where abortion is strictly not allowed. In 14 other countries like Bangladesh, Iraq, or Paraguay, abortion is allowed just in case of risk to the health of the mother. And finally, in Brazil, Bolivia, Indonesia, Poland, and Thailand abortion is allowed in cases of risk for the mother as well as in case of rape. In a lot of countries that allowed abortion, there are regularly politics debates about this subject, like in the United States for example. Around the world, a lot of engaged artists are taking on this topic to normalize it, aware people, and open up a discussion with public opinion.

Access to abortion is a human right even if it depends on the law of every country. According to World Health Organization, there are around 73 million abortions every year in the world. The topic of abortion is still taboo, even in countries that allowed it, and it causes a lot of problems. Firstly, abortion depends on the choice of the mother, every woman should have the right to make decisions about their own body, including whether and when to have children. The right to access safe and legal abortion helps ensure that individuals can make informed and autonomous decisions. For years, women were not listening, they were not free, and women’s rights weren’t respected, but In 2023, women have more power and can manage their own life. The right to abortion is also one more step toward gender equality. The safety of the process of abortion is very important because it can be a dangerous procedure without the appropriate equipment and professionals. This is one of the main arguments for protestants in countries that don’t allow abortion: when the right to abort doesn’t exist, it allowed a lot of illegal abortions which can have serious consequences on the woman’s health. The right to have access to abortion is also very important for the equality of every people; all individuals should have the choice of their way of life, whatever their income, familial situation, geographic location, etc. Today with medical progress, it exists different ways to abort and permit women to have different options according to their pregnancy stage. Even if a lot of people are still unwilling about this topic, abortion is an important woman’s right that should be respected in all countries in the world, and it is a real societal fact.

To stop the taboo about the topic of abortion, a lot of engaged artists try to feature it in the general public.

Barbara Pravi, a popular French singer who represented France in Eurovision in 2021, made the song “Chair” about the topic of abortion and the life of women post-abortion; how they have to rebuild themselves after this traumatic experience. Barbara Pravi is a very engaged singer, and for 3 years, every 8 March she’s publishing a new engaged and feminist single for the occasion of International Women’s Rights Day. For her, music is at the same time a way to express herself about some experiences that she has lived but also a way to talk about topics that outraged her in society and that she wants to share with her public to try to involve the minded.

Ernest Pignon-Ernest is also a famous engaged French artist, a pioneer of street art in France, he’s like Banksy’s ancestor. He did a lot of engaged work that he put on the wall, on the street to denounce society’s problems. In 1975, he made in Paris a series of works with the main subject of abortion; an audacious bet for these years when abortion was still very taboo. One famous slogan in his work about abortion is: "Every year, one million women have abortions, and 5,000 die because of that". It was especially impactful and audacious for him to denounce the consequences of abortion in 1975 as a man because unfortunately, not many men dare to talk about this kind of topic.

These two examples of engaged artists are French but it’s important to know that today the topic of abortion is taking more and more place in the artistic environment. In the United States, in France, or also in some occidental

countries, the subject of abortion and engaged subjects, in general, are more represented. Arts can be a real lever in the way to think of people and help to change mentalities and politics.

These artists show their activism to the general public and even if sometimes there is a personal reason behind that, the first goal is to use "their power" of famous people to try to change minded of people and improve human rights in general. So finally, there is a kind of real political message in their works, these artists want to cause a reaction in people, push them to reflect on these engaged topics, and maybe act for these causes. Sometimes artists are kind of opinion influencers in life of people and that’s very important that they are using their work as a way to try to give them an objective opinion about "taboo topics" like abortion.


Theconversation.com, “L’avortement, un sujet majeur pour les artistes d’aujourd’hui” Www.bewaremag.com, “Ernest PignonErnest : le pionnier humaniste du street-art” Phenixwebtv.com, interview of Barbara Pravi Www.who.int, World Health Organization, Abortion Www.amnesty.org

Picture: Wikimedia, Selbymay

VOICES - 15 репортажа
25 millions of risky abortions are done every year.


A film adaption of “All Quiet on the Western Front”, published under Erich Maria Remarque in 1929, is for sure not a debut in 2023 but in my opinion as relevant and timeless as ever. Edward Berger directs “All Quiet on the Western Front“ in 2022 starring Felix Kammerer as the protagonist Paul Bäumer and features movie stars such as Daniel Brühl whom you may know from Inglorious Bastards or Captain America.

