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TOPIC Introduction of Adjectives in French http://www.french-­‐ a) Students will first be given a thorough note on Adjectives in French, emphasizing placement and agreement. b) Students’ attention will initially be focussed on the “Before-­‐the-­‐Noun” adjectives. (N.B. any other adjectives will come AFTER the noun). c) Students will then be introduced to adjectives of personal appearance and personality. Introduction of Adjectives of Colour. Describing class-­‐room/house/flags using colour.

STRUCTURE Décris ton père/ta mère. Comment est ta mère? Comment es-­‐tu?

ACTIVITIES/ASSIGNMENTS Students will be given a detailed note on adjectives together with a list of adjectives. Students will create adjective boxes. Students will use adjectives to describe family members & friends.

De quelle couleur est-­‐ce/est …? Décris ta maison/ton quartier/pays… Comment est ton école?

Introduction of ER verbs with spelling-­‐changes verbs in the Present Tense. a) Revise manger and commencer with food vocab. b) Talking about preferences with sports/music. c) Reinforcement of use of s’appeler.

acheterj’achète préférerje préfère Quel sport/type de musique préfères-­‐tu? Je préfère le football/la musique pop. Comment s’appellent tes parents?

Introduction to French IRREGULAR Verbs in the Present Tense. Students will begin with Aller (to go) and Venir (to come).

Où vas-­‐tu?

Students will draw and colour the national flags of Barbados and of France. Sentence-­‐Building: e.g. Ma famille habite dans une grande maison blanche./Mon amie est une jolie petite fille intelligente./J’ai une grande gomme blanche. Students will receive a list of –ER verbs with spelling changes to be stuck in their note-­‐books. Sentence-­‐building: J’achete du pain chez le boulanger/à la boulangerie Reading Comprehensions (D’Accord) Students will be given a handout with the French Verbs which are Irregular in the Present Tense.



4 & 5


Introduction of Contractions au/aux and du/des. Names of Places (à la plage, au cinéma) Point out use of chez with persons à la boulangerie/chez le boulanger Use of prepositional phrases: a cote de/en face de/loin de/pres de. Transportation: à pied/en auto/en voiture/en avion…

Je vais à/à la/à l’/au/aux… Comment viens-­‐tu à l’école? Je viens à l’école à pied. D’où viens-­‐tu? Je viens de la Barbade…

Introduce how to say what sports/musical instruments you play using “jouer a/de”. Students will be made aware that JOUER is NOT an irregular verb. Its introduction here follows on from the introduction to contractions in the previous weeks. Introduce associated vocabulary: e.g. Je suis membre de l’équipe de ….

Qui dans la classe joue au football/joue du piano? Quels sports pratiques-­‐tu? Je joue au football… Tu joues d’un instrument de musique? Je joue de la trompette… Je suis membre de l’équipe de…

Continuation of the study of IRREGULAR verbs in the Present Tense. 7, 8 & Avoir: Introduce Avoir expressions (avoir soif/du 9 sommeil/de la honte…) Faire: Introduce weather and faire expressions (faire la grasse matinée…)

Present Tense of Irregular Verbs Qu’est-­‐ce que qu’il y a? J’ai soif… Quel temps fait-­‐il? Il fait… Qu’est-­‐ce que tu fais pour aider à la maison? Je fais la vaisselle… Que fait ton père dans la vie?

Students will be given a list of places/countries (with a note explaining how to say in or to a country) to be stuck in their notebooks. Students will practise simple dialogue-­‐writing. Reading Comprehension Group Work: Students will conduct a survey on student modes transportation. An Oral report/presentation will be made during the Oral class. Students will be given a handout on Sports and Musical Instruments to be stuck in their notebooks. Students will conduct a survey on musical and sporting talents of their class members. Oral presentations will be made during the Oral class. Students will be given handouts with AVOIR and FAIRE expressions to be stuck in their notebooks. Completing the sentences with correct Present Tense form of the verb in brackets. Reading Comprehensions (D’Accord) Students will be given a list of

10 & 11

Revise professions with the verb “faire”. Que fait ton père/ta mère dans la vie?; Quelle est la profession de ton/ta père/mère?; Ton père, comment gagne-­‐t-­‐il la vie? Mettre (to put/put on OR to take (time). Introduce mettre la table/mettre une heure pour arriver…/clothing (point out “porterto wear”.) Also link to weather e.g. quand il fait chaud, je mets/porte mon T-­‐shirt…)

