The Irish Vegetarian 133

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Autumn 2011 Issue 133 Magazine of the Vegetarian Society of Ireland

The Irish Vegetarian - Autumn 2011

AHONU & Aingeal Rose ... are the husband and wife team behind and the Spirit of Love Project. They are also the sole distributors of HealthForce Superfood Vitamineral Green along with these unique services...

Spirit of Love Project Simply email your name, city and country or use the online form at http:// Your unique Spirit of Love picture will be emailed to you and a copy will go forward into the worldwide collage. Everybody welcome! Donation requested.

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Akashic Record Readings Aingeal Rose has been reading Akashic Records for over 35 years. Do you need guidance and direction? Ask about your Past Lives, Soul Purpose, Career, Relationships, Health, Deceased Loved Ones, Animals, Love, Children etc. Readings by phone or in person at â‚Ź2/min. Email now for your appointment. The Irish Vegetarian - Autumn 2011


7 ESRI Conference “Vegetarians in the UK and Ireland” Colm O’Brien reports on a recent conference paper which gives an insight into recent studies completed on vegetarianism

13 Veggie and Vegan eating in Limerick City, 14 Wicklow Town and Dublin City Centre

Martina O’Sullivan reviews The Grove, Cecil Street, Limerick while Sarah Burnham reviews Healthy Habits Café, Wicklow Town and Grace Hillis reviews ShakeAway Milkshake Bar, Dublin 1

16 Teenage Vegetarianism

Jack Farrell, a transition year student, describes his journey towards and living as a vegetarian

18 World Wide Vegan Bake Sale

Rose Anne White describes her life as a vegan and her passion for baking, and shares with us her vegan Lemon Glazed Scone recipe


Jedward speak out for homeless dogs & cats


Dublin Meetup Group by Sarah Burnham


Delicious Autumn Recipes by Maria Connolly


VSI represented at Dublin Women’s Mini Marathon by Miren Maialen and Grace Hillis


Welfare of Caged Hens - petition update by Colm O’Brien


New Meetup Group - The Cork Vegans by Bronwyn Slater


Bowel Cancer: Link to Meat and Fibre Confirmed

Vegetarian Society of Ireland c/o Dublin Food Coop, 12 Newmarket, Dublin 8 Phone: (01) 488 0250 email: web: VSI is a Registered Charity: CHY12238 3

This magazine is printed on Cocoon Silk, an 80% FSC recycled paper that is process chlorine free.

The Irish Vegetarian - Autumn 2011

The Vegetarian Society of Ireland



There is much to read in this quarter’s edition - we are delighted to report on much activity and socialising amongst the different local Meetup groups, with new group The “Cork Vegans” reporting on their recent events (thanks to Bronwyn) as well as a number of events hosted by the Dublin group (in particular, congrats to Miren and Grace on running the Women’s Mini Marathon and fundraising for veggie causes). We hope you enjoy the customer reviews for great places to eat out around the country - thanks to Martina, Sarah and Grace. Colm tells us about the recent conference he attended and the latest on vegetarian research and Jack gives us a brilliant insight into his personal journey into vegetarianism.

Our constitutional aims are to advance education, and to promote the positive aspects of vegetarianism in relation to both health and environmental issues. We also aim to create more awareness of the organisation, and to inform the people of Ireland about vegetarianism. We aim to co-operate with other organisations which promote the fundamental ideals of vegetarianism. The VSI supports both vegetarian and vegan aims.

COMMITTEE The committee of the VSI are elected annually and volunteer their time. We hold monthly meetings to ensure the vegetarian voice for Ireland is being listened to. Chairperson Colm O’Brien Secretary Grace Hillis Treasurer Eithne Brew (acting) Researcher Sarah Burnham Webmaster Colm O’Brien

VOLUNTEERING We are always looking for people to help out. If you can lend a hand from time to time please email with your contact details.

DEFINITIONS The Vegetarian Society of Ireland defines a vegetarian as one who does not consume meat, fish or fowl and who aims to avoid the use and consumption of battery hen eggs and slaughterhouse by-products in food, clothing, cosmetic and household products. A vegan is one who adopts a way of living which seeks to exclude, as far as possible and practical, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose. In dietary terms veganism refers to the practice of dispensing with all animal produce including meat, fish, poultry, eggs, animal milks, honey and their derivatives. Abhorrence of the cruel practices inherent in dairy, livestock and poultry farming is probably the most common reason for the adoption of veganism, but many people are drawn to it for health, ecological, resource, spiritual and other reasons.

ADVERTISING 1/8 page ... €20 1/4 page ... €35 1/2 page ... €60 Full page ... €100 Small adverts of up to 20 words €10 (Small adverts are free to members) submit queries on advertising and artwork to Views expressed in this magazine do not necessarily represent policies of the Vegetarian Society of Ireland.

Winter 2011 Issue Deadline The next issue of The Irish Vegetarian will be distributed mid-November. Articles can be accepted in text file, PDF, Open Office or MS-Office format. Images/photos for inclusion need to be of good quality (no resize/crop) with a resolution of at least 300dpi and in JPEG format. Mail The deadline for any advertisements and articles for inclusion is

With recipes, news and other features, we hope you enjoy your 24 page, full colour, autumn issue. As always, we welcome and value YOUR input so don’t hesitate to drop us a line at with any news, comments, suggestions, quibbles, or suggested articles. Thanks for your support, Maria

IN BRIEF…. EO Ireland Competition Winner

The stand will be advertised locally in the run up to the day.

The Summer 2011 issue featured an opportunity for one lucky reader to win an EO Ireland products hamper.

If you are in the Cork area and would like to volunteer at the stand for an hour or two, please email Eileen at:

EO Ireland body care products have no artificial fragrances or dyes and they are paraben free, sodium laureth / lauryl sulphate free, gluten free & vegan. The lucky winner is Alice Deignan of Greystones, Co Wicklow. Well done!

World Vegetarian Day celebration in Cork Volunteers needed A group of VSI members are planning to host a stand to celebrate World Vegetarian Day on Saturday 1 October 2011 in Patrick Street, Cork City.

A VSI member in the Belfast area has been in touch with The Irish Vegetarian and has expressed an interest in making contact with people who would like to get a Meetup group started in the Belfast area. If you would like to be put in touch, please contact and we will pass on your details.

A big thank you to our volunteers and contributors! Contributors: Sarah Burnham, Maria Connolly, Jack Farrell, Grace Hillis, Miren Maialen, Colm O’Brien, Martina O’Sullivan, Bronwyn Slater, Rose Anne White

Proof reading: Eithne Brew, Sarah Burnham, Grace Hillis, Gemma Sydney

Editors: Maria Connolly, John Flannery, Colm O’Brien

Distribution (Summer ’11): Eithne Brew

Typesetting & Design: Maria Connolly, John Flannery.

Cover: Delicious food on offer at Healthy Habits Café, Wicklow Town - see more on page 14 (picture by Sarah Burnham)

26 September 2011 The Irish Vegetarian - Autumn 2011

In the Belfast area? Interested in meeting fellow Vegetarians or setting up a local Meetup Group?


