VCU 2018-19 handbook

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handbook for accepted students 2018-19

Response form

Your official response to VCU’s offer of admission to an undergraduate program

If you have paid your tuition deposit online then you have already accepted your offer of admission. You do not need to return this form to VCU. Be sure to check your email regularly for important messages from your future home, VCU! For the fall: Freshmen and transfers, if accepted by April 1, complete and return this form by May 1. If accepted after April 1, respond within two weeks after your acceptance.

Table of contents

For the spring: All accepted students need to respond within two weeks of notification of admission.

Forms ............................................................................................. i

Financial aid.......................................................................... 9

Response Form Certificate of Immunization Immunizations Tuberculosis Assessment Waiver Information for Meningitis and Hepatitis B VCU Health Sciences Certificate of Immunization

Applying for financial aid Veterans Affairs and military benefits Receiving financial aid communications Providing your Social Security number to the university Maintaining academic progress Requesting additional information

Accepted student checklist ............................... 1 Admission and enrollment ................................ 2 Reviewing the admission certificate Reserving your space Requesting final transcripts Changing your major Deferring your application

Orientation and class registration ............ 4 Visiting campus Activating your VCU eID and email account Attending New Student Orientation Completing the immunization form Student Computer Initiative

Tuition, fees and other expenses ............... 6 Planning for expenses Paying your bill Paying your bill late Tuition, fees, room, board and other expenses Reporting outside scholarship awards Understanding your financial responsibility Determining residency status

This form does not serve as notification of any type to other VCU offices such as housing, financial aid, new student orientation, student accounting or health services. Please refer to the Handbook for Accepted Students for instructions about responding to these offices. Please complete and return this form with any required attachments to: Response – Office of Admissions, Box 842526, Richmond, VA 23284-2526 Please print clearly. All information, unless otherwise noted, is required. VCU ID number V

(can be found on the Certificate of Admission)

Date of birth Name (last, first, mi)

Lifestyles .............................................................................. 11

Current address

Living on campus Applying for housing Requesting preferences Living off campus Getting around Ensuring safety Purchasing a dining plan Get your VCUCard Staying healthy

Is this address different from the one on your application?

street address



Fall 20

Spring 20

Check appropriate boxes: Yes! I am requesting a waiver of the tuition deposit. I understand that one of the following documents must be submitted to the Office of Admissions for a tuition deposit waiver to be processed. I have attached a copy of one of the following: • My Student Aid Report (SAR) – attach a copy • My VCU Dean’s, Provost, or Presidential scholarship award letter (I understand that by submitting this Response Form I am officially accepting VCU’s scholarship award.) No, I decline your offer of admission because: I will be attending another institution. Institution I plan to attend: I want to have my application reconsidered for admission to VCU for the semester of spring 20 submit an application reactivation form. (See Page 3.)

Responsibilities and rights ............................. 18 Abiding by the VCU Honor System Knowing your rights Knowing your responsibilities

or fall 20

. I understand that I must

I have decided not to enroll at any college or university at this time.

Your signature

125 things to do before you graduate from VCU........................................ 21



I have been accepted into the major of

Requesting disability support services

Directory................................................................................ 20



I have read and understand VCU’s Honor System as described online at Please note: While you will work with academic advisers at VCU, submission of an application for admission serves as acknowledgment that you assume the responsibility for satisfying the university requirements for any VCU degree that you pursue.

Office Use Only CK No. $ an equal opportunity/affirmative action university





Date entered:



Date entered:





Instructions for Vaccine Record Submission

☐Obtain your vaccine documentation from your licensed medical provider.

Documentation must be in English. The following documentation may be uploaded for review: •

• • •

The VCU Certificate of Immunization form (academic students) OR the VCU Health Sciences Certificate of Immunization form (Allied Health, Dental, Medical, Nursing and Pharmacy students only). Forms are available at under “Forms & Documents” tab and are the preferred form to be completed. An immunization history printed off by your provider’s office, high school, local health department, previous university/college or the U.S. military. Blood test (titer) lab reports must include both results and reference range. Chest X-ray report if history of positive tuberculosis testing. (Health science students, x-rays must be done within 6 months of program start.)

☐Enter (type in) the dates of your vaccines into your online immunization form on your Student Health web portal.

This page intentionally left blank.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Go to Select “Web Portal Login.” Use your eID and password. Click “Pending Forms”. Select the form you need to complete. Type in the vaccine dates and/or blood test (titer) dates/results into the online form. Blood titer results: Positive = consistent with immunity; Negative = not consistent with immunity. Click the “Submit” button.

☐Upload the vaccine documentation that you obtained from your licensed medical provider. To upload: Upload to your Student Health Web Portal (preferred).

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Go to Select “Web Portal Login.” Use your eID and password. Click the “Document Upload” tab. Select the type of document you need to upload. Click the “Browse” button to locate your document on your device. File size cannot exceed max size of 2048 Kb. Click the “Save” button to submit.

Alternate ways to upload: Email attachment, fax, in person or mail. See contact information below. These methods may require a longer processing time. ☐Submissions are due within 30 days of semester start (30 days of program start for Health Sciences programs). ☐IMPORTANT: Do not forget to log in to your Student Health Web Portal regularly to check your secure messages under the “Messages” tab. This is how Student Health communicates with you regarding your submission(s).

For more information on vaccine requirements, go to to view the most up to date information regarding immunizations and web portal access.

Student Health, Monroe Park Campus 1300 West Broad Street, Suite 2200 Richmond, VA 23284-2022 804-827-8047 Immunization Department 804-828-1093 Fax

Student Health, MCV Campus 1000 E. Marshall Street, Room 305 Richmond, VA 23298-0201 804-828-9220 804-828-3181 Fax

Revised: 5/2017


University Student Health Services 1300 West Broad Street, Suite 2200 Box 42022, Richmond, VA 23284-2022 Phone: (804) 827-8047 Fax: (804) 828-1093 Web:

Certificate of Immunization TUBERCULOSIS (TB) SCREENING SURVEY INSTRUCTIONS Step 1: Click on the “Tuberculosis (TB) Screening Form” and complete. Based upon your answers and academic program of study, you may receive a Follow Up TB Screening form that must be completed. All Health Sciences students (excluding exempted programs) will be required to complete the Follow Up TB Screening. Step 2: The form will advise you if documentation is required and upload the required documentation. To UPLOAD your Tuberculosis screening documents, go to the “DOCUMENT UPLOAD” tab at the top of this web page. Select the type of document you will be uploading (e.g. Tuberculosis Screening Documentation). Then, press “BROWSE…” to search for the document from your computer or device and press “SAVE.” Do not upload documents more than one time. Step 3: You can save your form to complete at a later time by clicking on “COMPLETE LATER.” Once you press “SUBMIT,” the form will be sent for administrative review and you will no longer be able to view or edit the form.

All full-time students are required by the Code of Virginia (Section 23-7.5) to provide documentation of their immunizations by a licensed health professional. If you are unable to provide appropriate documentation, vaccines may be repeated. A registration hold for the upcoming semester will be placed if all required immunizations are not up-to-date. Deadline for submission within 30 days of semester start. Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Date of birth: ____________________________ Last



Address:___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Born in the USA?



If no, country of birth: ___________________________________ Country of Residence: ______________________

Student V#: _________________________________ Email: _____________________________ Cell #: ___________________________________________

To be completed and signed by a licensed health-care provider Any attached documents in a language other than English must be translated into English by the health care provider.


= Required


Tuberculosis Screening All students regardless of enrollment status are required to complete the tuberculosis screening form on page 3.

IMMUNIZATIONS Student has received _____ doses. Last dose given on _________________.

Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus (DPT)



Hepatitis A

Hepatitis B or Hep A/B


Meningococcal vaccine

Meningococcal Group B

® ® ®

OR serological confirmation of immunity to measles, mumps and rubella. Attach copy of lab result.

Tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis (Tdap) Required within 10 years

Varicella (Chicken Pox)

Bexsero Trumenba

after first birthday

OR Waiver signed.

Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR)

Polio (IPV or OPV)


*One dose required after 16th birthday.


OR Serological confirmation of immunity. Attach copy of lab result. OR Waiver signed.

OR Tetanus, diphtheria (Td) within 10 years


*Required for 18 and under OR from countries of high risk including Afghanistan and Pakistan.

OR Date of Disease

Health Care Provider or Health Department Signature


Phone Number

This form (and any attachments) will be used for data entry purposes only and will be destroyed upon completion of data entry. Please retain a copy for your records. Revised 5/2017

Page 1

USHS 9/2016 iv


University Student Health Services

Name ________________________________ Date of Birth __________________________ Student V# ___________________________

1300 West Broad Street, Suite 2200 P.O. Box 842022, Richmond, VA 23284-2022 Phone: (804) 827-8047 Fax: (804) 828-1093 Email: Web:

For treatment of students age 17 years and younger The law requires that parental permission be obtained in order to provide medical or surgical care to minors. This consent form should be signed by the parents so that medical care may be carried out promptly without unnecessary delays. I hereby authorize the physicians, clinicians, and staff nurses of VCU Student Health Services to examine, interview, test and, if necessary, treat my son/daughter as they deem advisable.

NAME: ________________________________ DOB: ___________________ STUDENT V#: __________________

Tuberculosis Screening Form The Centers for Disease Control and the U.S. Public Health Service recommend that tuberculosis testing be performed on ALL individuals who may be at increased risk of tuberculosis disease. For more information, visit or refer to the CDC’s Core Curriculum on Tuberculosis available at 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Signature of Parent/Legal Guardian





Medical Exemption

Hepatitis B Vaccine Waiver

I have read and reviewed information on the risk associated with hepatitis B disease, availability and effectiveness of any vaccine against hepatitis B disease and I choose not to be vaccinated against hepatitis B disease.

Signature of Student or Parent/Legal Guardian


Any student who objects on the grounds that administration of immunizing agents conflicts with his or her religious tenets or practices shall be exempt from the immunization requirements unless an emergency or epidemic of disease has been declared by the Board of Health. An affidavit of religious exemption must be submitted on a Certificate of Religious Exemption (Form CRE-1) found online by visiting, under the Immunizations tab, and then under the Forms & Documents page.

