VEDERE International January 2020

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The First International Magazine on Optics and Eyewear - January 2020

Edizioni Ariminum Srl - Via Negroli, 51/A - 20133 Milan - Italy


Fashion Trends Industry New Products Marketing & Economy VEDERE International January 2020 Publishing Director: Isabella Morpurgo



Brilliant Colors & Exceptional Clarity

Let’s talk about the tools to face new challenges Customer service is the act of taking care of the customer’s needs by providing and delivering professional, helpful, high quality service and assistance before, during, and after the customer’s requirements are met. The main aspects of a good customer service are promptness – politeness – professionalism and personalization. As stated in an article on www.businessoffashion. com: “For retailers of all sizes, mishaps are inevitable. But whether it’s late deliveries, wrong orders, product recalls or data breaches, how a company responds to its mistakes is crucial. A poorly handled problem could cost a company future sale as disgruntled customers turn away from a brand for good. But the right moves can turn a disaster into an opportunity to build greater loyalty. There are some steps retailers can take to handle a customer service crisis, starting with a simple “sorry.” To reinvent the customer relationship, the optician must do accompanied selling. More, as the “digital” cools the relationship with the customer, the optician must focus on his loyalty and the “whaoo” effect both with the proposed choice, result of his personal and professional research in the world offer, and with an impeccable service and a personalized relationships that makes the customer feel at ease and secure. To best follow the customers, you need to know them as much as possible, understand their tastes and the reason for their choices. Nadia Danzi, an expert with a great experience in our specific sector, will help us to discover

some marketing aspects to better understand the above-mentioned topic. Her first article on this issue of our magazine deals with colors and their perception in the packaging field. However, her considerations are certainly applicable in other aspects of your profession, including the setting up of the store and the decorations. Franca Bochicchio’s articles continue on VEDERE. The independent optician based in Milan examines some aspects and experiences of her business and on this time she writes about the arrival of a large chain near her store. In this issue, which will also be available in our booth at the opti salon in Munich, you will find the latest news that will be presented at the German optical show and a roundup on the latest proposals in the men’s collections. Looking forward to the next appointments in 2020, first of all Mido in Milan that will celebrate its 50th anniversary, I wish you all a very happy New Year!

Isabella Morpurgo Publisher VEDERE International

The Independent Optician

Bread and Glasses

Franca Bochicchio Optician & Glasstylist  ® DIECIDECIMI  ® – Milan Blogger

“Every man has fingers, and may have brush and colours, but he is not by reason of that a painter” Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel.

It arrived just a few days before Christmas, for the first time on the Milanese scene, specifically in Corso Vercelli, straight from Northern Europe, sparkling and full of prizes and surprises, yet another



serial point of sale of a project that aims to conquer the Italian eyewear industry. Based in the seat of an historical and much-loved shoe store, the well-known German chain, at its twenty-seventh

opening on the Italian soil, will join not less than three other similar realities in a logic of “bread and glasses” (it also smells like coffee ... and the scent of chestnuts, at least until Epiphany has passed by). Milan, the crossroads of Europe and, in these years, more sparkling than ever, has always given the city impressive, avant-garde, innovative and cutting edge shops in every historical moment, always respecting and nourishing the hunger for beauty, quality and service to which the Milanese people and anyone who comes to this city are accustomed to breathe its crispy air. We, like many opticians scattered throughout the city, have accustomed our customers by educating them to the beauty and quality of products capable to shine on their own light well before being flooded with those lately ubiquitous illuminated shelves. Our “Service Stations” have always been open, behind the scenes, since we raise our shop shutter, in a silent and continuous service logic that does not shout to be an innovation, conversely adding to the experience of our customers or those who ask for support even if just passing through, being simply integral part of the experience itself, always. The moments of waiting for our customers naturally become moments of meeting in which

the relaxing break and the coffee comes very tasty from the bar next door, with which we share our city and business life everyday, in a logic of integration, harmony and good neighbourhood . It won’t be therefore easy for the new chain to enter a context of quality and beauty like the Milanese scene, despite the effort and grandeur that herald the desire for conquest. Taking this new opening like food for my thoughts and broadening a little its implications, it is interesting to try to understand in which direction these serial and prolific realities are leading the eyewear industry. The choice to delegate the image of the chain to a starred chef endorsement, for example, is certainly a winning one, if you want to capture the attention of the end consumer, which is always more difficult to engage with given the proliferation of increasingly aggressive offers and prices. However, it still sounds weird to me as an optician, even if in a different environment within the same sector.



despite having fingers, brushes and colours, seem to focus more on the dispensable than to the product, on the digital print and the plastic frame instead than to the canvas and to those ideas typical of that Italian spirit that the whole world envies us and which, back to the metaphor, expressed itself through yes the fingers, but those of the likes of Buonarroti, Tintoretto, Caravaggio, Leonardo and many others that it is impossible to name them all.

How is the action of these chains educating the wearer of glasses? What value are we giving to the core business in the eyewear sector? What does the low price policy lead to? What does the right price really mean? These are just some of the questions that arise spontaneously by observing what is happening today in the eyewear sector and how, to meet the typical industry profit targets, these giants,



I’m not going to answer all the questions now, because these thoughts deserve the right space and will be found in the next special issue of Vedere International dedicated to Mido and its fifty years anniversary. However, I want still to start now from the last question: what does the right price really mean? To make it straight, the right price means

paying rightly those who do a job, for how it is made, where it is made and how it is made. Selling glasses at the price of a pre-assembled product is not a crime but a mere business. Such a pricing strategy cannot be unknown to those who propose it, those who, by not specifying the reason for that cost (origin, cost at the origin, number of pieces in infinite series, low labor cost, low production cost both of the frame and of the lenses) are emptying the eyewear product of any meaning. The risk is to feed what is happening, which means that the product is no longer understood by the end consumer, to whom we take away the ability to perceive the difference between a preassembled and a true pair of glasses, between a digital print and a piece of art.

What is happening makes sense therefore if the purpose is precisely this: to make the end customer indifferent to the perception of what he is buying, to make him “feel like” a King instead of making him “Be” a King. But if this is the case, then I also wonder what is the sense of those ethical promises shouted on the leaflets of planting trees if then they keep on feeding an economy that does not aim at sustainability, that would naturally preserve the trees and the ecosystem, but to an economy made of cold numbers aimed simply to keep a huge structure healthy. Perhaps stepping a yard back today would mean stepping a hundred yards forward.



