Parent and Family Handbook 2017

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Parent and Family Handbook 2017-18

Contents Welcome 1 New Student and Family Programs office overview 3 Parent and family resources 4 • Beyond Orientation course for parents and families • Care Package Program • Family blog and newsletter • Family of the Year • Family Weekend

The college adjustment Academic success

5 6

• Academic Advising • Campus Learning Center • Writing Center • VCU Libraries • Making learning REAL • Living-Learning Centers • Honors College • Service Learning • da Vinci Center • Global Education Office

Student life at VCU Wellness and safety

10 11

• University Counseling Services • University Student Health Services • After-hours, weekend and holiday medical care • The Wellness Resource Center • Title IX • VCU SafeZone • VCU Police • VCU alert system

Campus services


• VCUDine • Barnes & Noble @ VCU • RamTech

Student resources


• Residential Life and Housing • VCU Career Services • VCU Parking and Transportation • Office of Disability Support Services • Military Student Services • Financial Aid • Student Accounting • VCU Recreational Sports • University Student Commons and Activities

Campus maps


Exploring Richmond


• Arts, culture and history • Restaurants and shopping • Sports and recreation

Directions to campus



“… we are relentlessly dedicated to your student’s success… ”

elcome Dear VCU Parents and Family Members:

Welcome to Virginia Commonwealth University. I am honored that your loved one chose VCU to further their education and pursue their limitless future. Here, we are relentlessly dedicated to your student’s success and will make sure they are equipped with the knowledge, skills and experiences that will allow them to succeed in and out of the classroom. We also want to make sure you are equally prepared for their time at VCU. This family handbook contains a wealth of resources that will help you learn more about VCU and all it has to offer. It includes important information for the 2017-18 academic year and will be helpful as you and your student adjust to college life. Please accept my warmest regards, and welcome to the VCU family. Sincerely, Michael Rao, Ph.D. President, VCU and VCU Health System


“… we are honored by the trust you have placed in Virginia Commonwealth University to prepare your student for a future of purpose and lifelong learning.” Welcome to VCU! You and your family are beginning an exciting new transition, and we are honored by the trust you have placed in Virginia Commonwealth University to prepare your student for a future of purpose and lifelong learning. Whether this is your first student to enroll in a university or the last one to leave home, I think you will find that their time here will be a unique journey characterized by a continual process of change, decision-making, academic and social growth, and finding out how to make VCU “real” for them. College is a time of tough challenges and jubilant celebrations. Rest assured that VCU has programs, people and resources in place to assist your student throughout their time with us. At VCU, we encourage our students to connect what they learn in the classroom to real-world experiences. As a mom of two former college students, I understand that even though this is an exciting transition time, it may also be filled with apprehension and anxiety as you anticipate “letting go.” Please remember that your parenting days are not over — they are evolving. In fact, as your student grows and changes, so does your family dynamic. At VCU, we value our families and their contributions. We believe you are valuable partners in your student’s success. I encourage you to keep the lines of communication open and continue to serve as a support system for your student. Your engagement, moral support and active listening will be valuable throughout their academic career. All of us in the Division of Strategic Enrollment Management are committed to offering personalized service and keeping our parents and families informed and involved. We look forward to working with you and your student and hope you will feel free to contact the Parent and Family Helpline in the Office of New Student and Family Programs at (804) 828-7322 if we can be of assistance in any way. Best regards, Daphne Long Rankin, Ph.D. Associate vice provost for Strategic Enrollment Management


“No matter what role you play in the life of your student, we know your Ram looks to you for guidance and support, so we hope you will seek out and utilize the resources our office has available to you.” Welcome to the RAMily! Our team in New Student and Family Programs is so excited that you and your student are now officially part of the VCU community. We are here to ensure your student has a successful transition to the university and that includes making sure you have the resources you need to support your student (and yourself) during that process. We define family broadly at VCU and know that you may be a parent, grandparent, sibling, spouse or even just a friend of one of our new students. No matter what role you play in the life of your student, we know your Ram looks to you for guidance and support, so we hope you will seek out and utilize the resources our office has available for you. We provide a number of programs and services for parents and families, including a monthly electronic newsletter, a family blog, a dedicated helpline, an online course for parents of first-year students and fun events like Family Orientation and Family Weekend. We enjoy engaging with families and hope that you will ask us questions and let us know how we can serve you and your student best. If you have questions or would like more information about the opportunities and services we provide, please don’t hesitate to call us at (804) 828-7322, email us at or check out our website at We are excited to be part of the wonderful network of people you will find willing and ready to help you and your student have a positive experience at VCU. Welcome, again, to our RAMily! Best wishes, Lynanne Yndestad Director, VCU New Student and Family Programs

Connect with us.