Packing (Summer ’11): Aoife Bell-Brew, Eithne Brew

Sunday, 2 October 2011 @ at St Andrew’s Resource Centre, Pearse Street 12.00 noon - 4.00pm Would you like to help organise this event? Or can you help on the day? We need enthusiastic and committed volunteers both in the week before, and on the day itself, to assist us organise this rewarding event. On the day, we'll need all the help we can get to set up tables, put up posters, look after stalls and so on. We are also looking for volunteers for more specific tasks. We require:

1. Media spokespeople: Do you have excellent communication skills and experience of dealing with the media?

2. Event management volunteers: Do you have hands-on experience in planning events? In both cases, can you commit to working with us from early September for approximately one month (part-time)? We are also welcoming enquiries from potential stall-holders. If you can help in any way, would like to host a stall or would like to obtain details about the event, please contact us by e-mail: 5

The Irish Vegetarian - Autumn 2011

Jedward feature in the new ARAN ad encouraging their fans to adopt and NEVER buy. In the ad, Jedward are cheek-to-cheek with a rescued dog, Chilly Willy, who is one of singer Linda Martin’s rescued dogs. Linda Martin is herself a long-time ARAN supporter, who given a home to 19 rescued dogs so far. Jedward being as popular as they are have helped to get ARAN’s word out with numerous media outlets picking up and running the ad, both in Ireland (Irish Sunday Mirror and radio stations, including an exclusive on Spin FM) as well as in UK media outlets. Their message is a very serious one: figures released by the Department of the Environment show that over 5,000 dogs continue to be euthanized in Irish pounds every year, again, for lack of homes. This number is a mere fraction of the overall number of animals who die on the streets due to starvation, disease, and cruelty from children and thugs looking to get a sick-kick from abusing a helpless, afraid animal. ARAN’s new ad aims to bring attention to the serious and unnoticed fact that many thousands of healthy dogs are killed in Irish pounds every year, all because of a lack of good homes and because people are buying from puppy breeders, unaware that for every dog bought, they kill the chances of survival for a homeless animal in need. So in summary, the message is: don’t buy from breeders and always adopt.

John and Edward Grimes, Jedward, with Chilly Willy the dog, in the ARAN campaign to promote the adoption of unwanted animals as pets. (photo: ARAN)

12 Newmarket, Dublin 8 Tel: 01-4544258 A Member-Owned-Co-op Open Thurs 4 - 8 pm and Sat 9.30 - 4.30 pm Wholefoods, Organic Fruit & Vegetables, Wholegrain Bakery, Eco-friendly products, Café & Organic ready-to-eat delights. Organic / Fair Trade food suitable for vegetarians. Irish, as far as possible. Local growers and producers supported. New members and visitors welcome! The Irish Vegetarian - Autumn 2011


by Colm O’Brien On 31 May 2011, Colm O'Brien, Chairman of the VSI, represented the Vegetarian Society of Ireland at an Environmental Economics Seminar, held at the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) on Sir John Rogerson's Quay, Dublin. Of particular interest in the line up was a presentation on "Vegetarians in the UK and Ireland" given by Eimear Leahy, Sean Lyons and Richard Toll, which was based on a paper by the authors entitled “National Determinants of Vegetarianism” (Working Paper No. 341, April 2010, The presentation looked at what groups in society eat less meat, taking into account 116 countries. A negative relationship between income and vegetarianism has been identified: as income increases, people eat more meat, indicating that if people can afford to buy meat they will, while in relatively poor countries, vege- The researchers were unable to identify a clear indicatarianism appears to be a necessity as opposed to a tor that governments could use to encourage people dietary choice. In more wealthy countries, people to decrease their meat consumption and do not know if people reduce their meat consumption because they are healthy already and wish to stay healthy or they are less healthy and are therefore looking to improve their health. In discussion with the presenters afterwards, the VSI was informed that they are lacking data on many things regarding vegetarianism in Ireland, e.g. whether people who are vegetarian while in college continue to be vegetarian later on in life and what their motivations for doing so are, so work in this area continues. VSI's membership statistics show that 73% of members who stated their reasons for being vegetarian on their membership form give animal welfare/rights as their primary reason for being vegetarian with health being the number one reason for 26% of respondents. The VSI argues that the Irish government could encourage people to reduce their meat consumption. Health is one reason that could be used to encourage such a reduction.

choose to be vegetarians for reasons other than financial ones. The presenters reported that 23% of the UK population eats meat infrequently while only 5% of the population does so in Ireland – a wide difference between neighbouring countries. Groups who eat less meat were found to be women, and people with higher academic qualifications. The researchers propose that this latter group is more aware of the health benefits of following a meat free diet as well as environmental damage caused by meat consumption and production.

The VSI would like to conduct a national survey to explore trends in vegetarianism and have done some provisional work on developing a survey. If you have research experience and would like to volunteer in this area p le a se email

It is proposed that as enrolment in both secondary and tertiary education increases the level of vegetarianism is expected to rise in parallel but that this increase will be counteracted by increasing income levels in less developed countries as well as increasing populations, which, regrettably, is expected to see a rise in the demand for meat. 7

The Irish Vegetarian - Autumn 2011

Vegetarian Society of Ireland Annual General Meeting 2011 Date:

Saturday 10 September

Location: Cultivate, St. Andrew’s Street, Dublin 2 Time:

12.00 - 1:30pm with lunch at Café Fresh, Powerscourt Townhouse Shopping Centre afterwards

All are very welcome to attend the AGM where you can meet the committee, as well as VSI members & non-members alike. Most importantly, this is an important opportunity to learn all about the Society’s work and to have your say.

The Irish Vegetarian - Autumn 2011


reports compiled by Sarah Burnham Founded by Colm O’Brien in 2007, the VSI-Dublin Meetup Group has had over 70 meetups to date. Organisers post meetups on the website and the 400+ members of the meetup group get notifications by email and can then RSVP their attendance through the site. It’s a great way to meet likeminded people and to attend a variety of events. The site is sponsored by the VSI and is open to both VSI members and non-members. A perk for members is that from time to time the group goes to places that are part of the VSI’s discount scheme. In recent times, Grace Hillis has been hosting events and has notched up some impressive events. Sarah Burnham now “takes up the gauntlet” as she says herself, as a new co-organiser of the meetup group - read on to see what the group has been up to recent months... Recently I’ve taken up the gauntlet in co-hosting a few Meetup group events. I’d noticed that the group hadn’t met at Juice (located on South Great Georges St.) in over a year and decided it was about time that changed. Juice Restaurant by Sarah After making a call to Juice to make the reservation I announced the Meetup for Wednesday 25 May, with space for 20 attendees. Juice is an upmarket vegetarian restaurant with an extensive menu and the option of an early bird menu. There was a great response and after ringing Juice to see if more people would fit I increased the limit on the number of attendees to 30. Much to my surprise every single seat was filled! Dishes are made to order and I was glad to see how calm the waiting staff appeared when attempting to get around to everyone to take their orders. We were quite the large group! I was thrilled to see everyone chatting away during the meal and to meet so many people. After the meal everyone was still deep in conversation and I asked Dara to guide us to a suitable pub to carry on our discussions, not wanting to cut the evening short. He made a great choice on the Bar with No Name on Fade St. and indeed once we arrived the conversations continued until the last bus home drew the night to a close.