For the people who have not watched the movie yet, there’s a summary: Berger’s adaption starts with a soldier being killed, his uniform being reused and given to Paul Bäumer, who is, despite his parent’s disapproval, joining the first world war alongside three of friends and other school mates. Teachers as well as students voice excitement and the young soldiers are being sent to the west front where they come to have their first contact with war. While the young soldiers befriend the older soldier Kat, one of the friends is being killed during their first night. Roughly a year later, having experienced many battles and losses, the three friends, Kat and another soldier Tjarden are shown. The regisseurs portrays what’s happening in between battle scenes: Paul and Kat stealing a goose and sharing it in their group, Paul reading to Kat, who is illiterate, a letter from his wife or one of the friends spending a night with a


French woman returning with her scarf. Few days after those scenes the German front attacks the French where Paul sees two of his friends die and go missing and battles and stabs a French soldier. While the soldier is dying Paul tries to stop the noises he’s making, but then asks for forgiveness on his dying body and promises to write to his wife. When Paul returns the soldiers are celebrating Erzberger, shown in previous scenes negotiating the war‘s end, accepting the Allied terms and the war’s ending on November 11th, 11 o’clock. Paul and Kat find each other and bring wounded Tjarden food, who is the last friend of the group surviving, he gifts Paul the French girl’s scarf and then kills himself with a fork due to his crippling injuries. The next day Paul and Kat steal eggs from the same place they stole the goose from, Kat ends up being shot by the farmers young son and dies form the injuries back in the camp. The movie ends with the General wanting to end the war with a German victory and ordering a last attack on the celebrating French front at 10:45 o’clock. Paul dies few seconds before 11 o’clock being stabbed in the bag. A new German soldier who Paul has saved in the combat ends up picking up Paul’s batch and scarf.

While several movies have been produced, the movie from 2022, bought by Netflix, is the first one interpreted by a German director revealing a German point of view. Nominated yet for 9 Oscars, already won 7 BAFTA’s and much more, Berger’s adaptation got internationally recognized by critics. Voices criticize the symmetric and tidy presentation of war in the arrangement of tanks or that Berger strayed far away from the original book with his script, though generally the movie is declared as well made. In

fact, it is one of the most nominated international movies ever.

While shock and horror rule most of the watching experience it also gives a realistic, maybe a little one sided, approach on war and its brutality. Berger presents mud, famine, one on one fights, machinery like tanks or machine guns and and fire throwers; all there to seemingly consequently extinguish every soldier on the battle fields. Though he also doesn’t present heroes or a moral compass. There are no ‘good’ French and no ‘good’ Germans, at least on the battlefield. The viewer isn’t positioned on a moral podest, he is more thoroughly horrified to watch humans slaughter each other for a purpose beyond comprehension.

Instead, the German generals and politicians show the face of raging nationalism “for the Kaiser, god and the fatherland”. Soldiers seem to be the ones suffering, experiencing real life trauma in the cold battlefields while the leading figures sit in the warmth, make decisions deciding over the life of soldiers viewed as mere pawns gladly sacrificed in a game played for the sake of a German sense of exceptionalism. It seems absurd, this simplified portrayal of nationalism, but it paints a caricature of what we see in recent times. Nationalist movements all over the world, wars in Europe and far right demagogy.

In the movie soldiers are awarded with a certain innocence, the modern viewer watches them being ‘tricked’ into nationalism and war, created in a more modern approach. Nationalism isn’t necessarily a disease that can be cured, and soldiers aren’t necessarily brainless creatures. When blaming generals and

the leading figures solely it takes the responsibility from the soldiers. How did it get that far politically? They might have been young and naive but Paul’s parents refusing to send their son to war set a perfect example. There were people seeing a problem with war or at least with committing their child to die for the fatherland even back then. The back story of German pride culminating is simply missing by portraying young innocent students as soldiers. Was it the beginning of the 20th century’s fault that empires greed and give themselves the right for more? This is not fault of the movie though more of the initial book.

Regardless of this Remarque himself states in his prequel: “This book is not intended to be an accusation or a confession. It is intended only to attempt to tell of a generation devastated by war— even if it escaped its grenades.”. This takes away the focus from the question of fault and nationalism. A deduction to trauma and man-made disaster basically. Raising awareness for the humanely unimaginable pain and mental scars incaved into the brains of the soldiers. At that time, it was called “war tremors” or “shell shock”. The soldiers may have suffered from nightmares, panic attacks and sweating, came home paralyzed or unable to speak for no physical reasons. Trauma that can only be caused by war, seeing your comrades being stabbed, burn to death or being rolled over by tanks. Having grenades explode close to your face, facing death itself and being forced to carry out inhumane tasks: killing real people, flesh and blood with families and history of their own.