Join the conversation.

Parent and Family Helpline: (804) 828-7322



Family blog:


Parent and family resources

We’re excited to welcome your family to VCU. We offer a number of ways for you to stay engaged with your student and involved in university life, including our electronic newsletter containing important dates and information. Stay in touch at Beyond Orientation course for parents and families - This national, award-winning online course provides an opportunity for family members and VCU faculty and administrators to connect and share resources. The course content will take you beyond what you learn at Orientation to give you a closer look at the first-year experience and what it means to be a student in today’s university. You’ll hear from university leaders who’ll discuss key topics and issues in education today. For more information, visit /beyondorientation or email Care Package Program - Support your student’s college transition by purchasing a care package subscription. New Student and Family Programs and the VCU Residence Hall Association offer you the opportunity to purchase a single “Welcome to College” package distributed in August, final exam packages and/or a subscription plan that includes packages throughout the year to keep your student motivated. Each package includes a personal note from you along with some of your student’s favorite snacks. You should receive an order form in the mail prior to the start of classes, or you can order online at anytime by visiting Family blog and newsletter - Each month, New Student and Family Programs emails a newsletter to family members which links to content in our family blog. This information includes activities on campus, important dates and deadlines, details about support service offices and opportunities for you to stay engaged with VCU. You can access the blog at anytime by visiting

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Family of the Year - The VCU Family of the Year essay contest celebrates the supportive role that family members play in the lives of students and the VCU community. All current VCU students are eligible to nominate their own or any family by submitting an application and essay. Nominees will be recognized during Family Weekend. Family Weekend - This annual event is one of the highlights of the fall semester, giving families and friends the opportunity to experience VCU’s campus and the surrounding Richmond area with their student. For more information, visit

Calendar of events 2017


Aug. 19-27

Welcome Week

Aug. 22

New Student Convocation

Aug. 24

Fall classes begin

Sept. 29-Oct. 1

Family Weekend

Oct. 19-20

Reading days/no classes

Nov. 23-26

Thanksgiving break (dorms closed)

Dec. 9

Last day of classes

Dec. 9

December Commencement

Dec. 11-19

Final exams

Dec. 24-Jan. 1, 2018

Winter break (university closed)

Jan. 16

Spring classes begin

March 4-11

Spring break

May 3-11

Final exams

May 12

May Commencement

The college adjustment

What’s different about high school and college? A lot.

HIGH SCHOOL Teacher/student contact

Contact is closer and more frequent (five days a week).


Academic competition is not as strong; good grades often can be obtained with minimal effort.


COLLEGE Teacher/student contact

Faculty members are available during office hours (posted hours each week) and by appointment to address students’ concerns.


Academic competition is much stronger; minimal effort may produce poor grades.

Students establish a personal status in academic and social activities based on family and community factors.


Students can build their status as they wish; high school status can be repeated or changed.

Counseling/ dependence

Students can rely on parents, teachers and counselors to help make decisions and give advice, and must abide by parental boundaries and restrictions.

Counseling/ dependence

Students rely on themselves; they see the results of making their own decisions; it is their responsibility to seek advice as needed; students set their own restrictions.


Students receive stimulation to achieve or participate from parents, teachers and counselors.


Students apply their own motivation to their work and activities as they wish.



Students’ freedom is limited — parents will often help students if a crisis arises.

Students have much more freedom and must accept responsibility for their own actions.


There are distractions from school, but these are partially controlled by school and home.


The opportunity for more distractions exists. Time management will become more important.

Value judgments

Students often make value judgments based on parental values; thus, many of their value judgments are made for them.

Value judgments

Students have the opportunity to see the world through their own eyes and develop their own opinions and values.

Adapted from Mullendore, R.H. and Hatch, C. (2000). "Helping your first-year college student succeed: A guide for parents." Columbia, SC: OCM and Texas A&M University. (2000).

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Academic success – our No. 1 priority “This is an exciting time in your student’s life. We are honored to be a part of it.” Congratulations, and welcome to the VCU family! Your student is embarking on a transformational journey in education at Virginia Commonwealth University. As the university’s chief academic officer, I am committed to your student’s success. Throughout this handbook, you will see many examples of the resources we provide to help all VCU students be successful in their academic pursuits. Achieving academic success isn’t easy. It takes hard work and discipline. It is also vitally important that students have the support of their families and friends in encouraging that hard work and discipline and in reminding them to take advantage of the resources available to enhance their academic experience. So, how can you support your student? Encourage them to get to know their instructors and ask questions — VCU faculty are some of the greatest thinkers, health practitioners, scientists and artists in the world, and they are dedicated to student success. Encourage them to get involved on campus and get to know other students. Emphasize the importance of taking their role as a student seriously, putting in the needed time for attending classes and studying. And most importantly, remind them to never forget why they are here. They can achieve academic success. And we are here to support them in their journey. This is an exciting time in your student’s life. We are honored to be a part of it. Regards, Gail Hackett, Ph.D. Provost and vice president for academic affairs