I have read and reviewed information on the risk associated with meningococcal disease, availability and effectiveness of any vaccine against meningococcal disease and I choose not to be vaccinated against meningococcal disease. Signature of Student or Parent/Legal Guardian


Religious Exemption

Meningococcal Vaccine Waiver


As specified in the Code of Virginia § 22.1-271.2, C (ii), I certify that administration of the vaccine(s) designated below would be detrimental to this student’s health. The vaccine(s) is (are) specifically contraindicated because (please specify): DTP/DTaP/Tdap:[ ]; DT/Td:[ ]; OPV/IPV:[ ]; Hib:[ ]; Pneum:[ ]; Measles:[ ]; Rubella:[ ]; Mumps:[ ]; HBV:[ ]; Varicella:[ ] Meningococcal:[ ] This contraindication is permanent: [ ], or temporary [ ] and expected to preclude immunizations until: Date (Mo., Day, Yr.): ______________________________ _________________________________________________________________________


Signature of Medical Provider/Health Department Official


Have you had a prior positive TB test? (If yes, you must complete Page 4).





Have you been a resident and/or employee in high risk settings such as long-term care facilities, homeless shelters or correctional facilities?





Have you ever injected illegal drugs?







Have you ever been a close contact with persons known or suspected to have active TB disease?

Have you been a healthcare worker or volunteer serving high risk clients (such as the homeless, prision settings or hospitals)? Do you have signs or symptoms of active TB disease: unexplained fever, weight loss, loss of appetite, night sweats, persistent cough for more than 3 weeks, cough with production of bloody sputum? Do you have a clinical condition such as HIV, diabetes, cancer, kidney disease, silicosis, leukemia or lymphoma, chronic malabsorption syndromes, removal of part of your stomach or have been on prolonged corticosteroid or immunosuppressive therapy?

Were you born in a country listed below and lived there for three (3) months or more? _______________________________

Have you lived in or visited any country listed below for three (3) months or more? __________________________________

Afghanistan Algeria Angola Argentina Armenia Azerbaijan Bangladesh Belarus Belize Benin Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Burma (Myanmar) Cabo Verde Cambodia Cameroon Central African Republic Chad China Colombia Congo (Democratic

Republic) Cote d’Ivoire Djibouti Dominican Republic Ecuador El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Ethiopia Fiji French Polynesia Gabon Gambia Georgia Ghana Guam Guatemala Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana Haiti Honduras India Indonesia Iran *(Islamic Republic of) Iraq Kazakhstan

Kenya Kiribati Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Korea (North and South) Lao Latvia Lesotho Liberia Lithuania Libya * Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Marshall Islands Mauritania Mexico * Micronesia (Federal States) Moldova (Republic of ) Mongolia Morocco Mozambique Myanmar (Burma) Nauru Nepal

Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Northern Mariana Islands Pakistan Palau Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Portugal Qatar Romania Russian Federation Rwanda Sao Tome and Principe Senegal Serbia Sierra Leone Singapore Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa South Sudan Sri Lanka Sudan





Suriname Swaziland Syrian Arab Republic * Tajikistan Thailand Timor-Leste Togo Tunisia Turkmenistan Tuvalu Tanzania (United Republic) Uganda Ukraine Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela Viet Nam Wallis and Futuna Islands Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe

I have answered “YES” to 1 or more of the above questions. A TB test is required. Submit results of a TB test or IGRA done in the United States within the past year. I have answered “NO” to ALL of the above questions. No TB test is required.

This form (and any attachments) will be used for data entry purposes only and will be destroyed upon completion of data entry. Please retain a copy for your records. Revised 5/2017

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Signature of Student or Parent/Legal Guardian


This form (and any attachments) will be used for data entry purposes only and will be destroyed upon completion of data entry. Please retain a copy for your records. Revised 8/2016

Page 3


Name ________________________________ Date of Birth __________________________ Student V# ___________________________

University Student Health Services

University Student Health Services

1300 West Broad Street, Suite 2200 P.O. Box 842022, Richmond, VA 23284-2022 Phone: (804) 827-8047 Fax: (804) 828-1093 Web:

1300 West Broad Street, Suite 2200 P.O. Box 842022, Richmond, VA 23284-2022 Phone: (804) 827-8047 Fax: (804) 828-1093 Web:

TUBERCULOSIS SYMPTOM SURVEY Complete IF history of POSITIVE Tuberculin skin test or IGRA (T-spot or QFT).

Waiver Information for Meningococcal Disease & Hepatitis B

Please read the following information on Meningococcal Disease and Hepatitis B before signing the waiver on the Certificate of Immunization.

Positive TB Test Date _________________ Induration ___________________________ OR Positive IGRA Date ______________ Enclose copy of positive TB test documentation

Last Chest X-Ray Date ________________ Result ______________________________

Enclose copy of report; IGRA = Quantiferon Gold or T-Spot

Enclose copy of most recent chest x-ray report.

Have you taken medication for TB infection Yes



If Yes, Medication ____________________ Date began ______________ Date completed __________ INH Rifampin 3HTP (12 week DOT)

Do you currently have any of the following symptoms? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Cough lasting more than three weeks? Unexplained weight loss? Loss of appetite? Unexplained fatigue? Fever and night sweats? Blood tinged sputum production?

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Hepatitis B

Meningococcal Disease

Hepatitis B is a potentially fatal disease that attacks the liver. The virus can cause short-term (acute) illness that leads to loss of appetite, tiredness, diarrhea and vomiting, jaundice (yellow skin or eyes) and pain in muscles, joints and stomach. Many people have no symptoms with the illness. It can also cause long-term (chronic) illness that leads to liver damage, liver cancer and death.

Meningococcal disease is the leading cause of bacterial meningitis in children 2-18 years old in the U.S. Meningitis is an infection of the brain and spinal cord coverings. Meningococcal disease can also cause blood infections. According to the Centers for Disease Control, about 2,600 people get meningococcal disease each year in the U.S. Of these cases, 10-15% die and of those who live, another 10% may require limb amputation, develop kidney failure or brain damage, become deaf, suffer seizures or stokes.

According to the Centers for Disease Control, about 800,000 – 1.4 million people in the U.S. have chronic Hepatitis B infection. Each year approximately 40,000 people, mostly young adults, become infected with Hepatitis B virus. Young adults are more likely to contract Hepatitis B infection due to greater likelihood of high-risk behaviors such as multiple sexual partners.

No No No No No No

If “Yes” to any question, please explain further, including date of onset and any treatment. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ LTBI treatment discussed LTBI brochure offered I am aware that the six symptoms listed above are possible signs/symptoms of active tuberculosis disease that I should promptly report to my healthcare provider. Student Signature ___________________________________________________________ Date ______________________________

For Healthcare Provider Use: I have reviewed the above information and agree with the student’s information as indicated above.

College freshmen, particularly those who live in dormitories, have a slightly increased risk of getting meningococcal disease as illustrated by a case rate of 5.4/100,000 18-23 year olds as opposed to a case rate of 1.4/100,000 18-23 year olds in the general population.

Approximately 3,000 people die from chronic Hepatitis B infection annually. It is spread through contact with blood and body fluids of an infected person, such as having unprotected sex with an infected person or sharing needles when injecting illegal drugs. Unvaccinated health-science students are at risk of contracting Hepatitis B through an accidental occupational needle stick exposure.

Meningococcal vaccine is effective in preventing four types of meningococcal disease including two of the three most commonly occurring types in the U.S. The vaccine is 85-100% effective in preventing serotype A and C in older children and adults. It does not however protect against serotype B which causes one third of cases in patients 15-24 years. Therefore, in the event of an outbreak, even previously immunized individuals should contact their health care providers.

There are several ways to prevent Hepatitis B infections including avoiding risky behavior, screening pregnant women and vaccination. Vaccine is the best prevention. The vaccine series typically consists of three injections given over a six month period, which are available through your private health care provider, health department or University Student Health Services.

ACIP recommends routine vaccination of persons with meningococcal conjugate at age 11 or 12 years with a booster dose at age 16. Persons who receive their first meningococcal conjugate vaccine at or after 16 years do not need a booster dose. Routine vaccination of healthy persons 21 years or older who are not at increased risk of exposure to N. Meningitides is not recommended.

Remember: Completion of the vaccine series is needed for protection against Hepatitis B disease.

The vaccine is available through your private healthcare provider, most local health departments and University Student Health Services.

Healthcare Provider Signature __________________________________ Date _________________ Phone ___________________

This form (and any attachments) will be used for data entry purposes only and will be destroyed upon completion of data entry. Please retain a copy for your records. Revised 5/2017

Page 4


This form (and any attachments) will be used for data entry purposes only and will be destroyed upon completion of data entry. Please retain a copy for your records. Revised 5/2017 VCU is an EEO/AA Institution.

Page 5



University Student Health Services

VCU Health Sciences Certificate of Immunization

MCV Campus 1000 E. Marshall St., Room 305, Richmond VA, 23298-0201 Phone: (804) 828-9220 Fax: (804) 828-3181 Web:

Deadline for submission within 30 days of program start.

The Office of the Senior Vice President for Health Sciences is responsible for crafting, interpreting, and revising this policy.

NAME ____________________________________________________________________ Last



Student “V” Number

ADDRESS ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Street Address

Apt. #



Zip Code

DATE OF BIRTH ______________________ VCU EMAIL ________________________ PHONE NUMBER _________________________ (Including area code)






REQUIRED Immunizations This page intentionally left blank.

AND Serological confirmation of immunity. Attach copy of Hepatitis B Surface Hepatitis B #1 _______________ #2 _______________ #3 _______________ Antibody QUANTITATIVE lab report. If titer is negative after initial Hepatitis B series, OR Hepatitis A/B #1 _______________ #2 _______________ #3 _______________ contact University Student Health Services for recommendations on re-vaccination. Influenza

#1 _______________


#1 _______________ after first birthday

(Measles, Mumps, Rubella)


Required annually.

OR Serological confirmation of immunity. Attach copy of quantitative lab report.

#2 _______________ ≥ 28 days apart #1 _______________ after 16th birthday

OR signed waiver.

Meningitis Vaccine Waiver: I have reviewed information on the risk associated with meningococcal disease, availability and effectiveness of any vaccine against meningococcal disease and I choose not to be vaccinated against meningococcal disease. Signature of Student or Parent/Legal Guardian _________________________________________ Date ____________


#1 _______________ #2_______________ #3 _______________ #4 _______________

Primary series IPV or OPV. Required for students 18 and younger OR from high risk countries including Afghanistan AND Pakistan. Documentation may be required for clinical rotation sites.