Nadia Danzi

Chromatism conditions the perception of both product and brand. Colour attracts attention and has a great influence on our emotions and on the reasons for which we buy a product. Not only that, it also represents a strong associative recall. Let’s try and think of the Tiffany brand: don’t we link it straight to that particular blue-green of its packaging? The tone is so related to the trademark, that it is protected by copyright. Therefore, if it is true – and indeed it is - that the visual stimulus is the sensory aspect par excellence, it is easy to think how much it can guide us in our choice. In front of a sweet stall, it will be neither their shape nor scent that will make us open our purse, but their seductive colour. Colours “speak to us and guide us”, however their language and opportunities for use are not uniquely acknowledged throughout the world: various factors may have an influence, such as the climate. In tropical countries, in fact, sunny colours are worn such as red and yellow, whilst in the northern countries cold colours like blue and grey are preferred. The chromatic perception also passes through the cultures shaping it: for example, green is strongly connected to religion in Islamic countries, so a very respectful use is made of it.



Mentha - b2b solutions for the optical market

PACKAGING AS A MARKETING LEVER Stimulating the public through “colourmemory” becomes particularly important when creating a packaging, which has the task of striking, inspiring and telling something. In effect, we are talking about a means of communication and a marketing lever, so the choice must be well thought out. You will never opt for a colour simply because “it looks good” or because “it’s fashionable” but because it will help the product to sell more. A preliminary analysis on what is transmitted by the link between colours and sensations, is useful in order to be more incisive with respect to the user, thereby acquiring an element of advantage compared to the competitors. THE FOCUS GROUP EXPERIENCES Faithful to the school “try to believe”, we organized ourselves to make a solid experience in supporting the thesis of the influence of colours. We thus promoted a focus-day to verify the reactions of potential Italian buyers faced with a proposal for a new packaging realized in different colour variations. Following are the protocol elements.

Targets: Detect the perception of the participants Collect data on the preference Know the reasons for the choice Composition of the group: -7 women age between 24 and 58 average and medium/high socio-cultural extraction clerical and entrepreneurial activity -7 men age between 24 and 63 years medium and medium-high socio-cultural extraction student, clerical and entrepreneurial activity Product we have had a package produced in the

20x13 cm format to which a generic logo was applied, not attributable to a specific type of product and always positioned in the same place on the packaging. The box was made with the same layout in 8 different colours: blue, purple, red, brown, orange, green, black, grey Survey based on 3 requests: a) Choose the most convincing package, giving a score from 2 (less appreciated) to 6 (more appreciated); b) Motivate the choice; c) Associate an olfactory sensation to colour Results the following tables appreciation of colours:


Results - 7 women

Results - 7 men


4 + 4 + 3 + 5 + 6 + 6 + 5 = 33


4 + 4 + 5 + 5 + 4 + 6 + 3 = 31


3 + 5 + 3 + 5 + 6 + 5 + 3 = 30


2 + 2 + 3 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 1 = 15


2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 2 + 2 = 15


3 + 3 + 4 + 2 + 2 + 4 + 4 = 22


4 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 34


4 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 2 + 4 + 2 = 21


3 + 3 + 2 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 3 = 23


3 + 3 + 2 + 4 + 3 + 3 + 2 = 20


4 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 31


3 + 4 + 4 + 3 + 5 + 6 + 5 = 30


4 + 3 + 3 + 5 + 6 + 4 + 5 = 30


5 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 6 + 4 + 5 = 32


2 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 2 + 2 + 3 = 16


2 + 2 + 4 + 3 + 4 + 2 + 4 = 21




A small but representative group of people has therefore confirmed: - that the same packaging is considered more or less interesting depending on the colours with which it is made - that in many cases it is differently accepted, depending on whether the user is female or male Reasons Invited to discuss the attribution of their choice and the sensation transmitted by each colour, the focus guests provided answers that can be summarized as follows: “blue gives a sense of cleanliness” (evidence of various documentation found online and offline confirms that blue generally expresses confidence and is often associated with water and personal hygiene products); “green recalls environments where you are taken care of such as hospitals, dental surgeries ...” (in fact it is in symbiosis with the concept of health and healing and is greatly used, for example, by chemists, starting from their green cross as a symbol of recognition); “Purple gives the idea of sophistication, designed for something special” (purple,



combined with imagination and mystery, mainly stimulates the female target and has recently been used for cosmetic lines for women); “A black package leads you to think of a precious gift” (on the one hand black satisfies the pursuit of a glamour & luxury product and on the other hand a high tech one); “Grey reminds me of metal and car bodies” (this colour represents a minimal and neutral colour that expresses strength and resistance); “orange is perfect in summer, because it is the colour of the sun” (the orange tone is suitable to convey products related both to the seasons and to the concept of an affordable price); “Thinking about red means thinking about passion, heat; in short, a very strong and urgent energy” (the packaging world uses this colour to promote gift packages related to Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day as it creates an invitation to act) “Brown is food: chestnuts, chocolate, Nutella ...” (the range of chestnuts has a strong bond with natural materials such as wood and leather and communicates the artisan quality of the products)

Olfactory association When asked “could you match an olfactory sensation with a colour?”, men and women gave different answers, of which the most typical amongst the female and male targets are listed below:

Blue / salty taste: F / ocean - M / cologne Green / fresh taste: F / grass and mint - M / wood Purple / aromatic taste: F / lavender - M / no association Black / intense taste: F / liquorice and coffee - M / liquorice Grey / bitter taste: F / cigarette - M / metal Orange / spicy taste: F / persimmons and oranges - M / chilli and oranges Red / fruity taste: F / watermelon and strawberries - M / wine Brown / rough taste: F / earth and chocolate - M / cigar The stores that continuously understand how important it is to be in tune with the vibrations of their customers, are those that are able to capture the Public’s attention, also through the right choice of colours for the various initiatives and wealth of emotions that arise from them.




Everything at a glance: opti 2020 The coming optical year begins on 10 January 2020. On this day, opti, the international trade fair for optics & design, starts at Fairground Munich, where over 600 exhibitors will present themselves and their innovations.

Six halls for one trade sector Halls C1 to C3 are dedicated to frame manufacturers, while suppliers of contact lenses, IT, refraction, and diagnostics as well as low vision are represented in Hall C6. Glass and machine manufacturers show their wares in Hall 5. In Hall C4, the focus is on the stationary optometrist practice business – everything revolves around shop construction and shop design, workshop equipment / fittings, merchandise such as eyeglass straps, chains and cases, care and cleaning products, showcases and displays as well as everything related to marketing and office equipment. The entire area of knowledge transfer, such as the opti FORUM, the opti SHOWCASE, and the opti CAMPUS, where optical educational institutions are presented, can also be found in Hall C4.