Academic success

Academic Advising

Writing Center

All new students at VCU are assigned an academic advisor who will help them learn about academic requirements of their major, explore new majors with them if they are undecided, direct them to faculty who can support their career development, and connect them to resources (learning support, writing improvement, student clubs and organizations, financial aid, personal counseling, study abroad, etc.) to support their graduation goals. Academic Advising is your student’s go-to source for academic planning, career exploration and information on VCU resources. Your student should meet with their academic advisor twice a semester throughout their college career.

The Writing Center offers students the benefits of having trained readers help them craft, refine and perfect their writing before students turn it in..

Campus Learning Center

MCV Campus: Tompkins-McCaw Library 509 N. 12th St. (804) 828-0636 900 Park Ave., Hibbs Hall, First Floor (804) 827-8648 900 Park Ave., Hibbs Hall, First Floor (804) 827-8108 From one-on-one tutoring to academic coaching and Supplemental Instruction sessions, the CLC provides quality academic support to all students to help reach academic goals. 1000 Floyd Ave., Academic Learning Commons, Room 4203 (804) 828-4851

VCU Libraries Monroe Park Campus: James Branch Cabell Library 901 Park Ave. (804) 828-1111

As a leading urban public research university, you can be pretty sure VCU’s libraries are the best available. They’re open 24 hours from Sunday to Friday. Both libraries have expert specialists on staff, and loan laptops, iPads and other devices. They also have access to all the online databases and resources your student will ever need.

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Academic success continued

Making learning REAL

Living-Learning Centers

A critical part of VCU’s undergraduate curriculum is for all students to have opportunities to engage in Relevant Experiential and Applied Learning (REAL) activities that connect the real world to what they’re learning in the classroom. These REAL activities are academically anchored and center on four themes: Career, Create, Discover and Serve.

VCU’s living-learning programs are designed to integrate unique on-campus living with a focused academic experience. The mix of curricular and cocurricular activities enables student to apply classroom learning to real-world experiences. Applications are available in the fall for rising second and third-year students.

Career: REAL Career experiences will present students with opportunities that unite academic goals to authentic, real-world work that advances their career development. Students are exposed to the work environment in their field through practicums, field research and work study. Create: When students take part in REAL activities encompassed within the Create theme, they’ll collaborate with students from other disciplines and approach experiences and challenges in ways they hadn’t thought of before. Discover: REAL activities in the Discover theme are driven by the concepts of inquiry, exploration and investigation. When students pursue a REAL Discover experience, they’ll be compelled by a sense of inquiry to engage with new knowledge and to develop living-learning skills through a study abroad experience, an undergraduate research activity or both. Serve: REAL activities in the Serve theme include community engagement and service opportunities that can help students identify what they’re most passionate about and translate that passion into action.

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Academic success

VCU ASPiRE Community engagement focus VCU Globe International and global focus VCU LEAD (Leaders Engaging in Advanced Discovery) Leadership focus VCU INNOVATE Innovation and entrepreneurship focus

Honors College

da Vinci Center

The Honors College offers high-achieving students many opportunities to build a well-rounded and challenging academic program, including advanced honors-only courses and unique seminars. Successful completion means the distinction of graduating with honors and creating a foundation for success in future career and life endeavors. Requirements for admission may be found on the Honors College website. New and continuing students are encouraged to apply! If your student isn’t part of the Honors College now but wants to be in the future, they can apply this semester for admission next semester. Benefits include: small community feel, smaller class sizes, early registration, research opportunities, honors scholarships

A collaboration of VCU’s schools of the Arts, Business, Engineering and College of Humanities and Sciences, the VCU da Vinci Center is a unique collegiate model that advances innovation and entrepreneurship through cross-disciplinary collaboration. The academic and other program offerings of the da Vinci Center aim to create T-shaped individuals: individuals who are anchored in a discipline and have the capacity and openness to span across disciplines. Students participating in the da Vinci Center view innovation and entrepreneurship from multiple disciplinary perspectives, and thus, are prepared for the 21st-century workforce.