#1 _______________ Td _______________

(Tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis)

Documentation of a Tdap since 2005, plus a current Tdap or Td within last 10 years. Some clinical rotations may require an adult dose of Tdap.

(Tetanus, diphtheria)


Complete Tuberculosis Screening/Testing information on the next page.


#1 _______________ #2 _______________ OR date of disease __________AND serological confirmation of immunity.

(Chicken Pox)

RECOMMENDED Immunizations

Attach copy of QUANTITATIVE LAB REPORT (Titer is not required if 2 doses of vaccine spaced ≥ 28 days apart).


#1 _______________ #2 _______________ #3 _______________ #4_______________ #5_______________

Hepatitis A

#1 _______________ #2_______________

HPV Vaccine

#1 _______________ #2_______________ #3 _______________

(Primary Series Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus)

I have reviewed the Immunization and Tuberculosis information. Health Care Provider (printed) __________________________________ Health Care Provider Signature ____________________________ Date _______________________Phone ___________________________ Page 1

VCU is an EEO/AA institution. USHS1718-01. Revised 5/2017


University Student Health Services

Tuberculosis Testing/Screening

MCV Campus 1000 E. Marshall St., Room 305, Richmond VA, 23298-0201 Phone: (804) 828-9220 Fax: (804) 828-3181 Web:

Welcome to VCU


Deadline for submission within 30 days of program start. NAME ______________________________________ DATE OF BIRTH __________________

Student “V” Number

REQUIRED: Newly enrolled students MUST undergo a two-step Tuberculin skin test (TST) OR have 1 Interferon Gamma Release Assay Test (IGRA). All testing and X-Rays must be done in the USA. Annual tuberculosis testing thereafter per program requirements. A. Two-Step TST Tests must be done at least 7 days apart but no more than 30 days between first and second TST placement or series must be repeated. Test 1: Date placed: __________ Date read:__________ Result: _________ mm

____ positive

____ negative

Test 2: Date placed: __________ Date read:__________ Result: _________ mm

____ positive

____ negative

Accepted student checklist Admission and enrollment Visit to submit your nonrefundable tuition deposit online. This tuition deposit is required to reserve your place in next semester’s class. You must pay your tuition deposit online by credit card before you can sign up for New Student Orientation or register for classes.

B. IGRA (QFT Gold or T-Spot) Date performed: __________ Result date: ______

_____ positive


Attach copy of lab report

Indeterminate or Borderline results are not acceptable. Repeat test or administer Two-step TST. C. History of a prior Positive TST or IGRA (QFT Gold or T-Spot)

Date of Positive: __________ Result: __________ mm or attach IGRA report TB Symptom Survey (Check all that apply) ____ None

____ Cough > 3 weeks with or without sputum production

____ Unexplained fever

____ Poor appetite

____ Coughing up blood

____ Unexplained weight loss

____ Night sweats

____ Fatigue

If yes to any question, please explain further _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ D. Chest X-Ray Required ONLY if POSITIVE TST or POSITIVE IGRA. Chest X-ray must be after positive TST/IGRA and within 6 months of semester start date. A negative chest x-ray is not a substitute for tuberculosis testing. Attach copy of x-ray report. E. Treatment for TB disease or Latent TB Infection Dates of treatment regimen: ___________to ___________ Attach documentation

INH Rifampin 3HTP (12 week DOT)

Request that your final high school or college transcripts be sent to the VCU Office of Admissions. Activate your VCU eID and email account. (See Page 4.) Complete and send your Certificate of Immunization to University Student Health Services. (See Page 5.)

Orientation and class registration Sign up for New Student Orientation. A nonrefundable orientation fee is required. (See Page 4.)

Financial aid

Health Care Provider (printed) _______________________________ Health Care Provider Signature _________________________

Apply for financial aid by the March 1 priority deadline. (See Page 9.)

Date _____________________ Phone __________________________

Congratulations! Congratulations on your acceptance to Virginia Commonwealth University! This handbook provides important information and a series of checklists to guide you through our enrollment process and prepare you for your first semester on campus, beginning with the list to the left. Complete these initial steps now to reserve your spot at VCU and ensure you have housing and financial aid, and then read on to learn more about what you need to do to become an “official” VCU Ram. If you have any questions along the way, contact us at (804) 828-1222, (800) 841-3638 or, or visit We look forward to seeing you on campus!

Now say yes!


For up-to-date vaccine information and recommendations for healthcare workers, visit This form and any attachments will be used for data entry purposes only and will be destroyed upon completion of data entry. Please retain a copy for your records.


If you are requesting a waiver of the tuition deposit, you should return the Response Form on Page i along with a copy of one of the following documents: your Free Application for Federal Student Aid, your Student Aid Report or your VCU scholarship award letter. (See Page 2.)

Complete Ram Ready, your online pre-orientation program, at to prepare for class registration and life on campus.

I have reviewed the Immunization and Tuberculosis information.

Page 2

things to get you started

VCU is an EEO/AA institution. USHS1718-01. Revised 5/2017

Complete the online housing application if you wish to live in an on-campus residence hall. Room assignments are made based on the date the housing application is completed, not according to the date you were accepted to VCU. (See Page 11.)


Admission and enrollment Review your Certificate of Admission and notify the VCU Office of Admissions of any changes. Visit to submit your tuition deposit online to serve as your acceptance of our offer. Request final transcripts from your high school guidance counselor or your college registrar’s office. Review the guidelines for changing your major, as well as the requirements and prerequisites of the program that you wish to enter. Start a file of personal copies of important college documents, including your letter of acceptance, Certificate of Admission, financial aid forms, housing application and contract, immunization certification, and other VCU correspondence.

Freshman and transfer response deadline: May 1 Students accepted to the university by April 1 must notify the VCU Office of Admissions of their intent to enroll or not enroll for the fall semester by May 1. If accepted after April 1, applicants must notify the university within two weeks after receiving their acceptance notification from the university. Applicants accepted to programs on the MCV Campus must follow departmental deadlines. TUITION DEPOSIT

All students accepted into VCU undergraduate programs, with the exception of those accepted into programs in the School of the Arts, must submit a $100 nonrefundable tuition deposit. Students accepted into programs in the School of the Arts must submit a $300 nonrefundable tuition deposit. This deposit must be paid online by credit card by visiting Submitting your tuition deposit online serves as your response to the offer of admission; you do not need to submit your Response Form. This deposit will be credited to your tuition account with the university. Students experiencing economic hardship may request a waiver of the tuition deposit by attaching a copy of their financial aid form to the Response Form. VCU scholarship recipients may attach a copy of their scholarship award letter to have their tuition deposit waived. By submitting their Response Form they are officially accepting VCU’s scholarship award.

Requesting final transcripts Reviewing the admission certificate The Certificate of Admission specifies your name, your VCU ID number, entry semester, admission status, degree program, residency status and any admission conditions. Review all admission information on this form for accuracy and notify the VCU Office of Admissions of any inaccuracies or questions. The Certificate of Admission indicates your eligibility status for in-state tuition rates. If you were classified as a nonVirginia resident on this form for tuition purposes and believe that this classification is inaccurate, you may request that your status be re-evaluated prior to Aug. 1 for fall or Dec. 1 for spring. To request re-evaluation of your residency status, contact the VCU Office of Admissions and ask to speak with your application processor.

Reserving your space So that we can prepare for the arrival of accepted students at VCU, please submit the appropriate tuition deposit online by the deadline to let the Office of Admissions know whether or not you plan to enroll. Please be aware that you must accept our offer of admission to be able to sign up for New Student Orientation and to register for classes and on-campus housing. Say “yes” now at


All tentatively accepted applicants who enroll at VCU must submit final transcripts. For you to be permitted to continue for a second semester at VCU, final transcripts must be on file in the VCU Office of Admissions by the end of the fourth week of your first semester. Freshmen: Request that your high school guidance counselor forward your final transcript to VCU after you graduate. VCU reserves the right to revoke your admission acceptance if your final transcript indicates that you do not meet the criteria for acceptance. Transfer students: Request that your college registrar forward your final college transcript to VCU. You may want to ascertain whether or not a fee is required for this service. Transfer, Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate credits: The VCU Transfer Center evaluates Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate credits from high school as well as courses taken as a dual-enrollment student at another institution of higher education. Students will need to submit AP or IB exam scores directly to VCU. Official college transcripts are required for courses completed at another institution. Information may be mailed to the VCU Transfer Center at 900 Park Ave., Box 842532, Richmond, VA 23284.

Changing your program of study Changing your program of study before or during orientation: If you wish to change your major before or during New Student Orientation, you must send a written request for a change of program to the VCU Office of Admissions via email at Please include your full name, date of birth and VCU ID number in your email message. You may not change your program of study over the telephone. The VCU Office of Admissions will confirm in writing or via email whether or not your change of program was approved. Please be aware that programs in the School of the Arts and the School of Engineering have additional requirements. You may be required to submit additional supporting materials and information to be considered for a program change into one of these schools. Once you receive confirmation of your program change, contact the VCU Office of New Student and Family Programs to determine if your orientation program or date will change. Changing your program of study after you attend orientation: You must complete a Change of Major/ Concentration/Minor form, available to download as a PDF online at Your change of program becomes official after the Office of Records and Registration has received authorization from the appropriate school dean, department chair or program head. Changes to your program of study may occur for the current semester only through the add/drop period. Program changes processed after the add/drop period are effective for the following fall or spring semester and will not become effective unless you are enrolled in the semester immediately following the requested change. Changes processed during the summer sessions are effective for the following fall semester. Before you request to change your program of study, review the requirements and prerequisites of the program that you wish to enter. Some programs have additional requirements that you must fulfill before you may be accepted as a degree-seeking student. Many students come to college undecided about the area in which they intend to focus. At VCU, we recognize that many students want to explore a variety of options before committing to a specific program. Faculty advisors will assist you, as a student with an undeclared program of study, in exploring programs and finding one that meets your objectives.

Deferring your application Students who wish to postpone their enrollment to another semester should complete the Response Form located inside of the Handbook for Accepted Students or online at ugrad. indicating their desire to have their application reconsidered for another semester and return it to the Office of Admissions.