At opti FORUM guests will experience over 950 minutes of lectures on three days, panel discussions, and roundtables in which they learn interesting facts about optics from experts. All lectures at the opti FORUM will have simultaneous translation into German or English. The schedule of events will begin on Friday, 10 January at 10:25 a.m. with a key future topic from the field of marketing. “Local SEO for optometrists” is the title of the lecture from social media and SEO expert Christoph Baum, from the Zentralverband der Augenoptiker (German Central Association of Optometrists). In 20 minutes, he will explain the basics of local search engine optimisation and share many practical, effective tips that any optometrist can implement. On Saturday at 12:00, a trend-talk by top influencers will show that not only spectacle

frames and stylish accessories are suitable for Instagram etc. — any product can be a good fit for social media. On Sunday at 1:00 p.m., the lecture “Profitable positioning with contact lenses” will be presented as part of the series by SPECTARIS contact lens group, which will also be a guest at the opti FORUM on Friday and Saturday. Experts will share suggestions for taking drastically better advantage of contact lenses’ market potential and how optometrists can profitably position themselves with contact lenses. On Sunday at 1:45 p.m., the opti FORUM invites visitors to a unique optical round-table. Together with members of the public, industry experts will peer into the future, discuss possible scenarios and provide new food for thought. Visitors to the opti SHOWCASE can also immerse themselves in other optical speciality business. Using virtual reality glasses, they will be able to visit three vision specialists who represent three different types of businesses: the traditionalist, whose business is based on personal advice and long-term relationships with customers; the medical expert, whose product range is focused on solving ophthalmic problems; and the fashionista, who is focused on fashion and design. The central theme of the opti SHOWCASE 2020 is company positioning. opti blogger spectacle 2020 opti 2020 is once again inviting eyewear and lifestyle bloggers from across Europe to Munich. Looking for the most exciting new products and the hottest insider news, the bloggers will be reporting live and around the clock from the halls of the trade fair. In a Trendtalk they will be discussing why every product is suitable for social media. The BLOGGER SPECTACLE award ceremony for the participants of the opti BOXES will take place on Saturday at 12:30 pm in the opti FORUM. A new entrance to opti 2020 Visitors enter the halls via the Northwest and Northeast entrances. The shuttle buses from the “Messestadt West” and “Messestadt Ost” underground stations and the airport shuttles stop at the northeast entrance. This extends to Hall C6 and forms the new entrance to opti 2020.




3MOMI – a new collection for 2020 A new element has entered the new 3momi collection, bringing elegance and lightness: steel. For men, warm colors and dark shades combined with steel, for women, bright colors (inspired by the feminine vitality and energy) become more refined matched with the brilliance of steel. The lightness and the new animated temple, with an ergonomic shape, designed to give a “feather effect”, make the new models comfortable from morning to evening. The core of the new frames is produced only in pure TR90, light and flexible whose transparency allows to obtain optimal painting results.

Nordic Light Signature collection by FLEYE Copenhagen mod Marie

Launched as a continuation of the Nordic Light collection, Fleye’s new Signature collection introduces 40 new eyewear and sunglasses styles inspired by the Skagen Painters, who settled in the village of Skagen, the northernmost point of Denmark, to portray the translucent light that merged the sea and sky. Reflecting on the iconic Skagen paintings, Fleye came up with their own inspirational artwork by experimenting with various materials to see how the surfaces interacted with each other and with light. These abstract artworks, captured by still life photographer, Ida Emilie Risager, led to the new designs.

mod Marie

mod Thorvald





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Info +39 0421 244432

Designed and made in Italy.


99JOHN ST. NYC The JSV-165 model, in shiny acetate with clean, refined and vaguely retro lines, focuses on new combinations and surprising asymmetries of color. Three variants: pictorial backgrounds in black and turquoise, or mottled shades of Havana tortoise and transparencies, or even, marbled effect in shades of purple, gray and black

Management change at CAZAL In January 2020 the designer Katharina Schlager shall take over the management of CAZAL Eyewear. Katharina Schlager in person, for the first time as CEO and Creative Director of the company, will be at Opti in Munich. Previous managing director Beate Obersteiner, who successfully managed the brand for many years, will leave the company for a well-deserved retirement. Klaus Lippert, General Director since 2015, will continue to be responsible for Finance and Operations. Katharina Schlager is no stranger in the industry, she had a significant influence on the image of Andy Wolf Eyewear for 13 years. She sees the further development of a brand like CAZAL as a special mission. Beautiful and demanding at the same time. Because Cari Zalloni’s legacy needs to be cultivated.



AirDP Style launches FIRST

Afrodite mod

New realities, new lymph, same determination to increase the brand growth: recently formalized the new brand management by Visual Friend Srl, a company based in the Veneto region and formed by a group of entrepreneurs operating in various sectors. In the team the champion Alessandro Del Piero as Brand Ambassador and Lele Danzi creative soul of AirDP Style. The first gesture is the birth of First: a collection of 10 sun models designed also for those who use eyeglasses. Made of medical steel and ultem, the ultra light high-tech polymer, they are the tangible synthesis of the brand’s distinctive stylistic codes.

Poseidone mod

Works of art, for the face Italian eyewear label LARA D’ recently launched a new exclusive Mazzucchelli acetate artisan collection of seven artistic ophthalmic models - 5 styles for women, 1 unisex shape and 1 men’s design - which are added to the Unique collection. Classically inspired shapes are reinvented using a blocking technique which lends an exciting sculpted 3-dimensional art deco infused elegance, further enhanced by innovative ‘mix and match’ colours and patterns. Model Kayla offers a bold shape with an inventive spirit. The top of the front has a distinctive angled line while the lower edge is perfectly smooth. The 3d laminations on the sides and bridge are inspired by the Art Deco style. Model Kelli is a narrow, modified cat’s eye and features the lamination details on either side of the front and bridge.

mod Kayla

mod Kelly




20 in 2020 Twenty years have passed since Marc Delagrange started designing HENAU frames. The new collection, focused mainly on optical frames, thrives on abstract shapes, architecture, and above all comfort. The inspiration was found in the successes of the solar frames released on Silmo Paris 2018. The emphasis is on universal gender neutral wearability.

The first eyewear collection inspired by Star Wars Italia Independent presents the first limited edition eyewear collection - in just 90 pieces - inspired by the timeless Star Wars saga. The mask glasses are inspired by stormtroopers and are embellished with a photoluminescent finish. For small fans, the brand has instead created a complete collection of sunglasses and eyeglasses. All the frames, characterized by captivating colors, are embellished with Star Wars and Italia Independent logos in low relief on the temples and colored details on the nose and the temples.