Service Learning 912 W. Grace St. (804) 828-8471 701 W. Grace St. (804) 828-1803 901 W. Franklin St., Ginter House (804) 827-8215 At VCU, service-learning refers to an intentional teaching strategy that engages students in organized service activities and guided reflection. The service activities benefit the community and, in combination with reflection and other classroom-based learning activities, enhance the academic curriculum of participating students. Service-learning designation is reserved for those credit-bearing academic experiences that involve each enrolled student in a minimum of 20 hours of service per semester, as well as in planned reflection activities. 807 S. Cathedral Place (804) 827-3764

Global Education Office

One of the most rewarding experiences a student can have is the opportunity to study abroad. VCU’s Global Education Office is dedicated to providing a wide array of study abroad programs and options to VCU students wishing to add an international experience to their academic studies. Studying abroad will help your student gain a greater degree of intercultural understanding, a higher level of foreign language proficiency and a competitive edge in an increasingly globalized market. We encourage students from every academic discipline to pursue a part of their university education in an international community.

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Student life at VCU “We see ourselves as active partners with you in the success of your student.” Dear Parents and Family Members: On behalf of the Division of Student Affairs, and our more than 200 staff members, I extend a warm welcome to our VCU RAMily. We appreciate your sharing your student with us, and we are eager to support their success at VCU. We take our obligation to assist your student and your family seriously and appreciate the trust you place in us. Our division provides a wide variety of programs, activities, services and facilities in support of students and their co-curricular experience. We take a holistic approach in working with students to support their intellectual, social, emotional, physical and spiritual wellness. Here are just a few of the ways we support students in those areas: • University Student Health, University Counseling Services, the Wellness Resource Center, Recreational Sports and Disability Support Services form a strong core of services and programs to promote student well-being and emotional growth. • Developing student leaders is at the core of our mission and our work. There are numerous leadership opportunities throughout the division: formal leadership programs offered through VCU LEAD, peer leadership positions such as our career ambassadors or residential advisors, student managers in our Student Media Center and the more than 900 students that work in our offices alongside our staffs. With more than 600 registered student organizations, leadership possibilities are limitless. • The Office of Multicultural Student Affairs promotes programs and services for students to learn about themselves while expanding their cultural competence and extending their appreciation of our diverse campus community. Creating a campus environment where all students feel they belong and are respected is a central tenet we hold across our entire division. • From the moment they arrive on campus, VCU Career Services assists students in their career development process. • The Dean of Students Office advocates for and assists students dealing with life situations that impact their academic and personal success. I encourage you to visit to learn more about our support of your students across our division offices. We actively partner with other VCU offices to create an environment that responds to the needs and concerns of your student. Whether we are working with academic advisors, New Student and Family Programs, the VCU Police Department, Financial Aid, Military Student Services, the Transfer Center, classroom faculty or other strategic university partners, we have your student’s best interest in mind. We are honored to be part of your student’s growth while they are at VCU and are privileged to continue the good work you have started in helping your student realize their potential and dreams. We see ourselves as active partners with you in the success of your student. Please let us know how we are doing and what we can do better. Always feel free to contact me or my staff if we can assist you or your student. With gratitude, Charles Klink, Ph.D. Vice provost for student affairs


Wellness and safety

University Counseling Services

University Student Health Services

MCV Campus: (804) 828-3964 1008 E. Clay St., Grant House, Room B011

MCV Campus: (804) 828-9220 1000 E. Marshall St., #305

University Counseling Services (UCS) provides psychological services to the university community and has a mission to create an environment that fosters student growth, development and psychological well-being. Professional staff include clinical psychologists, licensed clinical social workers, a consulting psychiatrist, psychology and social work interns, and advanced graduate students. These staff members provides free brief psychotherapy to currently enrolled students as available. UCS adheres to professional, legal and ethical guidelines established by professional organizations and state law to protect your student’s confidentiality.

University Student Health Services is a nationally accredited health care service committed to providing high-quality outpatient care to VCU students, including but not limited to: everyday primary care, allergy shots, immunizations, mental health and ADHD services, nutrition consultations, travel health care and women’s health. Student Health also houses an on-site pharmacy at its Monroe Park campus clinic and provides laboratory services on both campuses. Monroe Park Campus: (804) 828-6200 University Student Commons, Room 238 Monroe Park Campus: (804) 828-8828 1300 W. Broad St., Suite 2200

VCU Student Health doesn’t accept health insurance. Visits are covered by a health fee charged to students each semester. However, the health fee doesn’t cover the cost of medications, specialist referrals, X-rays, hospital or ER visits, complete physicals, certain labs, etc. Your student is strongly encouraged to purchase individual health insurance to cover their healthcare needs. If your student doesn’t already have health insurance, they should visit the Health Insurance Exchange at Students can make appointments over the phone or online for non-urgent needs during business hours. When your student is feeling sick, same-day appointments are available. Urgent appointments should be made by calling (804) 828-8828.

