Summit Bulletin_Q1_FY2023-24

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We are pleased to introduce “Know Your Colleagues”

A new section dedicated to the vibrant personalities and fascinating lives of our team members. It is important to connect on a personal level beyond deadlines, projects, and meetings, and celebrate the unique qualities that make each of us unique. It’s fun to get a glimpse into our colleagues’ hobbies, interests, and funny anecdotes in this section. Let’s embark on this journey of discovery together and see what surprises we find!

Minal Parab

What will be your creative excuse for being late?

High fever, feeling unwell.

What other career would you choose if you could?

Sports and Baseball. I used to play it like a champion in school.

What fictional character would you like to play in real life?

Wonder Woman. She’s an incredibly strong woman, isn’t she?

If you had one superpower, what would it be?

Reading people’s mind.

What Summit Value do you connect with the most?

Respect. My deepest belief is that every person on this planet deserves respect.

Know Your Colleagues
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Shailendra Awasthi

What will be your creative excuse for being late?

Repairing malfunctioning electrical equipment. Aladdin.

What other career would you choose if you could?

Advertising. Mr. India, being invisible.

What fictional character would you like to play in real life?

If you had one superpower, what would it be?

What Summit Value do you connect with the most?

Respect. Regardless of caste, creed, colour, or designation, everyone deserves respect.

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What's the funniest or most embarrassing mistake you've made in your career, and what did you learn from it?

Uh-oh! Speech gone rogue! I was supposed to talk about one thing, but my words took a detour to a parallel universe of randomness. Cue the audience’s jaw-dropping expressions! Confusion, surprise, and a sprinkle of laughter filled the room. Note to self: next time, let’s stick to the topic... or maybe not! The unexpected can be quite entertaining!

If you were to start your own business outside of your current industry, what would it be and why?

I would like to start my own organic farming practice because I believe in cultivating a greener future and nourishing both people and the planet with wholesome, chemical-free produce.

What’s the most unusual or interesting talent or hobby you have that most people at work don’t know about?

I love listening to old classical and Hindi music, specifically old Kishore Kumar songs.

If you could travel back in time and give your younger self one piece of career advice, what would it be?

As an avid cricketer, I yearn for the opportunity to have chased my dream of playing for the Indian Cricket team. The thrill of the game, the roar of the crowd, and the sheer joy of representing my country on the cricket field remain unforgettable aspirations. Crab!

What’s one cuisine you’ve tried but would never eat again?

If you could have dinner with anybody in the world from across history, who would it be and why?

Satyajit Ray - he was such a profound and intelligent person, and I’d love to know the inspiration behind the stories he wove.

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What’s the number one thing you wish more people knew about you?

I absolutely adore trekking and embarking on long car rides to explore the unexplored. Discovering hidden gems along the way is exciting when you venture into the unknown.

Has a random stranger ever made a really big impact on you?

Absolutely! There was a transformative experience during my time at residential school when I was given the responsibility to track down students attempting to run away and bring them back. This opportunity to lead, manage, and assist others left an indelible impact on me, showcasing the profound effect even strangers can have on shaping our abilities and guiding our journey.

What was the best day of your life? Tell us why.

The best day of my life was when my wife founded a school that supports both typical and specially-abled individuals. Incredible moment.

If you could be transformed into one animal, which one would you choose?

I would love to be a bird, so that I could experience how it feels to fly.

What world record do you think you have a shot at beating?

I would say that I am very disciplined - maybe too disciplined! I get up at a specific time, sleep at a specific time, and count the number of steps that I need to take every day. So I might have a shot of beating that record.

What is your favourite emoji?

Thumbs Up

What is most likely to distract you when you work from home?

The smell of food or masala (tadka) at home is something that really distracts me.

Rendezvous with DHANANJAY JOSHI
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What's the funniest or most embarrassing mistake you've made in your career, and what did you learn from it?

One of the most amusing yet humbling mistakes I’ve made in my career occurred during my tenure at a different organization. On my very first day, I had the opportunity to meet the Managing Director. Initially, I underestimated his leadership potential due to his reserved and unassuming demeanor. However, my perception was quickly shattered when I realized how mistaken I was. The MD turned out to be an exceptional mentor and leader, greatly impacting me both personally and professionally. This experience served as a valuable reminder never to hastily judge someone based on initial impressions.

