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Getting to know vegetablesWA

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Getting to know




Did you know that vegetablesWA has been representing growers for over 70 years? As the peak body for the vegetable industry across the state, our team work regionally across WA to provide growers with access to Research and Development, education, training, workshops and support, aimed at increased profitability and business sustainability across the industry.

The West Australian Vegetable Growers Association, known to all in the industry as vegetablesWA, has been successfully representing vegetable growers in WA since 1952 as a peak body for the industry.

Have vegetablesWA been around long?

In 1948 the Vegetable Growers Association (VGA) was formed with J Packer serving as the first recorded president (1949–50). The earliest recorded minutes we have on file are for the WA Vegetable Growers Association (WAVGA) committee meeting dating 6 June 1952 for a meeting held on 4 April 1952. This archive of recorded minutes of past Annual General Meetings and Committee Meetings over the last 73 years shines a light into our industry that has seen so many changes over the years — and yet some things still are the same — as this entry from the minutes of 6 June 1952 meeting demonstrates: “Discussions for the front page of the WA Grower requiring further negotiations”. We still have the very same discussion every edition.

In short, vegetablesWA has been working on behalf of its members for over 73 years. Depending on which side of 73 you sit, I will leave it to you to decide if that is a long time!

How does vegetablesWA operate?

The commitment of growers to support the association over the years has been consistent with a number of you, both past and present volunteering to serve as members on the Committee of Management (CoM). Members are representative of the regions in WA who, through quarterly meetings or directly with the CEO or project leads, raise regional issues that enable us to advocate, promote, provide training to or educational services for our members.

f WE found this photo held in our records dated 1952, showing WAVGA members and friends attending a sendoff for a Mr Jack Harris, who left for England on 8 May 1952.

Representing vegetable growers in WA for 73years.

What does vegetablesWA represent today?

As per the vegetablesWA constitution, the organisations primary objectives are to:

• provide an organisation, property and facilities through which members may associate • provide representations through relevant organisation for vegetable growers • develop and promote innovate ideas that will benefit vegetable growers • assist in the development of a profitable, sustainable, viable vegetable industry • encourage growers to adopt Best

Environmental Management

Practices for sustainable vegetable production • actively promote the development of existing markets, and new markets both within

Australia and overseas for vegetable products • encourage growers to produce high quality vegetable products • encourage growers to adopt Food

Safety Management Systems • provide or facilitate representation on such Boards,

Committees or Authorities in relation to vegetable production or marketing as may be established by local, state or Federal Governments or horticultural industries • liaise with Government agencies for the benefit of the Vegetable

Industries • facilitate the smooth transition of product into overseas markets by involvement in the inspection and approval process • assist growers in the biosecurity and quarantine process • purchase, take for lease hire or likewise acquire for the purpose of the Association any

Real Estate, personal property and any rights or privileges in connection therewith • sell, lease, exchange or otherwise dispose of the

Association’s property or any part thereof.

Minister for Agriculture and Food

Commission 4 Commissioners


Producers’ Committees 11 Active Committees

2 x Finance Officers Fee for Service Producers

Chief Finance Officer



The Agricultural Produce Commission (APCWA.org.au) on 18 March 2005 established the APC Vegetable Producers’ Committee (APC VPC). The Committee consists of up to seven grower members, representing WA vegetable growing areas, excluding Kununurra as Kununurra was not included in the committee establishment.

Under the Agricultural Produce Commission Act 1988, growers and producers are provided with the legal framework to collect funds (Fee For Service, FFS) to provide for the development and security of our growers and producers. vegetablesWA, as the peak industry body, applies annually for funding from the APC VPC to provide services to WA vegetable growers. These services are provided by vegetablesWA to growers as agreed in the annual grant funding contract. The APC VPC considers projects each year during their budgeting round in April — this includes projects submitted by any grower or organisation, the projects don’t have to come through vegetablesWA, although as the peak WA vegetable body a significant number of projects are funded through vegetablesWA. The APC VPC is currently funding four FFS projects through vegetablesWA: 1. vegWA main Grant — Industry

Representation, Grower Engagement,

WA Grower Magazine, industry innovations and initiatives,

promoting industry as part of the sustainability initiative 2. Quality Assurance — Providing training, support and guidance to growers in Freshcare and HARPs 3. Business Extension Human

Resources and Industrial Relations — providing growers with access to templates, information and advice from a HRIR consultant 4. Regional Development Officer —

Providing Extension outcomes to growers through workshops, faceto-face meetings, webinars, articles staff engage directly with growers on site to assist and support members. This project works alongside the separately funded Hort Innovation Australia vegNET program. vegetablesWA was formed by growers for growers; over the years the work the association has done has made a difference not only to the individual grower but for all growers in WA, we are excited to continue that work into the next 73 years, passing the baton onto our future generations.

vegetablesWA was formed by growers for growers. MORE INFORMATION

We welcome growers contacting us to share your views, ideas and suggestions as to what is needed to support you in your regions. Please contact Acting Chief Executive Officer Manus Stockdale on 0448 897 652.

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