Members of the Meetup Group at Cornucopia (all photos by Sarah Burnham ©) Cornucopia Restaurant by Wesley Sarah from the Vegetarian Society of Ireland organised a great evening at one of Dublin’s leading vegetarian restaurants; Cornucopia. The restaurant is a self-service restaurant located on Wicklow St. and has been in business since 1986, having recently celebrated its 25th Anniversary. On Wednesday 22 June, 28 vegetarians and vegans from the online Vegetarian Meetup group met up at 7:30pm to enjoy a delicious meal together. Cornucopia provided a great array of dishes to cater for everyone’s tastes and dietary needs. There is a sample menu at their website if you’d like a peek at what they can cook up. The staff were very obliging and the cuisine was superb yet reasonably priced and filling. After everyone had finished dining 19 members of the meetup went to O'Neills Bar on Suffolk St. to finish off a very enjoyable evening. The feedback was very good with another outing being eagerly awaited by all.

Enjoying a good meal and great company at Juice

Other recent Dublin Meetup Group events include the Worldwide Vegan Bakesale (7 May 2011, see page 18) and the Women’s Mini-Marathon (6 June 2011, see page 12). 9

The Irish Vegetarian - Autumn 2011

by Maria Connolly Courgette and Dill Soup


Ingredients 2 tbsp olive/vegetable oil 1 medium onion, chopped finely 900g courgettes, grated 1 ltr vegetable stock 2 tbsp fresh dill, chopped finely 250g soya based cream or sour cream salt and pepper garlic clove, crushed 300g puy lentils (uncooked) small bunch coriander small bunch parsley

Method 1. Heat the oil over a medium heat, and sauté onion stirring frequently, until soft and beginning to color. 2. Add courgettes and cook another 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add stock and bring to a boil before lowering the heat. Then cover and simmer until the vegetables are tender (10 minutes). 3. Remove from heat and purée some or all of the soup at this point. 4. Stir in remaining ingredients, taste, and adjust seasonings. 5. Serve hot or cold, and if you need to reheat the soup don't allow it to boil.

Method 1. Put the onion in a bowl with the lemon juice, sugar, cumin and garlic. Toss and leave to marinate for 10 minutes. 2. Cook the lentils until just tender, rinse and drain. 3. Toss with the onion mix, season well then add the herbs and toss again. Serve warm.

Pumpkin and Parsnip Casserole

Pea and Mint Soup Ingredients 500g fresh/frozen peas 1 ltr vegetable stock ¼ tsp dried marjoram ½ tsp dried thyme ½-1 tsp fresh mint, chopped very finely salt and pepper Method 1. Simmer fresh peas, marjoram and thyme in stock until tender (5-10 minutes or if using frozen peas, cook as per the instructions on the packet). 2. Purée the pea and liquid mix once cooked. 3. Stir in chopped mint and serve.

Method 1. Heat oven to 180oC. Heat the oil in a large pan. Add onions and sauté for 5 minutes until golden. 2. Add the pumpkin, parsnips and garlic and cook for another 3 minutes. 3. Stir in the beans, tomatoes, wine, stock and thyme and add salt and pepper to taste. Bring to the boil, then transfer to a large casserole dish, pressing the beans and vegetables beneath the liquid. 4. Sprinkle the top with breadcrumbs and grated cheese. Cover, then cook for 40 minutes. Uncover, stir well and cook for a further 40 minutes.

Warm Puy lentil, Onion and Herb Salad Ingredients 1 small red onion, halved and finely sliced 1 lemon, juiced 2 tsp caster sugar 1 tsp ground cumin

The Irish Vegetarian - Autumn 2011

Ingredients 2tbsp olive oil 2 large onions, chopped 500g pumpkin, deseeded, peeled, diced 500g parsnips, diced 3 cloves of garlic, crushed 2 tins of beans (eg butter beans, borlotti etc – or a mix), drained 2 tins of tomatoes 225ml red wine 300ml vegetable stock Sprig of fresh thyme 100g breadcrumbs 25g vegetarian/vegan cheese, grated (optional)


Butternut Squash and Sage risotto Ingredients 1kg butternut squash, peeled, cut into bite-size chunks 3 tbsp olive oil 15-20g fresh sage leaves, chopped 1.5 litres vegetable stock 50g olive oil/butter 1 medium onion, finely chopped 300g risotto rice Glass of white wine 40g vegetarian/vegan cheese, grated (optional) Method 1. Heat oven to 200oC. Place squash pieces on a baking tray, sprinkle with olive oil and chopped sage leaves, and toss together so the squash is coated. Roast for 30 minutes until golden and soft. 2. In a separate pot, heat half the olive oil/butter. Stir in onions and sauté for 8-10 minutes until soft. 3. Stir rice into the onions until completely coated in the olive oil/butter, then stir continuously until the rice is shiny. 4. Pour in wine and simmer until totally evaporated. Now add hot stock, a ladleful at a time, and stir the rice over a low heat for 25-30 minutes, until the rice is cooked al dente. The risotto should be creamy and slightly soupy. 5. When the squash is cooked, mash half to a rough purée and leave half whole. When the risotto is just done, stir though the purée, and then add the cheese and olive oil/butter. Serve the risotto scattered with the whole chunks of roasted squash.

Pilaf with tomatoes, chick peas and fresh herbs Ingredients 250g cherry tomatoes, halved 4 tbsp olive oil 1 medium onion, chopped 2 sticks celery, chopped finely ½ tbsp ground cumin seeds 2 garlic cloves, crushed 200g basmati rice OR 200g quinoa 1 tin of chick peas, drained 20g fresh dill, chopped 20g fresh parsley, chopped Half litre vegetable stock 50g pine nuts Method 1. Preheat oven to 180oC. Put the tomatoes on a baking sheet and drizzle with 2 tbsp olive oil and a shake of salt and pepper. 2. Roast for 15 minutes, remove and set aside. 3. Heat the remaining olive oil in a large pan. Add the onion, celery, cumin and garlic, and then season to taste. Fry on a medium heat for 10 minutes until golden. 4. Add the rice/quinoa, dill and stock. Cover with a lid and cook for 12-15 minutes or until the rice/quinoa is soft. Add chick peas and stir thorough until heated (about 2-3 minutes). 5. Add the tomatoes and pine nuts, stir through and serve.

What’s in season? Autumn is full of treats for the seasonal eater - the end of the summer gives us courgettes, aubergines, peppers followed by newcomers like pumpkin, chestnuts and kale as well as artichokes, beetroots, broccoli, butternut squash, carrots, celery, fennel, leeks, onions, potatoes, turnips, watercress, celeriac, kohl rabi, pumpkin, jerusalem artichoke, parsnips, chicory and cauliflower. Don’t forget the lovely fruits too - apples, pears, plums and a range of lovely berries.


The Irish Vegetarian - Autumn 2011

VSI represented at the Women’s Mini Marathon

by Miren Maialen Samper & Grace Hillis Miren: Grace and I had a fantastic day at this year’s Dublin Women’s Mini Marathon! I can tell you, it wasn’t easy; but I’m very proud of my result! Prior to the event, I trained a little and I made sure I drank plenty of water well in advance of the race. We planned to start with the “joggers” group, but unfortunately it was full; instead we had to start in the walkers section. I would like to say well done to all participants and organizers... a good job without a doubt! I would also like to thank Colm and all the supporters!

start of the race) gave the VSI a mention! Thank you very much to everyone who sponsored us. €227 has been lodged in the VSI General Account. We will let people know the final total raised. It was a great day and we were proud to be representing the VSI! For the record, we both finished the race in under one hour and 15 minutes, which we were delighted with.