If you were to start your own business outside of your current industry, what would it be and why?

I would be a career coach for post-graduate students - I think I have some good advice to share!

What’s the most unusual or interesting talent or hobby you have that most people at work don’t know about?

I’m so organised, that even in the dark, I’ll be able to locate an item where I last left it.

If you could travel back in time and give your younger self one piece of career advice, what would it be?

Don’t be afraid of failure - keep learning new skills and hold your head high no matter what happens. Brazilian food!

What’s one cuisine you’ve tried but would never eat again?

If you could have dinner with anybody in the world from across history, who would it be and why?

Atal Bihari Vajpayee - his intelligence, wit, and vision were incredible!

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What’s the number one thing you wish more people knew about you?

Just because I’m friendly, don’t try to take me for granted.

Has a random stranger ever made a really big impact on you?

Yes - once, on a train journey, a random man told me that no matter what success I achieve in life, I should always ensure that my family is my first priority.

What was the best day of your life?

When I married the love of my life, Sapna.

If you could be transformed into one animal, which one would you choose?

A cat - they’re sharp, focused, and unattached to the final result.

What world record do you think you have a shot at beating?

I have made one-on-one contact with around 90,000 people - I can tell you their name and a few facts about their life. Can you beat that?

What is your favourite emoji?

The handshake

What is most likely to distract you when you work from home? The mixer-grinder! Silly as it sounds, it drives me up the wall!

The mixer-grinder! Silly as it sounds, it drives me up the wall!

Rendezvous with DEVESH GARG
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Risk & Compliance

To ensure the smooth functioning of the organization, it is imperative that the Risk function has its finger on the pulse - not only constantly cross-checking internal processes and incidents, but also being aware of the external environment. This ensures that our business is always ahead of the curve.

Risk Internal Audit

• This quarter, we successfully completed the BAM-ABC effectiveness audit and the board-mandated regulatory compliance audit.

• We have also started the 1st audit for FY23-24, which is the Circle Operational Process review.

• We’re proud to announce that we’ve rolled out the “Audit Management System”, an audit reports repository and audit finding implementation tracker. This would help process owners to update the audit point closure online, get it validated through reporting managers / respective CXOs and the Head of Internal Audits.


At our quarterly ERM workshop, all the top enterprise risks facing the organisation were deliberated, mitigation plans assessed for effectiveness, and the risk ratings and trends were evaluated for modification.

Site Compliance Audit

Site documents of 15,151 sites have been audited by Site Compliance audit team till May ’23. The rigorous Site Compliance audit process and our regular functional interactions with partners at different levels have been extremely useful. These have resulted not only in validation of the site compliance documents, but have also helped gradually improve the quality of the documents, which is appreciated by the management.

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Summit completed 1966 manhours of comprehensive training, including safety management workshops, ESG champion programs, and defensive driving training.

Continuing our sustainability journey, Summit is progressing towards the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) - Minimum version, with completed ESG champion training and focused group discussions for Business Responsibility and Sustainability Report (BRSR) and Task Force for Climate-Related Disclosure (TFCD) reports.

‘Physical Defensive Driving’ Train the Trainer program was conducted for Summit HSSE and Operations teams, covering breaking techniques, pre-ride inspections, safe riding posture, safety checks, and situation-based defensive driving, with plans to showcase practical demonstrations to the field force.

The HSSE team and North regional office attended practical first aid and emergency response training, facilitated by Falck India Private Limited. All regional offices and Emergency Response Teams will receive similar training.

On June 5th-12th, Summit observed World Environment Week focusing on resource conservation, waste management, and environmental preservation.

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Risk & Compliance

Originally launched in January 2023, the Summit Works App was utilized for site visits and sharer activities, and offered new features including automated deactivation, PTW tickets same-day, and real-time user registration, with phase 2 planned for July.

In tandem with architects, PMCs, and vendors, we ensured safe work practices and quality assurance for life-saving equipment as part of new office fit-outs in Mumbai, Indore, and Jaipur.

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Our Sales team demonstrated exceptional prowess in the previous quarter, adeptly navigating the art of not just closing deals but also cultivating enduring and meaningful customer relationships.