All in all, we should take away from Berger’s interpretation the sheer horror of war. When a 100 years ago fighting techniques are so severely brutal – can you imagine how it might look like today. The visualization of that is something everybody should see, so go watch this movie. It will shock you to the core and you will come to a very simple but existential conclusion: There is no winners in war.


Time - All Quiet on the Western Front Is a Warning to the World Cliffs Notes - All Quiet on the Western Front rnd - Beinahe zu aktuell: die Neuverfilmung von „Im Westen nichts Neues“


Rakija Magic of the Balkans

In the Balkans, rakija is everywhere. Be prepared to be offered a glass (or a whole bottle) of homemade rakija even by a random stranger you just met on the street. People here are very proud of this specific drink – and they have every right to be. Rakija is very versatile and is used against a diversity of health issues, to celebrate any occasion, or as a way to show hospitality to others.

18 - VOICES culture

The process of making rakija nowadays is quite simple, but it requires a lot of patience and attention to detail. First, the fruit is mashed and left to ferment for several weeks, usually with the addition of sugar and water. Once the fermentation process is complete, the liquid is distilled in a copper still, which separates the alcohol from the water and impurities. The resulting liquid is sometimes aged in oak barrels for several months to enhance the flavor and aroma of the rakija.

The history of rakija dates back to ancient times, and the origins of this traditional Balkan beverage are not entirely clear. It is believed that the practice of distilling fruits to make brandy was introduced to the Balkan region by the ancient Romans, who used it for medicinal purposes. However, it was the arrival of the Slavic tribes in the region that led to the development of the distinctive flavour and aroma of rakija that we know today.

During the Ottoman Empire, rakija production was heavily regulated and taxed, leading to the creation of secret distilleries in rural areas. In fact, the word “rakija” itself is believed to have come from the Turkish word “rakı”, which means “anise-flavoured brandy”. In the 19th century, the production of rakija became more widespread and sophisticated, with the introduction of modern distilling techniques and the development of new varieties of fruits. Today, rakija remains an important part of Balkan culture, and it is enjoyed by people of all ages.

Throughout the centuries, rakija became an important part of Balkan culture, and its production and consumption played a significant role in social and religious events. Rakija was often used as a gift to show respect, and it was considered a symbol of prosperity and wealth. When someone visits a home or a business, it is common for the host to offer them a small glass of rakija as a welcome gesture. This tradition is deeply ingrained in Balkan culture, and it is seen as a way to establish a bond of trust and mutual respect between the host and the guest.

The act of sharing rakija has an important social dimension, as it often leads to conversation, storytelling, and laughter.

It is a way to break the ice and create a relaxed and convivial atmosphere. In this sense, rakija brings people together and fosters a sense of community. It embodies the values of generosity, warmth, and conviviality that are highly valued in Balkan cultures.

Moreover, the tradition of making rakija is often a family affair that involves several generations. Many families in the Balkans have their own secret recipe and take great pride in their rakija-making skills. This tradition is passed down from one generation to the next, creating a sense of continuity and connection between family members. When someone shares their rakija with a guest, they are not just offering them a drink - they are sharing a piece of their family history and culture.

pain, emergency toothache relief, treatment for any wounds, and the quickest for cure fever. Whether you are trying to disinfect your insides with alcohol, you are using a paste or massage oil made of rakija or you are just staring at it – worry not, you will be healed. And not only your body but also your soul. In Bulgaria, there is a famous proverb, “A psychotherapist can help you, but Rakija is cheaper.”

Despite its popularity and cultural significance, rakija is not without controversy. In recent years, there has been a growing concern about the health risks associated with excessive consumption of this potent beverage. Some studies have linked rakija to an increased risk of certain cancers and liver disease, and there have been calls for stricter regulations and awareness campaigns to address these issues.

According to everyone and their mother, alcoholic drink is also the most effective way to cure any disease or illness. While excessive consumption of rakija can be harmful to health, there are some ways in which moderate consumption of this traditional beverage can potentially offer certain health benefits.

One example of this would be the use of rakija as a digestive aid. Many people in the Balkans believe that rakija can help with digestive issues, such as bloating, constipation, and stomach cramps. This is because the fruit used to make rakija is high in fiber and antioxidants, which can help to stimulate digestion and promote gut health. Because of this rakija is often served alongside the food in Kafanas, traditional Macedonian restaurants.