After the marathon, Grace and I went to Cornucopia to enjoy a well deserved refreshing drink and a piece of cake. All through the day, Grace was very supportive; it was great, also, to meet and talk to other genuine people that were fundraising for other noble charities. This was not my first mini marathon and, with any luck, not my last!!! In all, it was a pleasure for me to have the chance to fundraise for the Vegetarian society of Ireland.

Grace: Thanks to Póilín Ní Leathlobhair for suggesting that we participate in the Flora Women's Mini Marathon on behalf of the VSI as both a fundraiser and also as a way of raising awareness of the society. Indeed, Miren did her bit to raise awareness by ensuring that Ruth Scott (2FM DJ who was the MC at the

Vegetarian and Vegan Social & Local Groups If there's a local group not mentioned here please let us know by emailing / If you'd like to create a group in your area then we can help you with leaflets & publicity. Please note: We are setting a local groups section on the VSI website so watch this space for details. Dublin Vegetarian Meet up Group When they meet: usually at least once a month in various Dublin city centre locations. A diverse and very international group. Who to contact: Colm O'Brien. To participate in this group you need to join (free) and then become a member of the group (also free). See the website address below for joining. On the web at Clare Vegetarian Group Meet the first Thursday of every month. Our website is and our contact email is Cork Vegans Group Organises social events every fortnight. Our website is or email us at Galway Vegetarian Group When they meet socially: usually on the first Thursday of every month in Massimo's Pub, William Street West, Galway City at 8pm. Who to contact: Paul Campbell on 085 6872088 email On the web at Kilkenny Vegetarian Group Organises “No Meat and Greets “ where vegetarians & vegans bring their favourite dishes to share with others. Omnivores welcome but no meat please! email and online at or The Irish Vegetarian - Autumn 2011


by Martina O’Sullivan feels indulgent and decadent.

THE GROVE 11 Upper Cecil Street Limerick, Ireland Phone: 061 410 084

Some food purists may frown on this but it seems to be a trend in veg*n restaurants to allow mixing and matching of this sort and, of course, it's highly nutritious. My dish was simply yummy and the salads were truly tasty, each with individual flavours. I got the impression that the lady chef really knows her onions and that vegetarian cooking and nutrition is not just a business but is a vocation for her.

DATE VISITED: March 24, 2011 MEALS SAMPLED: lunch and takeaway dinner.

The salads included some tomato salad with balsamic vinegar and lots of fresh basil. The vinegar really brought out an intense flavour in the basil and it was truly memorable. There was also coleslaw with lemon and oil, I thought, so a lot of variety was put into the flavouring in each individual salad with no repetition of flavours. My plate included some finely diced carrot and there was another salad of chopped cucumber, pepper, tomato and onion which was distinctive and palatecleansing. The plate also includes some braised potato and lots of broccoli, along with other vegetables: courgette, cauliflower and carrot, along with fresh salad leaves and a very nice touch of sprinkled seeds – sunflower which has been flavoured with tamari.

I have visited the Grove in Cecil Street in Limerick on several occasions since discovering its existence on the ‘Happy Cow’ site on the Internet some years ago. My most recent visit was on 24 March 2011. The Grove is a small café-style restaurant where the food is on display in a glass cabinet and you ask for what you want and the staff then bring your order to your table. There are seven or eight tables and while housed in a small space, there is usually ample seating room in this bustling eaterie. I love the food in the Grove. As a mushroomhating vegan, I'm not the most easy bunny in the world to please but there are always several delicious dishes to choose from. There is a wider array of dishes for vegetarians including latticed tarts, bursting with delicious fillings but suitable for vegetarians only. At times I've opted for the nut burger staple but on others I have chosen curries that are on offer, which range from Indian dhalstyle dishes to meals clearly influenced by Thai cuisine.

What I love about the food in the Grove is that when I come out of the restaurant, I feel full, but virtuously so. The food is filling, but light, and on my regular trips from Cork to Galway, I often come off the convenience of the motorway to have lunch there. There isn't a huge range of desserts but that just leaves more room to get a takeaway for tea.

On the 24th, I had a chickpea and coconut curry which was very mild but tasty. This was served with brown rice that appeared to have been subtlety flavoured with tamari. You get a huge plate with your chosen dish and can also have a wide array of salads - most of them also suitable for vegans.

My takeaway dinner was equally delicious and very good value - I got their nutburger which does not scrimp on quality. It had abundant cashews and was packed with vegetables too. I got a full carton of salad and both my meal in the Grove and the very large takeaway cost €9 each.

Having grown up in Ireland that didn't even excel on cooking for vegetarians, I really relish a plate full of a variety of food with different flavouring. It

Portions are generous, the food is very obviously prepared with love and I highly recommend that you visit the Grove and sample their fare for yourself. It is open Monday to Friday only. 13

The Irish Vegetarian - Autumn 2011

ShakeAway Milkshake Bar Customer Review

by Grace Hillis

For vegetarians and vegans with a sweet tooth,

Photo by Grace Hillis ©

there’s a milkshake bar in Dublin city centre worth checking out. It is called ShakeAway and is on 6 Upper Liffey Street, Dublin 1 - across the road from the side entrance to Marks & Spencers in the Jervis Shopping Centre. The menu is extensive and flavours suitable for vegans are helpfully marked with a ‘v’ while any not suitable for vegetarians are marked ‘nv’. I was surprised that there’s no ‘v’ beside the fig roll milkshake though. My personal favourite is the bourbon biscuit flavoured one. The Fry’s chocolate milkshake is good too. They have a special blender for vegan shakes with vegan written on it which is reassuring. There is an additional €0.99c/ €1.49 cost for soya ice-cream and milk but it is worth it. Being a milkshake bar, it is ideal for teenagers but I’m in my 30s and don’t feel overly out of place there. The staff are friendly and there are generally enough seats for everyone who wants to sit in. I even played cards there with a friend one Monday afternoon and no one batted an eyelid. Over the winter months they advertised a range of hot drinks. I tried a hot version of the bourbon shake but it was a bit sweet so I wouldn’t recommend it. So, my advice is, be a teenager again and try a shake!

Healthy Habits Café, Wicklow Town Customer Review

by Sarah Burnham After hearing about a raw food café in Wicklow Town at a Vegetarian Society of Ireland – Dublin Meetup Group event at the Cedar Tree earlier this year, I thought it was about time I went to take a look. Healthy Habits is located just off the main town on Quarantine Hill, on the way to the harbour. It is a small quiet café with five tables for two and a raw food menu on offer (all gluten, dairy, wheat and egg free). I decided to try the Mexican Wrap: sprouted mung beans in a chilli dressing, marinated onions and cucumber on pumpkin seed ‘mayonnaise’, topped with lettuce and alfalfa sprouts. Having only tried raw food once or twice, I was pleasantly surprised at how tasty it was!