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SMC spearheaded the highly successful South regional meet, where Summit’s leadership team took centre stage, leaving an indelible mark on the event.

Extensive Business Engagements with BSNL

We have actively initiated constant communication and interaction with the leadership teams at BSNL across all circles. These regular engagements have provided us with unique opportunities to keenly engage and establish strong business relationships with influential decision-makers. We have nurtured strong relationships through these interactions, which we believe will strengthen our business in the years to come.

A Peek into a Productive Business Dialogue at various circles

BSNL AP & Telangana
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BSNL Rajasthan

Interactions with Vodafone Idea

Our teams keenly engaged in regular business meetings with key stakeholders from Vodafone Idea across multiple circles. These comprehensive discussions served as platforms to highlight our capabilities and collaborate on ways to advance our partnership further.

Joint site visits with VIL-TN Circle

In order to gain comprehensive insights into the operations, delivery mechanisms, and overall functioning of the sites, Summit Digitel and VIL (Vodafone Idea Limited) conducted collaborative site visits. Customers expressed utmost satisfaction with the infrastructure conditions and the efficient operating methodologies.

BSNL West Bengal BSNL Shillong BSNL Kolkata BSNL Guwahati
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1st RFAI declared for VIL Karnataka

MPCG circle had a great start of business with VIL as they garnered the highest number of SRs (at a whopping 72!)

VIL Kerala VIL 1st RFAI celebration in Chandigarh VIL MPCG VIL J&K
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Airtel Engagements

Our long-standing partnership with Airtel has truly taken us further in our vision of Sharing Happiness by Enabling Connections. Over the last quarter, we had some more milestones to celebrate with them.

Grand Celebration of 500 On-Air Sites with Airtel Upper North CEO

Tête-à-tête between Mr. Dhananjay Joshi, CEO, SDIL, and Sujay Chakrabarti, CEO-Airtel, MPCG Circle

Sales VIL Gujarat VIL Mumbai
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Kolkata & West Bengal CTO Connect Dinner Meeting with Airtel Karnataka Circle – CTO & Team UPE CTO Connect Airtel ZBM Connect – Meerut (UPW)
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Airtel ZBM Connect-West Bengal

Doing Things or Lettings Things Happen: An Insightful Workshop

SMC team conducted the workshop led by Devesh for the entire SMC team. During the course, the entire SMC team got an opportunity to interact with the Senior Leadership team at Mumbai. This workshop served as a catalyst, igniting renewed motivation, alignment, and an empowered mindset within the team to drive business success.

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The Marketing Communications team plays a multifaceted role. We ensure that internal and external stakeholders are kept up to date with the latest developments at Summit. Here’s what we were up to last quarter:

Our Data Infrastructure website has recently been redesigned to provide users with a seamless experience and improved functionality.

Through cross-functional support across Finance, HR, and HSSE, we foster smooth operations and effective teamwork.

Marketing & Communications
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Each quarter, Summit’s newsletter showcases highlights from all departments, so all employees are aware of Summit’s remarkable accomplishments, regardless of their location.

It is encouraging to see the increasing interest in our organization reflected in the fact that our LinkedIn community has now grown to an impressive 14,000 members.

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The branding process for our new Indore office has been successfully completed, giving it a distinct Summit identity.

It is our pleasure to launch the BBN intranet website for Brookfield. The website is a unified communication platform that facilitates collaboration and connectivity among all Brookfield portfolio companies.

In addition to enhancing our communications, we have enhanced our inventory designs with Summit touches on items like coffee mugs, email signatures, and desktop wallpapers.

Our Rewards and Recognition program recognizes outstanding contributions by highlighting the Value Champions of the Quarter, the Team of the Quarter, and the Employee of the Quarter on LinkedIn under the employee spotlight bucket.

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In celebration of World Day for Safety and Health at Work, we published an article on LinkedIn featuring insights from our Chief Risk Officer, Mr. Sunil Panjwani. 5G

A recent article by our Chief Strategy and Marketing Officer, Mr. Devesh Garg, appeared in CXO Today, which focused on the forthcoming changes and challenges that will be brought to our lives by 5G technology.

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The Finance team triumphed in yet another remarkable quarter, securing many victories. Here’s a glimpse of their accomplishments:

The Board approved Summit’s annual financial results, supported by a clean audit report from our Statutory Auditors. Our revenues soared to an impressive Rs. 110 Bn, accompanied by an EBITDA of Rs. 43 Bn FY22-23.

