Vegetarian Society of Ireland Newsletter 30

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No. 3()MClY/ June '04 25J?~""b<.s) "Nothine mor e stroGgly arouses our diE'gU8t t ha rJ cRlldbalism, yet \Je make t he same impression on Budd hists arid vegetarians, for 1,./e f eed o n babies, thoug h not on our own. n - Ho hert Louis ,s tevenson. EDITORIAL


Most pe ople, becomin~ vegetarian for either health, ecological or humane r easons, depend quite heavily at first on dairy prcx:luce and er.;gs. TI:is makes meal planning easy, while building up a repertoire of vegetarian and vegan di.shes, \olhile any risk of inadequate protei n, iron and B 12 inta ke is virtually eliminated. Che ese and eEe dishes ar e alree.dy familiar and so don!t scare off conventional friend s and fa mily. Gradually oDe l ea rns about food to give plenty of us a hle protein, about vitamins and minerals and their non-meat/non-dairy sources. One discovers the vast range of whole foods, vegetables and fruits, ~r.c vith t hem the great pleasure of preparine meals without gore (and eating meals Hi thout left-overs!). Good cooks becof'le Great cooks anc ey-otic vegetables sprout i n th e vegetari a n r s garden. co~binations

The transitior. fror. animal f oce s to tee naturnl diet for homo s-apiens (veGan or rwarl; so ) shoulc probab l y be [,;rad ua l. 'l'r,ough m at1~r think, "Ii t r. jus t ifica tion, tha t dairy and ege prod uction i C:'lolver fYl or e cr ue l ty than, saj-, th e consumption of fis h, t~e ('s;cholo[ ic a l a s ~) ect of c ea s in t to feec. 0 11 t=: iec e s of c eac cre':1 tures

ca f'r:ot be icnored. This is P. big step t01,.Jar d s undoing the desensitizing process beGun by our pare r.t s (in t h eir ignorance) aIr.lOst from hirth, and reir.i'orcecl by a G reec~' a nd callo us society - a society s e ntimental i n the real sense of the word, full o f vag ue expressions of compassion while at the same time mercilessly and needlessly exploi tine non-humans. At last there are signs of change: a growing animal rights movement worldwide, a great increase i n the number of vegetarians, and some awareness, at last, of our depet'dent relationship wi til our ell'.lironment and our respor¡sibili ty to\JBrcls the crea tures wbo share this planet ,... ith us.



Holidays for vegetarians Ecological disruption

iiine making Social Club etc. etc.

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