In addition to that it is also said to be a booster for the immune system, cures every hangover, a solution to muscle

So in conclusion Rakija has a long and rich history in the Balkan region, and it is often considered to be more than just a drink - it is a symbol of Balkan culture. However, it is important to consume rakija in moderation and as part of a balanced and healthy lifestyle, as excessive consumption can have negative health effects. Nonetheless, the cultural and social significance of rakija cannot be understated, and it will undoubtedly continue to be an important part of the Balkan region’s heritage for generations to come.


Yebiga: Rakija 101

Sodeli: Wissens Wertes | Rakija was ist das woher kommt es

Rakijagrill: Drink like a serbian how to drink rakija like a local

Rakijagrill: How to cure everything with rakija

Wikipedia EN: Rakia

Wikipedia DE: Rakija

VOICES - 19 култура


dark humor and political commentary color the streets of many cities around the world. The identity of this artist remains a mystery due to the danger of facing the law.

Each of us is often attracted to the unknown. Human curiosity and the desire to look into the mystery are indomitable traits. There is a subconscious urge to be carried away by the spell of uncertainty. Exactly that uncertainty as a condition fits perfectly in one of the most interesting ways of expression – art. The expression of feelings, creativity and talent through different forms can completely immerse us. Art is the only form of existence without limitations. People who live with it have the power to influence and create without speech and yet say so much.

Many artists are known for creating anonymously. Hiding his identity behind their great works contributes to their authenticity and controversy. A perfect example of this is Banksy’s street art. His hallmarks of satire,

Banksy’s works represent a subculture in themselves and all the uncertainty and revolt surrounding them has caused alternative perspectives and a revolution in the art world. It can be said that this artist, through drawing matrices and his installations, made a revolutionary feat without even using his name. His pseudonym is remembered as a reflection of courage and the harsh reality in which we live. One of the most recognizable murals is “The Girl with the Balloon” (2002), which depicts a girl losing her balloon in the shape of a heart, which pays homage to youth and innocence. More about his life and work can be seen in his documentary “Exit Through the Gift Shop”. As an upcoming artist I admire Banksy for his subtlety that sends such a strong message. It’s a testament to how simplicity in expression can make a difference.

“Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable.”
Martina Danilovska




“Уметноста треба да ги смири вознемирените и да ги вознемири смирените”


екој од нас често е привлечен од непознатото. Човечката

љубопитност и желба да се погледне во мистеријата се нескротливи особини. Потсвесно се јавува порив да бидеме понесени од магијата на неизвесноста. Токму таа неизвесност како состојба совршено се вклопува

Делата на Бенкси претставуваат субкултура сами по себе и целата неизвесност и револт околу истите предизвикала алтернативни перспективи и револуција во уметничкиот свет. Може да се каже дека овој уметник преку матриците

за цртање и своите инсталации

направил револуцуонерен подвиг без воопшто да го употреби своето

име. Неговиот псевдоним останува

запаметен како одраз на храброст и

суровата реалност во која живееме.

Еден од најпрепознатливите мурали е „Девојчето со балонот” (2002) во

кое е прикажано како девојче го губи својот балон во форма на срце

Уметноста единствената

во еден од најинтересните начини на изразување – уметноста. Експресијата на чувства, креативност и талент низ различни форми умее комплетно да нѐ задлабочи.

форма на постоење без ограничувања.

Луѓето кои живеат со неа имаат моќ да влијаат и создаваат без говор а сепак да кажат толку многу.

Голем број уметници се познати по тоа што творат анонимно. Криејќи го својот

идентитет зад нивните големи дела придонесува на нивната автентичност и контроверзност. Совршен пример за тоа е уличната уметност на Бенкси. Неговите обележја на сатира, црн хумор и политички коментар ги обојуваат улиците на многу градови низ светот. Идентитетот на овој уметник останува мистерија поради опасноста од соочувањето со законот.

што оддава почит на младоста и невиноста. Повеќе за неговиот живот и и творештво може да се види во неговиот документарец „Exit Through the Gift Shop”. Јас како иден уметник

се восхитувам на на Бенкси поради неговата суптилност која испраќа толку силна порака. Тоа е доказ како едноставноста во изразувањето може да направи промена.