We successfully implemented an Interim Billing system, revolutionizing our billing processes with enhanced efficiency and accuracy aligned with our MSAs.

The Treasury arranged funding of Rs. 58 Bn, enabling the acquisition of 18k towers. This significant step brings us closer to our target of 174k towers across India.

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Our Treasury continues its debt portfolio optimization efforts, securing a refinancing loan of Rs. 5 Bn from Export Development Canada.

Alongside these achievements, the Finance team is actively preparing for the 2023 SOX Compliance kick-off, Annual Report preparation for FY 23, and progressing towards financial closure for the current quarter.

As part of a teambuilding exercise, the Finance team enjoyed a delightful evening of games and dinner. This event successfully bolstered morale and fostered camaraderie within the team.

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HR & Admin initiatives

Announced Annual Salary Revision; distribution of increment and ACB letters to eligible employees for fiscal year 2022-2023.

Summit makes waves in Odisha

Our CHRO, Ms. Renuka Gowda, was invited to IKAAI Odisha’s 1st DEI conclave by Diverseus, for a thought-provoking discussion with industry veterans and young, passionate leaders. With her rousing speech on how DEI must be a top-down approach and an integral part of the company’s vision, the audience left with a new perspective on how to truly drive inclusion and diversity in their workplaces.

Learning & Development

One Hour Learning platform we had success of 367 man-hours completion by the employees to enhance their skills. Additionally, we nominated five employees from the Deployment team to undergo the Executive Diploma Project Management Workshop, a rigorous 6-day series of classroom sessions.

Summit prides itself on an open culture where employees can connect, participate, hear from the leadership team, ask questions, get clarifications, share ideas, and express gratitude.
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& Recognition

Summitians keep India connected through the year with their hard work, and they deserve to take a step back and hear some applause for their efforts! Summit Appreciation highest cards received in Silver, Gold, and Platinum categories were announced. Additionally, Q2 & Q3 Value Champions of the Quarter, Employee of the Quarter, and Team of the Quarter were announced.

Employee Engagement

Summit prides itself on an open culture where employees can connect, participate, hear from the leadership team, ask questions, get clarifications, share ideas, and express gratitude. Towards this end, we successfully held the Town Hall in the month of May.

We also had an exciting visit from Mr. Ben Vaughan, an Operating Partner and the Chief Operating Officer, Brookfield Infrastructure Group. A Live Fireside chat was held at our Mumbai corporate office. This was also virtually attended by all Summit employees across India. He shared his perspective on the telecom industry, global infrastructure strategy, investments by Brookfield, Indian and global market scenarios, and emphasized on the “3D’s” i.e., Di-Carbonization, Di-Globalization and Di-Digitization. It was the perfect balance between insightful discussion and light-hearted moments.

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Fun at the workplace

As usual, we celebrated our employees’ monthly birthdays with snacks, cake, and lots of fun all around.

Office Opening Ceremony

We’re thrilled to add another feather to our cap, with the inauguration of a new office in Indore circle, West Region. Centrally located, the office is in close proximity to customers as well as partner office locations. Here are our CEO, CFO, and CHRO at the inauguration ceremony!

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New Summitians on the Block

Four new joinees were welcomed into the Summit family. They include:

Summit Diversity Ratio Summary

Human Resources
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A new HRM system, Summit Connect, is now integrated with SAP ERP for online processing of employees’ travel and business expenses.


Interim Billing Application

Continuing with the digitization spirit, the customer billing computation is automated for IP Rental and SD Billing by deploying Interim Billing Solution. Now, the Billing team will be able to efficiently process the billing computation with the help of Interim Billing application.

Key benefits:

• Increased efficiency - Computations are reduced by threequarters, saving four man-days.

• Improved data accuracy - Reducing billing errors by eliminating manual calculations has improved billing accuracy.

• Timely customer billing – Improved billing computation and data availability has helped the RA team to provide customer billing on time.