Students who have been admitted to the university, but wish to postpone their enrollment, can request to have their application re-reviewed for admission consideration for a later semester. Students who postpone their enrollment to another semester should bear in mind that acceptance to the university in a later semester is not guaranteed. Your application for the future semester will be reviewed again along with that semester’s pool of applicants. Students who choose to postpone their enrollment are required to submit an application reactivation form and may be asked to submit additional documentation. The reactivation form is online at Students may reactivate their application for up to one academic year from the date of their original application by contacting their application processor in the Office of Admissions. To determine who the appropriate application processor is and to obtain contact information, visit ugrad. The deadline for submitting an application reactivation for spring admission consideration is Nov. 1 and for fall admission consideration is Jan. 15 for freshmen, March 15 for transfer students. Some programs have additional requirements and deadlines. Check your program’s website for more information. After one year from the date of their original application, students must reapply to the university. While there is no application fee required to reactivate an application, students who elect to be reconsidered for admission to VCU for a later semester forfeit their initial tuition deposit and if accepted to the university will be required to submit a second deposit for the semester in which they choose to enroll.


Orientation and class registration Activate your VCU eID and email account. Take the Online Math Placement Test at Go to to sign up for New Student Orientation. Complete and send your Certificate of Immunization to University Student Health Services. Meet with an academic advisor to review your class schedule at New Student Orientation.

Visiting campus Newly accepted students, as well as prospective students and their families, are encouraged to visit our campus. The Office of Admissions hosts 30-minute information sessions Monday through Friday at 10:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. and on Saturdays at 10:30 a.m. (except on holidays and holiday weekends) at the Welcome Center, located at 1111 W. Broad St. Walking tours of the Monroe Park Campus follow each session. To register for one of our information sessions and directions to campus, go to /experience/visit. For more information, please call the VCU Office of Admissions at (804) 828-1222 or toll free at (800) 841-3638.

Activating your VCU eID and email account All students are required to have a university eID and a university email account. The university eID is your identifier that will authenticate you to use many VCU electronic services and Web applications, including online registration. You must obtain your eID before you can make a reservation to attend

Each accepted student is assigned a myVCUmail email account powered by Google Apps for Education. This service allows students to take advantage of Google’s email, productivity and collaboration tools. Email serves as the official method for university communications with students, so it is important to log in often. Your myVCUmail address will be your “eID” You are encouraged to become familiar with myVCUmail features and email policies, as well as log in to your account, by visiting

Attending New Student Orientation Attendance at New Student Orientation is mandatory for both freshmen and transfer students. During orientation, you will meet numerous campus representatives who will help you with your transition into VCU. This includes learning about student life, campus resources, the city of Richmond and academic planning. Orientation provides students with information about being an active and thriving member of the academic and social communities of VCU. Further, orientation will provide you with the opportunity to meet some of your future classmates who will support you in making your first semester at VCU successful. At orientation you will be welcomed by administrators, faculty, staff and upper-class students while learning about the campus resources that are available to you. Additionally, you will meet with people from your school/college — the academic unit of VCU offering your program of study — to review your academic requirements. Then you will meet with an academic advisor to review your class schedule, which is created based on the degree requirements for your program of study and the results of your placement tests and/ or advanced-standing evaluation (for transfer students). If you have specific career goals or personal interests, be sure to tell your advisor so they can help you select the appropriate classes. You will leave orientation knowing the requirements for your degree program and having a schedule of your firstsemester classes. Orientation dates are assigned according to major on a first-come, first-served basis, so make your reservation as early as possible. Reservations may be made online at A nonrefundable orientation fee is required. You must obtain your eID before you can make a reservation. To obtain your eID, visit Before you can register for orientation, you must submit your tuition deposit to the VCU Office of Admissions and take the Online Math Placement Test at Your results on the math placement test will help your academic advisor determine your level of math skill and place you into the appropriate courses. All students must take the math placement test, regardless of credits earned.

New Student Orientation or access your VCU email account. To get your VCU eID, visit To learn more about your eID, please visit



Your family is invited and encouraged to attend orientation. Special family and guest orientation programs review resources and services at VCU, highlight opportunities for family involvement and address the needs of both you and your family to have a successful transition. The family program is separate from the student program and provides opportunities for familes to begin developing meaningful relationships with administrators and one another. For more details about programs for parents and families, call the VCU Office of New Student and Family Programs at (804) 828-7322 or visit

Completing the immunization form Every new full-time student at the university — including transfers and readmitted students — is required by Virginia law to provide VCU with a Certificate of Immunization completed by a physician or other health care official. (The VCU Certificate of Immunization is located in the front of this booklet on Page vii.) Completion of this form certifies that you are immunized as required by Virginia state law. Your completed certificate must be sent to University Student Health Services. Please refer to the certificate for postal address, fax number, email address and website. Students are advised to keep a copy of their immunization documentation for their records.

Students enrolled in a health sciences program (allied health professions, nursing, medicine, pharmacy, dentistry) should complete the VCU Health Sciences Certificate of Immunization, found on Page xiii of this booklet. These programs, unless exempted by the dean, have expanded immunization requirements for all students (full- and part-time status). Students should keep a copy of their completed forms and lab reports. Your completed certificate must be sent to University Student Health Services by the date noted at the top of the form. Please refer to the certificate for postal address, fax number, email address and website. Failure to meet the requirements will affect your class registration. Note: Please ensure that you complete and submit the correct form: VCU Certificate of Immunization or VCU Health Sciences Certificate of Immunization.

Student Computer Initiative It is important to choose the right computer for your educational program. Each year, VCU prepares a general set of minimum computer specifications for both the PC and Mac for students. In addition, some of the schools at VCU have their own requirements for computers used as part of their programs, so you should visit your school or departmental webpage for more specific computing requirements. Find more information about the Student Computer Initiative at

Also refer to the Certificate of Immunization for the requirements that must be met. Failure to meet these requirements will affect your class registration.

For more information about orientation, call the VCU Office of New Student and Family Programs at (804) 828-3700 or visit


Tuition, fees and other expenses Pay your tuition, fees, room and board by the date specified on your bill.

• Membership in professional or student organizations • Personal items such as deodorant, shampoo and toothpaste • Residence hall room or apartment supplies (curtains, rugs, etc.) • Travel and daily transportation costs

Send scholarship third-party sponsor checks and billing authorizations to VCU Student Accounting. When determining tuition and fee costs, include any special fees related to your courses and major. Plan a budget for extra expenses such as entertainment and extracurricular activities.

Your tuition charge is determined by your domiciliary (resi­ dency) status, the number of credit hours for which you are registered, your course of study and your classification level (freshman, sophomore, etc.). Undergraduate students should anticipate book and supply expenses of approximately $400 to $600 per semes­ter. Answers to some commonly asked questions about tuition, fees and other expenses may be found on the My Tuition website at

Paying your bill If you register for classes at New Student Orientation during the summer, you will be issued an electronic bill in early August. You will be notified at your VCU email address that

VCU has made buying the right computer even easier with its new on-campus technology store, RamTech. The staff is well versed in the requirements for each school and can help students find the computer custom-fit to their academic needs. RamTech offers academically priced Apple and Dell desktops, laptops and tablets, as well as exclusive Ram Support protection plans, technology accessories and printers. FixIT, VCU’s in-house computer repair resource, now has a convenient location at RamTech for support and service. More information can be found at or by visiting the store located at 930 W. Grace St.

Planning for expenses The expenses included in this booklet are for the 2017 semester and are subject to change for 2018. Keep in mind that in addition to the expenses billed by the univer­sity — tuition, fees, room, dining plans, etc. — you will incur a variety of expenses for things such as books, supplies, clothing, travel and entertainment. Your lifestyle and individual tastes will determine your daily expenditures. As you plan your budget, make sure to use the resources available to you as a VCU student. Become a member of SALT, a free educational program that offers a variety of financial plan­ning tools. For more information, visit Here are some expenses that VCU students recommend you include: • Art supplies (for visual arts majors) • Books, computer, computer supplies, notebooks, pens and pencils • Clothing and laundry supplies
Deposits and monthly charges for off-campus apartments and utilities • Entertainment and extracurricular activities

your bill is available to view online through the Student Billing and Payment website (through eServices). You may also assign authorized users, who will be notified by email when bills are issued. They also are able to view the bill and student accounting history and make payments online. Payment for the fall semester — tuition, fees, and university room and board charges — is due by the first official day of the fall semester. The exact due date will be specified on your bill. If you do not register by the August billing date, you will be issued an electronic bill subsequently for your fall semester tuition, fees and other expenses. Payment is due by the date specified on the bill. You may pay your bill in full or participate in the university’s Installment Payment Plan. The plan is offered during the fall and spring semesters and distributes the net cost for the semester into four equal installments. A $25 nonrefundable application fee and 25 percent of your net balance is due at the beginning of the semester. The remaining three installments for the fall semester will be due in October, November and December. You will receive information about the plan for the fall semester when you attend orientation. This same information also is available on the Student Accounting website at Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, personal checks (including electronic checks) and cash may be used for the payment of tuition, fees, and room and dining plan charges. A convenience fee of 2.75 percent (minimum of $3) will be charged for all credit/debit card payments. When paying university bills with cash, please pay in person and be sure to request a receipt for your payment. (A charge of $50 is levied for all dishonored checks and dishonored or chargedback credit and debit card payments.)

Paying your bill late Any student who registers for classes at VCU is responsible for full payment of tuition and fees generated from that registration and for room and dining plan charges, if applicable. You are expected to pay all applicable tuition, fees, room and dining plan amounts, and any miscellaneous charges when due. If your account becomes past due, you will be assessed a late payment penalty. You will not be allowed to register for future classes or receive transcripts until your account is settled. Students with past-due accounts will be referred to the VCU collection unit. When referred, additional collections costs are added to the account. Questions about your student account may be directed to VCU Student Accounting at stuacctg@vcu. edu or (804) 828-2228.

Tuition, fees, room, board and other expenses The university is governed by the Board of Visitors, which is under the control of the General Assembly of the commonwealth of Virginia. The BOV approves the tuition, fees, room and dining charges each year, usually during the May session of the BOV meeting. The information for this current academic year is available at tuition. Some schools have special program (major) and course fees. All students enrolled in special majors and in courses with related materials, lab or online fees are required to pay these charges, which are billed by the Student Accounting Department. This information is available at

• Cell phone bills



Undergraduate students should anticipate book and supply expenses of approximately $400 to $600 per semester. Answers to some commonly asked questions about tuition, fees and other expenses may be found on the My Tuition website at

The university reserves the right to revise or alter all

Reporting outside scholarship awards

Section 23-7.4 of the Code of Virginia states in part:

If you are receiving a scholarship or assistance from a nonuniversity source that requires VCU to bill the organization, be sure to have the sponsor notify Student Accounting in writing on or before the beginning of the semester at Box 843036, Richmond, VA 23284-3036. The notification must be on the organization’s official letterhead and must provide your name, your VCU ID number (found on the Certificate of Admission), the amount of the award, the applicable semester and the billing contact information. The award must be unconditionally guaranteed.

