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The Vegan Songstress
A killer virus on the loose – Planet Earth in crisis – all animals deserving of respect for the beings who they are.
Conceived and composed during the Covid-19 zoonotic (“Denoting a disease transmitted from other animals to humans”) pandemic, the Vegan Songstress’ song, All of The Animals, is an anthem for our times. Its bright delivery and style does nothing obscure the song’s impact: there’s even a political language twist at the end, reminding human animals that they themselves are animals.

Screenshot of the music video 'All of The Animals'
The Vegan Songstress is Dublin-born singer-songwriter Jennifer Faust and All of The Animals is thought to be the first overtly vegan song to come out of Ireland, written and recorded by a vegan activist. “The ‘twist’ at the end of the song is very political in terms of language and how we humans see ourselves in the world,” says Jennifer.
Much of the footage for the All of The Animals music video was filmed at the vegan-run Back Into Daylight animal sanctuary in Ireland, for which The Vegan Songstress acts as Patron. “The idea of light and darkness is important in the lyrics,” Jennifer states. “Some of the experiences of the animals are very dark. They need the light, both in the sense of their liberation as individuals, and in the sense of their use being made visible to the public.” an effort to burst out of the vegan bubble on social media. The All of The Animals project has the same aim. With backing by a professional (and vegan) PR firm, the idea is to get a strong vegan message out into the public realm, backed up by interviews and media appearances, and released on major platforms by a music distribution company. Vegan Life Magazine, which is sold monthly in news outlets and supermarkets around the world, has covered the release of the song, describing All of The Animals as “catchy and uplifting.” The on-line version of the article can be read here - https://www.veganlifemag. com/the-vegan-songstressreleases-new-track-all-of-theanimals/ The song has also been featured on VeggieVision internet TV station - https:// www.veggievision.tv/the-vegan-songstress-releases-newtrack-all-of-the-animals/ some of the global charts, like the streaming charts, with a hope of making an impact,” said Jennifer. The song had its first ever public airing on Karin Ridgers’ radio show, House of Fun, which is podcasted globally by Phoenix Radio - https://www.phoenixfm.com/2021/05/22/ house-of-fun-with-jenniferfaust-the-vegan-songstressand-dj-and-producer-danieledavoli-of-black-box/ Here’s the shorter version - https:// animalrightsireland.blogspot. com/2021/05/audio-vegansongstress-world-premier-of. html

Jennifer Faust was born into a musical and artistic Irish family and could always be found singing songs as a youngster. “I love to sing and paint,” she says. “I have always had a mild stammer since childhood, so singing is a great way for me to get my thoughts over, and I wanted to sing about what I have learnt about other animals since I went vegan in 2017.”
The Vegan Songstress has more vegan-related songs in the pipeline, and a back catalogue of tracks being re-mastered for re-release through the music distributor. These include an amazing haunting 18-minute epic entitled “Loving You.” With Covid lockdowns easing in Ireland, Jennifer is hoping to get back into the music studios soon.

The Vegan Songstress’ website - https://www.vegansongstress.com/
YouTube versions of the song – Main music video https:// youtu.be/Y8Ov5Xe0vJ8
Ditto Music https://youtu. be/1E-jz7QmGEU
Amazon - https://www. amazon.co.uk/All-Ani mals-Vegan-Songstress/dp/ B095KRC7HX/