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Wellness and safety continued

After-hours, weekend and holiday medical care VCU Student Health Services is closed after hours and on weekends and holidays; however, a designated staff member is available for phone consultation after regular office hours if an urgent medical problem arises. The on-call medical provider can be reached at (804) 828-8828 or (804) 828-9220. There are several nearby urgent care centers for students to go to if they have an urgent medical need after hours. Students with psychiatric emergencies can reach the on-call therapist provided by University Counseling Services at (804) 828-1234. Patient First (multiple locations) Closest location to VCU is in Carytown: 12 N. Thompson St., (804) 359-1337 Open 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily BetterMed Urgent Care (multiple locations) Closest location to VCU is near Willow Lawn: 5215 W. Broad St., (804) 554-5688 Open 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily CVS Minute Clinics (multiple locations) Closest location to VCU: 3514 W. Cary St., (804) 355-8533 Open 8:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Monday through Friday; 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Saturday; 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Sunday

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Wellness and safety

The Wellness Resource Center 815 S. Cathedral Place (804) 828-9355

The Wellness Resource Center, or “The Well,� supports academic success by improving the health of students. The staff strives to create a healthy environment for your student to learn, live and work by educating about stress management, alcohol and other drugs, tobacco/nicotine, sexual health, nutrition, body image, sleep habits, sexual assault, relationship violence and stalking. Recovery support, confidential sexual assault advocacy services and other resources are available.

Title IX VCU is committed to providing your student an environment free from sexual misconduct, assault, harassment or any sex/gender discrimination that may violate Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and other state and federal laws. VCU will take prompt and appropriate action to eliminate prohibited conduct, prevent its recurrence and remedy its effects. All reports of prohibited conduct will be addressed and resolved. Those who violate the policy will face disciplinary action up to and including termination or expulsion. All new students are required to complete Not Anymore, an interactive online program designed to prevent sexual assault, dating and domestic violence and stalking. Please encourage your student to complete Not Anymore training before starting classes. Students who don’t complete the training won’t be able to register for future courses.

VCU SafeZone

VCU Police 224 E. Broad St. (804) 828-1196 (nonemergency) (804) 828-1234 (on-campus emergency) 911 (off-campus emergency) One of the largest university police departments in the country has a team of hundreds working around the clock to keep your student safe. Campus escorting, a 24-hour emergency dispatch center and even an app help make VCU as safe as possible for everyone. Encourage your student to download the LiveSafe App for Apple or Android.

VCU Alert System

Students, parents and family members can sign up for VCU’s text message alert system to receive immediate information about campus emergencies, weather delays and cancellations. You may sign up at the link above.

SafeZone is a program to reduce homophobia and heterosexism on the VCU campus and make it a safer and freer environment for all members of our community regardless of sexual orientation.

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Campus services



VCUDine is Virginia Commonwealth University’s award-winning dining program. With 23 dining locations across two campuses, VCUDine offers a mix of both residential dining halls and student favorites like Chick-fil-A, Panda Express, Starbucks and a full-sized Chili’s. Students may choose from 10 different tax-free dining plans, meaning they’re guaranteed to find the plan that’s perfect for their stomach AND their wallet.

Get your student all the tech gear they need for college at RamTech, VCU’s on-campus technology resource. RamTech offers: 1111 W. Broad St. (804) 828-1148 930 W. Grace St. (804) 828-8324

Barnes & Noble @ VCU official bookstore 1111 W. Broad St. (804) 828-1678

• Academically discounted Apple and Dell technology • Accessories like Beats headphones, GoPro, chargers, protective sleeves • RamSupport extended protection plans • fixIT computer repair center located inside RamTech

From textbooks to fan gear, Barnes & Noble @ VCU has everything students need to conquer college. Students can rent or buy textbooks at great prices, get decked out in game-day gear and find the Ram gift items and school supplies they need.

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• Competitively priced back-to-school bundles that meet the needs of any major

Campus services

Student resources

Residential Life and Housing

VCU Parking and Transportation

Your student’s first year at VCU marks an exciting time for selfdiscovery. Living on campus allows them to take full advantage of all that VCU has to offer. More than 6,000 students choose to live on campus, and there is no better way for students to become immersed in the VCU experience, meet their academic goals and experience a daily lifestyle that allows for personal exploration and development. Living on campus allows special interconnectedness with fellow students and the larger university community.