Understanding your financial responsibility To attend VCU, enrolled students must: • Assume the responsibility of full payment of tuition and fees generated from that registration • Assume responsibility of full payment of all room, dining plan and other applicable miscellaneous charges • Keep a current permanent mailing address on file with Enrollment Services (refunds and tax forms are not issued to students with inactive mailing addresses) • Establish an official VCU email address and read their email on a regular basis, as email will be used to notify students when their bills are available on the Billing and Payment website

tuition, fees and regulations pertaining to student tuition, fees and collection procedures at any time.

Determining residency status “Domiciliary status shall not be conferred by performance of acts that are auxiliary to fulfilling educational objectives or are required or routinely performed by temporary

Financial aid Apply for financial aid by submitting a Free Application for Federal Student Aid by the March 1 priority filing date. Check your VCU email account for award information, required documents to complete your file and additional information.

resi­dents of the commonwealth. Mere physical presence or residence primarily for educational purposes shall not confer domiciliary status.”

Provide your Social Security number to the university in order to be considered for financial aid.

The institutional position, which is based on the above portion of the code, states that a student who is admitted to VCU as a resident of another state or who otherwise lacks domiciliary status in Virginia will be classified as an out-of-state student. VCU provides a procedure by which an out-of-state student may apply for eligibility for in-state tuition. Under Virginia law, however, a student who is classified as an out-ofstate student and who seeks to be reclassified as a Virginia domiciliary for tuition purposes must rebut, by clear and convincing evidence, the presumption that they are in Virginia primarily for the purposes of attending school and not as a bona fide domicili­ary of Virginia. The law also requires that persons claiming eligibility for in-state tuition through Virginia domicile (or the person through whom eligibility is being claimed) shall have demon­ strated Virginia domicile for at least one year immediately prior to the first official day of classes within the semester or term of the program in which the student is enrolled.

VCU uses all available funds to help students gain access to a college education. Eligibility for financial aid varies depending on a student’s academic and financial circumstances. In most cases, students will qualify for some form of financial assistance. Current information on financial aid programs, policies and procedures, and links to free scholarship search services are available online at

Applying for financial aid


The 2018-19 FAFSA opened Oct. 1, 2017. You should be aware that certain financial aid programs, such as state grants, federal grants, university grants and federal workstudy programs, have limited funding. As there are more students eligible for the programs than there are funds available to award to them, you should file the FAFSA electronically as early as possible, but by no later than the March 1 priority deadline to ensure consideration for this type of funding. Funds are awarded on a first-come, firstserved basis. Students who do not have access to the web may apply using the paper FAFSA and should mail it to the federal processor by Feb. 1. Students should complete the FAFSA using three sources: (1) the IRS Data Retrieval Tool (provided online during the FAFSA process); (2) data from an IRS tax transcript; and (3) the appropriate W-2s. All students are encouraged to complete a FAFSA each year. You can and should apply for financial aid even if you missed the VCU priority filing date because you still may qualify for the federal Pell Grant, federal direct loans and federal Direct PLUS loans (for parents of dependent undergraduate students). If you have not applied for financial aid in a timely manner, you may want to contact the Student Accounting Department to request the VCU Installment Payment Plan, which budgets each semester’s bill over four payments.

To apply for financial aid at VCU, submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (designating VCU (school code 003735) to receive the results of your application. To reduce problems, errors and omissions on the FAFSA, the VCU Office of Financial Aid strongly recommends that students apply electronically using FAFSA on the Web at; however, applicants may apply using the paper application, available through VCU, high schools, colleges and most public libraries. The FAFSA must be completed each year. After you file the FAFSA, the federal processor will send you a Student Aid Report and electronically send your information to the VCU Office of Financial Aid. Review the report for accuracy, make any necessary corrections and submit your changes to the federal processor. If all of the information on your report is accurate and VCU is listed as a school to receive the results of your application, you need to do nothing. The VCU Office of Financial Aid will let you know via university email and VCU eServices if you need to submit any additional documentation. The VCU Office of Financial Aid will notify you via university email of your estimated financial awards, directing you to eServices to view the aid programs and amounts for which you qualify. The offer of aid will not be finalized until the review of any requested data has been completed.



Veterans Affairs and military benefits Veterans and their qualified dependents may be eligible for VA education benefits authorized under specific chapters of Title 38 of the U.S. Code. Each chapter has specific eligibility requirements. Only the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs can determine your eligibility for VA education benefits. For more information about tuition assistance programs, veterans scholarships and links to application materials for military benefits, please visit the VCU Military Student Services website at

Providing your Social Security number to the university While VCU does not require your Social Security number for admission consideration, it is necessary for applicants who wish to be considered for financial aid and the American Opportunity/Lifetime Learning tax credit to provide a Social Security number to the university. To protect your privacy, your Social Security number will not be used as your VCU student identification number.

Maintaining academic progress Receiving financial aid communications The university eID is your identifier that will authenticate you to use many VCU electronic services and Web applications. To obtain your VCU eID, visit the web at The VCU Office of Financial Aid uses email to provide financial aid information, to request documents to support financial aid application data and to provide application status and award information to students. VCU email is considered an official method of communication at the university. Students are responsible for reading in a timely fashion all universityrelated communications sent to their official VCU student email account. An email account is created automatically for all accepted students. Your email address is your “eID”@vcu. edu. See Page 4 for more details about activating your VCU eID and email account.

To be eligible to continue receiving financial aid at VCU in subsequent years, you must make Satisfactory Academic Progress toward your degree. SAP is a combination of qualitative and quantitative components and is measured by GPA, total number of credit hours earned divided by the total number of credit hours attempted* and number of credit hours attempted divided by the number of credit hours necessary to complete your degree program. Students who fail to maintain SAP may not receive any federal, state or institutional grants, scholarships, loans or work-study assistance. More information about SAP requirements is available online at *Note: Transfer hours and AP credit hours are included in the number of total attempted hours.



Grace E. Harris Hall 1015 Floyd Avenue, First Floor Box 843026 Richmond, Virginia 23284-3026 Phone: (804) 828-6669 Fax: (804) 827-0060 TDD: (800) 828-1120

on the university’s mission to provide opportunities for students to gain a variety of personal experiences and to

Apply online for on-campus housing or contact VCU Off-Campus Housing Service for assistance in finding an apartment near campus.

Register your bike with the VCU Police Department. Sign up to receive text message alerts on your cell phone notifying you of campus emergencies. Purchase a dining plan (required for most undergraduate students living on campus).

rooms and laboratories.

interest them. Each residence hall tailors its programmatic activities to its particular student population. Residence hall programs focus on five areas: academic achievement, wellness, diversity and inclusion, service and engagement, and community. Students also participate in events planned by the Residence Hall Association, community councils, intramural sports and other campus partners. Programs in the freshman halls emphasize academic and social adjustment to university life. VCU also provides freshman living-learning communities that support academic excellence, enrich

Plan for alternate insurance coverage through either your family or a university-sponsored program. Contact Student Accessibility and Educational Opportunity (formerly Disability Support Services) to request any necessary changes.

personal development and promote student engagement. Students live together providing greater opportunities to interact with each other and with faculty members, both inside and outside of the classroom. They also participate in specially designed program events and excursions. For more information about the various living-learning community options, visit and click “Life on Campus.” Residential Life and Housing offers living-learning programs in facilities for upperclass students that focus on issues such as career planning and graduate study. West Grace Street

Living on campus

– South is home to VCU ASPiRE, which focuses on service

Living on campus is among the most meaningful and

North is home to VCU Globe, focused on global education and

rewarding experiences of a VCU student’s college career.

the preparation of graduates competent in bridging, linking and

Students benefit from the many advantages that on-campus

mediating between groups of people of differing backgrounds.

living provides, including greater opportunities to make new

Grace and Broad Residence Center is home to VCU LEAD,

friends and to meet academic peers, as well as the chance

focused on leadership development, and VCU INNOVATE,

to participate in VCU Residential Life and Housing activities

which focuses on innovation and entrepreneurship.

and events. More than 6,000 VCU students live in universitysponsored housing; which includes 9- and 12-month facilities, traditional residential buildings, suites and apartment-style

If your last name begins with

buildings. University housing is open to all single students,

A - G..................................

H - N.................................. O - Z....................................

develop skills that complement their formal learning in class-

All residents are encouraged to participate in activities that

Purchase a parking decal if you’re bringing your car to campus or will be commuting. (See Page 13.)


Life and Housing staff, often with the input and assistance of the residents themselves. These programs are founded

Requesting additional information Extensive information about financial aid programs, policies and procedures, as well as about applying for financial aid, is available online at To obtain printed materials or additional information, call, email or visit the VCU Office of Financial Aid.

social programs and events are organized by VCU Residential

including those whose homes are within commuting distance to campus.

learning and community engagement. West Grace Street –

Each residence hall is supervised by professional and student staff members . These trained staff members listen to students’ concerns, help with roommate issues and help get students involved in clubs and organizations. The live-in staff is responsible for addressing any behavioral issues within the communities and for enforcement of residence hall and


university policies. It is expected that residential students

Residential Life and Housing is dedicated to providing

will conduct themselves properly as responsible community

community-living options that support each student’s

members when attempting to resolve conflicts. However,

academic, personal and extracurricular pursuits. The primary

the Residential Life and Housing staff is always available

goal is to offer a sense of belonging for new students as they

to assist students.

are introduced to campus life. A variety of educational and



Applying for housing New VCU students may apply for on-campus housing online at beginning in early April. Students who have been accepted to VCU and who wish to apply for on-campus housing must first submit their tuition deposit to the Office of Admissions in order to hold their space in the upcoming class. After doing so, students are urged to apply for on-campus housing as soon as the online housing application is available. Room assignments are made based on the date that the online housing application is completed, not according to the date the student was accepted to VCU. Also, the sooner new students complete their online housing application, the better the chance that their housing preferences (residence hall, room style, specific roommate, etc.) will be honored. A nonrefundable online housing prepayment fee of $250 is required at the time of application. Payment of this fee is required to complete the housing application. Students entering the university on full scholarships and those students who may be experiencing financial hardship may request a waiver of the prepayment fee. Incoming students must also register for a New Student Orientation session to be eligible to receive a housing assignment. Please visit the Residential Life and Housing website at for information on how to make this request. While it is our goal to house all freshmen seeking to live on campus, housing is not guaranteed, so students are encouraged to apply early. Students who have been awarded a presidential scholarship and meet all deadlines are guaranteed on-campus housing for all four years of their studies. VCU has limited spaces available for transfer students wanting to live on campus.