Quelle est la profession de ton père? Ton père, comment gagne-­‐t-­‐il la vie? Qu’est-­‐ce que tu mets le week-­‐ end/quand il fait chaud? Je mets…

Introduction of Time in French L’heure Introduce the hour (including midday & midnight) Introduce “minutes past the hour” Introduce “half past” & “quarter past” Introduce minutes to the hour moins dix/cinq/etc & moins le quart Introduce 24 hour clock

Quelle heure est-­‐il? Il est… À quelle heure manges-­‐tu le déjeuner? À quelle heure arrives-­‐tu à l’école? du matin de l’après-­‐midi du soir Supplemental Vocabulary: de bonne heure; en retard; a l’heure; à temps; chaque jour; tous les jours; quelquefois Que manges-­‐tu? Qu’est-­‐ce que tu manges? Où habites-­‐tu? Où est-­‐ce que tu habites? Qui est à la porte? À quelle heure…? À quelle heure est-­‐ce que…?

Strengthening of Question Words (Pourquoi/parce que; Quand; Qui…) and Question Formation using Est-­‐ce que.



Introduction to vocabulary and structures related to Easter and other associated holidays; and celebrations in Francophone countries.

Les vacances de Paques/le mercredi des cendres/vendredi saint/joyeuses paques/la resurrection.

clothing to be stuck in their notebooks. Sentence-­‐building: Pour arriver à l’école, combien de temps mets-­‐tu? Je mets 1 heure en auto. Quand il fait chaud, je mets/porte mon T-­‐shirt. Pour aller à la plage, je mets/porte mon maillot de bains.

Students will be given a handout with the Question Words to be stuck in their notebooks. Completing sentences with question words. Dialogue-­‐Completion: Students complete a dialogue with questions. Students will be given a handout with Easter vocabulary.



♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ WEEK


Learn Easter songs/poems in Objectives Of The Oral Lesson: French. To prepare students for the end of year Oral Examinations. Students will create Easter To develop the students’ questioning and answering skills. cards/eggs. To augment the students’ vocabulary and to strengthen the pronunciation of this vocabulary. To improve the reading skills of students to within 80 to 90% accuracy. To develop the students’ aural skills and their ability to write dictations, with 80 to 90% accuracy. TOPICS SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES Students will write down and strengthen the One student will describe another while the others pronunciation of… guess who is being described. Decris/Decrivez ton/votre pere; …ta/votre mere; ...ton ami(e) favori(te)/prefere(e). Comment est … Dictated sentences to make students aware of the …ta/votre mere? linguistic phenomenon of gender with (feminine and plural) adjectives. … ton ami(e) favori(te)? … ton meilleur/meilleure amie? Comment sont tes camarades de classe? Comment es-­‐tu? (with answers)


Students will write down and practise the pronunciation of… De quelle couleur est-­‐ce/est …?

Dictated sentences to make students aware of the linguistic phenomenon of gender with (feminine and plural) adjectives.

Decris/Decrivez ta/votre maison/salle de classe; … ton quartier/pays… Comment est ton/votre ecole…?



5 & 6

Students will write down and practise the pronunciation of… Ou vas-­‐tu/allez-­‐vous? Je vais a/a la/a l’/au/aux… Comment arrives-­‐tu/vas-­‐tu a l’ecole? J’arrive a pied… A quelle ecole vas-­‐tu? Je vais a l’ecole/au college Alexandra. Ou vas-­‐tu pour acheter des bonbons…/…regarder un film…? Je vais a la boulangerie/chez le boulanger… Ou travaille ton/ta pere/mere? Mon pere travaille dans un bureau… Students will write down and practise the pronunciation of Quels sports pratiques-­‐ tu/pratiquez-­‐vous? Je joue au football/tennis… Tu joues/Vous jouez d’un instrument de musique? Je joue du piano/de la trompette… Je suis membre de l’equipe de.. Students will write down and practise the pronunciation of Quels sports preferes-­‐ tu/preferez-­‐vous? Je prefere…/Quel type de musique preferes-­‐tu/preferez-­‐vous? Je prefere la musique pop? Strengthening pronunciation of verbs using

Memory game using one colour/adjective with each noun: Qu’est-­‐ce qu’il y a sur le bureau? Sur le bureau, il y a …. Jeu: J’apercois avec mon petit oeil, qulequechose qui commence avec …B/est petite et rouge … Role-­‐play and dialogue practise. Liste (f) des courses (Shopping list): Je vais au magasin Courts au marche/a la librairie Brydens/Cloisters acheter … (use of realia) Group Work: Oral presentations of Transportation Survey to be made. Oral Situations, e.g. Ask your friend where he is going. What is his response?