Opt i2 Pad 020 : Stan C6 d:C 6.51 1

The revolution in centering determines with certainty the natural posture of the client to always detect the correct centering of the progressive.

NATURAL posture The customer will have no difficulty with his new progressive eyewear

UNNATURAL posture. The heights that will be detected will be incorrect: The customer will have difficulty with the progressive eyewear from a distance or from near.

is a device patented by TutorNET Srl, designed and built entirely in Italy TutorNET Srl - Industrial Park, strada statale 24 - km 16,2 Alpignano 10091 (TO) Infonline: +39.011.0465430 r.a. - -


It’s time to shine! Fun, colorful, glittery: Police and Furla glasses by De Rigo Vision are the perfect allies for a trendy look in special days. Sight or sun, with sparkling frames and lenses, unusual shapes and bright colors to not go unnoticed and leave everyone breathless. Police, among others, proposes oval-shaped golden sunglasses inspired by the 90s. The thick temples in glittered rubber bear the Police logo. In the Furla collection we find cat-shaped eyeglasses with a bright glittery ciliary made in plexiglass.



Design displays Hoet is driven by passion for innovation, new techniques and materials. MOON – LILY, the new Hoet displays put the spotlight playfully, yet stylishly, on the favorite selection of eyewear. The client can select the Moon or Lily setup or a combination of both. The system is modular and portable, depending on the design of the shop.





Danor gives great attention to the Green Economy Danor Srl - founded in 1966 and located few kilometers far from Milan Malpensa airport - today proves to be at the forefront of the international scene. Danor’s daily commitment is to confirm its success in the eyewear market betting on innovation, research, quality and styling on all its products. The core business is the production of sunglasses with the injected technique for Private Label. Great attention is given to the theme of the Green Economy. Danor has invested important resources in testing and creating customized collections with regenerated, recycled and vegetable fiber materials, exploiting the circular economy. The circular economy sees the recycling of plastics taken from the oceans and turned into regenerated Nylon for the realization of the final product. Danor can exploit prestigious collaborations with the major international leaders operating in the field of material transformation. The quality of the finished product made in the company is highly competitive and able to amaze with its technical performance, creating collections of excellent quality. Great progress has also been made in the area of production processes, achieving emissions equal to Zero in the painting department with the use of water-based paints. With the participation at Opti 2020 the company intends to present the great work of research and development with forefront materials that are concretely applicable to the eyewear field. The attention of Danor team towards these topics and the desire to find a concrete solution takes the right push from the increased green awareness of the OPTI public.




The træ+buffalo Collection The multiple award-winning Buffalo Titanium collection, which requires 152 distinct processes to craft every individual frame, has already proved that taming one of nature’s unruliest materials is well within LINDBERG’s skillset. So why stop there? Always up for a new technical challenge, LINDBERG’s latest collection seamlessly combines buffalo horn and fine wood (or “træ” in Danish), with each of these exotic components enhancing the remarkable beauty of the other. With a wooden front available in four timber sorts—Olive, Padauk, Ebony and Smoked Oak—and a multilayer buffalo horn-backing, the Buffalo+Træ collection is a new take on premium eyewear that pairs these distinct, organic resources with LINDBERG’s unparalleled handicraft, for stunning, streamlined results. True to LINDBERG tradition, titanium temples and nosebridge inserts make these frames entirely adjustable, ensuring functional stability and a perfect fit. “Getting Mother Nature’s best materials to behave is no simple task,” notes LINDBERG Founder and CEO, Henrik Lindberg, “But we are never interested in the easy solution. This collection presented us with an opportunity to push the boundaries in terms of techniques required, and of course the end result is an entirely unique aesthetic combination.”



mod SK5358-P

mod SK0271-P

Atelier Swarovski debuts with optical designs Inspired by Atelier Swarovski’s jewelry collections, the sunglasses and optical frames are meticulously crafted in Italy by Marcolin Group using the highest-quality materials. Each design is embellished with a bespoke sparkling crystal inset on the temple tip – an exclusive feature for the Atelier Swarovski collection. The first statement style of the 2020 sunglasses collection, SK0271-P, showcases the captivating beauty of crystal. The bold acetate frame houses gradient lenses that contrast with shining metal temples and opulent crystal decoration. In the Opticals Collection SK5358-P features a bold frame with elegant crystal clustering along the temples.

Tod’s DOUBLE DAY In a transition time like the present one, the constant dualism that society offers is fascinating: analogical vs digital, formal vs sporting, thermal vs electric. Everything offers two opportunities and moves between two attitudes. Double is the word that best describes the environment in which we live, emphasizing a continuous crossover between different and opposite styles that - even for this - are fascinating. Hence the new Tod’s Eyewear proposal, an innovative unisex sunglasses that can be fitted - on an ultra-light base in rutheniumcolored metal with opal honey-colored temples – with two different front masks. The first mask is covered in leather while the second, in acetate, is perfectly suited to a more casual and sporty use.




TutorNET presents the ZerO year of centering This patented device by the Italian TutorNET Srl is the synthesis of fifteen years of work in the world of optics and brilliantly and definitively solves the problem of measuring the mounting heights of progressive lenses. Certainly, it will have happened to you, more or less frequently, to encounter difficulties in the use by your customers of the progressive lenses just delivered. In many cases the problems have proved to be such as to force you to replace the lenses at your expense or at your ophthalmic lens supplier. In most cases the responsibility for the problem, or a large part of it, is attributable to the determination of the mounting heights. Whatever the method you used to detect them, be it the most classic empirical method with the felt-tip pen, or any model of electronic centering device (totem or tablet is indifferent), the position of the head in which the pupil position is detected is crucial in the correct measurement recording.

NATURAL posture - The customer will not have difficulty with his new one progressive eyewear

NON-natural posture - The heights you will detect will be incorrect. The client will have difficulty with the progressive lenses

The customer, for how much attention you do, most likely has a head trim that is not his usual one. The experience gained in over fifteen years of working closely with the opticians, in creating video centering systems, management software and above all in deepening postural problems related to vision, promoting the stabilometric platform from the perspective, has led Tutornet to conceive and create ZerO, a small high-tech device weighing less than 20 grams. It must be attached to the rod of glasses already worn by the customer, inviting the client, standing, to look distant, in front of him, for about 20 seconds. During this time the client will have no proximal points to look at, and will stay in his absolutely natural and habitual posture. Meanwhile, ZerO performs a series of postural surveys. Once the acquisition is completed, ZerO immediately shows you, through visual signals, when you can proceed with the survey of the centers and heights using the method that is customary for you.