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“Summit Connect” Implementation

Phase 2

As part of Phase 2 of the new HRMS system “Summit Connect”, key HR modules include: Travel-Local, Travel-Relocation, Travel-Domestic, Travel Expense Claim, Business Expense Claim, Leave and Attendance, and Payroll. Module deployment resulted in the following benefits:

Key benefits:

• Faster response and approval – ‘Summit Connect’ system now includes auto-email notifications so that managers can approve requests faster, resulting in a reduction in the whole payment cycle from Request to Completion.

• Increase efficiency – Automation and integration have improved people’s efficiency by reducing turnaround time.

• Enhance compliances – HRMS systems are designed with appropriate security and control mechanisms to ensure proper compliance.

HRMS-SAP Automation

A new HRM system, Summit Connect, is now integrated with SAP ERP for online processing of employees’ travel and business expenses. This development illustrates automation and digitization where manual activities are replaced by automated ones.

Key benefits:

• Faster execution of the travel expense and business expense claims and its settlement.

• Increase in Finance team’s efficiency due to decrease in manual activity and email dependency.

• Enhance Compliances –HRMS and SAP systems are adequately equipped for data and process compliances after this automation.

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Airtel service partner ‘Vedang’ implemented the mandatory use of the Permit to Work (PTW) activity through mobile App, ensuring efficient and compliant work practices.

Operations June 2023

Our Operations team has added several feathers to its cap over the past few months. Have a glimpse:

• Both Anchor and Sharer achieved exceptional network performance, with uptime rates of 99.99% and 99.96% respectively, after accounting for exclusions.

• May 2023 marked a significant milestone, as the company saw the second instance since its inception where 0 fire incidents have been reported in an entire month, replicating the first achievement made in July 2022.

• The project with VIL (RFI) has started.

• We are consistently achieving high RFI counts month after month.

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• The fiscal year 2023-24 began on a positive note with over 450 billings made to Sharer for intellectual property (IP) fees.

• We successfully converted 46% of the offered height bucket, exceeding 3 meters, into Service Orders (SOs).

• Airtel service partner ‘Vedang’ implemented the mandatory use of the Permit to Work (PTW) activity through mobile App, ensuring efficient and compliant work practices.

High Foundation Level upliftment: Successfully uplifted high foundation levels,



Deployment and Technical - Strategic Projects for Operational Efficiency:

• SO conversion of low antenna height cases through field survey & discussion with Customer & Partner: Accomplished a conversion rate of 46% for low tower height cases through thorough field surveys and productive discussions with customers and partners.

• Utilization of Tower Fourth Leg: Ongoing effort to optimize the utilization of the tower’s fourth leg for achieving antenna height requirement.

• SO conversion of SP rejected cases by providing engineering solutions: Continuously working on converting SP rejected cases by providing effective engineering solutions.

rate of 76%
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Strategic Projects for Operational Efficiency and Safety Enhancement:

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Repeat Failure Reduction: Achieved an impressive 82% reduction in repeat failures.


GBM - ODC Conversion: Successfully achieved 100% conversion of GBM to ODC.

Tower Maintenance Phase 1 & 2: Accomplished 100% completion of tower maintenance in both phases.

High Foundation Level upliftment: Successfully uplifted high foundation levels, obtaining a completion rate of 76%

Installation of Class B Surge Protecting Devices: Completed installation of Class B surge protecting devices, achieving a completion rate of 47%

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HT-LT Lines close to sites: Achieved closure of HT-LT lines near sites, reaching a completion rate of 78%

Fall Protection System – Tower: Achieved installation of fall protection systems on towers with a remarkable completion rate of 96%

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Let’s dig even deeper. Here are the achievements from our South team!

VIL Meeting with deployment team on PTW Mobile Application


with CMP team to build a better relationship and improve ops governance.
was a moment of sheer euphoria and celebration, as
we laid the foundation for a safer work environment for all our customers. RTT Site Visit and Audits for Roof Edge Protection and to Safeguard Lives. Operations Newsletter Issue 09 34

Summit’s COO was welcomed by Vodafone Idea Operations Director (South), Mr. Murali, for a discussion with VI Senior leadership team at TN Circle.

COO interaction meet with RPPMSL TN circle leadership team.

The Gujarat Circle has also seen several milestones recently:

Quick and real time alarm monitoring and clearance of infra alarm on a real time basis by setting up separate monitoring systems specially focused for Airtel tenancy sites.