VCU Parking and Transportation operates cross-campus shuttles, charter services, rides to and from the airport, bus and train stations, GRTC transit passes, a bike program and a plethora of alternative transportation options. 301 W. Cary St., First Floor (804) 828-7666

VCU Career Services University Student Commons, Room 143 (804) 828-1645 University Career Services assists students with defining and achieving their career goals. Through VCU Career Services, students have access to a variety of resources, including: • Individual career advising • Monthly career workshops and programs • Career and internship fairs • HireVCURams, student career management tool for finding part-time jobs, internships, and careers after graduation. 1108 W. Broad St. (804) 828-7275

RamRide - Free travel on the Campus Connector between campuses RamSafe - Free after-hours transportation anywhere on campus (call 828-SAFE) RamBikes - Free 48-hour bike use, including helmet and lock, available at both campus libraries RamAway - Free transportation to and from the airport and train and bus stations Parking - Affordable on-campus parking Zimride - Social network ridesharing for only VCU students Zipcar - Low hourly and daily car rentals with convenient campus locations GRTC - Discounted student transit passes on all Richmond city buses

• Major exploration

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Student resources continued

Office of Disability Support Services

Military Student Services

MCV Campus: 1000 E. Marshall St., Suite 231 (804) 828-9782 TTY: (804) 828-4608

Military Student Services addresses the unique needs of veterans, active service members, dependents and spouses receiving military benefits and helps them make a successful transition into our academic community. MSS sponsors initiatives designed for military students including: Monroe Park Campus: 907 Floyd Ave., Room 102 Voice/TDD: (804) 828-2253

VCU is committed to providing students with disabilities equal opportunities to benefit from all programs, services and activities offered at the university. Disability Support Services acts as a liaison between faculty and students with disabilities and makes recommendations for program accommodations. Students with disabilities can go to this office for advocacy, adapted materials, and alternative testing or for information and referral services on disability-related issues.

Financial Aid 1015 Floyd Ave., First Floor, Harris Hall (804) 828-1550 Housed within the Student Services Center, the Office of Financial Aid assists students and their families, so that any qualified student who desires an education at VCU may do so without the hindrance of financial barriers. Each year, more than $270 million in student aid is disbursed to more than 18,000 students. Your student must fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) each year in order to be eligible for financial aid. Once your student is awarded financial aid, they should review and either accept or decline the aid using eServices.

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Student resources 1015 Floyd Ave., Harris Hall, Room 3122 (804) 828-6563

• Student Veterans Association: student organization that helps veterans take full advantage of the educational and careerenhancing opportunities provided at VCU • Veterans Transition into UNIV: special UNIV 101 course offered for military students • Military Services tuition relief: allows special accommodations for students whose service in the military has necessitated their sudden withdrawal or prolonged absence from VCU • Green Zone: identifies faculty and staff throughout the university who have received special training and are knowledgeable about veteran student issues and resources

Student Accounting

VCU Recreational Sports

Housed within the Student Services Center, the Student Accounting Department is responsible for the assessment, billing and collection of tuition, room, board and other university fees. It also bills thirdparty payers for VCU charges and issues refunds to eligible students. Questions regarding payments or account balances can be made in person, or by writing or emailing the Student Accounting Department at

VCU Recreational Sports offers many opportunities for your students to get moving, stay fit and have fun, including intramurals, sports clubs, exercise classes and much more. Recreational Sports facilities are located on both the Monroe Park and MCV campuses and include the Thalhimer Tennis Center/Mary and Frances Youth Center, the Outing Rental Center and the Cary Street Field/Basketball Court. The Cary Street Gym and Aquatic Center features two heated indoor pools, a whirlpool spa, a rock-climbing wall, an 18,000-square-foot fitness center, a four-court gymnasium, an indoor running track, racquetball courts, an indoor artificial turf multi-activity center and much more. 1015 Floyd Ave., First Floor, Harris Hall (804) 828-1550

The university doesn’t mail paper bills to enrolled students. Students are notified at their VCU email address when eStatements (online account statements) are available. Students may view their detailed invoices by selecting the eStatements tab on the billing and payment website. Students may grant access to you or another authorized user to log in, view eStatements and make payments. Bills are typically due at the start of each semester, once the student has finalized their course schedule after the add/drop deadline. Installment Payment Plans (IPP) are available for eligible students. The IPP lets you divide tuition and other costs into four payments during the spring and fall semesters only. To participate in the IPP, a payment of one-fourth of the balance due plus a $25 application fee is required and the student or authorized user must enroll in the IPP by following the instructions at during the enrollment period. The IPP may not be used to pay past balances. 101 S. Linden St. (804) 827-1100

University Student Commons and Activities 907 Floyd Ave. (804) 828-6500

University Student Commons and Activities can help your student get involved. The staff is dedicated to helping students become more engaged in campus life and has something for everyone. Participating and getting involved with campus activities will truly enhance your student’s college experience. The USCA also offers a variety of student-employment opportunities.