Requesting preferences

Housing contracts for freshman residence halls are based on the 9-month academic calendar. Upperclassman housing contracts are 9 or 12 months, depending on the residence hall. During the spring semester, returning students participate in a room sign-up process for the next academic year. All returning-student housing processes are online. Select upperclassmen will have the opportunity to choose to return to their room for the next academic year. Rising sophomore resident students participate in room sign-up via a lottery process. Please visit for additional information about Residential Life and Housing.

Housing rates For up-to-date on-campus housing rates, visit the VCU Residential Life and Housing website at

Living off campus Students are not required to live in university housing. Some students live in privately owned off-campus housing. The university, however, does not control or monitor offcampus housing.

Every effort is made to honor new students’ housing preferences. Students are responsible for indicating any special needs required, such as medical accommodations, when submitting their application. If a student has a specific roommate preference, both students must indicate this preference on their own housing application; both applications must be completed, including the $250 prepayment; and both have to be registered for a New Student Orientation session. Students should remember we cannot guarantee all preferences will be met.

VCU provides assistance to students regarding the local housing market. Our online housing database is designed to provide information to students looking to live off campus. The University Student Commons provides amenities for commuter students as well, such as lockers, commuting advice, microwaves and lounge spaces. For more information about off-campus housing please visit


VCU has employed a no-car policy for residential freshman students to encourage their involvement in the first-year on-campus experience. This procedure supports a pedestrianfriendly, residential campus and helps reduce the campus carbon footprint.

While every effort will be made to provide university housing for all freshman applicants, it is not guaranteed. Freshman housing assignments are made based on the date the application is completed (including the $250 prepayment). Housing assignments are made on a space-available basis beginning late June. A limited number of residence hall spaces are available for upperclassman transfer students; these spaces are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis, depending on the date of the student’s online housing application. Once a room assignment has been made, students will be notified via their VCU email account. The assignment is binding unless cancelled within five business days. Students


are urged to carefully review the terms and conditions of their housing contract. All housing contracts are legally binding. By signing, students agree to follow the terms and conditions.

Getting around CARS ON CAMPUS

Exceptions to this residential freshman restriction will be considered for medical conditions, disabilities, employment, over 21 years of age, military reservists and other extenuating situations. Official documentation must be provided and reviewed before any exceptions are granted. To apply for an exception, please contact the Dean of Students Office by phone at (804) 828-8940 or email at The waiver form and instructions can be found at students.vcu. edu/freshman-parking.

Parking decals cannot be purchased by other students for first-year residential students. Violations of the policy are pursued through student codes of conduct and/or revocation of future parking privileges. While most students won’t need to bring their cars to campus, for those who do, there are a limited number of overnight parking subscriptions, which are sold on a per-semester basis. Student parking permits may be purchased online at parking. or at the customer service office located at 1108 A W. Broad St. on the Monroe Park Campus or 659 N. 8th St. on the MCV Campus. All permits are sold on a first-come, firstserved basis. Visit the parking website at or call (804) 828-PARK for more information. Unless needed for your academic program, it is strongly recommended that you do not bring a car to campus. PARKING OPTIONS

A limited number of parking subscriptions for commuting students are available in several facilities on both campuses, including the West Main Street, West Cary Street, 8th Street, West Broad Street, Jefferson Street, Henry Street West and Bowe Street parking decks. Semester parking subscriptions as well as daily parking options are available for most decks. Nearly all student permits are for parking decks. We only offer two lots for commuter students: BC Lot and BL Lot, located beside the Brand Center on the Monroe Park Campus. Student permits are sold on a first-come, firstserved basis each semester at Options and rates can be found at options-and-rates. Several private parking lots, which rent spaces by the month, also are located around both campuses. On-street parking is limited on and around campus and is generally controlled by meters that are monitored by the city of Richmond. Most on-street parking is restricted by time limits, which vary on specified days of the week. If you park on the street, read the signs carefully, as the city of Richmond has aggressive ticketing and towing policies. For more information about parking in the city and in the Fan District, visit


VCU provides conveniently located bike racks across both campuses. Students should use U-locks to secure bicycles to the racks and should register their bikes with the VCU Police Department. VCU offers a full-service bike shop where students can repair their bikes themselves or get assistance from experienced bike shop staff, as well as learn about upcoming workshops and group rides. Students will have to provide their own replacement parts if necessary. For more information about these services, contact VCU RamBikes at or at (804) 828-BIKE. RAMAWAY

RamAway provides free transportation to and/or from the Richmond International Airport, Greyhound bus station and Amtrak at Main Street Station and Staples Mill Road. The service only operates during most university breaks. For the schedule, visit or email for more information. RAMRIDE BUS SERVICE

Students can request an online transportation guest pass for RamRide and RamSafe at for their guests without a VCUCard. Riders are encouraged to utilize the RamRide Bus Tracker via the VCU mobile app to view arrival times because they vary. The Campus Connector currently operates from 6:30 a.m. to midnight Monday through Friday and from 8 a.m. to midnight on Saturday and Sunday. In the summer it operates from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday. In additon to the Campus Connector, RamRide includes weekday routes to and from satellite lots on the MCV Campus. For schedules and additional information, visit or call (804) 828-PARK.

Evening commuter students may purchase discounted permits that allow parking in their designated parking deck weekdays from 3:30 p.m. to 2 a.m. The evening permit is not recommended for students with daytime or overnight parking requirements. Options can be found at parking/students/options-and-rates/evening-permits. In addition to using the available on-street parking spaces located around campus, students with accessibility needs may purchase semester parking subscriptions. Students must display an appropriate parking decal as well as a handicappeddesignated license plate or dashboard permit when parking in any of the designated spaces located in universityoperated facilities.



RamSafe provides free evening and nighttime shuttles to on-campus locations and nearby residences and buildings. RamSafe is available from 5 p.m. to 8 a.m., seven days a week. For additional information, including boundaries, visit or email PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION

Full- and part-time students on the Monroe Park Campus and the MCV Campus can navigate through Richmond by using the GRTC transit system. For information about GRTC Transit Passes for VCU students, visit or visit the VCU Parking and Transportation Office on either campus. Transit passes are nontransferable and must be requested each semester. Route information is available online at or by calling (804) 358-GRTC. ZIMRIDE/CAR POOLS

Zimride is VCU’s private social network for ride sharing. Students can split the costs of driving their vehicle by sharing their rides with fellow VCU students. Zimride can also be used to find rides for long trips outside the Richmond area. This service helps students save money, protect the environment and meet new people. For more information, visit ZIPCAR

Bringing a car to campus may not be necessary for many students. VCU has teamed up with Zipcar to provide energyefficient vehicles that students can rent by the hour or day. Zipcar’s cutting-edge technology allows students to reserve a vehicle online or on a mobile device, 24/7. Low hourly and daily rates include gas, insurance and 180 miles per day. Zipcars are located in two spaces on the MCV Campus adjacent to the Barnes & Noble @ VCU on 10th Street. Cabaniss Hall, the MCV Campus Recreation and Aquatic Center, a parking deck and the Jonah L. Larrick Student Center are within walking distance of these spots.

On the Monroe Park Campus, two spaces are located in the JL Lot on West Cary Street next to Snead Hall. Two more spaces are located in the AR Extension Lot, which is behind Ackell Residence Center on West Broad Street. For more information, visit

Ensuring safety VCU is home to one of the largest university police departments in the country, with 99 sworn officers, more than 200 security personnel and a 24-hour emergency dispatch center working around the clock to maintain safety. VCU police officers have full law enforcement authority on the Monroe Park and MCV campuses, and their jurisdiction extends several blocks into the surrounding communities. Collaboration, education and communication are essential to safety at VCU. The VCU Police Department always works with members of the community, Richmond Police Department and others to prevent and respond to crime on and around campus. Your input and suggestions are key to delivering good service and maintaining safety. The department also believes in being honest and transparent with the community, which is why you will occasionally receive messages from VCU Alert notifying you of crimes in the area, severe weather or other potential threats to the safety or wellbeing of the community. The VCU Police Department is available 24/7 by calling (804) 828-1234 or picking up one of the hundreds of emergency phones located around campus. The nonemergency number is (804) 828-1196 or you can reach the VCU police by texting “VCUTip” and your message to 274637. The department maintains a website and active social media channels which you should follow to receive up-to-the-minute updates and safety information. Please visit, VCUPD and for more information.

Full-service Starbucks Coffee shops offering coffees, blended beverages, sandwiches and bakery treats can be found in the newly renovated location in the James Branch Cabell Library and on the first floor of the Cary and Belvidere Residential College. Also in the Cary and Belvidere Residential College, students can find a Chili’s Grill & Bar and Cary Street Market & Deli.

Purchasing a dining plan Dining plans are available to all students. A variety of plans are available to meet the needs of individual students. Many locations provide continuous service to accommodate varied schedules. For more information and to select a dining plan, visit vcu. or call VCUDine directly at (804) 828-1148. DINING CENTER AND RESTAURANTS

VCUDine offers students a wide variety of dining options, including Shafer Court Dining Center on the Monroe Park Campus and Jonah’s at the Jonah L. Larrick Student Center on the MCV Campus. This program also offers a number of restaurants on each campus. All VCU restaurants accept cash, credit cards, Dining Dollars and RamBucks.


If you are looking for express food options or a snack between classes, a convenience store can be found on the first floor of Grace E. Harris Hall.