Photo by Sarah Burnham ©

Café Details: Address: 9 Quarantine Hill, Wicklow. Telephone: 0404 68645. Opening hours: 9.30am to 5.30pm, Monday - Saturday. The Irish Vegetarian - Autumn 2011

It is not expensive either, coming in at €4 for the wrap. Teas and coffees were also available, though I treated myself to a wheatgrass shot as I don’t usually have an opportunity like this. The café also serves juice and smoothies, and advertises a menu of the day (which included a mushroom soup and bean sprouts and nut burger the day I visited). I shall certainly be visiting again. 14


The Spring 2011 issue of The Irish Vegetarian included an article titled "Tell MEP Mairead McGuinness that the welfare of caged hens matters to you", which invited readers to sign a petition urging Ms McGuinness to ensure that the EU directive, which will ban battery cages, is implemented as planned on 1 January 2012.

"I do care and only buy free range eggs but I don't know if the eggs in food prepared in our restaurants, cafes and pre-prepared meals etc are and I for one would like my mind put at ease." -- * -"I've lived in the US and the human health consequences of factory farming worry me. The recent salmonella in eggs, and the bird flu problem, are examples of why this legislation is important not only for the sake of the animals, but for humans as well." The petition was also advertised -- * -on the VSI Facebook page, e"I want to express my full support for new directives. How newsletter and was featured on we treat animals is a measure of how civilized we are; in the website's homepage for the this respect, we fall down badly when it comes to the welduration of the campaign. A big thank you to the 213 people who signed it. fare of laying hens. We have to put a stop to causing such misery for animals." People who signed the petition were invited to leave comments and many did. These are just a few of them: The petition was printed and posted to Ms McGuinness. In her letter of reply she stated: "I currently buy 6 free range eggs a week rather than 12 battery laid eggs so I'm already paying for eggs from wel- “As a member of the European Parliament I am pushing fare-friendly farms. This legislation is needed." for the full implementation of the Directive in all member states, includ-- * -ing Ireland. "I believe that people are interested in the welfare of hens and I further believe that if the wider community I will be asking the EU Commission were informed about the conditions endured by battery in September to outline the situation in relation to implementation in each hens that they would be more conscious of their supermember state, ahead of the January 1st, 2012 deadline. market choices." -- * -"Free range eggs should be the only eggs on the market, the battery system is absolute cruelty and should not take as long as 2012 to fully implement the ban but it will have to do!"

I want to thank the Vegetarian Society for its interest in and concern about this issue. I appreciate that your members want this legislation implemented in full, as I do. I will keep you informed of the situation in relation to implementation. ”

Stay Vegetarian in West Cork at Green Lodge

Self catering apartments for the vegan & vegetarian traveller. Private bathroom, cooking facilities, TV and own entrance. Situated 8km from Bantry, in peaceful wooded surroundings. Organic vegetables and wholefoods available. Single bedsit from ……...€120 pw Double bedsit from ....….€150 pw

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*** 10% reduction for early booking *** Daily & weekly rates available. Green Lodge, Trawnamadree, Ballylickey, Bantry, Co. Cork. Tel: 027 66146 & Text: 086 195 5451 E.mail: Website:


The Irish Vegetarian - Autumn 2011

by Jack Farrell This year as part of a transition year “Young Social Innovators” project, Presentation College Bray completed a project on Animal Welfare encompassing many various issues and cruelties ranging from the Equine Crisis to Industrial farming. The students wrote articles and appeared on local radio shows talking about the project. The following article by Jack Farrell is one such article and has previously been published in the "Irish Catholic" and "The Bray People". Why am I a vegetarian? For me, the idea was first planted in my head roughly ten years ago, when my brother first told my parents he wanted to be vegetarian. At the time there was a lot of surprise amongst family and friends. The notion of vegetarianism seemed so abnormal, another “teenage fad" perhaps, maybe people just saw it as some other sort of teenage rebellion, but it was much more than that, and my brother didn’t back down. He was determined to make a change in his life, and although he didn't know it back then, a change in mine. The idea of vegetarianism always seemed to be at the back of my mind. I think inside, I always knew that it was what I should do, but your brain has a way of “forgetting” uncomfortable things. Most days I didn't even consider the idea of not eating meat. It was so ingrained within me and my culture that it just seemed "natural" (whatever that means). There was always a feeling though, an instinct that it was right and here and there whenever

I met or talked to vegetarians they always seemed to make sense they always gave me the feeling that maybe I should change. In all honesty, for me, it was only a matter of time before I became a vegetarian. I began reading books and watching documentaries relevant to the subject of animal welfare, meat production etc and it really opened my eyes. Some of the practices that go on in meat production across the world are immensely disturbing, and what shocked me the most was how I had never heard about any of these cruel and consistent practices. Nobody wants to hear about how their burger was made, or where their ham came from. That is one of the most problematic experiences when talking about vegetarianism. The first question people always ask me when they hear I’m vegetarian is “Why?". Yet, when I try to explain it, people simply don't want to know. I have a friend who frequently pleads with me not to tell her about meat production because,

as she tells me, she knows she’d have to change if she heard about these things. I've lost count of people who have told me they agree with me, they agree with the "idea" of vegetarianism yet just "enjoy the taste of meat too much." People often don't understand why I don't eat meat, but to be perfectly frank, I don't understand them. I don't understand how any person can continuously and happily eat a pig that has lived its whole life in a two foot wide crate (immersed in its own faeces); a chicken that has had it’s beak physically scratched off, or a cow that has been left to bleed to death, conscious. What is vegetarianism? Vegetarianism is defined as the practice of following plant-based diets (fruits, vegetables etc.), with or without the inclusion of dairy products or eggs, and with the exclusion of meat (red meat, poultry and seafood). I would argue that it includes an ideology of compassion towards non-human living beings and indeed this view can be taken towards the world as a whole. If being a vegetarian is an ideology,

Powerful wall mural completed by the 4th year students of Presentation College Bray as part of their Animal Welfare Project © The Irish Vegetarian - Autumn 2011


Some of the 4th year students of Presentation College Bray - photos by Clifton Rooney ©

meat eating must be the closest thing to its antagonist, as an ideology. But we do not term meat-eating as an ideology - just something we do. But if meat-eating involved an ideology, just what would it stand for? I wonder how often meat eaters ask themselves this question? These ideas might seem radical to some, but why? Is non-violence really "radical"? If we extend Ghandi's or Hume's notion of non-violence to our entire community we should surely agree with non-violence towards the non-human members of our community. People often have a pre-conceived notion of what vegetarianism is vegetarianism is not simply about eating vegetables. It is a common perception that vegetarians are lacking in something, unhealthy; or missing a crucial part of their diet. This is a flawed perception. A vegetarian diet is far healthier than the average meat-eating diet and has been proven to reduce the risk of cancer, reduce heart problems and statistically, vegetarians live seven years longer than their meat-eating counterparts. Some of the tastiest meals I have ever had have been in the last year whilst being a vegetarian: it encourages you to try more things, to be more