Мартина Даниловска

VOICES - 21 култура


Место за промена и насмевки

Сместена покрај брегот на Атлантскиот Океан, Португалија постојано повикува волонтери да ја откријат нејзината богата историја, прекрасната архитектура и неверојатните пејзажи, а истовремено да направат значајна разлика во животите на локалното население. Сепак, она што ја прави оваа земја навистина посебна е гостопримливата и пријателска култура која зрачи преку едноставна насмевка и „cafezinho“. Вклучувањето во волонтерската култура на Португалија може да ви го промени животот ако сакате подлабоко да го цените светот околу вас.


изминатиов месец, постојано

се потсетував на мојот личен раст со кој се стекнувам преку волонтирањето во Агеда, мало необично гратче кое се наоѓа на само еден час оддалеченост од живописниот град Порто. Секој ден е нова авантура, бидејќи имам привилегија да го делам мојот дом со волонтери од Унгарија, Белгија

и Турција. Мојата работа со луѓе од Финска, Австрија, Романија, Хрватска (и многу други), ми донесе ново ниво на возбуда и раст додека учиме

едни од други за нашите различни култури и потеклa. Дали некогаш сте пробале овошна супа, тестенини со компири или чоколаден тост? Па, вака изгледа да се има меѓународни цимери: културните шокови никогаш не завршуваат, а вие добивате нов поглед кон светот. Истражувањето на различни култури отсекогаш било мој сон, а моето искуство во Португалија досега е навистина уникатно. Португалската култура и начинот на размислување ги чувствувам неверојатно познати и свои, и чувствувам како полека но сигурно се адаптирам на овдешниот начин на живот. Атмосферата на малиот град го прави животот да се движи со побавно темпо, а едно кратко патување со воз ме носи до брегот на Атлантикот. Освен тоа, со оглед на тоа што Португалија е релативно мала земја, лесно е да се патува и да се искусат нови места без да се потрошат многу пари и време.

Луѓето обично ме прашуваат: „Кој ти е најголем културен шок овде?“.

Па, другите Европејци обично го истакнуваат португалското опуштено темпо на живот. Бидејќи доаѓам од Балканот, во никој случај не сум шокирана од недостатокот на точност или културата на секојдневно пиење кафе со пријателите. Најголемата разлика што ја гледам е тоа што има портокали и лимонови дрвја насекаде, а она што најмногу го ценам е можноста да бидам дел од нашата разновидна, но сепак обединета европска заедница на волонтери.

Сега откако ја додадовте Португалија на вашата листа со желби, ајде да зборуваме за нешто позначајно од само „посета“: волонтирање!

Дали сте размислувале да помагате од срце на заедница на другата страна на Европа? Ова е она што проектите на Европскиот солидарен корпус ви помагаат да го постигнете. Иако помина само еден месец, веќе почнав да учествувам во различни едукативни, еколошки, интеркултурни активности, како и организирање настани во рамките на Младинскиот центар во Агеда. Бидејќи една од најсилните вредности на волонтерството е неформалното образование, се фокусираме на работилници кои промовираат различност, креативност и чувство за претприемништво кај младите. Од организирање часови по англиски јазик за локалците, до спроведување на училишни сесии посветени на важни историски и општествени теми, се грижиме да придонесеме

за образованието и зајакнувањето на младите.

Исто така, се обидуваме да им донесеме малку радост на постарите луѓе од Агеда, со сесии наречени „Училиште на животот“

со пензионирани локалци кои ги споделуваат своите инспиративни животни приказни и дознаваат повеќе за нашите култури. Да се чувствувате како дел од едно големо

семејство додека сте далеку од дома е без сомнеж едно од најскапоцените искуства. И секако, за страстните љубители на екологијата, има многу проекти за зачувување на шумите во Португалија, што е од огромна важност за локалното население. За крај, возбудена сум поради претстојниот Карневал кој е важен настан во регионот, а на кој земавме учество во организирањето, како и интеркултурните сесии и активностите во коишто учесниците ќе имаат можност да вежбаат странски јазици.

Иако штотуку го започнав моето искуство во Португалија, веќе ја гледам преобразувачката моќ на волонтирањето. Топло препорачувам секој да ја искористи можноста да волонтира барем еднаш во својот живот. Ова едномесечно искуство ме инспирираше да се стремам кон личен раст и самооткривање и со нетрпение чекам да откријам каде ќе ме води овој пат во иднина.

Андријана Смиљковска ЕСК-волонтерка испратенa од ВЦС

VOICES - 23 Во

Më pak punë, rroga e njëjtë

realiste apo utopike?