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Student resources | 17

Campus maps Monroe Park Campus 1. 500 Academic Center

42. Shafer Street Playhouse

48. Thalhimer Tennis Center

2. Academic Learning Commons

43. Siegel Center, Stuart C.

3. Ackell Residence Center

44. Singleton Center for the Performing Arts, W.E.

49. Trani Center for Life Sciences, Eugene P. and Lois E.

4. Barnes & Noble @ VCU 5. Black Music Center, James W. 6. Brandt Hall 7. Broad and Belvidere Student Apartments 8. Broad-Ryland Student Housing

50. University Student Commons

45. Snead Hall, School of Business

51. Welcome Center

46. Technology Administration Building (VCUCard Office located here)

52. West Grace Street Student Housing – North

47. Temple Building, T. Edward

53. West Grace Street Student Housing – South *Limited accessibility

9. Cabell Library, James Branch 10. Cary and Belvidere Residential College 11. Cary Street Field



12. Cary Street Gym

R ev is io n D a te : J a n u a r y 5 , 2 007

13. Dance and Choreography Building*




39. Rhoads Hall 40. Ritter-Hickok House 41. Shafer Court Dining Center





31 30

Monroe Park










16 44

































52 33








31. Parking, Henry Street Deck – West





30. Parking, Henry Street Deck – East

38. RamTech






27. Oliver Hall – Physical Science Wing






26. Johnson Hall

37. Pollak Building


37 NU

25. Honors College, The

36. Parking, West Main Street Deck

4 22


24. Hibbs Hall

35. Parking, West Cary Street Deck*







23. Harris Hall, Grace E.

34. Parking, West Broad Street Deck




22. Grace Street Center











21. Grace-Harrison Student Housing

33. Parking, Laurel Street Deck

EE 21 T


20. Gladding Residence Center

32. Parking, Jefferson Street Deck





19. Ginter House

29. Parking, Bowe Street Deck



18. Fine Arts Building

28. Oliver Hall – School of Education





17. Engineering West Hall, School of






16. Engineering East Hall, School of






15. Depot, The



14. Dance Center*



MCV Campus 1. Barnes & Noble @ VCU Medical Center 2. Cabaniss Hall 3. Cabaniss Hall, Sadie Heath 4. Egyptian Building 5. Hunton Student Center 6. Kontos Medical Sciences Building, Hermes A. 7. Larrick Student Center, Jonah L. 8. Lyons Dental Building 9. Massey Cancer Center 10. McGlothlin Medical Education Center, James W. and Frances G. 11. Parking, 8th Street Parking Deck*


12. Parking, E and S Deck, Patient/Visitor 13. Parking, I Lot 14. Sanger Hall 15. Tompkins-McCaw Library for the Health Sciences 16. Virginia Mechanics Institute Building


11 2



* Limited accessibility









15 12








Richmond Coliseum










14 5 BROAD STREET Capitol Square









Technology store


Exploring Richmond

Located on the beautiful James River, Richmond, Virginia, offers the conveniences of a lively metropolitan city while its intimate neighborhoods, cozy restaurants and cafes, and quaint local markets provide the familiarity of a small town. The Richmond region is home to 1.2 million people and pulsates with energy, diversity and endless opportunities for education, research, community involvement, employment, recreation and fun. In the list below, we’ve singled out a few activities you and your student can enjoy as a family or on your own. Arts, culture and history

Sports and recreation

The Valentine,, (804) 649-0711

Richmond Riverfront Canal Walk, /canal.html, (804) 788-2466

Poe Museum,, (804) 648-5523 Virginia Museum of Fine Arts,, (804) 340-1400 Black History Museum and Cultural Center of Virginia,, (804) 780-9093 Science Museum of Virginia,, (804) 864-1400 Historic St. John’s Church,, (804) 648-5015 Virginia Holocaust Museum,, (804) 257-5400

Restaurants and shopping

20 | VCU Parent and Family Handbook |

Exploring Richmond

Richmond parks, /outdoors/parks Maymont Nature and Visitor Center,, (804) 358-7166 Richmond outdoor activities, /outdoors

Directions to campus Monroe Park Campus

MCV Campus

West Broad Street Parking Deck/Welcome Center – 1111 W. Broad St. (No. 89 on map) entrances at Broad and Shafer streets, and Broad and Harrison streets

8th Street Deck – 659 N. 8th St. (No. 35 on map) entrance on 8th Street

Arriving from the east by Interstate 64 West –

coming from Virginia Beach, Busch Gardens, Williamsburg, etc. 1. Take Exit 190 for 5th Street and Downtown/Coliseum. 2. Turn left onto East Jackson Street. 3. Drive three blocks and turn left onto 8th Street. 4. The entrance to the 8th Street Deck is on the right.

coming from Virginia Beach, Busch Gardens, Williamsburg, etc. 1. Take Exit 76A for Chamberlayne Avenue. 2. Turn left onto Chamberlayne Avenue. 3. At the next light, turn right onto Leigh Street. 4. At the next light, turn left onto Belvidere Street. 5. Drive three blocks to Broad Street (turn right). 6. Drive three blocks to Shafer Street (turn left); the entrance to the West Broad Parking Deck/Welcome Center is on the right.