TITANIUM Collection by TREE SPECTACLES Through specialised architecture inspired techniques and careful attention to details and surfaces, Italian label Tree Spectacles presents the TITANIUM Collection featuring faceted surfaces, more usually seen in acetate eyewear. These surfaces produce a soft glinting effect in the light. The brand is launching two new series, each one with two models. Series 1 - models ESCHILO and DAFNE - uses a combination of pure titanium for fronts and beta titanium for temples. The faceted upper surface of the frame front creates the illusion of a two-tone design, although just one colour is featured. Series 2 - models HARRY and SHEM - uses the same materials. The models are created using a milling technique on the block titanium. In this Series, the designer plays with real colour combinations (in contrast to Series 1).

mod Dafne

mod Shem

Inspired by real life “What happened to simplicity? We all seem to be on a stage, and we all feel compelled to show. “- Charles Bukowski Yet nothing should be easier for us than to be ourselves. Modernity, fashion, customs should be a means of expressing our nature, not of hiding it. Because what makes us different is what makes us special. Alkimia® brand, entirely developed in Italy by the Ziel Group, is born far from spotlights, far from theaters and fragile preconceptions of those who cannot see beyond appearances. An eyewear collection inspired by real life. The everyday one, made of emotions, glances and true relationships. An idea with an aesthetic and social mission: to offer people an object that does not overlap the personality of the wearer, but that does exactly the opposite. The glasses are made of High-Density cellulose acetate, obtained from plants, offered in a kaleidoscopic variety of colors and can be completed by the clip-on to turn them into sunglasses.





Lightbird - after the debut in 2019 and the victory of the Silmo d’Or Première Classe, the designer Corrado Rosson presents new models belonging to the Bellunese brand’s first collection. The homonymous patented material Light_ Matter is the result of the union of two materials: Italian acetate and hi-tech aluminium alloy. Special features such as lightness and stability become the protagonists of the new Businessman model, a squared frame with minimalistic lines, where the classic Nerd style combines with a more contemporary touch.

Lacoste introduces new premium sunglasses included in the Novak Djokovic capsule collection. This style features a soft rectangular shape crafted with a thin metal structure and a smooth acetate rim around the lenses. Lightweight and versatile, the style is distinguished by a sophisticated Petit Piqué pattern engraved on the double bridge and the slim temples. The Lacoste logo on a lens and the “ND” monogram on the temple tips add further charisma and distinction.

Salvatore Ferragamo introduces the new Italian Lifestyle Collection that fuse urban elegance, dynamic design and functional innovation. Model SF203S: an unconventional juxtaposition of differing shades and materials characterizes this navigator style. The lightweight metal structure is integrated in a double injected rim, enriched with a colored enamel finish on the upper part of the double bridge. Contrasting Gancini elements on the biinjected temple tips, and ergonomic nose pads provide for maximum comfort and a perfect fit.



Dandy’s Eyewear begins the new year by offering acetate models with sun lenses. The must-haves of the collection have been selected and revisited in a trendy key with shaded lenses typical of the Dandy style. The 3 models - Andrea, Epicuro and Eraclito - selected in two colors, will be added to the already present metal versions expanding the sunglasses offer.

Daniel Hechter Eyewear: the models, both sunglasses and eyeglasses, are made of acetate or ultra-light metal frame, with warm and natural shades. The technical details combine with special manufactures to reinterpret the classic style.

Fashion conscious men are taking a break from classical aviator and wayfarer sunglasses. They are reaching for the latest 70s inspired fashion release from INVU. These redesigned sunglasses take straight back to the most popular TV series from the time such as Starsky & Hutch and CHIPs. The panoramic, almost mask like aviator and navigator designs have the iconic 1970s look with a modern twist and have been crafted in today’s state-of-the-art materials. Perfectly matching proprietary ultra polarized gradient and solid lenses complete the look (in the photo: mod B1009).





Tree Spectacles - TITANIUM Collection Model Eschilo in Series 1 is a smart rectangular titanium frame for men with the faceted surface on the upper rims. Colours include solid black and solid silver – although the faceted surface gives the appearance of a two-tone combination.

Nirvan Javan Eyewear constant development has led to the creation of the first shiny optical frames. The first shiny models NJE 28 and NJE 29 are available in five different colours and come with a slight glamour look. They can be in transparent black, dark blue, clear brown and pure transparent. The designer could not resist also his favorite matt black colour which accentuates the elegance of the brand.

Romeo Gigli Eyewear: the models, both sunglasses and eyeglasses, are designed in essential and audacious shapes, in a unique and inimitable style. The collection sees the presence of two different families: one in acetate and one in metal. All glasses are made through a skilful artisan method which is carried out in 48 steps.






Burberry’s eyewear collection is an evolution of the house’s codes dictated by Riccardo Tisci, which take the form of contemporary details and timeless silhouettes. Strictly Made in Italy, the collection is divided between the Thomas Burberry monogram or the new Burberry logo. The BE2307 squared eyeglasses with the new printed logo is offered in black acetate, tortoise, olive green or amber tortoise with Thomas Burberry monogram motif.

Research and high caliber materials, attention to detail and aestheticallyinspired design define the new Rye&Lye collection, the eyewear brand by the Italian Immagine98. Once again, it is the world of wine, expression of Italian excellence, that inspires the frame names. The metal Cabernet style is crafted with the sophisticated, self-confident man in mind. The super-thin profile and double-bridge lend a vintage flair to this extra-lightweight frame.

Produced and distributed by Marcolin Group, the new Ermenegildo Zegna Spring/Summer 2020 eyewear collection focuses on four main clusters that create a direct link with the Zegna world. The first is “Chevron”, the iconic texture used for Zegna fabrics; the second is “Shape”, which plays with bold angles and large proportions; the third is “Vicuña”, the distinctive colour of the entire range; the last is “Tech”, featuring high-performance polarised or photochromic lenses and the use of titanium. The brand’s distinctive symbol, the iconic ‘XXX’ logo has also been reintroduced: no longer in enamelled metal, but in vicuña-coloured acetate as we can see on the temples of mod EZ5173, with the iconic square acetate shape.



ZEISS Convention 2019 With around 30,000 employees, ZEISS Group is represented in nearly 50 countries, with approximately 60 of its own sales and service companies and 30 manufacturing and development centers around the globe. In the previous fiscal year, the ZEISS Group generated annual revenue totaling more than 5.8 billion euros in its four segments Industrial Quality & Research, Medical Technology, Consumer Markets and Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology. Founded in 1846 in Jena, the company is headquartered in Oberkochen, Germany. The Carl Zeiss Foundation, one of the largest foundations in Germany committed to the promotion of science, is the sole owner of the holding company, Carl Zeiss AG. ZEISS Vision Care is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of eyeglass lenses and ophthalmic instruments. The area is part of the Consumer Markets segment and develops and produces offerings for the entire eyeglass value chain that are distributed globally under the ZEISS brand.