adventurous. The difficulty of for vegetarianism but allowed me adjusting to a vegetarian diet is to articulate how I feel about my vastly over-exaggerated; there is beliefs. The difficulty in spreading an abundance of cookbooks and awareness of this issue is recipes for vegetarians. There obviously a problem but not a are some delicious vegetarian strong enough deterrent, for me it restaurants scattered across is too big an issue. The project Ireland. Another idea is that being inspired me to work even harder an athlete and vegetarianism t o s p r e a d t h e i d e a o f doesn't go hand in hand. Again vegetarianism, as no "radical" this perception is flawed: Carl idea is ever easy to impart to a Lewis, who was voted the large body of people. sportsman of the century by the International Olympic Committee, Reflecting back on my first year of being a vegetarian, I’ve found is vegan. it surprisingly easy. I’ve grown as As part of the Young Social a person and gained compassion in Innovators project, a group of 27 general and not solely towards anitransition year students in mals. For me this is a lifelong thing, Presentation College Bray have it is a difficult path to try and make a been working together on an change in the world but there are animal welfare and rights project. people capable of doing it. When I first heard about the William Wilberforce was one man project I was very intrigued, it was who tried his whole life to make a something that I felt so many change. Through his constant enpeople are misinformed about or ergy and effort, eventually he aceven not informed at all. As I complished his goal to abolish the learned along with my fellow slave trade in England, which at students it was strange seeing the start seemed impossible and their eyes being opened to these even ludicrous to many. The injustice and cruelties for the first power and capacity of one person time. Being a part of this to make a change is exceedingly project has enabled me to underrated. You should never speak c o n f i d e n t l y a n d doubt the influence one person convincingly about my views. can have. Simply by learning more statistics and facts, it allows me to be far One person can make a difmore convincing when spreading ference. Are you that perthis information. The project has son? not only reinforced my conviction

To read more about the superb transition year project that Jack was part of at Presentation College Bray, search for “Breaking Barriers Pres Bray” on Facebook 17

The Irish Vegetarian - Autumn 2011

by Rose Anne White cakes. More volunteers again offered to bake, and they arrived throughout the morning with platefuls of deliciousness.

Vegan baking is what turned me on to veganism when I made the switch and dropped dairy, eggs, and honey in October 2009.

There were lemon-glazed scones (yes, I make glazed scones all the time now!), coconut cream cupcakes, glutenfree chocolate chip cookies, peanut butter blondies, spicy dark cocoa brownies, chocolate and oat bites, chocolate pudding, banana bread, and lots more.

My friend Rebecca gave a little tea party one afternoon and she had made orange-glazed scones and chocolate brownies. They were just so delicious. I had to have the recipe, and then the book, and soon I was making my own gorgeous vegan bakes.

Natasha's Living Food donated a huge chocolate and orange cake. Bernie McIntyre of D4 Catering 4U lent us flasks so we could sell teas and coffees. The aim was to open for business at 12noon, but people started to arrive from 11.30am onwards and the cakes flew from then until 2pm – we did a very brisk business.

Baking is one area where vegetarians and omnivores think that they really couldn't go without eggs or milk, but actually, baking is an area of cookery that is surprisingly easy to veganise. Ground flaxseed, ripe mashed bananas, apple sauce, silken tofu, vinegar and baking soda, and commercial egg replacer powder (such as 'Orgran No-Egg' or 'Allergycare Vegan Whole Egg Replacer' from health food shops) are all fine substitutes. Take a deep breath and plunge right into a good vegan baking book*, and you'll never look back. Eggs? What eggs?! No eggs here, sir.

The Exchange Centre is a gorgeous venue, with comfy couches, music, and colourful artwork along the walls. People were able to come in, buy vegan cake and a hot drink and sit down and enjoy with friends … and then come back and buy more cake from our nearby counter!

The World Wide Vegan Puffed pastry filled with fresh fruit made by Sanya and John An important aspect of the Bake Sale is what it sounds Sale was the flier which the like – a worldwide venture, committee had produced to outline the state of the egg inwith bake sales going on in lots of different countries in the dustry in Ireland. There are two million egg-laying hens in same week, all to raise money for charity and to highlight the Ireland today. 68% are kept in battery cages. Wild hens excellent baking that can be had without dairy and eggs. normally lay about twenty eggs a year; but the modern batIt is run by the intrepid crew at Compassion for Animals, an tery hen has been bred to lay over 250 eggs a year. Cages excellent organisation with great enthusiasm and energy for for egg-laying hens measure approximately 20" x 20" and the plight of farm animals in particular. On 8 May 2011, the contain five hens, which gives each bird just 4 square inches VSI hosted one of two Irish sales (the other listed on the offi- of space. The cage is not high enough for the bird to stand cial website was run by our upright. Male chicks do not lay eggs and are not the right friends in NUIM Veggie Society) in the Exchange Centre in breed for meat; and so each year, one million day-old male chicks are killed in this country. To prevent hens from peckTemple Bar. ing each other, part of each hen's beak is cut off which It was organised by a committee of five – Grace, Sarah, causes great pain and difficulty in eating. Miren, Eithne, and myself. A number of extra volunteers turned up on the day to help set up the tables and sell the However, when they are free to behave normally, chickens The Irish Vegetarian - Autumn 2011


enjoy the same activities as other birds such as dust-bathing, exploring, sun-bathing, roosting, and forming close long-term friendships. Compassion In World Farming has a great factsheet on their website if you are interested in finding out more about these fascinating creatures.

Rose Anne shares her bake sale recipe:

Lemon Glazed Scones adapted from the orange scones in Vegan With A Vengeance by Isa Chandra Moskowitz Ingredients: 300ml soya (or other non dairy) milk 1 tablespoon vinegar 350g plain flour 65g sugar 2 tablespoons baking powder pinch salt 75ml vegetable oil 3 tablespoons lemon zest 75g icing sugar 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 tablespoon lemon zest

The 2011 World Wide Vegan Bake Sale broke last year's record for both the amount of groups and countries participating in it, and in terms of the money raised for charity. Our bake sale raised just under €350 gross. The charities that benefitted were World Vision (the Haiti appeal in particular) and the VSI. You can Volunteer, Sanya Blazic, keep an eye on internaat the Bake Sale tional proceedings by following www@veganbakesale on Twitter, or by liking 'veganbakesale' on Facebook. And of course we will let you know in The Irish Vegetarian when next year's sale is coming up too. If you would like to get involved at all, please email us at


Go raibh míle maith agaibh go léir – na báicéirí, na saorálaithe, na custaiméirí. Feicfimíd sibhse an bhliain seo chugainn!


* Rose Anne highly recommends ‘Vegan Brunch’ by Isa Chandra Moskowitz - and says the cookies and puddings section in the back of her ‘Vegan With A Vengeance’ is amazing too.

Preheat oven to 200oC and cover two baking trays with greaseproof paper. In a measuring jug, combine the milk and vinegar, and set aside. In a mixing bowl, sift together the flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt. Add the milk and vinegar mixture, oil, and lemon zest. Mix until just combined - lumps of flour are ok. Using two dessert spoons, ladle the mixture onto the baking trays so that you have twelve lumps of batter. Bake for 12-15 minutes, until they are firm and slightly browned on top. Leave to cool. To make the glaze, mix the icing sugar with the lemon juice and the zest until smooth. Drizzle randomly over the scones.

(See below, on the right… yum yum!) Makes 12 scones.