Oral presentations of Sports/Musical survey to be made during class. Oral Survey: Dans la classe, combien de personnes jouent du piano?; Dans la classe, qui joue au football?; Answers to be given orally.

Dictations (les dictees) students should be exposed to vocab beforehand. Reading Passages e.g. from D’Accord Books 1 & 2

5 & 6

Students will write down and practise the pronunciation of Quels sports preferes-­‐ tu/preferez-­‐vous? Je prefere…/Quel type de musique preferes-­‐tu/preferez-­‐vous? Je prefere la musique pop? Strengthening pronunciation of verbs using questioning and answering technique. Strengthening pronunciation of Irregular Verbs using questioning and answering technique. 7, 8 & Structures and Vocabulary met during the 9 Grammar classes will be reinforced with aural and oral exercises. Students will write down and practise the pronunciation of Quelle heure est-­‐il? Il est… A quelle heure manges-­‐tu le dejeuner? Je mange le dejeuner a… 10 & A quelle heure arrives-­‐tu a l’ecole/rentres-­‐ 11 tu a la maison/quittes-­‐tu la maison? J’arrive/rentre/quitte… A quelle heure commencent les classes a ton ecole? Les classes commencent a… Strengthening students’ ability of students to form more complex questions in French. (include Pourquoi and parce que)

Dictations (les dictees) students should be exposed to vocab beforehand. Reading Passages e.g. from D’Accord Books 1 & 2

Pronunciation drills: Students will also be able to strengthen the pronunciation of these verbs by listening to their CD’s. Dictations (les dictees) students should be exposed to vocab beforehand. Reading Passages e.g. from D’Accord Books 1 & 2

Teacher will reinforce the questioning and answering technique with the use of a clock. Outdoor Activity: Quelle heure est-­‐il “Monsieur Le Loup”? Teacher will reinforce the spelling of “heures” with the question “Comment ca s’ecrit?/Comment epelles-­‐tu ca? Reading Passages and Dictees to strengthen aural and oral skills.

Role-­‐play Press Conference/Interviewing a famous person: Class will ask one student seated at the teacher’s desk questions about himself/herself…e.g. Ou est-­‐ce que tu habites? Est-­‐ce que tu habites avec tes parents? Sing Easter songs in French; Poetry-­‐Reading Competition.



Practise the pronunciation of the structures and vocabulary related to Easter.



2 & 3

TOPIC Review of Imperfect Tense. Students should again be reminded that the Imperfect Tense is one of two main past tenses. Introduction to Passe Compose (The Perfect Tense): AVOIR/ETRE/REFLEXIVE VERBS. Students will be given a detailed note which includes (1) Usage and (2) the Steps to forming the Passe Compose outlined below. Each of these steps should be explained in detail. Step 1: Find the verb. Step 2: Determine if the verb is conjugated with AVOIR or ETRE. Students will be given list of all the verbs conjugated with ETRE (MR. DRAPERS MT VAN and Reflexive Verbs). Step 3: Choose the correct part of AVOIR/ETRE. Review the conjugation AVOIR and ETRE in the Present Tense. Step 4: Find the Past Participle of the given verb. Students will be given a note on the formation of past participles of ER (mange), IR (fini) and RE (vendu) verbs. Students will be given a handout with IRREGULAR PAST PARTICIPLES. Step 5: If the verb is conjugated with etre (DR MRS VANDERTRAMP and Reflexive Verbs), the Past Participle must show agreement* (fem singe; fem plurales; masc plurals). Also, the past participles of verbs conjugated with AVOIR which have a PRECEDING direct object (pronoun), must show agreement. **The concept of Agreement must be explained/reinforced. Special note: (i) Reflexive Verbs that are followed by a direct object will not show agreement of the Past Participle. e.g. Elle s’est lavee./Elle s’est lave les mains. (ii) monter/ desc endre/sortir etc are conjugated with AVOIR when they are followed by a direct



Recap structures taught in Term One (1).

