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New water agreement

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to support the growth of Gascoyne food bowl



The State Government has reaffirmed its support of food producers in Carnarvon after striking a new water supply agreement to help horticultural expansion along the Gascoyne River.

WA Minister of Agriculture Hon Alannah MacTiernan MLC said the Water Corporation and the Gascoyne Water Cooperative (GWC) established an agreement to implement a phased return to more cost-reflective pricing.

The agreement will encourage new enterprises across 300 hectares of prime horticultural land, released in January 2021.

“This is a rare land release that will boost horticulture production from the Gascoyne and sow the seeds to maximise the potential of emerging domestic and export market opportunities,” she said. WA Minister of Finance Ben Wyatt said the land was made available under the WA Government’s Gascoyne Food Bowl Initiative. The land will increase food production, improve sustainable water supplies for irrigated agriculture, and facilitate new supply chain opportunities for local produce. “This development will attract an expansion of the industry and build the scale necessary to underpin a strong future for Carnarvon horticulture,” he said. “This land release is the result of years of extensive collaboration by industry, community, traditional owners and government, and particularly the Gascoyne Water Co-operative, which has played a crucial role in working to improve water reliability for all growers in the precinct.” The new water supply agreement, which replaces the previous agreement that expired in 2013, will see the State Government continue its support for Gascoyne growers through subsidies on water charges of around $10.5 million over the agreement period. Gascoyne growers will be guaranteed high-quality water supply via a new 25-kilometre pipeline and a reliable electric-power supply under a new agreement between GWC and the Department of Primary Industries and

Regional Development. It will also see a gradual transition towards more cost-reflective water pricing and enable GWC time to generate new income streams and reduce reliance on government subsidies.

f SUPPORT for a new water supply agreement to help horticultural expansion along the Gascoyne River.

Gascoyne growers will be guaranteed a high-quality water supply via a new 25km pipeline. MORE INFORMATION

This article was produced from a WA State Government media statement. For more information visit the State Government’s website,

www.mediastatements.wa.gov.au/Pages/ McGowan/2021/08/New-water-agreementto-support-growth-of-Gascoyne-food-bowl. aspx

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