Sa kohë qëndroni në punë duke mos bërë asgjë? Nëse

numëroni çdo pushim për kafe, biseda me kolegët rreth

udhëtimeve, takimeve dhe

të tjera, mund të vëreni se një pjesë jashtëzakonisht e madhe e ditës ka të bëjë me gjithçka përveç punës aktuale.

Kjo nënkuptohet, pasi që

njerëzit shpesh kanë kohë

për biseda. Shumë studime

vërtetojnë se nuk ka nevojë

të punohet 40 orë gjatë një

jave të punës 5-ditore, pasi që

shumica e punonjësve kanë

aftësi t’i arrijnë rezultatet e

njëjta për një kohë shumë më

të shkurtë, nëse punojnë në

mënyrë pak më praktike.

24 - VOICES reportage

Pra, nga rrjedh puna 40-orëshe në javë? Në shekullin e 19-të, gjatë revolucionit industrial, njerëzit punuan dukshëm më shumë në krahasim me standardet e sotshme. Që atëherë, punëtorët filluan të kërkonin orare më të përshtatshëm të punës, gjegjësisht, më pak orë pune. Në shekullin e 20-të, bota perëndimore zhvilloi një javë të punës 40-orëshe dhe ky model tani përdoret në jetën aktuale. Por pse përdoret modeli i javës së punës 40-orëshe?

Aktivisti i famshëm për të drejtat e punës

Robert Owen tha: “Tetë orë punë, tetë orë argëtim, tetë orë pushim”, ai shpiku idenë e një jave pune 40-orëshe. Qëllimi kryesor ishte të arrihet një ekuilibër midis punës dhe kohës së lirë.

Disa shtete kanë filluar të shqyrtojnë çështjen e zbatimit të një javë pune katër-ditore. Për shembull, në Islandë, u zhvillua një provë gjatë viteve 2015-2019, ku 2500 punëtorë kaluan nga një javë pune 40-orëshe në një javë pune 35-orëshe pa zvogëlim të rrogës. Megjithatë, duhet theksuar se nuk ishte domosdoshmërish një javë pune 4-ditore, por vetëm reduktime në orët e punës. Pa marrë parasysh, prova ishte mjaft e suksesshme dhe shumë studime vërtetuan se mund të arrihen rezultatet e njëjta për një periudhë kohore më të shkurtër. Studimet gjithashtu vërtetuan se punëtorët janë më efektivë kur nuk kanë shumë kohë për biseda.

Jo çdo provë për arritjen e një jave pune më të shkurtër ka pasur sukses. Në Gjermani, një kompani e vogël me 16 punëtorë vendosi një orar pune pesë-orëshe, si zëvendësim për një ditë pune të rëndomtë 8-orëshe. Mirëpo në këtë rast, telefonat, rrjetet sociale dhe çdo kontakt me botën e jashtme ishin të ndaluar. Kështu që punëtorët nuk kishin mundësi të komunikonin me familjet e tyre. Ata gjithashtu ndjenin presion të madh dhe kishin përshtypje se koha ishte shumë e kufizuar. Si rezultat i këtyre kushteve, dy punëtorë dhanë dorëheqje. Shkurtimi i orarit të punës gjithashtu limitoi marrëdhëniet shoqërore me kolegët, dhe për këtë

arsye nuk kishte frymë ekipore gjatë punës.

Në bazë të këtyre rasteve, nuk mund të vërtetojmë se një javë pune më e shkurtër është gjithmonë e përshtatshme. Megjithatë, përveç Islandës, janë dëshmuar prova tjera të suksesshme anekënd botës. Për shembull, në Japoni, kompania Microsoft testoi një javë pune katër-ditore pa zvogëlim të rrogës dhe rezultatet dëshmuan se punonjësit ishin pothuajse 40% më produktivë gjatë punës por dhe më të lumtur në përgjithësi. Përveç këtij shembulli, një javë pune më e shkurtër sjell avantazhe të tjera. Vendi juaj i punës do të duket më interesant, dhe do të rritet numri i aplikimeve për vende të punës. Gjithashtu, nëse mendojmë nga aspekti i mjedisit jetësorë, do të ishte shumë më e dobishme për natyrën nëse njerëzit udhëtonin në punë vetëm katër herë në javë në vend se pesë. Për arsye se në këtë rast njerëzit më rrallë do t’i përdornin makinat e tyre apo transportet e ndryshme publike.

Në Maqedoninë e Veriut, nuk praktikohet një javë pune më të shkurtër. Olgica Arsova, e cila punon si TI Help-desk specialiste, nga e hëna deri të premten në Shkup, është e njoftuar me temën dhe thotë: “Shumë do të doja që të zbatohej kjo çështje në vendin tim të punës, si mund të aplikojë?”