Translation: Students will select sentences for translation in to French using the Imperfect Tense.

AVOIR and ETRE in the Present Tense. MR DRAPERS MT VAN verbs. Reflexive Verbs. Past Participle Formation; including Irregular Past Participles. Words and Phrases associated with the use of the Passe Compose.

Exercises to practise formation of the Past Participles. Quizzes to encourage students to learn quickly the DR MRS VANDERTRAMP verbs and the Irregular Past Participles. Completing sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets. Sentence Building.

2 & 3

Introduction to Passe Compose (The Perfect Tense): AVOIR/ETRE/REFLEXIVE VERBS. Students will be given a detailed note which includes (1) Usage and (2) the Steps to forming the Passe Compose outlined below. Each of these steps should be explained in detail. Step 1: Find the verb. Step 2: Determine if the verb is conjugated with AVOIR or ETRE. Students will be given list of all the verbs conjugated with ETRE (MR. DRAPERS MT VAN and Reflexive Verbs). Step 3: Choose the correct part of AVOIR/ETRE. Review the conjugation AVOIR and ETRE in the Present Tense. Step 4: Find the Past Participle of the given verb. Students will be given a note on the formation of past participles of ER (mange), IR (fini) and RE (vendu) verbs. Students will be given a handout with IRREGULAR PAST PARTICIPLES. Step 5: If the verb is conjugated with etre (DR MRS VANDERTRAMP and Reflexive Verbs), the Past Participle must show agreement* (fem singe; fem plurales; masc plurals). Also, the past participles of verbs conjugated with AVOIR which have a PRECEDING direct object (pronoun), must show agreement. **The concept of Agreement must be explained/reinforced. Special note: (i) Reflexive Verbs that are followed by a direct object will not show agreement of the Past Participle. e.g. Elle s’est lavee./Elle s’est lave les mains. (ii) monter/ desc endre/sortir etc are conjugated with AVOIR when they are followed by a direct object. e.g. Elle est montee./Elle a monte les valises. Continuation of Passe Compose, focussing ONLY on AVOIR verbs. Reintroduce the Direct Object Pronouns with

AVOIR and ETRE in the Present Tense. MR DRAPERS MT VAN verbs. Reflexive Verbs. Past Participle Formation; including Irregular Past Participles. Words and Phrases associated with the use of the Passe Compose.

Exercises to practise formation of the Past Participles. Quizzes to encourage students to learn quickly the DR MRS VANDERTRAMP verbs and the Irregular Past Participles. Completing sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets. Sentence Building.

Exercises and Quizzes to encourage students to learn quickly the Irregular Past Participles. Completing sentences with the correct form

Negative Structures with the Passe Compose. Question formation with the Passe Compose (including with Negative Structures). 9 & 10

11 & 12


ne…pas; ne…jamais; ne…plus; ne…personne; ne ..rien Je ne me suis pas endormi tout de suite. As-­‐tu visite un pays etranger? Pourquoi n’as-­‐tu pas fait les devoirs? Introduction of Comparative and Superlative Supplemental Vocabulary: le Adjectives in French, paying attention to plus vite possible/le plus tot good/better/best; bad/worse/worst possible/aussitot que possible. Introduce use of que in structure Mon frère est (tel) aussi/plus grand que moi. Further A qui est-­‐ce?/A qui appartient reinforcement of stressed pronouns with these cette chemise? C’est a structures. moi./C’est la mienne./C’est ma chemise Introduce Demonstrative adjectives: ce/cet/cette/ces –ci/-­‐la. Reinforce clothing, foods and class-­‐room objects here. Expressing Possession in French. Use of de/du/de la etc to replace apostrophe s. Michael’s father le pere de Michel Introduction of Possessive Adjectives and Possessive Pronouns. Further reinforcement of vocabulary as with Demonstrative adjectives. Introduction to vocab and structures related to Les vacances de Paques/le Easter mercredi des cendres/vendredi saint/joyeuses paques/la resurrection

Students will be given a list of Negative Structures.