On October 21 and 22, on the occasion of the 2019 Convention entitled Seeing beyond, Zeiss Vision Care brought together in Berlin 2,000 participants from 60 different countries in the amazing spaces of the Station-Berlin, a railway station built in 1875 and now a special location for conferences and events and in the multifunctional Tempodrom. The event was structured in 4 workshops dedicated to the following topics: • Vision in the Digital World – Scientific Consumer Insights • ZEISS SmartLife: the new ZEISS lens portfolio • ZEISS Enabling your ambitions • ZEISS Consumer Experience In a professional and, at the same time, festive atmosphere, surrounded by multimedia presentations, gastronomic islands, virtual flight experiences, interactive robots and much more, the opticians were able to see all the latest developments of Zeiss products for the vision first-



hand and the advantages of a collaboration with the Group. The inauguration event with surprising settings and interesting interventions and the elegant Gala dinner then more than pleasantly completed the two-day Zeiss event in Berlin.


combination with the wearer’s age, visual needs and the latest optical technologies, ZEISS SmartLife Lenses are poised to deliver exceptional visual comfort in our connected, dynamic world – every day and across all age groups.

The main novelty presented on this occasion is the ZEISS SmartLife Lens Portfolio.

Alongside individual correction, three factors come together to create custom lenses: the wearer’s age, lifestyle and visual behavior.

These days, we spend a lot of time on-the-move: we take our smartphones along with us, quickly and frequently shifting our focus between the screen and our surroundings – in short, our connected and dynamic lifestyle is changing our visual habits. ZEISS has developed a completely new eyeglass lens portfolio for all ages that takes new visual challenges into account in its design. In

Consumers aren’t interested in whether their lenses will correct their short- or long-sightedness, presbyopia or visual challenges in middle age. What they’re looking for are lenses that are adapted to their lifestyle, age group, the demands of the modern world, and their personal needs – which is where ZEISS SmartLife comes in with more than 1,000 individual products that the op-


tician will be able to offer to guarantee a solution that is as personalized as possible according to habits and age. ZEISS VISUFIT 1000 is the digital platform for precise lens fitting and customization. Good vision requires more than just the right prescription lenses. It is also crucial that the lenses are properly centered in the frame and in relation to the eyes. Back in 1992, ZEISS launched ZEISS Video Infral1, the first video centration system. Therefore, ZEISS is a forerunner to the digitalization of centration data determination. The latest development, ZEISS VI-

can be created and then compared. ZEISS VISUFIT 1000 is also a digital platform that, in the near future, will be used for a wide variety of other functions in addition to centration data determination. The volume and precision of the captured data, including a 3D view of the wearer’s face, will be used to assist patients as they try on glasses virtually and select customized lenses. The interface between ZEISS VISUFIT 1000 and an Eye Care Professional is ZEISS VISUCONSULT 500, a platform with an interface to nearly all ZEISS devices and instruments; it connects them to one another, helps collect data, assigns this data to the right consumer, calculates the best lens option and supports the consultation process through technology-driven consumer experiences.

SUFIT 1000, stands for precision, speed & a new consumer journey. In the future, it will be possible to expand ZEISS VISUFIT 1000 platform with modules for trying on glasses virtually and virtually centering them. ZEISS VISUFIT 1000 is first used to determine 3D centration data (e.g. interpupillary distance, reading distance and the pantoscopic angle or tilt of the frames). By using nine cameras, just a single shot is required to create a 180-degree image of the wearer’s face and frames. The eye care professional then processes this data comprising of 45 million points. Captures with different frames

The ZEISS Vision Care initiative for sustainability At ZEISS Vision Care, more than 240 initiatives at all sites worldwide have been bundled together under the slogan “Green, Safe, Responsible” to promote greener production and logistics. Greater safety means improved occupational health, e.g. by further reducing the use of any potentially hazardous chemicals or designing the workstations accordingly. For ZEISS as a foundation, “responsibility” has played a special role throughout its history and ZEISS counts on the collective impact of many small and big steps. For example, since November 2018 the company has prevented the generation of 50 tons of plastic waste thanks to the first series of a new semi-finished pucks for lenses. This corresponds



to the amount of plastic needed to produce 2.5 million plastic bags. Moreover, material usage has been reduced, thus preventing the generation of roughly 75 tons of the related CO2-equivalent emissions – corresponding to the amount generated by a person flying 40 times from Taiwan to Berlin. Today, one of the most pressing social challenges facing the eye care industry is the fact that millions of people in developing and emerging economies do not have access to eye and vision care. ZEISS Vision Care is pursuing different approaches to improve the availability of eye care throughout the world and supports major initiatives like the Christoffel Mission for the Blind, Helen Keller International, Optometry Giving Sight and the Free Lunch Fund along with local projects. With the Aloka Vision Programme, ZEISS has set up a program for eye and vision care in rural India. Each month, up to 8,000 people have their vision checked for the first time and, if needed, receive eyeglasses or ophthalmic care.



LUXOL Management, from the left: Piera Da Rin Vidal - Raffaella Da Rin Vidal -Massimo Larcher - Giuseppe Zanella - Maria Pia Zanella - Romina Bortot

LUXOL TURNS 50 “The roots are what anchors us to the future” Last October 25th was the exact date that marked the first fifty years of LUXOL Eyewear life. For the occasion, the company, based in the Cadore area in Italy, wanted to celebrate this historic milestone with its employees. “This event, held right in October, was created primarily to thank the people who worked with us, and with whom we have been able to achieve this historic result” comments Piera Da Rin Vidal, coowner of Luxol and head of the Italian sales area and communication. The event was attended by the employees currently working in the company with their families, but also by the workers who in 1969 first contributed to giving birth to the company’s history. “We wanted to invite our first workers to the party, i.e. serial numbers 1-2-3, etc ..., or their family members, in order to share with them the joy for what, united, we could achieve”, continues Piera Da Rin Vidal. Currently Luxol is led by the 2nd generation of entrepreneurs and maintains the same spirit that has distinguished it since its foundation: a familyrun company in which manpower at all levels is also a fundamental part of that family. Nowadays there are more than 60 employed people who continue to carry on the Luxol history, always in Lozzo di Cadore.