Restaurants, Monroe Park Campus: Award-winning Shafer Court Dining Center features Market 810 atop the center’s rotunda staircase. It provides unlimited servings of a wide variety of options. Einstein Bros. Bagels, located on the first floor in the dining center, features bagels, deli sandwiches, salads, soups, desserts, gourmet coffee and smoothies. The food court at Laurel and Grace Place serves up diverse meals from IHOP Express, Raising Cane’s Chicken Fingers, and Croutons, Salads & Wraps. The University Student Commons is home to several popular restaurants, including Chick-fil-A, Freshii (providing soups, salads and wraps), Taco Bell, Subway and Pizza Hut Express. Provisions on Demand (P.O.D.) Market provides snacks, sundries and groceries.

Conveniently located at the corner of Shafer and Grace streets, VCU’s Panda Express offers a variety of ChineseAmerican entrees. Restaurants, MCV Campus: In the Gateway Building, Einstein Bros. Bagels features assorted bagels, while Wendy’s serves old and new favorites. The Jonah L. Larrick Student Center offers two dining options. The center features Jonah’s, a culinary emporium, and Starbucks Coffee on the MCV Campus. Jonah’s provides a wide variety of dining options, including fresh salads, homemade breads, sushi, pizzas, comfort foods and decadent desserts. Starbucks Coffee serves all of your favorite coffees, bakery treats and blended beverages.


Get your VCUCard

• Check your transaction history

You will obtain your VCUCard during New Student Orientation.

• Invite guests to make deposits

If you do not attend an orientation, you can also obtain your VCUCard at the beginning of the semester in which you are currently enrolled for classes.

• Find places near you to use RamBucks

Your VCUCard can make life on VCU campuses more convenient; you will use it for everything you do on campus. Your VCUCard permits access to: • Campus buildings, including residence centers, dining halls, parking decks and recreational sports facilities • Pay4Print to print in VCU computer labs and libraries • Athletic events and other student activities • VCU Libraries to check out books and equipment • Transportation services, including RamRide, RamAway and RamBikes • RamsLaundry for washing clothes in your residence hall • Your Wells Fargo checking account (when linked to your VCUCard) • Attendance check-in for department events

• View food menus and order online for delivery or carryout • Set your notification and quick deposit preferences • Submit your VCUCard photo (approved groups only) LINK YOUR VCUCARD TO WELLS FARGO

When linked to a Wells Fargo Everyday Checking® account, your VCUCard will offer you convenient banking access to enjoy: • Making purchases off-campus using your personal identification number (PIN) wherever you see the Plus® logo • Free access to cash at Wells Fargo ATM’s nationwide, including on campus • Waived monthly service fee • Direct deposits of your financial aid disbursements and/or paychecks


Please visit for more information about your VCUCard or RamBucks.

As a declining-debit account, your RamBucks is accessible through your VCUCard and managed by the VCUCard Office. Your balance carries over from semester to semester, year to year, and any unused balance can be refunded upon separation from VCU.

Please contact Wells Fargo at 1 (800) 869-3557 or visit for assistance regarding Wells Fargo checking accounts.

Staying healthy VCU University Student Health Services is accredited by the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care, demonstrating the high standard of care offered to students at VCU. USHS’ clinical staff — physicians, a physician assistant, nurse practitioners, registered nurses, pharmacists, a nutritionist and a psychiatrist — provide clinical services including primarycare services, women’s health, allergy shots, immunizations and travel medicine. USHS has office locations on both campuses. The pharmacy is located on the Monroe Park Campus. In the event that an urgent medical problem arises after regular office hours, students may contact the practitioner on call for advice. Details pertaining to these services as well as information regarding the appointment policy are available on the USHS website at THE WELLNESS RESOURCE CENTER

The VCU Wellness Resource Center, known as The Well, is the prevention education outreach component of USHS. The Well is engaged in the science of empowering all students to move toward optimal health, helping them achieve and maintain a balance of physical, emotional, social, intellectual and spiritual health. The staff is committed to helping VCU students learn more about health through individual sessions, group presentations and awareness events. Most services are free to VCU students. Services provided at The Well include a multi-issue wellness resource room, sexual assault and intimate partner violence prevention and advocacy

services, stress management services, nutrition counseling, tobacco-use prevention and cessation services, substanceabuse prevention and education services, and sexual health education. Many volunteer opportunities are available for students at the center, including several peer health educator groups. For more information about The Well, call (804) 828-9355 or visit HEALTH INSURANCE THROUGH VCU

USHS has no infirmary beds and does not cover emergency room visits, hospitalizations, X-rays, prescriptions, referrals to specialists, laboratory tests associated with chronic illnesses or many other medical expenses. Therefore, it is essential that students have adequate health insurance to cover the cost of hospitalization and other expenses. VCU sponsors a health-insurance program for students, spouses and dependents. For more information, visit students.vcu .edu/health/health-insurance.

Requesting disability-related accommodations VCU is committed to providing students with disabilities an equal opportunity to benefit from all university programs, services and activities. The Office of Student Accessibility and Educational Opportunity (formerly Disability Support Services) is responsible for determining if a student is eligible for services and identifying their appropriate academic adjustments. Please contact the office for any questions about supports, services, or registration.

Use RamBucks at more than 150 on- and off-campus locations to pay for: • Dining • Vending • Books and school supplies • Student Health Services and fees

• VCU Libraries services and fees • Groceries and prescriptions • Retail purchases • VCU Parking

• Student activities and events The VCUCard Online Card Office (GET) allows you to manage your VCUCard account on the go at any time. Visit myVCUCard. com or download the GET app on your mobile device to: • Make quick RamBucks deposits • Check your RamBucks, Pay4Print, RamsLaundry, meal plan or Dining Dollars balance • Report a VCUCard lost or found



Responsibilities and rights Read and understand the VCU Honor System available online at /studentconduct/vcu-honor-system. Know your rights and responsibilities as a VCU student.

Abiding by the VCU Honor System You have been chosen to enter a community of learning at VCU. All members of this unique community, including faculty, students and administrators, have agreed to act with honor and integrity in all matters. As a student at VCU, you will be expected to: • Practice personal and academic integrity • Respect the rights and property of others • Honor the rights of others to their opinions and strive to learn from the differences in people and cultures • Refrain from illegal discrimination against others In the academic community, the practice of academic integrity is of the highest priority. The VCU Honor System obliges each student to understand the types of conduct that are unacceptable; to refrain from acts of cheating, plagiarism and other forms of academic misconduct; and to report those who violate these standards. The VCU Honor System assumes that each student’s word can be trusted implicitly and that a violation of a student’s word is a violation against the whole university community. The effectiveness of the system depends upon each student’s acceptance of responsibility for it. For example, a student who cheats creates at least three problems for self and others: loss of knowledge that may be beneficial in the future, an unfair advantage over classmates who have not cheated and the possibility of forming a pattern of accepting lower standards of behavior that could lead to unethical conduct in other areas. The VCU Honor System can be found at /studentconduct/vcu-honor-system. Many professors will be discussing this policy and describing their expectations of your behavior in classes at the first session. The VCU Honor System uses the Honor Pledge, which states “On my honor, I have neither given nor received aid on this assignment.” Instructors may give assignments to students in one of two ways: (1) as “Pledged” work for which the students will sign a pledge statement indicating that the work was completed independently or (2) as “Unpledged” work, which may be completed in collaboration with others as directed by the instructor. It is your personal responsibility to be aware of, and to observe, the VCU Honor System and all of the policies


and regulations at VCU. If you have a question about a policy, please call or stop by the Office of Student Conduct and Academic Integrity, consult with your faculty advisor or ask to see someone in the office of the dean of your school or college.

Abiding by the Student Code of Conduct As a student at VCU, you will be expected to: • • • •

Demonstrate academic and personal integrity Respect the rights and property of others Be open to others’ opinions Uphold academic freedom and freedom of intellectual inquiry

• Appreciate diversity and to value and learn from the uniqueness of each person • Uphold the right of all persons to be treated with dignity and respect and to refrain from all forms of intimidation, harassment and illegal discrimination • Demonstrate and respect intellectual courage in situations that demand it The VCU Student Code of Conduct can be found at https:// of%20Conduct.pdf. As a student at VCU, you are expected to abide by the policy on sexual misconduct/violence and sex/gender discrimination. The policy can be found at files/Sexual%20Misconduct%20Violence%20and%20 Sex%20Gender%20Discrimination.pdf.

You also have the right to request that your directory information (including name, address and telephone number) be suppressed; however, directory information about you will be released unless you specifically request that the Office of Records and Registration suppress your information. To request that your directory information be suppressed, contact the Office of Records and Registration, (804) 828-1349. The VCU Board of Visitors, administration and faculty are committed to a policy of equal opportunity in education and employment without regard to age, race, color, national origin, gender, religion, sexual orientation, veteran’s status, political affiliation or disability. Additional information may be obtained from VCU Equity and Access Services, 1001 Grove Ave., Box 842549, Richmond, VA 23284, (804) 828-1347.

Knowing your responsibilities You are responsible for full payment of tuition and fees generated from your registration for classes as well as all room-and-board charges and other charges you may generate as a student at VCU. Applying for financial aid does not waive your responsibility to the university for your debts. You are responsible for filing a Certificate of Immunization with University Student Health Services. You must certify immunization as required by Virginia state law. See the immunization forms located in the front of this booklet. If you stop attending a class or classes, it is your responsibility to complete the withdrawal process through the Office of Records and Registration. Failure to do so can result in grades of F being posted to your academic record.

If you are applying for financial aid, it’s important to know your student rights. Please review your rights online at finaid.vcu. edu/resources/rights.html. If you borrowed money under the Federal Direct Subsidized Stafford Student Loan Program, the Federal Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Student Loan Program, the Federal Direct Graduate PLUS Loan for Students or the Federal Direct Parent Loan for Dependent Students and will not be returning to the university, you still must meet your obligations concerning the repayment of your loans. It is your responsibility to notify your lender(s) of any change in your address or telephone number, or any change in your enrollment status, such as graduation, withdrawal, attendance less than half time, transfer to another school, etc. The consequences of defaulting on a loan are serious. It is your responsibility to be familiar with all university policies and procedures as listed in the current VCU Bulletin. The university bulletins are contractual agreements between you and the university. Your enrollment in classes at VCU implies consent to observe and adhere to all university policies. The requirements for completion of your degree are listed in the Bulletin in effect at the time of your admission to your degree program. Bulletins and course descriptions for the current and past years are archived online at It is important that you refer to the appropriate bulletin as you plan your curriculum for future semesters. While you will work with academic advisors at VCU, submission of an application for admission serves as acknowledgment that you assume the responsibility for satisfying the university requirements for any VCU degree that you pursue.