Students will be given a note with table on Possessive Adjectives and Possessive Pronouns. Students will be given a note on the use of “de” to replace the apostrophe s, emphasing that there is no apostrophe s in French.

Students will be given a handout with the Question Words to be stuck in their notebooks. Create Easter cards



2. & 3.


TOPICS STRUCTURES Introduction of the Etre and Avoir in Pluperfect Tense with the Imperfect a note. Tense. Example: Introduction of Il a dit qu’il a perdu Indirect Speech with son argent. the Pluperfect Tense. Introduction of the Future Tense Future Tense. endings: (Note the IRREGULAR -­‐ai, -­‐as, -­‐a, -­‐ons, -­‐ez, STEMS). -­‐ont. Introduce Si clauses: Si + the Present + the Future Introduction to subjects (les matières) and timetable (l’emploi du temps).

Introduction of the Conditional Tense. (Note the IRREGULAR STEMS). Introduce Si clause: Si + the Imperfect + the Conditional.

Conditional Tense endings: -­‐ais, -­‐ais, -­‐ait, -­‐ions, -­‐iez, -­‐aient.

ACTIVITIES/ASSIGNMENTS Exercises taken from Schaum’s French Grammar, pg. 182. Exercises from Communications, pg. 160 “Pluperfect”. Composition-­‐Writing: Comment j’ai passé mes grandes vacances. See Communications, pgs. 177-­‐178. See Un Deux Trois. See Communications pg. 70. Students will be given a list of vocabulary and structures related to the Contextual Announcement assignment. Contextual Announcement (CXC 2010). See Communications, pgs. 177-­‐178.

5. & 6.

7. & 8.

9. & 10.

Government of Verbs. 1. Verbs followed by plain infinitive. 2. Verbs followed by à + the infinitive. 3. Verbs followed by de + the infinitive. 4.Negation of Infinitives. Introduction of Grammatical Structures. 1. Apres avoir/etre/s’etre + past participle, with a note. 2. Avant de + infinitive 3. Pour + infinitive 4. Sans + infinitive 5. Au lieu de + infinitive 6. Venir de + infinitive Introduction of Grammatical

See Communications, pg. 129.

e.g. Je viens de manger. Je venais de manger.

See Communications, pg. 124 “Afterwards” and pg. 129.

9. & 10.




Introduction of Grammatical Structures (continued). 20. En + present participle 21. Introduction to Depuis with the Present and the Imperfect Tenses. 22. Formation of Regular and Irregular Adverbs Introduce AVOIR, ÊTRE AND FAIRE expressions.

En finissant… Depuis quand…?

avoir raison/tort…; avoir lieu… avoir l’intention de… être sur le point de… être en dérangement… être d’accord etc. faire la queue, faire des bêtises, faire attention à … French Verbs & e.g. connaître vs. Structures with similar savoir meanings. visiter vs. rendre visite à retourner vs. rendre Il est vs. C’est Reinforcement of Les vacances de vocabulary and Paques/le mercredi structures related to des Easter and other cendres/vendredi associated holidays; saint/joyeuses and celebrations in paques/la Francophone resurrection countries.

See Communications, pgs. 124 and 129. See Communications, pgs. 91 and 94. See Communications, pgs. 78 and 112.

See Communications, pg.49; Schaum’s French Grammar, pg. See Communications, pgs. 95.

Students will be given a handout with Easter vocabulary. Learn Easter songs/poems in French. Students will create Easter cards/eggs.


1. & 2.


TOPICS Review of Grammatical and Themes for Directed Situations. Introduce Government of Verbs. 1. Verbs followed by plain infinitive. 2. Verbs followed by à + the infinitive. 3. Verbs followed by de + the infinitive. 4.Negation of Infinitives. Introduce French Verbs & Structures with similar meanings.


5. & 6.

