contacts Horticulture House 103 Outram Street, WEST PERTH WA 6005 p: (08) 9481 0834 e: admin@wapotatoes.com.au w: todatoes.com.au Simon Moltoni, Chief Executive Officer m: 0447 141 752 e: simon@wapotatoes.com.au Morena Perdec, Finance & Admin Manager e: morena@wapotatoes.com.au Georgia Thomas, Project Manager e: georgia@wapotatoes.com.au PHOTO © JULIAN ACKLEY
Committee 2019–20 Vaughan Carter Chairperson
Albany Colin Ayres Deputy Chairperson
m: 0417 092 505 m: 0428 451 014
Glen Ryan Secretary
m: 0428 827 126
Gary Bendotti Treasurer
m: 0427 569 903
Patrick Fox
Scott River
m: 0499 887 202
Bronwyn Fox
m: 0427 447 412
Christian deHaan
m: 0429 436 361
Elected Members Representing the Ware Fresh sector: Vaughan Carter, Christian de Haan, Glen Ryan and Bronwyn Fox Representing the Seed sector: Colin Aryes Representing the Export sector: Patrick Fox Representing the Processing sector: Gary Bendotti
Fee-for-service charge 2020–21 Processing potatoes — local and export
Seed potatoes — local and export
Ware (fresh) potatoes — local
Ware (fresh) potatoes — export
Ware (fresh) potatoes — marketing
Projects approved 2020–21 Part funding for PGA Delivery of Registered Seed Potato Certification Schemes & Virus Testing
$310,500 $96,000
Potato Spindle Tuber Viroid (PSTVd) surveillance of the Seed Scheme Part Funding for Export Development Project $100,000 SmartSpud™ System
WA Grower AUTUMN 2021
WA Potatoes
Chairperson’s Report
really thought things could not get any crazier since COVID-19 hit our shores, but how wrong could one be. Early February saw fires in the north, COVID lockdown through the city and regional areas, as well as flooding in Carnarvon. Our thoughts are with those who have been adversely affected by the Wooroloo fires and also through the north with severe flooding. A big shout out to the men and women who dedicated their time to help those who have lost everything. Coming from the rural sector, I know how important it is for communities to have volunteers. These unsung heroes can make a huge difference during critical situations. Let’s hope the State Government provides the relief needed to rebuild, not only imminently, but further down the road. On the Potato Growers Association front, growers have recently been made aware of current developments within the industry via email notifications. The most critical matter facing our industry right now is the seed scheme. This
is not new news, the Committee of Management (CoM) has been looking at the continual degradation of DPIRD and its ability to manage the necessary requirements for national, international and local seed certifications. The WA potato industry and local businesses have pushed hard to create opportunity in the seed export market space.
The key selling point being, Western Australia’s (WA) unique isolation and disease-free environment. Ausfarm Connect has also identified these geographic benefits which in turn have been voiced to prospective businesses that see our region as a good proposition to provide clean and desirable seed stock.