Arriving from the north by Interstate 95 South – coming from Washington, D.C., Fredericksburg, Kings Dominion, etc. 1. Take exit 76B for Belvidere Street. 2. Turn left off exit ramp onto Leigh Street. 3. Go to first traffic light, turn right onto Belvidere Street. 4. At the third traffic light, turn right onto Broad Street. 5. Drive three blocks to Shafer Street (turn left); the entrance to the West Broad Parking Deck/Welcome Center is on the right.

Arriving from the south by Interstate 95 North – coming from North Carolina, Petersburg, etc. 1. Take Exit 74A onto the Downtown Expressway/Interstate 195. (The exit ramp is actually on the James River Bridge.) 2. Drive one-half mile, take exit for Belvidere Street (Routes 1/301). 3. Drive two blocks along Canal Street to Belvidere Street (turn right). 4. Go three blocks to Broad Street (turn left). 5. Drive three blocks to Shafer Street (turn left); the entrance to the West Broad Parking Deck/Welcome Center is on the right.

Arriving from the west by Interstate 64 East – coming from Charlottesville, etc. 1. Take exit 76B for Belvidere Street. 2. Turn left off exit ramp onto Leigh Street. 3. Go to first traffic light, turn right onto Belvidere Street. 4. At the third traffic light, turn right onto Broad Street. 5. Drive three blocks to Shafer Street (turn left); the entrance to the West Broad Parking Deck/Welcome Center is on the right.

Arriving from the south by Route 360 East – coming from Martinsville, Danville, etc. 1. Follow Route 58 East to Route 360 East to Richmond. 2. Take Exit 288 North to Powhite Parkway. 3. Continue north on Powhite Parkway. 4. Stay in the right lane as you cross the James River on Powhite Bridge. 5. Bear right after the bridge (Downtown Expressway/Interstate 195 East to Interstate 64 East /Interstate 95 South – Petersburg and Norfolk). 6. Take the Belvidere Street exit on the right (Routes 1/ 301). 7. Turn left onto Belvidere Street. 8. Go three blocks to Broad Street (turn left). 9. Drive three blocks to Shafer Street (turn left); the entrance to the West Broad Parking Deck/Welcome Center is on the right.

Arriving from the east by Interstate 64 West –

Arriving from the west by Interstate 64 East – coming from Charlottesville, etc. 1. Follow I-64 East, which merges with I-95 South. 2. Take Exit 75 for Interstate 64 East toward Williamsburg/Norfolk. 3. Merge onto Interstate 64. 4. Take the 3rd Street exit toward Coliseum/Downtown. 5. Make slight right onto North 3rd Street. 6. Take first left onto East Jackson Street. 7. Proceed five blocks and turn left onto North 8th Street. 8. The entrance to the 8th Street Deck is on the right.

Arriving from the south by Interstate 95 North – coming from North Carolina, Petersburg, etc. 1. Take Exit 74C to West Broad Street. 2. Proceed west on Broad Street for five blocks and turn right onto 9th Street. 3. Drive three blocks and turn left onto East Leigh Street. 4. Take the first right onto North 8th Street. 5. The entrance to the 8th Street Deck is on the right.

Arriving from the north by Interstate 95 South – coming from Washington, D.C., Fredericksburg, Kings Dominion, etc. 1. Take Exit 75 for Interstate 64 East toward Williamsburg/Norfolk. 2. Merge onto Interstate 64. 3. Take the 3rd Street exit toward Coliseum/Downtown. 4. Make slight right onto North 3rd Street. 5. Take first left onto East Jackson Street. 6. Proceed five blocks and turn left onto North 8th Street. 7. The entrance to the 8th Street Deck is on the right.

Arriving from the west by Route 60 – coming from Lexington, etc. 1. Follow Route 60, which merges with 9th Street. 2. Remain on 9th Street and go three blocks past Broad Street to Leigh Street and turn left. 3. Take the first right onto North 8th Street. 4. The entrance to the 8th Street Deck is on the right.


Virginia Commonwealth University Division of Strategic Enrollment Management New Student and Family Programs 900 Park Avenue Box 842002 Richmond, Virginia 23284-2002 A VCU University Relations publication VCU does not discriminate in admissions, treatment, employment or access to its programs or activities on the basis of race, color, religion, national or ethnic origin, age, sex, pregnancy, political affiliation, veteran status, family medical and genetic information, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression or disability. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding VCU’s nondiscrimination policies: director of equity and access services and Title IX coordinator, Moseley House, 1001 Grove Ave., Box 842549, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA 23284-2549,


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