“We have never left Cadore for mere profit, because this is the place that has allowed us to make our dreams come true and we wanted also to underline it with the evocative pay-off we chose to communicate our first 50 years of history: ‘ Our roots are what anchors us to the future ‘”, remarks Piera Da Rin Vidal. “In these fifty years the world of eyewear has completely changed, our company has evolved keeping as a firm point the passion for wellmade glasses, made with artisan care, worked by expert hands and with cutting-edge technologies. Thanks to the more than 60 work phases that we carry out to produce eyewear, we can always guarantee a product of extreme technical quality, comfortable and reliable. At the same time, we constantly place the same care and skill in taking care of the stylistic / aesthetic aspect of our creations”, she concludes. Currently Luxol produces 3 collections with its own brands: TRAMA, NOS and Luxol 19.69 all distributed in Italy and in various foreign markets.

An emotional shot taken from the Luxol corporate monograph




The French show has once again proved to be a great resource for the sector The visitor traffic throughout the SILMO Paris 2019 event demonstrated the power of this trade fair, which stands as a beacon in time for the whole optics-and-eyewear industry. No fewer than 35,888 professionals* (+2.5 / 2018), including 56% from abroad and 44% from France, made the trip to discover the products and services of the 970 exhibitors present. This edition revealed a sunny business climate, with many stands taken by storm on the part of visitors seeking innovation. Buoyed by this welcome attitude, SILMO Paris is one of the most important events of the industry. It constitutes a stepping stone for the launches of new brands, the discovery of new collections, and the exploration of international trends at the crossroads of innovations in design, technology and retail techniques. SILMO Paris is in step with contemporary life, in a state of combined anticipation and reactivity. While the initial function of the trade fair is – and remains – to provide a place for an offer to meet a demand at a moment in time, SILMO Paris is



distinctive for its unfurling of very rich content and for its ecosystem of unique activities that inspire professionalism and curiosity in both visitors and exhibitors. In anticipation of the next edition, to be held from 2 to 5 October 2020, feel free to relive SILMO Paris 2019 and all the high points that structured the event, offering a wealth of information and shining a spotlight on the optics-and-eyewear industry! SILMO Next, the future at the heart of SILMO Paris The SILMO Next space investigates the future through interactive spaces and talks designed to reveal, explain and explore the technological challenges of the optics field. The major focal points this year were the digitalisation of the point of sales, augmented vision, connected glasses and 3D printing. While some have predicted the disappearance of physical points of sale following the rise of online commerce, the current situation proves quite

to the contrary. The physical point of sale is still the preferred option, since it offers an experience that online business cannot provide: seeing the product in real life, immediately being able to reach the product, trying on the product, touching it, feeling it, benefiting from the advice of a sales representative, and so on. However, although consumers remain very attached to the “brick” version of eyewear points of sale today, their behaviour has changed. They are more connected, better informed and more mobile, blurring the boundaries between the physical point of sale and online commerce. By consequence, introducing digital tools and technologies into the physical point of sale provides it with improved retail effectiveness and renewed enchantment thanks to the development of a better client experience. Behind this digitalisation, the points of view of various speakers who were invited to share their experience brought to light the need for professionals to claim future technologies for themselves – augmented vision, connected glasses, 3D-printed tailor-made frames – to bring these new practices a high added value. As this new world takes shape, and to define the profile of the optician of the future, SILMO Paris innovated once again with a world première in the optics field: the HACKATHON adventure. Five international teams from diverse horizons got all their energy involved for 24 hours in order to pass along their retail vision of the future. With fullblown ideas, models and concepts, they provided answers on various social themes. These projects will surely enrich the SILMO Paris 2020 event and will be highlighted throughout the year. This year, SILMO Next addressed a major subject for the industry: CSR, the famous Corporate Social Responsibility, which poses questions and leads to innovations and investments in every area, from environmental to social to societal. With the pragmatism and collaborative spirit that characterises it, SILMO Paris invites the entire industry (industry, distribution, retail, events) to collectively consider the CSR challenges of the future. Work groups made up of contributors from

every horizon (among those who volunteered last September) will be established in the beginning of 2020. The fruits of their labours will be shared with all the professionals attending the next edition of SILMO Paris. THE TREND FORUM, an exceptional showcase In design terms, one trend follows another, and each one is different... From the wildest to the most conservative, from the most innovative to the most vintage, the eyewear sector reflects the major stylistic currents of the moment. These pieces are showcased in vivo as part of LA SELECTION, the best of new creative designs. The selection is also featured in the TRENDS by SILMO digital magazine. For each edition, SILMO Paris attempts to decode the trends (in terms of shapes, colours, materials and styles), detect the weak signals, and summarise them in the pages of this magazine, made accessible to all professionals. Feel free to discover or rediscover the 2020 trends!



SILMO D’OR For a company to remain on the cutting edge of trends or further develop, it must create value and innovate in all the creative aspects of its products and services. Innovation is a concrete process that must be planned, carried out and adapted to the needs of consumers and markets. Innovation is a way of attaining strategic objectives and of improving a company’s competitiveness, distinctiveness and added value. All these points are taken into account by the panel of the SILMO d’OR awards, which has been crowning creation and innovation for 25 years.












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27th HK International Optical Fair Smart eyewear in focus, experts unveil tech developments The 27th edition of the HKTDC Hong Kong International Optical Fair organised by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) and co-organised by the Hong Kong Optical Manufacturers Association (HKOMA) ran from 6 to 8 November and attracted over 14,000 buyers from 96 countries and regions. “The demand for eyewear with high-quality, innovative designs and smart capabilities maintains its growth in the global market,” said HKTDC Deputy Executive Director Benjamin Chau. “Exhibitors and buyers from around the world continue to see the Hong Kong International Optical Fair as an important onestop marketplace, helping them explore more business opportunities.” He noted that an increase



in buyer attendance was recorded from specific markets, including Italy, Russia, India and Vietnam. Many renowned international brands, retailers and distributors sourced at the fair, including USA’s Marchon Eyeware Inc, Brazil’s Vista Import, France’s Quiksilver Inc, Italy’s De Rigo, Russia’s Orbita LLC, Indonesia’s C.V Optik Ganesha and Beijing Si Bo Run Trading Co Ltd from Mainland China. Smart eyewear in focus, new optometric technologies revealed As technologies continue to evolve, smart eyewear has become a focus in the eyewear industry. This year’s Optical Fair showcased a range of eyewear products employing innovative technologies,

bringing it in line with changing market demand. Local brand OSSII SOUND showcased its sports eyewear that uses bone conduction technology. Johnnie Li, Founder of the brand, said the company had met with new buyers interested in smart products from Canada, India, Japan, Korea, Thailand and the United States. Virtual eyewear customisation software company nuVision joined the fair for the first time in the IT Solutions, Shop Fittings & Equipment Zone. One of the company’s founders, James Lin, said they had signed distribution agreements with five brand owners from the mainland and Southeast Asia during the fair, while more than 10 buyers have placed orders to develop their customised platforms. The 17th Hong Kong International Optometric Symposium held during the fair was certified by the Council on Optometric Practitioner Education (COPE) for the first time this year. Under the theme “Advancements in Optometric Specialties”, the symposium explored topics including aviation optometry, sports vision, and the application of artificial intelligence (AI) in ophthalmology. Prof Haotian Lin, Director of AI & Big Data from the Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center at Sun Yatsen University in Mainland China, examined AI applications in congenital cataract treatment as well as the world’s first AI robot consultation.