Puna nga shtëpia zakonisht bëhet në dy ndërrime të punës, të

cilat gjithashtu janë 8-orëshe. Olgica punon dhe si freelancere (punë e pavarur) dhe për këtë arsye shpesh punon 16 orë në ditë. Për shkak të këtij orari rigoroz me pushime të vogla, ditët e fundjavës nuk paraqesin pushim të mjaftueshëm. Për këtë arsye Olgica mendon se një javë pune 4-ditore do të ishte më se e mirëpritur. “Mendoj se do të funksiononte kudo. Mund të jetë pak e vështirë dhe e çuditshme në fillim, por çdo fillim është i vështirë, apo jo? Ne mund të përshtatemi dhe mirë të funksionojmë”.

Punonjës më të lumtur, më të motivuar, më produktivë dhe kohë adekuate për pushim. Java më e shkurtër e punës dalëngadalë po popullarizohet. Nëse shqyrtojmë historinë tonë, vërejmë se janë nevojitur dekada për të arritur deri në një javë 40-orëshe. Të shohim se sa kohë do të nevojitet të arrijmë deri te një javë pune edhe më të shkurtër.


The career contessa podcast - The argument for a four-day workweek 4dayweek.io - Why should you hire on a 4 day work week

Yle.fi - Kelpaisiko nelipäiväinen työviikko

VOICES - 25 reportazh
“Tetë orë punë, tetë orë argëtim, tetë orë pushim”


е мисла или идеја за страдање од состојба без дијагноза од стручно лице.


ите знаеме дека наоѓањето информации денес е полесно од кога било. Само напишете ги на „google“ вашите симптоми и интернетот веројатно ќе ви каже што не е во ред. Многу млади луѓе страдаат од анксиозност, депресија, посттрауматско стресно растројство итн. Но, дали навистина? За жал, грижата за менталното здравје за многумина е недостапна, па затоа, разбирливо; луѓето бараат одговори со самодијагностицирање. Сепак, пред да се донесат избрзани заклучоци, консултација со професионалец е неопходна.

Современиот живот вклучува употреба на психијатриски термини и дијагнози во секојдневниот јазик. Можете да слушнете како некој вели: „Имав лош ден. Се чувствувам депресивно“, без тоа да значи дека имаат депресивно растројство. Свесноста за менталните болести се зголемува, а луѓето се поспособни за именување и конкретно препознавање на

нивните емоции. Проблемите со менталното здравје денес се нормализирани и не се толкаво табу во споредба со претходните генерации. Ова навистина го олеснува справувањето со нив. Важно е да се спознаеме себеси и да бидеме свесни за „чудните работи”. За многу луѓе, сфаќањето и разбирањето на нивната менталната болест може да биде олеснување. Исто така, може да им помогне да почнат повеќе да се прифаќаат себеси и да започнат да добиваат помош или да наоѓаат заедници со слични проблеми.

Корисниците на социјалните мрежи споделуваат многу содржини за менталното здравје и ги разбиваат непотребните предрасуди. Сепак, иако интернетот е одличен извор на информации, треба да се продолжи со претпазливост во врска со дијагнозата. Дури и иако човечката природа е понекогаш да се поврзе со пореметување или болест, самосвеста трае со години. Точното дијагностицирање на состојбите на менталното

26 - VOICES topic of the month
Опасен тренд на самодијагностика

здравје опфаќа широк спектар на сложени медицински полиња. Од 1800-тите, медицинската наука

ја користи хемијата и физиката

за да ги дефинира болестите.

Дури и Хипократ ги проучувал состојбата на неговите пациенти

со набљудување на телесните

течности. Значи, дијагностиката

е многу повеќе од само како се чувствувате внатре.

Некои трендови доаѓаат и си одат

во сè, исто така и во менталното

здравје. Колку повеќе луѓето споделуваат работи, толку

повеќе се зборува за нив. Ова не е нужно лошо, но дозволува

да се формираат трендови во комплексно поле. Веројатно сте слушнале некој кој го нарекува

својот поранешен љубовник

или шеф – нарцис и тоа по лошо раскинување или отказ. Ова може да биде предизвикано од луѓе кои бараат причини за лошото однесување на другите луѓе или, пак, во обид да ги разберат подобро. Проблемот е што на

ова, не му се придсва големо значење и се е готово без добро да размислиме што значи тоа.