Knowing your rights You have the right to be clearly informed of the requirements for completion of your degree. The requirements for your degree program are listed in the VCU Bulletin in effect at the time you enter your degree program. If course requirements for the degree program change before you complete the program, you may choose to satisfy the new requirements or to complete the requirements of the Bulletin in effect at the time you entered the program if you have been continuously enrolled. You have the right to appeal course grades that you consider unfairly assigned. You may appeal a grade through the Grade Review Procedure, which can be found in the VCU Insider online at You have the right to protection of your educational records under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. VCU will not disclose, without your written consent, “personally identifiable information,” other than “directory information,” from your educational records to any party or organization that does not have a legitimate right of access to the information. A copy of your privacy rights may be obtained online at


Directory Academic Advising, University Division of Strategic Enrollment Management 827-8648 (UNIV)


Division of Strategic Enrollment Management, Office of Admissions 828-1222 (800) 841-3638

Advanced Placement Tests 827-0838

Athletics, Intercollegiate

Multicultural Student Affairs

Division of Student Affairs, Recreational Sports 827-1100

New Student and Family Programs

Sports, Intramural

Division of Strategic Enrollment Management 828-3700

Division of Student Affairs, Recreational Sports 827-1100

Outdoor Adventure Program/ Outing Rental Center

Student Accessibility and Educational Opportunity (formerly Disability Support Services)

Division of Student Affairs, Recreational Sports 828-6004

Parking and Transportation Services 828-7275

Police, Campus VCU Police Department 828-1234 (emergency) 828-1196 (nonemergency) 828-SAFE (RamSafe Escort Services)


Barnes & Noble @ VCU Monroe Park Campus

Records and Registration


Division of Strategic Enrollment Management, Records and Registration 828-1550

Campus Learning Center

Recreational Sports

Division of Strategic Enrollment Management 827-8108

Career Services

Division of Student Affairs 828-1645

College of Humanities and Sciences 828-1674

Cooperative Education

Division of Student Affairs 828-1645

Counseling Services

Division of Student Affairs, Recreational Sports 827-1100

Residential Life and Housing Division of Student Affairs, Residential Life and Housing VCU-ROOM (828-7666)

Scholarships (new students only) Division of Strategic Enrollment Management, Office of Admissions Scholarship Program 828-1461

Division of Student Affairs 828-6200

School of Allied Health Professions

Financial Aid

School of the Arts

Division of Strategic Enrollment Management, Office of Financial Aid VCU-MONY (828-6669)

General information 828-1981

Graduate School 828-6916

Health Services

Division of Student Affairs, University Student Health Services 828-8828

Honors College 828-1803

International Student Advisor Global Education Office 828-8471

Military Student Services Division of Strategic Enrollment Management 828-6563



School of Business 828-3710

School of Education 828-3382

School of Engineering 828-3925

School of Government and Public Affairs, L. Douglas Wilder 828-2292

School of Media and Culture, Richard T. Robertson 828-2660

School of Nursing 828-0724

School of Social Work 828-1030

School of World Studies 827-1111


Sports Clubs

Division of Student Affairs, Office of Multicultural Student Affairs 828-6672

Division of Student Affairs VCU-ABLE (828-2253) Voice and TDD

Student Accounting

Division of Strategic Enrollment Management, Student Accounting 828-2228

125 things to do before you graduate from VCU

Student Activities

Division of Student Affairs, University Student Commons and Activities 828-1981

Student Affairs Dean’s Office Division of Student Affairs 828-8940

Student Aid Disbursement 828-2138


Student Conduct and Academic Integrity Division of Student Affairs 828-1963

Student Organizations

Division of Student Affairs, University Student Commons and Activities 828-3648

Study Abroad Programs Global Education Office 827-7882

Technology Services




Go on a road trip.


Go to Broad Appétit.


Mentor someone.


Get frozen yogurt from Sweet Frog.


Try a safe and legal activity that you would have never imagined doing in your life.


Go to the Greek Festival.


Have a milkshake at The Village Cafe.


Go strawberry picking at a local farm.


Eat a cupcake at Carytown Cupcakes or Pearl’s.


Go to the James Center for the Grand Illumination.


Be a good role model.


Intern in your career field.


Do a walk/run for a good cause.


Do volunteer work or community service.


Attend the Community Health Fair.


Check out a local farmers’ market.


Learn how to manage time.


Watch a movie at the Byrd Theatre.


Work to your potential.


Bike or walk around Belle Isle.


Save money/Do the math.


Visit St. John’s Church.


Make your own decisions.



Get comfortable with public speaking.

Have tea or a meal at The Jefferson Hotel.


Take time to call your family and check in.


Go to the Carytown Watermelon Festival.


Visit the School of Medicine’s McGlothlin Medical Education Center.


Visit Agecroft Hall.


Go to Friday Pictures in the Park or the Goochland Drive-In Theater.

Transfer Center


Find a new hobby to enjoy.


Make at least one lifelong friend who is very different from you.


Go on a ghost tour at the Poe Museum or Capitol Hill through Haunts of Richmond.



Attend the Winter Ball.


Attend the Richmond Folk Festival.



Learn how to conduct research and do a project.


Attend Easter on Parade on Monument Avenue.


Visit Maymont for a picnic.



Go to the Science Museum of Virginia.

Visit the Court End historic sites in Richmond.


Make a trip to Brown’s Island.


Go to Arts in the Park.


Visit Virginia House.


Attend RVA Fashion Week.


Walk around Shockoe Slip.



Visit Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden.


Go to the Dominion Riverrock festival.


Go to the Richmond Zombie Walk.

Weather Hotline

Inclement weather and closing information 828-OPEN (6736)


Attend an event at the Altria Theater.


Go whitewater rafting on the James River.

Welcome Center


Explore Shockoe Bottom.


Visit Hollywood Cemetery.


Stroll Richmond’s Canal Walk.


Eat at Galaxy Diner.


Attend a play or ballet in town.


Catch a movie at Bow Tie Cinemas.

Division of Strategic Enrollment Management 827-1349



VCU Libraries James Branch Cabell Library 828-1111 Tompkins-McCaw Library for the Health Sciences 828-0636

VCU Life Sciences




125 things to do before you graduate from VCU








Eat food from a street cart.


Visit the MCV Alumni House.


Eat at Strawberry Street Café.


Donate blood.


Tour the Virginia State Capitol.


Go to the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts.


Run or watch the Ukrop’s Monument Avenue 10k.


Eat at Buz and Ned’s.


Eat at Comfort.


Go to an APB movie in the University Students Commons.


Go in the Scott House.


Take part in one of VCU’s traditions (Fall Block Step Show, Homecoming, VCUQatar Day).


Play an intramural sport.


Attend an SGA meeting.


Explore the Richmond Slave Trail. Visit the Maggie L. Walker National Historic Site.


Attend or volunteer at the Intercultural Festival.



Apply for a scholarship.

100. Study abroad!


Attend a guest lecture or seminar.

101. Learn a foreign language.


Attend any VCU home athletics event.

102. Visit the pharmacy artifacts exhibit


View the Tompkins-McCaw Library for the Health Sciences’ medical artifacts collection.

at the School of Pharmacy. 103. Workout and swim at the MCV

Campus Recreation Center.


Visit the Black History Museum and Cultural Center of Virginia.


Slide down the pool slide at the Cary Street Gym.


Eat at Jonah’s in the Jonah L. Larrick Student Center.


Lead a student organization.


Take a picture at the ram horns sculpture.


Attend Midnight Breakfast.


Vote in an SGA election.


Attend the SOVO Fair.


Ride the Campus Connector (RamRide).


Thank your instructor.


Wear VCU gear.

114. Attend Faculty Convocation.


Visit University Career Services to meet with a consultant and work on your resume.

115. Attend the PACME ceremony.


Visit the special collections and archives in the James Branch Cabell Library.


Take a picture with Rodney the Ram.


Eat at Nacho Mama’s.


Walk down Franklin Street in the fall.


Go to the State Fair of Virginia.


Attend the 2nd Street Festival.


Go to the French Film Festival.


Ride RamSafe.


Go to the Richmond International Dragon Boat Festival.


Eat at The Tobacco Company.

104. Exercise! 105. Learn how to take notes. 106. Learn how to work as a

member of a team. 107. Learn how to work independently. 108. Study at the MCV Alumni Association of

VCU Lounge at Hunton Student Center. 109. Go to a Theatre VCU performance. 110. Go to a VCU Dance performance. 111. Go to a VCU Opera performance. 112. Talk to a VCU police officer. 113. Meet Michael Rao, Ph.D., president

of VCU and VCU Health System.

116. Attend the LGBT Burnside

Watstein Award ceremony. 117. Attend Commencement. 118. Meet your school’s dean. 119. Go inside the Egyptian Building. 120. Eat at Sally Bell’s. 121. Explore Civil War sites in

and around Richmond. 122. Learn about fraternity and sorority life. 123. Play Frisbee in Monroe Park. 124. Attend the Lebanese Food Festival. 125. Take a walking history tour

with the Valentine.


Don’t forget!

Submit your tuitio

deposit online. Visit ye s.

Check your Certificate of


Request that your fin al high school or college transcripts be sent to the VC U Of fice of Admissions. Activate your VCU eID and email account. Complete the Online Math Placement Test. Sign up for New Stud ent Orientation. Complete and send yo ur Certificate of Immunization to Universi ty Student Health Serv ices. Apply for financial aid by the March 1 priority deadline. Complete the online ho using application if you wish to live in an on-campus res idence hall.

Questions? Call the Of fic e of Admissions at (800) 841-3638 or (80 4) 828-1222, or send us an email at

Broad Street

Shafer Street

Grace Street

Laurel Street

Welcome Center

Harrison Street


Franklin Street Office of Admissions

Division of Strategic Enrollment Management Office of Admissions Box 842526 Richmond, Virginia 23284-2526 Phone: (800) 841-3638 or (804) 828-1222 Email: A VCU University Relations publication VCU does not discriminate in admissions, treatment, employment or access to its programs or activities on the basis of race, color, religion, national or ethnic origin, age, sex, pregnancy, political affiliation, veteran status, family medical and genetic information, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or disability. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding VCU’s nondiscrimination policies: director of equity and access services and Title IX coordinator, MoseleyHouse, 1001 Grove Ave., Box 842549, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA 23284-2549, 003637-01

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