1. Introduction to Disjunctive Pronouns. Also called Stressed/Emphatic Pronouns. 2. Introduction to Comparatives with plus, moins and aussi, followed by que. Teachers will incorporate Disjunctive Pronouns in their Comparatives. 3. Introduction to Superlatives with le/la/l’/les plus and with le/la/l’/les moins. Include the Irregular Comparatives:



See Communications, pg. 129.

e.g. connaître vs. savoir visiter vs. rendre visite à retourner vs. rendre Il est vs. C’est Example: Ma mere est plus/moins grande que mon pere. Example: Ma mere est plus/moins grande que lui. Philippe est le plus/moins grand garcon…

Students will be given a note on the use of Disjunctive Pronouns. See Schaum’s pgs. 258-­‐259. Students will be given a note on the Comparisons of Adjectives. See Schaum’s French Grammar pg. 44. Exercise taken from Schaum’s French Grammar pg 46, ex. 27. Exercise taken from Un Deux Trois, pg. 22, ex. 2. Exercises taken from Schaum’s French Grammar, pg. 48.

Introduction to Relative Pronouns. 7. & 8.

Examples: qui/que ce qui/ce que lequel, lequelle etc. dont

See Communications, pg. 148. See Schaum’s French Grmmar.

7. & 8.

9. & 10.

11 & 12.


Introduction to Relative Pronouns.

Continuation of Themes for Directed Situations. (I) Describing the weather (Present/Imperfect/Future Tenses). (II) Stating the date, time and place of an event (using AVOIR LIEU). MORE PRACTICE OF THEMES FOR DIRECTED SITUATIONS. (I) Public Signs and Instructions (II) Description of People and Things. (III) Giving Commands Reinforcement of vocabulary and structures related to Easter and other associated holidays; and celebrations in Francophone countries.

Examples: qui/que ce qui/ce que lequel, lequelle etc. dont Il pleut. Il pleuvait. Il pleuvra./Il va pleuvoir. Le concert aura lieu…

See Communications, pg. 148. See Schaum’s French Grmmar.

Chien mechant. Nettoyer a sec. Achete-­‐moi… Il faut que + subjunctive… Tu dois… Les vacances de Paques/le mercredi des cendres/vendredi saint/joyeuses paques/la resurrection

DIRECTED SITUATIONS PRACTICE: Students will write responses to the Directed Situations from their handout which are related to the “Apologizing ” and “Out of Order” themes.

DIRECTED SITUATIONS PRACTICE: Students will write responses to the Directed Situations from their handout which are related to the “Weather”, and “Date/Time/Place” themes.

Students will be given a handout with Easter vocabulary. Learn Easter songs/poems in French. Students will create Easter cards/eggs.


3. & 4.





9. 10. & 11.

TOPICS Review of Grammatical Structures and Themes for Directed Situations. Introduction to Relative Pronouns.

Continuation of Themes for Directed Situations. (I) Expressing opinions and feelings. (II) Making suggestions. Practise Contextual Announcement. (CXC Paper 02, 2007-­‐09) Practise Letter-­‐Writing. (CXC Paper 02, 2006) Practise Reading Comprehensions. (CXC Paper 02, 2005-­‐10) Practise Contextual Dialogue. (CXC Paper 02, 2007-­‐10) Continuation of Themes for Directed Situations. (I) Invitations. (II) Passe Compose. (III) Plans/Intentions, using Future Tense.



Examples: qui/que ce qui/ce que lequel, lequelle etc. dont

See Communications, pg. 148. See Schaum’s French Grmmar.

DIRECTED SITUATIONS PRACTICE: Students will write responses to the Directed Situations from their handout which are related to the “Invitations”, “Passe Compose”, and “Plans/Intentions” themes.

DIRECTED SITUATIONS PRACTICE: Students will write responses to the Directed Situations from their handout which are related to the “Opinions/Feelings” and “Suggestions” themes.

10. & 11.



Continuation of Themes for Directed Situations. (I) Invitations. (II) Passe Compose. (III) Plans/Intentions, using Future Tense. Practise Composition-­‐ Writing. (CXC Paper 02, 2008-­‐10) Reinforcement of vocabulary and structures related to Easter and other associated holidays; and celebrations in Francophone countries.

DIRECTED SITUATIONS PRACTICE: Students will write responses to the Directed Situations from their handout which are related to the “Invitations”, “Passe Compose”, and “Plans/Intentions” themes.

Les vacances de Paques/le mercredi des cendres/vendredi saint/joyeuses paques/la resurrection

Students will be given a handout with Easter vocabulary. Learn Easter songs/poems in French. Students will create Easter cards/eggs.

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