Социјалните медиуми и Интернетот имаат тенденција

да ги поедноставуваат работите

и да користат многу заеднички стереотипи за болести кои немаат

врска со дијагностика. Постојат

повеќе веб-страни каде што можете да ги опишете вашите симптоми, а вештачката интелигенција ви ја кажува вашата дијагноза. Луѓето се потпираат на овие страници без да се прашаат од каде доаѓаат информациите. Ова го забавува процесот на добивање точна дијагноза.

Во светот има најмалку 10.000 болести, а релативно многу од нив имаат симптоми кои може да укажуваат на нешто сосема поинакво од некој друг со истите симптоми. На пример, туморот на мозокот може да предизвика промени во личноста, исто како како и депресијата или психозата. Американската психосоцијална асоцијација препознава преку 200 различни ментални нарушувања, од кои многу симптоми се слични

или речиси исти: например кај лекарот кај едниот пациент може да утврди дека мозокот не произведува доволно хормони за да има исполнет живот, што е огромна разлика во споредба со нечие субјективно искуство за нивната болест.

Одличен пример за ова е и „Барнум ефектот“.

Накратко објаснето, тоа е социјален експеримент каде учесниците добиваат личен опис на нивниот животот, личноста, детството итн. Повеќето луѓе кои учествуваат во ова ги наоѓаат описите точни и се чувствуваат лично. Поентата на експериментот е во тоа што описите се обично идентични, нејасни и доволно општи за да се применат кај повеќето луѓе. Ваквите експерименти покажуваат дека иако знаењето за свесноста е позитивна работа, не треба да се базираат своите одлуки само на општите информации.

Еден проблем со овој тренд е и тоа што секој има пристап до него. Не само возрасните се во

ред со нивното лично јас или луѓето со вештини во медиумската

писменост. Некои млади луѓе се уште во процес на растење и идентификувајќи се себеси. Луѓе кои се во средината на личниот раст. Овие трендови ги туркаат овие процеси од колосек. Како Ема МекАдамс, лиценциран терапевт за брак и семејство се обраќа: „дијагнозата не е идентитет, тоа е искуство, а не кој си ти навистина”.

Таика Соихту Преведувач: Дарица Стамкова

Извори: Terveyskirjasto: Yleistynyt ahdistuneisuushairio

Yle: Some ruokkii mielenterveysongelmien “itsediagnosointia”, mutta väärään tietoon on helppo haksahtaa

Highlandspringsclinic.org: dangers of self diagnoses

Pfizer: tutkimus-diagnostiikka ennen ja nyt, tasmallisen taudinmaarityksen jaljilla

McGovern Medical School: Challenge with Social Media: Self-Diagnosing Mental Health

Tpmg: Mental Health Self-Diagnosis: Helpful or Harmful?

Betterhelp: why you shouldnt self diagnose your mental health

Urevolution: is self diagnosis valid

Youtube: The Essential Lesson You Missed in Psych 101- How Self-Diagnosis Can Harm You

Wikipedia: Barnum effect

Youtube: TherapyinaNutshel

VOICES - 27 тема на месецот

I’ll always remember us that way

Why do we always realize how much someone loved us, way too late?

I had a treasure in front of me all this time. A real man. A real love. The only love that someone can ask for. I let it go. I will never forget his words: “I believed you were the one”, “Can I love you forever?”. I guess not. It’s like he pushed those words into the very deep of my heart, to tear me apart.

I never knew that a person can feel this way. Empty. Half. Like I’m missing a huge piece.

I’m forced to erase those years from my life. It all stayed there. In the empty apartment. The same that we decorated together. We did not fill it up only with furniture, but with memories too. I left it all there.

All the memories, all the hopes. Everything we built together.

I feel like I have to split myself in two.

I left my soul, all of my inside with him, and I’m only bringing back my body. But why do they need an empty body? There’s nothing inside.

Emptiness. Darkness. How do you say goodbye to the only person you care about? How do you let go? Does it ever get any easier? How do you even start from the beginning when you are incomplete? How do you get to smile knowing that you’ll never feel the strength of that hug?

The fire, that his kisses were causing. The only touch you feel on the inside as well. Huh?

I want to remember him happy. With the smile, that I put on his face. Do you also believe that if it rains when you leave a place, it means you will go back there at some point?

I’m starting to believe it because I already see myself going back there.

In my mind, I’m halfway there. And I’ll always remember us that way.

28 - VOICES poetry

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Our monthly magazine has a very simple, yet powerful, mission - to be the voice of youth. And
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