Photos by R A White & S Burnham


The Irish Vegetarian - Autumn 2011

by Bronwyn Slater A new meet up group has been established in Cork – the Cork Vegans. Bronwyn Slater tells The Irish Vegetarian about how she went about setting up the group and all the activities they’ve undertaken since February this year... The ‘Cork Vegans’ group was set up on the 14th of February, 2011 on the ‘’ site. Since then we have had an average of 3 new members joining every fortnight. We advertised our group in local health and wholefood stores and we set up a Facebook page where we post veganrelated information for the Cork area. We meet every 3 weeks or so for a meal in a restaurant. We contact the restaurant first to ensure that they know what ‘vegan’ means and to ask if they would provide some vegan options for us. Our first outing was to the Liberty Grill on Washington Street where we had the ‘Tomato and Avocado Toast’ for starters and a choice of two tempeh main courses – the ‘San Fran Salad’ and the ‘Tempeh Burger’. Both were very good, and we were provided with soya coffees and cappuccinos after the meal.

Our third get-together was at ‘Banna Thai’ in Maylor Street. The owner was very happy to accommodate us and she even had a special vegan menu set out for us on the night. We had a choice of ‘Vegetable Spring Rolls’ and ‘Vegetable Tom Yum Soup’ for starters, and for main course we had a choice of 4 items: ‘Tofu and Vegetable Stir Fry’, ‘Stir Fried Rice Noodles with Basil and Chilli’, ‘Sweet and Sour Vegetables’ and ‘Thai Green Curry’. We were even allowed to bring our own dessert – a carrot cake from the Quay Co-op, and the restaurant provided soya coffees. Afterwards, we headed to a nearby pub to wrap up another great night out. Fourth outing was to the ‘Quay Co-op’ vegetarian/vegan restaurant on Sullivan’s Quay. The restaurant put on an extra vegan choice for us, making a total of 3 choices for the evening: ‘Mushroom Risotto’, ‘Falafel burgers’ and ‘Mushroom Quiche’. All main meals are served with a choice of roast potato and vegetables or salad, and there is usually a choice of vegan desserts, plus the always reliable soya cappuccinos! We headed to ‘An Spailpin Fanach’ afterwards and the craic on the night was very good! Our members also invite one another to their homes for dinner every now and then.

Photo Bronwyn Slater ©

Next outing was to ‘Cafe Mexicana’ on Carey’s Lane. Many of their menu options are already vegetarian or vegan, and are easily made vegan by omitting cheese and sour cream. Starters included ‘Tomato and Tortilla Soup’ and ‘Guacamole’, and main courses were dishes like ‘Chimichangas with refried beans’, ‘Mixed Vegetable Enchiladas’, and ‘Vegetarian Tacos’. Everyone enjoyed their meal and we all headed to ‘Tribes’ late-night cafe for more We’ve also been doing some vegan outreach. We leafleted drinks, coffees and conversation. our local university in April where we handed out hundreds of ‘Vegan Society’ flyers and booklets and we are trying to get a ‘Veggie Society’ started in the college. We also handed out leaflets in the city centre. We hope soon to be able to print our own leaflets and we plan to put these in letterboxes in thousands of homes in Cork. If you would like to join us, please contact us via our website: http:// or email us at

The Cork Vegans Group eat out at Café Mexicana The Irish Vegetarian - Autumn 2011


VSI says – it is great to hear of the establishment of new Meetup groups around the country, and the Cork Vegans group have certainly packed lots of activities in, in the short time they’ve been established. Long may they continue.

Vegetarian Society of Ireland Membership Application Form


To become a member, or to renew your subscription, simply complete this form and send it to:

In its 18th year, with over 150,000 copies sold, the wallchart is consistently popular. It is a hand-written and illustrated table showing the best plant-based sources of all the essential nutrients. The nutrition chart is a really useful at-a-glance reference and is laminated for a wipe-clean surface in the kitchen.

The Membership Secretary, VSI, c/o Dublin Food Co-op, 12 Newmarket, Dublin 8. You can also join online at Note: Please allow up to 6 weeks for your membership application to be processed.

NAME & ADDRESS (Block capitals please)

Tel.: E-mail: Year of birth

(this information helps the VSI) Gender

I wish to become a member of the Vegetarian Society of Ireland. I am in sympathy with the aims of the Society (see page 4) and declare that while I remain a member I will not knowingly consume the flesh of animals (meat, fish, fowl) as food, and I will aim to avoid the use and consumption of battery hen eggs and slaughter-house by-products.

Order your copy for only €5 including P&P from THE VEGETARIAN SOCIETY OF IRELAND LTD., c/o Dublin Food Co-op, 12 Newmarket, Dublin 8. Phone: (01) 488 0250

e-mail: web site:

OR I wish to become an Associate Member of the Vegetarian Society of Ireland. While I cannot yet practise vegetarianism at all times, I am in sympathy with the aims of the Society and would like to support its work.

Choose one of the following: Under 18 annual subscription……………….....… €10 Adult annual subscription……………………….... €20 Lifetime membership…..………………................ €300

Standing Order Donation:

If you wish to pay your membership by Standing Order, please complete this form with your bank details, and post to the VSI along with your membership form.


Total money enclosed €



€ __

Please do not send cash in the post

You can also pay by standing order by filling out the form overleaf or contact us at for details of how to pay your subscription via internet banking.

To the Manager, Bank Name




Branch Address ____________________________




Sort Code


Account No.




What would you like to see the Society doing?

I authorise you to charge my account immediately and then on the 1st day of _________________ (insert month) every year thereafter until otherwise instructed in writing, the sum of € _______ for credit to the account of the Vegetarian Society of Ireland, A/C No: 38239893 Sort code 90 00 17, Bank of Ireland, 2 College Green, Dublin 2

Are you interested in volunteering?

Please number, in order of priority, your reasons for supporting vegetarianism:

Name of Account Holder(s) (Block Capitals Please) _____________________________


Animal Welfare

Maybe - Tell me more



Sorry, no time

World Food Problems

I’m busy now but


please contact me in


___ months time




(Bank, please quote ref ______________ )


The Irish Vegetarian - Autumn 2011

Members! We continue to work in conjunction with companies to provide a discount scheme for those of you with up-to-date membership. On production of your laminated membership card, you can avail of the following discounts ...

NEW! Dehli O’Deli, 12 Moore Street, Dublin 1. We are the first Indian FAST-FOOD (also know as “street food”) and the first Indian VEGETARIAN restaurant in the Ireland. Tel. (01) 872 9129 [10% discount] Newtownpark Clinic, 7 Rockville Road, Blackrock, Co Dublin. Ciara Murphy MH Ir RGN (Master Herbalist and Colon Therapist) is offering 10% discount on all treatments, consultations and workshops. Tel: 01 210 8489 Active Balance Clinic, Family Resource Centre, Ballyfermot, Dublin 10 offers 10% discount to VSI members for selected complementary health treatments. Contact Tomas Ronan for more info. Telephone: 0872711215

caring acupuncturist). Tel Caroline:087 2516528. [10% off Acupuncture treatments]

Anahata Healing, Desert, Clonakilty, Co. Cork (Lomi Lomi Massage, Pregnancy Massage, Holistic and Aromatherapy Massage, Reflexology, Ear Candling, Sound Healing, Baby Massage Classes, Reiki Treatments and Attunements). Tel Angela: 087 2030869 [10% discount]

D.A.F. Clinic, Lancashire, 17 Inglewood Rd, Rainford, St Helens, Lancashire, WA11 7QL. Email: or Tel: +44 1744 884173 / +44 7050 396611 [25% off Chiropody/Podiatry/ Auricular Therapy/Reflexology (Merseyside & Manchester) & 50% discount on vegetarian and vegan nutritional therapy and profiling (by post, fax & email)]

Cornucopia Restaurant, 19/20 Wicklow St., Dublin 2 [10% discount]

A r u s h a F a i r T r a d e, online gift store (fairly traded gifts) Email mentioning the VSI in the subject line, & you will get a discount code by return. [10%]

Dónall na Gealaí, Gift Kildare Town (books, candles & crystals).