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Have delivered 309 RFAI sites to Airtel in FY 22-23 as compared to 50 sites delivered in previous FY, an increase of 618 % YoY.

Increment in sites’ reliability with consistent preventive and corrective site maintenance, timely infra upgradation and ticket closure for infra equipment fault rectification .

Almost no infra PRIs for RFAI declared sites, declaration of RFAI with first time right approach.

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Achievements from our west region team 3 5 7

Gujarat Circle has the honours of declaring the first sites RFAI for VIL in the Western Region.

The circle completed RFS of 308 sites to Airtel in FY-22-23 as compared to 37 sites in previous FY, an increment of 835%, while also crossing the landmark of 300+ sites!

Relocation / new critical sites which faced roadblocks due to critical owner issue, high rent demands, public issues were also resolved with extra mile efforts to ensure no slippage in delivery. Operations 03 Newsletter Issue 05 Newsletter Issue 09 35

Zero RFAI declaration to acceptance

MPCG Circle enjoys the unique distinction of a zero lag between RFAI declaration and acceptance by the customer


Business Development

While commencing business relations with VIL, MPCG has collected the highest number of SRs from customer (72 Nos).

The Circle declared 93 sites RFAI in Q-1 for Airtel, the second highest in India.

Maharashtra & Goa Circle

Demonstration of Summit Values

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Our employee, Ashish Agrawal, found an injured stranger while on the way to the office, with nobody helping him. Ashish immediately picked him up in his car and took him to the nearest hospital within the golden hour, thereby saving his life. We’re proud of Summitians like Ashish who make a difference in the world every day!

Business Relations

Tete-a-tete between Mr. Dhananjay Joshi, CEO, SDIL and Sujay Chakrabarti, CEOAirtel, MPCG Circle. 1

After rolling out 603 sites for Airtel, Maharashtra and Goa Circle kicked off a new partnership with VIL on 8th June 2023, when SDIL delivered the first RFAI site.

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Our MPCG circle enjoys the unique distinction of a zero lag between RFAI declaration and acceptance by the customer.

North Region

The North Region has touched 2800 RFAIs with UPE

Achieving 1700+ RFAI till date and all other circles also in the league being centurions

Upper North circles have shown a remarkable improvement, with Airtel’s market share improving from

11% (FY 21-22) to 28% (FY 22-23)

Considering the customer appreciation received in all circles, it is irrefutable that SDIL takes precedence over other partners. The operational deliveries viz RFAI and Uptime by SDIL have been acknowledged by Airtel across all forums. Healthy customer engagement led by RBH, Circle Heads and the Sales team is yielding good results, with the customer appreciating team commitment, delivery, and urge for new business. The focus has been on VIL & BSNL with RBH traveling to all circles and meetings conducted with CTOs of VI & CGMs of BSNL.

Business flow from both VI & BSNL has increased and Team North is all geared up for faster deliveries.

Business flow from both VI & BSNL has increased and Team North is all geared up for faster deliveries.
1) Team bonding exercises 2) Presentations by Circles 3) Safety session by karam team 4) Swimming pool activities 5) Trekking & yoga 6) Boating 7) Team dinner & dance evening
Gurudwara darshan and langar
Cross functional presentation
The North Team Conclave was conducted from 17-19 May 23 at Nahan (HP) with all the team members in attendance, along with our COO, CSMO, & CHRO. The activities included
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With an emotional connection being established with field teams and their families, our core value of Safety has strongly resonated. Through Project SAMARTH, safety training is being imparted to RPP employees in all circles, with SDIL teams travelling to Circle/CMP offices. The North Region has achieved 100% compliance in Project Samarth.

World Environment Day was celebrated in all circles of the North Region, with a tree plantation drive and Environment Pledge by all team members. Families also participated in the drive.

East Region

• Continue to be at the forefront with 34% contribution in total tenancy with over 3.1k sites.

• Grew 169% over previous year.

• Concluded year with share of 84% in sharing and 29% overall.

North Regional Conclave Customer Meetings First VIL site at Parnath. Giridih, Jharkhand
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Pot Luck : Joy of sharing food: RO Kolkata

With the team

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Leadership Visit: COO Sachin Naik visited Patna and met with Customers, Partner, Field & Our Team.

Committed to Connecting India

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