Business discussion Affat Eid is the owner of Egypt’s Joy Company, a wholesaler of eyewear frames and sunglasses. This was his fifth time sourcing at the Optical Fair and he found three suppliers on the first day and decided to purchase more than 10,000 eyewear items. “The current situation in Hong Kong did not affect my decision to visit the city and it is still a safe place to do business,” he said. Also attending was Spanish optical retailer Buy Well, which sells eyewear from more than 100 global brands. Alfonso Gea, the company’s CEO, was making his first visit to source at the Optical Fair and said the event helped him find various kinds of eyewear with innovative designs. He said he approached three potential suppliers and planned to purchase 10,000 items of different models from a new supplier. Last but not least, during the fair one important topic was subject of great interest: sustainability, with a specific focus on materials and production methods.



vision expo The Vision Council unveils reimagination of the USA optical shows Heading into 2020 with the year’s symbolism for the eyecare industry in tow, The Vision Council is reimagining its signature event, Vision Expo. Innovation has always been at the heart of the industry as well as the bi-annual Vision Expo, the definitive trade event for ophthalmic professionals. Now, The Vision Council, together with coowner of the Show Reed Exhibitions, aims to mark a new era for Vision Expo with a laser-like focus on discovery, connection and experience. Along with refreshed branding, including redesigned logos and show tagline (“The Future, Clearly”), changes will first be seen at Vision Expo East 2020—to take place at the Javits Center in New York City from March 26–29. Shaped by feedback from both exhibitors and attendees, the new concept is anchored in the form of curated neighborhoods, optimizing the connection between sellers and buyers, as well as exhibit spaces with enhanced design creativity and interactive appeal. “We are excited to invest in the growth and evolution of Vision Expo, and the industry at large,” said Ashley Mills, CEO of The Vision Council. “The show has always served as a discovery zone for innovative products and services, new technology and fashion trends, while simultaneously encouraging and challenging the industry. 2020 provides unique significance in leading us into a vibrant future and we know the reimagination of Vision Expo will present the optical industry with the perfect platform to make that happen.” Vision Expo East 2020 will welcome the first-phase debut of three new distinct neighborhoods: • The River – (Opening on Thursday, March 26, one day prior to the general Exhibit Hall) Daring, design-driven artisanal products creating a showwithin-a-show pavilion for select industry leaders.



Exhibitors in The River include Thierry Lasry, Maybach, FACE A FACE/Kilsgaard, l.a. Eyeworks, Piero Massaro/Italiana Design, Pugnale, Linda Farrow, Rigards, Anna-Karin Karlsson, Gold & Wood, Kio Yamato, Kuboram, Jacques Marie Mage, Garrett Leight/Mr. Leight, Eyevan, La LOOP, Matsuda, BAARS, Christian Roth, Robert Marc and DITA. (located in the River Pavilion on Level 4) • The Union – The ultimate shopping experience of boutique and premium independent brands including exclusive, hip and fashion-forward lifestyle brands. Sample exhibitors for The Union include Lafont, OGI, Jonathan Cate, and Etnia Barcelona. (Level 3) • The Springs – Incubator zone for emerging talent in eyewear design. Exhibitors in The Springs include Jean Philippe Joly, Komorebi Eyewear, Mondelliani Eyewear, Nina Mur, Turchin Eyerings, Dzmitry Samal and Stellis Eyeworks. (Level 3) Additional neighborhoods are planned to debut at Vision Expo East 2021 including new identities for three other essential aspects of the Show. “In the last ten years, the exhibitions industry has seen its share of disruption and evolution,” said Yancy Weinrich, COO of Reed Exhibitions. “We’re meeting the challenge head-on with our re-imagination of Vision Expo through visually exciting new neighborhoods, technology and digitally driven tools to enhance business and lead generation at the show, and education that will take our audiences to new levels in their practices and businesses.” Furthermore, a fresh take to the Show’s continuing education courses include an accredited education area dedicated to seminars, workshops and presentations led by experts in practice management, business and marketing.

Dubai Optical Show Vision-X 2019 3 Days of Business Matchmaking & Exhibition Following a comprehensive three days, Dubai Optical Show Vision-X 2019 (DOSVX) finished up for another year on Thursday, November 14th. The MENA region’s only eyewear and eyecare industry event gathered local, regional and international manufacturers, suppliers, distributors and retailers under one roof at Dubai World Trade Centre (DWTC). Organisers, DV Global Link – a joint venture between Dubai World Trade Centre and Italian Exhibition Group – have been left highly encouraged by feedback from exhibitors and trade visitors alike and are already looking ahead to next year’s edition of the show. Speaking after the conclusion of this year’s show, Daniele Villa, DOSVX Show Director, stated, “The DV Global Link team and I are extremely proud to wrap up another successful edition of Dubai Optical Show Vision-X. We are confident that this year’s show marks another big step in DOSVX’s development as a platform that meets the ever-evolving demands of the MENA region’s eyewear and eyecare industry. It was a privilege to witness esteemed retailers and decision-makers from across the Middle East, Mediterranean, African, and Indian sub-continent regions participate in our Hosted Buyers Programme – a real testament to the strength of our pre-show promotional roadshow. There was a total of 20% increase in visitors. The online matchmaking platform has been received well and 75% of all the appointments were booked through this online channel. Plans are already underway for next year’s event, as we look forward to strengthening existing strategic

relationships and establishing new partnerships at Dubai Optical Show Vision-X 2020.” The Hosted Buyers Programme was an integral part of DOSVX 2019, as exhibitors took advantage of prime opportunities to network and do business with prearranged buyers from 10 countries. Participants included delegations from Ghana and Nigeria, as well as an Austrian delegation.



The First International Magazine on Optics and Eyewear - January 2020


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