Be Organic, fresh, local, seasonal organic fruit & vegetables and 100 other sustainably farmed organic products delivered direct to your door. Tel: 01 [5% discount]

Ecoshop, Meridian Point, Church Rd, Greystones, Co Wicklow (offers a large selection of organic, environmentallyfriendly and fairly-traded goods. Tel: 01 287 2914 Web: [10% off on purchases over €25 on all products and web orders]

Café Fresh, Unit 21c, Powerscourt Town Centre, South William St. Tel: 01 6719669. [10% discount] Circle Of Life, Roscommon Road, Athlone, Co. Westmeath (treatments and therapies to complement mind, body and spirit and enhance everyday life). Tel: 090 6498339. Email: [10% discount on organic vegetarian foods, juices]. Clare Island Retreat Centre, Ballytoohey, Clare Island, Co Mayo. Tel: 087 2621832. or [10% discount on yoga and vegetarian cooking courses at the Clare Island retreat centre]

Flying Baby Cake Company An exclusively gluten free bakery, all products are vegetarian and any orders can be easily adapted to be vegan too. They are a scratch bakery and make cakes and cupcakes for all occasions. Tel: 0857373729 [5% discount on orders] Freelance translator, Patricia Tricker MCIL Cert Ed (FE), working into English from French, German, Italian & Spanish specializing in economics, finance, accountancy, company law & archaeology. Tel/fax: +44 1677 450176

Cocoa Bean Artisan Chocolates Company, Limerick. Tel: 087 7594820 [discount on application] Cork Acupuncture Clinic, 50 Cornmarket Street (Above Dervish), Cork City (run by Caroline Dwyer (Bowles), a dedicated and The Irish Vegetarian - Autumn 2011

Shop, Claregate St., CDs, essential oils, Tel: 045 533634. [10% discount]


Govinda’s 18 Merrion Row, Dublin 2 and Govinda’s 4 Aungier Street, Dublin 2 are great places to drop in for lunch or a takeaway. [10% discount applies in both restaurants] Ireland’s importer and distributor of Vitamineral GreenTM — see our advert on page 2 [20% discount] Lake Isle Retreats, Inish Rath Island, Upper Lough Erne, Derrylin, Co. Fermanagh, BT92 9GN. (Short Breaks, Workshops in vegetarian cookery, meditation and yoga). Tel: 086 1608108. [10% discount] Nature’s Gold, Healthfood Store, 1 Killincarrig Road, Greystones, Co Wicklow. Tel: 01 2876301 [10% discount] Quay Co-op, 24 Sullivans Quay, Cork [10% discount in the Co-op shops] Sunyata Retreat Centre, Snata, Sixmilebridge, Co Clare. Tel: 061 367-073. A spacious haven outside the bustle of modern life, Sunyata is perfect for relaxation, meditation, and contemplation. 10% discount on retreats and Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction. The Happy Pear, Church Road, Greystones, Co. Wicklow (natural food market with an organic and non-organic produce section, a dried goods section, a world-class smoothie bar, café and restaurant).Tel: 01-2873655. Email: [5% discount] The Hopsack, Health food store, Swan Centre, Rathmines, Dublin 6. Tel/fax 014960399. Proprietor: Erica Murray. [5% discount] The Phoenix Restaurant and B&B, Castlemaine, Co. Kerry — see our advert on the back page. [10% discount] Well and Good, Health Food Store, Coolbawn, Midleton, Co Cork. Tel: 021 4633499 [5% off]

The most authoritative The Panel also conreport to date on bowel firmed that the evidence cancer risk has conpublished since 2007 did firmed that red and procnot change the judgeessed meat increase risk ments that there is conof the disease and convincing evidence that becluded that the evidence ing physically active rethat foods containing fiduces risk of bowel canbre protect against bowel cancer has become stronger. cer and that excess body fat – especially around the waist – remains a convincing cause of bowel cancer. The report, released as part of World Cancer Research Fund/American Institute for Cancer Research’s (WCRF/ Professor Alan Jackson, Chair of the WCRF/AICR ConAICR) groundbreaking Continuous Update Project tinuous Update Project (CUP) Expert Panel, said: “Our (CUP), has examined the links between bowel cancer review has found strong evidence that many cases of risk and diet, physical activity and weight, and updated bowel cancer are not inevitable and that people can the bowel cancer findings of the WCRF/AICR’s 2007 significantly reduce their risk by making changes to Expert Report, Food, Nutrition, Physical Activity, and their diet and lifestyle. the Prevention of Cancer: a Global Perspective. “Because our judgements are based on more evidence A systematic review of the evidence was carried out by than ever before, it means the public can be confident WCRF/AICR-funded scientists at Imperial College Lon- that this represents the best advice available on predon, who added 263 new papers on bowel cancer to venting bowel cancer. the 749 that were analysed as part of the 2007 Report. An independent Expert Panel then reviewed the results “There has been a lot of debate over the last few years and made judgements. about the strength of evidence that red and processed meat increase risk of cancer. We hope our review can For red and processed meat, findings of 10 new studies help give clarity to those people who are still confused were added to the studies analysed as part of the 2007 about the strength of the evidence. Report. The Panel confirmed that there is convincing evidence that both red and processed meat increase “On meat, the clear message that comes out of our rebowel cancer risk. The Expert Panel behind the CUP’s port is that red and processed meat increase risk of judgements also concluded that the evidence that foods bowel cancer and that people who want to reduce their containing dietary fibre reduce bowel cancer risk has risk should consider cutting down the amount they eat.” become stronger since the publication of the 2007 report. They considered the evidence sufficient to Teresa Nightingale, General Manager of WCRF, said: strengthen the conclusion that foods containing fibre “This latest report shows that there is enough evidence protect against bowel cancer from “probable” to to recommend that people can reduce their bowel can“convincing”. This strengthens WCRF/AICR’s recom- cer risk by consuming less red and processed meat..., mendation for people to consume a plant-based diet having more foods containing fibre, and by maintaining including foods containing fibre, such as wholegrains, a healthy weight and being regularly physically active.” fruits, vegetables and pulses such as beans. Sources: press_release.php?recid=153, 23 May 2011 For more information on the charity ’World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) visit The WCRF report, Food, Nutrition, Physical Activity, and the Prevention of Cancer: a Global Perspective, was launched in November 2007 and is the most comprehensive report ever published on the link between cancer and lifestyle. For more information, visit 23

The Irish Vegetarian - Autumn 2011

Come and visit us to experience our unique finger-licking food in the heart of the City Centre on Dublin’s traditional Moore Street Daily Fivers — five different things every day for €5 per plate Opening Hours

Breakfast 8am to 12 noon Lunch/Dinner 12 noon to 8pm Find us at 12 Moore Street, Dublin 1 Phone (01) 872 9129 Vegetarian Fast Food The Irish Vegetarian - Autumn 2011


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